Grrl Power #476 – A hare and knee raising experience
I’m not sure that digitigrade legs would be especially effective for kicking. Well, maybe they’d be better at thrusting kicks like in the first panel, but I think you’d lose some power with axe kicks and roundhouses. Anything that involved leading with the heel, since it’s further up the leg, you’d lose some angular momentum. I’m not sure Muay Thai would suffer too much from that, as I think it largely focuses on… side kicks? Whatever Kat is doing in panel 4, I don’t know the name of the kick. That and knee work, and maybe some punches and elbow strikes, and less on backwards spinning kicks. I only say that because Sagat, Adon and Kim Kaphwan didn’t really feature roundhouse kicks in their move sets. Yes, fighting games are where most of my Muay Thai knowledge comes from. That an select B-list action movies from the 80’s.
Hmm, ok maybe Kim uses a lot of axe kicks. Though I will say that doesn’t really resemble Muay Thai anymore. (And of course the chick has a move where she sits on your face.) Also, there are apparently 14 King of Fighters games, but only 5 Bloody Roar games?
Holy crap there were 5 Bloody Roar games?
The Twilight Council doesn’t have a dress code per se, but wearing short jean shorts seems a little casual. Kat didn’t know she was coming to the meeting tonight though. She’s only been a lycan for a few weeks now, and Gregor thought it was time to introduce her around.
Oh geeze I just realized I forgot her tail, which is a shame since a cute lil’ poofy one poking out of her shorts would have been cute.
Thanks to everyone using the Amazon associate link on the page. I don’t thank you guys enough. Especially the guy who got all the parts for a scorching computer through it. I thought I would mention it as we’re entering the holiday shopping season. I think my wife is already done with her Xmas shopping, I’m more of a last two weeks kind of guy.
I should reiterate I can’t see who purchased anything, only what was bought. So don’t feel embarrassed about getting books like The Alien’s Captive, in which I’m sure bodices are not necessarily ripped so much as they are disintegrated with alien ray guns.
Be sure to check out Wearing the Cape: Team-Ups & Crossovers. Sydney’s first Crossover! I’ve made a dedicated blog post for the book, please comment there.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon, as soon as I get up. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
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As a lover of bun-furres. … Yes, very yes. Tear that shit up girl, show it your kicks!
I actually had no idea that person was female before now.
(looks at this page very carefully)
I actually am still not 100% certain if this person is female, or if Sydney just flubbed the pronoun in that last balloon.
She’s a woman, yes.
Remember, while “supers” all have certain *ahem* physical traits that they share with others of the same gender, that is only the case for those whose powers are focused through their bodies. Any powers gained through external means, i.e. Sydney’s orbs, doesn’t change the inherent body type of the empowered person. It appears that one way of proving that supernatural magic is inherently different from being “super” is that having magical abilities doesn’t change those particular traits. Hence Katrina being both supernaturally enhanced, and firmly part of Sydney’s “A-team”.
That… may just be because DaveB knows that bunnies (real bunnies) don’t have bewbs (not even natural ones), we didn’t really get a good look at human-Kat (she was mostly hidden by the giant chair she was standing behind)
And that ‘super’ is entirely separate from being ‘fabulous’.
While I once knew a guy named “Kim”, I have yet to meet one named “Katrina”.
The funniest thing about his name was that when his mom went to enroll him back in junior high, he somehow got stuck in the female P.E.* class.
*physical education, or what is more commonly referred to as “gym”.
Hares aren’t commonly known for their big boobs.
I thought she was a he too. I thought she was just an regular adorable bunny person that didn’t know how to fight, but wow I respect them more now.
When she “kabun”nd in the previous comic, I was like OMG CUUUTTTEEEE and then Sydney’s reaction was just like mine, lol.
here in the first caption you can see she has boobs, and (I didn’t read it this time ) someone calls her a her on this or the page before it. its the only reason we know she is a she to so don’t feel bad.
Yeah, she’s got boobs, but they’re just not nearly as…prominent…as on actual female supers. Probably because Katrina (& Sydney too!) weren’t really born with the destiny to develop super powers, but instead acquired them later in life. So far as we’ve seen to this point, the new powers have been acquired after puberty, at least.
I am aware of the existance of small-chested and flat women, yes. (wry sarcasm)
More I think I owe my confusion to the fact that a rabbit-face has no recognizable gender-features we can recognise. Gender-neutral name did not help either.
Since when is “Katrina” a ‘gender-neutral’ name? o_O
It is 70 times more likely to be a girls name.
It read 64.770 times when I just looked at it. Unless you were rounding up (or somehow missed the “64.7”), it’s popularity for guys must have just skyrocketed.
It reads that for me now too. One of the Grrl Power readers is probably a systems admin for that and just updated a bunch of extra data, to make sure it was fully up-to-date. ;-)
Or maybe that just happened by co-incidence. Certainly there was no rounding up, on my behalf though. It did say 70, when I first saw it.
Hmm… how interesting.
We catch a few glimpses of the “peanut gallery” as Kat goes to work and all of those shadowy figures we spent so much time speculating over have now gone. It looks like the brawl has given the Council delegates time to evacuate or at least to duck down and find some shelter. Hopefully, there aren’t more bad guys outside waiting outside to meet the fleeing monsters . . .
“Hopefully, there aren’t more bad guys outside waiting outside to meet the fleeing monsters . . .”
In the street a gang of robbers have just stepped out of their van, all tooled up, ready to rob a bank in this block. Only to see Chorius, other ferocious aliens, werewolves, medusae, demons and other monsters running at them screaming!
Fleeing into the shadows, of the nearby alley, to try and escape the avalanche of claws and teeth, they find themselves face to face with vampires, fungi folk and assorted daylight averse monsters.
Somehow I feel sorry for those bad guys.
Sort of like taking Angua of the Discworld novels hostage.
Anyone who has handled rabbits on a regular basis knows full well how hard they can kick.
So then, logically, wererabbits and rabbit furries should use a mixed martial art featuring elements of Tae Kwon Do, Jeet Kune Do, Dragon style Kung Fu, and Savate or Capoera? {I know I messed up the spelling of that last one, but I’m too tired right now to go look it up…]
For those who aren’t martial arts fanatics, basically I’m suggesting a martial art style that focuses on a lot of different kicks and foot sweeps, perfect for hoppers like lepidae (rabbits, hares, etc.) and macropods (kangaroos, wallabies, etc.), plus adding in some nice joint locks to immobilize or even incapacitate an opponent’s legs. Might as well put that kicking power to good use, no?
Don’t forget, bunnies also box, just like roo’s do
Except Macropods, (with the exception of Tree Kangaroos) can’t move their hinds legs independently of each other.
Of course, they do tend to use their tails as a ‘third leg’, and the only good thing about being thumped with a ‘roo tail would be that it meant you hadn’t been kicked instead.
‘Roos don’t so much box as grapple/claw with their hands. The better to hold you still for the disemboweling.
I can’t help but think an theriomorphic Kangaroo would be a hard/external/straightforward combat monster, as long as you were in front of them and within range. And closing range would be something they excel at too. Turning would be their weak point, though even there, they are faster than you’d expect.
They don’t need to turn, if they can still KA-TAIL you
The tail-whacking makes turning an attack, too, if there’s more than one opponent.
Katrina is now my new favorite character. Dang, nice moves.
By the way (if you’ll excuse the plug), I snuck a few familiar faces into my latest webcomic:
Recognized Gyno-Star and that girl with the gaydar in her head (literally)
As a community we enjoy pertinent plugs. Especially ones with cool cameos, such as yours.
So in kung fu terms, no one can beat his Hare Style….
The bunny is a her. Keep calling her a him and she might end up using some of those moves on you!
Sooba the Panther agrees.
“You think you know me.”
To be fair, are YOU gonna lift a panther’s tail to see if it has a tab or a slot?
hehe, keeping using “him” and you might (if you’re a guy) get your nuts kabun’d into peaNUT butter :D
The cool thing about working on the web is that you always have time to make the changes you want.
You want a tail do the tail!
Others have pointed this out as well, but Kim uses a variant of Tae Kwon Do centered entirely on the lower body, not Muay Thai. I studied a very small amount of the martial art, and I recognize some of his kicks from my training. The bit where he kicks from the knee with an already extended leg is pretty much straight out of fairly basic technique.
Muay Thai here. And Karate and nitokenjutsu, tai chi gon and tiguer.
There are litle diference when it comes to knee strikes. The real teller is the defence. That is an “indian” kind of defence. Tae Kwon Do takes reference from indian, chineese, japaneese and more martial art styles so it can be with ease.
Awww, Bunny Knee instead of Bun-knee?
That, would have been better, maybe DaveB can change it when he adds the floofy tail
Joe Higashi and King from the “Art of Fighting” and “King of Fighters” series also use Muay Thai.
I feel like there was a missed opportunity to just call it a Bun-Knee.
On the bit about how effective certain kicks would be because of the heel’ placement.
I am not expert insuch matters, but my unerstanding was always that human heels were as heavility boned as they are because they are load bearing. Basically they have to be able to take the whole weight f the body for short periods, and much of it the rest of the time. This is not the case for a digitigrade animal such as a hare, as the load-bearing is done by th ball and toes in their case. Which, in the case of a digitigrade biped probably means that the ball of the foot would be the “solid” part of the foot.
Whch raises the interesting side issue, is a were-hare a biped ot a quadraped in the hare form? Natural hares can stand bipedally for shrt periods, but are nrmally quadrapedal. The way Katrina was sitting, and the way she is fighting, suggest she is bipedal in her hare form, and the sam is true of Gregor, thoug this is not always the case for weere-wolves in comics/films/novels that feature them.
Quadrapeds usually distribute their weight over four legs, and so the general loading of each foot would be lower than for a biped … Unless they are running, when they might use the (rear) legs disproportionally, which might change the dynamic ….
Maybe I’m overthinking this. But the upshot seems to be that on a digitigrade animal the back of the ball of the foot would be strong enough to act in th same way as the heel on a human does when kicking.
At east, I think so.
The first two kicks look like she is doing exactly that. Connecting the Kick with the toes.
Also you forgot to mention, that Hares, Cats, Dogs and the animals in their coresponding families have padded soles and extra muscles in there to control the claws. So this supports your theorie.
I have to add two points to that list .. every spinning kind of kick could be quite powerful because of the longer than human legs, which, by pure math, gives the tip of her foot more velocity than one with shorter legs.
Second point. Hares have extremely powerful hindlegs because of the way they run .. like all quadrupeds they jump with the hindlegs and reach with the forelegs while running.
Hares are known for their rapid doubles when fleeing. Which means a change of direction for their full bodyweight. Countering and Changing the momentum of the whole body in split seconds.
That kick got to hurt :)
Read the crossover, loved it!!!! You guys better get to it and read that thing its great!!
While it is interesting to think about how digitigrade legs might effect martial arts, I feel I should point out that rabbits and hares are actually plantigrade, like humans, not digitigrade. They just have long foot bones.
no, no, no, bad katrina their hands have nasty spring loaded surprises and no one know that if you rip off the arm if the arm can no longer deploy or not. in short we may be finding out our were-bun has stabbed herself in the back
You have a better suggestion of how she should stop it?
Like the kids said in the 80’s “There’s bush(y)” in that last panel.
Her tail is just peeking out.
She keeps moving like that and her tail is gonna pop out…
Maybe a lil butt crack too.
She probably will wiggle it in relief as tucking even a small tail into those jeans has to be confining.
She wiggles that tail and we’ll get a chance to see how and who’s the were cat on premise…
I have a cat toy called a Hare tail it’s on a string and rod…
It would be highly amusing.
Or if sydney asks why she tucked in her tail, she can answer honestly, “Ever seen a cat toy?” Points at audience/chamber… “There’s at least one Werecat in there…”
From the moment Katrina was introduced as a Werehare I was thinking of Alice from Bloody Roar. That girl under the AI control would destroy me over and over, so Katrina kicking ass here makes perfect sense to me.
I just had a thought. Kat might not be a member yet of the Semper Vigilantis, having been a were-bunny for such a short time now. If she isn’t, I’ll bet she gets an invitation after this.
Now that is a version of SVU would enjoy watching (the “Semper Vigilantis Unit”)
It occurs to me that for a rising knee, digitigrade legs might actually be an advantage. Most of the force comes from the act of rising up on the opposing leg, and a digitigrade is more like a sring than a plantigrade leg.
Actually, as Martin B points out above, hares actually are plantigrade (and, in fact, are listed on Wikipedia’s page on “plantigrade”). They just have really long feet… and really powerful leg muscles.
Wow, she got famous fast. But she does have shapely legs, so I get that.
Never mind, I failed my ‘read English’ roll.
Mars Vegas gave Bender three do-overs, so I don’t see why you deserve less.
You fool, all of those were wrong. It was just… BUN-KNEE.
After seeing what she did to the mannequin, I wouldn’t be one to call her a fool or argue over what she calls her kicks.
Yea, it might make her hopping mad!
Initiatives? At first I thought that was a reference to the Monster Interpol, but I have since checked and found that this was the Semper Vigilantis, or The Eternally Vigilant, or just the Vi’s. So, is it actually an RPG reference, as in “rolling for initiative,” or what?
Someone please help the uncool, unhip, and ungeeky me!
For what I understand about that sentence, is a reference to rol games.
Considering that I yet don´t understand the joke about the PPO orb, I assure you, without fear of being mistaken, that I´m unhipper (is it actually a word?) than you.
That sounds about right (unless DaveB meant to write ‘initiates’)
Yes. Sydney plays some version of Villains and Vigilantes (soon to come out with a new edition!). Characters roll to determine their initiative, determining when and how often they act.
I’m guessing that it means they were caught flat-footed, but are getting ready to act.
Pretty much, yes. Exactly that.
Got it! Thanks all.
Just to elaborate, on the gaming side, it deals with the mechanics of initiative. However it is handled (usually by rolling dice and modifying the result such as by the speed, reflexes and/or training of the participants) each individual (or group who are acting as a team) will end up with an ‘initiative number’.
Combat will be resolved, in order, starting with the fastest first. Once they have had their action, then the next individual (or group) will take their turn. In this case the Council have recovered from their surprise (which in itself could have lost them an entire turn of combat, by being caught flat-footed) and are now up-to-speed with the situation enough to respond effectively.
Is it wrong to want some models/figurines of kat in various fighting poses?
Only if you do not plan to collect them all.
…Arianna’s favorite term…
I find it funny when those telling you to do so make it sound like they’re doing you a favor by suggesting it, rather than because ot their financial interest.
Gotta be careful with the Pokemon though. Those are actual “battle monsters” kids find in the wild. Collecting them can get dangerous.
Ooops. Wrong url.
Can’t nearly wait to see Kat’s patented Rabbit Punch :)
I think the first panel was the patented “Bunny Hop” move. “Rabbit Punch” would be followed by “(Un)lucky Rabbit’s Foot” move. Then the more complex “Rabbit Pulls You Out of Your Hat”
All part of ancient combat martial art system, Bunnyfu Fu, or just Bun Fu (for short).
Hi, everyone! I wanna present you a new funny blog of webcomics:
So, I also read QC, and today’s comic bears a remarkable similarity to an earlier Grrl Power strip that sparked my memory, so I thought I’d share.
Compare and contrast:
Well, they are both set in shops. Plus the punchline is identical. But there again it is fairly typical gambit, examples of which can easily be found. And which doubtless goes back into antiquity. It is a matter of how it is implemented as to how entertaining it is.
The Grrl Power one came off superbly. But a reasonable part of that is due to the associations surrounding the scene, and our expectations. So it would not be fair for me to contrast that, to the other comic, as I lack the background knowledge on that one.
Well… That was amazing in a weird way for me. Damn that was neat. I hope she’s featured more often. It’d be cool if she gets some artifact shin guards as weapons too..
I wonder though if she learned Kickboxing after or knew it before? I forget if they said how long she was a were rab.
Also. they are way to calm considering the potential explodyness.
also yes. bloody roar needs more
Katrina has only been a Lycan for a few weeks. Chances are good that she already knew/practiced martial arts before the were-change.
Whilst you are right, in that a booby trap can have more than one trigger, there is nothing to gain by getting over-excited or frightened. And they are pumped full of adrenaline, which will be helping them considerably. So far Maxima managed to dismember manikins, without triggering an explosion. And Katrina is attacking physically too, so is avoiding the use of magic, and the known risks associated with that.
Finally the explosion did have a visible build-up period, which Katrina is fast enough to flee from, if one does start to go off. Whilst Sydney’s shield is probably good against it, and she can use her fly ball to give herself some distance too, if they see the warning signs. Likewise, even though we cannot see her at the moment, Dabbler does have Icon protecting her. As defense is clearly ‘his thing’, I think Dabbler has a fair chance of surviving an explosion too.
She would know how to fight – she was the stunt bunny in “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”. Go for the throat, gal!
“Bun Knee”.
Missed opportunity for a Bun-Knee pun.
What, no-one’s mentioned Lugaru yet? That game is great! Plusalso kung-fu rabbits.
Katrina was bunny fu fu fighting.
Her knees were fast as lightening.
For the mannequins, it was really frightening
When she fought with expert timing.
She was a funky lycanthrope from funky Lycantown
She was chopping them up and they were chopping them down
It’s an ancient Chinese art and she sure knew her part
From a feint into a slip, and kicking from the hip
Interesting choice that instead of lightning, you chose illumination. You’re right, too- she’s probably the speed of tame lightning, not wild.
I was just seeing if anyone would notice? Yeah, that’s the ticket.
OH OH! You should call it “RABBIT’S FOOT!”
So guessing the
…. end of the sentence. Fun game!
*wags tail playfully*
… knight helmeted manikin is about to punch through Halo’s shield, with his spike.
…first move Katrina pulled was an attack from Tai Kwon “Leap.”
Tai Kwon Lepus?
One other thought; what do hares think of being called rabbts or bunnies?
Maybe they are fine with it, maybe not. But I know from prsonal observation how my fellow Britons from Ireland, Scotland and Wales can react when called English by foreigners. And it can be pretty aggressive. And that’s the ones who don’t know martial arts.
A bit like calling a southern belle or gentleman a yankee, I would guess. :-(
Katrina is a human, with a lifetime of associations from her normal life. She has only been a bunny for a few short weeks. I doubt she is too fussed, either way.
Probably best to refer to them as British; that term covers everyone from the British Iles, so at least you’re not offensively “profiling” them.
Just so. Omitting the Cornish, from a list of British peoples can cause offense too.
As someone born scottish who’s lived most of his life in england, I can confirm that “british” is just easier.
Well, considering four out of the five ‘countries’ are collectively referred to as “Great Britain”…
Well, you can call me anything… just don’t call me late for dinner.
“Anything for dinner tonight”
“Oh well, I guess it is better than nothing. Hurry up and serve him, I have not eaten Anything for ages!”
Ok, after this Usagi moment (Usagi Yojimbo, go check that one out, not to be confused with Usagi Tsukino ( Sailor Moon)), i’ll maybe destroy everyones fantasies of how rabbits fight, but if you actually see 2 bunnies beat the living hell out of each other, you will see they mainly fight with their forefeet, not to unsimilar to kangaroos, but without all the kicking.
Katrina is not fighting like a rabbit, because she is using a human martial art. She just happens to be able to make better use of it now, due to her lycanthrope enhanced legs. If she were to assume her full animal form, her body structure would be completely inappropriate for the style. So your comments are wholly appropriate for that. Although, with a human mind behind the attacks, I am sure Katrina could come up with a more effective attack than bunnies normally use.
As it is (and has been mentioned by a commentator already) she will still be adapting to her new form, as she was only infected in the last couple of weeks. So even her normal fighting, which we see above, will not quite match the base style she is practiced in. However her fast were-rabbit reflexes* are clearly more than compensating for her unfamiliarity.
* Katrina is the fastest to engage in the fight after Maxima, in a room full of powerful monsters, so her credentials are good, despite Max’s being better.
Yeah, really making me want to know more about Kat’s background prior to being theriomorphed
Regarding Katrina moving second after Maxima… Icon and Dabbler went second. That aside, I think the other powerful monsters and ancients didn’t get where they are today by being hasty. They’re probably setting up defenses and letting the hot-blooded yung’uns test the enemy. It’s easier to see what NOT to do when someone blows themselves up doing just that.
True. Although there are a lot of beings present, so I think it is a mix of her being fast and the fast ones, amongst the elder supernaturals, playing it safe.
I wonder if Dave has heard of the game Lugaru…
Were-puggles are hereby approved! A nice bonus being that they are an Australian critter that will not try to kill you, on sight. So not quite as dangerous as having a werewolf neighbour. Although your lawn might be at risk.
So would you snuggle a puggle?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I had never heard of that word before and just knew them as echidnas.
I had not heard of either. But why? Sooo cute!
I heard they make great boxers, or as they are also known, puggle-lists.
I wouldn’t want to snuggle a Piggle though…They’re bred for fighting in wizard duels, not as house pets. Not only that, even when raised as livestock, farmers have to be careful when feeding them that they don’t become the next meal…
That is forbidden!
As in browser error code “403 Forbidden”.
Must be an error on your end Yorpie, had no troubles seeing it here
Does Sydney have a word of the day app or something? She said “incipient” and “fortuitous”.
Some people actually know how to use a dictionary, or paid attention at school
All that plus a grandmother who loved classic Scrabble (none of the made up slang words they allow in willy nilly these days for her!), a mother who taught English courses, a habit of consuming tons of fantasy novels for entertainment and it still fades without regular use which you usually stop doing if the folks around you aren’t going to understand everything you are saying all that well or just think your silly for saying it that way. (Not to mention learning things from reading doesn’t always teach you to say them right aloud. Leading to some embarrassing moments. )
But then I’m known for having a bad memory so ymmv.
If she ate the Bun Bun fruit (never said exactly how he got the strain into her) then all of her attacks would be named starting with “Bun-Bun”.
Keeps it simple.
In panel Bun-Knee, did Kat completely destroy the SWATaton’s upper arm?
In panel four, we can see it still has the lower half of the sleeve (including the elbow pad) but an exposed upper arm, in panel Bun-Knee we can see the remains of the lower arm still in Kat’s grasp and the now-exposed shoulder joint, but no signs of the rest of the upper arm nor the elbow pad!
Dang! Kat is possibly as strong as Maxi!! :eek:
Well she falls into the category of ‘is able to dismember a manikin’ whether or not that extends up to ‘is able to throw a tank to the horizon’ remains to be seen.
Previous commentators have analysed the practicality of the move she used. But ignoring how it compares to real-world moves, she is using her most powerful muscles, and is striking at a limb she has grasped and held in a vulnerable position. Not to mention the fact that it has already been detached once, so may be damaged, and may hot have fully completed reassembly.
I would say that were-bunny legs are much stronger than human ones though, so even if a human could not do that to a joint, it is entirely feasible for Katrina to have pulled off that arm. But she is using technique, and has a situational advantage, in addition to brute strength. Either way, it is still a mightily impressive combat maneuver!
The point was: there. is. no. sign. of. the. upper. arm. after. being. Bun-Kneed!
Not even shattered fragments like you see of the sleeve
I don’t think that is the intent that the scene is meant to convey. Otherwise we would have seen her previous attacks causing disintegration too. Whereas there are plenty of spots that missing bits could have gone, such as up the sleeve, behind Kat’s knee, out of frame, and so on. Plus we do see some debris beyond her knee. Whether they are scraps of cloth or fragments of manikin,* I cannot say, but they are indicative that something has been shattered and/or torn into smaller parts.
Finally, on a pure physics point, to have literally atomised that limb, there would have been a massive amount of energy released, in the process. Causing a fair bit of local destruction and other very noticeable effects. So I think we can rule that out.
* They have the colouration of cloth but the trajectory that harder parts would be following.
So, you are saying, that DaveB ‘forgot’ to add the upper part of the arm? o_O
Those five fragments are totally the wrong colour to be parts of the arm
If you look carefully you will see the strap of the elbow pad a little further from where Kat’s sleeve ends, at the right point taking the length of the arm, so the upper arm do is there, actually is from where Kat is grabing.
True is that I would think that the “naked” part of the upper arm should be visible as before, but in fact the upper sleeve looks longer in this panel, one could take it as the violence of Kat’s move made the ripped sleeve to unroll back in place covering the upper arm… maybe :)
Okay, can see that now: so her grasping the arm has pushed the remains of the sleeve back up covering the upper arm
Thank you
Katrina clearly must have acquired her fighting skill as a normal human, given that she has only been a were-bunny for a few weeks, as deduced by earlier commentators. And she is good enough that she could have a fighting name…
Introducing, in the right corner….
Hurricane Katrina
Psst I was actually in said hurricane, and have friends who’s homes were damaged and/or destroyed in it, so I am allowed to make light of the name.
And her entrance song.
Nah, this one (what, you thought she would be walking on sunshine?)
And in the wrong corner, Manny Quinn :P
Any relation to Harley?
No, this one was married to Rose from “Two and a Half Men”