Grrl Power #913 – The purge
Yes, the clean spot was in an adjacent room.
Honestly I think this page is grosser than the previous one. Especially the mid-sentence burps, and the non-pictured (you’re welcome) strings of gorgy drool that follow them.
So yeah, as I predicted, there were some differing opinions on Cora’s handling of the situation. Honestly I just thought it was funny, both the extreme overkill and Sydney sitting there covered in human jam with one eye twitching. This comic isn’t Judge Dredd, but it’s not My Little Pony either. I guess it’s closer to the latter really, but eh, sometimes bad guys explode.
For those of you wondering, Sydney was not allowed to inject herself with a syringe of Fuggedaboutit (that’s the trademarked drug name) that was covered in viscera.
To answer Sydney’s question, I can tell you that she’s mostly throwing up due to stress. Despite playing it surprisingly cool, she was actually really scared there, especially after the drugs and that asshole pointing a gun at her face. The gore storm put her over the top, but she probably would have eventually panic barfed even without that.
Check the vote incentive to see Sydney not naked. And then there’s the Patreon version.
(. )( .) & ( ! )
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like!
I think Cora owes Sydney more than just an apology. . .
What exactly did you have in mind … ?
Upgraded glasses. With Joo Janta Super Peril Sensitive Addon Shades.
Dear gods yes.
Man, I could use a pair of Joo Janta clip-ons.
There must be danger around. How do you know can’t see a thing. Prefect for defending you against the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. A creature so mind bogging stupid that it assumes if you can’t see it then it can’t see you. Also remember your towel just in case you miss placed you Peril sensitive shades.
I’m so glad no one had to ask what ‘joo janta super peril sensitive sunglasses’ were.
You guys are nerd-approved awesome.
Hopeless cases, you mean ^^
I think a high level of nerdiness is to expected on a forum of a superhero comic.
You missed the Super Chromatic part of the name.
I wasn’t going to make it TOO obvious :)
But I actually have a pair of Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses. I got it with an oldschool Infocom game of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. It came with a pair.
Basically just black cardboard that you can’t see through for lenses :) It’s sort of awesome.
The game also came with a bit of fluff, a microscopic space fleet that almost got eaten by a dog (they’re in a plastic baggie), demolition orders for Arthur Dent’s house as well as demolition orders for the Earth, a neato button that says ‘Don’t Panic’ in bright friendly letters, and no tea.
I find the idea rather cool that the Vogons were so impressed by Arthur Dent that they specifically ordered destruction of his house.
Just a black cardboard as “glasses” tells the kinda neat tale that, in times like these, everything you could see would be disconcerting by default, thereby nullifying the necessity for the “glasses” to provide a transparent state.
Well thought out, that kit you had there. My kind of humor.
“I find the idea rather cool that the Vogons were so impressed by Arthur Dent that they specifically ordered destruction of his house.”
But he thought their poetry was actually quite nice! He particularly thought it had interesting rhytmic devices which seemed to counterpoint the humanity… er I mean Vogonity… of the poet’s compassionate soul, which contrives through the medium of the verse structure to sublimate this, trancend that, and come to terms with the fundamental dichotomies of the other, and one is left with a profound and vivis insight into whatever it was the poem was about.
Why, I ask, would they want to destroy such a person’s home on TOP of their planet? I ask you good sir. Why?
Maybe they found Arthur’s view on Vogon poetry troubling?
It appears as if the Vogons successfully weaponized their poetry, also they seemed to have achieved some notoriety for that.
It is conceivable that they found Arthur’s view so deeply troubling that they wanted to make extra sure that this threat to their weapon technology is a threat no more.
When someone is appreciating an art of poetry you managed to design to hurt, you have no idea of what else to expect from that entity and, if in doubt, better be too thorough in dealing with that menace.
Besides, Arthur’s stance might well be a threat to the very idea of Vogonity itself.
It could also by that the only species with worse poetry than Vogons are humans, since the absolute worst poetry ever written was by a human, not a Vogon (or the Azgoths of Kira).
Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings was a poet who wrote the worst poetry in the universe, and that first place status is still in place according to HHGTTG.
I will now present an excerpt of one of her poems for your enjoyment.
The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool.
They lay. They rotted. They turned
Around occasionally.
Bits of flesh dropped off them from
Time to time.:And sank into the pool’s mire.
They also smelt a great deal.
It brings a tear to my eye, such beauty in the written word.
A tear to the eye and bile to the throat.
I’m not sure if completely black qualifies as “super chromatic.” So they may have had to remove that phrase from the name when selling in the US.
I’ll admit that I’m scratching my head on the “joo Jantha” part. But I do sass that hoopy Zaphod Beeblebrox. I mean, who *doesn’t*?
Sigh. One web search later: Doh. It’s just the forgettable part of the name.
On a different (commercial) note. Another websearch later……
Joo Janta 200 CoronaVirus Filter
Remove CoronaVirus from the Internet.
Filters out sections in webpages “coronavirus or pandemic or covid or quarantine” to help the mental health of people who would rather only check news once a day. If your cup runs over with worry, this is for you.
23 maart 2020
Contact opnemen met de ontwikkelaar
1077 Portland Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55104
He’s just this guy, you know?
It’s nice how no matter how many arguments people have, no matter how heated things get, everyone can come together around a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference.
That’s “Zaphod Beeblebrox the First” for most beings.
Maybe the ghost of his Great Grandfather (Zaphod Beeblebrox III) doesn’t sass him? He has a lot of sass to spout AT him, but that’s different.
Joo Janta is the brand name. Intergalactic eyewear manufacturing company. Very important in a big universe filled with billions of kinds of eyeballs. Exclusive license for Disaster Area concerts to sell Star Dive viewing goggles.
I’d say a good snogging, but I’m probably projecting. Maybe upgrade the glasses to contacts. Glasses are pain in the ass.
*sound of pop top on a bottle of Coke*
Also dinner to replace the old one.
She owes Sydney at least a good cleaning bill, insides have to be really expensive to get out of your uniform.
So, what happened to the other guys?
I was wondering the same. Possible doing the same as Sydney in a different room. Either that or running for their lives!
Presumably they shat themselves in terror and either fled or surrendered.
They shat their entire selves with no help from Cora, adding to the viscera density.
I wonder if Hench wench suddenly lost a bunch of powers and Max accidentally liquefies her head.
Doesn’t look like the masks actually have powers
Do we have any reason to believe that the Powered assault squad led by Not_Kevin is in anyway associated with Daddy and his hooded henches?
Hench Wench exhibited Concretia’s power, therefore Concretia is part of the LLC, and since he had authority on her, so was “Daddy”.
But he didn’t exhibit any physical powers, so it’s unlikely HW loses durability from his death, and there’s no evidence the other two were killed.
so far, Hench wench has Displayed three power sets…
The superstrength of the guy that sucker punched Max, flight, and Geokinesis.
we also only seen three supers on the bad guys team so far, the strong guy,
the flyer we saw him toss the stasis gun to, and Concretia.
if that’s all they have then that’s the limit of Hench wench’s power.
and if Concretia formally quits, then she’ll lose The Geokinesis
HW is using geokinetic powers that are AWFULLY similar to Concretia’s. Other than that, not directly stated. However, the timing is suspect.
Not just Geokinesis, but also Astral Projection animating a rock body that, looking just like Concretia’s. That would be an insane coincidence.
While of course we cannot know with ultimate certainty, this is very clear evidence.
I’d say that Occam’s razor would have to bend in a curlicue in order for there to be any other explanation. Those powers that HW is using are identical to Concretia’s. There’s no dramatic need for Concretia to have an evil twin, so it’s clear that she’s a member… unless Dave decides she has an evil twin.
And Henchie just happens to be using Cree’s abilities in a way not previously shown by the originator of the powers? o_O
Concretia showed those abilities herself only a few pages later, and explained that she expanded her abilities with practice.
Cree has not shown the ability to control MeatCree and RockCree at the same time, nor even hinted that she can
Wasn’t talking about manipulating rock itself (that was kind fairly obvious, and probably the first thing she was able to do, being able to create and inhabit a golem would have taken years to develope)
Ah, that.
But it hasn’t been hinted that she can’t, either, and I’m not seeing why we should just assume one or the other. Controlling your own body isn’t a superpower, after all, and the nature of AstralConcretia was entirely unclear. Astral Projection where you keep or lose control of your body, as well as separate instance all seem equally plausible initially.
And we had just before learned that Concretia’s meat body is separate, this made it very clear.
>and probably the first thing she was able to do, being able to create and inhabit a golem would have taken years to develop
No, she explicitly said she gained the rock control through training. The golem is an Avatar of Concretia, possessed by her immaterial form, not remote-controlled.
I thought Henchwench having geokinesis was a red herring, until she also displayed the far more unusual astral projection into a sort of earth elemental ghost aspect as well.
I have to assume since at least one of them seemed to have a brain by trying to get him to NOT shoot Sydney, they probably immediately surrendered.
I assume the other two goons are in concrete cocoons. Man I haven’t watched Cocoon in so long! I haven’t watched anything with Steve Gutenberg in years actually. All those actors were great. Why haven’t aliens come down to salvage all our old folks from our long term care facilities. I don’t think the aliens care about us very much. Can’t argue with that or blame them.
Well, um, you see… Take a look at all of the violence in the media we broadcast out to the stars, including our news. Any sensible aliens are leaving us alone, and even the greys are being really careful about who they make proctology appointments with and when.
try a fun book series called -Bob’s saucer repair-available on Amazon, about 10 books so far.
a good old boy mechanic and engineer who accidentally ends up helping a Pretty Girl
with a broken down saucer,
and ends up being the go to Repair guy for every ET in the quadrant.
Eventually Needs a lot of help, and well, he’s got a autodoc that can Reverse aging,
so he starts surreptitiously recruiting from The local old folks home.
I am guessing either in restraints from Core or being restrained by cement cocoons or spikes…cocoons probably prevent less chance of reaching a phone in a pocket; so would Cora’s restraints.
My guess is they are part of the blood splatter. They were nameless goons who didn’t get to have a heart to heart with Sydney so it’s unlikely they survived.
Such a blast at close range? Yeah. They are probably part of the mess on the walls. And floor. And ceiling. And Sydney.
Cora’s shields have to be able to stop flying liquids (flamethrowers), so her being clean is explainable even without her being actually clothed only by a hologram.
Yes, Cora sayed the day.
Yes, she made a HELL of a mess.
Splash damage would have hit Sydney too, so that’s unlikely. And one of them is seen still standing behind a cloud of Daddy juice.
Also, the damage isn’t consistent with an explosion, more like an exotic cutting effect – mono wire or force-field-cutting.
Most likely weapon is something like the harlequins kiss from Warhammer
a tightly wound ball of mono molecular razor wire which expands inside the body violently
and then contracts. If designed to expand Mostly up-and-down then the lethal radius
Would be pretty small and somebody standing Right next to them could be unharmed
except for Being Liberally coated in little pieces of the victim.
Since she got Sydney’s message, and probably was getting real-time video
from Sydney’s glasses until they were knocked off, the load out was probably intended
in case she had to shoot Concretia, but when she Arrived villain number one
was pointing a gun at Sidney and she probably figured, What the hey, Let’s make an example.
I consider cutting force fields more likely, since it fits more with Cora’s shown tech and style, but this is another possibility.
any explosive capable of doing that to a body at such close range would have killed Sydney too thanks to the shockwave (one thing movies almost universally get wrong about how explosives work is people standing so close to and surviving the shockwave without injury),
the damage and the condition of several body parts we saw looks more consistent with being sliced to pieces, so either a mono-filament gyro ball ammo, a force field slicer, or a cyclone blades caster shell going off inside of him.
For Earth tech, that is true.
But, for Cora ultra high tech weaponry?
Who can say. It is possible today to focus explosions to only affect a small area, but then debris and such could be a problem. But again, Cora is not from Earth and her weapons are not anything that Earth can likely build yet, although Deus will be working on that.
Focused detonation or simply making the bad guys sit down and rethink their lives after being coated in gore, it all works out in the end. Well, except for Sydney’s mental health.
that would be an expanding bubble, a forcefield generated around a point inside his body, enough force to rupture and expel his remains from the surface but not propagate the force any further.
the effect last page though looked like he was being shredded up, like in a blender, thin strips and sliced up remains like a severed ear and a clean cut through ribs.
That would probably be considered excessive use of force. Being an alien (mostly), Cora falls under Archon’s jurisdiction or maybe the Council’s Semper Vigilantis. Hmm, Where’s Krona? She’s still part of that, right?
1 minute ago:
Cora: Do you guys want that too? No? Just sit over in the corner where I can see you.
1 minute from now:
Sydney: Ok, my stomach has stopped trying to escape my mouth. Yuk!
Cora: Sydney, … [ points to Sydney’s face, then swipes a finger across her own jaw ]
Sydney: [ Clear a little piece of vomit from the indicated location on her jaw ] Thanks Cora. Let’s see. There it is. [ She picks up and tries to put on her communication choker, but it won’t connect. ] Nuts! Hey Connie, can I have my phone back.
[ Concrecia picks up the phone from where she put it and gives it to Sydney. ]
Let’s see. Max? Nah, she is probably busy. Got it. [ Dials number ] Hey Leon! I have some bad guys to pick up at 1501 Madison Avenue in Brooklyn. They are part of a criminal organization that kidnapped me and threatened me with death, like by waving a gun in my face. [ Pause ] Sure, I remember that. [ Pause ] Got it. [Hangs up] Okay, you mooks, since none of you seem to have any powers (or any brains), you’re not in Archon’s jurisdiction to arrest and prosecute. So you are under citizen’s arrest and we are going to wait here until the regular cops show up. On that note, I am authorized to inform you of your rights on arrest. (Arriana will be so glad I was paying attention in that class! That and I watched way too much Law and Order as a kid.) You have the right to remain silent. Whimpering like that is okay. Anything you do say may be recorded and used as evidence against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney and to have that attorney present when you are getting questioned. If you can not afford an attorney, one may be appointed for you by the court at no extra cost to you. Do you understand these rights as I recited them to you?
I like the scenario, except that Archon’s jurisdiction should include all members of a gang that includes powered goons, whether the individual has powers or not. Archon deals with super-powered threats, not just the super powers themselves, and the goon squad is part of the threat.
I’m pretty sure a Military Police force officer has plenty enough jurisdiction to arrest their own kidnappers. Especially kidnappers that forcibly injected and interrogated the officer, and also included the start of an attempted murder. No need to rely on the flimsy citizen’s arrest powers.
That jurisdictional claim, even if it were sensible, would not be adjudicated at the scene. No way to know whether those guys are powered or not, but they are definitely part of an unusual threat that is exactly why Archon was formed.
Besides, no one at Archon would leave Sydney all by herself at that point. Leon would not even DARE to say anything like that, even if it was true. Remember the Boot.
I can guess at least one thing that happened to them. Fortunately, they were wearing brown pants, so the stain should be less obvious . . . and they can blame the smell on the viscera.
Seriously, though, I would assume either abject surrender (if they’re smart and don’t succumb to fight-or-flight reflex) or a brief attempt to flee, followed by abject surrender.
I am hoping for ‘entombed in skintight concrete with barely adequate airholes as the only opening’. Concretia ought to be able to manage that, and it would be far better for the mooks than the two options Cora has demonstrated so far (pain disks or explody-bullets).
Usually A character has to work hard to deserve what they have happen to them when it’s as bloody as that was, but thuis guy was able to do it in almost zero time/
“You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn’t it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.”
Marcus Cole, Ranger to Franklin, A Late Delivery from Avalon
I literally used to have that quote printed out and put on the door to my bedroom growing up. It made my mom wonder if I was clinically depressed and I had to explain ‘no, I just think it was a cool line from Babylon 5.’ :)
The universe is only hostile if you don’t like the threat of dying, or generally being messed with. If, on the other hand, you take the more natural belief that it’s a game where you have an infinite number of quarters, it’s far far far far far better than being bored.
“If you’re afraid of dying, and you’re holdin’ on, you’ll see devils tearin’ your life away. But if you’ve made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freein’ you from the world. It all depends on how you look at it.”
Louis ~ Jacob’s Ladder
That was a hell of a movie.
It was.
I don’t see anybody volunteering.
Well…………Sydney handled that………………..well, she handled it………………sort of…………….not.
She handled it admirably. Panic vomit AFTER winning is 100% hero.
More importantly, she is right now punishing Cora in exactly the way that Cora deserves for ‘sploding that guy.
Sydney’s reaction is 100% predictable, Earth-standard, and Cora knew that and did it anyway.
goes hand in hand with my analysis Sydney may be acting as the morality chain for the more violent characters. This is an indirect guilt trip, Cora feels bad about upsetting Sydney, so will think twice about doing something so gory around her again.
Which is how a morality chain works, the violent character isn’t going to feel bad about their actions but rather how those actions impact the *relatively* innocent character they care about.
At least she hadn’t eaten any Drackt recently. Imagine what her throat 7 mouth would feel like now.
This is actually really bad for Sydney. Bad enough this happened right in front of her BUT she’s restrained and unable to stop being covered with guts AND she’s cranked off her ass on truth drugs AND she’s SYDNEY.
This could mess her up.
Not so much that she can’t help find Conrecta’s body in a hurry, I hope….
On the other hand, being Sydney, she might just forget about it tomorrow.
She wasn’t able to forget about the running away from the kaijuu though, makes me wonder if this’ll be new nightmares.
As she said “S’all good. Needed new material for Dr Frost anyways.”
To be clear, I’d guess that “needed new material” was more about “I feel like an idiot going back about this same stuff as last time. We’ve been through all of that. I should be done with it. Why am I still having problems with this?”
To which the answer is, of course, “Because it’s hard to deal with. Talk is easy. You can work through a few things. But even if you just had 16 hours of therapy after your sleepless night, the next night will still be hard. In one hour, you can talk about this stuff about as much as will be helpful in a day. But what you talk about in the next appointment isn’t the exact same stuff. It’s about the progress or lack thereof since the last visit.
Even if it doesn’t seem like anything is different, there are almost certainly differences. On my second psychologist visit after a particularly traumatic incident, I didn’t think anything else was different. But I still went in, I told her all about it. She then showed me the notes from the prior visit, and I recognized them on seeing them, and things had actually gotten better. Just not nearly enough.
I’m not sure having new material helps. But, then, I don’t know; I didn’t have new material until I had things more in order. Besides, even if I did have an experience of having new material that soon, it doesn’t mean that it would absolutely be the exact same amount of helpfulness for Sydney as for me; we’re different people. Different people are different.
To be fair she’s already seen exploded guy on walls (The vault), and blasted off limbs (Vehemence, Sciona), and thanks to Sciona the most disturbing imagery in this whole comic, people being hung upside down to gravity drain their blood; this is just her first time seeing a guy being exploded.
-she did slice up a giant kaiju and blow another’s head off but they didn’t seem to have recognizable biology and the whole “that was a person” instinct wouldn’t be in affect either.
Given that her flying orb suppresses her vertigo and fear of heights while she’s using it, I’m guessing that there may be similar effects from her other orbs. So, she wouldn’t react the same way to ultra-violence while she’s holding/using her PPO as she would while prevented from being in contact with her orbs, as she was here. For instance, she didn’t puke after the muggers got ‘sploded on Fracture Station, and she was apparently participating in that to some extent (it’s off-panel, so it may be that Cora wiped them all out before Sydney got a shot in). Compare that to her reaction to Vehemence getting his arm blown off (she’s holding the lighthook and shield orbs), getting covered in gore (holding no orbs, then the flight orb).
I think the shield orb may have a similar effect as well. She’s weathered kaiju nukings, a Max-fired energy ‘bullet’, an exploding tank, etc. without even much flinching. Compare that to her reaction to Sciona’s attempt to stab her when she couldn’t activate her orbs, or her reaction to having a gun pointed in her face by Max or by Mister Viscera (posthumously super-villain-named). My guess would be that her fear/flinch urge is suppressed by the shield in the same way her squeamishness is by the PPO and her fear of heights is by the flying orb.
I’d more guess it would be the shield orb that would protect her from psychological trauma from seeing ultra-violence, rather than the PPO. Admittedly, I think it would be reasonable for the PPO to shield her from psychological trauma associated with her causing that ultra-violence. Well, reasonable in the “we said we’re going to see about corrupting this person by giving them power, so let’s do it right” sense.
With the shield orb being the main trauma protector… she’s had that up all the prior ultra-violent episodes. So one provided a bit more trauma than it could shield her from. Considering the scale, that’s probably reasonable. Also, the shield orb providing some calm would explain how she had the calm to orb the knife guy in the dinner fight.
Small nitpick – she’s taken (at the very minimum) 3 Maxima plasma shots, plus shielding from the tank-destroying blast at the press demonstration. I would believe the number to be significantly higher; since it would be exceptionally stupid of Max to start above bare-minimum and then almost immediately jump to small-nuke class, to know that the tank demonstration was feasible.
Well, Sydney’s shield has also stood up to , albeit just barely…Max was there & saw that happen too, so she has a better idea of the shield’s limits.
So … Concretia officially one of the good gals now?
I am expecting Dabbler to have a similar discussion about how powers as Sydney did a page or two ago!
Sydney must have kept it together long enough to tell Cora “No!” in some fashion. Really Cora’s a dangerous nutter. Most likely she’ll get away with straight up murdering Hoodface but that doesn’t make it right.
You are right, she is a dangerous nutter.
I blame Alien-Girl-School :(
_I would totally watch that show_
She gives me the vibe of Space Catholic School drop out, frankly
Well if we look to the Real World ™ an officer terminating a suspect doesn’t get much more than paid leave except in the most egregious circumstances and even then they have to get the judge angry with them.
At most she will get a reprimand for operating outside her jurisdiction.
If there is a situation where “use of excessive force” would apply is this one, especially because I can’t believe that in Cora’s arsenal there isn’t something that would have stopped Mr. Viscera from doing anything without having to spread him all over the room (and Sidney)
Its not as much a question of right or wrong as what Cora saw when she arrived. Sidney was about to be shot and Cora shot hoodface in the shoulder and caused him to drop the gun. Saving Sidney’s life was “Right”.
What was wrong was the ordinance that was loaded before arriving. Even taking into consideration that she didn’t know what she would have to face, it was still wrong.
It worked, 100%. Tactically, it was ONE “Right Choice” among however many “Right Choices” Cora had available. Demonstrations meant to serve as a clear warning to others not to mess with a competent homicidal badass DO work.
In three other ways — psychologically for the captive, morally as per local morals, and legally as per local law — it was a poor choice, but that is a secondary consideration. None of those aspects are likely to have significant consequences beyond a page or two.
Given the reality of the matter, the only consequences should be social, but they should be significant. In fact, they might lead to Cora leaving the planet not due to law, but due to low-key shunning. It would be an interesting little throwaway to have at least one of her Earth lovers go to the kidnap site… and then because of the horror be unable to be aroused by her because of knowing what she’s really like (from their POV).
>It worked, 100%.
Due to luck. The delayed effect means there’s a time window for the bad guys to counterattack, before the intimidation happens. Also, the delay decouples the consequence from the action, which reduces the effectiveness of deterrence. Thirdly, good deterrence suggests that compliance is safe – but since he had stopped acting and still got killed, that message is weakened.
The ethical issues aside.
I don’t condemn her (be a hypocrite about my own main characters if I did, heck a similar hostage scenario has been on my possible scenes list forever but never had a good way to squeeze it into a story without making other characters look like “dumb asses in distress” for ending up in the situation. Sydney here though had a good excuse, a weakness that could be taken advantage of.
I also don’t make excuses for her. Because my suspension of disbelief accepts that no matter how real you try to make a story feel the author can’t be expected to have intimidate legal knowledge anymore than intimate knowledge of physics *especially when there is just the one author and not a team…*
that said assume that the law in the setting isn’t a strict 1-1 comparison to the real world anymore than physics are; heck even series, especially movies, that don’t claim to be super human characters get physics routinely wrong for action stars to the point they’d have to be super human to do what they are doing.
which is the mindset I’ve had about Cora, different characters in this comic look to represent different hero tropes, the spunky new hero, vigilantes turned hero, the militarized super having to deal with being in the public eye, various supernatural tropes, Dabbler filling the multi-class fantasy-sci fi adventurer, Cora looks to fill the action hero trope, specifically putting me in mind of cyberpunk space outlaw-anime characters with a touch of western action movies.
If someone dug out a legal text book on the crimes committed by the characters while saving the day in Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Seigal, Van Dam, and several others *basically look up the IMBD pages for the cast of Expendables, and the movies they did before that the Expendables were trying to feel like a reunion of*
heck I saw a law book video type just tearing up the movie Predator 2 because, yeah Herrigen broke a lot of laws and protocols and had no business interfering in a federal investigation, doing so is what got his friend killed. Extend to movies like Commando and so on.
Basically it was normal to see characters in these things shove a grenade in a guy’s mouth and push him off a roof while saying, “bye bye,” as he falls back onto other soldiers and blows them up along with him.
now take a character like that, out of a setting where that is the norm, and put them in Sydney’s frame of reference.
I disagree. Ber actions were justified by the fact that he was actively threatening to kill her and only other people holding him back prevented it from happening. Lethal force is entirely justified here.
The controversy is not so much over whether lethal force per se is justified, but over the means of applying it. An on-impact mincer round would have been overkill, but understandable overkill given the range of potential targets. An unstoppable delayed-action mincer round creates a liability, by giving the target an opportunity to retaliate before it goes off, without giving a meaningful benefit in terms of allowing them to surrender.
Just because Concretia is being rescued from the coercion that made her kidnap Sydney doesn’t make her “one of the good guys.” It’s just that she has another “legally defensible” alibi from being called “one of the bad guys.”
That’s about what I expected, considering what happened to Maxima’s shoes last time someone tried to shoot Sydney
Where’s the other bad guy? Or did he get the ‘splodey treatment too?
Bad guy AND bad girl, and, yes, they were standing behind the creep, and were presumably in the range of effect of whatever that was.
Wait, which one was the girl goon? The skinny short one who tried to prevent Daddy Drywall from ventilating Sydney? Or the one who pulled an assault rifle out of their arse?
The girl was Concretia moving away from Halo and trying to keep Halo alive.
Thought they meant the two hooded goons
The rifle one was definitely a guy, there was beard stubble visible on the same panel, and the other one looks like a guy to me too.
And since Sydney wasn’t in range, they probably weren’t either. Except of the gore shower of course.
One of them is also seen standing straight when the boss explodes
I didn’t peg the dark goon as a girl, but it’s possible. I thought of them as “dark goon and light goon”. The light one seemed more “military” or “enforcer”, and yes was clearly male.
I rather doubt that Hoody McSplodedGuts would have trusted a woman with a gun in his personal hench squad. He seemed to have some issues with the fairer sex …
Had, not have.
+1 for the humorous sentiment.
As a matter of proper grammar “He seemed to had some issues …” doesn’t read right to me. I think that my use of Past Continuous tense was correctly applied.
It would be “He seems to have had some issues…”, which is perfect infinitive Past continuous would have been* “He seems to was having some issues”.
Compare “He seems to have been an asshole…” (which is also true.)
*also perfect infinitive
And this is why I hated grammar lessons. :) Thank you for the correction.
I mean…. why does he currently seem any way? “He seems to have had [something]”, to me, would require him to currently be seeming that way. “He” “has” plenty of issues at this moment, compared to five minutes ago, but none of them seem, to me, to be issues with women…
I am unsure what is supposed to be wrong with the original “He seemed to have some issues”
“He seemed to have had issues” (perfect infinitive in the past context) means that, in the past, there was a point in time where it seemed he had issues, but the “have had” implies resolution, and means that at one subsequent point he no longer had issues.
Similarly “He seems to have had issues” (perfect infinitive in the present context) means he currently seems to have, at one point, had issues, but then subsequently resolved those issues.
If you want to paint his s’plosion as a resolution to his issues with women, then these statements are fine.
But “He seemed to have issues” with women (present infinitive in the past context) means that at one point, he seemed to have issues with women, with any resolution of said issues being left indeterminate — as in, you may simply not know of whether there was resolution. It is an observation encapsulated in a moment of time.
Which is also just fine in my opinion, because it is describing a past state of someone who arguably no longer exists – certainly in any form capable of meaningful human expression. There is no longer any chance for resolution nor of determining the factual or claimed existence of issue resolution or lack thereof, but at that past point, to the observer, he seemed to have said issues.
Reference for “Verbs followed by the infinitive”, in which “He claimed to be an expert” and “I managed to reach the top of the hill” are examples of the same grammatical structure: past-tense verb followed by a to-infinitive
>I am unsure what is supposed to be wrong with the original “He seemed to have some issues”
It’s not wrong per se, but potentially ambiguous. It could mean what it meant, or like you, that in the past it seemed to the observer … but not necessarily anymore . “He seemed to have issues with women, but once I got to know him …” “…, but I wasn’t close enough to judge.”
>Similarly “He seems to have had issues” (perfect infinitive in the present context) means he currently seems to have, at one point, had issues, but then subsequently resolved those issues.
Yes, they were resolved. Rather brutally, and terminally. And looking back it still seems he indeed had issues.
Yeah, pretty much, some people seem cool as a cucumber under pressure, then when it’s safe to, completely lose it. It’s not the adrenaline that does it, it’s the withdrawal.
To quote Max, “Adrenaline crash is a hell of a thing.”
Why didn’t Sydney react the same way back on page #696, what with all the melted femurs and bodies lying around?
That had to be similarly gruesome, right?
As DaveB said, she didn’t get any mugger on her on Fracture
Possibly her brain interpreted what happened on Fracture in the same way she plays a first person shooter. Sydney isn’t stupid but those aliens didn’t look like “people” and the level of violence Cora uses is so over the top it may just have been easier to register as video game rather than “OMIGOD I JUST MURDALIZED SOMEONE”.
And of course she didn’t get a gore splash on her.
Concretia’s comment does seem a bit out of place but she’s standing in for Sydney, who is occupied.
She was safely covered in her shield, so there was a degree of separation between it and her.
I think this has a bit larger impact on her perception than most would initially imagine – not just that it prevented physical contact with the viscera and gore, but also that she had control – using something that had allowed her to survive maxima’s blasts, squidward and friend’s onslaught, and the travel through an aetherium causeway.
In this situation, she has been forcibly restrained via her link with the orbs AND has been prevented access to something she relied on to protect her, and has no doubt begun to take at least a little bit for granted. Add to that probable surprise of the not-completely-expected explosion of someone, probably mid-sentence, not a few feet from her…
well, yeah – just thought I’d make all the main events/observations more explicit — for anyone not thinking about them in this context
There is a significant difference between seen it, seen it happen, and seen it happen all over me with smell, tactile and splatter.
I can attest to that. Sadly
While bound and in fear for your life and on inhibition-suppressing and sublimation-suppressing drugs.
Probably few people on the planet would react coolly to the situation she’s just been released from.
i will repeat, it’s one thing to see the gore fly, quite another to have to clean it out of your nose ….. much like killing a vampire “location, location, location”
She did react pretty badly at least for a few seconds on Fracture. She looked green to the gills, so to speak. But at least there, she could put up a shield to not be splattered in insides.
One question: the good 80’s MLP (with ponies that looked like ponies, and pony girls) or the shit FiM shit (with ponies that look like vomit)?
My assumption is the 80’s version, given that was rather a tad darker than the FiM series. Tierek/Scorpan, Tamblon, and Crunch the Rock Dog come to mind (though more the first two than the latter, I suppose). Then there was the penguin king who wanted to freeze everything, and the pig lady who literally turned 98% of the ponies into glass. Okay, the 80’s version was a lot darker. Didn’t keep me from buying the DVD set, though. 
Same here :D
Grew up on MLP and the Glow Friends :)
Your commentary on their appearance aside, I’d have to disagree with rest of your statement. I watched a bevvy of toons as a kid, even some typically girly ones like Gem and the Holograms, She-Ra and Rainbow Bright and I recall the original MLP to be downright boring. The modern FiM one, conversely, actually had some interesting storylines even if it was over the top sugary-sweet at times. To each their own, I guess.
Yes, everyone has POO
So did she start throwing up before or after she was released from the restraints?
That’s very good question. Or possibly a very evil question.
I would bet on it beginning as soon as she realized what she was covered in. From personal experience there is about 5-7 seconds from the sudden onset of nausea to beginning to vomit. With lots of effort I was able to suppress it for a few more seconds so may be 10 seconds total before the projectile vomiting began. In Sydney’s case she is fully restrained against the concrete couch, so now she is covered both in gore and her own lunch. I had to go back to check but you can in fact, see the traces of gore on Sydney’s clothes. Good Job on the detail Dave.
I’ve experienced that “Projectile vomiting continues after you’re empty” thing, and it is PAINFUL. I swear towards the end of it my large colon was desperately trying to send a bowel movement in the wrong direction just to give me something to eject.
Truly said Brett. Now imagine projectile vomiting when you can’t bend over. As an aside I wonder where the center of attachment for the orbs is. The orbs normally orbit her head but if you try to separate Sydney from them, is the anchor located in her head? Or at the center of mass for her body? Would the orbs smash through something to get to her or with the orbs restrained, could you pop Syd’s head off by yanking on her feet?
Oh sydsnap already got her ballz back. Guess connie released em the moment the splatterfest began as a sort of surrender move
Space Mercenaries would have tech to deal with psychological trauma, probably in a first aid kit.
And no, I don’t know what that would be or I wouldn’t have to go to work today.
Cora is a space shadowrunner first, and shadowrunners usually have a high tolerance to wading through large amount of guts before breakfast …. its just desensitization and the fact that was smartly, not in the splatter zone ….
Cora should note not to use the blender round again, probably shelve the sashimi rounds while she’s at it.
Really unprofessional. Sydney’s getting traumatized, the mess makes walking very hard and the guy had enough time to kill Sydney and be it just by leaping close in an attempt to take her hostage.
I geht the crude humor but Cora looks like an idiot.
I think the implication is that the blander round was on a timer of sorts, but do we know it’s not triggered by a little red button of the side of the gun? Adds a little bit of sadism to Cora’s execution, but… it also gives her the chance to more or less “take-back” an otherwise lethal attack, or else to be sure (as with this guy, who seems determined to be essentially as acrid, confrontational, and cocky as possible) that the target FULLY deserves to be “blent” (can we use this for “torn apart as by a quick pulse by a blander, but not actually blanded into a smoothie”?) prior to actually finishing him.
It’s entirely possible he revealed enough of his disposition in the few seconds following the first shot, for her to be sure he deserved what she was fully prepared to dish out, and she saw no point in protracting the conversation any longer
I envision it as a dead-man’s switch with a cancellation button – kinda like with Windows Paint, where if you draw something with the left mouse button, but you want to cancel it before you’ve let go, you tap the right button and it’s like a slightly-faster undo. Probably a thumb button to “hold” the explosion; if you tap the yellow button on the other side of the gun it cancels the explosion and all you have to do is get a bit of surgery to remove the round – little harm done – but if you don’t, and your thumb comes off the “hold” button, then SKUTCH!!
wow – my hands really liked typing the word ‘blander’, didn’t they — please imagine I actually typed ‘blender’
‘Turns an interestingly active adversary into a boring (bland) pile of pieces’? Meh, it fits.
Do like the fact Cree simply referred to him as “That guy”
“S’all good. Needed new material for Dr. Frost anyway.” ? *OMG* I can’t stop laughing ! :’D
Also: I kind of doubt she went out of material in the first place. Anyone else worried Dr. Frost might quit her job once she learns of the “good news” ? Her own bills on psychological treatment must be horrendous by now … .
Yes I think it’s safe to say that Sydney is not a boring patient.
Two items need to be found in the gore. Sydney’s alien tech glasses and the ‘bad girl’ clicker to track to Concretia’s body.
I’m pretty sure Dabbler can track Concretia using only his astral proyection.
Fairly sure Cree can do the same
It would be a heck of a power if you could leave your body but didn’t have a way to find it again…
Presumably most of the time you’re either still conscious in your body, but you can be conscious in both, OORR the unconscious body isn’t going anywhere… but since body snatchers can be a thing, and super powers don’t necessarily have to be evolutionarily sound… who knows?
yeah, but Dabbler may be able to get an exact lock on position in 3-D space and project that to a team (or draw it out in a 3-D hologram; to go in and secure the body.
Chief Bad Guy gets shredded and the contents of his pockets are ok?
It’s more likely that the key fob is in several pieces also.
(Is that a crater?? Oh. It’s a hole.)
Yeah, it’s where Sydney’s balls were being held
No, that’s what’s left after Cora’s splatterhosen round discharged a vertical energy blast through the victim after a small delay to allow people to escape the splash radius.
No, I think Guesticules is correct, based on the splatter. If it was where the guy used to be, there would be a lot more gore all around the hole in a 360 degree pattern.
“It isn’t My Little Pony either.”
* flashbacks to King Sombra’s second death.
Heck, the first one was an explosion. The deaths in MLP may be bloodless, but they aren’t always neat.
that just made me think of the Pebble and the Penguin where the Tim Curry penguin was killed by a giant boulder crushing him to death, also in Secret Life of Pets to the viper come to think of it.
May not show blood but still pretty gruesome way to die.
I think some medical leave and a lot of therapy would be on order for Sydney after this.
Where did Concretia get clean clothes? Or any clothes?
She clothes herself in concrete, hence the name. She just found herself a fresh batch as mentioned in panel 1. :-p
Really good question actually :) Unless the clothes are also made of stone and just ‘look’ like clothes.
She is, technically, naked
Pretty much so yes, if the clothes are made of stone.
Sort of like Plastic Man’s uniform. Which he doesn’t wear.
He doesn’t have a uniform
As Firestorm finally realized in Justice League Action :)
Plastic Man has done worse.
Drawing Big Barda slim. That’s just wrong.
I am reminded of two things. One being a funny moment from Sluggy Freelance where a guy’s soul was put in a dress and he was like, “this is less sexy than I though it would be”
and the other the Witchblade. A seldom brought up bit of the Witchblade’s history is that its supposed to be a fully sapient being, and male, and normally only takes female hosts. So that usually scantly clad but always formfitting otherwise bio-mechanical armor is some eldritch guy hugging on a woman’s body.
“Hugging”. Yeah.
it sounded nicer than saying the eldritch tentacle monster was dry humping her in exchange for using its powers.
Same for Cora now that I think of it.
In fact the bad guys who are not exploded and Sydney are the only ones there actually wearing clothes.
It is, technically, not her body, which makes the term ‘naked’ meaningless. It’s naked concrete, if that’s what you’re wondering. And she has kept the paint from painted concrete (or might be asphalt) on her body before, so it doesn’t have to be.
Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement (cement paste) that hardens (cures) over time.
Since she has absolute control over the material I would assume any colourization is due to moving the appropriately pigmented grains of aggregate to the surface.
Actually, they are made of handwavium.
From the purple we can confirm they are Hulkpantsium, the only indestructible material.
Hulkspantsium is a isotope of Comicscodium, a cloth like substance that is invulnerable only when covering crotches, asses and womens nipples.
Funny enough Marvel comics at one time actually explained it in an in-universe way (Reed Richards invented a molecular shifting protective clothing that looks like tights but flexes with the body with ease and adds additional protection)
of course She-Hulk back in her fourth wall breaking days explained her own clothes ripping as a comics code power.
Funnily enough, the original Fantastic Four unstable molecule uniforms were loose, badly fitted jumpsuits. I guess at some point Reed had to admit that he might be many things, but not a good tailor, and got some help.
Did Fin Fang Foom wear pants?
originally he had purple shorts. This was because of censoring, and also the green/purple villain color coding for a time.
Eventually this was lifted because he’s a giant alien dragon.
He still occasionally wears the purple shorts but usually only in joke series poking fun at the old comics like Marvel lego or Super Hero Squad.
I have been first on scene after several fatal car crashes, more than one happened right in front of me. The guy that went under the flatbed trailer in a Chevette and almost took his head off, but who still kept trying to rub his face after, that was even worse than the convertible full of people that did a half roll at speed after hitting the guy wire on a power pole, leaving one survivor and three decapitated corpses. I mean yeah, he was still alive more or less, but there was a lot more blood than there was the three dead people in the convertible who stopped spraying blood after their hearts stopped beating a few seconds after the car went upside down on top of them.
And the wrecks where there was severe bodily damage, one guy losing an arm, another that his leg was in several different pieces after the truck hit his motorcycle that I don’t even remember what state of the Union I was in but I remember it was a 4 cylinder bike with a white tank and a dark brown tandem seat. I hope the initial impact took the leg off in one chunk instead of getting hit for each individual piece we found on the road.
Some days I think I’m lucky, other days not so much.
And the previous comic reminded me of some of them but much worse.
Have I mentioned I’m old and have seen a LOT of “stuff” in my time? This comic reminded me of some of that “stuff”.
Eek. What the heck do you do for a living that you’ve had to be first on the scene at those types of situations? EMT? Police officer? Fireman?
Eek, indeed!
The description of the motorcycle and the state of the leg combined with the missing memory of the location (and probably other facts) can be considered an indication of mental trauma.
I can only hope he has somebody willing to listen if these memories really get problematic.
And he can talk about them of course.
Taxi drivers spend an insane amount of time on the road, as do truckers. Road construction worker could also be an option, as they spend a lot of time in high accident areas for some odd reason. Another possibility that comes to mind would be Street Poet. Not something I’d guess for most people, and Opus does seem a bit more erudite than most of the street poets I’ve met, but somehow Opus just seems like the sort of name such a person might choose for some reason.
That having been said, just living in certain cities and being insane enough to walk places could put you in the right place to see all kinds of crazy things. I personally do my best to stay inside and off the street, and yet I’ve seen some crazy things sometimes.
Like, one time I missed being hit by a driver running with their lights off at something over 60 mph. Instead of hitting the car I was in, they went through some sporty-looking car. By through I mean the front and back of the car didn’t travel very far past the intersection, but the passenger compartment kept going along with their rammer. I wasn’t driving in that instance, and while it was late evening/early nighttime, there were enough people around for there to be better witnesses, so the guy driving the car I was in opted to keep going rather than getting involved. As quickly as traffic snarled up, I’d guess he made the right call, as I don’t think we’d have been able to get back to that intersection just then except on foot. If I recall correctly, this was a few decades ago in a wrong part of Chicago for someone of my pale complexion and build to safely make such a journey.
Make sure you tell those stories to lots of teenagers just learning to drive. Those are important learning experiences and more than you need yourself, so share.
Eh, there’s no one-size-fits-all. When I learned to drive, I needed to be told it was easy and I’d have it all under control by my family.
Had I been bombarded with horror stories, I would just have noped out.
Yeah and then yes you oearn that life is worth living instead of hiding. Yeah ‘ve seen horror pics of the whole crashed wlface first with 3/4 helmets, but I still ride. It’s a choice. It could also happen in my “safer” truck, but then one night some idiot decided a robbery and high speed chase crashed and vaulted a stolen vehicle at my house. Took out a hydrant ripped out the chain link fence, whacked a stump and flipped the car.
Sure it can happen, but don’t live boring fear.
Which is why people who need encouragement shouldn’t be pushed into “boring fear.”
The worst ones are the partially fatal crashes. We had a carpool van run into a flat bed steel hauler in front of our plant, the bed swept through the right side at neck level. Driver and left rear passenger were belted in and physically fine, (Driver was just sitting there staring and shivering…) the right front passenger hadn’t used her seat belt, and ended up on the floor instead of decapitated.
But her son in the back seat… She kept asking me if he was alright, what could I say? “No, lady, his head is hanging sideways and barely connected, that usually means you’re dead.”?
I found that much more gruesome than the actual gore, which I never was able to get out of that shirt. Poor lady.
Ouch. I wasn’t expecting a situation where not wearing your seatbelts saved your life.
Thank you. Can’t express how much I look forward to these laughs and what they mean to me right now, but they really work for me.
At least Sydney got her orbs back…
Dr. Frost is going to need a therapist.
That got a literal laugh out loud from me.
Actually, therapists are required to have a therapist they can see for exactly this reason.
Not that I know of, and my wife is a psychologist of 20+ years. You have to get therapy during the degree and certification program, but licensure does not require it.
I’d guess it would depend on the jurisdiction. I don’t know that it varies by state like requirements to be a Lawyer do (I’m not a lawyer, but I know people who are), but I don’t know that it doesn’t, either. Also, even if it only varies per country, if your professional malpractice insurance or whatever requires you to have a designated therapist, it’s still a requirement. I’m pretty sure that varies by city, like just about any insurance.
Tell me, at any point during your relationship, did she try to psychoanylize you, or use the various tools of her trade to defuse you? Or did you make it clear early on that being treated like a patient was unfair and verboten? For that matter, if you’ve got kids, does she try it on the kids? Does she suggest that her peers do? Strictly curious here, as it seems to be a trope played out in a lot of media.
This should not be so funny, but this page has had me laughing so hard my ribs hurt and my eyes are tearing…. weirdly similar to Sydney now that I think about it, huh.
Dry heaves hurt like hell. When you can’t stop? They can cause internal injuries.
Sydney will need medical help sooner rather than later.
I literally heaved my stomach up through my diaphragm heaving during chemo a decade ago. Not pleasant, and I still have acid reflux from it.
Norovirus, multiple times due to sanitary conditions at a previous job – I feel your pain, but from both ends. XD Thankfully had the good sense to finally leave that job and haven’t gotten it since.
Similarly, I hope you remain in remission and are cancer free for the rest of your life, may it be long and fruitful. Here’s to your continuing good health!
All she needed was some of that spicy alien food and she would be completely empty.
Graxz empties your digestive system the other way. Under these circumstances vomiting would definitely be preferable.
Sydney is finding Grakz she didn’t know she still had.
The Comment Engine really needs a ‘I know, right?’ or a like icon of some sort.
Despite the previous bits of horror and madness… Before she had aid. The blood drain building? Orb protection before a temporal reset to a small degree. Her trip in space? Orb support with her crashing hard when she got back on earth.
This? Drug induced causing her to become more hyper, focus on all the things she had been saying, feeling, and questioning only to then be covered in that mess?
Might as well get an eye exam then have someone shine a flashlight in your eyes. Any other day it would be annoying… Today is not the day you could who’ve it into a box to be opened when nobody is looking around to witness the fallout.
Sydney is actually handling this pretty well. She hasn’t gone numb, isn’t freaking out, and is integrating the experience. She should probably talk to the shrinks when she gets home, but with a good social support network like her team she should be okay.
The cleaning staff for this building, on the other hand…
She’s deflecting… which is extremely healthy for her. There will be nightmares. Sydney nightmares.
You will know she is fine when she starts swearing again.
It will be fun to watch Max’s reaction to all this.
What’s the deal on that slug (or whatever) that took out Hoody McNasty? Talk about an Anti-Personnel round. Now a couple of those would end a firefight real quick. Asking for a friend.
Monofiliment wire spool spinning at high velocity.
I was thinking something similar – ball of shigawire violently unspooling, like an old-school golf ball when you crack it open. And if it needed to be spun up instead of being under tension, that would explain the delay:
1. Fire projectile
2. Once it detects that it is lodged in the target, initiate spinning of the interior shigawire payload.
3. Shigawire spool destroys its housing once it is spinning fast enough, releasing into the target. Hilarity ensues?
larry niven had several tech items that could do similar to shigawire from dune books, one was called a variable knife, basically a wire almost as thin as a molecule, that could be unspooled then have a stasis field put on it that slowed time for it, so it could not bend. in books it could cut thru anything except another stasis field, even metal.
i can see something the size of a bb that suddenly shoots out hundreds of spines, spin like a grinder, then pyll them back in and either shoot away ot just go inert, be almost impossible to find
he also had device that could shoot beam out that cancelled the electronic charges on atoms, and would cause matter to fly apart if hit, then have field reassert it self on the atoms, so no explosions, just matter flying apart
“We should have put newspapers down…
I’m sure Cora will lend Syd a bit of medical help to Frix her right up. ;-p
So… What happened to the mooks? Are they part of the mess splattered around, or did they have time to surrender desperately?
Given Judge Dredd has a strong thread of parody and is about government paramilitary enforcers, I think you’re more equidistant between that and My Little Pony than you think. Also the gore.
Add ‘stress’ vomit to ‘fear’ vomit to ‘gore’ vomit to ‘smell’ vomit to-
Yes, wow. Okay.
There are 2 kinds of first responders. Those who have barfed at a messy response scene and those who WILL. (I was one of the former.)
I TOTALLY understand the reaction.
I was laughing so hard during this page, the conversation between Concretia and Cora especially,
The look on Cora’s face… “Sorry about all the psychological trauma Sydney…”
I do not understand, what counteragents is she talking about? I thought 2nd syringe is memory wipe. Did Cora have counteragent on her?
Probably. I mean, if you’re a space action adventurer, you pack contingencies, especially if you have access to a small scale teleporter, such that you can provide any small item that could be in your ship’s stores. Cora can probably guarantee that it would be something that would typically be agreeable to space human physiology, but it could be a sufficiently unfamiliar concoction as to produce extra effects for Sydney, or it could have a known nausea side effect that would just be the icing on Sydney’s nausea cake.
Also, the Creepy Mask Man might have had a counter agent for the truth drug on him, or his other lackey might have – does not appear there is alot of loyalty here (and rightly so)
The real question here is, where does Concretia get the clothes her golem is wearing? I can understand if she made them out of whatever stone she made the body out of, but can she also change the colors to be more stylish too?
They are always the same clothes, matching whatever her body is actually wearing. That may be laziness on Cree’s part, always forming the same clothes, or it may be a clue to the ultimate source of her powers.
Some concrete evidence as it were? :D
As a sympathetic vomiter, I have to agree that this page is worse than the previous one. If I linger on this page, I’ll probably need to visit the porcelain throne for a little bit…so I’ll call this a one-time-read-only page…but it’s still a good one.
Just look at Cora’s face in the last panel.