Grrl Power #827 – Peaches and pics
Rum raisin only works if you think peach cobbler should have raisins in it. My attitude with raisins is the same as it is with all fruit, which is that it’s not dessert unless it’s swimming in a sugar saturated glaze. Okay, a really good oatmeal cookie is surprisingly tasty, but that’s my only caveat. There’s a circle of hell reserved for people who try and serve fruit salad for dessert. And asian restaurants trying to pass orange slices as dessert? No. Just… no.
I’m not sure about mint ice cream with peach cobbler either. It might be one of those weird combinations that works well like cheddar cheese with apple pie. I imagine Harem discovered that particular combination using two different tongues and decided to try them in the same mouth. She would be the expert on weird taste combinations, as previously alluded to.
So Sydney’s glasses can do more than just display interactive crosshairs. She has no idea how to respond… by which I mean she doesn’t know how to use the interface to send a message back. And also it’s not like she’s the kind of gal to send an intergalactic sext to anyone either. In case anyone was wondering, the crosshairs and other stuff displayed to her on the inside of the glasses doesn’t show on the outside of the glasses.
Personally I’ve always been boggled by dick pics. As far as I’m aware, no one wants to see that. Like, sure, heterosexual females entering puberty probably develop a certain natural curiosity, but I always imagined after googling the subject matter the first time, the reaction is something like “…….huh.” or “……okay….” or even “Ew.” It’s not a handsome protrusion. If it’s the beginning of a relationship and both parties are still in that… third-date-everything’s-new-and-sexy stage, then a little digital back and forth is probably amusing, but beyond that, I assume that adult women have FAR less interest in dick pics than the men who send them seem to think.
That said, Sydney is obviously in that “wheeeeeeeners!” phase.
This was asked on twitter, but I thought I’d address it here since we’re all stuck at home and need more reading material. The question of Jabberwokky’s salary came up. Remember, she’s on a sort of work-release thing here at Archon. She got arrested after the fight at the restaurant, but unlike most of the other supers wrangled into Vehemence’s scheme, she had several warrants out for her. On the books, she’s being paid the same as the other recruits like Sydney, but about 90% her salary is being garnished until she’s paid back several medical bills and replaced a few police cruisers. Jazza wasn’t a “blow up a hospital” kind of supervillain. She was more the “knock over an armored car and hang around to scrap with the police” kind. That still leaves her with a few walking around dollars in her pocket, but she’s technically under house arrest (or in this case, Headquarters arrest) until she’s completed her training, so it’s not like she has a ton of expenses at the moment either.
Archon didn’t want people going out and committing relatively minor crimes in order to audition for the team, and they thought enforced compensation would diminish the number of chaos based applicants.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like!
Man, if it wasn’t for the Who’s Who, I would have thought Harem was having an argument with herself. Which was very odd, but also potentially interesting as worldbuilding development.
Also, I believe the oranges are served less as a dessert and more as a post-meal digestive, as are pineapple slices/chunks.
Harem is here and has a speaking role, yet is not in the who’s who. Is there some minimum percent of a person that has to appear? Only 20% of her is technically in the room. It could just be punishment for her bad table manners.
She could technically compete against herself. Fencing or chess wouldn’t work because she would know the next move, but something like skeet shooting or darts might work due to a certain randomness factor.
10%. Only half of the body is in-panel.
She’s there. Are you not seeing her?
I once was blind but now I see her. I may have needed to restart my browser or something.
I saw that!
Like how Gwen was going to question Rum & Raisin, until she actually thought about it (she’s going to try it next time :D not mint though :P)
She reassessed Rum and Raisin based on the assumption that Sydney’s dazed drooling was due to remembering Rum and Raisin. Which is unlikely, though not impossible, people do come up with pet names for body parts.
Talking about panels three and four, not the last panel
I bet xuriel felt that. Her porno sense is strong in the force.
It would depend on her range and how close she is to the cafeteria.
“I imagine Harem discovered that particular combination using two different tongues and decided to try them in the same mouth.”
Two tongues in the same mouth? Was she French kissing herself?
She’s done more than than just French kissing herself.
she diffidently loves those new glasses
Jabberwokky’s salary might be mostly taken away to pay for damages she did before joining Archon, but she could probably get more money by suing Dabbler (and/or Archon, because Dabbler was working as an Archon employee when the incident occurred) for mind control. Not only could, but perhaps even should. Although Archon would definitely settle out of court to keep the mind controlling thing hush.
I don’t think that what Dabbler did was technically illegal as long as laws didn’t catch up to supers yet. Brainwashed by a magic is a hart case to make if magic is technically not out yet. Also lots and lots of red tape. Also also suing Archon and working for them is probably mutually exclusive so it’s not suing them or being in prison for all the crimes she committed.
I would expect that it would be covered under existing sexual assault or harassment statutes. There’s already language in place regarding impaired consent and altered states (roofies, for instance), and any lawyer worth their salt would be able to argue that the intent of the law covers magical date rape drugs as well.
Jabberwocky can’t sue Archon, because liability for all extraneous consequences of things that happen during the commission of a crime fall back on those who were committing said crime when you’re in Texas.
Once that first combatant smashed into the restaurant all liability was on Jabberwocky and those she was with.
A case might be made for settling it all on Kevin’s leviathan shoulders.
Pander can probably explain it all in legal babbel with citations and historical cases if she shows up.
I think arguably this was a situation where lethal force would have been justified, so it’s kind of hard to argue that a lower level of force was excessive.
She was under mind control therefore it was a hostage situation.
That’s what her lawyer said and she’s sticking to it.
Dabblers lawyer would react to that, that if mind control counts as hostage taking Dabbler was as a cop in a hostage situation fully allowed to temporary lock hostages in place and could not have known that her version would have been extended if used against Jabberwocky and had good reason to believe it wouldn’t.
I think she would not need to pay a lot of money, since her powers are very non-destructive.
Budget Halo/Vex on the other hand…
“I imagine Harem discovered that particular combination using two different tongues and decided to try them in the same mouth.”
Now, THAT’S a sentence that depends upon context…
Heh heh… micro Cora bewbs …
Harem needs to learn the taco trick one of my friends taught to me. Always eat your tacos over a soft taco shell lain flat. Once you’ve eaten all your tacos fold up the spillage in the soft shell and Yay!!! Free bonus soft shell taco.
Your friend is either a genius or a maniac or more likely both at the same time, and I wish to join any cult they start.
Harem confirmed as a sociopath from the way she eats a taco.
Nah, she’s just a sloppy eater
It’s dangerously unhealthy to eat a taco improperly – her technique is unacceptably messy (poor wasted fillings!) but medically sound.
There are some interesting bits in the background of Frix’s selfie.
That’s no selfie – look at his hands (paws?), he’s not holding a camera. It’s probably a crewmate, or a drone (dronie instead of selfie?).
Voice activated hovercam? But yeah, there is at least two unseen members of the crew.
The camera might be on wall.
Looks like the “pool/bath” room that Sydney and he had their first “close encounter” in.
Just some advice, the panel placement is slightly confusing. Because panels 9 and 10 share the same vertical gutter as panels 3 through 7 it rather creates the impression that they’re all in a line. It would help to stagger the bottom tier’s vertical gutter away from the middle to clarify the progression.
Yeah I considered putting some arrows in, but that’s just an admission of layout failure. :)
Make the last panel slightly wider, and panels 9 & 11 slightly narrower? It would break up the “continuous scroll” effect it currently has.
No, there’s nothing wrong with the layout Dave, only the people reading it.
There is a rule here, that the largest (deepest?) frame on a row constitutes the limit of the row, and all small frames on that row cannot descend below the large frame gutter (the vertical separator). So, if the small frames are on the left, you read all those L to R, T to B, then the large frame.
It follows, if the large frame is in the middle, you read the LH small frames (as described), then the large frame, then any remaining small frames on the RH.
The same logic applies if the large frame is leftmost…
With variations–like a small frame inside the lage frame–I’ve never had problems reading US/UK/EU comics. Some other sources do get unfriendly but. Japanese-origin manga demands R to L reading and then they all make sense.
Nope. If people find the layout confusing, then it is.
Panels 6-8 all share the same bottom gutter, so my mind says to read across before reading down.
No. The clues are in the pictures as much as the rules. Frix has his own frame (8), and he is logically the object of Sydney’s interest. So you start at the left, follow the small boxes down to the bottom of the large (Frix) panel, then gaze on Syd’s delight.
Then move to panel 9…
What do you mean, “no”? His mind says to read across. There isn’t anything to argue.
Guess they don’t know about her glasses upgrade…!
Also if Sydney drinks Coke,she better not encounter a Pepsi drinker…!!!
Reaper pepsi is the superior spiced-up cola, though.
Better than drinking Spit Take cola or Burst cola.
Who says she can’t drink both?
Personally prefer Coke (with real cane sugar, not that American corn crap, or worse, stevia), will still drink Pepsi and Dr Pepper and any other cola (specially if it’s a new or different can as collect cans and bottles: poke a tiny hole in the bottom and drink it that way so the can and plastic bottle looks like it is whole)
I have had women request for me to send them close-up photos of my junk, so, while it’s not something most people want to see, there are some people out there who are interested.
I came here to say something similar. It’s not as much that women don’t want those pics, as that most of them usually want to have a relation to the particular dick before it becomes interesting to them.
Believe the point was: people don’t want a random dick-pic, even from someone they are interested in (emphasis on random and un-requested)
Am I the only one here who thinks of a fruit as a “light snack directly from the tree branch”, and not something that should be sliced, or spiced, or cooked, or whatever?
No, but you are in a minority. Fruit can be a “light snack directly from the tree branch”, and also something that should be sliced, or spiced, or cooked, or whatever. I rather enjoy a dozen varieties of apple pie every bit as much as a Granny Smith in hand.
Yups, it depends on the fruit and how it is presented
Dried apricots plumped up overnight in straight whiskey and server with icecream of your choice :)
Yeah, use to do that with dried apricots, just used ordinary fruit juice and fizzy drink though, always intended to use a jar of alcohol one day…
Don’t wait too long…
Too late, getting drunk is not considered an ‘essential service’ and liquor stores are shut down :(
Live in a city that has a Licensing Trust that prohibits any alcohol sold in supermarkets (not counting the 0percent beer crap)
That opinion will have a difficult time with pineapples.
Considering what “message” Frix likely sent, I think Sydney’s relationship with him has graduated past “puppy” love stage, eh? Sydney’s going all horn “dog” here. Frix probably has some “wiener dog” in his ancestry.
Okay, that’s enough bad puns from me. Oh wait! Got one more joke:
Sydney: “I’ll be in my bunk.”
The orange slices/wedges at a Chinese restaurant is just the palate cleanser before you go to ice cream shop two doors down the block.
…I can assure you, dick pics are great. Just, y’know, not unsolicited ones. And not all dick pics are created equal. There have definitely been loads I’ve just gone “yeah, no, didn’t need that one in my life” at, and also plenty that have been a strong “yes fucking please”
And fruit salad is good dessert, fight me.
Probably a case of ‘presentation is important’ meets dude-ly lack of self awareness and lack of photography skills probably bringing down the average overall quality and therefore reception of dic-pics on the whole.* A slightly blurry shot of someone’s (unspecified junk) just with nothing else in frame except maybe a stained couch is less appealing than a picture of someone’s… I dunno ear or elbow with some attention to lighting and a nice background. Frix did it right. Front loaded a nice fully body shot, bright and let’s say ‘nostalgic’ background with a slide to reveal tease.
…Does a pound of mango count as fruit salad because I’m in.
*also probably the not infrequent involvement of alcohol.
Given that women do, in fact, watch solo male porn, I don’t think your “reasoning” holds water.
That is NOT how you eat a taco!
She has three more of them left, too. Girl’s gonna leave a mess.
Would you believe I thought they were Princess Cake slices?
Black Walnut.
thats not a taco, thats a tostada! stop insulting my heritage you USA people! (its a joke, duh….except the taco part!)
Re_”a taco is just a vertical Sloppy Joe”:
I submit to you that ANY sandwich becomes a “Sloppy Joe”, if your condiments provide enough “lubrication”.
No, a “Sloppy Joe” is seasoned ground beef in a kaiser roll aka hamburger bun. Tacos are seasoned ground beef in a flour tortilla or a fried corn tortilla (taco shell). There is apocraphal stories that sloppy joes were invented when the taco filling outlasted the tortillas in a midwestern fast food place and taco on a bun became Joe’s invention. There are also people who claim the hamburger was invented in Athens TX, not Hamburg Germany.
And originally, a taco was a fish dish, not beef
It still IS a fish dish, at least occasionally. Shrimp tacos, yum!
No, taco itself meant fish, now you have to specify a fish taco, if you ask for just taco you will get ground beef
[Opus the Poet]:
I’m just saying, I’ve lost count of the number of times that, for-instance, my tuna-salad has escaped my bagel, because the combination of mustard+sliced cheese+lettuce has lubricated its escape.
That doesn’t MAKE it a “Sloppy Joe”, but it becomes “Sloppy Joe”-like in its BEHAVIOUR.
Ketchup+pickles+mustard can do much the same for a burger, if you’re not careful.
I think I might’ve been a tad unclear on this point.
oh my, that’s a hell of a photo… (and considering the amount os scroll Sydney did, it’s a nice panoramic view). I was wondering where Frix were since it’s been a while since we last saw him, but damn I almost forgot how good lookin he is.
Jazza in Panel 1: Hey, I LIKE mint chocolate chip!!
So do I. And rum and raisin. But there is something to be said about having an appropriate simpler ice cream as an accompaniment to a specific dish. Plus the more complex ones can then be saved to be served a capella.
Now syd your going to share those pictures with your fellow recruits right?
I see Sydney brought along a can of Cuke-a-Cola. They must have a product placement agreement with Archon. Sydney is following the standard marketing guidelines ‘label always towards camera’ (or 4th wall).
Just don’t give it to Harem to open. Bad things happen when she does that.
Wait – if Sydney opens that, is she gonna get… Cuke-colded?
Depends how long it’s been since it was in the fridge.
He he. Love Sydney’s look, in the final panel. Plus the punch line it supports.
Unfortunately, there was not enough space on the page to show the woman at the next table turn to her friend and say ‘I’ll have what she’s having.”
Well, there is Gwen saying “Well now I definitely have to try rum raisin”
Does that count?
It sure does. :-)
And just to add, not all men want twat shots either. for some reason I get them on facebook of all places all the time. That is not even dating focused
And let’s face it, many twat-shots are even worse than some of the dic-pics… How about we include some context here? Like a full-body shot, or a happy face?
On ice cream — I’m an eclectic, but yes, rum raisin or similar is good stuff.
On the glasses — do no want. Especially if they’re linked to the outside world in any way.
On the whole… picture… thing… that sort of stuff is one of many reasons I just gave up on dating. Ugh. There’s no way I’d get back into dating now, with the whole dating aps/sites thing and so on.
On the previous comic: ”
The first attack by Sydney always counts as a surprise attack. ALWAYS.
I don’t know what you’re on about Dave, I get super excited when men I’m interested in send me nudes. Maybe a little too stuck in your own perspective if you think women think boobs are sexy but don’t like dick lmao
Well, I wasn’t saying some women don’t enjoy it, I guess my point was that (to me) there are far more men that seem to like sending those sorts of pictures than there are women who enjoy receiving them. Like… you hear about guys getting in trouble all the time for sending dick pics, but you never hear about a woman getting in trouble for doing the same thing. At least I haven’t.
Now, obviously that could really just mean that men don’t mind receiving (presumably unsolicited) pictures as much as women do.
I think the key phrase is “men I’m interested in”. Getting a sexy nude from someone you like is very different than getting a sexy nude from a complete stranger who is trying to get into your pants before even learning your name. :P
I think you must know some very interesting women if they’re sending you dick pics.
nope, that is what i was referring to as twat shots. the difference is men are taught “do not complain”. Like I said I get them on an almost daily basis on facebook.
Yeah, it’s not the first time I’ve detected a little internalized “men suck” around these parts.
Those government boys will be upset that Cora took that artifact away and maybe should banish her and her crew from Earth,so Sydney will have to say good-bye to her space boyfriend…! :(
Er… How many days post-Tamatha/Aranea are we?
We do see Anvil telling Sydney about Cora and crew in morning trackwork, but there’s no indication of time-flow.
So it looks like there are more than one way (no, the grammar is only unwieldy, not incorrect) to send a message, and maybe the phone system is not the best/fastest way?
They can only ban her from the USA!
She is a spaceship she will have no problems meeting her spaceboyfriend somewhere else.
They lost the highly corruptible Fel ship (that they had no rights to in the first place) and got a perfectly functioning (and safe) alternative
You are talking about the artefact that attracted the Fel in the first place? Nope, that most certainly was not theirs (and how would they even know about it? it was on Cora’s ship the whole time)
The US government most certainly DID have absolute rights to in every legal sense imaginable. It was felled (pardon the pun) on US soil, by US military, and would be entirely subject to US law. It wouldnt even involve international salvage law since it all took place in US territory. Where are you coming up with the idea that they had no rights to it?
The fact that they’re getting, in return, a perfectly functioning and safe alternative is a good thing though, and a good way to bargain and trade. It removes a lot of the problems involved in reverse engineering.
Although if you recall, Deus probably is going to have far more advanced stuff available, given what he got during his shopping trip is ‘state of the art tech’ from alien civilizations.
Although yes, the Fel Artifact is something that is not US salvage property, since that was on Cora’s ship, not the Fel ship.
The artifact was in the hold of Cora’s ship.
A ship the United States Government contracted for the retrieval of The Mighty Halo from the Alari graveworld.
They contracted passage for Sidney, they didn’t lease the whole ship, let alone buy any and all cargo aboard! Buying a ticket on a cruise ship woudn’t entitle you to everything in the hold, would it?
I was curious for a moment, but then I went back to page 116 and noted that while they have at least 3 restaurents, they never specifically say they don’t have a mess hall
Sydney just wet her pants…..and she didn’t pee them.
I imagine Sydney is going to get in trouble once her superiors find out about her glasses. Just like the re-breather she got from Deus they are going to want to be sure it doesn’t have any hidden “features” that could compromise security.
So what are the odds that Sidney finds the device menu at the top during a random eye rolling moment? Or maybe the next comic is her making silly faces while trying all the angles – after all this message alone has shown her twice how the glasses are controlled…
No it didn’t. It showed her once each for two separate operations. At no time did anything show her How To On The Browser. At no time has any clue emerged on How To Start The Accessories. And (so far) there is no Off Switch.
I’d take a touch-sensor on the lens-frame or even the ear-arms for the On-Off…
I will very strongly argue against the notion that tacos are vertical sloppy joes.
1) Tacos don’t have brown sugar or barbeque sauce to ruin the taste.
2) Tacos actually taste good when prepared right (you’ve *got* to season the meat). [Glares at public school cafeterias]
looking at the food now I miss hard taco’s though I don’t miss that they crack right down the middle after like 2-3 bites depositing all the filling onto your hand and the plate if you’re unlucky and get a complete taco collapse. its been ages and when I make taco filling I end up having soft taco’s. (lost quite a bit of faith in humanity when I tried a taco place called steamrollers and they made the taco wrong as in there were layers like solid layers if you held it vertically the layers were horizontal)
I hope Sydney’s glasses have an Aeroplane mode. Could you imagine being in the middle of an epic battle and suddenly receiving Dickpicks – blocking your vision and distracting you from the ass-licking you’re about to receive ?
That’s why the notification is just a little dot down in the corner of her vision.
Ah, not a very good idea there. Problem is, peripheral vision… If you’re hyped, as in action, peripheral vision screams “Look at meeeee!“. And remember Syd is ADHD so there’s no such thing as a “quick glance” because any notification can be interpreted as “Important!!!!!”. So Aeroplane Mode/On/Off needs to be touch-operated to exclude unfortunate oopsies.
I would suggest Syddles does not wear the specs in ops, but OTOH if she needs them to read, say her wrist-comm, then she could be screwed.
Peripheral vision to the left or the right I would agree with you. However this is very low down and more to the front. Our brains are very well acclimated to glancing at things in that area and executing a ‘that is safe and familiar’ response which includes ignoring it.
Mainly because that is where we look to avoid trip hazards, and we are used to seeing many and varied things in that area, so the brain is very very well adapted to categorising and dismissing anything that would distract from walking or running, especially in dangerous situations.
Whereas something appearing to the side peripheral vision would indeed risk triggering a ‘flight or fight’ panic and demand either focussing on it or fleeing, depending on the circumstances.
However, to get the same effect in the area the dot is shown, would require that the icon have eight legs, or some other shape that yelled ‘danger’, from the primitive part of our brain.
Your reasoning is excellent, and I take it on board as far as it goes. However, if we’re up in the air, with nothing under the boots except air and a transparent force-field…
Syddles now must operate with the old mantra, “The enemy’s gate is down.” Underneath her boots. Likewise, she needs to be aware of attack from out of the sun, or some other dastardly trick from above.
The chances are fairly good to pretty well certain Syddles will be given God duties, oversight of the operation and reporting mostly to Maxima, but also communicating directly with any other ArcSWAT as needed, so her peripheral vision becomes a precious asset in all directions. (I can see her with an assistant, covering–literally–her ass, since hyu-mons don’t got chameleon eyes.)
“focus on dot for 2 seconds”
It’s a non-issue.
Harem getting taco slop all over the table triggers me way more than it should.