Grrl Power #492 – Don’t tell her spots are gauche
I did way too much research to try and figure out how to write Sydney’s squee word bubble. Ok, not “too much” but given how little I know about how to write music, it took longer than it should have. As it is I doubt I put enough of those horizontal bar things to make the note actually ultrasonic. I just stopped when I ran out of room, so hopefully it doesn’t bug the people who can actually read music too much. Ideally it’d be a very very high “e” if I knew what I was doing. I was shooting for 57va, also apparently known as cinquantisettesimo.
Pixel happens to be a gigantic were-jaguar, a fact that will surely come up on the next page, so I’m not sure what else to day about it here. This is something that is fairly incidental to her job as one of Arc-LIGHT’s artifact experts. It doesn’t hurt, obviously, than she can defend herself when the artifact she’s studying decides to summon a gaggle of zombie vikings or whatever the day to day of her job entails. Zombie vikings are definitely on the table though.
Oh, I don’t know what her collar is made out of (that bell doesn’t have a ringer in it in case you were wondering. That would drive her and everyone around her mad.) but it’s probably got a slat in the back that lets in expand. It’s probably a fair bet she’s not wearing a bra though, cause it would have to literally be magic to accommodate that change in volume. Of course, if magic was real and there were people living in the world who could radically change their size or dimensions at will, it’s kind of unrealistic to think there wouldn’t be magic clothes out there.
Edit: BTW, Pixel being a were-cat has nothing to do with Heinlein’s story, The Cat Who Walks Through Walls, which involves a cat named Pixel. I was totally unaware of it until this post on the previous page. Weird.
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Check out Wearing the Cape: Team-Ups & Crossovers. Sydney’s first Crossover! I’ve made a dedicated blog post for it, please comment there.
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If called by a Panther – dont anther….
Evidently, Pixel had some initial trouble being accepted by Archon. When they did a background check on her, it seems that her reputation & public record was a bit…spotty.
Let us hope she can change that.
vote for grrl power,push to no#1
Enbooben is the best sound effect ever, lets see more of it >.>
I don’t know, I think en-dat-ass-en is a great one as well.
Not digging that one, personally.
I dunno, en-dat-ass-en ain’t bad either… :P
I wish that panel was bigger. :P
I concur with all above sentiments.
Well, it looks like Sydney & Peggy will have to turn down Pixel’s application to join the ‘A Team’…
In the classic motion picture ‘Dude Where’s My Car?’ this sound effect is one beat of a kettle-drum.
There should be a YouTube of the morphing scene.
Sorry, can’t link from this device.
I’m sure it’s searchable.
I’ve never seen that movie. I didn’t realize it had the same production value as a Saturday Night Live sketch.
That comment is really degrading to the ‘Coneheads’, but yeah…
It should be spelled “embooben” though, like “embrace” and “embolden”.
I would add “enfemalemusclen” to the list of good sound effects.
Agreed. I also feel like it should have more O’s in it, for some reason.
I like the idea that DaveB doesn’t normally add hashtags under his comic. For this instance, he’d have to add a hashtag that would undoubtedly draw a number of anime fans, who would probably give up when they see the PG-13 rating: #breastexpansion
Yup, we all call it. But still, a big pink were-panther isn’t exactly stealthy.
You never seen no panther sneaking after some innocent grazing diamond, have you
Especialy no pink ones. There is a reason for this. You might think it’s because giant, pink, busty werepanthers don’t exist but in fact they are so skilled in stealth that we don’t even know they are real.
Like hobbits in modern age, it seems.
Actually jaguars can be panthers, as can leopards. It’s to do with their fur which is effectively dark coloured and thus deceptive. But no Pixel isn’t a panther because her main fur colour is not black but pink.
Well, the scientific name for jaguar is ‘Panthera onca’.
Depending on where you are, a panther can refer to a puma (North America), jaguar (South America) or Leopard (Africa). There may be others. Jaguars come in two main coat types: light brown with black rings or black with black rings (those rings are harder to find, but they are still there). Other colour patterns are possible, but I have not heard of a pink-field fur colour before now.
During WW II the British SAS painted their vehicles Pink, because the pink blended with the Desert sands better during the day and at night..
The vehicles were called Pink Panthers
“Depending on where you are, a panther can refer to a puma (North America), jaguar (South America) or Leopard (Africa). ”
Actually that’s only in North America. In their habitat Panther, as a popular term, refers to Jaguars and Leopards that are black (or close too). The “normal” version of those are not called Panthers in their habitats. In Latin America Pumas (which exists) are not called Panther.
Beside that there’s a genus of the Felidae family called “Panthera”. Jaguars (Panthera onca) and Leopards (Panthera pardus) belongs to it (and, of course, the dark variant of them too), but not Cougars which belong to the genus “Puma”.
the scientific term for the animals that are very dark furred, when their species is normally not, is “melanistic”
like tauren rogues.. so good, you dont even know about them
Quickling ninja. bladed/spiked armor
I think a were domestic cat would indeed have been more stealthy, and would explain why Pixel is more suited to an investigative, rather than a combative role. But that can be just down to her aptitudes and preferences. The perks a were panther would get, such as agility and stealth, should be of great benefit to a cat-burglar style spy.
Albeit a luminous pink one does loose somewhat, over the traditional night-time black (or even the more normal shades of tan), in terms of camouflage.
I guess that the were form needs to be something reasonably close to the human body, in size. But it will be interesting to see if there are any shrew, or other small-sized, weres out there.
Were-dogs could be any number of different sizes and forms also. Consider a were-Great Dane for instance or a were-Dachshund. And what would a were-Chihuahua be like?
It would be really angry and hang around with a blue nosed were-cat you EEDIOT!
It wouldn’t dance and sing “Happy Happy Joy Joy”?
So is a Chihuahua a miniature Great Dane or is a Great Dane a dire Chihuahua?
I would go with a dire Chihuahua, and that’s what Sydney would wind up being if she went the ‘were’ route…
Nah, Sydney would be a Dire Yorkie: they are like an angry hairball, with teeth!
Nah, a Chihuahua is totally a mini Great Dane: they still remember their size and aren’t happy about the loss :P
I managed to give a tummy rub to a Jack Russell/Chihuahua, over the festive season. Plus gave him a couple of squeaky toys. He would LOVE Sydney!
As it was, he squeaked each toy all the way back to his toy box!
I know, I know: can we seen a were-hamster?
You mean a Giant Space Hamster?
Mind the cheek pouch…
Also, can we have our research grant so we can post bail?
I don’t know about a were-Chihuahua, but here’s a vampire Pomeranian (NSFW due to language)
I just re-watched that movie last weekend… :-)
Or a Tibetan mastchif. A they said I could be anything so I became a lion dog as I like to call it.
I was kinda expecting Pixel to go the other way and shrink into a cute little kitten.
Me too.
That’s probably the province of some large human.
There is another pink cat I can think of. This one would definitely be more stealthy.
Pink panther theme! ok a panther isnt a jaguar, but still
and @dave it depends on your instrument, a high E from a Tuba is far lower in frequency than a high E from a picccolo (flute).
So in principle an A should always be 466 Hz, but you an A from a Tuba is lower than an A from a Piccolo in freq. This is because on sheetpaper all instruments have been transposed. Makes things easier to read. Counting bars is bloody annoying when you got a complex piece
Also: no offense taken, I took it as figure of speech music notation instead of an absolute. Counting all those bars was too much work. So your point came across right away :)
>A should always be 466 Hz
440 you mean, right?
whoops :D
Is 420 Hz the high note? :)
It is about the G near the top of the bass clef. As a man, you probably hit it all the time when talking, unless you have a really high or low voice. You can hear it for yourself here.
you missed DaveB’s pun
The joke was a bit evanescent…
(Clue: Look in a dictionary)
i don’t quite follow, does this require more knowledge of sound waves? i know evanescent is like thin wispy that sorta thing, and also Evanescence is a musical group known for angst but i don’t see the connection to sound waves
Actually, a jaguar is one of the cats that also gets called a panther. So, well caught; she is a pink panther!
Middle-A on any instrument should be 440 Hz. Almost all brass instruments, including tubas and trumpets, can play middle-A, but the sound quality, due to different construction, will cause them to sound similar but distinct to the trained (and possibly untrained) ear. Woodwinds, like an aforementioned piccolo, have quite a distinct sound from brass instruments. Unfortunately, a piccolo can not get down to Middle-A; in fact they can barely play any notes on the treble clef, but play well above it. Woodwinds that can play middle-A, such as the clarinet or bassoon, sound quite different to the brass instruments, and are similar but distinct from each other, even playing the same notes.
So, if he started on, say, the piccolo scale (or maybe the fife is a little higher?), did 30 lines (60 notes, right?) get our Squee beyond the range of normal human hearing (20 kHz)?
I counted 24 Ledger Lines. In piano C4 or Middle C is 262Hz and each octave the Hz doubles, the note that she hit is E12…somewhere around 84kHz….Most Impressive
To be precise, A4 (or a1 depending on the notation) nowadays is 440 Hz and most common tuning forks generate this frequency.
But… that has been normalized in 20th century only. In late 19th century the most common A4 was equal to 435 Hz, and before that it was all over the scale, depending on the place – in general somewhere between 400 and 450 Hz. A “Modern Baroque” A4 is 415 Hz.
Even now the “concert pitch” is not exactly 440 Hz, because the first violinists always want to sound more distinct and pitch ther instruments just a tad over 440 Hz. This is called “pitch inflation” from players competing against each other.
Please tell me next page, she’s going to prowl around at the sound of this theme:
Was gonna post that, but took me 20 minutes to get the page to load (for some reason, it always takes 10-15 minutes before the new page loads lately :()
When your work was to search things in the internet in lightning speed, you pick up some skill at it.
You worked at tech-support, I assume?
Apple maps, actually. In Ireland.
Actually he was supposed to work at the Apple headquarters in Cupertino. He just happened to wind up in Ireland when he tried to find it in Apple Maps. (sorry, couldn’t resist)
Or maybe he missed the left turn in Albuquerque, and ended up in Ireland. ;-)
Actually that happened to a friend of mine there. he was supposed to start working in Cupertino, but ended up with us in Cork for some months.
Or even better, this song:
Actually, I was thinking more like this song.
BTW, performer is Harry Belefonte
… I’m with Sydney on this one… :D
… and Harem, don’t mess around with the short-stacked crew with tempers, unique powers and imagination enough to use the latter in a whole slew of, even for you, embaressing ways!
Sometime in the upcoming pages, all 5 Harems simultaneously get reality-hacked G-string ultra-wedgies.
Sydney will just continue to be Sydney … meaning, eventually, by default she’s going to get Harem back by collateral Sydney.
Collateral Sydney, that is the term of the day!
That’s is the perfect definition of Sydney in motion. Like a tornado, you don’t get in her way and close counts, just like with horseshoes, hand grenades and hydrogen bombs…
Sydney: Hmm, I wonder. If I feed one Harem a ghost pepper, will they all suffer? Let’s find out.
“Peppers that are red, but are not red peppers”…
I think the answer is that that one will suffer physically but that they’ll all feel it. I’d be interested to know whether her shared sensations would result in the common vomitting side-effect being shared across bodies though.
The sensation of vomit tends to induce more vomiting. Sooo….
Fair enough, thanks for clearing that up.
Coincidentally, the one UK candied ghost pepper seller is all out.
according to Metallocalypse, seeing someone vomit causes the viewer to vomit, altho admittedly there was some kinda weird fish involved, like surstromming or something
According to life: seeing someone vomit also causes other people to vomit.
I believe that it has lot more to do with the scent than the sight.
It’s like yawning. Any indication that the action has occured (even written) triggers a subconscious urge to follow suit. The stronger the indication, the stronger the effect.
In the case of vomitting, it takes a lot more to tip a person over the threashold and force the action, probably because there’s more at stake, but disgusting smells can certainly help.
Also, in the case of yawning, it’s been found that the empathetic someone is, the more likely they are to yawn when someone else yawns.
Surstromming (sp?) is a salted and fermented fish known to smell so bad prior to cooking that the tins it comes in have to be opened underwater for hygiene reasons. The fact that they didn’t all vomit immediately is impressive enough.
yeh i watched an episode of QI, Quite Interesting, a British TV show, anyway they were talking about it and the host said that the BBC said that they weren’t allowed to open the can of surstromming on set cuz if they did the studio would sue for damages cuz the smell would take forever to get out
Thanks, I’d forgotten what the exact reason was.
Maybe someone should have prepared Sydney for this, after all it does no good for a field agent to become paralyzed from shock.
I’ll be honest I wasn’t expecting this, not sure what I was expecting though I did figure it had to be cat themed.
Honestly, I don’t think even YORP was expecting this…
wait, the comic’s been up for over 2 hours, where is yorp?
wait, no. there he is.
he’s just got a new avatar
Not panther, indeed. As with Keneth, darkwynd and any others (who may have speculated on such, in the numerous festive season comments that I did not get to read) I was picturing her as a small kitty. The manga looks, modest stature, and kitty ‘whiskers’ were kind of crying out for that look.
Well, she did sort of freak out when Kat changed to a bunny, so a similar reaction to Pixel changing into a big, pink jaguar, is really to be expected. I just was not expecting the jaguar morph.
NOBODY expects the jaguar morph! Its chief weapon is embooben, embooben and em-dat ass-en… Its two main weapons are…
And surprise! Surprise, enbooben, en-dat-ass-en it’s three main weapons are.
Right, it’s THREE main weapons are Surprise, enbooben, en-dat-ass-en, and a set of razor-sharp claws.
Congratulations! According to my quick research and calculations, the note that Sydney is hitting is E10 – the first E that is too high for most adults to hear.
Although he’d lose some points for putting the wrong duration there. No way that’s just a quarter note. :P
Wait…why would her bust-size change? We know that supers have that “idealized” body shape (side question on that: given that truly strong men usually have a more massive frame, rather than the V-shape, are there male supers with a more strongman-esque built?) but she’s a were beast, which are explicitly not supers.
Plus, we saw with our werebadger that apparently your bust isn’t influenced by the shapechanging process. And even IF such vast differences between the human and antropomorphic shape are a possibility, why would her turning into a less human and more animalistic shape enhance a very human part of her physiology? Wouldn’t it make more sense if she grew..dunno…more nipples? Cause I don’t think jaguars have tits.
This one apparently does. Roll with it. :)
Ah, the Michael Bay-approach to storytelling and consistency, huh?
Not at all.
Think about this: Her muscles get bigger when she transforms (as well as her body growing in size until it’s about twice her original size). It does not mean her fatty tissue gets smaller. And that’s what the breasts mostly are: Fatty tissue.
Female body builders do not have small breasts because they have big muscles; they have small breasts because when you exercise that intensely, you lose body fat. Almost all female body builders who seem to have boobs… like the late Chyna (Joan Marie Laurer)… actually have implants for that exact reason.
So it isn’t necessarily that Pixel’s boobs got more than twice as big… it’s that they got bigger (along with the rest of her) and then were pushed out by the added muscle mass behind them, making them appear to grow even more than they actually did.
And if you don’t like that explanation… well, except for the Underworld series in which it’s some sort of genetic mutation, Therianthropy is almost always depicted as having a magical element. And we know that magic does exist in the Grrl Power universe. So Ta-da! Magic! is a perfectly valid explanation.
For the attempted explanation. The mundane one is feasible, in theory, but by comparison the differential is waaay too much for that to be viable. To add to your magical one though, the Grrlverse lycanthropy virus is magical, so such explanations can work fine.
It may also explain why Dave went for a big panther rather than a domestic cat. Whilst I was picturing Pixel in cat form, if she is actually a were, then it would be logical that she could assume a hybrid form.
Given a small cat form and Pixel’s already modest size, in human form, her hybrid form would likely be child-sized. But a child-sized cat-woman, even with a mature physique, would be in creepy-looking territory. So Dave probably made a wise call, on this one.
At least we can keep our claws crossed that Pixel does have an animal form, and that it is house cat sized. With the rationale that she has worked on making her hybrid form imposingly big for combat… and maybe personal insecurity reasons?
The current EGS NP strip seems to indicate that a child sized cat girl is in fact quite cute, not creepy looking at all.
YMMV, of course.
To add to the magical theory: She IS their expert on magical artifacts. How do we know she’s actually a therianthrope? Maybe that bell on her choker is… wait for it… a magical artifact that just happens to have the ability to cause a physical transformation.
I know it’s unlikely. The bell is just an affectation, and she has those facial “whisker marks” even in human form. But we still don’t know for sure that she’s a “natural” therianthrope, since all the others we’ve seen so far have had naturally-occurring coloration.
A magical artifact called “The Bell of Bust”.
“Bast’s Bell of Bust”.
That way you get the cat aspect as well
Hey, you never know. Let’s say it’s a magical artifact that lets her take any feline shape. If the magic only insists on a feline form and doesn’t care about the small details like fur color and boobage, then maybe she’s “compensating”. After all, most of the other women in ARC, aside from Halo, are noticeably better endowed than Pixel’s human form.
In regards to Mike’s comment, Bast is the Egyptian goddess of cats, after all, and prior to the 22nd Dynasty, had been a lioness warrior as well. Later, a feminine suffix was added, making her Bastet, and although she was still the goddess of cats, she lost the warrior aspect and became a goddess of perfume and protection. She was also associated with fertility and childbearing. She also originally started out as a sun deity; it was the Greeks who turned her into a moon deity.
The only thing is that if it was an artifact of Bast / Bastet, I would think the therianthrope form would be more likely to be a lioness or a domestic cat (an unusually large one).
Could also be Sekhmet- that’s where Bast’s more War-like traits went.
Fertility goddess also serves to explain the super-sized boobs. So the theory holds together from various angles.
I suspect it’s almost a guarantee that she’s not a “natural” therianthrope, as unlike the others displayed thus far, she’s disregarded Conservation of Mass – all that extra matter has to have come from somewhere, and it’s unlikely, no matter how muscular she is, that she’s carrying around a spare 200# in her human form
I was going to mention something about the Conservation of Mass, and it slipped my mind.
Not a problem if you use enough ‘handwavium’…
I am a bit puzzled by that as well. Lycantropes and shapeshifting does normally not add mass. In “Operation Chaos”, an old Poul Anderson story with a werewolf protagonist, he met and fought a weretiger. That weretiger was a big, heavy, overweight man in human form to get those 300 kilos needed for a tiger’s body. Human form Pixel cannot be more than 40 kg or so, so where did she get the rest?
Grrlpower lycanthropy is magical, which opens up numerous possible mechanisms. One, as an example, would be shunting the excess into an extradimensional space. Much like Harem’s bodies, when in storage.
Holy crap I read Operation Chaos when I was like….10! I’d forgotten about that book for :::coughafewdecadescough::::
The ‘rule’ (if just a small sample size can determine a rule) seems to be that your human form hair color, natural or not, carries over to your were form hair color.
George, I mean Gregor, has dark hair and a dark pelt as a (possibly dire) wolf.
Honey, I mean Clover, has white hair with black bangs, and then looks like a regular honey badger with a dark pelt but lighter top coloration.
Bun-bun, I mean Katrina, is a blond, colored or not is unknown, but still has a blond mop on her head in hare form.
Pixel colors her hair pink, and that carries over into her were form.
Seems to be fairly consistent.
Well analysed.
Uriko was creepy?
Looking at googled images of her, no. Likewise Mike Looney‘s EGS link above. However Pixel’s manga style does give her a much more child-like facial appearance than either of them.
“Think about this: […] actually have implants for that exact reason.” Up until here I was completely with you, in fact, that knowledge is one of the reasons that led me to that question.
“So it isn’t necessarily that Pixel’s boobs got more than twice as big… it’s that they got bigger (along with the rest of her) and then were pushed out by the added muscle mass behind them, making them appear to grow even more than they actually did.” Here is where you lose me however. Given her human breast size, the transformed size and particularly the shape, I’d put that under the category of extremely unlikely, Watson.
“And if you don’t like that explanation[…] Magic! is a perfectly valid explanation.”
It’s not whether I like it, it’s whether it’s credible. Magic, sure, but then my question about how and why would remain, because that would be a very convoluted spell, given the necessary specifications. And Pixel doesn’t strike me as the kind of character who’d make such weird specifications.
But hey, it seems like it was indeed made with an explanation in mind and not, as I feared a slip of thought.
Because she has the emboobening power.
Except the other female shapeshifters have boobs in human form and it isn’t working that way for them. At all. Pixel’s anthropomorphic endowment simply seems to be a personal peculiarity, like her pinkness.
Good point, about the breasts. Oberon shows above that hair colour matching both forms is consistent for all the weres we have seen.
Mind you this does mean that either the hybrid form copies dyed hair (and nail colour) or Pixel is ‘natural’ pink haired and green nailed. Either of which would justify your peculiar label.
well if we assume that she is Just a were-jaguar, and not some kind of special case beyond the norm. Then it stands to reason that the body of the human form and the body of the hybrid form do not Need to be as analogous as we have previously thought. Aka little human can turn into huge hybrid or vice versa depending on the random flukes of the lycantropy interacting with the host.
Probably a fair bet that the di-morphism between human and hybrid forms we see here is a bit of an outlier from the average but she would hardly be the first case in fiction of this in comics.
Yes, I already included the posibility of her anthro-form being very different from her human form. But again, if she moves further AWAY from her human form, it makes little sense why any part of her body would become MORE (or rather in this case more distinctly) human. If she had giant tits as a human and they would turn more flat and/or muscular in her anthro-form that would actually make some sense.
She might be a special exceptional case but that’s why I’m asking.
As MSpears mentions above, if she has control over her form change then there’s no reason she would have to lose chest fat, meaning that some size increase from muscle gain would be just as plausible as size loss from fat loss.
What we see here, however, does exceed anything so logical.
Or it could just be that Dave likes to draw busty and beefy females.
You mean the guy who dedicates entire chapters to explain every minutiae of his world, including some obscure special unit to werecreature genealogy and even such superfluent stuff like the female version of “bro”?
I have my doubts about that theory of yours.
True, but he is also a guy who draws a lot of well endowed amazons.
Which he also explains, if the endowment is too outstanding or too regular.
That’s why I ask. If he’d just draw everyone in one way, I wouldn’t bother but he goes to quite a length to at least make some sense out of stuff that, quite frankly, doesn’t even need to be explained.
And a petite pink pocket-sized princess growing into an eight foot pink puddy tat makes sense? o_O
Rule of cool, m8.
Depends on how were-beasts work in this universe. The human and beast forms might be treated as different but deeply connected bodies.
That will actually be explained. :)
Can I also tickle an answer about that strongmen-thing out of you?
Clover didn’t get bigger boobs when she went were is because a were-Dire Honey Badger just don’t give a f**k about big boobs.
she’s a were-jaguar, not a shapeshifter, she doesn’t literally turn into a jaguar, albeit pink, she turns into a human-jaguar hybrid
Yes and no, regarding your first. All weres are shapeshifters, that is their only ability. They are just limited to one or two (mostly) predetermined forms. Doppelgangers, such as one of Dabbler’s ‘parents’, are simply more versatile shapeshifters.
hmm ok, well then i guess i’ll have to settle for: her current form is a hybrid, regardless of whether she can achieve other forms; side note, shapeshifters in RPG video games don’t have to worry so much about whether their armor looks cool cuz half the time when they’re fighting they aren’t in their default form anyway
Oh my god.
I fully admit I was REALLY LAUGHING my ass off on this page. the silliness of Sydney being like a FREAKING EVERY TOPING POSSIBLE FOR AN ICECREAM ADDED.
Now I wanna see a probably-not-cannon picture of Sydney riding Pixel into battle
Going to need to work that into “vote incentive Mk V”
More like Mk XII at this point…
I’m just counting the ones where I have laid out a scenario or scene for. I think I’ve done four so far.
GO MIKE GO!!! lol
Sydney cosplays She-Ra while Pixie cosplays Battle Cat. Math or Vance can play He-Man.
lol not HE-MAN technically as SHE-RA was on a pegasus? hehe
Don’t ask Math…If you ask Math, he’ll knock out anybody else you’d want to ask just so HE can be the one to ride Pixel…
Sydney would MOST PROBABLY be going “squeeeeeeeee” more than anything else in said battle. Could work if some enemies are VERY SENSITIVE to ultrasonic sounds. hehe
BUT sincerely it’s like he gave us a MEAL of jokes.
Harem appetizer joke.
Pixie sounds effect a kind of main dish of fun.
then the AMAZING DESSERT, the end about the alarm…being actually Sydney squealing.
Showed it to a friend that don’t know the webcomic and he COULDN’T STOP LAUGHING EITHER.
I suspect Dave is trying to make furries out of us.
He is succeeding.
Some of the best were-characters I’ve read in a long time.
This is a subsection of a universe but to me is right on par with Wild Life and How To be a werewolf web comics dedicated to were universes.
It IS how he started out apparently…
nothing wrong with that.
Heeeeey, what happened to Krona’s rainbow hair? (yes, I only just noticed)
She changed it back off-camera. Or maybe there’s a time limit on some hacks.
Back at the Council Chamber, 15 Krona-disabled grenades give off an ominous click all at once.
It was a one off moment of fun
To be fair with the inspector, then a panther can actually be a Jaguar as well, it dont need to be a leopard.
And most people cant tell those two apart anyway.
If anyone are curious then try and goggle pictures :P
What gets me is people confusing a cheetah with a leopard (leopards don’t have the ‘tears’)
This probably has to do with two things, they both live in Africa and are yellow with black spots, and that in some languages, like Dutch and Afrikaans(the South-African language which closely related to Dutch), the Cheetah is know as Jachtluipaard or Jagluiperd respectively, which basically translates to Huntingleopard.
This is different from most other European languages, where it’s know as the Gepard. (or variations thereof)
yeh and besides the “tears” there’s the whole physique thing
Also, leopards are fast (well, faster than any humans), but not blazing fast like the cheetah.
Well, you have to admit, “it’s not easy being cheesy,” as Chester says.
Dave, if you keep doing this, you’re gonna give Syd an aneurysm………………
Also…DAMN! Pix be SWOLE!
Wow, Krona is just completely unimpressed by Pixel. I guess hanging around the council will do that.
Also now that I think about it, are her spots why she’s called Pixel?
Google ‘Pixel: the cat who walked through walls’
Ah, Schrodinger’s cat. I see.
I think Pixel is more like Schrodinger’s OTHER cat…The one that clawed out Schrodinger’s eyes & chewed his hands to shreds before he could open the box to check the first cat.
Not to be confused with Shadowcat, the lesser known hero alias of Kitty Pryde.
I haven’t read any Marvel comics for ages: has she gone back to ‘Ariel’, then?
from what i recall ( I stopped reading comics a few years back) she doesn’t actually bother with an alias much these days. For that matter, quite a few don’t bother.
Amusingly, Dave did NOT know about that when he created this character, he said in his Author’s note.
is that from the Robert Heinlein book?
When your power set is reality hacking, I’d guess very few things would impress you…
It is possible that Krona, in her duties as a VI, has seen Pixel transform before. We know that Clover has worked with Pixel enough that Pixel was Clover’s first call on examining the sword fragments, so I find it highly likely that VI, at least, know of her were status.
With that specialty, she likely works with the council a lot, especially VI…
I knew there was something odd about her, now that solves it. But pink fur though? Is it cause she has pink hair? o.0
Close, she has pink hair because she has pink fur (little secret: she is a panther who can assume human form)
We’ve seen weirder. Like a sentient spider colony.
No, you saw only the outer shell of a sentient spider colony…The wrapping is not the same as the contents.
It’s because all of her fur is pink…
Think about it…
I just want to know where all the extra mass comes from and goes to when she changes back.
Well ether way that is interesting.
Okay, that explains Pixelicious’ choice of chocker and lack of footwear
Also, guessing Sydney is going to revise her opinion and stance towards Pixelicious :D
Sydney didn’t dislike her so much, as considered her competition for cuteness….
Umm, she actually whispered to Maxi that she didn’t like Pixelicious
After doing a close comarision of attributes…
I think Sydney just got over that.
So with Pixel (and other were-creatures) The Most Common Superpower Trope which the comic runs on only applies in your zoanthrope form. That means that you can have and keep a less than impressive appearance and physique (in your human form) despite technically being super-powered (as per this setting’s “rules”).
1. It sort of implies that Katrina and Clover naturally/really are pretty/sexy as they are. (Not that Pixel isn’t pretty/sexy as she is.)
2. Implies that “multi-mode” supers can have a more normal appearance and a heroic appearance (confirmed with Heatwave, although she’s quite easy on the eyes without her flames).
That and she more supernatural than superhuman.
Well when Katrina was paralyzed and on the floor, one of the things she said was her boobs hurt. Of course she was wearing looser clothes than Pixel, so they may not be as obvious.
While I’m no female, I assume that even small boobs hurt when laying on them on the concrete.
Huh. I wonder how that works, the mass shaping portion. I wonder if she mixed in some spells with her? So she ends up “enbooben”ing when she transforms.
Maybe she couldn’t deal with the being a cute lil pink feline gal?
I mean her hair is probably magically changed considering all of her fur is the same colour (sans the pattern portion) Or maybe she asked Krona for a appearance hack?
it was a cursed artifact. probably a diamond. with a strange-looking flaw.
My throat hurts just looking at that pitch.
It’s a wonder Sydney’s glasses haven’t shattered.
She is not singing her SQUEEEEEE… at the resonant frequency of her glasses.
Correct level the slightest bit higher or lower than that and no shattering. Heck even if you passed through the right frequency it might not shatter since it takes a moment to resonate violently enough to shatter.
Yep Sydney’s definitely becoming a were later.
It would certainly fix her self-esteem issues.
But it would be funny if she wanted something big, buff and busty like Pixel here but instead she got something small and silly looking. like a spider monkey or lemur.
Or something unpleasant and far from humanoid, like a tarantula.
By word of God, as far as this world knows, weres can only be mammals.
But that’s the thing: ‘as far as this world knows’ is not the same thing as ‘were’s can only be mammals’, it wasn’t that long ago that ‘as far as this world knows’ Supers didn’t exist
Spider monkey would probably help with the power orb thing, if they still worked.
Okay, I can’t possibly be the only one who thought Pixel was getting a little “cheeky” in that last panel . . .
Talk about “turning the other cheek…DaveB turned the camera angle to get both of them.
My problem – if you want to call it that
– was that because of the placement of the tail, I briefly thought that Pixel’s pants had failed during her transformation and half her fanny was now exposed!
Wait, you mean her ‘heiney’?
It’s a cultural thing, maybe. Fanny in the USA is the butt/ass/bottom. Fanny in the UK, as I understand it, is the vagina.
So, one thing that bugs me, and I’m not sure if it’s been addressed before, where does all the extra mass come from? Pixel (and the other weres) seem to break the law of conservation of mass. Are they just super dense in there human form? Or maybe super not-dense (not the right word, but it’s too late to come up with the right one) in were form? Or is this just one of those things that gets chalked up to ‘magic’?
A Wizard did it, and that Wizard is from the moon……
Traditionally the creator just says, “magic” and gets a free pass. Pocket dimensions full of Higgs particles and free energy get a go when sci-fi gets a swing at the question.
In one of the furry parallel universes with were-humans, Pixel’s double just switched to her completely human form :) So the mass simply travels between those parallel universes ;)
Okay, this. I approve very heartily of this. Logistical nightmare, mind you, but I nevertheless approve.
In the Wild Card series, extra mass generally came from the air surrounding the character. Radha “Elephant Girl” O’Reilly is the most common example, but both the Projectionist and Captain Trips both demonstrated the same ability.
And yes, her name is a M*A*S*H reference.
Granted, this also caused a sizable localized disturbance in the air, winds and electrical discharges and the like, which we seem to be missing here.
That makes sense, since that’s where a tree gets most of it’s mass from
OK. The vote thing, MK IV (it think)
OK, it’s now Dabs, Sydney, Pixel Krona and Max, plus one or more Harems, in a shower. Sydney is spanking Pink|Jaguar|Pixel with the lighthook and Dabs has just finished the polish cycle on Max. Krona is holding on to the leash attached to Pink|Jaguar|Pixel’s collar. The Harems are helping with any soaping or polishing that needs to be done…
It’s official. The description of the next vote bonus is a Rule 34 fanfic.
Show ‘er to the sexy shower.
That was a bad pun. List me.
Dude, once you are on the list all you get are underlined, stars, or pentagrams. Sometimes a notation. /me suggest a set of doubled stars.
But I like being listed. Notice me sempai!
OK, you get a notation AND a pentagram. Who knows, you might make it up to Elder Sign soon.
I think you’re expecting more from the vote incentives than you’re likely to get ever.
Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp,
Or what’s a heaven for?
And a demon’s reach should forever exceed his grasp, or what else is a Hell for?
You trying to make a Hell on Earth for yourself there?
Hell on Earth is a restaurant with French waiters, British cooks and American customers
Shouldn’t Sydney be foaming at the mouth along with her other reactions? I think she just hit the saturation point of fan girl-dom.
I think you have to be cute – like Kat the were-bunny – to get that reaction. This one is more in line with all of the others we’ve seen her do since she was introduced to the Council.
In all honesty though, I’m beginning to wonder if she shouldn’t be getting used to it by now and having more low-key responses . . .
Wait. Sydney? Low key? Never mind.
True but they usually don’t mean it that way.
In panel two, when Sydney and Krona are giving her the stink eye for her short joke, is Harem giving them a wink?
Shouldn’t Pixel take off her choker bell if she’s trying to sneak in?
It doesn’t have a clapper (that’s the part of the bell that makes it ring).
That bell is one thing that you can’t “clap on, clap off.” It’s always off.
Wait, you want to give The Pixel Panther the clap? o_O
No, in relationship to this comic, I’m nothing more than one of the applauding audience.
It was a joke :P
i personally don’t wanna give her the clap per se but i wouldn’t mind engaging in some activities which have been known to result in it were proper precautions not taken
We saw that her fingernails were green in a previous comic Now we see her finger and toe claws are also green. It might be her natural color rather than polish.
Like Maxi and her lips
Well, that explains why she wears a cat bell around her neck and why she chooses to where slippers.
Shouldn’t her eyes be color green instead of yellow since Pixel’s hair/fur is naturally default to pink?
Also, Her pink fur color makes her jaguar camouflage a bit redundant for stealth.
The pink fur and blue claws indicate that her transformation is more magic than genetic. (Though there’s undoubtedly a genetic component as well.)
Also, just because her fur color is pink does not necessarily mean her eyes would also be a different color. Take a look at a jaguar, then take a look at a black panther (which is really just a melanistic jaguar). Just because the black panther’s fur is black, does that make its eyes a different color?
No, of course not. Because pigmentation of the eye is unrelated to pigmentation of the skin or fur (except in the case of albinism and other rare genetic conditions.)
I think what they’re getting at is that her eye colour is naturally green, which is also an eye colour for jaguars, so why did her eye colour change between being a human and a jaguar? They could have been green in both forms easily enough.
Fair point.
We know that the Were virus is magical in nature. So yes, there is a magical element to all were transformations.
Well, if Pixel had Pink Eye, they’d have to isolate her to prevent contagion…
who says it defaults to pink? maybe she dyed all of her body hair, or had a word with Krona, and maybe when she paints her nails the color stays, or maybe it’s all something to do with a magical artifact which as you may recall is her specialty
So that’s Pixel’s were-form…! Would that explain her choker?
No, this is her natural form, her ‘human’ form is what she transforms into
Aaaaaand now I’m a furry. Thanks, Barrack. (I’ve been waiting for a chance to use that joke…)
Apparently Sydney is a Furry Fan now.
Sydney has been furry fan for awhile
Well, Sydney’s running into all sorts of extra-abilitied types of people now that she a part of the super-hero world. She seems to be taking all of these culture shocks quite well, considering that she entered this kind of a world when she got dragged into it by her balls…
…That’s normally a very painful experience…
Ooh, pink fur, green nails… looks like I got it right in my last wild stab, this morning. Although my version was just a were pussy cat, rather than a were pink panther.
And I guess that was why Pixel’s hand was in that pose and likewise why the finger nails were more prominent than we might normally expect. As a clever bit of foreshadowing. Nicely done.
I’m trying to figure out if there really is an alarm or if that is just the squee that she’s hearing
Pixel was just hearing Sydney trying to squeal quietly.
And at an extremely high frequency.
I imagine that, under the right circumstances, some humans may be able to produce sounds that are undetectable, to the human ear. Mind you it is not surprising, with such small, round, ears.
i’m with sydney. i may die from cuteness overload.
que the pink panther theme
It’s a piece of Jazz music written by Henry Mancini. Let me cue it up. If you want to listen using headphones, queue forms to the left.
The Original Pink Panther Theme
He he. I do love Sydney going ultrasqueal.
We needed a mini comic at the bottom of the page with Gregor back at the hall raising his ears and saying ‘Do you hear something?”