Grrl Power #489 – Two liter minimum
Hey, I think they’re up to something. Oh, and in panel 3 the bats don’t literally say “Form of a Vampire.” I just thought it was funny. But if you do want to imagine it, obviously they’d do it in a chorus of high pitched squeaky voices.
So yeah, there’s probably an interesting story behind Sciona’s current situation. Yup. And obviously she’s a pretty tough cookie in the first place, cause most people don’t just walk off a boo-boo like that.
Zova’s name is Zvonamir, but Gunnhildr calls him Zova because it’s easier for her to say. That Z to V transition trips her up, even though listening to this Old Norse, she probably wouldn’t really have an issue with it. But really, how often does she get to speak it these days?
Happy the-day-after-new-years-day off if that’s how your workplace or school swings.
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everyone vote,grrl power!
Okay, so Zvona is a bad one (and probably Gunnie too :( ), and this rules out the Yellow-Eyed Preacher as the one responsible, but… DaveB did say (through Ari) that they are not all going to be real threats
i dun think Gunnie is bad, she just happens to know him cuz they’re both on the Council
Well, she is Vamp, and she did only join in the fight when it was practically over and there was no risk to her
Well, vampires are NOT actually “immortal” because there ARE situations & circumstances that can kill them…It just happens that they’re a lot more sturdy than your average (living) human. So yeah, when there is a situation where a vampire does face some additional risk, they’ll tend to act in the interests of self-preservation…They’ve already been alive for long enough that they’d not likely to throw it away foolishly.
So a vampire/orc stitch monster that thirsts for vampire blood. That’s new. And somewhat disturbing.
Actually a Frankenstein type and using Vampire blood for “her” constructs.
Oh yeah, I didn’t see the syringe in the last panel.
Technical term for Frankenstiens monster is “Flesh Golum” wich is diffrent frome a zombie cause a Golum has SOME intelegence and is made from Multible bodies
Um, youeant gol right?
Cause smeagol was obviously made of flesh.
That is Golem not Golum.
With that huge under-bite, doubt she has drunk blood directly in a very long time
I am 90% certain the upper part of a female head (with the brain) was sown to a totally foreign body.
Yup, and from Inggie’s comment last page, Sci-fright is female
Look at panel 5 closely. The body is female as well.
No, that’s a little too difficult to tell, and a cleft chin that pronounced is extremely rare in females, even amongst non-humans but hadn’t completely ruled that out (just, until WoD says one way or the other, going with male body)
Sci-fright has to be the brains, or it simply wouldn’t be her
Well, looks like I was right about how “most of her head” was achieved
can we call her “Princess Monstertruck” in honor of the teeth
She has a chin that would make Kirk Douglas proud :D
Yes we can, just because of that awesome reference.
She’s Sciona, says so on the who’s who list (maybe it was updated)
The theory that Sci-fright had her head removed from the mouth up is correct, wonder which poor sap donated their (his? looks vaguely ‘male-shaped’) body, and if it was willingly or not (probably not)
More interestingly, it proves that decapitation DOESN’T always work on vampires.
Who says she was a vamp? The Who’s Who claims she is a Blood Mage
She might be something like Unity, a being of living blood, for whom bodyparts are just a way to interact with the world of solid beings. Maybe not entirely, but… meh.
Unity is a zombie though, sort of
Nah, U.N.I.T.Y.’s totally a flesh golem animated by magical nanomachines.
She’s a zombie, she even eats brains (she doesn’t like when she does that as she goes all ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ (believe she gets ‘smarter’ and she doesn’t like that)
Not magic, Mad Science! Totally different things
If you’ll note where the cut is and compare it to anatomy class ( you did take one right? ) the part that is there includes all of the brain and at least half the brain stem. Now, if the cut had been 5cm higher this conversation wouldn’t be happening. IF it had been a vertical cut, the conversation would be REALLY interesting.
yuffiek‘s point is that decapitation (the separation of the head from the body) usually destroys the vamp
Note the cross stitch doesn’t go all the around, hence mostly…
Depends on the type of vampire. Quite a few variants, including some of the vampires from folk lore found decapitation an inconvenience.
We don’t know exactly what she is, but it’s damned powerful. Her magical skills/abilities are likely what saved her, though looking at that face it was pretty nasty magic….
The head does not match the body, we can’t get a good enough view of the back of her head, and the ‘mostly’ referred to removing it from the mouth up
I believe you’re supposed to decapitate them AND stuff the mouth with garlic, not just one of the two.
Just from Abraham Van Helsing’s Treatment of Lucy… I’d say you need to cut off the head, after driving a stake through the heart along with stuffing the head with garlic and putting a wreath of garlic on the body.
That sounds like something from a cannibals cookbook.
Mmmmm…Long Pork. It’s what’s for dinner.
From a purely biological standpoint the only reason severing a persons head at that point is fatal is because of the resulting absence of oxygenated & nutrient-bearing blood to the brain. Not an instant kill.
I can 100% see how telekinesis or a blood magic based equivalent would make it a survivable injury – just pull the blood out of your corpse, start a circulation again, and manipulate the shape of the not-currently-in-your-head blood to maximise it’s surface area for gas transfer.
Can we say Corpus callosotomy?
Yeah, me niether. :D
People’s anatomy do vary, but at mouth height usually brain already ended (at the medulla oblongata), so what get cut is the spinal cord. At least in we humans :)
Also prove that you do not behead someone, you “bebody” them.
I would think “disembody” would be more apt, like “disarming” but a bit more radical.
Decapitate, Burn the bodies and heads separately Scatter the ashes or bury in separate graves. That usually works. Usually
We need some New Year Cheesecake for the vote incentive, please. :D
WE can’t wait till valentine’s day drive…
Well this dwarf can’t… he could. Just don’ wanna :P
Just not Sciona cheesecake, please….
Maybe it would be Sci-fright beef-cake
agreed, not what I want to see with a hangover
Do Sciona count as beefcake or cheesecake? It’s kind of hard to make a distinction in her/his case.
Depends on the gender of the body, it’s a little too difficult to tell right now
I’d say panel 5 is pretty obvious. I mean, even Dwayne The Rock Johnson doesn’t have pecs this big. Not to mention the relatively slim waist and curved hips.
Ever heard of ‘moobs’?
There could be parts from both genders there.
[Bad Hollywood Dwarven Irish/Scottish accent]
If’n it’s fer a Dwarf den It’s hasta be ye good olde Beer Cheesecake.
But use de good stuff. Not that name brand dishwater dey advert on de telley.
Could be worse: could be an Irish/Scottish/Mexican accent :P
Mmm, Beer Cheescake? Yes please!
So here’s a question:
Which part of Zvona is the original one? The top of the head, or the body?
I mean Sciona
Over her career she’s replaced her head twice and her body five times.
You are confused about who is whom: Zvona is the vamp who was seen in the Chamber of Secrets with Gunnie, Sci-fright is the head on the orc body
Wow, an old-school Slavic name in Western fiction that actually makes sense rather tyhn being a bunch of jiberish. Also incredibly ironic to be called “Ringer of Peace” when your job is to be a bringer of war.
Misdirection at its finest.
Sadly de real name is Zvonimir ;)
In western and southern slavic naming tradition – yes. Somewhere in Russia, Ukraine or Bulgaria it would indeed be Zvonamir or Zvonomir is someone decided to make such a name. No one did, but hey, we can speculate.
The more I look at Zvona’s head(s), the more uncomfortable I feel… with shivers running down my spine…
Sci-fright, not Zvona
Doh! :–(
“Welcome to Fright Night. For real.”
~Jerry Dandridge
(Yeah, if you don’t know right off the top of your head, I’m going to make you look it up)
Original or remake?
I prefer the one with Roddy McDowell. He also does an excellent chimpanzee.
Yup, was thinking that one as well (and yes, he does a most excellent chimpanzee :D)
“Free OJ?” You mean they feed on the former Linebacker that supposedly killed his ex-wife, got off due to Jury Nullification, and then went on to commit armed robbery?
Yeah, why not?
Shouldn’t Zvonamir also have a Who’s Who?
He didn’t get one on the first page where he speaks and his “nickname” is given but when I read the text at the end of this comic I thought it must be because it was just a nickname. But now he doesn’t have one here either.
Named twice, spoke on both pages, and no Who’s Who. Is this Dave’s way of saying he gonna die? (not makin’ all the tags and junk for a character incinerated comically two posts from now)
Personally going to believe that Gunnie has trouble saying the ‘Zv’ because of anatomical reasons (for lack of better term) rather than cultural (ie she literally physically can’t not pronounce it correctly, so instead of making a complete mess of it, she uses a personal nickname for him, sort of like calling a ‘Richard’ a ‘Dick’, personally can not properly pronounce the number ‘one’ without a great deal of effort and hate counting or saying it :()
Yeah, that underbite can’t really be great for pronouncing anything, regardless of how much practice you have with the language.
Prononouncing ‘zv’ is exactly as difficult as pronouncing ‘sv’. It’s even a little easier because regressive voicing is a thing.
Hmm, I wonder if Halo is genre savvy enough to have followed him?
She likely didn’t notice. Too many shiny things all at once for her ability to concentrate. She does a lot better when she can concentrate on one thing, like Vehemence….
How could she follow him? He was a swarm of bats! And she would have no reason to suspect someone who was in the room during the attack to have been involved with the attack, or at least the one who staged the attack
If the swarm didn’t know she was following them it might be possible at her speeds but little buggers are hard to see in the dark… Oh, probably show up in magic vision mode pretty brightly.
I agree with the second part. He’s just one unnamed quiet face in a crowd to her.
Depends on if they travel in a swarm together, or travel in smaller groups, but you would always be waiting for that one group (or individual) who stopped off for a bite
You’d be following with the intent of being where he reforms so you would just wait it out. Under those rules you would only need to keep tabs on one of them and avoid being seen. Of course not being seen by a creature that can leave aware sighted parts of themselves flying around in its wake is easier said than done.
Once he saw you he’d just fly through some other swarm of bats or into a local bat cave until you hopelessly lost track of which is which.
I’m going to assume this is the gal Ingsol was referring to in the last page.
“Most of her head,” indeed.
Ayup. Hands up anybody who saw THIS one coming.
Well-played, Dave. I’m pretty certain most, if not all, of us were kind of imagining the exact opposite (supervillain with, well, sort of a head deficit).
You mean like Deus? o_O
Deus has more than just that as a problem…For instance, Deus also has ethics & morals problems to deal with.
Naw, he likes his ethics just fine…
yep, he’s got subscriptions… BUT, they are well warranted though…
She had Lighthook and Shield up all the time. And was there the last pages.
So nope.
So Gunhildas sire is working with Sciona.
Who appears to be a most of a Drow/Dark elven head, sowed to another body.
Quite the stunt to pull. And certain to get you ahead of the people chasing you.
Is he her sire though? Or just an ally?
Yep, and how much she actually knows…..
Where was it explained who Gunnie’s sire was? o_O
I think they are agreeing that those are good questions and adding a third to the list.
Oh, okay
sewn, not sowed.
(sow is for seeds, sew is for threads, seeds rhyme with needs, threads rhyme with heads)
also, I’m playing League of Legends and when I saw Sciona and her name, I thought of Sion, immediately
Believe you meant “seeds rhyme with feeds“, just sounds a little better :D
seeds rhymes with needs, as well as with feeds, and would cover both for birds and squirrels
Have to admit though, “It’s not much of a disguise.”
~Laura, as Agent L (at the end of MIB II)
Remembering, people, this is STILL part of Sydney’s “How I Became A Superhero” flashback.
Which means one or the other gets defeated and blabs everything
Personally have started to believe these ‘side-tracks’ are simply DaveB filling us in with Sydney not knowing any of it (do you really believe Maxi would have told her Deus’ backstory? or about her golden shower?)
All of that could probably be stuff that Sydney learned about later, but DaveB interjects the info into his story where it would be most appropriate & timely. This isn’t the first time an author has done so, but sometimes the protagonist-narrator will outright say that certain info was learned later.
Comic book relativity….
No, some of that stuff Sydney has no reason to ever have found out (like Deus pawing the monitor with Maxi’s face on it)
She will become best buddies with Vale ;)
But she could find out more about his goals, feelings towards Maxima, etc… and added a bit of flavor for her audience.
Or this is actually her (Arianna) officially approved life story in comic form and the company they licensed it to are adding in the “meanwhile elsewhere” bits by extrapolating from what was known after the dust settled and taking some (a lot) poetic license. If it amused her and COULD have been true Sydney probably wouldn’t object. Given the business she owns and personal interests it actually makes a lot of sense that she would want such a thing made.
Not a flashback, but a back story….
A frankenOrk!
It’s pronounced Fronken-örk
“Wonder twin powers activate!”
Meanwhile, I gotta wonder what Sciona looked like before she got chopped.
And does this mean the bloody hand prints on the Creepy Evil Mannequins was vampire blood, possibly even Zova’s blood? Doesn’t that mean the investigators would be able to trace them back to him, or does your DNA vanish or something when you’re undead?
Depends on how much of the blood survives the burning, we only saw two handprints, and one was already removed during the fight and the other shredded by a Were-Dire-Don’tgiveafuck-Badger
Blood on a shredded object is still just blood. Non magical CSI can already do science magic with that.
Yeah but the real science people can’t do all that much “magic” compared to Hollywood “science”.
Sort of like the visual enhancement/zoom on images going in 1000x and not just getting a huge pixel.
Also red blood cells contain zero DNA for those of you who happen to have missed/forgotten/slept-through those classes in high school biology.
Yeah, and about all they would be able to determine, would be the blood-type, and species type (Vamps are still a sub-group of humans, similar to politicians but more liked, unless they sparkle :P)
Blood also contains white blood cells (about 1000x less than Red, but they are still there). Those have DNA.
And DNA can be amplified to test it.
It still needs a counter to compare to, but you can assume the council keeps samples from criminals they have mostly decapitated. (and other criminals that are still presumed alive)
It’s certainly possible that the Bloody Hand Gang were decorated with blood from Zvonamir, or another vampire. How traceable that blood would be, besides being identifiable as coming via a vampire, is another matter.
I recall at least one setting* in which the world-building reason for vampires needing to take blood to survive is that (their particular form of) magic-infused immortality degrades their own blood, and prevents the synthesis of more. They therefore need regular infusions of fresh ‘working’ blood, so as not to run dry. However, this means that the blood in their system isn’t really ‘theirs’ in a sufficient sense for identification: if Scarlett took a drink from Leon and then left a bloodstain, then any genetic and/or magical traces would lead to Leon rather than Scarlett. Or more likely, a search-confusing mix of Leon, Joel, Yorp, anyone else she’s supped from within the degradation timescale…
* Can’t remember offhand which setting that was. Might have been Harmon’s “Wearing the Cape” series, or Lukyanenko’s “Night Watch” series, or Lindqvist’s “Let the Right One In”. If it was either of the series, it was only in a later book that it became relevant and remarked upon.
Half orc, half dark elf, half construct… wait… mathematical problem detected…
Well, the Who’s Who does say she has scars like you wouldn’t believe (or did you not believe that claim?) so we have no way of knowing (until the sexy invotive shower scene) just how many body parts she is now composed of
It’s realy up to the readers imagination. Pass me the brainbleach please.
Frankenstein grade surgery….
Why is it all these constructs have visible scars with huge stitches? Can’t they use some thread smaller than shipping twine? Geeze…
If you were half a head of something and having to be physically grafted to a body, I suspect you would prefer the sturdier more durable method of attachment.
Remember, these stitches aren’t intended as a temporary measure to hold a wound closed while it heals, they are (likely) the ONLY thing holding the two halves of her head together and would need to be permanent.
Personally I’d opt for titanium anchors cemented into the upper and lower skull sections but thick and sturdy stitching appears to work for Sciona.
What’s wrong with superglue? It was actually invented for surgical purposes…
Hey, I was going to say that.
Also Gorilla tape to hold things together while the glue sets
It may be a deliberate aesthetic thing, akin to the stitching of Igors. Why hide your composite nature, when you can be proud of having overcome the bounds of natural-born biology!
Well, as Mindless Self Indulgence said in their second album title…
Ignis: “Well that would certainly explain it’s size”
hmm, random thought, shame Sydney didnt use her truesight orb in the council chamber. she probably wouldnt have told anyone though, as she would assume that this kind of fucked-up was par for the course.
Well, she kinda did use it, that’s how she detected Killaquinns in the first place, also, that part of that particular ball of hers is supposed to remain Tippity-Top Uber Secret
Princess ADHD has been a bit excited the last few episodes since she tends to think in stream of consciousness kind of way… She ‘s having too much fun….
“Sciona – she’s not just another pretty face!”
Sorry, everyone but someone had to say it.
*Sheepishly retreats*
She is about as two-faced as one can get without a second head.
Zaphod Beebelbrox resembles that statement…
So does Janus
Zaphod DID have a second head in the books.
And the TV series and movie
not the movie. THAT was a second face.
Oh right, flip top head, almost forgot that detail (or maybe was hoping that you had >_>)
btw, when you saw the movie did you notice the Marvin from the tv show was waiting in line at the Vorgon bureau of waiting in lines? (yes, i know that wasn’t the actual name of the place)
I sew what you did there. Mike Looney will kill me for this…
Yeah,on the list you are….
Talking like Yoda, you are.
No, taking like Peggy I am.
Well at least one she talked like that.
Butt ugly, the next generation….
Well, someone really took a level in “ugly”.
Definitely, Comliness was considered her “dump stat.”
So the new character of Sciona is female,at first I thought she was some sort of demonic being!!!
Hmm Should the not know about Tom
and make it their top priority to abduct him ?
Would he not also be able to refill ancient Vampire blood ?
Zvona would know about Tom, if not prior to this meeting then certainly at the same time that Sydney learnt about him
Tom may be able to refill the blood, but would it be ancient Vampire blood though? And he would still have to do it willingly
It would still be the blood of an ancient vampire but, given how treasured Tom is, people would notice his absence.
I would also wonder if Tom’s blood is somehow less suitable for blood magic, as well, but the fact that Sciona is using is vampiric sort of puts a lot of holes in that theory.
Hopefully, we shall see!
Welcome to 2017, everyone! Hope it’s a good one for you all!
Replace “that Sciona is using is vampiric sort” with “that Sciona is using vampiric blood sort”.
Multi-tasking really isn’t.
I’m guessing she is the one they were talking about last time, “mostly decapitated”.
And your guess would be correct :D
From looking at the way she’s stitched, they cut didn’t get the brain stem, so it looks like they missed the brain and didn’t sever the spinal cord. Bad news all around…..
So she is a do-it-yourself variety of Penanggalan then.
I’m thinking of a whole category of memes that they have at the Cheezburger website, “There, I Fixed It.”
Sciona is just a … WRONG thing. But, the plot thickens.
I was giving the vamps the benefit of the doubt and they through it back in my face with this, that the vamps are involved. Great job guys.
We know that Zvona is involved with this, and that he and Gunnie are chummy and they were plotting something together, but that doesn’t mean the Gunnie knew about Sci-fright (and as others have posited last page, Zvona and Gunnie being the shadowy pair may not be the case at all)
I’m really hoping that Gunnie isn’t involved, but I would not be totally shocked if she is.
Yeah, like said, she and Zvona are involved with something, just not sure if she knows about Sci-fright
I doubt the vampires are a unified front behind a single leader. THIS vampire is a bad guy.
Just thought of something: when did Zvona leave the party? Before or after Ravven arrived late? They may not know that they now suspect Sci-fright and will be looking to see if her head is where they expect it to be
Is it just me, or does Zvonamir look suspiciously similar to Ingsol?
It’s not just you, but I checked – this guy has a receeding hairline, Ingsol doesn’t. Ingsol has some gray, this guy doesn’t.
Oh, also: Ingsol dresses in a suit, this guy is way casual.
Vampire profiling – Tomorrow on Town Talk!
Sciona is looking at some kind of magical screen in panel one and knew what had happened even before Zova arrived. I wonder if she was directly puppeteering the Creepy Evil Mannequins and seeing what was going on through them, or were they relatively autonomous and she was just spying on the Council through some kind of mystic camera sort of thing?
For the time being, based on absolutely no evidence, I choose to believe the latter!
Agree with you about the latter
I wonder if Sciona ever has to change bodies. If so, how often? Does she change bodies as they rot away, or does she change them on a whim? I mean, this is clearly (one of) her muscle suit(s), so maybe she was expecting trouble. If she wanted to look nice (low bar, I know!), would she ‘put on’ an aspiring actress or model? That’d be super creepy-awesome.
Also, (Hope I did that right…)
Ooo! So close!
Also, pointed ears, pale blue skin, blue-on-black eyes? Bettin’ she’s a Alfar.
Yes, but Alfar will she go?
This is possibly the first time it has happened, note last page Inggie almost didn’t even consider her because they ‘mostly’ removed her head, and that sounds like someone attempted to kill and believed they succeeded, if they knew she could change bodies (whole or piecemeal) then they would have made sure all pieces (specially the brain part) were accounted for and properly destroyed
The plot thickens, but the blood thins.
“Form of a vampire.”
of course the first thing that I think is Bugs Bunny saying “Abra-Ker-pokeis! I’m a Umpire!”
First thing I thought of was the Wonder
DorksTwins. “Form of an eagle!”Great minds think alike!
The first thing I thought of was the Arabian Nights cartoon. The “Size of a” show starts at 7:41.
That is so very much betterer than “Disney’s Aladdin” :P
…An umpire that definitely would hit a bat with glasses on…
so…she survived beheading…is there a neck based sweetspot to killing vamps or did they forget to put her head in a jar and launch it into the Sun?
she’s not a vamp.
also… it’s entirely possible the TOP of her head is newer.
No, it’s the jaw down body that is new
In panel 6, that ironmanikin looks like it might give Max some exercise, hence the need for blood to kickstart it….
It took a second look to try to piece together the elements of that frame. Does it look to anyone else that it has a tentacle grafted on as its left arm?
Unless that is part of something else, in which case it has no left arm
First time through, had missed it, but did spot the tentacle behind it’s left ear
I am NOT backing that Kickstarter.
For the sake of realism! (in a superpower/supernatural/alien webcomic)
Sciona is speaking with the tongue of her host body, which judging by the positioning of the teeth should be far too large for her palate and upper incisors. Also neither her own incisors nor her upper lip can reach the host lower lip. Hence she should thpeak with the thicketht lithp e’wwar and mighth ha’we throuble pronounthing therthain letherth. [d,t => th] (I just noticed it is possible to substitute the tongue for the lower lip when pronouncing f,v,b and p)
Dave’s got enough trouble remembering Ingsol’s W/V transposition. Remembering this would give the poor man a heart attack.
All those bats must have taken more time and effort than most people realize.
There is another Web Comic, one that is leans slightly more towards the PG side of PG-13, about Magical Girls. The current Main character is a Water Mage. When nearly her whole team were killed, she survived by using her Water Control power to keep her blood circulating until help arrived.
I can see Sciona using her Blood Magic Powers to keep what was left of her head ‘alive’ in a similar fashion, but she’d need the help of someone else to acquire a new body and do the stitching. So, I wonder who?
Oh, and who is the vampire she is talking to? I don’t recognize him.
Ooh I read Sleepless Domain too!
Yeah, recently started reading that, after ready “Kiwi Blitz” for ages and other Pixie-webics
We saw him in the council chamber
Just a thought but there is a type of vampire that’s composed of a head and spine that might qualify as a potential species of whatever her name is?
Maybe the surgical Frankenstein’s Monster fetish is for a legitimate reason if her original body was destroyed?
The Borg queen looks like the closest fit to that description. She has been around awhile, as noted in one of her earlier portraits.
Did a bit of a search, and you can find one of them in this webic (and lookee thar, it even includes their name in the title of that page :D)
Penanggalan are the floaty head and spine vampireish monsters you are thinking of.
If Zova had any style, whenever he materializes in that way he would have to dramatically say ‘I’m BATman!”
Nah, he has more taste than that :P
Or is he more of a Manbat?
“I’m Manbat!”
hmm, could work.
No, it wouldn’t work…DC already has copyright on Kirk Langstrom as the Manbat. Nice try though…
You could still use it without copyright issues if you’re doing a parody.
Considering I’m replying to someone who wants to go with Batman….
I think Dave reads the comments and thinks: “those are really nice theories about what’s going to happen. Time to do something different”.
At least he hasn’t reach George RR Martin’s levels, whom I suspect likes to kill characters when they turn out to be popular.
Or “The Walking Dead”, where characters are killed off literally the moment they have any sort of positive personal growth (except Glenn, who didn’t have any growth until he met Lucille, and he lost his head over her :P)
At least the heroes in the Grrl-verse don’t have secret identities. In most of the old TV shows the absolute kiss of death was for someone to find out the hero’s identity.
Dabbler has a secret identity (secret species?) though large groups of people in the “know” all seem to know… Buuut the public has been thoroughly lied to as to her true nature so I guess its still a secret identity. (barely)