Pinup – Maxima
I just saw on my calendar that today is the 2 year anniversary of having registered, so I thought I’d throw this pinup I did a while ago to celebrate. I’ll parcel out more pieces like this as I create them, the weekly schedule is killing me so at least I can put up some other art when I have it.
I’m sure you’re asking yourself where the comic was if I’ve had the domain for 2 years. I registered it as a way to motivate myself to work on it – a strategy that worked… eventually. Hopefully now that the ball is rolling it will only pick up momentum.
I don’t have any big pinups of Sydney yet, I guess I’ll have to work on a few of those.
…and not just the picture. The name is cool as well :)
love the pin up i find power very attractive while id probly get beat to death at some point id still like to meet Maxima and ask her out ……….. as to your motivation to keep drawing and what not you have us now and you would make untold numbers of people sad with the lost of your budding comic,
it would be like when yoda felt the deaths of the other jedi masters or Obi Wan felt the destruction of Alderaan we would feel the lost where ever we are
It will be interesting to see if you feel the same after she’s had a few dozen appearances. And the comic’s not going away any time soon. I’ll update it if I have to draw it with orphan’s blood. The question is if I can start doing it more than once a week.
Unless She turns out to be a total and hardcore bitch like my thrid eldest sister im sure i’ll love her all the same even if shes rough around the edges, but she has lots of room to grow as person and could find that right person that doesnt see her as and exotic sex toy or a tool tobe used but as a person, but one of my favorite saying is “we like people for thier strengths but we love them for their flaws.”, ……
As to doing the comic in orphan blood i hope it wont come to that but if it does i’d like to warn you orphan blood has magical powers and in rare cases has been knowen to bring the drawers creator creations to life.
I know some orphans if it’ll help.
nice pic isn’t maxima from DC comics? super strong red head hehe but i think she’s dead so yay new maxima lol.
I’m pretty sure that every decent hero name is used already. If you watch the commentary on The Incredibles they say that’s why the heroes have weird names like Stratogal and Frozone. Unlike the name Superman though, if you google “maxima” you’ll get results for cars, computer systems, references to calculus and proper names, so I’m not too worried about DC descending on me quite yet. Maxima is a DC character though, I looked it up once, as I recall, saying that she’s even a tertiary presence in the DC-verse is giving her too much credit. She’s some physically tough chick that I think was a romance interest for Superman for a single story arc or something. Seems like a waste of a great superhero name to me.
Don’t lie. The reason you don’t have any pinups of Sydney is because she’s your least favorite type of girl to draw. :3
Well that’s partially true, but really it’s more that Sydney is the youngest character in the cast besides Harem, in terms of how long they’ve been floating around in my head. I think I have pictures of Maxima dating back 15 years. She looked a little different and at the time her name was Ultima, but it was still basically her. Dabbler is probably 8-10 years old and Anvil has been around at least that long. Sydney’s original incarnation was as an Indian (dot) girl who’s super hero name was Nike. Her powers have remained the same but everything else has changed. I guess that original version of her dates back quite a way as well but she’s changed so much that really the first pictures of her I have as she is now is the pencils for this comic.
But yes I like drawing Maxima.
She looks like the last person I would want to torque off. Probably would rip my arms off and beat me with the stumps.
Whoaaa …. that’s awesome ! :D
i am curious as to why she is orange. but all such things are explained in time ifshe paints herself, a side effect of her power or she had a tragic accident with a glow stick as a child. btw DOES she glow in the dark? xp
I believe she’s gold, not orange.
Yes I have yet to master making her look shiny.
ah my bad
i’m sure ya will get it ^.^
.. or how a comic called ‘Grrlpower’ can be full of testosterone…
I like the comic so far, but pinups…? Are you in any way considering a female public?
I drew a lot of pictures of Maxima before I started the comic, so when I realized this was an anniversary of sorts, I had this ready go at the last second. As far as the testosterone factor goes, I’ve only introduced 2 of the characters so far. Sydney is arguably a male idealized female nerd, but I have definitely met women that are more into comics/Doctor Who/True Blood/whatever than I am so I don’t think she’s totally unrealistic, just rare. I don’t think it would be entirely unfair to describe Maxima as “dude with boobs” I’ve heard that complaint leveled by feminists against female characters who are written to be “a strong female character” but are basically just written to act like a tough guy, because there’s a misunderstanding among (usually male) writers as to what constitutes “strong.”
All that being said, there’s a lot more cast left to introduce, and while many of them will be “strong” women in the sense that they’re a police force and they don’t have much use for shrinking violets, there will be a variety of personality types mixed in there.
On the topic of pinups, there are guys on the team and some of them are pretty good looking (depending on how well I can actually draw a handsome/rugged looking dude) and there will be pinups of them eventually too.
Ha, good reply!
Sydney’s character reminds me of someone I’ve known, and she is the reason I am reading your comic, I like that kind of person a lot! She’s not unrealistic to me at all, although I do agree on the ‘rare’!
I really admire your talent, both in drawing and story-line, so don’t take my pinup-shock too criticizing.
It’s nice you’re going to throw in some male pin-ups too. Waisted on me of course, as a spiritual seeker in India… (no clue how to insert an ‘innocent’ smiley…)
thats my name lol and i’m a boy haha
I don’t remember where I saw that name first. I have a tendency to write down interesting sounding names when I hear them. Might have been someone who was an electrician for a TV show for all I know. Movie credits are a pretty good place for name hunting.
Probably a coincidence, but Leander Rising is the name of an awesome metal band from Hungary. (I know that because my ex-girlfriend is Hungarian) :) A couple of my favourite videos from there are here:
out of curiosity why does max have that name on her super uniform when her call is maxima
Do pilots have their names or their handles on their uniforms? I’d assumed their names.
From what I’ve seen of Navy pilots in JAG and TOP GUN they have their name on their flight suit, their call sign on their helmet, and neither on their day uniforms or their dress whites. I don’t actually know just how accurate this all is or if Air Force pilots are the same.
yes they do, I asked a buddy that in the Air Force.
Well she’s terrifying. Bad guys beware.
Does she actually do purple lightning like this, or does her energy projection just create golden zorch-beams and explodey balls?
Holding a rift in spacetime shut one-handed.
[this one is\\[, cheking that.]
~~This is a double \\~, checking that.~~
#This is a \\#, checking that.#