Grrl Power #479 – The Junior Supernatural Detective Squad leaps into action
Well normally comics posted on major holidays have a slow start, but you guys seem to like Clover. She’ll be in a few more pages during this arc, but since I have that disease where I can’t help but introduce characters like a crazy person (can you spot the two new ones on this page?) it dilutes the amount of screen time tertiary characters get.
Speaking of new characters, I won’t go into a lot of detail about them yet. I’ll let you speculate for now. I’ll just say that the gal attached to the book – I got the idea for her when I mis-read the introduction of another character (actually from Wearing the Cape book 5: Ronin Games) So, that ADHD thing when you’re trying to read and your eyes are darting around on the page is good for something I guess.
Be sure to check out Wearing the Cape: Team-Ups & Crossovers. Sydney’s first Crossover! I’ve made a dedicated blog post for the book, please comment there. If you got it already, there’s an updated Kindle version that fixes some weird text formatting stuff in Sydney’s chapter that was showing up on some readers, plus a minor edit for clarification. Also, the paperback is available now as well, at the same link as above.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
I’m surprised Halo hasn’t crushed that golem….
I don’t think the crush strength of the lighthook is that high, she’s not trained it up yet. There was the comic a few months back where they were rebuilding the bridge and she could only (!) lift a couple of girders.
Maxima guess-timated Sydney’s Lighthook to be capable of lifting about 16 tons.
Actually, she couldn’t lift any girders; and was relegated to trash duty.
The tentacle is currently exerting its sixteen ton lift capability (if being used at full strength) along the entire length it is in contact with the manikin, and it is wrapped around it many times. So the pressure per square inch is much lower than it could otherwise be. Sydney will, as you say, have to learn how to concentrate that force in a smaller area, if she wants to use it to crush tough things effectively.
I leave it up to our mathematicians and physicists to crunch the numbers, if they choose.
What I would say is that Halo probably could crush it, but she is a sensitive sort, who blanches at more extreme violence. Whilst some folks might say ‘it is just a dummy’ or ‘it is an enemy’, do bear in mind that they are in the presence of Icon, who is also a magically animated figure. Plus they look and behave like people. Killing people, even enemies, is not something that would come easily to Sydney. Which is one of her endearing traits.
It is something she will have to learn mind, as a soldier. But she also needs to be able to balance that with restraint, when a foe is contained and subdued. Even more important in her role as a cop. But taking prisoners (and/or capturing sophisticated equipment intact and operational) does, separately, have its tactical value. If it is safely contained. Which it may well not be.
Well, Sydney has already had a wakeup call when it comes to showing restraint; there was what happened to this poor sap ( when she did this to him ( But yeah, she was also shocked a bit when she helped with this too (
But yeah, she’s also going to need another wakeup call for when it becomes necessary to use extreme force…Figuring out the least-violent way to take down Vehemence was a bit of luck for her, considering that it was her first real fight.
Well I don’t know if I’d ascribe this to her being a sensitive sort. The control you are talking about seems to be something that would need a lot of time to aquire. And seeing as Sidney has prioritized hiding from the government and any similar groups to training and using her powers recklessly I find it more likely that what she chose to do is something she feels comfortable with.
More control and a decent amount of strenght if you get my drift.
16 tons of lifting strenght are more than enough to cause injuries but until you know how and where to apply every bit of it they may as well be wasted.
The control Halo has. Just look at how she was able to write her company website with the tentacle. It is the how to use that control and strength that is, as you say, so important.
Don’t need to crunch numbers to say she could use it to set a heavy object on the mannequin.
Assuming that 16 tons is being distributed along 9 wraps of 3 feet circumference (give or take), then the pressure really comes down to whether the lighthook deforms at all under pressure.
If not, then the point of contact is a zero width line exerting incalculable pressure.
If it deforms to lets call it a 1 inch wide line of contact, then we get 32000 lbs / 27 feet of lighthook / 12 inches per foot gives 100 psi (+/- 5), which is about 7 atmospheres of pressure.
Don’t forget that the “zero width line exerting incalculable pressure” also requires the mannequin to be just as resistant to deformation.
That kinda makes the pressure redundant.
Once the mannequin begins to deform, the amount of contact increases.
Maybe they can study it if they restrain it?
THIS is what I was thinking. You can generally only perform a destructive test ONCE on a thing, so you should be using it to record data.
She should actually turn him upside down and start bouncing his head against the floor
She is busy going full fan-girl, I don’t think she’s actually paying much attention to her captive…
“Kat’s paralyzed and face-down on the floor, and that probably hurts her boobs.” Like, mate, there’s FAR more pressing issues about paralytic toxins on were-creatures than sore nipples. Sheesh.
Okay, on second reading it’s actually Kat that’s saying that. RIP my visual ability
Her boobs hurt, cut her some slack.
I thought someone else was saying it. Kind of skewed my reaction to that line haha.
If it weren’t for that carpet there, that stone floor might feel a bit chilly on Kat’s nips…
I’m sure Xuriel and Decollet will be willing to help her or with that…
Kat: Need some help over here, paralytic toxin?
Kat: Boobs in distress!
::rumble of interested parties coming to the rescue::
Roll for ignore Furry status: Nat 1.
Dabbler has already stated in the past that fur doesn’t bother her in the least :3
Ignore it? A delicious bunny, all paralysed and twitching in distress? But, you are right, she is a person too, I must resist!
*forces head to turn away*
She was interested in a furry on Were-World
My reply was actually meant for ArtyD, despite the fact that it appeared where it did. I had cancelled an earlier reply there, mind. So I can see why the bug misdirected it where it did. I am pretty sure I had not clicked on the same “reply” the second time.
Dabbler may be interested in hunting and eating bunnies, but in a rather different way to canines and lupines.
I see what you did there.
*Head swivels back, stares intently.*
Yes, failure at ignoring furry status means an increase in interest.
So you are saying that forbidden fruit is furry?
Like a peach? No, those are fuzzy . . .
Furry forbidden fruit, sounds like the named of a band…
The song that’s probably running through Sydney’s mind right now….
My “bank guild” in World of Warcraft is named the Badgers of Justice. And the logo is a mushroom, because of that song.
That song was used a lot last page ;)
And will likely be used a lot more, depending on the need for further rending…
Very true, wondering if anyone will bother posting a different version though
We have had enough of those that it would be hard for someone to find one, which had not already been linked. I am sure there are mind, but it would just be rather tedious trying to find all the ones already posted and check them.
Of course if we are not bothered about risking duplicates, then I am sure folks can post a number. And we may find some new material, amongst those.
I like how there is the “Burst in to Room”, yet pixel has a distict ‘Meh’ look about her
Pixel gives about as much facial reaction as Clover’s concern for her own personal safety.
Still more emotion than Kristen Stewart.
(Oh, come on. You knew that sooner or later, someone was going to repeat that meme.)
I would say that both Pixel and mysterious new character #2, next to her, are looking rather glum about the situation. Pixel’s lower lip is stuck out, and her mouth is turned down. If we could see her eyebrows, under her fringe, she is probably frowning.
Her eyebrows are partly visible, seems like you’re right.
Pixel always has a ‘meh’ look about her. The only place she didn’t was in Syd’s imagine spot about stopping the vial going into the pool of blood at the blood bank.
She’s an investigator, and depending on her experiences, this might be old hat. It’s somewhat interesting that Clover already is familiar with her…
ARCLight and the Council go way back, so I’m assuming Pixel, Specs, Gwen, Lucas etc. are well known to them.
We have had several examples of ‘imagined’ scenes being real. For example the various mastermind villains responding to Maxima’s challenge. I think the key scenes we have seen, regarding the Vi’s are such examples. For instance Pixel being involved in the blood bank investigation, due to her role in Arc-Light.
The vat of blood is just a flourish which Sydney added mind.
Likewise Clover appearing, with Dabbler, in the imagined scene, where Ingsol was describing the Vi’s. With particular note that we know that the Vi’s and Arc-light have been co-operating, in joint investigations, since at least the blood-bank case.
Piecing all the above together would indicate that Clover and Pixel will very likely have worked together. Or, at a minimum, will be aware of each others roles.
But Clover doesn’t appear to be much of a joiner, then again, what do honey badger do for fun?
Smoke, headbutt vehicles… eat honey.
She may also be a were honeybadger.
Not if her hair colour is an indicator (like Clover’s). Although an intelligence operative may well dye her hair, so you could well be right. But, if the pink is a genuine reflection of her were-species then she could be a were:
• Pig (Pixel has more of a cat-like face than a snout, so this is unlikely).
• Albino elephant (they go pink instead of white). A really cool option but Pixel does not look albino, in her human form. Although coloured contact-lenses and makeup could be concealing that.
• Amazon River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis). My Yorpie Snax™ would be on this one. If Guesticus had not confiscated them. *cries*
• Leucistic hippo (a condition which makes them turn pink, plus hippo sweat is pink).
• Cartoon animator (Caucasian humans are pink).
If hair color is a reliable indicator of were-ness, what about Peggy?!
Her choice of profession may be a clue as well. Pigs are intelligent animals with great sense of smell. Sounds like a intelligence operator to me.
Didn’t touch your Snax, it was the Pies you were being withheld from (also didn’t touch the ones you were already given :p)
So, is Sydney panting because she is running out of air in her shield-bubble? or does using lighthook actually cause physical strain? Or could it be that the magic absorbing traits of the golems is somehow draining our Apex Heroine (in training)… Please discuss.
She’s hyperventilating due to fan-gasm…
It could be a combination of the fight (& all that excitement) combined with Sydney’s hyperventilating with fan-gasms, plus the shield has been sized for just her alone so she could very well be getting low on breathable air by now.
Yup. Time to drop shields and get some fresh air in the bubble, so that she is ready for round, uh, (Max disassembles grenade: 1, Reform, mage triggers bomb, Max removes bomb, trapped in collapsed tunnel: 2, Kat bunny kicks manikin and gets stabbed: 3, Clover performs imprecise surgery on manikin: 4) so she needs to be ready for round 5.
As a side note, I think “mage guy” now has a name – (master) Gault.
Although he’s never been called that before in the strip, his who’s who image was labeled “gault01.png”. I think that pretty much gave it away.
I think the former. If it is the latter, DaveB is getting his air volume calculations very wrong (the sums for all of them in the shield, when flying, were significantly harsher than reality mind). Even with hyperventilating Sydney should not be having trouble breathing for some time yet.
Mmm, mind you, the tone does seem to imply she is running out of air. What with her sitting down and the dialogue in panel 7. The fight so far has been really fast though. So even a small air supply should be fine.
Sticking with that conclusion, I would suspect that there is something else affecting Sydney.
Hyperventilating due to excitement can easily cause someone to get weak and need to sit down.
Even pass right out, flat on the floor, no less. Hyperventilating alone could knock out Sydney even if she never put her shield up.
True. But a few gasps is well short of that. Sydney would have to be panting like a steam train for minutes, rather than seconds.
Mind you she has fainted once this evening, from a ‘nerdgasm’. But she has seen awesome moves, in her previous battle, without fainting. So that seems unlikely, in an adrenaline enhanced situation, like this.
It is worth noting that Sydney feels cold. This is not a normal symptom of general hypoxia (although localised hypoxia can make the affected area feel cold). The common ones (from webMD) are:
Changes in the color of your skin, ranging from blue to cherry red.
Fast heart rate.
Rapid breathing.
Shortness of breath.
When Sydney said “so cool” I don’t think it was because she had a chill. I think she was just saying that she thinks Clover is cool.
Heh. I had just done a reread, and came to the same conclusion. But only as a possibility. She may actually be feeling cold. However I agree that your interpretation is the more likely. So she is matching other hypoxia symptoms. Way too early.
Well, Clover IS cool. Remember back to the restaurant when she took some generic ADHD meds that might have some side-effects? We might be seeing a bit of that…
If it’s because she’s running out of air, and everyone’s right that it’s too fast, then we have to ask a question.
Is the re-breather she got designed to use up available air faster, instead of slower? That’s a pretty big weakness to impose on Sydney since it makes her invincible for far less time than she’s used to.
Dave’s reply below confirms that Sydney is just overcome with the awesomeness that is Clover. If Sydney was using the rebreather, we would be able to see it. They operate like scuba gear, but without the tanks. Sydney would have to attach it to her mouth, in order to use it.
Whilst you are wise to be wary of gifts from super-villains, I am pretty sure Deus would not sabotage any gear that he provided to Archon. At least not until and unless he had something very significant to gain from it. Given that Government contracts, especially for really expensive cutting-edge technology, are worth a fortune, it would have to be something of astronomical value to him, in order to risk that.
So maybe if he stood to gain a pile of Maxima-geodes, or something like that. Short of that though, I think the rebreather will work fine, when Sydney gets to use it in earnest. She may not even have it on her, at the moment, though. Given that she was only in civilian gear and expecting to go to a restaurant.
But, Halo does have her utility belt, and it may have been too tempting for her not to include that, even in her limited payload. And it may have been authorised, as they were intending to test her shield, on the flight. Which is all dependant on how quickly Arc-Sparq and/or Arc-Light were able to examine it and certify it to be bug-free.
Not that? =OP
No, the other thing :P
What, never? =0D
No nay never no more.
Don’t dare say never again, or you’ll hear cries of melody and song I’ve held so long.
I thought it was excited hyper-ventilating.
We know the shield air supply last around 10 minutes for just her, and that was before the rebreather (assuming she has it right now). The lighthook has only appeared to cause strain when she is trying to do too much with it (lifting iron beams page). Magic – I got nothin’.
I foresee a long debate on whether “Glean” is just wrong, and should be “Gleam” or whether it is an onomatopoeia pun.
Glean would be the correct term, meaning to extract whereas gleam means to shine brightly. Her snatching it out of the air amid a golem debris field is a perfect place to extract something from.
I tought glean means to notice something?
Like to glean something from a book?
It means to gather bit by bit. Knowledge from a book. Bargains from a market. Wheat from the chaff. It’s all glean.
Well that makes this orb the most overpowered object in the entire arsenal… with the exception that when it’s time to level up you can’t use it’s power to inspect what every trait does…
Now picture what happens when an ADD mind becomes focused. I know this firsthand because of medication as well. Laser scalpel mind activate, dissect information, and present in format of most important objects first. This needs be expanded and quickly…
ORB?? huh? the person doing the Gleaning is Clover, not Sydney… no Orb involved at all…
It has several possible meanings, but the one relevant to this page is:
a : to gather (as information) bit by bit
b : to pick over in search of relevant material (e.g. gleaning old files for information)
But in panel one, it should probably be gleam (so Morti is correct, IMO.)
Mr. Glean gets rid of dirt and grime
and snatches up ev -id- ence (and grease in just a minute)
Mr. Glean will clean your whole house
and find the clues with-in it (and everything that’s in it)…
Pixel might be able to glean some information when she studies it, but clover spotted it because it was gleaming in the air.
It is pretty dim in the council room. She must have good eyes to spot it in the twilight’s last gleaming.
Yeah, when Clover saw it it was gleaming, and when she snatched it out of the air, she gleaned it. DaveB merely had a brain fart…..
The light gleaming on the device helped clover glean it from the rest of the debris she made from the manikin’s head.
Oops, that should be “helped Clover glean” That is one lady I do not want mad at me. Mind you, it probably takes real deliberate work to get her angry, but then she would definitely fit in the You won’t like me when I’m angry category.
Grrr! TVTropes link, without a warning!
*starts frothing at the mouth*
*distract Yorp with a Yorpie snack flavored squeaky toy*
*pounces on squeaky toy, with tail wagging furiously*
Stop with the fake rabies already!
*shakes clenched paw*
If it weren’t for you interfering kids, I would have gotten away with it!
Dammit Yorp, who let you out of your cage?
it looks to me to be a comment on the shine of light hitting it, which brings Clover’s attention to it. In which case, the word should be “Gleam.” In other words, the “gleam” allows her to “glean” it.
IE, I’m pretty sure it’s a typo.
And thanks, now I can’t get that meme out of my head…. BADGER BADGER BADGER BADGER…
Hint: DO NOT turn this on in your room and leave for the weekend with the door locked, unless you are prepared to repair the door. Even if your roommate TOTALLY deserved it for playing video games at top volume all night before your test. Seriously.
Yeah it should be “gleam”
No, it should be “glean.”
I think that’s KIND of Dave’s call here…
Also, the object was gleaming, while Clover was gleaning.
I thought I was dreaming when I saw it beaming, but I agree that it is Dave’s call on deeming the meaning.
Or so it would seem.
DaveB‘s word revealed, he was keening. Towards his decision I’ll be leaning. On those who would disagree with DaveB, I’ll be beaming as they submit to a reaming.
Alright, I was at my family’s place last week, so, no chance to post this. Revenge!
Badgers? BADGERS?!
Don’t worry, someone else covered for you last page
Aww, poor Katrina. If only I could leap through the 4th wall to help you!
By the way, DaveB, she is missing from the Who’s Who.
But are we to assume that the poison was just to paralyze her, not to kill her? Or is this just one of the symptoms prior to death?
A strong or general enough paralytic can lead to death, when it affects the diaphragm or heart. So rapid treatment for Kat might be a good idea. Clearly it has not affected her breathing significantly yet, but the sooner the better.
Let us hope so. Just paralyze I mean.
In a first aid situation, unless you can diagnose from the clues you have, it is safest to take precautions against the more serious outcome, whilst continuing the assessment and/or transportation to a suitable emergency facility. I.e. if it is only causing short-term paralysis, then just making sure that her airways are not blocked (as she is talking she is fine at this moment).
However some toxins paralyse all muscles, including the lungs and heart. So even if it is not causing necrosis, in conjunction with the paralysis, it could still be a lethal attack, unless she receives suitable treatment to keep her blood oxygenated and flowing, once it reaches the points that her own body cannot do that. Be it by doing lung compression or stimulating her heart to keep pumping (it is caused by the heart not getting signals to keep working).
Kat has the advantage o being a were being which makes her very hard to ill. However that doesn’t mean she can’t be hurt, and since hares have no toxin resistance, she is down for awhile. She’ll likely recover on her own, and will be more careful about close combat net time…
“it is caused” = “if it is caused”
The table!! It’s the upper face of the table that behind Clover! Jeez, had me blinking for like a minute.
Did you think that Sydney had another halo rival?
Clover of both the angelic and lycanthrope clans. :-D
Heh, yeah, that was actually my problem, I was seeing the circle as a floating halo :)
Same here
Between Syd’s hyperventilation excitement over Giant Dire Were Honey Badger Awesomeness and the fact she’s been in her shield for a while, I’m shocked she hasn’t passed out from hypoxia yet.
Oh no, the golems are powered by erasers!
This must be the work of the DISGRUNTELED TEACHER ASSOCIATION!
Damn! I thought the N.E.A. (national education association) was merely incompetent and wasteful. I never realized they were downright EVIL!
What else would you expect of an organization that teaches nothing useful? Schools favor teaching algebra, instead of how to balance a checkbook. They’ll teach geography & require memorizing large areas of maps, after teaching you how to read maps so that you don’t need to memorize them. Common Core favors unnecessary complexity & adding more work, when simplicity & a reasonably fast pace are more favored in reality.
I’m sure there are many more examples, but I’d like to limit the space I use for rants like this.
Somebody please help the evident comic relief character
Wait, so if you’re comic relief in a comic, does that make you a profesional relief?
Only if your a sidekick…
The mortality rate of minor comic relief characters tend to be rather low.
You could be right. Or alternatively…
Haha, love to konami-code on one of the banners. It does make me wonder about the other banners. Some of them look very familliar.
It’s probably the banner of the Nerd family, a very exclusive branch that is only allowed in because they can actually read the runes.
Heh, I like that one, comes directly with a valid reason :D
If you can’t keep them out, just keep them in xD
The white and Orange crest on the left of the picture is King Kai’ crest from Dragonball Z if i remember rightly, not sure about the others though.
Wait, is she chained to a floating book, or am I missreading the situation?
She is.
He he. Well, I did speculate that magic users might be bound to their books, yesterday. But I did not expect it to be quite so literal.
Since she’s worried about Gault, I’d say magic scribe. Considering that she was hanging out with Gwen, she was likely talking shop…..
Is that what the young whipper-snappers are calling these days? Once upon a long time a go, it was called “making out in the cloak-room” >_>
i think this is more of a case of a floating book being chained to her.
Destiny and Desire’s hotter reincarnations? Although in Desire’s case, that’s somewhat inevitable I guess.And Destiny wouldn’t have a Master.
never mind, carry on.
she’s bound to the binding.
The chain sez are she will not be spineless, in a fight!
That book is floating in the air. It must be very light reading.
So you think it will be illuminating?
Based on when it was written, it could be ‘illuminated’.
Ahh, in which case maybe it is paired with a manuscript which fell into mundane hands?
lets hope it isn’t this one… then again… if she can control how heavy it is, she can just throw it at the manikins while it’s light, and then make it heavy again… instant body-slam and take-down…
I wonder how many of those are actual codes and how many of them are just the author screwing with people’s head seeing how many of them will try to “decipher” it.
Most folks would assume it is all the latter. Whilst I suspect that it was not created to deceive, but rather as a work of passion. Which means it would all be genuine (albeit for no other purpose than to entertain the writer and any confidant). Leaving open the possibility that either a key could be found or one (or more) means of decryption may eventually work.
Then, on the most interesting outside tack, there could actually be something profound behind it. Perhaps being an encyclopedia abandoned by a traveller, from an alternate Earth, once they discovered that it was useless, on this one?
Or a time-traveller, who completed his exploration of a primitive period, and accidentally travelled backwards, when intending to return. Finding himself dying from the radically different atmosphere, in his new destination period, he could not stop to pick up his dropped notes, from the later period.
Alternatively it could be genuine, contemporary, notes of magical and mythological creatures hiding on this world. By means yet undiscovered. Perhaps some world-spanning magical Veil, hiding them all?
Among other possibilities:
That is why you need confidant(s). A DM without any players is a vessel without any water. Or passengers. Actually a vessel with water might sink. That game is going down! Set the passengers to bailing! Save the manuscript!!!
Just as long as the DM isn’t named ‘Frank’
We do not yet have confirmation that she isn’t holding it with her hidden hand.
If we compare it to the next panel, we can see that it is not that big, it only appears that big because it is attempting to break through the fourth wall and bop you on the back of the head :P
Is that Konami code flag?!?
Yes, if you look back you will see it has appeared a number of times. We have even seen that the delegation for that faction (whatever it may actually be) is one girl, wearing goggles. Something of note being that she is the only single delegate representative of a faction. Whilst some have only two, most have three. So I suspect that she is particularly powerful, or otherwise significant, to be soloing such a role.
‘she is the only single delegate’…’she is particularly powerful’
That may be an overreaction. It could be that she is just a fraction of the faction. The others may not be visible due to optical refraction.One may have left due to an allergic reaction. If more show up will you make a retraction?
Not if they are only at large due to a mirage.
There can be only one!
She is The One!
Yes. It’s been seen in the council chamber several times in the previous pages (before the manikin attack).
Either significantly powerful, or from a very small faction.
This is evidence that the world is secretly ruled by Konami.
And we have a new entrant competing in her first ever Passive-Aggressive Olympic event! Kat goes for a classic “poor, pitiful me!”
“I’m certain the judges will be impressed by both her helpless posture and the drooping ears; this may be a performance for the record books!”
“Scores are up — lowest is a 9.5! Kat wins the gold by a hare!”
I want to hug her, and pet her, and cure her.
And call her “George?”
But…. not in that precise order right? That’s a creepy order…. Just sayin’.
It is an abominable process, but if it works, don’t knock it!
The most popular on the market is mostly cured ham. Cured rabbit would likely be a much smaller market, so I wouldn’t recommend trying to start it..
Kat has indeed done well, but the next entrant is Eeyore…
‘the rambling rover’ lyric come to mind.. ‘Well, damn you but at least I tried!’ as I picture her convalescing in a hospital bed.
Or, alternatively, the WIld Rover lyrics:
She may be coming to grasp the truth in ‘there are old pilots, and there are bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots’
huh, that’s strange… the first thing that popped into my mind when i read that was “you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friends nose… NO Frickin’ CLUE as to WHY i thought that, but i did…
Without people trying to be old and bold pilots, or the ground combat version, you don’t win battles, much less wars.
Well, since DaveB has challenged us with a couple of new people about to be introduced, my thoughts on that one with the floating book chained to her waist: I’m sorta getting a Darkhold (Marvel Universe) / Necronomicon (IRL HP Lovecraft) vibe.
While that particular book in the comic may be more aligned with the forces of Good / Light, it might be Grrl-verse’s equivalent to the Book of the Vishanti (Marvel again, specifically Dr. Strange). She could be this world’s equivalent to Marvel’s Dr. Strange as the Sorcerer Supreme; if she gets enough significant “screen-time” in the comic, with plenty of action, I would expect some pretty mind-bending / insanity threatening special effects.
As for the other, I can’t really see enough of the outfit to get a solid-enough impression that would be worth noting yet.
I found where she works!
An early precursor to the LinkedIn website?
Her dialogue suggests she is subordinate to ‘Master Gault’. If so, at best she will be the Apex Sorceress In Training.
Not necessarily: even Master Yoda called Windex ‘Master’
True. In this context, “Master” is used more as a title than it would be to indicate subordinance. Of course, Master Gault may be a Master in one field of magic use & she could be a Master (or Mistress, if you want to make that distinction) in a different field.
If she’s subordinate to him in any way, the most likely formality could be due to Master Gault’s position as the chief delegate for magic users among the Council.
It could be just a book shaped helium baloon.
I see that now the manikins have stopped fighting, that known puppeteer and magic user Gwen has “Burst into the room”.
*glares suspiciously at her*
She better have been investigating that sigil problem, rather than getting up to more mischief! Like practicing her puppetry skills, on four SWAT action men, in the magic-enhancing sigil room.
Though I admit that in a long running super hero story betrayals like ths become more and more likely I’d say the timeframe and buildup in the story so far make it unlikely there are mayn traitors in the team. I’m not even certain that harem is actually acting against arcons best interests so I’d appreciate more damning evidence against Gwen first to be honest.
She was mean to Sydney, with that Muppet trick! How would you feel, if you thought you were hallucinating Muppets?
*holds nose in air and pouts*
Dabbles was just as mean, and just as involved, but you are still friendly towards her
Given a choice, really, I’d rather hang out with Gwen than Dabs. Of course that might be due to age.
Dabbler is pretty sprightly for a centumetoctogenarian. And has all her own teeth. Although she is missing a couple of other bits, true enough. But she does have a very cute smile!
I meant my age, not theirs.
I like Gwen too, actually. Or have been interested to see more of her, anyhow. I was only having a bit of fun.
Mind you, that “bursts into room” does seem to be significant. Possibly she may have been in the ladies room, but I doubt a magic-user would miss a key meeting, like that, without good reason. So I suspect she has been doing something important, and rushed back when she heard the explosion and sounds of fighting.
Master Gault = Mage Guy?
Correct. His previous Who’s Who Entry, although entitled “Mage Guy” was stored under “Gault1”, behind the sceness. So a web-page astute reader was able to glean his name, before this introduction.
“It’s obviously the magical equivalent of the Cyberdyne Terminator head chip”
Ah, not the equivalente to Schierke’s golems doll heart in the Berserk manga? :) (read from right to left, “<—-")
the page kicks up an error saying that “the image cannot be displayed because it contains errors” … could you check the link somehow?
Weird, it works fine to me. Try this one then:
cool, it mostly worked… it put me on the home page and i had to lookup the Berserk manga then vol 24 then the page in question, so i DID get to see it… as for it pertaining to this strip, yeah i think it could work, especially if they go from “magic runes” to “technomagic runes” similar to how they did it in the Tales of the Questor comics by Ralph Hayes, the future use of them in the comic timeline isn’t really been gone over much, but then again, the artist also does another comic called Quentyn Quinn: Space Ranger! that follows the adventures of Quentyn’s descendant as, you guessed, a Space Ranger in a very high-tech Galactic society.
The error is that it has to be read a weird way around. The poor browser probably could not get its head around that.
Hmm, the control chip was embedded in the mannequin and allowed to control it… Now it is embedded in the wall…
Thank you!
My worry is this will animate the building now.
Heh. A new twist on the King Kong classic scene! Except this time the gunships will be circling the building, and anyone climbing up it is just trying to get to an aerial rescue point.
And we’ll watch in horror as the building extends a wall outcropping to swat down airplanes that approach too closely…
Agatha Hetrodyne had more or less the same problem….
Agatha’s problem was the castle was literally incoherent…..
The proper term is ‘fractured’, or ‘multiple personalities’
I think ‘mad’ fits too. Mind you that puts it in good company, in that world.
No, Castle was literally fractured into multiple personalities, or at least several individualities while still being Castle (think of what would happen if the Daphne’s lost their link to each other, yes, including going slightly mad)
‘Slightly’? His hobby is killing people! In ‘entertaining’ ways.
If you don’t kill them in entertaining ways then what is the point? Forcing your captured enemies to fight to the death is much more interesting than just shooting them between their eyes with a 50 mm anti material sniper round.
For some reason I always think of Castle Hetrodyne as a “her”, not a “him”. Not sure why
You’re not the only one. I tend to think of it as a “her”, too.
That’s why said ‘slightly’, specially compared with his past owners (not discounting his current owner… )
It’s interesting that everybody we see on this page is acting like the fight is over. One bad guy got whisked away by Maxima to blow up, one bad guy got uppercutted, and one bad guy got lassoed. Aren’t we missing a no-gooder?
Then again, we also seem to be missing Dabbler and Icon!
There is plenty of room for them still to be fighting, to stage right (our left). This lot might just be relaxing because the immediate threats to them have presently been subdued.
Dave has told us that he is purposely limiting the number of characters visible, at any one time, for simple practical reasons. Big or small, each takes time to depict, and there are only so many working hours each week. So that fright is still probably going on. Be it in a corner or spilled out back into the corridor.
Meanwhile the Konami code girl and the Angel have not even moved :)
The latter can’t. Not whilst you are looking at them. Note its stony visage. ;-)
Dr.Who reference FTW?
Here, have a jelly baby.
Oh good, I’m glad somebody else noticed this. I was going to say something. Only three enemies have been acounted for.
Clover is going after information that might help defeat the remaining golem (and any more that might be approaching, and whoever sent them), by nabbing that little gadget and passing it to the people she thinks might be able to evaluate it.
It wouldn’t necessarily be the most tactically urgent thing she could do, but it’s important.
Well ripping that component out does seem likely to do the trick, even if messing up the bloody hand print does not. But finding out who is behind this attack is equally important, and does go towards defeating them, as you indicated.
Mage Guy has now been officially named!
Master Gault.
i love that the tentacle is petting the big manequinn guy!!! :D ;D
He he. Well spotted! Lovely detail, indeed.
And he likes it!
Saw that last page :D
It hid it well, but this tentacle is indeed the naughty kind of tentacle.
Poor Sydney is going to explode from excitement pretty soon. Max needs to distract her with something trivial to calm her down.
Sydney still has that little “secret room full of neat little trinkets” she could take another look at…
Excitement, sure. But I’m thinking she forgot why she has a rebreather gizmo.
she may not actually have it ON her person though, Max may have had told her to leave it with ARC-Dark/ARC-Light so they can scrutinize for tracking bugs, etc…
Sydney only has civilian clothes on, suitable for dining out, so was not equipped for battle. She does have her utility belt mind, but it is missing her full loadout (per Dave’s blog). We know that one pouch is arts and crafts, and that another has first aid material, such as band aids and her medication. The rest was Anvil-approved Batman gear though.
However, the rebreather certainly would not be included, in the remainder, unless it has been checked out. Given that they were travelling to a secret location, and Maxima was wary of tracking bugs and the like. But intelligence agencies are well trained and equipped to do thorough bug scans quickly. So, provided it was given priority, it could have easily been certified as safe, by now.
oh sure, no doubt about it… it’s just me being the ultimate pessimist though, as i can’t help but think that if the bug DETECTING gear was ALSO made by Deus’s company, that it could be programmed to give a false negative reading in that it was “clean” of any tracking bugs etc… clean of anybody’s ELSE’S bugs but their OWN that is…
Heh. Too bad they don’t have a little miniature air tank like in that one James Bond film… which was just a prop. (True story: The British Navy approached the film makers to find out where they could get some of those, and were horribly disappointed when it was explained that it was just a prop, and Roger Moore had been holding his breath.)
Kat’s comment just won her my internets.
I don’t think it was until I read your comment that I realized that she’s the one that said it. Probably because she’s speaking in the third person.
And now the control rune will animate the whole building
New character #2, do be wary of reaching into your coat pocket like that. You are standing in a room, in a combat situation, with a number of armed cops present!
For values of numbers that include 1. (and she’s still in training) The other ARC folk came in with her. Max is still digging out from under the tunnel collapse and Dab’s isn’t a cop, she is a civilian contractor.
Clover is a cop, and there are probably other Vi’s present too. As a Vi she is FBI, ATF, CHP or some other TLA. Zephan Zoeng is the head of Arc Light and Gwen and Pixel are both agents. Whilst various of the options are more appropriately called ‘feds’, and others ‘spooks’, some will be ‘cops’. Either way, the majority will be armed and hyped-up, which was the key point.
Of course if the new character is associated with the Council (as seems likely) then they will not be concerned, even if a weapon is being drawn. But equally, this could be a ninja infiltrator, slipping in, in all the confusion, as part of the second wave.
Even if spotted, Council members may assume that the individual is part of the Archon delegation and the Archon personnel would naturally assume that this is yet another Twilight person.
The physics of the air inside Sidney’s bubble in that last panel must be interesting. The air pressure in there must be noticeably increased, right? Unless it’s being expelled out via handwaving to maintain a steady pressure, in which case moving away from the wall would require air to come in in order to maintain that pressure again.
Yea. She has halved her air volume. And air does not like being compressed. I don’t recall that is dangerous (unless the extra presssure is crushing her like a grape). But decompressing again, after that, could be severely dangerous.
Unless the shield expelled air, as it shrank. Normally it is indeed air tight. But the orbs do have a number of safety features, and that could be part of their normal operation. If so it probably cannot get big again. Whilst expelling air is preferable to risking being crushed, drawing in potentially contaminated air is not something that should be done by an autonomous system. It should only be initiated by the user.
Of course it does reduce her air supply. But for the few seconds (or a minute or two) that this fight has been going on, that should be more than enough.
I can hold my breath longer than that, even without any extra air! Let alone dozens or hundreds of extra lungfulls.
Halving her air volume would double her pressure. Divers experience 2atm of pressure at 10m. Children are advised to go no deeper than 12m. So she may notice the pressure, but it’s not close to being dangerous.
Also, freedivers can dive to depths where the pressure is much higher. More than 100 m, even without descent assistance, which is more than 10 atm? And they typically have no problem with decompression, from nitrogen build up in their blood streams. Decompression problems have sometimes occurred, but only when doing dives repeatedly and for long periods (many times over several hours). Or right after scuba diving (since air from tanks have a higher concentration of nitrogen). See also
Also in a contained space – lack of oxygen is mostly not the thing that kills people. Carbon dioxide is. Which is what we all expel when we breathe out.
Are you saying that with authority, or by deduction? Because air is one of those things which does not like being compressed. I have a sneaky feeling that compressing air into half the volume it wants to occupy will cause the PSI to more than double, because of the air resisting going that compact.
As an example of why I am suspicious, the M1 Abrams, main battle tank, uses air suspension due to that property of air. It resists reducing its volume significantly, despite the fifty-odd tons trying to compress it. Obviously it has some give, otherwise it would give a bumpy ride. But, equally, it does not squish flat.
No, Morti’s right with the physics. Halve the volume, double the pressure. But you’re right that fluid dynamics would then transmit that pressure effectively uniformly across everything inside the shield.
The behaviour of gases is described (well enough for most engineering purposes) by the Ideal Gas Law:
. P*V = N*R*T
. P = Pressure
. V = Volume
. N = Number of molecules present
. R = Ideal Gas Constant (fixed conversion factor)
. T = Temperature above absolute zero
If we assume that N and T are fixed, then N*R*T is fixed, then whatever we do to the two factors on the left side of the equation has to balance. Double one, and the other must be halved.
Just to clarify, if my concerns are valid, then you would need to more than double the pressure acting upon the air, in order to make it halve the volume it occupies. And, due to fluid dynamics, it would transmit that pressure to everything it is in contact with, including Sydney.
Ooooooooor, the shield actually occasionally fluctuates for a millisecond allowing fresh air in… How has nobody though of that yet?
…..huh……. so i was under the impression this wwhole sequence from halo noting them to this moment can’t have been more than 2 mins maybe 3…
but.. halo’s already runnig out of oxygen? Has she been fangirling so hard that its burning it out fast?
or is it a fact that she made the bubble smaller without popping it, so she’s basically increasing the pressure like a pressure cooker and causing herself troubles? Though it wasnot that big to begin with.. so it shoudlnt’ be terribly bad
Yup I sure like the two were folks
We just saw Katrina getting wobbly-knees and having to sit down. Not quite the same symptoms, as Halo is short of breath, but there are similarities. So here are a few points to note:
• The knight manikin has been trying to penetrate Halo’s shield, to kill her.
• Halo’s attention has been distracted from the knight manikin, whilst concerned over Kat.
• The knight manikin (if like the others) is armed with a shield-penetrating magical palm spike.
• Per Dave both Sydney and Dabbler’s shields are comparable strength. Halo’s gets a far higher rating though, because it is much more adaptable, has extra features like preventing teleportation, and protects from all directions.
• The manikins are known to use poisons.
*assumes even more worried expression*
Dabblers runs on magic, but Sydney’s runs on Clarke’s Law…any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic….
There’s a law for that? I thought it went without saying.
In Murphy physics, there are rules for almost everything that can possibly be screwed up or misunderstood….
Will anyone help poor Kat,or will she be fated to die?!?!?
If that’s the case,Sydney would point that out to everyone present!
A nit-picky detail — Kay should be “lying” on the floor, not “laying”.
You is correct. You may haz cheezeburger.
Actually, either is acceptable
Have a read through and note the distinction about having an object involved, in order to do that. The summary is helpful too:
3. Laying can be interchanged with placing.
5. Laying refers to an object, while lying refers to the person.
Whilst you could be laying your table, there is nobody laying Katrina down (like an object). I.e. laying is what you do to something else, rather than yourself.
Even though she is speaking in the 3rd person, the sentence still has the person involved lying down. So this is an action she* is performing upon herself. Therefore only lying is applicable.
* The person under discussion.
Well, you can lay yourself down, actually. But you need to include yourself, then. Oddly though, it seems I need to include me, and not myself … “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” vs “Lay Yourself Down” …
In changing from discussing “lying” vs “laying” by bringing in “lay”, you are creating extra confusion. Because “lay” is particularly complicated, given that it is both the present tense of the past participle “laid” (thus requiring an object) and the past tense of the past participle “lain” (who’s present tense is “lie” which, as we know, does not require an object).
“Lay Yourself Down” is in the present tense and therefore is incorrect, under the above rules, it should read “Lie yourself down”. Whereas, if someone were to be carrying Katrina, we could say “Lay down Katrina”, as she is an object they are carrying.
You should always be wary of basing your grammar on lyrics from songs, or nursery rhymes, as they often are grammatically incorrect, in order to scan better. “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep” is completely mangled, for poetic reasons, and should read “Now I am lying down to sleep”.
Nope. **“Lie yourself down” is quite ungrammatical, since “lie” is intransitive.
Either “lie down” or “lay yourself down” would be grammatical, and either is used.
Intransitive means that it does not require an object, which is the whole point. “Run” is intransitive because it does not involve an object. You exclude the person’s own body in determining this rule.
So it should be used when talking about a person performing an action which does not involve an object. The “yourself”, in the sentence, is directing the statement to the person you are addressing, rather than objectifying them.
Or in other words it is telling them to do this action by themselves, without assistance. Just as, if someone asks for help, getting up, you can say “Pick yourself up”. They are not going to grab hold of themselves, to perform that action. So they are not treating themselves as an object. They are performing an action which does not require an external object.
When it is unnecessary to emphasise you will not assist, “lie down” does, as you say, serve the job equally well.
Consider the following. Where the first is addressed to a wobbly-kneed Katrina and the second to someone carrying her:
1. Lie down, Katrina.
2. Lay down Katrina.
The first one could substitute “Lie yourself down” for the same intent. Or “Lie down” if desired.
Or, if you wish, here is an example from a grammar guide (regarding Eric Clapton, and his song Lay Down Sally):
Nope. An intransitive verb does not allow an object.
Some verbs can be transitive or intransitive.
The verb “lie”¹ is not among them.
¹) The positioning verb, not the falsehood-telling homonym: You can for instance quite grammatically “lie your way out of a predicament”. **”Lie yourself down” remains ungrammatical.
Welcome to ‘Pedants-R-Us’…
I agree that the pedantry is too tedious to continue, having exceeded my boredom threshold on this topic.
Lie definition.
Lay definition.
Lie is the correct word to use if you want to lie down. Lay is the one to use if you wish to lay an egg. Just read the definitions. If you want to continue to use the one that implies you are producing something out of your butt, please go ahead.
am i the only one who tought the sigil on the headchip looks alot like the ussr hammer and sickle,, at least its what i tought at first
It looks like a glyph to me. It is far too spindly for me to have associated it with a hammer and sickle, although I can appreciate why you thought that, at first glance. A magical symbol on what could be a computer chip* implies that somebody is using combined technomagic. Which should help narrow down the suspects a lot.
And speaks highly of Clover’s opinion of Pixel. If she is singling her out, to examine it, over all the other experts present in this room.
* Alternatively it is just the material that the glyph is mounted on, with little significance beyond that.
“Kat” – I had getting details wrong when nit-picking…
“hate” – either I am up too early, or my keyboard is accursed…
You may haz a hash brown and an egg-filled McMuffin.
I love to put the jam from my big Breakfast on the hash brown… makes it taste like a pie.
OMG – I have to find a Big M now!!!
What i honestly wanna do is get a pizza-sized version of the big M’s hash brown, and make a pizza with it as the crust, with sliced poached/hard or soft-boiled eggs, bacon, pea-meal bacon, and breakfast sausages on it, with some nice breakfast-y cheeses…
I also like mixing my egg in with the has browns. Either mix scrambled eggs in, or if the egg is done “over easy,” chopped up then mixed in so that the still-liquid yolk helps bind them together.
You mean every body Doesn’t do that?
News to me.
well we all knew sidney had a thing for badgers since
so its normal she s hyperventialting
As long as she doesn’t pass out from delight as did earlier…
I feel like her clothes may have transformative properties. Though I guess that would be a thing a whole “race” of shifting people would figure out as soon as possible.
It just takes a good tailor/leather-worker and some cunningly hidden pleating. Not easy in leather mind. Hence why needing a skilled craftswoman.
Some were’s are naked with their ‘clothes’ being part of their transformation, while others like to wear clothes for the texture (and to give their girlfriend material to slip their hand under to ‘cop a feel’), it really depends on what their natural state is
I’ve heard of that for true shape shifters that can become anything within their powers ranges.
I’ve heard of that for “were’s” that simply switch/swap their body out for the animal form in question. (whatever the book/show calls it that’s basically what’s happening as you blink and suddenly all their clothes, gear, and original body is now gone with the new form standing there)
Never heard of it for animal shifters that morph/flow from one form into another and can do it in stages. (at least I assume a fast version of that is happening despite the fast way DaveB showed the second one for comic panel convenience) Everything they talk about seems to concern their bodies and their animal theme. Really doubting the clothes are included by the magic’s nature.
Maybe they have a coming of age/indoctrination ceremony or something where they perform a spell to do things to their current outfit. Maybe that if you aren’t of the “dire” type it doesn’t come up as often?
Guesticus is right when discussing weres in various media. But I agree with your interpretation, that clothing is not part of the change, within the Grrlverse. Although the werevirus™ is magical, in nature, the way it is described is that it is giving normal DNA the extra capability it needs, both to do transformations and carry the DNA of more than just humans.
Unlike Harem’s power, there is nothing about that explanation which would incorporate clothing in the process. Clothing has nothing to do with DNA, which is all the virus is manipulating. Although (as an aside) it does, just like super powers, provide the necessary means of shifting excess energy or mass around to account for any weird discrepancies.
For instance the carnivore were forms are obviously far more bulky than their human forms. Which causes all sorts of physics problems, if magic did not adjust things like this. Whilst it is possible to lump clothing in with this process, it adds an extra layer of complexity, which, using Occam’s razor we should not assume, without anything to back it up.
May also be getting an animal-morph (in this case, hot ursamorph twins) confused with theriomorphs like Clover
With so many shows, books, etc… out there I knew there would be some like that but its not what you generally run into with “were’s” as opposed to some very advanced spell for shapeshifting. (or some crazy sci-fi critter made out of layers of specialized nanites or something) Unless the writer’s have a strong need for really convenient writing I usually find that “what to do about clothes” is often an issue the creature has to deal with. (and it usually makes it more interesting to view/read)
But because I like to argue, even with myself, I guess I could say that hair is dead and yet it is being absorbed, repurposed, and then spit back out in the same hairstyle as it was during the changes so maybe all they have to do is somehow identify the clothes as a part of them in some way? Either using magic to bind it to them by force or, and this one is a bit out there, They could make the clothes out of sort of “vat grown” bits of themselves.
Frankly think magic clothes is just easier what with all the mages about.
Just realized Clover must shop at the same place Bruce Banner does. She has become much larger and her clothes aren’t super tight or ripped after her enfuzzening. I didn’t think they were super loose on her before.
I guess DaveB doesn’t want to risk his PG rating by having the same wardrobe malfunction that happened to Vehemence.
Yet there were several folks commenting on how androgynous she looked. Now that we know her civilian clothes have cunningly hidden stretchy bits, and the fact that, in human form, the excess material will pad her out in unusual places, it may shed light on that fact.
Your mention of ‘hidden stretchy bits’ made me think of stretchy pants
i guess it shows my age, but for me it was this.
Contrasting something, because of your age, is all the rage.
But to say this is nothing is not a stretch,
You forgot to include your link, you wretch!
Forgetfulness is a sign of aging. I forget what else might be.
Not that I care, but apathy might be another.
i know that i put a link in the thing, otherwise why would the word “this” change color to indicate a link? maybe spam protection? pixies?? i dunno…
anyway… here is the original link i posted, in plain text, so as to not get gobbled up again:
You did do the tag, sure enough. It was just the url that was missing. Easy enough to do mind, all you need to do is bump the space bar, delete or backspace, whilst it is highlighted and you end up with the highlight, but it not responding to any click.
I see what you mean about custom-made stretchy clothing though. I guess action-heroes have these problems too.
Get that rabbit some antidote!
Oh boy that will be hard to find unless they have the poison which did the damage – so many ways to stop the Human(oid) body from functioning: blocking synaptic release, blocking released molecules, blocking / destroying receptors… But her feeling the pain of laying on the ground is a good thing i guess – it just means that it might be a muscle relaxant instead.
Lets hope for it being nothing too serious and that we get to see a floppy rabbit for a few more pages..
Which antidote? Unless someone recognises the poison (being an anti-were one it may be distinctive, so that is possible) they will have no idea what antivenom to administer. They may have to rely on generic treatment for unknown toxins. Focusing on the key symptom of paralysis.
She is a floppy rabbit. So floppy, she can’t get up. Having said that, I think you may be right. Primarily muscle relaxant, maybe mixed with silver nitrate so it’ll actually overcome her innate resistance.
Of course, this is assuming that normally, all therianthropes in Grrl Power are highly resistant to most natural diseases and poisons, except for silver. That’s a common weakness in most books with were-creatures. Even in the old World of Darkness, didn’t most of the other therianthropes like the Rokea (were-sharks) have the same vulnerability to silver?
(I would check it myself, if only my WtA books weren’t all in storage.)
I’m a little disappointed in Kat. The perfect set-up and she blew the line.
Aww you’re right.
*sad face*
I detect an impostificator, who isn’t me!
Oh no, a potential evil twin! Quick, check him for a goatee! (it might be hard to find under the fur)
Yeah, although the Mokole (any reptile that isn’t a snake) and Corax (crows) were vulnerable to gold instead.
Thanks for the answer! I was pretty sure that was how I remembered it. Nice to know I was right. :)
Yeah, although the Mokole (any reptile that isn’t a snake) and Corax (crows) were vulnerable to gold instead.
Even normal over-the-counter muscle relaxants can be fatal if you overdose. After all, your heart & diaphram (which controls your breathing) are muscles too. So a deliberate mixing of this venom as a muscle relaxant doesn’t make it any less dangerous than, say a nerve agent.
When you get right down to it, almost anything in sufficient quantity can be fatal including dihydrogen monoxide (and not just from drowning).
That’s why haven’t touched that stuff in thirty years