It’s been decided to keep Deus’s supposed revelations about the nature of Superpowers mum at the moment, mostly due to the assumed “gold rush” of scientists playing god with live human specimens. Since human DNA is the only known way to interact with the Superion field, there’s no animal testing possible, or, really any other laboratory experiments, other than seeing if anything that’s extremely close to human DNA might also work, and also what the limitations are when it comes to the field’s interaction with “living” specimens. Like, could a vial of a Super’s blood also somehow summon lightning the same way the Super it came from can?

No, if the information got out, everyone who has a working knowledge of human history or human nature or just a functional brain realizes that a bunch of low-level Supers are going to wind up in dungeons, hoosegows, gulags, and centre pour peines aménagées. Okay, maybe not the last one. That’s French for “Center for reduced sentences” but the first time I read that my brain saw “Center for penis ménages” as in ménage à trois, but exclusively for penises. And the image my brain conjured wasn’t a gay ménage, either, but like, literally just for penises, so it’d be a room full of guys walking around with sandwich boards, only the board extends up over their faces, and the phalluses stick out of a hole in the board like each guy is an ambulatory glory hole. That’s all totally irrelevant to my comment, just thought I would inflict upon you how my brain works.

Anyway… Oh, right, dungeons full of low-level supers being experimented on, probably forcibly bred, you know, all the usual tropes.

The new vote incentive is up!

Dabbler went somewhere tropical, in a very small bikini. As you might guess, it doesn’t stay on for long, which of course, you can see over at Patreon. Also she has an incident with “lotion,” and there’s a bonus comic page as well.



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