Grrl Power #964 – Young superheroines in the back seat
Cora might be a space whatever-the-opposite-of-a-puritan is, but even that caught her off guard. (Anvil is currently 28.)
When Anvil was 14, she had a figure surprisingly close to Maxima’s current dimensions. So, an awkward freshman year in high school, one might imagine. Awkward for her, but a hell of a time for select 14 year old boys, apparently. With most of them, she probably had makeout experiences that were the equivalent of the Boston Molassacre, or the Kalamazoo River pipeline leak. (I’m saying they were disasters and large amounts of unwanted fluids were released.) But apparently there was at least one guy who got the job done. He might have gotten early onset carpal tunnel syndrome, (cause Anvil’s second base takes up half the outfield, see?) but it was probably worth it.
As far as Maxima falling madly into bed with someone, while that does sort of seem like the kind of thing that might occur in this comic, she will probably insist on a few get to know you dates first. But I suppose we’ll see what happens. Maybe there’s some guy from high school that jilted her when she turned gold that she wants to get some kind of sit-commy revenge on somehow. Not that she couldn’t crush his car into a cube or anything if she wanted. She wouldn’t do that. That’s petty and psycho. If such a theoretical guy existed, she might move his car from one side of the parking lot to another. That’s probably pretty harmless? Well, until he goes to get an MRI because he thinks he’s getting early onset Alzheimer’s. Max’s actual revenge (again, assuming a hypothetical high school jilter) is being a rich, powerful superheroine who doesn’t spend any time dwelling on shit that went down in high school.
July’s vote incentive is up!
You guys don’t know who this is yet. (Her name is Xerxa.) I will give you one single guess what she might be from. (And no, it’s not Dabbler’s mother.) It was a piece I had half finished from a little while ago and given my time constraints this month, I threw a little polish and some background on it and here you are. Unfortunately there aren’t nine separate versions because she’s not wearing a ton to begin with. Hopefully you can read about that soon. I hope you like it, personally I think it turned out pretty good.
As always, nude version are up at Patreon.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Being a tall woman sucks.
Maybe in a general sense but many a tall, svelte model may disagree. Those and athletes in sports like basketball and volleyball. Sorry to read that you have a different experience.
Pretty, affordable clothes pretty much end at size 10s for women 5’6″ or shorter. If you need a 12 or bigger or are, say, 5’10”, you get variations on yoga pants and smocks. All my jeans end above the ankle. My svelte days ended many years ago, and most of us will never be models or athletes. Not that i’m deriding those who are.
I like tall women there’s so much more to love LOL seriously though long legs and waist does look better for the camera and while working security for a football stadium I had the pleasure/pain of one of the 5’11” cheerleaders step back with her 7″ high-heal “sneaker” onto my ingrown toenail causing me to yelp and then trying my level best not to stare at second base (which was eye-level to me) while she’s apologizing ;)
I’m sure it depends on whether or not she likes tall men. Tall men who prefer tall women and vice versa is probably a large reason why Swedes are a foot taller than the average person.
Not so much I’m about 6’2″ ( 1,88 m) and in Swedes fell pretty average ( acrually 1,5 inch taller than the average male Swedes 1,84 m or 6’1/2″) , but I’m french and the average male heigth in France is 1,78 m, about 5’10”
it’s more 2,5″ than 1′.
If you are with a sufficiently short man, it licks.
Gotta admit, I’m digging the new look. Not that the real one was bad. Wonder if she will experiment with other looks?
Kinda would like to see that, but Maxima seems to be the kind of woman who likes stability in her life to countermand the chaos
Are you kidding? Max is a nerd! She’ll be back in the privacy of her room, playing around with the setting, just like you do to character avatar’s settings.
Surprised it’s taken this long for a Weird Science reference to come up.
I’m not WAAAAAY too obvious a reference for this strip lol
I’m not waaaay too obvious of a reference lol
Okay yeah… Max with Black hair? That is totally working for me – especially combined with blue eyes! (What? I have a thing for black hair! So sue me!)
Heh, she actually looks a bit like my Skyrim character! :P (not to mention the various other OC’s I’ve made)
And as for the height thing, I’m still taller than her, I’m 189cm, so pushing 6’3″.
In panel 8, Anvil is a full head taller than Max. It was just stated that Max was 6’1″, so unless Anvil just happens to be wearing high heels today, she is around 7 feet tall. Usually the top of Max’s head is up to Anvil’s nose or so.
2 things – First, its a party & Anivl likes to be “girly” so heels are certainly possible. (granted, she doesn’t like to be to much taller then the people she dates, but its a work party she can dress up for). Second, Maxima is covered in a magical disguise that just had to be tweaked, so perspective could be weird.
(It probably is an artist sizing error like you implied, just saying there are story reason why it can still work without needing correction/explination)
The cast page lists her as 6’7″ so yeah, it would probably be heels except she’s in jorts and a tee, not a dress or etc.
You have never seen women wearing heals and a bikini, apparently. Some people will wear heals with any clothes, or none.
The first page of the party shows her in tennis shoes.
I saw that too.
I thought Anvil may have been Retconned.
Halo 5′ nuttin
Maxima 6′ 1″
Anvil 6′ 13″
We don’t know Anvil’s back story.
Did she ease into being super sized or did she get Fairchild-ed?
Yeah, she’s maybe a bit tall there.
And she’s also apparently grown about three or four inches in the no time at all between panel eight and panel seven. Look at the hem of her jorts and Sydney’s belt.
Are you the same Snufkin, I knew from The Wotch Forum? I was Frostfire_I, MS Frost!
Why, yes I am. Nice to hear from you again!
It’s nice, to see an, old familiar name again!
I miss The Wotch
“whatever-the-opposite-of-a-puritan is, ” is a Libertine, though a Hedonist might also fit.
I’m assuming the idea with Libertines is they’re ideologically invested in personal liberty? The opposite of that would be authoritarian, not Puritan. The puritans had and authoritarian streak, but well informed libertarians could choose to create such a society.
Hedonist is the accurate guess.
Nope. A Libertine is a person who eschews moral principles and restraints. They are not bound by socially accepted behaviour or practices; freely indulging in sensual pleasures. A Hedonist is someone who believes that pleasure, or the absence of pain, is the ultimate goal in life and the main driver for determining morality.
A Libertine would not have any morals, so you could be a Hedonist, but not necessarily a Libertine.
That’s not right at all the can have morals tt is as stated earliy about personal freedom and accepting what comes with having that freedom. Hence why alot of them dont follow any kind of social norms. What you described is the exact definition of a hedonist because all they care about is pleasure their pleasure to be exact.
Libertine does not equal libertarian. The words look and sound similar but mean rather different things.
Dictionary definitions:
1 disparaging : a freethinker especially in religious matters
2 : a person who is unrestrained by convention or morality
1 : an advocate of the doctrine of free will
2a : a person who upholds the principles of individual liberty especially of thought and action
b capitalized : a member of a political party advocating libertarian principles
You know what Maxima will really go out and do now? She is going to go out to a gaming store, get her geek on again – now that she can do it in anonymity and not be judged on appearance by passers by. … also, join sydney’s D&D group…
“Not be judged on her appearance”? She’s an extremely buxom, supermodel-hot woman. She is absolutely going to be judged on her appearance, sadly.
You do find such in gaming communities.
I don’t recall seeing any with golden skin though.
Max is a geek so yes totally can happen and will given time
Judged hot maybe.
If maxima is as big a nerd as I suspect she is, she will have no trouble standing up for her self and finding a group of nerds who value her for her mind not just her bullet proof ass.
She also doesn’t really need you or I to tell her or anyone what she will or won’t find in the nerd community, considering “the nerd community” contains everything from children to children mass murderers, by definition of the label “nerd.” She can find whatever she wants no matter what anyone thinks or says.
The nerd community has mass murderes?
Biology nerds :p
What’s the body count for a typical D&D campaign?
per session? evil campaigns have fewer than average (IME). Possibly because “Good” characters find an orc encampment outside of town try to either get it to run away or kill it. (well Played) evil characters try and use it to their advantage.
Pointy ears ? Just pretend you got your head caught in a rice picker when you were a little girl.
claim that you were talked into the surgery. too expensive to change back.
insert: “i got that reference meme” here
I’ve never noticed Sydney’s spare tire before…
Don’t say that! Anvil will have her running laps on the track from dawn till dusk!
You mean Peggy! :)
She; wearing a combat fatigues and belt they’d give anyone a “muffin top” look
Anvil is BIG!
OK, not news. But BIIIIGGG!
there are men into mountain climbing. yes I’m quoting Miles who’s shorter than most women. (not entirely his fault)
The little end margin jokes… hilarious. This one… particularly hilariously hilarious.
Good work. X-D
Anvil, they go there because it’s not news for 30yr old women who have trouble getting men to go after 14yr old boys. Especially if they’re school teachers. It’s apparently as common for female teachers irl as hollywood wants you to think it is for male teachers.
Yes, that is the case, rape and sexual assault of men and boys is ridiculously high, and because women control access to sex, most men will put up with it because they want it, even if it’s abusive.
You and I both know people will cheer a woman beating a man but a man beating a woman gets beaten by every man in shouting distance.
She doesn’t ask why they go there.
She says “geez”.
Because being assumed to be a pedophile tends to illicit some manner of anger.
Good point, lol. People who aren’t pedos (very reasonably) get mad when accused of being pedos.
*Scrub the first part of my comment; she does.
I still stand by the rest of my point though.
DuffenBlaster is on point here. Anvil is not asking a legitimate question here, she is concerned that they view her sexual tastes could be in the younger audience as a possibility.
However, this is a very controversial subject and may draw unwanted and unprovoked ire quickly. I’d suggest everyone move on. It’s rare for a comic writer to broach this subject because it is such a mine field. See the Kitty Pryde and Collosus relationship in X-Men (Collosus 19, Kitty… 13/14) (1980s).
I thought that one was 19/16? I guess it’s been a long while since I read them.
Kitty was canonically 13 1/2 when she joined the X-men. Peter was 19, and he passed on a physical relationship with her even in space when they both thought they were going to die, because of it. She practically threw herself at him, and he refused.
In hindsight, it was less that he’s morally that good, and more that he white-knighted and sort of thought he knew what was best for them regardless of her feelings, failing to recognize that despite her age, she was clearly mature enough and ready for a relationship with him, more mature than he was, I think.
IMHO, this is my ultimate take-away from that bit of Claremont’s writing.
That Peter was well meaning and thought that he was being morally right, but he was actually just dismissing her emotions as those of a ‘little girl’. He was afraid of commitment, and used her age as his excuse to avoid entanglements he wasn’t ready for, instead of telling her how he really felt, probably because he wasn’t mature enough to recognize what it is he really felt.
Boo! First I miss my cake day on Reddit and now I miss the Worm discussion? Screw it, here is my self schill again if you missed it. One of several there, see links in footer.
Not sure if said but…
If Maxima just wore some fangs, she won’t need to disguise the ears. Gothic vampire look is surprisingly popular. No one would be able to tell the difference.
Black hair Max is just Wonder Woman-ish to me. But maybe that’s the point.
I Still think Max and Hero would make a cute couple, but theres the whole rank thing to deal with
Well I’m pretty sure Maxima’s ears could be taken care of with some prosthetics, I’m also pretty sure that people are not going to really put two and two together, I mean take Superman no one guesses his identity even super geniuses like Lex Luthor because no one can really think that Superman has a secret identity.
I mean there was one comic were Superman was talking to this kid about his secret identity and the kid asks, “So you never take off your glasses?” and Clark basically said, “Oh I take my glasses off all the time and you know what people say you look just like Superman.”
Not sure about the prosthetics. They currently extent to points beyond the normal shape of a human ear. Going the other way (say, to make a Star Trek Vulcan) is easy; you’re adding latex to a normal ear. You can’t subtract, though.
Well… hypothetically Maxima could get her ears bobbed human-style with some cosmetic surgery… though the sticking point there would be finding a scalpel that could breach her skin.
Heeeeey… There’s a thought:
Unnamed dude: “What the… hey tall pretty black-haired lady? How come your ears are pointy?”
Maxima: “Oh that. I’m a BIG Star Trek fan, and like to cosplay as a Vulcan at conventions, but the costume store fake ears look stupid, so I had some very minor cosmetic surgery done to make them permanent. Cool, huh?”
Unnamed dude: “Yeah, they look awesome! Wish I’d thought of that. I’m more of a LOTR fan, but elf-ears aren’t much different! I’m going to make an appointment tomorrow! Thanks for the tip!”
Maxima: “Uh… okay. Glad to help? I guess?”
Sydney: “Looks like you started a hot new fashion trend, Max.”
Maxima: “Dammit, not again…”
Who is this raven haired beauty, I must bed her and add her statistics to my collection.
As if the real Deus does not already know. :)
How would he know? Daphne hasn’t had time to tell him, and she probably wouldn’t, just to see how he would react when he met her :)
Deus knows all. :)
Plot twist: next comic, Max wakes up in Sydney’s bed.
It was an honest mistake.
Max had the same Toy Story bedsheets on her bed when she was younger.
[i]”He might have gotten early onset carpal tunnel syndrome, (cause Anvil’s second base takes up half the outfield, see?)”[/i]
Oh My GHODS. Just STOP…. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. I am already having BAD flashbacks to Brooklyn Tech HS in the early 70s. At the time 4800 Men, 300 Women… Just shoot me
Odds on Maxima winding up in bed with anyone?? not that high. I think the closest we’ve got is Hiro, and both of them are too professional to do that, second closest is Deus, and THAT didn’t work out particularly well. For Maxima, she’d need to find a guy who’s got both supreme self confidence, and NOT be a dick-and that combination is unicorn-levels of rare when you factor in body types and other traits on the scale necessary to even get her to NOTICE you.
There’s also the sociology part: Females tend to aim ‘up’ or ‘above peer’ in terms of social standing when dating, while men tend to go ‘peer or lower’. It’s so common it might be hard-wired into the reproductive urge-females don’t go for lower-status males unless they have no other option. In the case of a world with Supers, that means he’s got to be top-of-the-heap in something to even qualify on the radar for a normal super (see: supers have super-physiques and are rare).
so what does that mean for our glorious leader? means her pool of men she’d even consider ‘viable dating material’ have to be top-floor high-earners with a sensitivity to feminist issues, with enough of a spine not to be a simp, probably with powers of their own or enough resources that ‘money is a superpower’.
thus far, we’ve seen…TWO people total that might be able to get her on a date, and one of them is a guy she can’t stand.
The other is technically her subordinate and it would be fraternization.
Someone just mentioned this page elsewhere and I had to come see it…and OMG Maxima here looks exactly like Korina Bliss. Like…dead-on. Though obviously Max is simultaneously less fake, and has more durable skin. I remember wondering why that face seemed familiar, bit giving up. This time I didn’t give up, and I found it! My biggest internet crush in 09 when I was friggin 13! Holy crap. I have better taste in women now (I think), but holy nostalgia batman!
The “Boston Molassacre” happened in 1902, although the cause wasn’t identified until WWII or shortly after. Fourteen people and two horses drowned.