Grrl Power #482 – Panty RAID 0
So I actually had to ask around on twitter if it’s possible to wear a thong without having a wedgie. I mean, aren’t thongs worn “up in there?” Well, apparently they’re not supposed to be? (At least to the one source who responded to such a weird question.) Which is contrary to literally every picture and video I’ve seen them in. I’m told that’s the “just for show” position, and normally they are crack-extraterritorial as opposed to substrata. It seems to me to keep them entirely external you’d have to run around with your butt clenched up all day, but women do all kinds of uncomfortable stuff for fashion and beauty so what do I know? (Yes, I know men can wear thongs too, but let’s be realistic, men don’t really have to worry about hiding their panty line, so this is largely a lady thing. Please feel free to discuss thong etiquette in the comments. I’m curious if Krona’s prank is redundant or not.
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She’s named after a beer….almost….
But she is named after a unit of currency
or is the currency named after her?!?….I’m suggesting shes a bit ancient here folks
Fun fact – friend of a friend’s family name is Lira, like the former Italian unit of currency. It apparently was named after them as they are very much an “old money” family
I just hope her pants aren’t on fira. =OP
Let me at them!!! RUN away!!! by the way she said that she is a vigilanti? Don’t have an obligation to bring her in?
She’s one of the Supernatural community’s enforcement types. Semper Vigilantis, per her sidebar entry.
Vigilant*IS* – I think they were basically the council’s enforcement squad, mentioned a few pages back :)
Vigilantis, as in Semper Vigilantis, as discussed panel one here:
okay reality hacking is an awesome power and this girly is aweome…. on a side note.. never give me reality hacking powers… it would be bad…specially once I have the underwear thing down….
Well yeah, both of us mate.
Reality hacking powers is just a small step from a ‘Bruce Almighty’ scenario. And unlike the movie I can’t think of a single human that wouldn’t misuse such power (for a ‘good cause’ of course).
Personal entertainment is a ‘good cause’, right?
Lets go with ‘personal judgement call’ :-)
Ok, I meant CONTINUE to abuse such a power and justify it as either ‘deserved’, ‘needed’, or ‘personal changes that do not really alter the timeline significantly, and so are basically “fun”.’
Sometimes I really think these comments NEED an edit function (Or a “you just typed this, you have X minutes to edit/retype it before it becomes fixed”).
It should be pointed out that if the text under the comic is accurate then that could be a fairly large consideration before using the power.
I mean, if that logic is consistent then somewhere someone in charge of a store of grenades is going to be having a bad time…
Thankfully, armed and active are a little different.
Depends a lot on the limits of her Power. So far we haven’t seen her do anything really big. And nothing that directly affects living beings.
From the tv tropes article for SF author James (H.) Schmitz’s ‘Federation of the Hub’ series:
Power Perversion Potential: In “Glory Day”, Hatzel has the psionic ability to teleport objects. He demonstrates this by stealing the gun Trigger’s holding — and the underpants she’s wearing.
Do you guys remember how the Impropability drive begun?
Somebody figured out a neat party trick: Move the hostess underwear 2 meters to the left.
Or there’s how the world ended in Dollhouse. It started with a way to make more convincing hookers.
I’m off to make a strong Brownian Motion producer.
It works best if you stir it 42 times…
In 2nd Edition D&D, I had a Xaosect Wild Mage whose favorite spell was Irresistible Debilitating Wedgie of Doom. Worked on anything, regardless of whether they had underwear or an identifiable backside, but it was especially effective against targets who happened to be wearing plate mail.
That sounds like a Wonderful spell.
It was quite uplifting.
If you can build a Finite Improbability Engine, you can pull off some pretty strange tricks, like making a gal’s undies jump 3′ to the left. It’s usually easier to build one of these than it is to acquire a super power.
Something like in the (NSFW) Master PC stories written by JR Parz and others?
Holy arsebucket, I remember those.
I remember a surprisingly good one that was a crossover with Spells-R-Us and ended up with the main character and his family (two of which were his clones, with one of those genderwapped, and the other was a rescued victim of another MPC user, who through complicated hoodoo wound up being turned into the pregnancy of the female clone and the victim then re-raised him as her child) using their superhuman and paranormal abilities to act as a protective watchforce against those who would abuse the MPC abilities. Oh, and they all fucked a lot, but that’s a bit of a given.
Dirty old men of the ancient* internet, unite!
*ancient = predating not just Facebook, but LiveJournal and MySpace
Not sure if I should focus on this but I can’t help but wonder… did Krona change Gunnhildr’s undies as a prank (either it being her having a prankster nature or from an unknown rivalry between the two) or is Krona into girls and decided she might as well enjoy the view?
Why not both?
Probably because she overheard Gunnie’s comment, and the fact Gunnie happened to stand on her banner
Not enough information available to make an informed conclusion at this time. That said, I lean towards prankster. :D
Not enough info to get to a definitive conclusion, indeed, but… the conversation between Gunnhildr and Zova makes me suspicious… about them knowing about the attack and maybe supporting the attacker’s side.
No, it’s simply like the one who didn’t actually take part in the fight coming in at the end and kicking the defeated enemy when they are already down (or placing their foot on the fallen foes chest to the raucous accolades of the crowd)
Vamps have always had bad press, so taking part (even at the end when the risk is almost over) would be a good PR stunt
But playing the situation purely for political gain like that is still a dickish thing to do, hence the petty punishment. At least, that’s what my logic would be here.
They are called REMF’s in the military…..
“Blue Falcons” if you’re USAF. Besides, REMF’s occasionally actually do jobs that need doing; a Blue Falcon will always be there to steal the credit and assign the blame (to you).
Didn’t serve myself. Had to Google that.
These days I guess REMF has been overtaken by “Fobbit”.
There grandfather, of course was a “garet Trooper”, made famous by Willie and Joe, Bill Mauldin’s cartoon “Up Front”, published in the “Stars and Stripes” during WWII. Often from near or close to the front line.
With respect, sir:
“Garritrooper”, implying one who has spent all his career in garrison and not one who lives in an attic.
IO actually have the collected Willie and Joe, and it’s flat amazing how many of Mauldin’s cartoons would’ve worked for pretty much any army in the whole career of soldiering.
Knew it from mention in Tom Clancy novels…
There is nothing better than to be forward deployed to some worthless, muddy piece of ground and having some colonel in clean, perfectly pressed fatigues show up and tell you that support you 100% then drive back to their senior officers quarters while you eat your cold C-rats and wish you had a dry pair of socks…
Battalion staff Major, but same thing.
Other than having his ride break down about a km away and he and his piss ant driver have to walk back to the tac site and beg for the battery motor pool fix it. Too bad it took 2 days. Terrible shame that.
The major in question was the battalion S4. As long he was in that position, the motor pool never seemed to not have the parts they needed on time after that. Funny that.
Terrible, just terrible. My heart bleeds teeny, tiny tears, and i hope he brought his own toilet paper ’cause we’re out…
No, the out of toilet paper issue was four years later on another site, different battalion. St one point you had to turn in an empty roll to get a new one. Most of us said to hell with it and bought German paper. Nike Herk, where the fun never stopped.
No, the wedgie-punisment is because Gunnie is standing on Kronachrome’s banner
With her ass literally in Krona’s face posing like a heroic statue. Definitely a violation of personal space. And why exactly did she pick that spot? I have a feeling it wasn’t accidental any more than a jock muscling aside a nerd to talk to the girl.
Yeah ignoring the quiet little girl sitting by herself might not be a great idea. Vampire ego’s are notorious though, and karma is a bitch…..
Reminds me of that scene for the end of “Dragonslayer”.
“All hail Casiodorus Rex, dragonslayer! “
Seems even more insidious than that, to me.
They were perfectly willing to sit the fight out despite the potential consequences to their supposed allies, and despite the fact that the assailants had come equipped with anti-vampire shells (assuming that the silver was intended both for vampires and werewolves). Only when it appeared that there was nothing to lose by participating, and some potential gain, did they agree to participate. And Zova dear doesn’t appear to be joining in even so, what with his “have fun” comment to Gunn.
With that kind of attitude it is not really a mystery why vampires have a poor reputation.
What about Sir Barkley? He legged it leaving his own daughter behind at the table!!
He is getting older and we can assume he might have some idea about how Clover could handle a fight.
I think Gregor and Ingesol were busy herding the sheep to a safe place. As for Clover, she’s a fully weaponized daughter….
The point is: why is okay for Barkley and Inggie to not take part in the fight, but it’s not okay for Gunnie and ZovaBud
It’s perfectly fine for Gunn and Zova to take part in the fight. Zova just seems to think that there’s no point in doing so.
As in: “Help?” With the very implied “Why would we ever do that?” and then the “Well if you must, go right ahead. I’ll watch from my chair as I intended from the start.”
Gunn isn’t doing it out of altruism, either. She’s doing it because it looks like fun, she figures the fight is about over anyway, and because it might reflect well on vampires. Or perhaps just reflect well on her, if people properly give credit where credit is due and don’t just generalize “Oh look, a vampire took place in this fight, that must mean all vampires are ok now.”
Someone has previously mentioned that they bear a striking resemblance to the center square on DaveB’s bad guy bingo card.
Actually I think the Asassikins are linked to the guy in the top middle square.
Yes, but they are still the one’s in the middle
Top middle square?
Would that be David Letterman?
Odd, for some reason I thought it was a given that the middle square was Vector and Opal.
While there was some speculaiton on that possibility, that’s all it was: speculation. Furthermore, I would say the hairdo of the female looks far more like the Council member’s than it does Opal’s.
I do know the page your referencing of course, but your comment gave me the weirdest Hollywood Squares flashback.
So, that’s Paul Lynde and Whoopi Goldberg?
Maybe. Oddly enough, I can actually picture Whoopi as a no-gooder somehow. In any case:
“I’d like The Mighty Halo to block.”
Ooops. Looks like I was wrong, just above. It was Rose Marie.
Stick your arse in my face and pay the consequences.
Because she isn’t the tough heroic type, the others don’t worry about stepping over her. Even though she did save them from the shell’s shrapnel.
I vote for the second, just because tiny gay girls are great.
Indeed. Sometimes I wish I was one.
Maybe she just likes giving people surprises? She’s a giver!
Had a feeling one of the reasons was going to be: “No one asked me”, plus, being a Vigilantis is basically the same thing, but less public recognition
I suspect an invitation maybe forthcoming
Fairly sure it will be a little too late
That kind of depends on the rules of the council and Archon…..
It will probably be more along the lines of “if you ever want a change in vocation, we wouldn’t say no.”
I think it wouldn’t be a change in vocation – just in what organization she works for. Kind if like a cop in one city taking a job as a cop in another city.
ARCHON could ‘borrow’ her long term…
“Liaison Officer”. Or maybe, given that ARCHON is sort of military, “Civilian NGO Liaison”, as to avoid the whole “officer has a meaning” thing.
PTDY… permanent temporary duty….
I had a TDY extended from 15 days to over 100. The horror of being forced to spend 3 months on the beaches of Crete during spring and early summer, and being forced to do work at least twice, sometimes three a week. Never more than four hours at a time, of course. Did make up for three years of day on, day off work on a radar tactical site in Germany. Sorta.
Is it just me or does Gunnhildr strangely looks a lot like Arianna?
Actually, we have seen both Gunnie and Zova Bud before (way back when on the same page we first saw Kevin, and a bunch of other baddies)
Do you mean page 186?
(Panel 1 being the first appearance of Kevin.)
They could be the shadowy figures in panel 5, but I am not convinced.
(The hair and teeth are wrong – could just be art or design changes though.)
Actually there was a person with one of the hairstyles in that panel in the battle royale before Kevin revealed himself.
No, not quite the same: Opal’s braids go straight back, whereas Gunnie’s goes around the edge and start in the center of her hair
I’m not so sure about that. As Mayhem pointed out, the hair and teeth don’t seem to match. Also, the shadowy figures refer to ARCHON as a new player while the council knew about them already long before the press event.
Actually, the difference in appearance could be due to artistic improvement between that page and when we saw them in the council chamber, and they are a closer match than Vector and Teleport Girl (the other candidates)
So maybe we should go back to our original suspect? The “Cleansing” guy?
Yup, Spike is responsible for the SWATaton’s, but, that still doesn’t rule out Gunnie and Zova being involved with something else
Considering how different Kevin looked in the original version of that page the artistic differences might not be 100% reliable as evidence one way or the other.
They could be referring to Sydney as the new player. She would definitely qualify, and her personality and power set could be extremely useful to their goals, whatever those might be.
I see that Elsbeth is pulling out another magazine from her book. Wonder if she learned any thing from going through the first one in ten seconds and might use some trigger control. Also, send her to Peggy for some training. She is human so she should be able to go to the Arc gun range with out causing too much for a problem.
sure… a woman walking around with a floating book chained to her shouldn’t attract ANY attention.
Fairly sure she could disguise or hide the chain, and even if she can’t, what’s so strange about someone chaining themselves to a book? o_O
That’s one of the things normally hidden by the veil.
So, to other people (*cough* muggles *cough*) would it look like one of those Mylar ‘Happy Birthday’ balloons?
That’s *cough* no-maj *cough*. The story is set in the US, after all.
So? “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” is set decades before Hairy Plopper, and in New York
Looking for a copy of ”Fantastic Breasts and How To Fry Them”?
That comment appears to be a complete non-sequitur. Time and location are two different things, unless you go back in time about 13.773 billion years.
Considering the assault rifle wasn’t actually a whole lot of help and the possibility of a “friendly fire” incident is quite high in these circumstances, I would have hoped that Elsbeth would have been swapping her big gun out for something else.
Ammo type change maybe? Explosive rounds? Phosphorous rounds (keep damaging after impact)? I’m also not sure it’s a new magazine (hard to tell with the effects around it, but it looks like there might be a large object under her hand).
Never mind the questioning of the magazine – I checked back a couple pages, and her gun has a double drum magazine.
I suspect that a book might not “like” phosphorus rounds: Too much a of a fire hazard…
Indeed, they could have used some better coordination. Automatic weapons fire from one person combined with sword melee from another is an outstanding recipe for friendly fire casualties.
I like how, in the absence of the comic, “pulling out another magazine from her book” would be something totally different and much more mundane.
It could have been a lot funnier if Dave had made the book self-aware and with a quirky personality. I had previously imagined her after the last page asking her book for ‘a new gun magazine’ and out pops the latest issue of ‘Guns and Ammo’.
“Handloaders Magazine” would also be funny. I assumed there was such a publication, I had to google for it.
Magazines seem to follow their own sort of “rule 34.” I was recently solicited to purchase a subscription to Garden & Gun Magazine…
I am not making this up!
I did kinda make up that last bit. They didn’t say it, but you just know that this is what they meant.
i read their website regularly…
I checked out their web page. It lists a group that Elsbeth may already be a part of. They might have made a spelling error in their bio.
“Shooting a shotgun that fits well is like wearing a great pair of stilettos,” says Elizabeth Lanier, a shotgun instructor based in Richmond, Virginia, and the founder of the group Girls Really Into Shooting—or GRITS, as they’re fondly called. “If it feels good, looks good, gives you some confidence, and even makes you feel a wee bit sassy, you are probably going to feel more comfortable and more confident shooting it.”
There is/was such a magazine, but I’ve used the load books with Lymans being the best for general load data though I mostly load Hornady nowadays….
Pulling a magazine from the book? Does that mean she’s distracting herself & not going to study for her finals?
Thoughts in sequence:
-Woo! Halo and Krona seem to be hitting it off. Hope that continues to go well.
-Oh, THERE’S Dabbler.
-Huh. This conversation seems more than a little suspect. Kinda like “Well, we blew it, may as well cover our asses (and allay suspicion)” suspect…
-I’m liking Krona more and more! Also, interesting boots on Gunnhildr, and I like her name. May need to use the -hildr part for my Skyrim vamp…
-Overall, very cool page!
DaveB clearly phrased that so that it could be suspicious, but also could easily be innocent. Me? I’m with you in the suspicious camp.
So am I.
Not me, Gunnie is clearly an opportunist looking to score some positivity points
They also have some history with Baldie and Inggie (not sure which side they are on, if not their own) but they are not involved with this attack
Using such a serious situation for personal gain seems morally grey to me. I don’t like her but we have yet to get an substantial evidence for her being outright evil.
At this point they aren’t using a serious situation for personal game, they are using a situation which is clearly handled for personal gain. I think there is an important difference. Now that the danger is past they want to worry about their image, which is fine.
I don’t think there’s anything morally grey about not entering danger when far bigger guns (and actually trained military supers) are between you and the problem anyway. Nor do I think its morally grey for them to put the interests of their group first now that the danger is over, presumably that’s the JOB of a representative. To advance their groups interest at minimal cost to their kind.
It’s politics, and yes, it’s shallow and self-serving…
Call me cynical, but that sentence seems filled with redundancy.
O course it is, it’s politics…
The vampires are morally grey? How shocking.
Quite so.
And did everybody here already know that water is wet?
These two vamps look like panel 5 of
Plenty of other people beat me to that observation, BTW.
Opal and Lecter are better fit.
No they aren’t, their haircuts don’t match for a start, people suspected it was them simply because Opal has a similar hairdo and because they were a duo
If Krona pulls the “panty switch” trick on someone with a tail, the result desired happens by itself
Yeah, that was brought up once before (can’t remember if it was in here or another webic, but definitely remember linking to that page)
Can confirm seeing that linked multiple times here.
Thongs for the mammaries.
…Wouldn’t it take two thongs to wear them there?…
Or eyepatches (or bewbie-patches)
over the shoulder boulder holder…
Haven’t heard that phrase in an age :D
the first panel has the phrase “and also also”
That isn’t an error: it’s like putting PPS
… and also,… and also ALSO
it’s used as ‘another also’ and while incorrect fits her personality & I’ve personally heard someone (a ditz) say it before.
I’m not sure it’s functionally incorrect – it connects this “also” to the previous “also”, skipping over the stuff in between.
It’s dialogue, the rules of grammer and sentence structure become much more fluid. At least, they do for English. I dunno about other languages.
Why didn’t Dabbles or Gunnie and Zova Bud get added to the Who’s Who?
Dabbler was probably an oversight, but do the other two qualify yet? I mean, don’t they have to be properly identified in the story before they go over there? All we’ve gotten – aside from reading Krona’s thoughts, of course, to get the woman’s real name – are what are presumably their pet names for each other.
The other two are actually tagged – “Pinups, gunn01, halo02, krona01, zova01” (emphasis mine). DaveB just hasn’t made their Who’s who boxes, yet, I suspect.
Mind you, it ought to be “Main Story”, not “Pinups” – and yes, Dabbler is missing – so expect the tags to be revised.
How old is Krona? I mean, we already know that Sydney is an adult, but I’m curious.
I dunno but I find it hard to supress the “SQUEE” with Krona. Maybe the little nose.
The eyes too. Sugoku kawaii da.
Personal entertainment is a ‘good cause’, right?
hmm why not rephrase Krona’s last to be more like this? all above but then the final repeat change to “Three sizes too small…just in case.” :D
Sydney may not be a super, but she has huge balls (ba dum tss).
The rest of the team might be Perfect Tens, but Sydney is a Natural Twenty, and with her buffs that’s really something.
You get another +1 from me too.
Further +1.
Wow, Manny sure took some damage to the face (they can buff that out, can’t they?) plus, a shot through the eye? Also, did he not have a palm slap on his face? o_O
Should give her a boiled leather thong. MUHAHAHA!!!
Extended use of a thong like that would cause rawhide…In a very bad place.
Whew! Talk about getting “rubbed the raw-ng way…”
Is it just me or has Krona’s banner changed?
I’m pretty sure that the second line is supposed to be left right left right not left left right right.
Maybe it actually changes every time that she uses her power?
She can ‘Hack reality’, who’s to say (at this point anyway) that this may alter supposed constants such as the Konami code?
Speaking of the banner, I’d suggest replacing the shoe with a star. Star is pronounced almost like start, and given that the B was replaced by a bee it would seem to make more sense.
It’s a starter pistol (which makes perfect sense to me), but it’s most clearly seen 2 pages back. That said, while certain implementations require a subsequent button press that tends to vary between platforms, afaict the official sequence ends in A.
I have to admit that I thought at first that the Creepy Evil Mannequin that Sydney had been holding onto must have gotten loose while she was distracted by the Reality Hacker, but that bullet hole in the baddie’s head suggests it’s instead the other one that’s still active.
Putz? Really? Considering Dabbler is supposed to be a demon and is presumably from . . . you know, down there . . . I somehow expected more colorful language out of her. Perhaps she’s been hanging out with us mortals for so long that it’s dulled her array of curses? I’ll bet Sydney could give her some pointers!
And another tip off should have been that he had a head with a face instead of a head with a knight’s helmet.
*Sigh* Yep, I’m really firing on all cylinders this morning . . .
I figured it was Icon saying it.
IIRC “Putz” is one of several insults derived from Hebrew words for genitals. If so, that means it fits both with her species’ biblical association and her lusty personality. We have Sydney for colourful run on swears, why can’t Dabler’s be simple, smart and smutty?
Hear hear, I like Dabbler as simple, smart, and smutty. It’s certainly refreshing and a point she has over on Max.
Pro Tip:
When you are one of several PC’s in the RPG, it is bad form to step on someone else’s schtick. Flamboyant profanity is Sydney’s schtick, Dabbler Schtick is Uncontrollable Innuendo (and out the other..).
Dabbler is just letting Sydney’s spotlight be Sydney’s Spotlight, :D
Pranking Gunn like that seems unnecessary, possibly spiteful. I can’t imagine Krona having that level of grudge against her. Or, maybe she does, I don’t know. Though I would expect Krona to be more disciplined than that, considering her powers.
If she wasn’t disciplined, she’d be out playing Super-villain and causing all sorts of chaos.
Maybe she just doesn’t like Gunn’s treatment of the situation. Krona’s powers allow her to ruin her attempts at putting on a show without doing anything visible herself.
I think Krona has the same reaction to the conversation those two had as I do: either it was incriminating (the dolls are ours, but if they’re going to lose let’s at least look good in the process) or craven (fight’s almost over, if we get into the mix now we get all the glory at none of the risk).
Since there’s an “innocent” way to read it, I doubt she’s got enough evidence to arrest them, but neither interpretation is likable and it’s never a good idea to get on the bad side of a reality warper, even a moral one. Or to ignore the presence of one, for that matter.
Gottta ask, though: given Gunn’s cleavage window outfit, why is Krona assuming the vamp displayed any practicality in undergarments? (Besides the obvious problems of such an outfit, she’s a friggin’ vampire. Why not wear a t-shirt with an X over her heart and a note saying “Stake here!”?)
Because it’s not an assumption when you have visual confirmation. The downside of being in an elevated position and wearing something other than pants.
It’s also possible that Krona’s Magic UI has a setting that makes garments an ineffective visual barrier.
They let Gunnhildr bring her sword into the meeting room back before the fighting broke out? For some reason, I thought they had a “No Weapons In Here” policy. She certainly didn’t rush in with Gwen and the others and it seemed to me more like she drew the sword rather than summoned it or got it out of Elsbeth’s book.
Eh, maybe I’m just remembering wrong.
or maybe they let the sword bring Gunnhildr?
Doesn’t make much sense to have a no-weapons policy in a room where many characters can kick all kinds of ass without weapons.
Too many with weapons for it to be policy. Members like Icon might be insulted…
There are quite a few people there who, if there were a no-weapons policy, could not be permitted into the room even if they were completely naked.
Maxima, Dabbler, Sydney, the vampires, most of the weres, the mages, possibly Krona, the robots…
Yeah, I could see them telling Clover she had to leave her pocket knife at home…
Like, she would actually give a f**k about a rule like that anyway, right?
I felt a subject about underwear and I’ve been summoned!
-Reads with a lot of nodding and hmms-
Intriguing. Now I’m interested in this Twitter woman but nevermind. Yes Dave a thong is already worn “up there” or between the cheeks to be precise. Any movement would cause them to slip in there unless you’re clenching, so have the thong lie outside just sound bizarre and uncomfortable.
Although you can give a thong a wedgie, since it can go up too much…and go up in places it shouldn’t be.
Krona should give Zova the wedgie in my opinion, not Gunnhildr. Late to the party or not, kinda suspicious or not, she seems to be going off to help while he is evidently planning to flee.
Why not both?
Can’t wait to see where this one goes….!
We know that Krona and Sydney eventually become friends. After all, she did hack the map after Sydney mentioned to her she liked the cool opera house in the Australian city of Albion.
Can’t help but notice that the banner Krona is sitting right above is showing the Konami Code!
I wonder what effects that one would have on real life if she used it?
“it’s just a jump to the left…”
You know that leads to the Pelvic Thrust, right?
There was a sci fi I read once… One of the books is called something like Rats, Bats and ugly Vats? Anyway some people ended up with a lot of pelvic thrusts in that one. Really funny books.
It had some people being controlled via a chip in the head. So a hacker got in to the code – and couldn’t completely remove the commands. But managed to substitute some things. So instead of obeying their “overlords” people got an urge towards pelvic thrusts and saying “Thank you very much”… Funny books.
Agatha in “Girl Genius” did something similar
They were being attacked by some nasty females riding giant spiders, so she got one of her gadgets to hack into the cities curfew-bots and re-programmed them to identify the attackers as children up beyond their bedtimes :D
It was “Rats, Bats and Vats” and only the Vats were human. There were actually two books and the incident you mention was in the second “Rat, Bats and the Ugly”. Both were fun reads. But definitely not serious though there are messages lurking in the stories.
Not entirely sure about the title, but I’m fairly sure that it was by Eric Flint… and that there was a sequel published, too.
Although strictly speaking Krona’s banner is not the Konami code; up up down down left right left right B A
Though I notice that the code does look to be correct in the previous page.
Krona changes the code on her banner periodically to confuse and baffle anybody who thinks to use the code to try and gain access to her hacking ability.
That actually makes almost too much sense.
Dave, you got the Konami Code wrong. It is:
It was right in the previous page.
Guessing this is a result of Krona’s reality warping power rather than a mistake. Possibly Possibly every hack on reality she does is balanced by another (possibly unintentional) change? Sort of like Toby in PS-238.
‘For every hack there is an equal and opposite hack.” Kind of like the rules for Alchemy in the Fullmetal Alchemist world.
Also: Fun fact. Newton actually studied Alchemy.
Also Also: Maybe Newton was once a member the Council?
Have you read any of the ‘Rivers of London’ series, by Ben Aaronovitch (whose writing credits also include some Doctor Who episodes…), which is currently at six books and at least one graphic novel in length? It features members from a lineage of mages that Newton founded…
… and is very enjoyable, especially for Londoners (and former Londoners, like myself) who know the areas where events take place.
I wonder if her Reality Hacking powers can affect the orbs…?
That has been talked about previously. I get the feeling that there’s a deep connection single we have two non-heroic females with very heroic powers handed to them….
Doubtful, but probably worth testing. The doubt comes from the fact that the orbs doesn’t seem to be part of this reality. Kind of like they are shadows of the real objects that’s projected on our reality. And just like shadows they basically doesn’t exist.
A shadow is the absence of light as contrasted to the backscatter of light from a surface. While we can see a shadow we can’t manipulate it. Put a mirror in a shadow and nothing happens. Put a mirror in the light and it will reflect a significant part of the light hitting the mirror.
Sidney’s balls behave a bit like that. We can see them, but when we try to measure the light, emitted or reflected, it’s like they are not there. I’d bet it’s the same when trying to determine their weight, though it hasn’t been discussed in the comic, as Xuriel said that none of her instruments were able to detect them.
Hyper-dimensional shadows on a three dimensional world. Things like that tend to show up in discussions of multidimensional geometry, just to make normal people’s brain hurt….
‘Seven Orbs in Amber’ ?
as others have said I doubt they can be directly hacked…. Indirectly however, you can probably hack what’s being affected by them. bend space to curve the PPO beam. create a wormhole through the shield, make something invulnerible/ immovable to the lighthook.etc.
I’m seeing remarkably little discussion on the proper donning or tongs here. sadly I’m a male who wears boxers and i have little insight into proper thong usage. I’m sorry for my inadequacies Dave.
You know, if you keep talking about inadequacy while discussing underwear, some people might get the wrong impression.
There was one previous case when the similar thing happened, and DaveB had this to say in the next comic’s commentary:
“I thought “Unicorn Butt Patrol” would get more traction in the comments on the prior page, but as per usual on the Internet, everyone wanted to talk about physics instead.”
From the conversation the two vampires are having, this seems to show that member of the council still do not like each other enough to help out in combat situations unless it benefits them politically. This is some political bullshit if I have ever seen some.
Also, I noticed some people are expecting the vampires for this attack because of this dialogue, but we don’t have enough information to make that conclusion. I wonder what would any members of the council would get out of making an attack on the council while their own members are there? I mean it had to be a member of the council right? How else would they sabotage the Veil without others knowing? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGONBALL Z!
Is there any other reason to help out in this combat though? Like, by the time the initial surprise faded the situation was pretty much instantly being handled by qualified people. At this point there isn’t really a REASON for new people to get involved in the battle without some other motive.
Ya, your right. I just think it’s very selfish to get involved just to get positive standing with others.
Welcome to the world of Politics (and basic human nature)
Wouldn’t it be “INhuman nature” in this situation?
Well, they were human…once…before becoming vampires.
Person nature, then. Whether that person be Human, Vampire, Construct, Therianthrope, or any of the myriad other options.
The phrase “they’ve already lost,” given as a reason to help, really makes me wonder if the vampires are responsible for the attack.
I dont think that means they are the ones who set this up. I think it just means that there is no harm in helping out sense they may get some good political standing
Basically, anyone who participates in the fight at all looks at least slightly better than those who run, or those who stand/sit around and watch.
I get the feeling that Krona, if an attack actually gets to her, is pretty fragile, basically an ordinary human. And she doesn’t have a passive defense like Sydney’s shield – she has to be aware of and respond to each threat. Nonetheless, she’s doing some high-guard work and some bomb-squad work. Which could easily be important.
Sadly she would absolutely be the priority one target in an RPG fight. She needs some kind of automatic defence and/or stealth.
Yup, just like with mages and healers: take out the heavy but squishy hitters and the ones who can restore them to their non-squished state
Half of the grunts have been taken out and the leader is being held by Sydney. Unless something happens in the next “round” or two of combat, yeah, they have lost. And that’s before Max makes it back and gets rude with them.
And Max will not be in a good mood…
“They’ve already lost” feels more like, ‘It’s not necessary for us to get our hands dirty in order to save our own hides. Let others bleed for us.’
Because if the vampires were identifying with the Council (& arranged guests), rather than with the attackers, that probably should have been “They’re already winning, so,,,”?
With a reality hacking board, could she get a “diagnostic” look at Sydney’s orbs? Especially the mystery orb?
that’s an interesting idea. I guess it would depend on if her powers actually allow her to “Scan” something deeper than a list of available interactions (arm/disarm.etc)
I think we’ll see it in a month or so, when this fight is over and they have some time to talk….
Ok…I recognize that power.
Is Krona your universe’s version of Jenny Everywhere? The goggles are a bit of a giveaway.
(I kinda did a Jenny Everywhere comic for better part of 3 years. When all you have is a hammer…)
Krona is assuming that Gunnhildr wears underwear in the first place…
That’s the great thing about reality hacking. You can give wedgies to people who don’t wear undies. Also considering where Gunnie is standing, I can think she can see France.
…And see London too. Can’t forget London.
Damn it Dave! Stop introducing such interesting new characters! You’ll going to need a spinoff comic at the end of it!
I thought there’d be more thong talk in the comments! haha!
It is worn up there and is actually more comfortable that way. Like they aren’t hardcore wedged in there. Now there are thongs that are wider cut in the back, and those more sit out. Of course when you move around and whatnot it can wedge and that’s not as comfortable since it’s more fabric. Wearing a thong and having it in there is definitely more comfortable than wearing a panty that ends up wedging. So thongs are just like panties, you just have to buy the right kind that fits you well.
And if I don’t want to find the right kind that fits? Why bother finding a pair that fits right if I’m not the type to wear them?
If the thong ends up wedged in your butt, then you are pulling on it wrong
If the thong ends up wedged anywhere else, though, you’re really pulling on it wrong.
Some people would enjoy pulling them up in the wrong way…
Little did she know, Gunnhildr isn’t wearing any panties !
How will that make any difference? That will just make it even more surprising :D
Much more surprising.
Kinda like what happened in “TMI”: the demon girl (can’t remember her name, but the page is linked somewhere above) suddenly found herself wearing a thong and discovered thongs and tails don’t mix
Hellena was wearing the thong as part of her disguise but couldn’t change into her “Demon” form. Then when she suddenly could…*EEP!!!*
Right, she didn’t normally where undies, and the strained change back to normal reminded her why :P
If GunnHildr’s help destroys evidence I will be highly suspicious. That hand-print on the murderpuppets already screams blood magic.
Good to see Dabbler again. Now, is she doing “slice and dice” or “hack and slash”?
She’s fun to have around. She has such a ‘disarming’ personality.
Is she using her own blade? We saw the ‘ice’ function back at the restaurant. Maybe this is the other setting. It might also be useful out of combat. You could use it to hold and toast your marshmallow without needing a campfire. Instant S’mores!
Looks like it’s Icon’s sword
Based on her stance, I would say “hack and slash”. I could be wrong however. Back when I was playing SCA I was a rapier fighter. All swords fights other than rapier combat looks like hack and slash to me. Well, maybe not shinai.
Well even if thongs are an automatic wedgie (never worn one so I don’t know) it wouldn’t automatically be an “insane wedgie”.
Okay.. But why switch her undies? I could understand ADDING some, considering the view.
Considering that I’m hopelessly heterosexual, I’d enjoy the view. If she’s already going commando, I wouldn’t want to change anything…
Assuming that she really is a “she”…
1) she already doesn’t like her, so why not
2) she thinks she might be in on the attack, and just joining the fight to throw off everyone else