Grrl Power #84 – Double dog dare ya to open it
I’ve said in the past that the reveal is “soon,” well, now I can say it without the quotes. I’m sure Maxima would claim that she was intentionally trying to maneuver Sydney into opening the tube, but it’s really just both of their personalities clashing and the sparks are flying. Something’s got to give.
I like how Arianna is leaning into the frame in panel 8. That’s got to be weird looking from Sydney’s point of view, she just tipped over in her chair to interject something.
Reader Doc Savage suggested I name the General after Peter Falk, which I liked since I’ve been watching a lot of Columbo while I draw. Of course I managed to misspell his last name in the dialog and in the bio, but oh well. It’s more original now.
Oh and if you’re interested, Angela Melick does one of my favorite webcomics, Wasted Talent, which is a cutely drawn and funny autobio comic. Just thought I’d mention it cause her second book is out. She pimps it in a video here.
I hate cliffhangers…
…love this comic,
…but hate cliffhangers.
I also
love, Hate, LOVE, this comic.Cliffhangers,suck, rock, can kiss my @$$, ABSOLUTELY WORK HERE!!! ;)DaveB..Why do you do this to us? BTY love the interplay. Makes it more human. :)What are the odds that there’s a Dabbler’s science corner next week? :P
oh I love the fact that Max got Sydney back for some of the WTF moments
I like it. Where did you get the idea for the mad scientist? I know I’ve seen him somewhere else before, but I forgot where. Reminds me of Invader Zim.
Dibs dad. Prepare the nerve weasel!
His name is Professor Membrane and it’s actually quite a good likeness
see for yourself
thought so. When I read it, it was his voice I heard. The doc is awesome. Will he ever make a more formal appearance? as in other than in the imagination of our protagonist?
Also… Trips!
haha i herd his voice as well and i agree he should make a formal apperance.
Very nice, I will be eagerly awaiting next monday. Nice touch with the General’s name.
well, someone did mention Peter Faulk a couple weeks ago when they mentioned who he looked like, so I guess he decided it worked.
My ears are burning!!!! Get the fire extinguisher…….. XD
Reference #82 just before Doc’s reply … and yes the voice is still spooling in my noggin as Peter Falk.
I am hopping that he has the dry wit and sharp sarcasm to counter this gaggle of supers.
Wait, would it be a gaggle or something else? Swarm, bevvy, murder … no wait, that’s crows … uhm …. *wanders off pondering*
Why do I see the contents being underwhelming in appearance?
Yeah the buildup had taken so long, no matter what it is is bound to be a disappointment. It’s not nearly exciting enough to justify the wait, but I don’t think anything would be. My fault for dragging it out I suppose.
I think a bunch of mundane items would be best, like that mini series The Lost Room. Being mundane lets them hide their true power.
I’m expecting orbs. Shiny, polished orbs. Possibly glowing, possibly not. Various colors. 3 to 5, most likely 5. That’s just what I’m expecting; I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something else.
Just saying.
Um. I hope guessing isn’t inappropriate or limiting. Like, perceived as an attempt at influencing the comic, or claiming an idea preemptively. No way no how. I’m expecting you’ve already made up your mind entirely, and so I see myself as simply exposing myself to ridicule with overspecificity.
Eg of overspecificity: 7 orbs, like the dragonballs, uniform in color, with a unique mystic glyph on each one. That’d be awesome wicked whiskworthy.
I mean, consider the research possibilities. Glyphs in an unknown language. The attempts to find a rosetta stone, discovering whether the balls are specialized, each having one power, the relationship of the glyphs to each ball’s specialization (if any), and so on and so on.
On the other hand, that’s getting to be hard to draw in anything but splash panels, plus the tube’s dimensions fit more with 3 to 5, so prolly not…
considering the name she has on the character profiles page, whatever “they” are “they” are going to be seven in number
On the mention of dragon balls I all of a sudden pictured in my mind that has a penchant for wanderlust, a set of amber orbs containing various mythical creatures from comics realms.
Well either that or they actually are various sized rings that happen to be crammed into that tube by a very energetic person – cue daffy duck spas attack.
I’m expecting some rocks that look like the most average ones you could find at your average street outside any average city where there are usually rocks in the wild.
magik (not a typo)/alien tech action figure things calling it now… probably way off but there you go :)
I’m holding out for 8 orbs, in reference to Atsuka (sp?) Tachibana’s Eternity Eight from S-Cry-Ed
I’m actually expecting something like the ioun stones in DnD – they would (when released) orbit around their owner (like a halo around the head?), and each would grant a different power/skill/bonus. They were all different shapes and colours.. so I’ve been picturing something like them… which is probably completely wrong.
I just remember playing a wizard with 5 of the buggers (two of which didn’t actually do anything but fly round his head), and getting really sick of them flying round all the time, and had them stuffed in a scroll tube for safekeeping – much like the poster tube!
I’m guessing four: her cast page has four power symbols (and the one for dealing with people). The powers as I understand them are flight, power beam (like on Maxima’s list), levitation and the shield which is her namesake (Halo).
You could have Sydney show the characters but still leave it a mystery for the readers. It worked for Pulp Fiction. Or have the appearance of whatever is inside the tube so awesome it’s too much for the ordinary human brain to comprehend.
I am holding out for a tiny chibi version of Sydney to pop out when she opens the tube screaming, “its about time you let us out, it was starting to stink in there.” followed by three more tiny chibi versions of Sydney wearing different colored outfits. Together they are, the four god beasts…as tiny chibi versions of Sydney LoL.
I wonder if that was Peggy’s silhouette with the sniper rifle.
I wonder if that’s Harry Potter’s silhouette with Godric Gryffindor’s Sword next to her.
I’m betting that the guy who wields that sword is in the room with Syd, Max and the rest. He gets to boss Gwen around. ;-)
I’d say yeah, it looks too much like her Bio pic not to be.
There’s also the fact that she’s got a *crosshairs* icon with a 4/5 rating.
“Triple word score” made me laugh. Great work as always, Dave!
*mutters something about how in God’s name Dave manages those damn cliffhangers*
Just don’t play on the runway! lol
ok,,, cant wait,,,time for a wat is in there poll
1; some rare super hot pepers
2;some ancient jewelry
3;a care bear:)
what do YOu think is in there?
Some kind of magic wand or sceptor and a halo like object that floats above Sydneys head, that or a tiara that glows rainbows and moonbeams.
I stand by my old guess – Master Chief action figure
Her totally sweet ass Spider-Man poster.
Oh, yeah, and five glowing fairies that look like little Egyptian gods.
<_< As a theory
It's a bunch of collectible figurines. Cartoon characters. The 'powers' she gets are the ones that make her and her life more 'cartoony'. If she focuses her 'great mystical powers' she could cause an anvil chorus. But only on someone who can survive it comically.
She has the potential for great trauma! But only when it's funny.
aka VaultTech Bobbleheads.
Oh god – now I can’t stop imagining her pushing Anvil off a ledge above a group of enemies.
It would probably work, too.
Unless he has changed it since he modified the bio page to exclude it, (always a possibility) the tube contains stuff that you don’t get to know about until next Monday because I am an epic tease. :P Here’s a hint though, it reminded me of some ridiculous items you can get playing D&D.
It’s a shovel! And various lengths of rope!
It’s a torch (so you don’t get eaten by a Grue), some lock-picks, iron rations, hammer, spikes, rope and a tinderbox. :)
You can never have too much rope.
and a 10′ pole!
What about a 5’10” quarter Pole? Also 1 quarter Irish.
My head canon believes they are 5 glowing orbs that “halo” above Syd’s head when freed of the tube.
I know that sound underwhelming. I like y’all wackier answers better.
Egg yolk, sugar and blueberry juice, and possibly a whisker.
I think it’s an actual angelic halo – which is the one thing *nobody* would expect her to have.
10 winged multicolored miniature elephants.
Pink Elephants!!
knows better but……
1 a cloud of mystic element / nano systems that can be shifted to form verious equipment moduals leading to syd claiming to be s-class 3wa trouble consultant “codename eclair”
2 tinkerbells family
3 invid flower of life seeds and plans for a PC matrics
Panel 4: It was in the name of SCIENCE!
Invader Zim ftw.
But noes a cliffhanger, Tease!~!
Hey, It´s professor Membrane! :D
And is that Peggy in panel 7?
FREL!!!! That didnt work. :(
I’m looking for a wordpress widget that will allow for a window where you can edit your own comments, but I’m having trouble finding anything that’s easy to install and isn’t also a massive suite of tools that I don’t need..
thanks. I am sure that your responsible for a lot of people missing sleep because of your comic. But hay it is worth it. Just for the humor of the page/update, and the comment section that you actually reply to really makes this my favorite. :)
When you get around to publishing, then going to conventions, you will find out how much we love your work. We are so going to MOB your table. ;)
I can only assume that, with the way the general and, partially, the other adults, are drawn, Sydney actually has that face in-universe, and that everybody is to polite to mention her eye size.
I use slightly different art styles to show distinctiveness in faces, since I’m nowhere near skilled enough to draw my characters consistently. Maxima’s face changes pretty dramatically on every panel. :P
I must admit that I often don’t know whether what I see in Sydney’s face is the depicting of an exceptional expression (exaggerated for the viewer’s fun) or something that everybody in-scene sees, too. Insofar I liked Sydney’s serious face on the last page very much because it was fitting in with with the others very well. But that’s a minor thing to me…
My bigger issue is that Sydney’s whole body acted strangely and in violation of physical laws a few times up to now and I don’t know whether this was also an exaggerated exceptional expression that “didn’t really happen” (in-scene) or if it could be observed by others (in-scene) and the explanation lies within her powers. (Last time was when the “Fus Ro Dah” of her belly made her flying head over heels from that couch.) It’s especially problematic because Sydney HAS powers.
Well the basic formula for the comic is that comedy trumps all. Sydney has definitely done stuff that isn’t literally happening in the comic. Like bursting in to flames on… at least two occasions. If this comic was done as a live action movie (waits pointedly for phone to ring… ok not yet) there would need to be special effects to convey Sydney’s every day interactions. Almost like a more hyperactive Alley McBeal.
Oh. Ok, then a lot of things make sense. Hmmmmmm….
Who do you think should play Maxima?
Danny DeVito
Jessica Alba please!
the only real candidate is the actor who player ernest p warrel
Isn’t he dead too?
A lot of artists use eye-size to indicate age. If you look at the general’s eyes, they’re rather tiny, indicative of his grey-haired years. Sydney’s old enough to co-own a comic store, but she’s younger than the rest of the people in this room…and often acts like a teenager rather than an adult.
General Faulk. I approve.
Any bets on there being a sudden interruption first thing next panel – so we DON’T actually get to see what’s in the tube just yet?
:) Just kidding.
W-a-i-t for it …..
Dude!!! That’s likes saying” What’s the worst that could happen?”
Bad! Bad! Bad! No biscut.
I like the hint on the glass eye…
Expected the general to get in a “one more thing” somewhere.
It’s early yet, Colombo didn’t start with that till halfway through the show.
… And, generally when everybody else thought there was nothing left TO ask about.
I bet it’s going to be something that is completely underwhelming at first, and they’ll all be like. “What, is that it?”
For some reason I’m guessing comics is what’s in there.
I know I can’t be the only one who REALLY wants to know who the dude with the sword is, and what he can do.
If Sydney’s tube is full of Fruity Pebbles, I’m going to snot.
All the silohuettes are team members. You haven’t met the guy yet, the “besnipered” one is Peggy, the guy with the sword is, sorry if this is diappointing, Zeph. He’s an ex-adventurer and has quite a collection of cool stuff, the sword is one of them. However all of his artifacts are a little mundane compared to Sydney’s, if you consider Excalibur (or an equivalent item) mundane. He’s doesn’t have Excalibur. He’s not secretly the King of England. I just mean, it’s +5 vorpal blade, it’s not that exciting when it come down to it.
One in 20 chance of lopping somethings head off? That’s mostly always great.
You know, unless you’re up against a Hydra :D
Heh, looks like I called it right, on page three of the comments. If I got the other guy correct, that is.
this is going to be super awsome or very anti-climactic
So. . .is the General’s first name Peter?
Secondly. . .Is Sydney insane?
Thirdly. . .just who IS sane there?
1) maaaaybe
2) Obviously she doesn’t have the normal inhibitor between thought and action.
3) Not a damn one of us! ;)
Well…my Therapist says that I’m sane, stable and nowhere near normal. . .then again, she hasn’t seen some of my worst episodes, so. . .
Sanity often is defined by the observer. What one person sees as sane someone else might see as insane. Generations from now our descendents will call us insane for using fossil fuels as long as we will and won’t understand our addiction to it.
Max is Super-Modeley in panel 5.
And I know you’re not gonna show what’s in the tube next week either. Just to mess with me.
Im thinking its not what is IN the tube, but rather the tube itself.
You beat me to it. May the nerve weasle invade your bed tonight
I’m going for anti-climactic (in a comedic sort of way) :) The objects look unimpressive, but grant Sydney powerful abilities. This will also make them easier for Dave to draw! :D
Switch to 5 point perspective, start the dramatic them music, cue the laser light show, On your marks. Ready… Set…
Action!To Be Continued!I was waiting to hear Max say “Arianna, you’re not helping…SHUT UP!”
She wasn’t helping in the least.
She’s effectivly acting as the ArcSwat lawyer in this situation.
Because in order to twist the law around so it means exactly what you want it to mean. You have to know it VERY WELL.
True, but when you’re trying to reassure someone who is an unknown (And possibly extremely dangerous) quantity, it’s usually best NOT to bring up things like getting warrants, or the possibility of being caged if they can’t handle you.
A warrant may sound threatening, but to Arianna, who is a lawyer after all, she meant it to sound official and on the level. Which to her is reassuring.
That was my point. ;)
While a set of plushies of unicorns, Richard, Cthulhu and Dwagons would be appealing I personally expect a “Halo” consisting of ioun stones made from THE original 5 low impact polyhedral gaming dice. You old folks know them, a d4 d6 d8 d12 and double d0-9.
Yeah, the dice are what I’ve expecting too. But not knowing is part of the fun…
Oh gosh darn … you mean the ablating dice used in the second release after they replaced the “cut them out yourself” paper chits? You don’t have to be old to know about them …. just have to be a gamer geek or know one with a deep collection.
Original D&D didn’t even come with dice. You had to order them separately from another company.
Interesting note the dice shapes are based on Platonic Solids. Very math nerdy shapes.
I keep my polyhedral dice in a crown royal bag.
I bet that whatever is in the tube will be extremely embarrassing one way or another.
^^ This.
Also, in Panel 7, shadows make Max look like David Bowie.
Gah, too slow on the reply button. I mean that I bet they are enchanted polyhedrals. Which is probably embarassing to certain people, but whatever.
Triple word score is totally the new “and that’s Jenga”
Damn I’m gonna have to wait another week aren’t I?
Wait! I wanted to see what was on diagram B!
1. My vote is the stones from the Fifth Element
2. Doom doom doom doom doom, doom doom do DOOM…
It’s going to be a bunch of mini-Sydnys.
Oh dear god no, why would you even say that?!?
Because I’m perfectly sane and yet, somehow, a sadist
Well there was that mine sydeny back in the bank robery scene when she hit the guy in the nuts
I replied first and then went back to read all the other replies. Damnation you beat me to the idea of mini versions of Sydney (although I did say tiny chibi versions specifically).
You know the unexpected and totally what the H? moment would be that she pulls out a Sailor Moon Secret Planet/Princess outfit (ie a sailor moon character that’s not listed and that makes the outfit “Rare” item and cool in Sydney’s eyes/mind.
Can you see Sydney dressed in a Sailor power transform cutsey/Kawaii (it’d be Kuwaii time actually) outfit with magic wand? It’s it’s… Sailor Nazca the Peruvian Japanese Princess from Uranus… yep Princess Uranus… (Sydney of course would mutter that part, or make it a joke to shove in other hero’s faces…you never can tell with her.)
— I just can’t help shivering in fear and giggling like a mad otaku at the thought of Sydney in a Gravur/Idol/Princess outfit made for someone obviously more busty than she is… of course she’d have the utility belt added on to hold her “Power Ten” variety pack hot sauces…
Then again I can see her asking to design her own super outfit/costume- a Biohazard T-shirt, curb stompers just like the colonel, and purple jeans (it’s gotta be neon purple though) – and Jack Nicholson Sun Glasses- cause even she knows that’s a cool look, Jake!
I’m also optioning the Arm that Dabbler lost/replaced with the cyber arm- “oops I lost that in a transfer gate…how’d that end up where ever you found it?” might be one of the “cool” artifacts and maybe altered by ancient Incans into a weapon or it’s holding some power stone from elsewhere/elsewhen…
Then again – we got a week to wait and find out… will it be a two panel bounty of “Ohhh, Ahh! Cool!” and then backstory on how she found the items?
I’m worried that the items are also a bit insane from being stuffed into the tube- maybe along with some peppers or hot/nova sauce she forgot she got through customs way back when she came back from Peru… +who thinks that the items just won’t shut up if someone actually tries to talk to them to see if they are sentient?
Sydney to the exponential mental telepathy mind blast for that unfortunate… if it’s the retired adventurer, he’s bound to have some mental shields up, but I think he’s still gonna be out for the (re)count(ing).
I say, if Sydney were a Sailor Scout, she’d be Sailor Eris.
Oooh, yeah… That works on several levels… As Eris is not officially recognized (as a planet/ary scout), but is a dwarf (eh, don’t let Sydney know I said that) planet, and, let’s face it, Sydney is more than chaotic enough to be a discordian. :)
… Hm. For some reason this made me think of Sailor Nothing…
– if the items are intelligent and actually have a personality too (influenced by exposure to sydney no doubt) will they get their own bio snip? – I wonder if Sydney thought that alone they were useless and then did a power rainbow (let our powers combine) speech yell in frustration and voila- they did just that, since they’d been waiting for eternity (in the Incan/alien equivalent of a poster tube no doubt. (grin) )
Dave- you could go in three directions at once with the story and show that by having each member of the evaluation team visualize a different set of items and hear a different backstory… now that’d be interesting. Will the real items please stand up? Will the real backstory ever become known? Keep it changing everytime Sydney tells someone else…soon to realize that “hey! That’s from this comic or that one…” recordings just have a chorus of giggles n whispers.
That’s a great idea. Maybe it’s not too late for DaveB to make the story more complicated on closer inspection.
You reminded me of the time DC’s “Secret Origins” comic did The Phantom Stranger. They had 4 writer / artist teams do up 4 incompatible origins.
Oh kiss a fat babies ass and open the damn thing already! Which is what my Champions character Caliber would be saying at this point.
Bonus points for Professor Membrane.
“Nerve Weasel” is officially terrifying.
“… so much whisking you’ll think this is the fucking cooking channel!”
This is my fave line so far!
Did anyone ever tell you your dialog writing skills are awesome Dave? if not I’m telling you now…
Thanks! I like the “retro-scripted” feel of dialogue, like Archer/Dr. Katz, it seems more natural, and I fond myself filling in those moments when I read a regular comic and all that stuff that really drives personality is omitted for brevity’s sake. That’s probably part of why it takes so long for me to tell a story, hah hah. :(
Although magic orbs is what I’ve been imagining as well I could easily see them as a selection of floating items including a d20, rubber duck, magic eight ball, singing flower, Smurf, white feather, horse shoe and so on.
Also the cast page doesn’t seem to be displaying properly for me.