Grrl Power #568 – Customer service with an evil smile
I can just imagine Sciona waiting on the phone to set up an appointment;
“If you’re calling because you suspect the company’s CEO of planting a mole in your organization, please press 1. If you’re calling because the company’s CEO was secretly trying to date you under the guise of business meetings, please press 2. If you’re calling about the company’s CEO undermining the political structure of your country and running it from the shadows, except he constantly tells everyone about it, please press 3. If you’re calling because the company’s CEO has horned in on your daring heist, please press 4. You have pressed 4. Transferring you to your childhood home, where the company’s CEO is currently banging your mom!” >dialtone<
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And this why Deus is all kinds of awesome!
lol, true
He is but it would be fun to see him owned for a change.
We can deduce that he has probably been owned once before.
Clue: “X” marks the spot.
You don’t think he did that himself??
He is right-handed, and would need to be left-handed to inflict those wounds.
*demonstrates the precise principles with paws*
I speculate that it was probably the work of the notorious crime-fighting swordsman Xorro. Or maybe some hypothetical opponent called “X”? Naa, who would go by such a name?
If only living matter can pass through the shield and it dies, then the artifacts are:
a) Not alive, can’t pass the field, can’t get them out even if you get in.
b) Alive, can be killed, will die when passing through the field
b1) but are still useful if dead.
b2) and are useless after their deaths, so can’t get them out even if you get in.
c) Alive, can’t be killed.
Or d) capable of being put in place whilst the field is turned off.
…IS THAT THE MASK OF LOKI IN THE BACK? As in, the one from the movie “The Mask”, starring Jim Carrey?
Very likely it is a cameo of that yes. There is an important distinction to make though. In a related manner we have seen both Spinnarrette and Jonathan Creek in here, as cameos. But none of them are likely to appear again. They are simply (on one paw) one-off gags/in-jokes (and on the other) a visual short-hand to convey ‘these are the kinds of things that would be here’.
Dave is wise to do that because the actual things would likely be items that none of us would recognise, and so would be rather dull. So he is utilising things which we are culturally familiar with, to get the laugh and to convey the correct impression about, in this instance, how dangerous and unusual the items are.
So the caveat is that, as cameos, they would not in reality be there. Although something of a similar nature (and, in this case, possibly an identical form) would be there.
So Sydney is not likely to ever be able to shake Spinnarette’s hand, unless it is a cos-player at a convention. Likewise Jonathan Creek does not work for Arc-Light, but there is someone who does have a very similar mind-set and skill-set, who will be tasked with ferreting out things which appear supernatural, but which are likely to have a mundane cause.*
As for the mask, it may well be ‘the mask of Loki’, with capabilities that are appropriate for the god of Trickery. But if Dave does want Sydney to play with it, he would probably give it sufficiently different characteristics, in use, to the one from the movie.
Referencing such, yes, but appropriating it is not Dave’s scene. However Loki (the pagan god) and masks (in general) exist independently of the movie. So he is at liberty to play with those themes, if he feels like it.
* For Jonathan Creek it is because in his setting there is no such thing as the supernatural. Here it may be because the Twilight Council have tipped off Archon that ‘whatever this is it is not something that we [the supernatural creatures] are up to”.
So the role would be an absolutely vital one within Arc-Light, to avoid covering up a ‘supernatural’ event, which turns out to actually be a hoax. Because doing that could potentially expose the fact that the governent are involved in a conspiracy to keep the presence of aliens and the supernatural hidden.
I feel like the best solution for getting through that field is throwing live mice at it until their corpses knock the item out of the field entirely.
The scars on his face are plot-required, or so he’d have you believe:
“Deus ‘X’s Machina” …