Grrl Power #999 – Seven thousand generations a sex slave
This scene wrapped up a lot sooner than I’d planned, because I wanted to shift gears in time for page 1000, so there are still succubus related questions in the aether. I’ll probably revisit the topic after we’ve gotten a few other scenes out of the way. Yeah, I know you want to know about incubuses and how an all female species reproduces.
I just want to point out that Dexon’s tablet has a clip on it, like a clipboard. So you can clip paper to it, which would then cover up the screen. I don’t know why I drew that because the more I think about it the more annoyed I get. I’m not annoyed at myself for drawing it so much as I am annoyed at the potential for such a stupid thing to exist.
Panel 4 – I think it’s the presiding judge who changes sentences. I tried to look this up and it seems to be the case, but I wasn’t sure since all Super crimes are federal crimes in the Grrl Verse. Not that there aren’t federal judges, but once you hit that level then other people can get involved I imagine. I’m sure someone will let me know if I got it wrong.
Panel 6 was suppose to look like the staging scene from ID4 where there are like a million alien troops waiting to invade, but I half ran out of time and half forgot to add them in. I just wanted them there so you guys could tell Thothogoth isn’t some fly-by night “Invasions by Tom” type. I can justify the empty mustering fields by saying that his jaunt to Earth was spontaneous because of Vehemence’s big energy dump.
Tamer: Enhancer 2 – Progress Update:
I’d like to say I’ll have the book to my beta readers before Thanksgiving, because I’m sure they’d all like something to do besides listen to their designated uncle rant about flat-Earth pedophile lizard big-tent libertarian vitamin-B denier ovo-pescetarians, but we’ll see.
The delay has nothing* to do with the fact that I stumbled across a cave in AC:Valhalla with Excalibur in it, then proceeded to collect the 11 seals needed to acquire said artifact.
* Honestly it didn’t help. I am a little disappointed you don’t get a blast of Carmina Burana whenever you draw the sword though.
November’s vote incentive is updated, in case you missed me posting about it on Friday. Here’s a link to a dedicated post about it if you want to comment.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Great page. The title is pretty cringe though, even as a joke.
“In practical terms he’s just a guy a know from high school” and “He’s been a perfect gentleman” don’t really fit with his angry “You’ve certainly become uppity since I first collared you SLAVE!”
“He’s been a perfect gentleman. *From a succubi’s sensibilities*…” There may be some alien mentality stuff here. Plus, I can entirely buy that considering the amount of actual power he has over Dabbler, it was 99% banter. Almost an in-joke. They definitely have an… odd… relationship.
Another comment on a different page also suggested they may have some antagonistic roleplay stuff going on between them and frankly that’s kinda hilarious to think about, especially when mixed with the foreshadowing.
It’s perception from a different viewpoint I guess.
For example, it’s perfectly fine to say the shortened form of “Jap(anese)” in the region where I live… but I once tried it online in an obviously American-hosted site and got screamed at in text by no less than 3 dudes and a moderator.
“Slave” and “Collared” for a succubi probably sounds just as acceptable to all of them as a whole, even when those same words carries a mountain of baggage on our end.
Dude that’s mild even by basic earth bdsm standards: lots of people jave running scenes/roles like thay
The number of times I’ve called a colleague “Peon”, or described children as “Toads” to their faces and/or in front of their parents… Be very careful about using the word “Slave” to the spouse but — make damn sure it’s got playful context!
“Peasant” and “Ankle-biters” work well too.
Also consider that “enslaving” her was literally necessary to save her life(and done with her consent), so it might just be a way of saying “you’re not being very nice to the guy who donated your new kidney”. He’s reminding her of something good he did for her.
Calling someone a slave has different connotations in a world where slavery is a standard medical procedure.
The word “slave” has gained a whole lot of connotations thanks to the trans-Atlantic slave trade. There were many cultures were slaves had rights, good working conditions, and could absolutely rise to positions of power. Lesser rights, and lower positions of power perhaps, but it wasn’t an abhorrent practice that stripped the humanity from its victims.
Given how intrinsic slavery is to the whole Succubus race, I’m guessing it has significantly different connotations amongst demons.
Indulging in BDSM play doesn’t make you not a gentleman. Dabbler’s been pretty clear that he has her enthusiastic consent, presumably they’ve worked out their safewords in advanced such that if he crosses a line she’d be able to tell him to stop. It could very well be that he was extremely meek until Dabbler asked him to be more dominating to indulge in her slave fantasy. For all we know he’s uncomfortable with the whole act, but is trying not to break character because it’s a mood killer. We’ve all seen Dabbler intentionally act out in order to get a rise (and potential punishment) out of Maxima, so it’s hardly out of character for her.
So…. Dabbler is a Brat.
The clipboard tablet might not be that bad of an idea. Could put a paper contract over the screen so someone could sign and give a physical copy to the person signing while Tom’s people could have a digital copy. Sort of like transfer paper
Also great if you’re wanting to trace a drawing into digital for the purpose of making graphic art, webcomics, etc. I want one of these, now.
I think there is a drawing tablet like that actually… It’s called something like the Bamboo Ink? Or similar.
Or put a clip on the back of the thing, for the times you need to fill out paper. With a bottom-of-the-sheet holder too, just not in ‘annoying clip form’.
I’ve got a drawing tablet very similar to a bamboo ink. It’s not an actual screen, more like an oversized trackpad like on a laptop
I also thought of a couple other practical reasons for a clipboard clip to be on a tablet: privacy and dry-erase. Sometimes, it’s more convenient to cover up your tablet with stuff on it that you don’t want others seeing for some reason than to shut down whatever you were looking at. Meanwhile, who says that what you use the clip on has to be opaque? If you know that the tablet view is going to be yay big, you can use a clear sheet of plastic to add notes. This has a few applications: 1) It’s a map. If you line up this point on the map, and this direction is north, at this noted resolution, then the unmarked-by-google-maps (or whatever) spot you want to get to without telling google that’s where you’re headed is here. 2) Line up this clear plastic with this image or document to get notes. 3) Make the notes you need to make on my tablet without changing my settings, grandparent.
Considering it’s a different, highly magical society it could also be a security feature – the same way in our world a hacker can use unprotected WIFI/Bluetooth connections to snag other peoples information, someone somewhere would definitely have developed a magical way to copy information off of a device from afar. One way to combat this would be to create a physical sheet that can attach to monitors/tablets/phones that only works if the appropriate, authorized person places the sheet over the screen to ‘descramble’ highly confidential information – think of it as a combo privacy screen protector/decoder ring/employee ID sheet of wax paper that is unique to each person that only ‘works’ for information of their level, and since Thothogoth holds a pretty high up inter-dimensional government position it makes sense to have heavy duty protection for his and his aides equipment.
Is that eu d’ Egoist I smell?
Oh, hey Big D! X’D
Tom is in for it.
No, what you smell is Eau de Paragon of Humanity, Savior of All, The Pinnacle of Perfection (all praise Deus amen).
Slightly different scent. :)
That’s actually the brand name of Deus’s aftershave, complete with “all praise Deus amen”. He wouldn’t buy anything less.
I wouldn’t put it past him to actually own BOTH brands of that cologne, but claim one is a knock off for the marketing rush. Just like those companies that make generic brand versions of their actual product, but both products are literally the same thing in 2 different bottles with different labels.
Meanwhile, I’m pretty sure Deus just rolls around in hundred dollar bills to dry off after his showers. Give him a distinct money smell too.
it smells like ozone, the smell left after lightning passes thru an area; my assumption is based on his “MUAHAHA” remote button, the one he has that triggers a flash of light and a roll of thunder when pressed, that he uses for his… “condition”
Are you, for one, welcoming our new X-faced overlords?
All of that can be true, while being an egoist.
Yep, I’m pretty sure that is the familiar odor of the walking ego himself.
The email address possibly ends with .govt.galytn or similar
Next page is 1k I’m looking forward to that :)
Sydney gets what appears to be an unearned point. Or 5. It’s interest.
If it weren’t continuously >now< we'd say it's for having the orbs for 400 days without getting killed.
Aaaand pretty sure that correspondence is from Deus, because I am pretty damn sure Deus is a super himself…with the super-ability to *know* things nobody should know…
i say alien and related to the squidward race syd fought
6s could be 9s… 9’s could be 6s
Especially with Dabbles in the mix. Or the middle. Or something.
one could say that she’s a gender bender. but, I think they are trying to not use gender in that context anymore. it is the pins that determine gender.
sending off world to fight in an alien army,
hello potential Xevoarchy foreshadowing.
(Dabbler had mentioned that planets that join the Xevoarchy generally get to do their own things with restrictions in regards to other planets like tech level trade, but tend to need to contribute to the space police forces and well, Vehemence could be used in that regard, see new planets, new alien races, and punch them in the face.
so… either Deus or Sciona, right? most likely Deus?
I’m sure it’s Deus. He would want to keep informed about people like this.
I agree its Deus. He’s the obvious choice. Unless its an unknown alien spy presence.
Deus has been near omniscient about most other previous things, such as constant monitoring of the vault, being able to know about alari near earth and their situation, knowing about the skyripper, where it was, how to use it, etc. At some point Dave needs to explain how the hell Deus is getting his info. If it is in someway beneficial to him, Deus somehow knows about it.
You’re right–Deus IS getting private info. Isn’t it from Daphne, playing the double-agent?
What does Deus know that Max DOESN’T know? Of course, Max doesn’t know Deus has been off planet, doing illegal barter for advance alien technology. But how did Deus learn the process to accomplish that? Through some OTHER information leak in the ARC organization?
Deus used the brane ripper (d’oh on the name there, Dave) / Skyripper to get through to — the knowledge of which seems unlikely for Archon to have. That doesn’t mean he might not have someone on the Twilight Council, or more likely an assistant of one of the bigs on the Twilight Council, giving him info in exchange for a boost to their finances. Knowledge of Fracture Station and all the other aliens, well — we still don’t know what Vale is, so there’s a good potential source of some sort of information …
I’m thinking knowings things he shouldn’t is his superpower, but it might also be the power of someone on his payroll.
Being super-rich is basically the inverse of Hench Wench’s power – he can use the powers of anyone that works for him. But it’s actually even better because he gets multiple actors and deniability.
There is an alien representative on the Twilight Council.
Like with the vault, he somehow knew exactly where it was, that sciona was going for it, that there was a flaw in the security meaning he wouldn’t be caught if he went there, and that scions successfully got through the security meaning he could follow. He did that without a heads up from the most likely source, cthonia. It is a weird level of information, knowing not just that these things are happening, but knowing in real time their success such that he is safe to ride the coattails.
And that’s just the vault.
He employs at least one super who can… make a group of people invisible? Maybe a second that can only turn themselves invisible? Who knows what powers the supers he employs have, but he’s surely got a spy network of some sort. Probably lots of people collecting two paychecks. Maybe Harem, maybe this guy, first seen here?
None of those people explain the vault. Harem is also a weird case, as it is currently supposed she is a triple agent, pretending to be a mole hired by deus but in actuality still loyal to archon, but we never get much of an indication of what tiers of information she is feeding him. We see the sydney info and thats it.
But seriously, he somehow had enough good information about the vault to know he could teleport in and not get immediately blasted. And he went personally. That is an awful lot of trust to place in any information. Cause seriously, he did the equivalent of blindly stepping into 19 deathtraps stacked on top of each other, trusting not only that another unaffiliated group disarmed them, but his information that they did successfully disarm them, bypassing whatever anti-scrying spells were on the vault.
It is to the level that he probably has or is a super whose specialty is information gathering or processing to a level of power that would rival stalwart (if the specialty was punching rather than information)
He could have had invisible people spying on Sciona, but my point is that we know he employs a broad array of supers, and that we probably haven’t seen all of them, or necessarily even the most valuable of them. He probably does employ people who can see the future or read minds.
A tablet with a clip on the screen side may be awkward, if it doesn’t just have a wide enough margin on that side to land the clip (which is probably also enough for a pen and/or stylus, and a few other things). But a tablet with a clip on the non-screen side could be the best of both worlds. Use the tablet side for things that need to go direct to the electronic control, use the clip side to hold paper (or equivalent) for immediate physical notes and distribution. Maybe with a cover that can fold to protect whichever side you’re not using.
how an all female species reproduces,
well we have
Aesexual reproduction either requiring stimulus like the Whip tailed lizard in real life, or done by choice like Namekians from Dragon Ball.
there is external where all offspring could be a mixed essence of the parents but created in an external womb or egg not unlike some gods, ascended races, and I think the Uryums*sp* from EGS comic reproduce like this allowing for a whole polyamory group to add to the mix, and DNA from other species if so wanted apparently.
internally you can go with parasitic genetics or template based where they use the genome of the *father* but the mother’s reproductive system over-writes entire sequences instead of mixing normally *think like protein based nanites that can pick and choose desired traits such as the general shape and form of the (father) so they resemble the same species but essentially all actual genetic material used is mostly the mother. So more a biological assembly plant than mixing…that would be template, parasitic can be awkward like its genetically a mix even when that shouldn’t happen, just the mother’s DNA can force the combination to occur by eliminating certain restrictive enzymes and proteins ect…
and then there is the screw it, its magic, the child’s biology is the mother’s but due to some astral essence mixing the biology is influenced to look like a mix of both *or more* parents.
forgot one, sequential hermaphrodite.
Like maybe some Succubi can grow a temporary male reproductive system and either impregnate each other or members of other species, but the succubus genes are dominant so the resulting offspring always have those specific traits that qualify them as succubi.
would fir the (there aren’t exactly male succubi statement)
would they have that name thing like in Enemy Mine I think it was called?
didn’t the alien in enemy Mine have a solo gender that just reproduced aesexually as an automatic biological timer.
Not sure if they had a name change, been ages since I saw that movie,
-also that would suck if everyone just based on their age automatically became pregnant. Which as insuring the survival of the species as it sounds, actually may be reducing the number of born overall relative to sexual species where while some individuals choose not to reproduce, those that do could be having multiple pregnancies in just a few years. more than making up the difference.
Honestly I wasn’t questioning where succubi came from. Or incubi for that matter. I’m far more interested in just moving on. Fortunately that’s what we’re getting.
Interesting idea, Vehemence joining tom & Co, but couldn’t the same be achieved by having him join Archon with probationary status, similar to Jabberwokky? That way they could keep an eye on him as well.
Alas, Archon is probably not involved with 24/365 warfare, but Tom might be able to get in that happy position.
On Earth, V would have to be in continuous “live fire” training with something that looks like the US Marines. Tom probably has access to lots and lots of violent affrays.
Another thing… Tom must actually be a pretty relaxed boss for Dexon to talk to him like that.
Or Dexon is that high ranking. Dexon was the one Tom delegated marshalling the armies to after all.
You’d be surprised how many Personal Secretaries have a pretty well identical manner with their mas\\\bo\\employers. They get away with it because they are So. Dammned. Hard. To. Replace.
‘Replace with someone COMPETENT’, you mean.
Everyone THINKS they can be a secretary, personal agent until they have to DO IT for a day.
Just ask Klinger when he had to fill in for Radar :P
Deus has Lorlana and Vale.
Would you cal Lorlana competent?
In her own inimitable way, yes. And her loyalty is undisputed.
Yes I would. She would stab me and then flay me alive if I sullied her reputation in the eyes of her Lord Deus.
So, which one is Radar and which one is Klinger?
You have to ASK? Vale is definitely Radar: Extremely competent as her job, doesn’t want to be in the spotlight, etc. whereas Lorlana is at first glance good at what she does, but what she does may not be exactly what she’s been hired to actually do… she’s a bit flighty, slightly unhinged mentally and (in comic at least) a bit of comic relief to the stressors of Deus’s ordinary day. I feel that ALL of which describes Klinger pretty good.
Wouldn’t it be a magical tablet as opposed to technological? Or maybe some combination? I could easily imagine magical parchments that are clipped on and allow for resizing fonts and such of the text they contain while the clipboard is a sort of mana battery to power them.
Any sufficiently advanced…
It’d be neat if it’s not from anyone we know, like a faction from some long civil war that actually wants a genuinely independent party to enforce a new order.
For someone who is supposed to be a genius Dabbler is kind of dense. If you gave Max a steel dildo, and she turns out to be a snapper, the thing would come back out like a shaped charge.
Didn’t even realize that 1000 was so close, until scrolling down and seeing the ‘999’.
Wonder if this last bit is enough to push for a level up? Where roleplaying/lore got xp (in addition to the bit of fighting).
Doesn’t feel like there’d be a big spread of the level up ‘screen’, though. Not for 1000, since it’s already been done. Unless there’s like some big change to it. Like ‘earned a brand new orb’. But that in and of itself doesn’t seem likely. I mean, there was the theory that if that was such a thing, it’d be related to the wedges. (Which does make some amount of sense. x-1 points spent to collect the xth orb.)
Just kind of hoping for more revelations on what the orb selections can do. Shame that Sydney isn’t getting any labels on the selection. Though knowing the random disappointments she’s gotten, whatever point she spends to get such, will at first give her them in a language she cannot figure out. Even more so if it also encodes itself when anyone other than her is looking at it, so she can’t even get translations of it, presuming anyone has even seen said language. At least until she manages to get a translation feature unlocked.
Of course, there’s also the fact that Syndney didn’t get the level up access until she thought of it as being possible. So her not figuring out the help feature that might be in there does sort of fit. Especially if it required unlocks to be accessible first.
A “Chapter 3” splash page would be a pretty good troll, given that the current chapter started almost a decade ago. But I’m hoping we get more story and at least a subtle in-situ nod to the milestone, even if nothing momentous actually happens.
Wrapped up sooner than expected to get ready for page 1000… maybe if an entire 6 pages hadn’t been over explaining something only to dismiss it as irrelevant to the story…
it fit Dabbler’s personality.
some characters are basically made for exposition and will over explain everything; there are people in real life like that. Hell I’m like that, end up giving a whole bit about quantum physics, animal biology, or the history of a phrase or trinket, with very little prompt; especially if there is a slightly tense or anxious situation just as a general response; and I also am diagnosed with ADHD which Dabbler is said to have. Add that with knowing a bunch of stuff and this is the kind of response you get.
Also she did need to explain to Max the alien/demon cultural situation well enough that Maxima didn’t interpret it as Earth’s situation with slavery and understandably invert the man’s skull.
It doesn’t matter if it fits her personality. The overexplanation was completely unnecessary. This comic started out so well. Every page was well written story. Now it’s littered with not just overexplanation like this, but with exposition… overexposition? Yes let’s go with that. It’s also littered with irrelevancies.
For example, remember when Sydney received a CO2 scrubber and then a week later (as time flows in the comic) Sydney found out that one of her orbs does that and more? Yeah, so that’s the kind of thing I’ve been on about. Bad writing. There’s no need to show her getting a piece of equipment that’ll be made useless by her powers by the time she has a use for it.
Imagine if Superman joined up with a super team before discovering all of his power and they issued him laser emitting goggles and then before he got a chance to use them he discovered his heat vision… It’s just dumb.
Dave had a well thought out plan for the comic way back when, and it seems that everything after the Vehemence fight has just been “winging it” more and more.
A succubus gets fed from tantric energy. I think an incubus would get fed from a different source, kind of like Vehemence but from sexual trauma. Don’t think swimsuit model, think a gross fat man with a huge choad and mad jujitsu skills. That’s why it’s probably not called an incubus, it’s probably a demon with another name.
One aspect of the succubus bond thing I am still curious about is how a strong mana drain would affect it.
Without using a specific example, like something or a spell that won’t stop till the target is completely drained of mana, does it leak through the bond and drain the “master” too and keep going till the succubus life-mana conversion kills them, or does the plug completely stop that process that it would just leave the two of them drained?
It seems most likely that the bond just plugs just that specific hole*. Dabbler implies the quick death from lack of mana is due to being magical creatures, not specific to succubi. Pulling mana from the master needs the master’s permission.
So mana drain should work against succubi same as other magical creatures, but the master can donate mana to support her.
*insert joke about plugging the other holes of a succubus
well specifically a powerful mana drain that normally wouldn’t stop till the target is completely drained of mana, does the plug act as a stopping point and then the “master” can supply mana to help, or is it possible for a powerful mana drain artifact to bypass the plug and drain the “master” as well.
I suspect the ‘consent’ feature of the bond would be enough of a safety valve to prevent the Master being drained by his Succubus. Designed to prevent her intentionally draining him, it would also prevent her draining him due to imposed conditions.
Whether the same applies in reverse, however…
As described, that safeguard is a one-way valve. The Master does not necessarily need the Succubus’s consent to take from her via the link. Can he avoid drawing from her, if he is the target of the draining artifact?
Considering that Tom is planning an invasion of Earth, and Vehemence is the only person who could almost beat Maxima, letting Vehemence join his army seems like a really bad idea that will obviously bite them in future.
10 panels later and Vehemence and Tom have fallen in love and dabbler is furious at him for taking her boyfriend, calling it now
Sounds very plausible.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons has jurisdiction over the terms of imprisonment, including release, within bounds set by other branches of the government. It’s a branch of the DoJ. From what I’ve heard, it’s a bit of a black box governed by arcane legislation, legal precedent, executive orders, internal memos, etc.
How it acted in this situation would depend on what law Vehemence is actually in the slammer under, whether it’s some kind of emergency power bullshit or he got a proper trial and sentencing(or plead out), and whether a senior DoJ official provides instruction.
In general, letting somebody out of confinement so they can leave the country isn’t really a thing unless the person is being surrendered to the custody of another state’s penal system. And especially not to fight in the armed forces of an entity with no formal diplomatic relationship with the states. But hey, it’s fiction.
And reliably imprisoning Vehemence is likely much more expensive than imprisoning a normal human—hence Vehemence bringing up the “no cost to the taxpayer” bit. That’s probably the most persuasive part of his argument.
Y’know, the way this went down makes sense to me. V’s not getting off without due process being involved, Dabbler’s utterly alien nature is emphasized in ways that make sense to our human sensibilities, and Tom’s learned an important lesson when it comes to visiting Earth.
That lesson? Do the paperwork instead of trying to cut the line by swinging your power around.
The clip could be for a plexi sheet. For the demon with the dry erase who still likes the physical aspect of marking diagrams and spreadsheets.
I just finished reading 230 pages while catching up after several months of not reading comics, worth it. e__e
I am a little confused about the cute little girl from an earlier episode that did not know if being a succubus meant she was evil or not. Is she a slave and if so why didn’t her master explain to her about being evil-ish, also why isn’t she going to the fancy school Dabbler went to.
Word of DaveB is that the ‘soul drain’ doesn’t become a major issue until the Succubus is relatively mature, and that Tamatha is still young enough for it not to be an issue yet. Once it becomes so, she will need to find a Master to plug the problem, but she has a good few years yet. As for why she’s on Earth rather than at Dabbler’s old school, I suspect that’s mostly a combination of location and parentage – not dissimilar to why you or I went to our respective local high schools rather than Eton or Hogwarts.
Y’know in hindsight, this page is literally the last time Vehemence makes an appearance. Maybe his appealing for a relocation worked