Grrl Power #832 – Free shipping with Glamazon Prime
Aw yeah get ready for the fashion show!
When Anvil was defending her habit of purchasing stuff for Max to wear, I almost added “Also it’s easier to find cool clothing in your size.” but I decided to cut it for space.
Basically, Anvil will be browsing outfits online, sees something she likes, but almost never finds it in her size. Rarely though, it will be in Max’s size, so she’ll sometimes throw it in her cart. Anvil is 6’7″, which means short of a few specialty stores, she probably has to have most of her clothing altered if not tailored from scratch. Max is 6’1″, which is not as many standard deviations from average as Anvil, but I imagine it still limits her ability to buy off the rack. I would think that any woman over 5′ 9″ has some issues finding stuff that fits. Not to mention both Anvil and Max are slender of waist yet bountiful of tract. That’s got to be a contributing factor in their quest to find non-bespoke outfits.
As seen in panel 5, Max is flying while she takes off her boots, but being able to fly would make a whole host of mundane tasks easier. Forget reaching stuff on the high shelf, you could fly upside down and turn any shower into a bidet. I… guess you could just do a handstand in the shower if you don’t have one of those showerheads on a hose, but that seems irresponsible. If you could fly while sleeping, any place could be a comfortable bed, presumably. That wouldn’t work if you had to constantly flap something, or it could be super dangerous if you flew like Heatwave, sheathed in an aura or hot death.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like!
I’m a woman and 5’10”. I can confirm, finding clothes that fit is a bit hard at times, especially shoes… At 5’10” my shoe size is 10 1/2 or 11. All the cute shoes I want are in size 9 or smaller. To get cute shoes, I have to find someone who makes bespoke shoes and have them make what I want in my size. It’s expensive AF, and I’m rather resentful about it.
Weirdly, for someone only 5’1 (and a half ;3), I have almost the same problem with shoes. My toes are absurdly long monkey toes, so I’m a 9-10 in enclosed shoes. Try explaining that while buying Petite sized clothing, haha
Eh, Women’s shoes are just screwed up to size in general. I fit a size 6 extra wide (it would be size 5 but my toes are on the longer end- like my fingers). Good luck finding that. But if I upsize to size 7 my heels fall out because my heels are closer to size 5 in width. Unless your feet are perfectly proportioned the never got stuff off the rack.
Also 5’1 (and 3/4, so almost 5’2!) And I actually have a different issue with clothes. Regular is too long, but petite is just slightly too short! Shoes are no issue, as I’m an 8 even.
I’m a 6’2″ guy, and have to wear XXLT (double extra large tall) or XXXL shirts to get a comfortable length. By rights, I should be an XLTT (extra large double tall), but they either don’t make them, or if they do, they are priced out of my budget. So either I can make all my own shirts (even T-shirts take a deceptively long time to build) with the resultant opportunity costs, or I can look like a schlump.
My brother, who has broad shoulders/chest and a small waist, used to get his shirts and suits tailored in SE Asia when he was in the Merchant Marine–it was the only way he could afford properly fitting clothes, as well.
I’m 6’8″. I have to buy 5XL shirts because they’re the only ones that fit for the breadth of my shoulders and length. I’m not really complaining because hey, comfy shirts but it does make buying off the rack a gigantic pain in the tuckus.
Hell yeah. I too am 5’10 with foot size 11 and am dfab- I cannot count the times my sister has taken me shopping and told me to try on a dress- only for an appropriate dress to be more of a shirt to me. I literally have a couple shirts that people point out to me are actually dresses. As though that suddenly makes them appropriate for me to wear outside. Or pants. Fuck. Always too short. And shoes! Where I live, every store except speciality only runs shoes as high as size 10.
Not to in any way reduce or degrade the challenges women have, but I feel compelled, as a member of the Men over 6′ with broad shoulders and long arms group, that clothing and shoe woes abound for anyone who is unfortunate enough to be born “outside the box”. US Size Mens 16 Feet, make it hard to find something that fits let alone is comfortable or functional. and after a certain point Shirts off the rack just add room around the Middle instead of adding arm length, even presuming you can find a shirt in a colour other than White, Black or powder Blue.
I’m a woman’s size 12 1/2 wide…
I steal my father’s sneakers.
I’m also 5’10” with ample bust and hips. Finding a pair of pants that isn’t capris, or a shirt that doesn’t spontaneously become a croptop is painful. I just don’t wear dresses, and solely wear maxi skirts IF I wear a skirt.
Very glad I dont have to do button down blouses for work, or I’d be worrying about busting buttons when I lean over, and the cuffs are always too tight around my forearms (Because the sleeves ARE NEVER LONG ENOUGH) So…
I get you Rampage… I get you reeeal well.
Male 6’4″, and I have similar problems. Sleeves are never long enough, which can be okay if I roll them up, but doesn’t work well for coats. Or suit coats. Also doesn’t help the shirts that are just too short; crop top isn’t a good look for men. Pants that are long enough tend to have much bigger waistlines than I do. Apparently Big and Tall is a thing, but Fit and Tall is not.
And shorts! If I wanted something like basketball shorts from the 60s, I’d be all set, but ew. Long shorts are always baggy things left over from 90s rappers or something, or else they have waistlines like 38-42.
I’m just glad my shoe size is normal enough. That’s the only clothing item I can just walk into a store and buy. I’ve always wondered what people 7′ tall do if they aren’t wealthy sports players or something; who can afford clothes like that on a normal budget?
Supposedly, among men in the US between the ages of 20 and 40 who are over 7 feet tall, 17% of them play for the NBA. That’s due to the rarity of people of that height (well under one in a million) and how much of an advantage it is in basketball. This contributes to how some people observe some of the tallest players aren’t very skilled, especially with things like free throws. That’s because being that tall makes it easy to get into the NBA even if you aren’t particularly talented at the sport other than due to your height.
Male, 5’8″, 10 1/2 W shoes.
Without the boots being Wide, my ankles bleed from rubbing the inside of the boot. Also my… the back of my foot above my heel is a slightly weird shape and all shoes make me bleed too. So its boots only, never shoes.
You dont even need to be over certain sizes.
On many sneakers, I am a classic 9.5….but only if they have really low ankles AND stretchable fronts AND not too tight centres (I have wide feet and ankles, so yeah….Even being normally exactly in the average Size for a man clotheswwise at 5 foot 11.5, I understand shoe trouble.
Not to advertise for anything or anyone, but I as someone who also has a shoe size above 12” I would recommend looking into who sell exclusively shoe sizes 12 and up. Don’t even have to pay nearly $100 just for 1 pair there (I did not mean to make that rhyme).
What is up with the different shoe sizes between gender?
Let alone between countries!!!
Sizes were all created in their respective regions before global trade became common enough for a global standard to matter, and clothing manufacturers don’t adopt an international standard because if they did, people in countries that aren’t used to that system aren’t going to know what fits them anymore and it’ll frustrate them.
Much more importantly, politicians won’t touch the subject in case influential egos get bruised.
Where I live, we get a lot of imported footwear. This means we have to try to integrate Australian (incorporates ½ sizes for wider feet), US (get 1 size too big and purchase a suitable insert), and UK (some do have ½-sizes, some don’t). THEN you get the women’s size nightmares… I believe there is also an EU standard, but I havent seen it yet, although the odds are in favour of it being yet another obstacle to comfort.
The European size scale is at least sufficiently offset that you’re unlikely to get it confused with one of the others. I’m not sure how it’s set up, but my current work shoes are labelled as UK 12, US 13 – and EU 47.
I want to know why men’s clothing often uses a size in inches, while women’s clothing is all abstract and arbitrary. I can get really close to my pant size just knowing I’m a 36-38 length, but women? “Well, in this brand I’m a size small, but in this brand I’m a medium, and if I’m in the juniors section I’m an XL, the petite section I’m a large, this brand of dresses I do a size 6, this brand I’m a 2, this other brand I’m a 10 or sometimes 12…”
The stereotypes about women taking longer to shop is probably because the sizing is nonsensical, and they have to try every individual item on, every single time, whether they want to or not.
Blame the designers
And the clowns in whatever passes for a parliament…
No, anyone who interferes in fashion at that level would be a clown, an arseclown even
You don’t need to dictate the fashion, just the sizing methodology. I’m not going socialist/paternalist here, but when all the people in the game think it’s good to game the public (who have no way of fixing the problem) then a higher authority is needed. Just imagine if the TV stations decided they would transmit on whatever protocol (Never Twice the Same Colour/PAL/B&W) they wanted, and the TV manufacturers thought they could use whatever they thought was a good thing — maybe lock the set to a particular channel?
You mean, like how different countries use different wall plugs and different units for their electronics?
And fairly sure, some countries us PAL and others use… whatever the other thing is (or at least they still did about ten years ago)
And never said it shouldn’t be done (personally still feel there should be a single world currency, and NOT the US Dollar!!!!!!), just that it shouldn’t be tied to politics, or they will change it every time someone wants to be make a name for themselves (specially if they are about to retire: if it goes wrong, they are already long gone, and if it works, for as long as it remains working, they are sitting smug in their retirement yacht)
Currency should NOT be standerdized, and we should probably have MORE types – not fewer. A single athority controling the supply of money is horrifically vunurable to abuse. Even if the people who are in charge at first are saints…. the ability to control or steal ALL the money in the world will attract the most powerful criminals.
If you think about it, “in store credit” and “gift cards” are also currency. There is really nothing magic about currency that is better if everyone sticks to a single type. Part of the reason why countries dropped the Gold Standard was because new forms of currency (like silver dimes and paper dollars) had advantages over gold.
Every time the EU tries to standardize something like this, it gets nothing but abuse. Everyone is TOTALLY in favour of standards, so long as you pick THEIR standard. Otherwise it means nothing less than the death of their nation.
Monetary policy? All I know is “This book costs more in Canada.”
Was more thinking about getting rid of ‘exchange rates’
“… like how different countries use different wall plugs and different units for their electronics?”
In this 3rd world nation we are seeing a growth in the Edison Screw-(up) light-globes over the much more useful* bayonet type. Of course, to make a full changeover in whichever direction means a considerable investment in fixtures… How soon before the (un)-illuminati start insisting on US-style wall sockets and the accompanying “up is ON” switches?
Oddly enough — for a socio-paternalist government — we don’t actually have standards for these things.
* Have you ever tried to unscrew an Edison Screw globe from an old and worn socket? (That’s the source of the old saw “How many electricians does it take to change a light globe?”)
Same here: starting to see more and more crapspastic screw-job light-bulbs
Were I to guess… Because of social pressure about weight and beauty, most women think far too much about their measurements, and would rather not think about them, and would rather other people not think about them. Abstract clothing sizes allow you to compare two otherwise identical items, without providing a common frame of reference that, while it would be useful to the wearer, is also ammo for social attacks.
It also allowed for vanity sizing in upscale brands from the beginning, allowing wealthier clients a flattering smaller size than similarly-proportioned downscale women.
Incidentally, I was informed by one of her costumers that the Muppet’s Miss Piggy wears a cut-down off-the-rack size zero–and that she won’t let anyone forget it.
My guess is that titties factor in badly because its extra measurement need on top of height and width (males get by fairly similar measurement build for sections if stomach is not bloated and just xxl:ing if it is)
Yup. Men’s chest/arm is fairly simple–Fashion assumes men are rectangles. Women’s blouses are fitted, to varying extents: they have chest, waist AND bust along with the sleeve length. Even if you only provide three bust sizes for each measurement (and yes I am oversimplifying), with three bust sizes and three waist gradations, you’ve nontupled (3 x3 =9 times) the number of sizes you have to cover–men, nine shirts, women eighty-one blouses. And then, if you want hip flare for a longer top…
It’s no wonder it’s so difficult to make money in fashion.
Sadly, as I understand it, men’s sizes aren’t immune to the “this is just a number” sizing. If you get 6 pairs of “32 inch waistline” slacks from six brands, you’ll probably find that the waistband measures between 29 to 36 inches.
And, of course, the inseam varies a lot depending on cut. It might even legitimately be the same length, but lie differently.
I once ordered a pair of “relaxed fit, boot cut” Wranglers in my regular, comfy size, only to find when they arrived that they were so skinny I couldn’t get the legs past my knees, and the waist was nearly 6″ smaller even if my thighs had fit. I’ve got a solid build, nowhere near ‘fluffy‘, but even if I were the size should have matched.
Got a replacement in case they just mislabeled them, same thing. Never again.
To the best of my recollection of an article from a year or more ago: Women’s clothing sizing standards in the US were developed by a government body, using mostly military women as test models. This created issues to begin with, because many military women were of course more athletically built than average women and of a less diverse sample in general since they had to be within certain standards to be in the military. And the government approach likely had much to do with reducing it to numbers to “simplify” it, requiring them to assume that general proportions would be the same and simply larger or smaller rather than acknowledging that real women had a much more varied set of body shapes were busts and waists and hips could all be of different measurements. That’s one half of the problem. The other half of the problem is that the clothing industry in general both failed to fully adopt the sizing guidelines and also found that as the population in general trended larger, people didn’t like being told they needed a bigger size, so the easier solution was just to relabel garments with smaller sizes than their actual size. Some manufacturers are more aggressive about this than others, resulting in a great variation between even nominally the same size.
And if I remember my History of Fashion classes, men’s sizing came from the need to provide millions of uniforms quickly for the US Civil War or some such, and chest/arm waist/inseam provided good enough results that the industry kept using them after the war–not that that prevented them from introducing S/M/L etc later on.
…or from introducing “vanity” inflation of (waist) measurements.
My fiancé’s issues are somewhat more unique I think. He is 6’2″ with a 31″ inseam (same inseam I have at 5’4″) so pants aren’t too hard to find, but his torso is huge and shirts almost always end up as belly tops. We go to “urban” stores and buy those silly long t-shirts, and they fit ok.
Are… are you engaged to Kronk? He has about the same measurements…
pro tip, find your local drag queens and find out where they shop. I have several large female friends and they tell me drag queens always know where to find pretty shoes in big sizes.
I hear you, but I disagree. Drag queens know where to find glamorous shoes in my size, sure… But they don’t know where to buy the shoes *I* want in my size. Go to pretty much any store that cater to young adults and you’ll find a completely different style to the burlesque styles that drag queens wear.
Remember, a “drag queen” is a professional female impersonator. They go on stage and put on a show. So the clothes made for them tend to be super glam and aren’t suitable for casual, cute & quirky, or professional looks.
Try being only 4’4″ and finding adult clothes.
I will not try that. It sounds hard.
I’ll be honest with you, I’d rather wear children’s clothes than have to wear the men’s clothes I often find myself having to wear. Also I’m extremely self conscious about being as tall as I am, as I’m constantly worried about intimidating men with my height, and would love being a foot and a half shorter, which 4’4″ would be.
That said, I also would only want to be a foot and a half shorter while retaining the memories of being tall, because I know that if I was always that short, I’d want to be taller. I guess it’s a matter of the grass always being greener on the other side.
Sorry just being a bit nitpicky, Kenya’s panties should be over the suspender hose. it makes it easier to powder your nose (or do other things).
Depends on if the suspenders are attached to the hose or not, and even then, it comes down to personal preference
Maybe she’s got crotchless panties herself and thus moving them for toiletry usage is not needed?
Why would that make it easier to powder your nose? If your panties have anything to do with your nose, you’re probably wearing them on the wrong end of your body.
Yes, I get what you mean, but nobody says “powder [one’s] nose” anymore.
Dude are you gonna powder your vagina?
Whoops! You’re right. I messed up which line is on top while inking.
I note that lots of people think supers should just get a deal from a designer – maybe get a freebie from the designer.
Maybe Anvil has too much pride, or sense of personal worth, to do that. Scamming deals from businesses is not the choice of many people who’ve made a real success in life. It’s like whoring yourself and your reputation.
It’s more common with the C-listers – the people who add no value to society, but are just famous for being famous.
Don’t plenty of actors get their evening gowns given to them for the free publicity the designer gains from having their dress mentioned during the Oscars and other events? Lots of A-list people there.
If I was a designer, I wouldn’t be giving free stuff to celebrities. It reeks of desperation. If they want to wear something I design, they’ll have to pay for it. Also, imagine the exposure you’d get if celebrities actually pay to wear your designs instead of getting them for free.
That said, few concepts make me more sick to my stomach than the fact that people actually pay big money to wear the same brand of clothing as their favorite celebrity… Seriously, the lemming like nature of that… Be your own person for crying out loud.
People are shaped by their environment and experiences. Most don’t perform a lot of introspection, or attempt to define themselves beyond their relationship to the rest of the world.
No, in fact many of those designers actually pay the celebrities to wear the clothes! (In case you were ever wondering why so many Red Carpet looks are hidious or ill-fitting) If you have to pay people to wear your clothes, they usually aren’t worth it.
Are you saying that B and A listers add value to society? If so, I’m going to have to disagree… The only value they add is entertainment, and many are a detriment on society. Take for example Jenny McCarthy, who spreads anti-vax nonsense. Gwyneth Paltrow and her “Goop” woo woo snake oil nonsense.
At some point, one has to realize simply being a celebrity doesn’t make one valuable. It makes one popular. Celebrities are people who are celebrated. They aren’t necessarily celebrated because of the value they add to society, but the value they add to entertainment.
No, they were saying that C-listers add nothing, not even entertainment, you know the ones, mostly YouBoobers or ‘social influencers’
At least with McCarthy and Paltrow, you can largely ignore their side-projects
Maybe you can, but their “side projects” are unethical, morally wrong, and outright harmful.
As Guesticus says, C-listers don’t even make movies or do any other useful job. Think of the K… family, whose only function is to sell “celebrity” media space to gormless idiots.
No, better not even think of them. They are a waste of brain space.
I am legitimately curious what Anvil’s angle is this time around. With Hiro, she (and pretty much everyone close to the two) know there’s really something there.
But Anvil knows what Deus is like. Very very confused why she’s pushing her usual matchmaker mode on Max when that maniac is involved.
I mean, I get that she’d love to see Max let her hair down so to speak and dress her up, but she’d definitely be a better judge of timing when President of the Maxima psycho stalker club is involved.
She probably knows how long it’s been since her bestie “had a sleepover” and she wants her to have a little fun.
I mean, she’s pre-packed a “third date” bag for her, which (for prepared men) includes various forms of birth control, etc.
Uh, can supers get pregnant, and do they have super kids? Has that been addressed?
Supers getting pregnant hasn’t been directly addressed, but it was implied that superpower can be hereditary. Jiggawatt mentioned having a brother that was also a super during one of their meetings that got “Sydney’d”
I’d guess it depends greatly on the super. If, for example, Max’s super durability continues on the inside, that could present a major obstacle to having kids. Meanwhile, I’m kind of surprised Harem doesn’t have any already (or does she, and it’s just that nobody knows about it because Daphne #6 is taking care of them?)
I’d not think that most supers have any particular problem with being able to reproduce, apart from potential woman of steel, man of tissue paper issues.
I’ve got a suspicion that if she ever does get pregnant, she’s going to be really shocked when she gives birth to a geode instead of a baby.
there is no reason supers can’t get pregnant if those children would be a super is another question.
being a super in this comic is only loosely based on genetics but the story has gone far enough as to say that supers are not a natural. so my guess would be that children of supers are more likely to be supers but most children of supers would be most normal humans.
I’m sure Kenya did NOT have Deus in mind when she created said “`third date’ bag”
I think it’s clear that both Max and Hiro are good soldiers, too good to risk “fraternizing with a superior officer” or even the chance of the appearance of impropriety. it would only work if they formed a second team and promoted Hiro to Colonel, so they were equal rank and neither reporting to the other.
Anvil clearly feels Max needs a good solid schtupping, some no-strings sex, and Deus will do nicely for that for that
With SmugD, everything comes with strings, especially twine
I don’t know, I think that in this case the action is its own reward, along with its implications (and maybe an entry in his conquest book)
Only if it is his posthumous entry
Hiro is off limits for Maxima due to rules (laws, really) against relationships with people in your chain of command. So if Maxima is going to have a fun date with all possibilities open, it has to be with someone non-Archon.
She could associate with Hiro off duty, as long as it was non-physical, but that might lead to temptation and/or frustration for one or both of them.
Not at all.
If Archon decides that they are going to have more supers than they previously thought on board then they will want to have facilities in places other than Dallas but still all reporting to General Columbo err Faulk. In that Case Hiro would likely head the first new team and at that point they could date.
You start off with “not at all” and then roll right into speculation about what-ifs and could-bes.
Right now: Very much “all.”
In the future, for conditions that don’t apply to my post at all (that whole “no fraternization within the chain of command” thing), your scenario might possibly happen.
Max is perfectly sized for the kind of clothes that actually get advertised. Normal humans have to dig through the shelves.
Yeah, but I don’t think the advertised and modeled clothes are actually in the shops for sale. I’m pretty sure a lot of those get tailored tweaks for better selling.
They 100% do get tailored! Nothing that an on the ball wardrobe department puts out is not going to have at least some tweaking.
Max, call for an adult! An adult!
No, call for a different adult, she could end up with Sydney!!
No, Call for an even DIFFRENET adult. She could end up with Dabbler.
she could take fashion advice from Math.
though if she put the call out ariana or one of her cronies will show up.
Wait, Ari has ‘cronies’? o_O
If she doesn’t shes going to go insane soon. at the very least who’s going to be the ‘unnamed sources’ for all the trial balloons? Dave B may not want to draw them but they are there.
‘Lackeys’ and ‘subordinates’ are not the same thing as ‘cronies’
Brooke, Morph and Les are cronies, Sandy is an assistant
[Typo_Alert]>—> In the last line of your commentary:
“… Heatwave, sheathed in an aura or hot death.” … pretty sure you were trying to say:
“… Heatwave, sheathed in an aura OF hot death.”
Max’s big challenge with any tight clothes would be putting them on without ripping them to shreds by tugging too hard.
Her zero-range telekinesis that reads her mind perfectly and without fail every time she exerts her strength makes that a non-issue.
I’m REALLY hoping that this ends with Maxima wearing her dress uniform to her “not-date.” Her dinner is with a guy whom she does not want to lead on in any way, shape, or form. It’s supposed to be purely professional. Her dress uniform is not only appropriate, it is also the optimal choice – it sends the message: “this is purely business.”
I‘ve also been thinking something like this
The ^question^ tho is what ^kind^ of dress-uniform will be appropriate for th restaurant’s “dress_code“?
You mean, with or without full display of medals?
Max: Anvil, I am not wearing this! It will give the man wrong ideas, even more than he has already. I know what I should wear; it’s back in my room.
Anvil: In your … You can’t go on a date wearing full dress uniform!
Max: I keep telling you, it isn’t a date! It’s business and the uniform is all business.
Anvil: But how can you accessorize that? The only … Oh, no! Are you going to wear your full ribbon set? I guess two Silver Stars and an Air Force Cross among everything else will leave a particular impression.
Service dress uniform is explicitly stated to be appropriate for all formal occasions. Any restaurant refusing to serve a service member so dressed is explicitly saying that it wants to alienate and discriminate against all 1 million active duty members and all 18 million veterans. This is not a group any business that wants to stay in business should willingly get on the bad side of.
There´s a bit of a difference between “not appropriate wear” and “refusing to serve”, you know that, right?
… I have read enough Terminal lance to know there’s dress uniform kits for extremely formal occasions; up to and including ballroom tuxedos and capes. If nothing else I’m sure Max would have at least one of the more obscure dress uniform articles kicking around.
I disagree about using levitation as a comfortable bed. The purpose of pillows and mattresses is to support your body as your mind goes subconscious. If you have to tense up your body while in an REM sleep, that is called a Hypnic Jerk and wakes us up due to a perception of falling. And sleeping upright messes with your REM cycle.
You do know that it is possible to levitate horizontal, right?
I am imagining sleep flying looking like this
Or, like Dana in “Ghostbusters”
Honestly, I don’t know why Kenya doesn’t just go through Ashley if she finds an outfit she likes.
I mean, they -literally- have a clothomancer, threaddancer, holder of the strings of fate and weaver of the universe (those old conversations were great) hanging out around base usually with little to nothing to do when he’s there outside of little alterations (which are done at the wave of a gloved hand) or fixes (which either the Ninja’s handle or again, wave of a gloved hand).
Taking a pre-existing outfit and up-sizing it (or making a bigger and better version completely from scratch… yeah, ok, he’d do the latter) would actually be right up Ashley’s wheelhouse and the hours that he’s on commission to be there are paid anyway.
Just pull a military special and when you go to your stitch-shop to get something sewn on or fixed or altered, bring them a case of monster or rip its.
She probably does, for some items, specially if she sees a killer dress that doesn’t go up to her size
For everything else, she probably prefers doing it the ‘normal’ fashion, plus, the more ‘bigger’ sizes she buys, gives the twig-designers a reason to designer for bigger people, those who don’t have access to a clothomancer or the budget to get clothes customized
Mum is between size 22 and 24, most places either have disgusting designs in those ranges, or stop at 18-20
He’s in enormously high demand.
Grading clothing (scaling up or down sizing) is not a trivial operation, especially for women’s wear. I took several classes, and, years later, I still am not comfortable doing it without a reference text in-hand (build-from-scratch is SO MUCH easier). Lots of maths (including geometry), and then there is the fabric–Scaling up or down even a size or two can have major effects on drape and structure (and believe me, there is way, way more structure in a woman’s garment than you would think, especially when you get into superheroic sizes and figures).
There are also intellectual property issues to consider–some designers and nations are rather touchy about unauthorized knockoffs/fakes/replicas, and I can imagine the chain-of-command would not be amused if one of their supers touched off an international incident because he or she was caught on camera fighting baddies (or even just dining with a baddie) in a duplicate of a major designer’s clothing. Again, I took multiple classes in knocking off garments legally (under US law, that is–what we were taught would be illegal in many countries).
Ok, that’s fair.
In so far as Grading goes, remember, we’re talking about a man who has full control over clothing- for him it’s a wave of his hand or a negligent shrug (if he knows the sizes of the person he’s putting it on anyway)
But yeah, I could see the IP issues being something to argue on… I mean, I would argue the probability of transformative use, and possibly along the lines of ‘they still bought it. I just altered it.’
I dunno, haven’t really thought about that, but my job is to fix ejection seats, not study copyright law.
DaveB an easier excuse for her is “I buy the clothing I like in sizes my friends can wear, cause finding it in my size is nearly impossible. And, well, we have a fashionista super here in ARCSwat…I hand it to him and he well makes one in my size and sometimes even upgrades it. (under breath…even the panties breath more/better or wicks away sweat so that no one can see sweat stains etc )
“ slender of waist yet bountiful of tract” *snerk*
I just found a new euphemism.
If you viewed the panels out of order, panel five gives a totally different impression on what is happening ;)
With these heroes being fantastically rich and famous they would definitely have all their clothes tailored, now that you mention it. It’s how celebrities do to look as good as they do. I’m picturing Arianna pestering Sydney for going out in public with unaltered clothes on a weekly basis. And Kenya should make a lot of tailors happy with her constant shopping for things that would need drastic alterations if not complete redesigns to fit her.
Just because they are ‘rich and famous’ doesn’t mean they are shallow like so many ‘celebrities’
It’s not exactly “shallow” to have clothes tailored when you have the means. They’re more comfortable, they last longer, and did you know looking good tends to make people feel good? Think of it as a good razor that gives you a clean shave compared to a cheap one that carves up your skin and crumbles to dust after three shaves; is that vanity?
To do your best, you have to feel your best. And that means looking your best!
(Thank you, Vinca)
I knew there is a good reason Stalwart is always dressed like a gentleman!
Didn’t Arianna provide Sydney with her Halo symbol Tee-shirt? If so, that’s pretty unaltered so it would be fairly hypocritical of Arianna to criticize Sydney for wearing it. Even if it wasn’t Arianna, I’m pretty sure it came from Archon so that same would apply.
With these heroes being fantastically rich and famous they would definitely have all their clothes tailored, now that you mention it.
And when Ariana thinks of it, it will probably become a regulation…
I always found the idea of crotchless underwear somewhat stupid (at best). If you are doing that, why bother wearing it at all?
The entire point of women’s panties is to cover bits from peeking eyes, prevent stains on clothes and furniture from any little leaks that may occur, and perhaps to prevent dirt and whatnot from getting in places when wearing a skirt or dress. Crotchless makes all of that impossible, so why wear panties that don’t actually do what panties are supposed to do?
Just go commando; more comfortable, has the same effect, and is more of an interesting discovery than finding her underpants have a big hole in them (and that she paid a lot more for the ‘privilege’).
Not to mention, I don’t think someone like Max would be caught dead in crotchless underwear.
Although suggesting she wear it may result in the death of the person making the suggestion, or at least injury.
And now this discussion thread has the grammar part of my brain thinking that opposite of crotchless underwear would be ‘crotchety’ underwear.
That’s underwear made by crochet.
Then there are Indian undies. That sneak up on you.
Being part American Indian. I find the remark, a bit racist!
No, that’s ‘grumpy old men’ undies, you know, the ones pull up under the chin, held up by both suspenders and a belt :P
All lingerie is completely impracticable, and was not designed for any of the purposes you listed.
Lingerie is designed to be seen (briefly), underwear is not
Even before reaching the last panel, was thinking “Anvil never said she didn’t…”
I can relate to not finding clothes in my size–but from the opposite direction.
I’m a male under 5’9, and even after putting on an unacceptable amount of pudge, I still somehow wind up being narrower than most people.
Unfortunately, experience has taught me that men’s clothing is designed to accommodate a small gorilla, making shopping a frustrating experience.
T-shirts are fine, they seem to scale reasonably well. But there must be some kind of federal law that requires a foot of length and six inches of girth to be added to anything with a collar. Or maybe it’s just because the gorilla will work for the cost of fruit.
And then if course there’s the times when all that’s left on the shelf are the xxxxxxl and above, with everything smaller sold out.
And let’s not even get into the things that are too tight, but still cut long enough to wear as a dress, if your into that sort of thing.
The length is so you can tuck it into your slacks securely, as opposed to casual wear which is typically worn untucked. There are a couple companies who sell collared shirts intended to be worn untucked, and those have a flat bottom hemline instead of the traditional hem. If your collared shirts are too roomy you might have better luck trying a fitted shirt, despite having gained a few pounds. Brand also changes things, so you might just have to ship for a brand that fits you better then what you’ve been buying.
Oh, I’ve tried tucking, believe me. Many times.
But there’s too much damn fabric. My pants can’t hold that much comfortably. And this with small sizes, when they aren’t made too slim (which given my narrow frame, just raises more questions about who these are made for).
Also, I’m prone to the flying squirrel effect when wearing tucked in shirts. Seriously, there is literally enough fabric billowing between my arm and waiste that I probably could leap off a tall building and glide safely across the street.
It’s not just dress shirts either, polos, aloha wear, and other stuff that nominally should be worn untucked have the same problem. Every time you add a collar and a button things get long and or wide.
Tell me about it. I’m shorter than you are and skinny to boot!
Shirts aren’t too bad but pants? I either have to buy pants a size or 2 to large, wear a belt and shorten the legs or spend 5 hours searching for the one set that fits since those sizes always seem to sell out fast.
Pants aren’t as big a deal to me personally. Mine probably don’t fit exactly right (whatever that means), but I can usually deal with a poor fit a bit better.
Of course I’m 5’5″ , and a 30″ leg is usually just a smidge to long to wear without shoes, so if I were even shorter I probably would be busy hemming right now. Or building a de-tallinator to avenge myself against tall people.
If the idea is to find an outfit for Maxima, why is Anvil stripping off too? Not that I’m complaining, mind.
Also, another solution to Anvil’s clothes-buying problems would be to buy the clothes that she likes, then ask Krona to hack in and increase the scale parameter a little. Krona possibly has the same problem in the opposite direction, so she’s probably got the interface well worked out.
Much easier to find clothing in Krona’s size. My wife and Krona are in similar sizes and “petite” is a thing.
Plus a petite woman can wear clothing from the ‘juniors’ or whatever they call the girls/young woman section at a particular store. I had a girlfriend who wore a size zero and bought clothing from the juniors section fairly regularly.
My wife was “petite” and really hated buying “childrens” clothes, because they simply don’t look “adult”, only “adulterated”. She was not alone in this, we met very many “petite” women, and the chorus was universal. These sheilas weren’t microscopic, just a couple of inches shorter than the majority.
We also kept company with the larger (read: longer) girls with the same problem.
The really dumb part? The population of non-normal people in the community is significanr enough that a canny clothing outlet would be able to make a very good living by supplying fashionable garments in non-“standard” sizes.
Of course you can find childish looking clothing in the girls/juniors department. That comes with the territory.
Thuy didn’t have that problem. She was able to find perfectly adult looking dresses, skirts, etc. in regular sections, and used the juniors mostly for things like jeans, panties, bras, and casual wear. Despite her small size she never looked like an adult (she was 27 when we dated) wearing kids clothing.
Re-reading this, it was phrased in a way that could be taken two ways. The way I intended it was that she never looked as if she was wearing childrens clothing.
It’s at least partially because of what she’s doing in panel 1: cleaning the dress she was wearing after having accidentally spilled wine on it a couple pages ago.
I can totally believe Kenya buying the occasional outfit for Max. They are friends, and “hey, that would look good on Max” would definitely be a thing.
Panel 5 ftw
Who the hell puts together a “3rd date bag” for someone else, as if they’re doing them a favor?
Presumptuous much? Invasive much?
Best Friend much?
Didn’t think so.
Being someone’s friend includes knowing when to draw the line, when not to be creepy or nosy.
Which Anvil was neither.
She’s Max’s Wingwoman.
Being Creepy or Nosy would’ve been her blatantly holding it up with a neon sign pointing at it.
Anvil and Max trying on that 3rd Date bag would make a great VDSD.
Long time reader, first time poster. First – good job on this comic!
Why is Anvil changing her clothes? It is Max’s date, isn’t it?
She spilled Wine on herself on a previous page.
↑ This
Because fanservice.
Consider the Sloth. Since it hangs upside down, when Nature calls, it … it’s best not to think about it.
Yes, it hangs upside down, not headfirst like a bat
I suspect sloths handle it the same way bats do, by temporarily hanging the other way.
The sloth climbs down to the ground, at that time.
Max seems so terrified of looking feminine in ANY way… it’s like she equates ‘femininity with ”weakness’, which is odd for someone who obviously doesn’t believe women are in any way inferior to men. Also odd that someone who is probably one of, if not THE most powerful, people in the world is so afriad to seem weak in any way. I wonder if there’s something in her past that caused that?
You’re conflating ‘femininity’ and “my interpretation of femininity” here. Her objection to dresses is utilitarian – she can’t modestly fly in them.
Super powers don’t often extend to emotional control or ego management. Eventually one day we’ll have psychic cement powder, but I’m not holding my breath.
The problem is, you don’t have to be super-bright to wreck somebody’s day with poorly (well?) chosen bad attitudes, but repairing the damage is far more complex.
I may be wrong about this, so correct me if I am, but are stocking suspenders suppose to be strung under your pantiess so you can slide your panties off easier to go to the bathroom? That what I’ve heard at least.
If worn that way, the suspenders can be constricted and become more uncomfortable where they go through the leg openings. There is no best way so it comes down to personal preference.
First off, it depends on if the suspenders are part of the stockings or are detachable
Also, it’s possible to just ‘move’ the panties to the side when you need access
I think that’s done not for ease of waste elimination, but because porn videos teach us most men want the stockings and suspenders to remain on when the panties are whirling around on the ceiling fan.
You know… given how much they allegedly get paid, I was expecting a much bigger closet. Like, Shack’s shoe closet kind of sized.
This is just one of the rooms…
As an alternative to NOT dressing up, Maxie could go for a “Total Knockout” look, and tease Deus with a “Can’t Touch this” not-a-Date.
As an alternative to not dressing up, you suggest she dresses up? o_O
That would just increase SmugD’s overinflated ego even more
No, Maxi needs to dress in a ‘Touch-this-and-spend-a-lifetime-in-solitary’ way
I had a dream last night. Sydney was in it. She was searching for an Nth item. It turned out to be a bright yellow coat that we couldn’t get to. Had to do a task or something. I tried to figure out what the coat would be – Not armor since she has force field ball. I woke up at that point.
Last week I started from the beginning again. I guess Grrl Power worked it’s way into my subconscious.
Grading clothing (scaling up or down sizing) is not a trivial operation, especially for women’s wear. I took several classes, and, years later, I still am not comfortable doing it without a reference text in-hand (build-from-scratch is SO MUCH easier). Lots of maths (including geometry), and then there is the fabric–Scaling up or down even a size or two can have major effects on drape and structure (and believe me, there is way, way more structure in a woman’s garment than you would think, especially when you get into superheroic sizes and figures).
There are also intellectual property issues to consider–some designers and nations are rather touchy about unauthorized knockoffs/fakes/replicas, and I can imagine the chain-of-command would not be amused if one of their supers touched off an international incident because he or she was caught on camera fighting baddies (or even just dining with a baddie) in a duplicate of a major designer’s clothing. Again, I took multiple classes in knocking off garments legally (under US law, that is–what we were taught would be illegal in many countries).
Supposed to be a reply to Iron Cloth, above, but didn’t post to the right place.
Judging by the fact that Max has that accursed “Y”-cleavage where her breasts are, it seems very… odd that she’d be so adamant about refusing to use a reasonable (in universe)explaination for said cleavage (like a “push-up” bra).
Meh. There’s dressing up for yourself and there’s dressing up for a date, right? She even says it that way. “Not a date” So it’s more about keeping a professional front with someone as forward and mercenary about relationships as Deus.
Lots of people being judgmental about Max here.
I’m a 6′ woman and yeah, it’s a *chore* to find clothing, and I’m not nearly as… Maxima as Maxima. Anvil is SOL.
“KENYA!! I can’t believe you bought -!
T-this is completely inapp-!
Do you think Hiro would like it?”
On a subject no one else seems to have mentioned, Dave’s comment that flying in the shower could turn it into a bidet bothers me. just because your flying doesn’t mean there isn’t still gravity. let the image set it for a minute…
They would be flying, not the water
The point was, you would position yourself so the water sprayed your arse area, like a bidet
Wow, so many, many comments on clothing sizes etc.
Will someone just, please, invent the Replicator (Star Trek, not Stargate) already?
Then all you’ll need is the style of whatever it is you’re making and your own measurements.
In centimetres, of course. ;)
A Star Trek replicator would have a scanner. You don’t say, “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot, in a seven ounce tea cup.” Stats and preferences are in there, or will be. It knows your sizes and so forth. It just needs sufficient discrimination to tell the difference between Picard and Brent Spiner doing a Patrick Stuart imitation.
Good call.
Ooh! Unless Capt Picard is just not that picky, and his “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot” is one of a slew of standard drinks available. ;)
It’d be just my luck to have a ship’s computer with an attitude – “You want what? Hmmm, not sure if that’s really your style.”
Personally, if had access to a Treklicator, would program in favourite drink or food and use a weird name for it (something someone else wouldn’t use by accident)
Something like… “Galapagos Sea-donkey” for a ‘spider’ (believe some people call them an ‘ice cream float’? ice-cream in soda, as opposed to an ice-cream milkshake) :D
You’d probably end up with something like the machine in the Hitchhiker’s Guide books. On being asked for a cup of tea by Arthur Dent, it produces a brown liquid, almost but not quite like tea. (Quoting from memory – may be inexact.)
Maybe it was producing the awful brown liquid that Americans think is tea – to the horror of Irish and British people.
That’s why you have to program it yourself, or you end up with default sludge or what someone else likes
Other people suck.
When people know you too well.
I’m astonished no one assumes Anvil is secretly into Maxima and not just guys, LOL.