Grrl Power #852 – Laundry Hold ‘Em
Archon HQ is a bit like the Olympic Village at times. There’s a bunch of super fit people hanging out after hours, and sometimes when the RA/Den Mother is away, sometimes things get sexy. I don’t know if the Olympic Villages have any sort of RA’s, but there are probably quite a few coaches going out of their minds trying to keep their teams from going crazy every night.
Digit, the blonde with the goggles on her head, has appeared before in the comic, but only briefly. She’s one of the Arc-SPARQ boffins, and is one of those mad geniuses that appears totally scatterbrained but still manages to invent crazy stuff all the time. Over the course of losing a few hands, she’s elected to remove everything but her shirt, not because she’s self conscious about her breasts – if anything she’s curiously asexual to the point of being naïve – instead it just didn’t occur to her to take her shirt off before her bra.
Some of you may notice that Jabberwokky is sitting in the same room as Dabbler without trying to fight-molest her. Obviously there were developments there while Sydney was away. It will come up eventually I’m sure, but it’s not like a major plot point.
Apparently it’s an unspoken rule that the girls match their underwear to their hair. That’s my fault. I guess I didn’t want to expend the brain power to try and keep track of underwear color from page to page.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like!
Sydney don’t be a narc, the first rule of fight club is you don’t talk about it.
What’s that from again?
You broke the first two rules!
The first rule of thesaurus club is that you don’t talk, discuss, mention, gossip, prattle, speak, orate, gab, babble, blather, natter or yak about thesaurus club.
So I am allowed to bring up thesaurus club.
If you can do it without talking, discussing, mentioning, gossiping, rattling, speaking, orating, gabbing, babbling, blathering, nattering, or yakking about thesaurus club, yes.
Only as a technicolour yawn.
Doesn’t apply when they intentionally choose to invite everyone but you to fight club.
“Apparently it’s an unspoken rule that the girls match their underwear to their hair. That’s my fault. I guess I didn’t want to expend the brain power to try and keep track of underwear color from page to page.”
I’ve seen the underwear of at least five women, with certain established ownership of whose underwear is whose. (I also did my laundry in a number of public laundromats, but there it’s not certain that the underwear a woman is washing is all hers.) Exactly none of those women matched their underwear to their hair. Several of them would match their underwear to the clothes they wore with it (to reduce the chance of someone seeing it through their clothes), but most just went with whatever.
I realize that I did not have a statistically significant sample size, and some of those women enjoy breaking unspoken rules (or even spoken rules – two of them are married to each other. I realize that’s a common rule to break, but I remember growing up in a world where that rule was spoken. Not often, yet, but people terrified of change or of who they might find out they were could see where things were headed, and I grew up around quite a few of those people.
I think Dave meant “it’s an unspoken rule in Archon“, not “in general” or “in real life”
I counted that as self deprecating humor to explain the unlikely coincidence of their undergarments matching their hair. Not a comment on reality.
“Exactly none of those women matched their underwear to their hair. ”
Did any of them have hair in clearly unnatural primary colors?
Do you just mean ‘red’, ‘green’, and ‘blue’, and excluding the orange hair that’s called red because of tradition? Or are you also including in that the options for ‘cyan’ and ‘magenta’? Or just ‘cyan’ and ‘magenta’, because we’re talking about a colored substance rather than a colored light, so it would use the CMYK model for its primaries?
Not that it really matters, because on rereading Dave’s comment for the Nth time, I finally am seeing the ‘the’ which indicates that Chronocidal and Rocky were correct here.
You know those gifs of people looking up and the test “the joke” flying past? That’s you
My understanding of the “Olympic Village” is that everyone has an unlimited supply of condoms provided by the Olympic committee.
If they didn’t, I would suspect they were running a eugenics program due to the amount of sex that “allegedly” happens.
good way to get better athletes. And yeah, let’s put several hundred of the fittest specimens of humanity from every race on earth together, glistening with sweat and high on endorphins, a LOT of sex is going to happen, and no matter what kind of fit hotness you like, it will be represented.
Given that most of the competitors are adults (with the notable exception of the gymnasts, who I swear get younger every time the summer Olympics come around) that would make a lot more sense than trying to tell them they aren’t allowed to hook up.
That’s information that’s actually shared with the public.
A dutch sports awards show put up a graph of condoms used per sport. The equestrian team went into the negative. The women’s hockey team broke through the top of the screen.
The red faced laughter showed some truth to the matter
Not sure whether to take that as a comment on the strength of the riders’ appetites, on their conscientiousness while partaking, or on their business sense. If someone’s going to issue you free inventory, in a commodity for which there’s a strong demand in the neighbouring dorms…
Wow! Ren trusts Dabbles enough to sit next to her half (or more ;) ) naked?
Thought Digit was Blondini at first, and was wondering why she was wearing goggles, then remembered her before coming to the comment section to check if she was going to be listed :D
I understand that Digit is based of Rescue Rangers’ Gadget, but I’m getting a Agatha Heterodyne vibe, too. And I’m all for it.
That’s because Agatha was also based on Gadget :D
Agatha was based on Gadget Hackwrench? Not something I picked up, and I have ALL the Girl Genius books. Wikipedia doesn’t mention it. Do you have some inside information? If so, please share.
I always assumed she was modeled off one of our friends in college. Most of the characters seem to be.
The latest issue (give or take…) mentions that Master Payne and The Countess are actually based on real people. So, depending on where you went to college, that may actually be true.
Oh, it’s true, I knew him when I was in college, saw him all the time at cons. Great cartoonist even back in the late 70’s, and early 80’s.
Many of his characters are very recognizable if you were active in SF fandom back then, especially the techie subculture.
And both of those were based, in turn, on Jordan from “Real Genius”.
just… shut up and take a seat, will you?
given Sydney’s feelings on sexy pictures of herself… I’m guessing she will take a seat around the 12th of never.
Odds Dabbler cheating at strip poker. Oddly small. After all she wins no mater what.
Dabbler sees it as a buffet.
I think everyone has forgotten that Sydney can either be on the rails or all over the place if they just let her into the fold at the start they could try and not get themselves busted I mean Sydney has not told anyone else about her dark Maxima fears.
Sydney’s already in the secret “Make Maxima say [blah]” bingo tournament. I don’t see the strip poker as anything different
I believe they are openly using unstated rules. It isn’t strip poker if nobody says it is. Even if it obviously is.
But with Sydney’s massive body inferiority issue, I can’t see her taking part.
We can all agree the invisible guy is just all aghast and pondering their night off right? given what they’re seeing and how they can easily see bits and bobs being invisible and sensor type
he must be under strict orders and limits. but i’ll bet he has a juicy picture collection. encrypted of course. that way Leon can deny knowledge of it.
“Tingles? Got a deal for you. If you don’t tell Maxima about games night, I don’t make you leave the room.”
We already know that X did react to Dabbler turning on her lust aura, so presumably other attractive ladies in states of undress would also be appreciated.
Am I the only one who finds it amusing that Heatwave – ditz that she is – is apparently losing badly?
If it were strip poker, shouldn’t there be someone at the table with all their clothes who is winning?
Depends what you mean by “winning” :P
Dabbler does not look more-than-regularly undressed.
I’ve heard of strippoker where you can sacrifice clothes to buy-in when your chips are out. Maybe they all had poor cards and all had to do some buy in.
Dare poker would be more dangerous to play at work. Right crowd to suggest it to though.
“Obviously there were developments there while Sydney was away. It will come up eventually I’m sure, but it’s not like a major plot point.”
Yeah… I’m not sure you get to talk about the plot during the “not a strip-poker game” page(s)
hey man its possible GOT showed us sexposition is possible. the scenery isn’t bad.
Yeah, it’s not bad, it’s grotesque.
Okay that joke was actually pretty funny. Also like Sydney’s face in the second-last panel.
It’s nice to see Digit, I like her. I always loved that bit about her wondering if she left the randomized ultrasound whistle generator on.
I am fairly new to the comic btw. Read Twin Dragons Webcomic!
Ahhh why me comment not show up
You must be new if you’re unaware of the delay of posting issue we’ve been dealing with for years.
Even long term posters still get caught out
Also uneditable and undeleteable.
To be fair, I’d want to know if there was a laundry room.
It’s a glorified barracks, of course there is a laundry room (hand wash only, including sheets :P )
Okay. But really. Who’s winning?
Dabs, looks like. She has the top *and* the arm thingy.
The best way to win is by winning no matter who wins. Take a minute on that.
Everyone’s winning as long as Math is blisfully unaware of the gathering.
Instead of Sydney,what if Arianna asked the same question and then gave that group legal ramifications of their actions,or what would she say about that?
“Deal me in!”
The level of debauchery at the Olympic Villages depends on the host nation. The more liberal the country, the more debauched the athletes can get.
I mean, you’ve got all these examples of peak human performance who do nothing BUT train and compete just hanging around either waiting for their event or celebrating/commiserating the result of their event. Maybe they just decide to test each others stamina and flexibility in a more [i]private[/i] setting. Maybe some martial artists decide to have a marital arts match in the appropriate arena.
(Not sure if it was ever confirmed, but there were rumors of a multiple-gold winning swimmer basically walking down the middle of the village wearing nothing but his gold medals)
I was reading some of the archived pages and was wondering if you’re going to update the cast page at some point? I can’t say I envy you the task of updating it, but its quite behind.
Ah yes, the usefully specific denial. They’re not playing Strip Poker, that’s banned…
Random person: Dabbler I assume you are recording the security footage for this room.
Dabbler: Of course.
Random: Carry on.