Grrl Power #789 – An underage succubus walks into a bar…
Sydney’s not a big drinker. Like myself, she prefers ‘dessert in a glass’ style cocktails and adult milkshakes and only knows of about a dozen off the top of her head. They decided to eschew the VIP lounge tonight and grabbed a regular table, although this place is a nightclub slash full service restaurant. Sydney could have gotten a waitress to bring drinks to the table, but she’s been chatting with Krona for a while and decided to have a wander.
Sydney knows about all kinds of demons and devils… as they appear in the monster manual. As she learned at the Twilight Council meeting, not everything supernatural is properly represented in popular fiction. Still, given that she has a succubus on her team, succubus was going to be her first guess when spotting someone with cute but comically undersized wings that couldn’t possible allow her to fly unless they did so through magic.
Our youthful succubus is actually a patreon cameo from YukiAkuma. I should really stop calling them cameos. That makes it sound like they walk by in the background. She’s actually a featured player for a few pages because I decided to go off on a tangent about… uh, spoilers actually.
Her giant purse with the orbs in it is sitting on the stool next to her, I promise.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like!
Ooooh, I just googled a Painkiller and it sounds delicious. Although I’m unsure I could find coconut cream where I live.
Try Walmart or Amazon. My daughter cooks with it, Keto friendly. Comes in cans.
I had assumed they meant coconut cream liquor.
Maybe they did. But here’s a reference for coconut milk, coconut cream, and cream of coconut. As mentioned, the daughter uses the first two in Keto friendly recipes.
What’s the difference?
Also handy as a substitute for various dairy products in some vegetarian & vegan recipe and important in Southern Indian cooking
Now I want to try one even though I’m not a big drinker.
Yeah, I would totally drink that, especially if it came with one of those little umbrellas.
Piña colada – The piña colada is a sweet cocktail made with rum, cream of coconut or coconut milk, and pineapple juice, usually served either blended or shaken with ice. It may be garnished with either a pineapple wedge, maraschino cherry, or both. – Wikipedia
For making Piña Coladas the Jumex brand has a coconut juice and pineapple juice mix that is really good quality. They are sold just with juices but they save time if you wanted to make cocktails.
Yeah, I actually have a jug of pina colada mix in the fridge. I’m out of tiny umbrellas, though, need to restock.
FYI: Skip the cinnamon sugar around the edge. It was suggested as a way of drinking a pumpkin beer years ago, similar to margaritas with salt.
The problem is that the cinnamon sugar gets also sticky on the glass and then gets on the bridge of your nose or glasses. Salt wipes off pretty easily, but this stuff takes forever to get rid of.
Fun fact about “The Painkiller”? You’ll often see/hear a number after it. In the bar that created it, The Soggy Dollar, the number didn’t mean it’s a separate cocktail. That was simply how many parts Pusser’s Rum you wanted in the cocktail. Outside the Soggy Dollar, if you ask for a Painkiller, you’ll most likely get a Painkiller #2 unless you actually state otherwise.
When I make it at home, I tend to make a #5 but use a straight Jamaican rum instead of a blended rum.
Habanero’s are 100,000-500,000. I think she needs something more along the lines of pixie stick candy infused with Carolina Reapers.
Carolina Reapers didn’t exist until 2013. Nagas were still the hottest commercially available peppers at the time that this comic began, though the actual record holder could be up to 1.4 million SHU, depending on the exact point in 2011 that it takes place.
just garnish with pure cap.
Also, while some of the hotter habanero strains can rate up to about 550K when dried, the average is around 200K and, even using 550K peppers, you would never be able to infuse enough into a beverage to get it even close to that rating. 500K ghost pepper vodka is concentrated enough that it borders on black in colour and it is utterly lethal. Between the chilli and the alcohol burn, I couldn’t take more than about half a thimble.
https://www. masterofmalt .com/vodka/the-hot-enough-vodka-co/500000-scovilles-naga-chilli-vodka/
For the curious
Just in case anyone missed it, Sydney is excluded from the veil. This has been your public service announcement for the day.
Ah, that explains why she saw the wings without her orbs. Thank you!
Looks like she’s too young to put up a glamour, or just too lazy to do so. Succubi normally have really good ones. I suppose she might want to show her true form to those excluded from the veil, but there may be issued about her age at the bar.
seconded – thanks!
I vaguely remember it, but it was a question I was simply ready to forgive rather than having a definite answer
Honestly I keep forgetting that she’s exempt from the vale now. Thanks for the reminder
I have never understood the fascination of oversized eyes on adult characters. I assume they are meant to represent the character is naive compared to peers of their relative age. Is that correct? I know that large eyes denote an infant among animals (including mankind), is that the idea here and in anime?
On another tangent, do other anime characters see the large eyes or is that just for the reader?
Would I have large eyes in an anime because I don’t know the answers to these questions?
Spleen, I believe they are done that way because they can be more expressive and can easier convey emotion. I could be wrong about that, though.
Chris is right about the expressiveness for when you’re talking about visual media- especially in anime and cartoons.
However, it’s actually the AGE thing that creates the fascination. There’s this thing called “Neoteny”, which is when a member of a species exhibits juvenile characteristics into adulthood- interestingly enough, the ability to drink milk and process Lactose is a Neotenic characteristic that a lot of Europeans and other civilizations developed.
The thing is, Neoteny is, for one reason or another, attractive. Juvenile characteristics suggest innocence, but also health or at least resilience, and so they tend to get chosen for in mates.
So yeah, you had the infant idea right, and Chris had the expressiveness thing right.
An interesting read that has Neoteny as a tangential plot element is “Cretaceous Sea”, a time-travel novel.
And when humans are compared to other primates, it’s pretty clear neoteny was part of our evolution. We’re basically apes that don’t completely grow up. Which is why, for instance, chimps are, pound for pound, about twice as strong as humans. We’re just overgrown babies.
RELATIVE neotany, I’d say…
But I can see what you’re saying… huh… I wonder if neuroplasticity is a neotenic trait, and though our neuroplasticity is dampened pretty significantly as we age, it may not be dampened anywhere near as much as other apes and animals in general, which is one reason we are able to become so much more intelligent compared to other animals… our brain never completely stops growing (?)
This is actually a pretty good theory! One of the worries about dementia (Alzheimer’s and other similar neurological degenerative diseases) is that our brains are no longer sufficiently neuroplastic, leaving the sufferers with memory problems, logic-processing problems, etc…
This article doesn’t outright state my hypothesis, but I think you can glean a little bit of it from the fringes – might be a decent starting point for one’s own study…
Neoteny… such a fancy word to say “cute”. The big eyes took off in anime because the Japanese love all things Kawaii and unlike America, aren’t afraid to show it. Yeah, if you want to over explain, humans have a love of cute things built into them, it helps keep us from killing our children or so my parents liked to tell me. :D
We characterize the big eyes as distinctly anime, but the idea was largely influenced by Disney and characters like Mickey were made cuter to be more likeable. The expressions are either part of the cuteness or a bonus, not the original goal. Anime has expanded the expressions aspect and is imo far superior to Disney now, but they don’t require big eyes to use them and can undermine a character.
In Grrl Power, characters like Sydney have big eyes to make them cute IMO Notice Maxima’s eyes are usually not that big because she’s suppose to be the opposite of cute (mature, tough, sexy, strict). Dabbler, Krona, Harem when she’s being mischievous… anyone young or who acts childish gets big eyes, even if they usually don’t have them.
For them seeing it, depends on the writer. It’s mostly for our benefit, a way to express emotions without the tiny signs we read in other people’s faces. Like the succubus’ eyes going wide. Sidney would have viewed that as you would anyone who’s eyes opened wider to express an angry response. Could have been done without big eyes, but it’s cuter this way, people love exaggerated expressions. :)
To be clear, this wasn’t a criticism of the comic. (No one that answered me suggested it was, I just want to head off that possible misinterpretation).
I think that makes a lot of sense about being able to better display emotions. It’s only in the last few years that I’ve become aware that I wasnt seeing most nonverbal communication. I am fairly old and it was a shock to find that out. Since then, I have been learning to look for it.
I think Dave does a good job with more subtle forms (for me at least) of facial expressions. Most drawn comics are to simple to be of use, but if you look at this page the first 3 panels for example, Sydney’s mouth is a different shape in each and I know there is different emotional message to each. I just don’t always know what it is. The comment section helps me with that.
Thanks for the responses.
Not only all that, but also…
The big wide eyes indicate INTEREST. Yes, it derives from infants’ (of any species) eyes, but our artists put that to use in a practical sense. As do young ladies and astute young men in social contexts.
Never make social decisions in low-light ambience…
So a couple of the comments here got me thinking. Was D&D created as a “plausible” excuse for people talking about Veil stuff? It was created with the hope that if it ever got big, it would deflect attention from the Supernatural being at fault. It went better than expected, and now the supernatural has the most favorable public opinion it ever had.
All of the initial backlash against it was from Monster Hunters, who were trying to protect the populace (in their minds).
Modern cartoons and media have done a lot to get “monsters” accepted to society. Who knows, maybe they’re all old folklore stories.
I’d accuse D&D of being a pile of misinformation to confuse people, causing them to look for the wrong signs, categorize things too strictly or incorrectly, even applying names that don’t match the creature; and provide spells that are only half right so if someone found a true spell they might think its just too close to a fake one that doesn’t work so discard the real one.
Other sources of disinformation:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
-any tv show about anything supernatural ever-
The History Channel
ghost hunting and monster hunting shows on tv.
Why does everyone think that DnD gives spell instructions? The CLOSEST thing to ‘instructions’ that any of the rulebooks give is generic fantasy illustrations and joke-based spell components (Like bat guano and sulphur for Fireball- that’s Saltpeter and Sulphur, two of the components of gunpowder). The verbal stuff is all given as “The caster says a word” and the motion stuff is even less defined, like “You have to have a hand free to make gestures” sort of thing.
The Dresden Files gives more instruction on ‘casting spells’ than DnD. Heck, Elena of Avalor gives more!
The closest thing to “instructions” would have been the three methods a wizard could use to try to get the demon summoned by a Cacodemon spell to do what the spell-caster wanted, namely to bind them, threaten them, or give them tribute (the last being emphasized as something only a particularly evil caster would even consider as an option). It does get a bit detailed with ingredients (since it’s a riff on medieval grimoires on demonology).
So, of course, when Pat Robertson or similar whack-a-doodles want to pick on fantasy games, they go right to that page, read only the bit about tribute, leave out the bit about only the bad guys (rather than the players, the heroes) even considering it, and blither on about D&D teaching kids to cast spells.
Cue the herd of children brought up on The 700 Club flocking to D&D games and being oh so disappointed to find it’s basically collaborative storytelling with a referee in place of an editor. :-)
*referee / cat herder
(been playing since 1980; it’s very much both)
I was mainly focused on the piss me off topic of dragons and people insisting they follow the rules of this one game instead how folklore actually lists them and how that has perpetuated into so much else that I just want to smack people online who say (that’s not a dragon its a wyvern because it only has four limbs)…and tell them Wyverns ARE dragons, this isn’t Dungeon and Dragons, their rules don’t apply.
Also things like Gorgon, Kobold, Goblin, Doppleganger ect… are all game specific, but for some reason so many people treat a D&D monster manual likes it a folklore book; it would be like using a Legend of Zelda enemy guide as a folklore book.
That’s popular culture, mix up information, change things around, make sure different things have only basic similarities in the creatures with such different information it confuses the average person. Heck folklore can be like that too, look up the different versions of a Water Horse, even from nearby countries and even in the same country and you’ll find only some basic similarities but vastly different specific details.
The thing about D&D is that it took a lot of stuff that existed before with very lax rules (as it was mostly folklore from innumerable sources, often with multiple versions of the same tale) and put clearly defined rules on it (and is, to my knowledge one of the first instances of that). It also did (eventually) add a lot of newer stuff and made up a lot more.
Anyway, it’s one of the sources with clearly defined rules for stuff that most people with an interest in fantasy are at lest somewhat familiar. It’s something most people can agree on as a common ground from where to start.
Which is not to say that it isn’t overrated in this regard, like you said.
Taking Dragons as an example:
It depends if someone is talking in general (in which case you are right, the term is extremely broad and should not be restricted by the rules of any given setting) or about a specific setting.
In the latter case, I’ll generally insist that the rules of the setting are followed.
-Skyrim: Dragons are Wyverns
-Warhammer: Dragons have six limbs, so Wyverns and the likes are not Dragons but lesser cousins if you will (and then there’s the eastern Dragons of the setting we haven’t really seen)
-D&D: Dragons follow D&D rules, so Wyverns are not Dragons
-Tolkien: Dragons are very diverse in both size and anatomy (Smaug managed to loose two limbs mid-trilogy)
First edition D&D didn’t really have much more (or different) to speak of in the way of combat rules than Chainmail. It just grafted on some rudimentary magic rules.
Chainmail with spells was more the early pre 1st Edition D&D. Even Original 1st Edition was a bit more refined then that.
Not to mention, European and Asian dragons are totally different
Draco Dragonheart is an example of a European dragon, whereas Falkor the Luck Dragon is an example of an Asiatic dragon
And the number of coconuts either can carry is a simple question of unladened weight ratios.
I have to point this out but even “European Dragon” is spitting on the folklore.
the Draco from Dragon heart design mainly comes from Wales and Poland; but even those areas you saw far more Wyrm type dragons (long snake like body covered in spikes), even the St. George and the dragon paintings vary from one to the next, Wyverns were fairly popular, and some places had dragons described as thing like a porcupine with the head and tail of a snake, or a giant snail with tentacles spreading for miles in the French countryside.
a nice fun video on a popular French dragon, the Tarasque (and yes D&D fans it was a dragon in the legend, this video does a nice job bridging that gap as well)
and just because I know it, a lot of the “Wyvern” debate stuff is doubly wrong because a Wyvern was a biped, the Jaculus was the dragon with the front limbs wings that also crawled on its belly and all four limbs. Heck go to Slavic countries and dragons traditionally have multiple heads, and in Greece the female dragons had the upper body of a human woman and the lower body of an eldritch abomination mixing mammal, reptile, and various other traits.
2nd Edition d&d was more specific with spells, e.g.:
>The wizard points his finger and speaks
>the range (distance and height) at which the
>firebalI is to burst. A streak flashes from the
>pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a
>material body or solid barrier prior to
>attaining the prescribed range, blossoms
>into the fireball (an early impact results in
>an early detonation).
>The material component of this spell is a
>tiny ball of bat guano and sulphur.
Still not exactly a description of how to cast a spell though.
The first edition description mentions the sphere and the early detonation problem, it’s just less concisely phrased.
Fireballs having both a ranged and contact fuse (as it were), lightning bolts ricocheting off anything they’re not powerful enough to shatter (because electrons are, of course, bouncy like that) and cloudkill and similar spells expanding to fill their full size within the available space were all excellent reasons in D&D for wizards not to get itchy trigger fingers.
I was fond of the way D&D (at least until 3rd edition or so) would often try to back-fill explanations for why things didn’t work like comparable real-world examples. For instance, people would complain that explosions don’t work like fireballs (comparing them to, for instance, hand grenades). The explanation: a fireball’s sphere is a container around a tiny portal to the plane of Elemental Fire. When it hits something and gets disrupted, or dispels at the desired range, the portal causes a flashover, igniting flammable things nearby, like opening a door in a house when there’s a raging fire on the other side. This causes the portal to collapse. So, no “boom,” just “whoosh . . . aaaaahhhh!!!”
Never did get a good excuse for bouncy lightning, as far as I can recall, though. :-)
Apparently in the early pre 1st Edition D&D Chainmail based rules fireballs were proper explosions, but they got seriously nerfed because people were using them to destroy structures. Not sure why they never got around to making them get more powerful by level or a higher level spell
I imagine that in this universe, the History Channel might be on the cutting edge of archaeological research.
I mean, if aliens were to come down and announce that they had been visiting us for hundreds or thousands of years, suddenly all the crazy conspiracy thinking would sound a lot more reasonable. That crazy haired guy who stars on the “Ancient Aliens” might even suddenly find himself becoming a respected scholar for being among the first to propose the theory.
Until the point out that all the stuff that the theory was based on was actually just humans being human and the actual alien interaction was stuff that was still undetected. Then he still looks like an ass.
That ‘crazy haired guy’ has already shown up, twice, in the comic
Other sources : Mage the ascension , Vampire the masquerade, really any whitewolf product goes into detail about how and why the different groups have different defences against being uncovered … In girrlpowerd universe it seems to be a mix of a group defense and personal defenses ….
J.R.R. Tolkien, Gary Gygax, and Richard Garriott vs SCP Foundation.
You should totally pitch that series to Netflix.
Yeah, that’s called Delta Green.
Wait! You’re not cleared for tha….I mean, Yes the game Delta Green. A very good game. which is what it it. A game. Ttotally fictional.
Oh look at this pen-like thing! – FLASH –
Just personally, i would find it funny to have Dabbler come in sounding all moral & indignant when she sees an underage succubus in the nightclub.
(Not because she feels any moral qualms about it, rather because the youngling hasn’t finished school yet & isn’t able to uphold the succubus standards in technique(s) or “application”)
Remember: Dabbles herself never finished Finishing School either
Dabbler would probably tell Sydney, or whoever, that Miss Jailbait has more sexual experience than a grandmother that had retired from a lifetime career at a cathouse, and that by succubi standards, she still qualifies as a virgin, and she may well qualify as inexperienced, given that Sydney was able to out her almost immediately.
At this point, Sydney should show her what a succubus is by taking her to see Dabbler. She may not have reason to think she knows all succubi who might be in the area, but the young lass needs explaining and Dabbler is the best one to know or learn that explanation.
Of course, I did say Sydney Should… which has a lot in common with random numbers. It’s not impossible, but we should not put any money down on the possibility.
And then it turns out that Little Miss Wings was Dabbles’ teacher in High School
Except that jailbait is the equivalent of a teenager, so Dabbler would have had to go to high school when she was the equivalent of a toddler…
Or, she just appears young
If you saw Linda Hunt from behind, how old would you believe she is? Even from the front she can look young(ish), specially if you put her in pigtails and a school uniform
The main point was meant to be a joke: Sydney takes LMW to Dabbles for ‘pointers’, only to find out Dabbles learnt from her
Secondary point is: don’t judge a succubus’ age by her appearance
She can’t even put up a proper glamour by herself!
“rather because the youngling hasn’t finished school yet & isn’t able to uphold the succubus standards in technique(s) or “application”)”
One problem with that, neither does Dabbler.
You have pointy ears and wings. You’re not fooling anyone, lady. lololol
She however lack headwings … must be young & not using much magic.
headwings as a succubus exclusive feature was invented by Darkstalkers to help tell Morrigan apart as something other than a vampire; based on random paintings of demons with oddball features like head wings *but not exclusive to succubus*, same paintings also have snakes for penises and faces in coming out of butts and such.
But that said Morrigan Aensland really made it popular so a lot of series will go with it as a feature, like Dan and Mab’s furry adventures, but again succubi/incubi were shapeshifters and not given any real physical traits distinguishing them from other demons. Given they are based on pagan fertility gods/goddesses, ram horns and hooves should probably be their main features.
No, succubae and incubi were invented to explain how a chaste nun in a nunnery could end up pregnant (when the only male hyu-mon contact she would have would be with an equally chaste priest)
That isn’t even remotely related to what I said.
the entire string of conversation was about them expecting to see head wings on a succubus, and I explained that Head Wings aren’t a feature exclusive to succubi.
I was explaining where the HEAD WINGS came from, not Succubi themselves.
If you are talking about the nature deity thing. then yes, they were used as an excuse; however the demonification of pagan gods is also responsible for the imagery of the lustful demon that would target humans; especially those with horns and hooves. Likewise you see various other demons, evil spirits, and fairies, that when looking back are just pagan gods given a demotion in the new system and regarded as evil in a more puritan society.
What was once a “demi-god” is now, bastard spawn of a demon.
you had stories of demons seducing people and creating half-demon offspring other than in convents and what not; but the whole *they are immune to religious imagery* was related to making excuses for that.
I am pretty sure that Roman mythology predates that whole demonification thing.
Satyrs and as the bull and Apollo predate any of that church stuff as a source of Gods lusting towards humans. Let’s not even get into Hindu mythology.
No Christians are not the source of all cultural references, nor have they directed the directions in which they will all go.
That was my point.
What with the whole this becomes that as culture changes.
we need an edit function, yeah you probably just mean the nature deity thing.
Nothing in myth or folklore has a single point of creation, you get one thing, someone relates it to another situation, someone wanting to overly classify things ends up producing another name for the same thing thanks to a slightly different appearance or behavior.
So lustful demons born from demonified nature gods who had fertility rites become Succubi/Incubi when mixed in with sleep paralysis demons like the Hag and Alp, and some bored friar invents a whole weird ass life cycle involve transgender shapeshifting and sperm storage to explain nuns getting pregnant.
Same weirdness is why we have a dozen different Water Horses and why Red Caps are considered a different kind of gnome rather than just murderous gnomes.
Yes, that
The ‘lustful pagan god’, for me, will always be Pan and the satyrs, maybe the nymphs
Use to read DAMFA, mislaid the link some years back
Freedom Force forever changed how I see Pan.
He’s a lover, not a fighter.
But in your case, he’ll make an exception.
Did you mean: DMFA Dan and Mab’s Furry Adventure? if it was, then there’s the link you mislaid…
Also, just something no one seems to have noticed yet (perspective wise i mean). The Veil is an earth creation, ON Earth…. meaning it doesn’t exist in other place / dimensions. (might be a reason to come to earth, low tech solution for a vacation or general hiding out if you get automatically “human looking” to any normal senses.)
This has a couple of potential odd notes to it.
1) we know from how the spacers on the ship acted, supers in general are both improbable, and not anywhere else in the known universe but earth.
2) the Veil partially hid supers for a long time, making them more rumor then fact until the digital age let to much evidence pile up, and that is why people universally are starting to really notice what is going on on earth.
3) My own personal point to consider – a succubus would generally put on a glamour to blend in with the natives, and change as needed to “feed” – but if someone ONLY grew up on earth with our fantasy knowledge, and was under a magical spell that meant no one EVER mentioned about “why do you have wings” you might grow up without knowing it was an issue (or conversely, after trying to ask people about it & seeing the reactions, you figure out not to ask about it)
Makes me think, atm at least, this might be a succubus baby just left on earth by a bad mother succubus
But wait, if the Veil is a earth-only thing, and supers are a Earth-only thing, could the two things be related? (i.e supers exist because the Veil exist). maybe with the Veil supernatural creatures could more easily ‘mingle’ with humanity, add some alien DNA in the gene pool (all that ‘sexual turism’ they did), some magical background radiation (if cell tower emissions can give you cancer -probably not- who know what effect the Veil could have especially after hundred of years of exposition)
I don’t think there can be any doubt now that Dave has a thing for pink hair. Not complaining mind you, but a darker burgundy wouldn’t go amiss either (there was this young lady many years ago…)
Just – is that Dazzler working that ribbon/trapeze back there?
I’m only seeing one pair of arms on the silhouette. They may have ears, or just wearing prosthetics, or just weird hair.
It COULD also be Dabbler, but why jump to that conclusion? I mean, besides that it’s fun?
Mainly, because I can’t see her giving up on being the focus of an entire club’s lustful adoration while flaunting what her mama gave her XD
Can’t be. No roller skates.
Accurate. Also GD it me, proof read!
That reference to roller skates brought an anime to mind (which I’ve never seen anywhere but japanese television) which I remember seeing when it first aired (sometime in 1981 I believe).
“Tondemo Senshi Muteking “¹ is a sci-fi comedy with a disco-theme (apparently part of the humor).
The female of the villains goes off into fantasyland about herself & the hero (much like Gladys«sp?» on “Laugh_in“). It’s especially difficult for her to restrain herself when he makes his entrance.

¹^This^ link is the one I ^actually^ had in mind:
Good news is if someone tries to steal her bag, they won’t be getting that far.
Bad new is if someone tries to steal her bag, they definitely won’t be getting that far.
*Sydney reaches past bartender, grabs bottle of Naga Pepper vodka*
What can I make for my friends with this?
Ok, to make the most exquisite cocktail, first you fill 1/3 of the long glass with Naga; then, slowly – slowly – drip in the Naga on the edge of the blade until you fill the glass up to 2/3; and then you just fill the rest of the glass with the Naga, optionally sprinkling the top pure cap’.
Here ya go.
Can I get that with a Naga chaiser?
Also why is it eating through the glass?
Must be Naga Venom, in it.
I have to say, except for the ears, the juvenile succubus doesn’t really look like either of the ones Sydney has met so far.
Dabbler, okay, can’t use as a good benchmark, with her varied genetics, but the other one had horns and no wings, so why does Taylor see wings and think succubus?
Why? Because Sydney
This Veil business is a quandary for the webartist to portray and a gimmick to dialog about.
IF you have a Veil , it needs to be multi-sensory and include a fuzz factor on speech. Veils in fantasy are normally a blur overlay so two veiled people don’t talk about their actual looks vs their projected looks.
But a magical veil is also a “don’t notice me” so talk, gesturing and even positioning for communication about the outfit that the veil provided to hide your fur is broadcast as opposed to insiders talking about the pelt, or skin color, or number of digits/arms/legs/heads?, etc.
shouldn’t that be “succubi” as plural of succubus in the next-to-last panel ?
Speaking of cameos, if I ever manage to have 50 extra bucks and donate towards that I’d have to suggest one of my horror characters who have much more interesting designs than my classics. As much as my ego would want me to suggest Rhulan she was designed to look like the dark sorceress archetype (as in concept wise the basis for it as some beyond time and space influence sort of wammy on reality). and anything up that high would be just some background *oh is that an anodite? Frankie Raye from Marvel comics?* generic appearance.
hmm, maybe Doll Collector or Shadow Quill
Albia is a character I tried to get into the Darkstalkers character contest (thus has detailed pages written for and even a crude drawing I tried to make), but Sasquatchaconda is also in that boat.
and they’d better fit this comic’s setting on the supernatural side;
my superheroes are also generic…augh, this is what happens when you write and can’t draw and try to keep things simple so you don’t end up spending three boring paragraphs just to describe someone.
Have this marked for either a nice big paycheck or tax return time.
Judging by this one’s lack of poise and unpractised responses, I’d say she’s young, alright.
I am already shipping Sydney and the new Succubus.
Yes, I know she is ostensibly straight. Don’t care. :P
Ostensibly straight, yet willing to consider sleeping with Krona…
To get a guy.
Don’t recall sleeping with Kronachrome ever coming up: sharing Leon isn’t the same thing as sleeping with each other
In “Go Get A Roomie”, there was a threesome where the girl was only interested in sleeping with one of the guys
That doesn’t matter to Succubi. Besides Succubi, boobs are hypnotic.
The trapeze performer will turn out to be a were-owl.
DaveB will now draw a character with the biggest eyes yet.
This new succubus…. very much a noob from how they act.
So, are Sydney’s extra-large/worbly eyes in these panels the result of makeup, or just how her facial proportions interact with the new haircut, or other?
Just… wildly inconsistent art. :P
Was going to comment that her eyes here are no real different than any other page, just we are seeing her without the glasses, which may be throwing a few people off, even the eye-liner is the same (just a little thicker, more pronounced)
She has a very feline quality in panel 1, which having that perfect human/feline cute blend done accidentally.
Either D&D lied to me, or that succubus needs to brush up on her grammar. Succubus is “succubi” in plural.
It is in common usage, even if entomologically speaking Succubus is an odd ball as its a bastardization of the word Succubare, where Succubous refers to a type of leaf arrangement. So “Succubus” is a derived term mixing standards of different languages together.
That said a word ended in -us should as a plural end with -I instead.
However as we see with other latin derived words this isn’t hard set and more a standard practice case by case; after all you can say octopuses or octopi (as well as Octopus as a plural or Octopodes), and when was the last time you heard some say Vira instead of Viruses.
but yeah, even though I would never regard D&D as any credible source for anything (its a game after all not folklore and shouldn’t be treated as such as that hurts both the game as entertainment/escapism and folklore), it is standard usage to say Succubi these days. Although you’ll often read “The Succubus” or The Succubus demons as a plural in folklore about them, so Succubuses is just as legitimate but Succubi does have a nice ring to it.
-Viri, screw you autocorrect.
Auto-incorrect prefers ‘Succubae’ over ‘Succubi’
Various declensions and genders of Latin words ending in -us, or Greek words people assume are Latin. The article ends with some pseudo uses. My favorite is clitoris, plural clltorides, because I was for a few years the administrator of the Silver Clitorides and Golden Clitorides Awards for erotic writing.
soo, sidney continues going around making friends? that girls night out is bound to get interesting if another succubus is joining in ;)
Let’s hope they are not territorial :P
Noone noticed Spike standing in between them at the start?
Yes, me, it’s either Spike or that “The Cleansing is at hand!” dude (who just happens to look like Spike anyway :P)
The cleansing guy is all old and wrinkly if you go back and look.
Although he could surround himself with flunkies all made up like him, like the bad guys in “Meteor Man”.
Yeah, and he still looked like Spike, an older and wrinklier Spike
Sydney, we all know you are excluded from the veil, but is your secret identity?
Superfriends Narrator Voice: “Meanwhile, back at Archon Headquarters…”
See #777.
They reach an unsatisfactory compromise.
Cora is given the wrecked, contaminated Fel ship for disposal.
The Earthers get one of Cora’s escape pods to examine.
And for the record, since I don’t see other comments to the fact, Sydney in Panel One is SERIOUSLY cute. Far cuter than I’ve seen her look in any of the comics before this.
I want to see Sydney on youtube’s “Hot Ones”. They do a line-up of chicken wings, going from a mild 1800 Scoville, to a blistering 2 MILLION+ Scoville. All while answering questions from the host of the show. Think late night talk show, but with better questions and alot more pain. Also swearing. Lots of that. lol
I just found an SNL clip from 11 months ago that had a frog with that girl’s eyes… freaky
This video
Sydney has found a counterpart! She’s just as bad at keeping secrets as Sydney!
“Our youthful succubus” is very cute … adorable even. I hope she will be sticking around for more than a little while.
There’s a shot called a “Spaghetti Western” that’s half a shot of sarsaparilla and half a shot of Root 100.
(I recommend Frostop brand for the sarsaparilla).
It’s the only mixed drink I know of that uses either of those.
We’ll do the Tango
We’ll try the Fox Trot
I’ll eat a mango
You drink a straight scotch
I’ll try this girl instead…