Grrl Power #822 – Every (digital) man
“Hey Max, I’m taking my 15 minute break so I can run some visual gags with Goose.”
“Oh, uh, maybe don’t do that… and she’s gone.”
Weirdly, when Goose is fully kitted out in tac gear, he looks like a character from dozens of different video games. Just one of those faces.
This is a weird page, admittedly, but I’ve been planning it since the first page Goose appeared on… Holy shit, I forgot about those armored suits. Hah hah, those should probably show up again sometime. Anyway, Goose admittedly looks a bit… Nukem-esque, and people commented on it. So of course, I decided to do a page about it 8 years later. That’s how I roll.
Fun fact, “sigh” is the most Goose has said on a page to date. It does make me wonder how he orders food at restaurants though. Maybe he just taps on the menu and answers questions about “well done-ness” and side items with glares.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like!
Wrong Paul Newman movie. The prison movie was “Cool Hand Luke.”
Sometimes nothing is a real cool hand.
AUGGH!! That was supposed to be a reply to an earlier post (I bet you know which one).
Maybe he doesn’t speak English or doesn’t speak it well.
I was wondering if he was mute.
It’d be interesting to see more sign language in comics.
That would be cool.
Sign language can be sexy. I once saw a couple of pretty girls chatting together in BSL,* at a pub, and it was a captivating display.
* British Sign Language can be distinguished from ASL (American Sign Language) due to the former being two handed rather than one.
You mean they still can’t talk and drink?
didn’t your mom ever tell you not to talk with your mouth full?
meaning, they can pause and take a sip, then resume
To the best of my knowledge American Sign Language uses a mixture of one and two-handed signs, with the dominant hand being used for the one-handed signs. It’s not really accurate to say “two handed rather than one”.
This is correct.
My ASL is rusty enough to get tetanus from, but I distictly remember there are two-handed signs.
But still easy enough to distinguish the two languages, the way I did, by the proportion of one to two handed.
Although, of course, it is easy to mistake ASL for its French parent. In which case you have to carefully watch the accent, to avoid a faux pas.
You mean Faux Paw … eh. eh! eh?
sign language is like dancing with your hands
No, sign language is ninjitsu for the hands (just watch Naruto one day :P )
There’s a show called switched at birth, check it out
Nah, I’m sure that in a future scene, Goose’s wife will come in to bring him his lunch and she’ll say to them how “He’s such a chatterbox at home, with the dad jokes and everything with the kids. Goose Jr. and Duck.”
Sounds quackers to me.
You know, given what i know of people actually in the military, for Goose to be a nerd, or a secret nerd, is actually quite likely…. cut to a few weeks later & he will be like an anime watching buddy with sydney, or is playing online on her team or something….. or maybe a dm in a d&d / pathfinder game….
if Duke Nukem isn’t a nerd then how come he knows all those pop culture references, some of which involve games? “that’s one doomed space marine” Duke Nukem 3D, prison escape
my point being, Goose’s attire pre-Halo treating him like a mannequin looks an awful lot like Duke Nukem
er, in other words i agree with you
not sure on DM cause you would have to talk. unless he talks while in character but not his true self type thing
He could possibly be using a vox type chat system in combination an online tabletop service.
I am betting Goose sings in a beautiful contralto, possibly even in a good old Catholic choir service. The voice of an angel in a body from a warzone.
Steroid uses can shrivel the testes, but it’s implied he’s that buff from being a super.
It is possible to get that sort of body without using steroids
Oh, yeah! We have a couple of League props at the gym I go to… Complete with little paunches!
Actually, Dave’s said before that Goose is in the non-Super, pure-skill section of the team. In fact, on the first page that Goose appeared in, linked in the commentary.
Without digging through the entire 3.5 pages of comments I am wondering:
Is Goose’s power somehow involved with his facial immutability? Is it something like Achilles’ immutability, only more so?
He and Seneca initially appeared as “Space Marines”. So (as I interpret that) they are either:
a) Normal, if well trained, people. Which I have always favoured.
b) Have super powers but they are lacking in some way that requires the augmentation. Perhaps as simple as not having any powers relating to defense, which a suit of powered armour could provide. As Seneca can eat sweets and other snacks constantly she must either work out just as much as Goose, but in a weight loss, rather than body building regime. Or she is a super.
Psst, I can behave just like Seneca, and likewise without any noticeable consequences.
Finally the author has revealed that there are supers who do have useless powers (from an Arc-SWAT perspective). Either having no combat application or being so niche that they would not normally be of use to a soldier/ policewoman. So if 2) is the case, then yours is a perfectly valid suggestion.
Quite useful for a ‘poker face’ (if he watches out to avoid any body language cues). Be that actually playing cards or if wanting to avoid giving a reaction to something (such as a fearful or disgusting event).
I like how he’s just as unexpressive *in the medium* as he is verbally. He has one facial expression and a whole four poses, only one of which is unique.
Just saying… the copy-pasted identical posture, especially panels 4 and 7 (what is he even doing with that knife? Thinly slicing a hockey puck?) works perfectly for a character being deliberately noncommunicative.
I think he’s using a whetstone, but I like your idea more
Those gold-mirrored `glasses that Goose is wearing look a ^lot^ like the blue mirrored Gargoyles¹ I used to have.
¹Imagine them without the mirror-finish, and you’d have the model that Schwarzenegger made famous with the first Terminator movie.
Personally, I had already decided I liked wearing them not long before that movie came out.
I had been a loyal purchaser of them ever since discovering they were first design I ever found that could fit the contour of my nose-bridge well enough to keep ^unshaded^ light from ^leaking^ around the lenses (very ^irritating^ when th sunlight is coming at yer face from “one o’clock”ish/”ten o’clock”is in the mid→late afternoon afternoon[
: eyeroll :
Given the fact that editing of posts is not an option available to us, it’d be ^very helpful^ if we could at ^least^ preview them ^before^ posting!
Especially given that we can’t always see the ^entirety^ of our posts!
You can drag the post window larger if you’ve written more than will fit on the default window. Bottom right corner. But you’ll probably never see this since the next update is out already…
I can see Goose covered head to toe with pouches. and having really small feet.
Feathers and flippers.
He looks good in a T-Shirt!!!
The military owns you 24x7x365. There is no such things as a “15 minute break” you can just “take.” You could be left alone for 15 minutes, and there is certainly downtime, but there is (almost) none of this union-like employee rights stuff like a 15 minute break going on.
Unless, of course, your CO has provided a more relaxed regime, either across the board or for her as an individual.
Given that Sydney has had a spectacular breakdown/near breakdown, at the swimming pool, and has participated in enough traumatic events to give a veteran PTSD, the latter is a pretty reasonable assumption. And as she will have written the rule book for Arc-SWAT, Maxima could give her troops whatever perks she wants to.
As they are competing directly with the industrial and commercial world (who have very deep pockets) for a limited number of individuals with unique and irreplaceable abilities (with Halo being pretty much at the top of the list), I think the author can ignore the normal military rule book. But well noted, as to the last, regardless.
There is also the thing that they are not actually military per se but under their purview, what with a large number of civilian specialists and field agents.
So more along the lines of subcontractors who have to meet certain basic military requirements as well as security restrictions but that are not actual military recruits.
“Don’t mind me as I hang this lampshade here.”
*admires the room*
*avoids looking at the lampshade.*
Does the Twilight Council have any were-geese?
Asking for no particular reason.
*whistling innocently*
Quite the Maverick.
It would take a Top Gun.
*twirls paw, like Sydney holstering a gun*
*tries not to fall over*
I hate when that happens.
sometimes a man hasn’t got the words, and sometimes he’s got too much class to use the ones he has.
Pshh, take your time. I’m still waiting for the results of the prank war between Max and Harlem.
(April fools day must be crazy in a super hero house!)
It will take some while for Harem to lose enough sanity points, to risk pranking her commanding officer again.
Hanging around Deus should do the trick nicely.
Ah yes, the day a lone woman took on the might of an entire borough. I hear they’re still trying to get all the tinsel off the Courthouse tower.
Have we met Goose before? I don’t recall him. I am enjoying Sydney’s response to his Duke Nukem resemblance though, because it was the only thing I could think of when I saw him.
Being with dudes who talk like videogame characters is enough to drive you dotty…
I’m curious if the name Goose is a deep cut 80’s action cartoon reference to the sci-fi western Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers. They had an ex-supersoldier who was a seldom talking super badass named Goose as well. Considering Dave’s other pop-culture references in this series, I’d say it’s a good bet!
He’s… a mix of references, and honestly at this point I don’t remember them all, but, yeah. Probably.