Grrl Power #482 – Panty RAID 0
So I actually had to ask around on twitter if it’s possible to wear a thong without having a wedgie. I mean, aren’t thongs worn “up in there?” Well, apparently they’re not supposed to be? (At least to the one source who responded to such a weird question.) Which is contrary to literally every picture and video I’ve seen them in. I’m told that’s the “just for show” position, and normally they are crack-extraterritorial as opposed to substrata. It seems to me to keep them entirely external you’d have to run around with your butt clenched up all day, but women do all kinds of uncomfortable stuff for fashion and beauty so what do I know? (Yes, I know men can wear thongs too, but let’s be realistic, men don’t really have to worry about hiding their panty line, so this is largely a lady thing. Please feel free to discuss thong etiquette in the comments. I’m curious if Krona’s prank is redundant or not.
One last reminder about the Amazon referral link. I won’t be a pest about it, and a lot of you guys are already using it, which I super appreciate. But if you’re a last minute shopper like me, then… hey, there’s a link for you! And if you think Amazon is a megacorp that will eventually essentially (essentually!) be the equivalent of Weyland Yutani in 100 years (or 10), then you are not alone – BUT! Shopping through that link will funnel between 5.5 to 7% of their profits to me. So you can stick it to the man while supporting you favorite comic. Or one of your favorite… top 10 anyway, I’m guessing.
Be sure to check out Wearing the Cape: Team-Ups & Crossovers. Sydney’s first Crossover! I’ve made a dedicated blog post for it, please comment there.
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so anyone else see the konami code :p
Four years from now, after a great many updates held within the council chambers, the readers are once again shown the council chambers. Fifty-seven readers comment about the konami code across the next fourteen updates.
The Konami code, you say?
I must be blind, because I don’t see “Fuck our fans, Fuck our artists, Fuck our IPs, YAY Pachinko!” anywhere on this page…
So you watch “Fuck Konami News” too? It’s one of my favorite parts of Jim Sterlings channel.
yup #FucKonami
Yes, indeed. It’s fun for the whole family, provided that the whole family liked anything put out by Konami before they shoved their heads up their asses.
No that’s the Konami handbook.
Nope. Konami is up up down down left right left right B A. Close though!
Bee, Arbalest, Cannon…
The banner goes LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT when it should go LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT though
For reference, on the last comic it was correct. In this one it’s wrong
It’s only wrong if Krona says it is, and I certainly wouldn’t argue with her….
Whoops, you’re right, I messed it up on this page.
“Eat flaming sword you putz!” Ok, I have a new favorite quote from the comic.
The problem with that quote is when the GM tosses in a monster that can and does exactly that.
Then you don’t have a flaming sword anymore.
Noted for use in game some time.
Or something else happens where your characters end up needing new clothes like this:
One of my favorite stunts was to let loose a few of Rust Monsters at the Royal Jousting Tournament…
Oh, that is Evilll. Thanks.
How about a Stone Colossus (Epic lvl D&D Golem) made of Lodestone
Or a tomb mummy with an explosive powder keg inside?
It amuses me that for all of Dabbler’s… inhibitions… her swears are a bit tame.
Remember, she was kicked out of Succubus Finishing School, just because she’s a Succubae, doesn’t mean she’s not a lady
She got a F in swearing.
Well, yeah. The only swearing that she could really follow through with involved, “Ohhh, NOW you’re f**ked!”
Hey Dave, how do the vampires get their own dramatic underlighting? Does that effect come as one of the perks of being a vampire, or did they set up their section in the tier with custom mood lighting for the added ambiance?
It’s likely that the fighting is casting a light and the vampires are standing on the raised council seat things
While I’ll agree that the light is more than likely caused by the fighting; I can completely see some small faction within the vampire section looking around and going “We aren’t drawing everyone’s attention. We need lights.” That or as a security measure, all the lights came on when the fighting started.
Vampires use unofficial, not-approved subtle lighting in their booth. Headcanon accepted.
Krona is awesome haha.
Syd’s totally asking her to be her team up.
her in the bubble with Syd ? Hacking while syd supports the supers?
yeah.. Syd wants that team so badly.
also. Is it a thong wedgie because she over heard them, or because she sees and wants to see it in a thong?
When the thong rides high and gets up in there it can me remarkably irritating, and not just where you might think. Up on the coccyx it can start pressing and rubbing and that’s just nothing you want to experience. Wedged between the cheeks it might…. chafe. I get that in every sexy shot on the internet it is waaaaaay up in there, Morty, but nope, not where we wear ’em as a rule.
Just because hey, thongs- right on.
Also if you are going to give someone an epic thong wedgie it’s either gotta be really up there or really, really tiny. Which I express from personal experience based on an experience with some bored yet surprisingly game strippers one afternoon.
Thongs? Aren’t they footwear? That would be uncomfortable…
*Googles Thongs*
Ah, the things you learn. Down Under (lol deliberate pun :P ) what Americans call “flip-flops” are called Thongs, as well as Double-Pluggas, Rubbers, & so on…
They’re also known as thongs here in America. Originally, a thong was a long strip of leather, which pretty much explains how the underwear borrowed the name. In the case of sandals, it refers to the strip that goes between the toes.
And here’s a link fix for you.
Yes, I learned that when going to college in the midwest where apparently NOBODY calls the footwear thongs or thong sandals. As opposed to the southwest US where some people do. Cue embarassment.
I’m from the midsouth (Texas). I still haven’t completely broken the habit of calling them thongs (the stores call them flip-flops), but I’m trying.
re the original meaning, there’s a panel from a [printed] superhero comic from [probably] the 1950s that I’ve seen posted online.
Batman & Robin are sorting out their souvenirs in the Batcave, and:
“Look, Batman, this leather thong still has your toothmarks in it” says Robin…
I often learn new stuff on this forum. It’s not suprising that the fans of Grrl Power have both knowledge and a good taste in comics.
Yeah, was gonna make mention of wearing a thong properly it goes on your feet, but that confusion is why we, quite intelligently, call it a ‘jandal’ (that we
stolepermanently borrowed from Japan)I’m a Murikan, and I visited Australia three years ago. While I’m there I’m talking to this very pretty girl at a hostel and she says “I was at the beach yesterday and my thong broke.” She saw my slightly wide-eyed stare and hurried to correct herself: “My flip-flop! Sandals!”
Also be mindful of alternate uses of ‘rubber’.
And “Double-Pluggas” too, almost certainly.
So … is Krona a lesbian? #WeGotBush
I think her comment is more likely a reflection of some animosity toward Gunn, whether because of the latter’s past or current actions or both.
At the very least, we now know she isn’t mute.
She could still be mute! What if she hacked reality so that she just mouths the words she thinks and other people pick it up directly, like telepathy, but since they see her moving her lips they think they heard it?
Why would you think that? Because she wants to give the vamp-tramp a wedgie for trying to score points politically when the action is winding down (like a certain former President and his Nobel Peace Prize) and for standing on her banner!!!!!
Technically, he isn’t ‘former’ yet. The term appropriate for his current position is ‘lame duck’. He’s still in office, but his successor has been selected, and is preparing for inauguration. While he still holds all official presidential authority right up until the new guy starts, he is perceived as having effectively lost the mandate to govern in anything other than a ‘maintain status quo’ manner.
And part of that ‘maintain status quo’ is regards to himself
Regardless of whether it is redundant or not it’s FUNNY!
I had a different processor image when I 1st read the thong bit, then saw the link I shared above, then it kinda got worse…
At least it’s not the same old thong and dance.
At least it isn’t the thong song!
Note to Krona: commando might be another interesting option….
…With a cool breeze coming up from ground level, for extra Troll points? :P
Removing an item from existence (or creating one from nothing) is probably more time-consuming and complex, so editing is what she thought of. Plus I’d rather go with a clear plastic bloomer ensemble to seal in the juices.
The only problem with that is that since she is undead I don’t think cold affects her much.
If there is a breeze though…..
Indeed, even if she doesn’t care about the cold…
…And if she is, bonus trolling points…
Maybe so, but how is that a punishment? o_O
Zova and Gunn don’t get any Who’s Who love?
There is an entry for them, DaveB simply got ‘distracted’ by the thong ‘research’ to tag them along with Dabbles >_>
So if Krona’s gay and looking up her skirt I’ll be pretty disappointed because that’s definitely sexual assault.
If she just hates Gunnhilor for unknown reasons then it’s hilarious.
That’s a double-standard there. You can’t have an “if” on her orientation: either it’s sexual assault or it isn’t.
According to a quick search of legal definitions, it’s not sexual assault either way.
No, it’s a single standard because her sexual orientation indicates her intentions.
Imagine if it was a guy and a girl.
Though that opens the can of worms of if they are actually sexually attracted to the other. Just because you are attracted to a certain gender doesn’t mean you are automatically attracted to everyone person who possesses that gender. That’s the type of mentality that makes straight men so paranoid about gays because they think whenever they are around a gay men he is thinking “How can I convince this guy to let me fuck him?” as well as the idea that some men spout when a girl shoots them down that “She must be a lesbian”. But just like straight men, gay men, and every other combination of gender and orientation, it’s a qualifier, not a guarantee.
No, it’s not. If it was a guy and a girl, the ruling would be the same. The act itself is no more or less sexual because of the orientations of the people involved.
Moreover, not only is intention is by no means a factor in sexual assault, but sexual orientation is not an indicator of intention.
Both incorrect, but thanks for playing. Also a factor I mentioned would be her literal point of view in this situation. Is it voyeurism or a prank?
By your definition, a guy could rape another guy but not have it be considered sexual assault if he were heterosexual and considered it a prank. And because it’s too easy to do in this case because of that, I’ll have to feed you back your line, “incorrect, but thanks for playing.”
That’s like dismissing what is happening in “Bloomin’ Faeries” because it is a different world and faeries view things differently
Galactic, you realize people who know more about the subject have just schooled you and made you out to be the idiot you actually seem to be right? These are facts. Provable and widely understood by people who aren’t as dim-witted as your common sewer-dwelling SJW or fascist.
So what happens to bisexual and pansexual people? Can they not walk outside lest their eyes fall onto some revealingly-clothed person’s bare flesh or dressed-to-be-highlighted erogenous zones and thus now be sexually assaulting them?
I’m almost curious how the world you live in, alone, works. Assuming you aren’t just a troll.
No, I think rape is pretty clearly defined legally where sexual assault differs from assault in that it is sexually motivated. I think what I said can be clearly understood to be correct by anyone who isn’t being moronically pedantic.
Wait, so if they used a broom, it wouldn’t be sexual assault? o_O
No, as far as I can tell that would be rape.
If a guy pantses a girl without consent and with sexual motivation it’s sexual assault, if there is no sexual motivation it’s just assault, not funny in real life but maybe funny in fiction.
Again, don’t be pendantic.
Sexual harassment would be better words to use there than assault in most of the cases you speak.
Not that it matter since calling Krona’s reaction either is ridiculous. Gunn jumps down in front of Krona (Standing on her banner nonetheless with surely dirty boots!) and somehow Krona is to blame for feeling a bit annoyed over it?
That be the same and just as ridiculous if I jumped up on your dinner table while you ate and then wanted you arrested for “looking”.
Also at the distance and and angle Krona seem to be sitting, it’s unlikely she sees any skin besides shins and back of Gunns’ knees. She’d see a lot of skirt though.
I guess I figured using powers to do it would be the same as doing it by force. Yes I agree that it’s funny if she is doing it out of spite instead of lechery.
Right. Guys, I think this one’s a dud upstairs. There’s no use trying to educate it like it’s people. Probably one of those dregs who thinks passing gas near someone is rape, too. You know, one of those.
No dude most of us can disagree with him without looking like a soggy rectum of a human being.
Why don’t you find another group you can pretend like you fit in with we don’t want you here tbh
Funny Fred, I was speaking to multiple people. You’re the one speaking FOR multiple people. On that note, the one more offensive was you. Try not to put words in other peoples’ mouths, they are quite capable of saying what they will, when they will.
Speaking for others and assuming they support you is infantile. I also find it funny that you attack me for mild insults to an offensive person, while you insult me yourself. If you’re going to be such a hypocrite don’t bother responding at all, it does not make you appear righteous in the slightest.
Komm I am not the only person on this thread who has called you out on this and I am not the only person to let you know that your incivility is unwelcome
You either need to find yourself a new community or a new attitude
Only one other person has, Fred. You are the one exacerbating and inciting a problem. It’s starting to sound like you’re defending someone who was making light of sexual assault and by proxy, rape. Is that why you can’t get off my hind end, Fred? Because I don’t abide people who attribute the most harmless of things to one of the worst crimes that can be carried out against the innocent? Are you supporting this fool, Fred?
Because if you just have a problem with me you could have simply asked me to chill out in a polite manner and I would have listened, but you’ve been a rather amazing hypocrite, directly-offensive, insulting, and acting as if you are the vox populi, which – again – is completely childish, inventing numbers to back you up to add weight to your personal opinion and selfish claim.
You did not tell the other offensive person to ‘leave the community’, costing it a long-time follower, instead you immediately and viciously attacked the person who had a bit of a temper spat with the one who was making light of sexual assault and have not let the subject drop. Either you have your priorities misaligned, you are supporting the other person, or you don’t realize you could have solved all of this by having been polite and reasonable right at the beginning.
Most commenters here are willing to learn something new, or be corrected if they have been found wrong
Could you at least keep it civil? There is no need, or place, for derogatory name-calling or insults
Most are. This one is not. Do you see me speaking down to most, or one and one only? What was the point in this?
Komm you are the one
That is why we are making it clear that you need to shape up
And before you misunderstand me, Guesticus, that was no sass intended for you. I was legitimately confused due to the wording of your post. You, unlike the toxic person still hounding me and having by now done far worse than I have in this comment tower, asked me to calm down rather than attacking me.
If Fred doesn’t continue to say something I feel the need to rebuff, you will certainly get what you asked for.
I apologize if I was upsetting to you in any way, I just have a few issues with someone who attributes something to sexual assault that is not actually sexual assault, like the original poster who steadfastly refuses good information from people who know better.
Actually I agree with him. I’d like you to go away now.
“Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Falling under the definition of sexual assault are sexual activities as forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.”
There is no mention of motivation of any kind.
Define sexual without mentioning intent.
Definitely one of my favorite top ten. Probably top five. Possibly #3.
You’ll have trouble getting past Schlock Mercenary and Quantum Vibe, but I’ve been a big fan of space opera since practically forever. Prolly around 1969, give or take.
I’d throw Vexxarr in there too….
“I’m curious if Krona’s prank is redundant or not.”
Not if she makes them tight enough!
Yes, I’ve friends who’ve assured me with rather unflattering grimaces that it is possible to get a megawedgie wearing a thong.
I think Krona’s banner changed in this update as compared to the last. Take a look at third symbol on the second line. Here, it appears to be a right arrow; however, in the previous slide, it can’t be a right arrow since the right part of the symbol is clearly just a rectangle without the pointy bit.
Her I like.
That I would have to disagree with her on the not being especially brave as her actions so far would indicate otherwise. She might get scared but she isn’t just running (though though it wouldn’t be an unreasonable response to the situation), she clearly isn’t panicking. She is standing her ground and doing what she needs to as well as she can despite it being a scary and difficult situation. That and she’s clearly isn’t afraid to prank a vampire.
She is simply being, and she may be brave, but she doesn’t consider herself especially brave (that would be a firefighter or a police office in certain cities or neighbourhoods)
Kinda my point, she might not think it so but she is. Bravery is not the absence of fear but one’s actions in the face of it. A lack of fear is something else entirely.
Oops! Forgot a word in the post above, should have been: “She is simply being modest“
As the saying goes, “Heroes aren’t necessarily any braver than anyone else, they’re just brave for longer than anyone else.”
/should not Gunnhildr & Zova have Who’s Who panels they both are speaking an they both are identified, Zova more clearly admittedly but Gunnhildr none the less.
As I wrote on the first page of comments, they are both tagged. I guess DaveB just hasn’t made their boxes yet.
The banner on this page is wrong. It was correct on the last one.
Fourth one to comment on this
Very few bother to see if what they have spotted has been spotted (and commented on) before them: they are always the first one to spot whatever it is that they spotted
Hasn’t there been a ton of comments about the damn code each and every time the banners have been in view? For like the last six or eight weeks real time?
There is some sort of video game code on one or more banners in this chamber. It may or may not be right or the same from comic to comic. We all noticed it. Thanks.
Not just that banner, but the King Kai banner as well (just wait for the next time the Archaeologist banner appears, people will comment about that as though it was the first time anyone saw it as well)
There is a tendency to go TL;DR once the comments get beyond first page, especially since it goes last page first….
It happens when it is still on page one
That’s TL;DR combined with laziness….
It is very clear that in the GRRL Power universe actual magic is commonplace. Is it really a stretch to think that some of the banners themselves may be magical and thus, self altering.
If it is the same banner, perhaps it goes through a range of game codes, at random intervals.
Huh. Putz McBulletface has no bloody hand face paint, as far as I can tell. An’ Gunn seems like she’s
wearing high-heeled viking combat boots.
Yups, commented on the missing hand-print
As for the boots: both fashionable and practical
I had to go back and see Krona’s sphere grid in comparison to Sydney’s (hers is my desktop background).
So, since all of Krona’s tabs look the same, but the mortar only shows up on one of them (and she isn’t looking at one directly so that can’t be why) I am assuming that they represent Physical, Psychic, Spiritual, Divine, Mechanical, Digital, and Paradimensional traits, and the round is fully Mechanical.
Krona reminds me of Digi from bleedman. but instead of a soundboard hers a draw tablet.
If Krona is going to go with a certain type of thong perhaps we can try and go with Red Sonya’s chain mail undergarments. Not only would it fit well with her Skyrim esk fashion and sword. But it would also be ungodly uncomftable. It’s little wonder Red Sonya is always out to chop the nearest barbarian smuck to bits.
I do have to wonder how smart it is to try and tick off a vampire.
For someone who can hack reality and open up a sun-roof even a hundred feet underground?
vote grrl power everyday, stay no#1.
Yeah, some people only vote when there is a new or updated invotive
Which is kind of the point of a vote incentive, to get people to vote.
No, it’s a bonus, as a way for the artist to thank the people who voted, it’s not a bribe to get idiots to vote
But then again, there are plenty of people reading free webics who feel the author owes them something and whine and bitch if they don’t update on time
Krona’s comments in the first panel remind me rather a lot of Jordan’s introductions to Mitch from Real Genius.
I should re-watch that movie again some time soon…
Turning her underwear into a thong and giving her an insane wedgie are one and the same action, actually.
Not necessarily, some thongs are quite comfortable (not to mention, protect your feet from the hot sand >_>)
Well, yes, the footwear thongs can be quite comfy. The underwear? Not so much. I use the two I have exclusively as laundry day reminders. It’s impossible to forget my laundry under those conditions.
But having her underwear replaced by that kind of ‘thong’ probably would be rather uncomfortable, no?
I find them rather comfortable, oh well it depends on the model but the ones I’ve are more or less. Current ones are barely noticeable. -insert GIF with skiing sexy Flanders-
Biggest plus with them is when I’m out from home, I don’t need to discretely try yank non-thongs into place when they have wormed themselves there they shall not be!
And suddenly Dabbler reappears already active.
When they realized they reassembled they just all nod/winked to each other, off camera, and started taking turns wailing on them right?
Who’s side will she be helping?
Or is she… dun dun dun… actually a good guy?
Naa, she smells like she has been hanging out with a squirrel.
Wait, are you talking about Kronachrome or Gunnie? And the reason why Gunnie smells of squirrel is because she ate one that was hanging around with red eyes
The sword-wielder, in panel 3.
Yup, that’s Gunnie
In that case she needs to stay away from Hex, who I think got away from the parking lot battle.
That was supposed to be a reply to Yorp.
Hex (a.k.a. Budget Halo) did get away, without ending up in police processing. Plus she was very much opposed to the Evil Squirrel Overlord. And she is likely to be no more than a regular honest citizen, who got tangled up in Vehemence’s aggro aura. As such, your assessment is spot on, the blond vampire and Hex would likely fall in opposite camps on the Squirrel Subversion Scale:
Submit to and worship our furry overlord! ——–> Fight the Evil Squirrel until our last dying breath!
Bushy tailed tree rats with good PR….
I’m guessing (based on both her name and her outfit) that Gunnhildr is something like a thousand years old, give or take a couple of centuries. That probably makes her one of the most powerful vampires in the room, if not the most powerful; everyone else who’s been identified as a vampire appears to be wearing significantly more recent clothing. So it seems like a really bad idea for Krona to do something that could seriously piss her off.
What people wear has very little to do with when they were born
And anyway, what could a vamp-tramp do against someone who can hack reality and install a skylight during midday anywhere, even underground? o_O
I am not personally a fan of the trope that really old people or time travelers are somehow locked into the styles and customs of their original timeframe.
I read a short story once where a rich fan of classical music wanted to hear more music from Mozart. He cloned him from a token lock of hair he lifted from a museum. The twist was that Mozart was pretty much a rebel of his time and the new copy kept up the same attitude in the modern age. He refused to write more ‘stuffy old music’ and wound up shaving his hair into a Mohawk and joining a punk rock band.
(which now, ironically, dates the timeframe of the short story to our current setting, as much as the timeframe of the characters to their own past).
Agree with you, but, in a (possible) contradictory way to own statement above: do have a particular style quite fond of which would more than likely attempt to replicate in whatever materials are available in whichever era happen to end up in
One of the great things about this era, unless it is something truly truly outrageous, almost anything goes (well, certain countries would violently disagree, but they are ruled by a bunch of idiots anyway)
Who can predict the outcome of this fight?
Pacman shows up, runs around the room, eats one of Sydney’s orbs, and everyone becomes floating eyeballs
Watch out or Momma will take Kronachrome away!?
Thong panties = butt floss
So the vampires are behind this attack? Seen this coming, never EVER trust a bloodsucker. They always got those hidden agendas you never know about till its too late and they already stabbed you in the back before hand or something.
This only shows that they are going for the easy PR win…..
I don’t think so, I wouldn’t trust em.
Which is one of the reasons why she is doing this
I’ve seen some discussion about whether Zova or Gunnhildr are actually bad guys or just acting suspicious and participating for personal or societal gain (I haven’t read all of the comments, so I can’t say that this will be new for everyone). If they’re not bad guys, when why do they say, “They’re already lost, it won’t cost anything, and vamps could always use the p.r.”
They’ve already lost, it won’t cost anything to fight against them now that the outcome is clear. Fighting would still clearly be at least somewhat dangerous, not much less so than when surprise had died down but the outcome still wasn’t decided. It seems like less of a decision for personal gain once the outcome has been decided, but rather affirming which side they were on by saying that once their participation WON’T influence anything, they don’t mind helping out. The vamps an p.r. seems like a side note honestly. She justifies saying that the automatons have already lost, so fighting won’t actively defeat their cause, then adds the side note, and while it doesn’t change anything, it ALSO couldn’t hurt for vamps to look a bit better.
Because vamps will always be viewed negatively (just look at the backlash after the “Sparkly Saga” movies came out!)
I wonder what nationality Zova was before he got the chomp and was turned into a vampire. Could he have been Greek? I hope so. I want to call him Zova the Greek ever so much.
What the heck’s a “Vigilantis”?
Also, does anyone feel a special kinship between Sydney and Krona? Maybe it’s just because they look similar and dress similar, but I feel like they’re meant to be friends.
Semper Vigilantis
Basically, it’s the Council’s police force.
Plot twist: They are actualy clones but their reality warping powers manifest in different ways.
And where are the clones?
Send in the clones.
Don’t bother, they’re here.
No one seems to have linked to it yet, so for those of you who are looking for something to listen to while reading through the comment section I suggest the following:
(I am just trying to remember if he recorded this before or after his stint as commander of Deep Space Nine)
Hey, here’s a question: how tough is the lighthook? Can Dabbler cut through it with that sword? If so, what are the effects of doing so? There is clearly physical feedback between the ‘hook and Sydney, since Vehemence was able to yank her over with it — if the lighthook is disrupted, does it hurt Sydney? If it’s damaged can it regenerate? Instantly, or over time?
I believe DaveB’s reply to this would be:
Since it generates from nothing and variable in length, if it can be cut it won’t make any difference. It appears to be an energy manifestation it would be like cutting a laser beam….
I seem to recall one of the clones wearing a thong getting a wedgie from Maxima some time back. The military one.
Yeah, that happened back <a href= What’s difficult to tell there is whether or not Harem was wearing a thong or regular panties at the time. We only see that when Max already had them stretched to the breaking point (literally) & even normal cloth would resemble a thong strap at that point anyway.
Apparently, I seem to have missed coding the link correctly somehow. Oh well, at least the link itself is intact & visible for use with the ‘ol copy/paste routine.
Yes, Bodie (or ‘Punk’), set off a chain reaction that claimed four of the Daphne’s (Blondini was the only one who escaped)
I can only speak for myself, but my butt eats my dance belt. I’m just saying.