Grrl Power #492 – Don’t tell her spots are gauche
I did way too much research to try and figure out how to write Sydney’s squee word bubble. Ok, not “too much” but given how little I know about how to write music, it took longer than it should have. As it is I doubt I put enough of those horizontal bar things to make the note actually ultrasonic. I just stopped when I ran out of room, so hopefully it doesn’t bug the people who can actually read music too much. Ideally it’d be a very very high “e” if I knew what I was doing. I was shooting for 57va, also apparently known as cinquantisettesimo.
Pixel happens to be a gigantic were-jaguar, a fact that will surely come up on the next page, so I’m not sure what else to day about it here. This is something that is fairly incidental to her job as one of Arc-LIGHT’s artifact experts. It doesn’t hurt, obviously, than she can defend herself when the artifact she’s studying decides to summon a gaggle of zombie vikings or whatever the day to day of her job entails. Zombie vikings are definitely on the table though.
Oh, I don’t know what her collar is made out of (that bell doesn’t have a ringer in it in case you were wondering. That would drive her and everyone around her mad.) but it’s probably got a slat in the back that lets in expand. It’s probably a fair bet she’s not wearing a bra though, cause it would have to literally be magic to accommodate that change in volume. Of course, if magic was real and there were people living in the world who could radically change their size or dimensions at will, it’s kind of unrealistic to think there wouldn’t be magic clothes out there.
Edit: BTW, Pixel being a were-cat has nothing to do with Heinlein’s story, The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, which involves a cat named Pixel. I was totally unaware of it until this post on the previous page. Weird.
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Check out Wearing the Cape: Team-Ups & Crossovers. Sydney’s first Crossover! I’ve made a dedicated blog post for it, please comment there.
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Krona’s goggles, with that piece of hair sticking out, looks wierd. Like she has 2 noses, one regular and one blue.
No see, watching that transformation awakened her 1/32nd were-parrot abilities. That’s actually a beak and there’s a second pair of eyes behind the goggles.
Sydney – ultrasonic Squeee for the BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Dammit, my facial and abdominal muscles hurt like hell now – Seriously, I’m kinda old and that was freaking hysterical – 10 minutes after reading that I’m still laughing.
Oh, my nom de guerre has been mine since ’98. FB stands for f*cking bastard, and I own it.
Damn Dave, this one killed me. Twenty Eight octaves indeed, still LMAO.
I’m still laughing at it! And her facial expression is just awesome!
She’s going to go into a geek-coma at this rate…
She’s already had the fainting spell. Full coma is the next step…
Now the question is does she like to be spanked in her were-form or her normal form?
Either way Sydney’s lighthook can provide the right amount of strength!
I’m going to guess she was bitten by the magical guardian of a artifact she was examining or otherwise affected directly by a artifact which would explain the pink?
Too much pink energy perhaps?
Maybe she just dyes both her hair and her cat fur?
Given the near El Goonish Shive level of non normal hair colors in Arc, her coloring both modes would not surprise me.
She probably examined the Pink Panther Diamond –
unfortunately for her, it changed her into a digitigrade fully furred catgirl and landed her on the supernatural archeologist list.The artifacts would probably be guarded by a draugr.
I remember how Syd was nearly begging Xuriel to cut her arm off so she could get a cyberarm with integrated access to hammerspace. Her response to the ‘thropes suggest to me that Pixel is going to have to be *very* careful about Syd trying to “accidentally” get bitten. “Sydney, why are you trying to hide your hand in my sandwich?” “No reason.”
Oh go on, +3.
but… no, that’s not my hand. those are just finger sandwiches
Based on the last panel of a side comic DaveB made a while back we are pretty sure that at some point Sydney is going to have to make a Thundercat joke about Pixel. (I can’t find the color version)
But….Since that movie came out at a later time than this point in the story, she may have gotten that shirt later as a present from from Pixel. Or, since that are about the same size Sydney may be wearing one of Pixel’s shirts.
Started as an 80’s cartoon…
If anyone in this comic winds up being a were-Robear Burble, somebody please remind me that it’s time to shoot myself…
No, O.B. Juan didn’t mean it was a shirt with Pixel’s logo on it, but a ThunderCats brand shirt she got from Pixelicious
“zombie vikings” The Vikings actually had something… akin to zombies. They were more like revenants, corpses risen from the grave for vengeance/justice or just bitterness and hatred. They were called Draug. :)
No, those are from Skyrim /s
I know. That’s what the /s was for.
It means sarcasm
where do you think Skyrim got them from? I’d heard about the legends, but didn’t know their name. The problem isn’t being attacked by Zombie Vikings, it’s that the long sea voyage would tend to attract attention.
veidraugar I think that means the hunting dead.
So many fuzzy bellies to rub, and so little blood to loose.
You’d probably lose the last of your blood when getting around to Clover. She doesn’t give a f**k about belly rubs…
Pixel is wearing a magic bra. If she’s got a chest that size, and its that perky, she is wearing a damn good bra.
Yeah, physics sucks guys.
Considering how the average ArcSWAT female looks it wouldn’t come as a suprise if ArcSWAT have a lot of skill in making superbras. There is a supertailor on the team right?
the supertailer is CONTRACTED to the team, not on the team.
Yea, he’s just off making mad bank in the private sector.
One obvious solution you’re all overlooking, or maybe, just not looking over: proper mammary support as a superpower for those with superboobs. Would make running easier, too.
Lydia, located somewhere near Wapsi Square. Anybody who can make an effective sports bra for Monica Villareal or Atsali Gilcrist, can definitely take care of the ladies of ArcSWAT.
(Monica is about Syd’s size – except in one area, where the letter L has been referenced.)
Now Pixel’s size-change thing… that might be more problematic.
Actually, according to DaveB:
In other words, the women can just “rack it up” to magic…
Why yes, that and the following sentences about how this is a world with literal magic are exactly what I’m responding to. Thanks for putting that here for reference.
Supers don’t need a bra. I think it’s safe to assume extra humans follow similar rules.
Also, comic book physics.
And that’s certainly a helluva set of physics she’s got there…
and one hell of a set of nips to not be visible through that shirt; which is why I am convinced she has a superbra.
Is her bra is made of something similar to what her pants is made of it should work right? Especialy if it’s magic and made by a supertailor.
No kidding. Her pants fit tightly already and then she got how much bigger? If that can happen and her shirt can grow enough to (.a) accommodate her new rib cage size and (b) not squish her boobs into unattractive boxes, then seriously she’s got a bra on under there that can change with everything else. There is literally no reason not to have it separated out unless you want to make a creepy statement.
Maybe she has “innie” nipples?
Those would be puffy so you would still see a bulge.
Thick fur?
Her bra must be made of the same material that Bruce Banner uses for his pants…
Ok, who here (besides me) wants a Castle Anthrax full of nothing but were-form Pixels?
A spanking could be lethal… O_o
you know, i didn’t used to think this was a furry comic, or even close, but i’m starting to wonder about that the more this story arc goes on. not that i mind that possibility, but the way it’s being presented to me makes me think that ANYONE we see COULD have and anthropomorphic animal form with near LIMITLESS possible types. i mean with the apparent concentration and wildly varying possibilities it’s a wonder that not everyone in the grrl power universe is a were something-or-another. twist: or are they?
TvTropes does say that DaveB does have some history in the furry fandom, just for what it’s worth.
Well, Dabbles first appeared in a little webic called “Were World”…
Well, this arc is about the extra human. So it makes sense for there to be quite a few of them in the arc
Well, you had a half-dozen at a convention that had specifically gathered a group of were for representation, and ONE outside the group. I’d say that while it IS possible anyone might be a were, that it’s unlikely more than a few are. Unless there’s a reason, such as an attack.
The whole time my thought was ‘Why is she PINK?’. The other weres we saw were ‘normal’ colors. Wonder why she isn’t.
Hair / fur dye would be my first guess.
You’re forgetting she’s PIXEL. She probably just hacked herself.
were.fur == pink;
No, Kronachrome is the reality hacker
Hair/fur that comes out of your body doesn’t seem like you could even dye it. Shouldn’t it be base color each time it grows?
So Pixel has discovered how to reverse Sydney’s reactions, from “I don’t like her” to “Squeeeeeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”. By virtue of being an exotic form of were creature…
*sets fedora to a jaunty angle, and gains a hopeful look*
There should’ve been a chibi comic at the bottom, Pixel saying to Halo, “How do you like me now?“… :-)
If I counted the lines right, that note is an E12, which is about 84Khz.
So, definitely beyond the range of human hearing.
Cats can hear up to 79Khz, so this note should theoretically be out of range for Pixel Panther to hear.
O shit. Now that you say it like that, I finally realized she’s the Pink Panther.
I think you’re right. By my count, that’s the E eight octaves above middle C.
You’re definitely good on the note there to be ultrasonic. Given how notes roughly double in frequency as you go up an octave, you’ve specified a note that’s roughly 84 kHz. If you’d stopped at the E prior to the one you used, you’d still be at 42kHz and significantly higher than humans can hear.
Oh good. I’m not the only one who calculated this. If I’m a geek, then at least I’m not a lonely geek.
You are reading this webic, no chance to be lonely here :D
Ah, but that E is the perfect choice because it is first one outside the 44.1KHz sampling rate specified in the Redbook CD standard, so we not only can’t hear it, we can’t detect it with common recording gear. (Yes, the 42KHz E would have aliasing issues, but a decent FFT spectrum analysis should detect it.)
Not that hard to do, just mix a beat note and do the addition.
That was pretty much how I had it figured.
Hah! Looks like IHeart and I were doing the calculations about the same time, so I didn’t see their reply while I was finishing mine. Looks like we have agreement in the math!
Should’nt her boobs move towards her crotch area or something?
I mean, come on, I demand realism from my magic were-creatures/superheroes crossover!
That’s the were part of the were creature. General anatomy is still human.
Maxi’s mother was taking the mick :P
it’s the pink panther
Yeah seriously, he made someone a large pink cat and went with jaguar instead of panther?
Actually a “Black Panther” is a mutation of the Jaguar and Leopard. (Same mutation that causes Domestic cats to have black fur) So it DOES fit.
But but…
Panthers are Jaguars…
Or at least the black one is:
black panthers in the Americas are black jaguars (Panthera onca).[1]
If you ever get a real close look at a black panther’s fur, you CAN see the jaguar’s spots in the varying shades of black fur.
I know. I have seen it.
American black panthers are (typically) jaguars, with a mutation that changes their base fur color to black.
African/Asian black panthers are (typically) leopards, with a mutation that changes their base fur color to black.
“Panther” is not a species, it’s a subfamily. All varieties of the following are panthers: lions, tigers, jaguars, and leopards (except clouded leopards, which are pantherine but not panthers – and there are arguments about whether snow leopards are panthers, or ancestral to panthers).
Cat species not mentioned in the prior paragraph are felines, not panthers. Most feline species are small. However, if a cougar or cheetah tells you it is not small, I recommend not arguing.
Actually the Snow Leopard was classified as Panthera in ’08
Was that before or after they classified Pluto as ‘not-a-planet’? o_O
Technically, Pluto never was a planet. It’s a Dwarf Planet.
Which in no way explains how “Dwarf” is a word of denotation to label a specific type of “Planet,”
Which would make ALL Dwarf Planets in a sub-category of its own inside of the more general category of “Planet.”
And yet, Pluto is not a Planet…
Hey, this is SCIENCE screwing up the use of language here, not me!
dwarf planet, dwarf star, red dwarf…
A Dwarf Planet is still a planet, yes?
analysis, Pluto has
*Provides sanctuary for the traitor*
Must be hard to find clothes compatible with that size shift. As with Vehemence, a little surprised the pants stayed intact. Must be some damn good stretch pants.
Archon has a super a super clothing expert on hand for such occasions…
Too bad Vehemence didn’t know that tailor, huh?
I just wanted to say so that you knew for future that when it comes putting ultrasonic into sheet music the honest truth there would be no true marking for ultrasonic since the grand scale built from human range of hearing ie once you hit above or below the human range of hearing the scale falls apart. if I remember correctly the scale stops at 4 above and 4 below. Just wanted to say this not because it upset me but because I like to teach others about music, cute joke though definitely made my day.
As a person who was in band in high school, that is a very high note but not the most ridiculous note I have seen/heard.
Did sydney recently get bitten by a were-minion? Cause that look on her face, I think she is transforming!
You didn’t know? Syd’s a were-fangirl.
Now that would explain everything (okay, maybe not ‘everything’, but a lot)
and I just realised you are using scientific pitch notation and not the grand scale… I just made myself look like a jackass lol
Nope, unless you are a were-jackass (we already have one so you won’t be alone), just figured you were explaining for those of us who don’t even know what is so special about someone who has an 8-octave range
This Comic just gets Better with EVERY PAGE!
I don’t know how Dave does it… but be does… its mind boggling… there is nothing else that consistently takes me from “meh what a boring day” to “THISISTHEBESTTHINGEVER!!!”
How?? How does he do this??
It really isn’t that hard. The expiration date on his “best thing ever” is 24-36 hours. After that, it’s just “the last thing he did”, so the next thing just needs to be new, and really good to be “the best thing ever”.
Burn the Heretic!
No, the “heretic” is right. Once something becomes well-known, then there’s always the Spirit of Innovation that drives people to make it better. As soon as someone succeeds with an improvement, then that’s the expiration date.
I’ve re-read this comic like 3 times, and each time I’ll laugh again at something I saw or remembered or even looked forward to reading again. This comic is like a good book, its got staying power. Like the series Frasier, I’ve enjoyed it more as the years moved on. Innovation and improvement apply more to inventions I think like a flintlock musket, that’s an invention that’s expired, many of the jokes here may be somewhat cultural but the story and context is still a classic and has a direct line to my funny bone and …what ever causes my “geekouts” so … I will keep enjoying these, even after years.
Everything in this webic is ‘the best thing ever’ :D
I approve of this statement! xD
Well, that explains Pixel’s sandels
So…. either her pink hair are natural or Werebeasts in this universe get fur the color of their hair no matter what it happens to be
Or she dyes both, and it doesn’t revert when she changes again. Like how Harem’s different bodies retain their hair dye and piercings even when they depop and repop.
Well, Harem’s bodies go into a kind of Stasis when they “depop” so a little bit of difference there.
Just finished re-reading (for like the one hundredth time) from the start… still awesoooome!
Her tail looks disturbingly… meaty
da-dum, da-dum, da-dum da-dum da-dum da-dum da-duuuuuum…….. I was always a fan of pink…… Especially the Pink Panther.
How much joy can one “comic nerd tomboy” take?
…At the rate that DaveB is exposing Sydney to all of this awesomeness, I’d say we’ll find the anser to that pretty soon.
Sydney is kinda in Kawaii overload right now………………
Now that Pixel has gotten ready for her mission, I wonder if she is going to ‘exit, stage left’ ?
If you don’t catch the reference, then Heaven’s to Murgatroyd, you need to watch more old cartoons.
They were new when I watched them….
Classic, even.
More accurately, it wasn’t the Pink Panther as reference, but “Exit, sneaking all the way, stage left” would work better in this particular situation.
O.B. Juan was referencing Snagglepuss, not Pink Panther
I know. I DID say that it wasn’t the Pink Panther as a reference, didn’t I?
I wonder if Dave named one of his new kittens pixel…
In regards to your inspector Clouseau joke at the bottom, a jaguar is actually a type of pather. Scientific name Panthera Onca. It is the only type of panther naturally occuring in the Americas.
Pumas, aka Mountain Lions are also called panthers.
See here for what cats can be called panther
Plus, of course WWII German tanks.
Okay, that was a cool link – I hadn’t realized that one could get a white jaguar / leopard that was not a result of albinism. Totally neat.
Maybe we can get a Kickstarter going to breed white panthers? Or is that a bit too “Eugenics Wars”?
Selectively breeding white big cats has been known in the past to cause horrible deformities and other genetic problems due to the amount of inbreeding that has to occur when such a small portion of the population has the relevant recessive gene(s).
It’s sad because I’m otherwise all for greater chromatic diversity in any species.
It happens to dogs too…Most noticable among the “pure bred” lines.
Very true but, due to the desireable nature of designer pets, that’s generally a bit more of a controversial topic.
A pink panzer.
“Khajiit requests that you do not also activate the modification for harsher weather. This one would hate to have Skyrim crash to desktop.”
Some say there are pink khajit. Trust M’aiq when he says that is a lie.
I’d say she’s not wearing panties either considering the way those pants are riding down to accommodate her tail and its positioning.
Hurrah for girls goin’ commando.
Actually She is a Pink Panther.
Panthers are not one one type of cat. Black Panthers are either really Black Leopards or Black Jaguars.
so if Black Jaguars are Black Panthers, then a Pink Jaguar is a Pink Panther.
Panther really has no meaning. Any large cat that isn’t a lion or tiger can or has been called a panther. I posted a link about it up thread.
Personally, I find, for the first time, that I’m not liking the enhanced cleavage on Pixel here.
It would be nice to have a few women whose super form isn’t all about the expected fan service. Sleek and muscular is also hot.
That said, every other aspect of the character design (patterning, pink and white hair/fur, expression, and costuming) is just gorgeous.
I’m also cool with the rest of her design but I think, if we’re going for the sleek, muscular and majestic big cat look, that sleekness could be emphasised elsewhere too, rather than making her quite so bulky. Panther muscle is generally the rippling beneath the surface sort. Visible but not the overpronounced bodybuilder kind (which, admittedly, feels a /little/ toned down here).
I still like her but the enboobening seems a touch crude and unecessary, even if it is the only one of todays sound effects to sit well with me linguistically.
Oh, the sound effect itself was awesome. I didn’t think that needed to be pointed out…
>hem hem<
Well you probably like Clover then.