Grrl Power #476 – A hare and knee raising experience
I’m not sure that digitigrade legs would be especially effective for kicking. Well, maybe they’d be better at thrusting kicks like in the first panel, but I think you’d lose some power with axe kicks and roundhouses. Anything that involved leading with the heel, since it’s further up the leg, you’d lose some angular momentum. I’m not sure Muay Thai would suffer too much from that, as I think it largely focuses on… side kicks? Whatever Kat is doing in panel 4, I don’t know the name of the kick. That and knee work, and maybe some punches and elbow strikes, and less on backwards spinning kicks. I only say that because Sagat, Adon and Kim Kaphwan didn’t really feature roundhouse kicks in their move sets. Yes, fighting games are where most of my Muay Thai knowledge comes from. That an select B-list action movies from the 80’s.
Hmm, ok maybe Kim uses a lot of axe kicks. Though I will say that doesn’t really resemble Muay Thai anymore. (And of course the chick has a move where she sits on your face.) Also, there are apparently 14 King of Fighters games, but only 5 Bloody Roar games?
Holy crap there were 5 Bloody Roar games?
The Twilight Council doesn’t have a dress code per se, but wearing short jean shorts seems a little casual. Kat didn’t know she was coming to the meeting tonight though. She’s only been a lycan for a few weeks now, and Gregor thought it was time to introduce her around.
Oh geeze I just realized I forgot her tail, which is a shame since a cute lil’ poofy one poking out of her shorts would have been cute.
Thanks to everyone using the Amazon associate link on the page. I don’t thank you guys enough. Especially the guy who got all the parts for a scorching computer through it. I thought I would mention it as we’re entering the holiday shopping season. I think my wife is already done with her Xmas shopping, I’m more of a last two weeks kind of guy.
I should reiterate I can’t see who purchased anything, only what was bought. So don’t feel embarrassed about getting books like The Alien’s Captive, in which I’m sure bodices are not necessarily ripped so much as they are disintegrated with alien ray guns.
Be sure to check out Wearing the Cape: Team-Ups & Crossovers. Sydney’s first Crossover! I’ve made a dedicated blog post for the book, please comment there.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon, as soon as I get up. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
She could probably deliver some serious back kicks as well. They involve striking straight out with all the leg muscles instead of swinging the leg like most other kicks. It’s basically a straight punch with your feet!
I’ve seen actual rabbits do that, took out a dog. Pretty impressive.
Nooo! Where is the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, when you need it? I guess I will just have to hide.
Wait, wait, better idea!
How this for an even betterer idea?
That looks like it tickles.
It tickled me.
Girl your dog translation is flawed. I am fluent, in the Jack Russell dialect, and that growling was not enjoyment! The bared teeth were another rather important clue!
Maybe she mistook the dog for Mikey?
I’m doing shotokan karate, and our main kicks both forwards (mae-geri), backwards (ushiro-geri) and to the sides (yoko-geri) are mainly straight kicks. Actually, Kats kick could probably considdered a yoko-geri if she was practizing that style. Though with the limited ways you can move your body, many martial arts will end up with a very similar set of basic techniques, so something like muay thai probably has the same or a very similar kick with a different name.
There are swinging(ish) variants of both the mae-geri and the yoko-geri, but if done right, even they can be performed with a straight end phase if you will.
Very nice. The drop kick is fantastic! I was just thinking of the mechanics of Digigrade feet, she would be able to deliver a “open palm” strike with her foot then grab on and pull them to the ground. Generaly legs have 2x or more muscle than arms, so she would be able to Smash, grab and then smash again if she attacked someone’s face and drove it into the ground.
“She’s got Legs! She knows how to use them”….Ahem. Second thing that came to mind, sorry.
First was “I think I’m in love.”
*stands behind you with a waist-long beard, sunglasses, and spinning fuzzy guitar.*
no turtle shell?
Doing ZZ TOP not Master Roshi.
ZZ Top and Master Roshi confirmed cousins.
That’s going to be a strange family reunion, especially since one of them is the brother of Hank Hill from King of the Hill. And another is the father of Angela Montenegro from the tv show Bones.
You sure? Always thought that was Gerald McRaney with long hair and a beard (also thought he was the old singer on that episode of NCIS, but turns out was wrong on both counts)
Not even Bugs Bunny did anything this cool.
Mr Bunny would like a word with you, take it away Bugs
Having rabbits that we raise for meat, those legs are best for clawing.
Them rabbits… are they rascally?
It always wabbit season at my house.
Eating your fluffy little friends? Sounds like a ‘hare raising’ experience to me.
Not so much “friends” as “edible companions”.
edible companions. sounds like an awesome survival equipment idea. stores under the seat, inflates for water landings, 98% edible products.
I’m pretty sure that PEOPLE are 98% edible, and some of the have AWESOME flotation devices.
Just don’t eat clowns. They taste funny.
Mimes taste like stale baguettes.
I’m hoping that this isn’t something you know from personal experience.
Sanitation Engineers would taste kind of…well, you can guess…
@MidnightDStroyer: I would guess diarrhea sommeliers wouldn’t taste much different.
Actually, there are serious health side effects to consuming human meat on a regular basis.
At least, that’s what they said on Bones.
I really should get around to actually researching that….
One word: prions.
Caught you! No more causing flash-crashes for you.
Don’t worry folks we have called the stock exchange, and told them to put a block on any prion futures trading. We shall have this financial criminal behind bars, in no time!
So don’t eat the brain.
Prisons too.
Edible does not mean good for you. McDonald’s is a prime example, alcohol for another.
Clearly we just need to do it more, so that we evolve into being able to eat humans without issue. That is totally how evolution works, yep.
In Hackmaster, they would be self propelled rations with various secondary uses.
Or as Spike would say “Happy Meals on legs”.
So agree with the needing of a new Bloody Roar game.
Yeah, but unfortunately, the odds of that happening are somewhere between slim and none. Hudson Soft ceased to exist as a company four years ago and is now merged with Konami. And even before that, it’s sort of telling that the five games were released in 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2003… and then nothing for 8 years, between the release of Bloody Roar 4 and Hudson Soft being merged with Konami. It was never a very popular series to begin with (relative to other fighting games), and Bloody Roar 4 put the nails in the coffin.
Bloody Roar 4 suffered from Blind Idiot Translation, which shows that they were either losing interest (the first three games had remarkably good translation, and it went downhill from there) or had a lower budget (or both). It also suffered from Hard Work Hardly Works… that is to say, there was no point trying to learn how to do the complicated stuff, since you could use the cheap, broken stuff to get easy wins.
The advertising almost qualified as deceptive, since it boasted 18 characters and 8 game modes, which was technically true… if you classify Com Battle (the computer fighting itself) as a game mode, and if you classify training and sparring (the only difference is that in sparring, the computer fights back) as two separate modes. Two of the “18 characters” were not selectable from the main menu; Dragon Ryoho was the final boss, and the other (“Mana”) is only available as part of a tag team with Ryoho.
Having said all that, Konami is a pretty good company, and their primary reason for buying Hudson Soft was to get their IP’s, so there may still be a very slim thread of hope.
Konami a GOOD company? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! For the past few years, They’ve had ONE franchise left they gave a crap about and from what I saw of MG:Survival they’re gonna put a bullet in it’s head and go fully into gambling and mobile crap.
Okay… they were a good company.
Whereas the Konami Code girl is in good company.
Well, did they say it had 18 playable characters? o_O
No, and that’s why it avoided “truth in advertising”. Dragon Ryoho wasn’t playable at all, so really, it only had 17 playable characters. Maybe 16 (not sure about Mana; I only know that she wasn’t selectable from the character select screen.)
Someone should tell Katrina she should have worn boots in the second and fourth panels.
She probably did. They’re probably under the council table. Whether or not they’re still intact is another question. I strongly doubt her feet are the same size in both forms.
Not to mention different shapes, I’d be betting she wears cheap sneakers or sandals, something that won’t damage her feet during a quick change and easily replaced.
Hmm… Do were-gators wear Crocs?
Not if they have any sense of style.
Or she could wear “canvas-style” slippers that are made out of the same material as Bruce Banner’s pants…
If they’re under the table, then she wasn’t wearing them in those panels.
I’m figuring she kicked them off, just before demonstrating her alternate form, and never put them back on, since she never changed back.
However, in those two panels (which is what I specifically stated in my first comment),, she is not.
I’m curious if Max was saying that she was winded from the sprint or from the explosion.
Prob the 2nd. She went full-spee to get it away from the chamber, leaving her (at least temporary) vulnerable.
I thought that it was very clearly a member of a subterranean species, of supernaturals, who winded Maxima.
First Maxima made a surprised announcement, on seeing it:
Clarifying that it was only a small one:
But that she must have hit it hard:
No mention of whether the
was hurt or not though. Clearly however Maxima has recognised them as being the tunnel builders:
And is familiar enough with them to be able to idenifty the “inutes
” and know that they are the tunneling members of the faction:
I imagine she is now tending to the one she bumped into and starting negotiations, with the inutes, to get their assistance, with the tunneling.
Regarding her wearing casual clothes. As she’s just been changed, that may be all she has in her wardrobe that would fit her alternate form.
I doubt you could comfortably wear jeans, or most pants, with digitigrade legs. Since the shorts stop before the morphological changes in the leg, they make good sense.
Having raised rabbits, I happen to know that they can eviscerate with their feet, front and back. Their claws are like little blade 1/3-1/2 the length of their paws-it’s how they’re able to dig. She’s not just a rabbit and should literally be able to slice them in half with axe kicks and roundhouses.
DAVE! For reference, here’s couple bunny girls from Japanese manga artist, NSFW:
wheres her fluffy tail ?
DaveB forgot to draw it in, as per his blog above. But if you want to encourage him to draw one in, then sign the petition here.
I would have signed the petition too, but DaveB had already replied in the affirmative before I could read this update.
i can see part of the tail poking out from the top of the shorts
Also, just a nitpick, feel free to disregard it, rabbits don’t have paw pads, to the best of my knowledge.
This one seems to. Although the others I found did not. I would suspect that they all do, but that most breeds just have hair over them, so you cannot see them. However that is just a laydog’s guess.
Oops! That one got away from me.
*chases after it*
Woof woof WOOF!
May I commend you on your dogged determination?
I actually googled “rabbit foot” for reference but who knows what the image I found was actually a picture of.
I wonder how many pictures you got that were of “Lucky Charms” and no longer attached to a rabbit . . .
i’ve never understood how a severed rabbit’s foot could be considered a lucky charm, but, i imagine it something like this: “oh, that? Yeah, the rabbit escaped. You don’t wanna know how.”
Since hares and rabbits reproduce quickly, they became associated with fertility. Therefore, carrying around a piece of them was bestow such a benefit on the carrier.
Aaaack! That was supposed to “piece of them was believed to bestow…”
Also, I think the foot was meant to be a phallic symbol, IIRC.
Not to be That Guy, but a rabbit’s foot is only ‘Lucky’ if the rabbit was killed upon the grave of an evil person.
Say are you that guy from Sherwood forest? The cool cat, who hung around with all those men in tights?
These men in tights?
Yeah, I could never understand that either. After all, the rabbit had four of them and look what happened!
Allan Sherman ( did a song about that sort of thing…
Like any house pet, you’ll likely want to go to the various blogs and image shares of proud bunny owners, such as For shots of house rabbit feet you’re best shots are going be “stretched out bunny”, when they rest with their hind legs fully extend. “Resting bunny” or “relaxing” should also pull up good shots, rabbits tend to stretch fully out when just chillin or digesting.
The “pads” you may see are actually clumps of springy hair, covering their hocks. The skin underneath is actually quite soft and sensitive. If the rabbit starts losing hair there due to mange or some other reasons, it can lead to Sore Hocks (inflamed tissue). Which are quite painful for the bunny, and leads to other complications.
”Guys, try using a Common Fire Hose to wash off the bloodmarks!” -Cpt.Obvious
The really good magicians include a counter-charm against that sort of thing into the spell itself.
Hd a friend in a D&D game whose wizard had my druid stone shape a summoning circle into the floor of the wizarding lab, using two different types of stone melded together. “Scuff my Circle? I don’t think so”
Nice, the “Evil” summoner in one of my campaigns actually had 3 circles,2 made of the specific metals that his usual summons were weakened by (Cold Iron and Silver) and one of Adamantine, all and twisted and braided together like a rope. He basically had to “charge” all 3 separately for powerful demons and devils, but NOTHING could break all 3 circles to release the creature without his wanting it
Well, in panel 3 there, Katrina looks like she’s trying to to wipe off the bloody mark…With her foot.
If you’re looking for some really impressive Muay Thai action, I’d recommend “Ong Bak: Muay Thai Warrior”. Or, really, anything Tony Jaa is in. The man is ridiculous, and I mean that in the best possible sense.
Tony Jaa movies: “Tony Jaa loses something. Tony Jaa goes to get it back. Anything between Tony Jaa and his goal gets a flying knee.”
Yes, definitely more Bloody Roar games…
Oh god I so want that; I have every last one of them. Unfortunately, Hudson’s licenses went over to Konomi after they folded and Konomi is tentative to stop making video games and make plinko(or whatever you call them) Machines. I suppose we are lucky that they forgot they have that license and not making any machine of it. I would love to see arc system buy it, Namco would do in a pinch though.
Halo makes me laugh. Her shield gets beat on by the enemy boss “Oh, give me a minute” and she goes about talking about the situation, and then -making jokes- … though, being ADHD myself, I wonder how she can stay focused on the joke and situation long enough with the pounding … lol. yet again, the hare doing jack-rabbit jokes about kick boxing is a little … distracting too! …so who knows what I’d do in this situation! Hahaha. In anycase… totally awesome how the invulnerability of the shield makes her careless.
Up until she remembers that the baddies have shield-penetrating spikes.
The spikes “dispelled” Dabbler’s magic shield, which makes sense, because if I was building a squad of murder-golems to attack the council of supernatural races, I would give the both offensive and defensive magical countermeasures. I feel that this is important because it has been noted that the Orbs have no magical aura at all. They could be magic, but that would require that they were heavily warded against any form of magical detection, along with every single power they have. I find it more likely that the shield is not magic, which would make the countermeasures of the mannequins useless.
Entirely plausible. Mind you if the various detections used on it are correct, then it does not exist. So the spike might need to be anti-nihilist, in order to defeat it!
“… and yea we thence enchanted the existential spike with magic-dispelling powers, as magic is also a bane of reality.”
“Heretic, put them to death for practicing enchantment magic! Then we better kill ourselves, as our own existence is anathema!”
…aaaand we learn a little about Katrina as well here… She’s only been a Were Hare for a few weeks so she almost certainly knew Muy Thai before she got Wered… its not something she got with the Were package. Interesting little bun-bun…
Heh… mannequin dude got Ka-BUNned!!!
Yup. Unless Grrlverse lycanthropes are like Buffyverse vampires, and gain martial arts powers, as part of their upgrade from humanity.
I’m not sure whether or not it counts as yelling for her or against her, but I have a strange desire to call out, “Boop the snoot!” now that Katrina’s fighting.
Kat has some serious moves. It makes me wonder where she learnt them. Is martial arts her pastime or a part of her profession.
This same thing happened when Hef asked her to be the new mascot for Playboy magazine . . .
Poor Hef was in the hospital for a week…
digitigrade legs are good for axe kicks if dose legs are razor nailed. A feline or “raptor” tipe.
diggin and jumping desined legs are more suitable for, as you said, nee and side kicks.
BUT a really good tecnique is the “spartan” kick. Every one understands that name nowdays. Longer displasement capabillity.
Side note:
Sid suould use the light hook to not them.
Of course there’s a difference between a digitigrade leg with some fluffy toes on the end, one with claws and one with a hook. If Dabbler kicked you in the face it’d probably feel like getting wanged with a stone club.
Heh. “Wanged”
::giggles like a twelve year old human boy::
For the twelve year old human boy in all of us…
kicks from behind the animal with digitigrade legs can be both more powerful and hella quicker. a rabbit can really thump you about 6 times in the time a horse could thump you once, but due to size and power, that one thump would knock you down, and a normal-sized rabbit would just surprise you into letting it go. (unless the claws got into it, then you’d be bleeding, too)
That one kick from a horse would shatter several ribs and your sternum, with fragments possibly reaching your vertebrae.
Between your sternum and your vertebrae, there’s this rather important organ called a “heart”…
I think you meant “Hoof” instead of “Hook” =P
It depends if Dave has any velociraptors on his world.
Or maybe any Colossal Squids..
Yes, I did. :P
May I just add:
Yowza! :)
You want overgrowth, its way better than any of the bloody roar games.
Hasn’t that game been in alpha for about 7 years?
Since 2008, yes. It isn’t uncommon for games to stay in Early Release for a long time. You have to remember that these are not big productions with a team of 100 working on them; a lot of them are literally 2- or 3-person groups who have to work on the game while also holding down day jobs.
Now, while there have been some Early Release games where the developers made an obvious cash grab, essentially abandoning the game after a few hundred initial sales, Overgrowth is one of the few Early Release games where the developer’s commitment to the project is obvious. New Alphas have been released roughly every two months for the last several years. I think they’re currently on a226. (No, that is not a version number like 2.26; it is literally the 226th alpha release.)
Also if you want a completed game. lugaru is a fantastic game that somehow manages to age well
(and overgrowth is getting more playable. arena mode is almost done i think)
Katrina is going to give the predator-type weres an inferiority complex.
Replace the were-gazelle with her back here and the various were-cats would be the nervous ones.
Unless they go all Barney Stinson: “Challenge… Accepted!”
In the last panel the mannequin is thinking “And I quit my job at Mythbusters for this.”
If so, I’m sure he’s really mything it about now.
I am.
Oh come on, naming it ‘Bunny Knee’ and not ‘Bun Knee’? That’s the name that’s practically begging to be used.
Hah hah, yeah, I should have done that.
Bunny Bun Knee Bon Nuit ! it’s a knockout.
Heh. Speaking as a donkey, that should be either “jack-rabbit” or “jackrabbit”.
As a jack donkey (as opposed to a jenny donkey or a john donkey – ::shudders::), you had me going for a moment there. That’s some very impressive shapeshifting there.
Really beautiful action sequence today – it exceeds even your usual very high standard.
Or in Katina’s case, not a Jack Rabbit, but a Jaqueline Rabbit…
I’ve been refraining from the stupid joke for a long time. So remember, you made me do this. “Don’t you mean Jack-a$$”
Wasn’t there a game a while back about kickboxing rabbits? Lugaru?
I agree. Bloody Roar was a criminally underrated game.
A human sized rabbit would have some insane kicking power.
Also, why hasn’t anyone done anything about the bloody handprint on their ‘face’? It’s probably something like the EMETH/METH deal with Jewish golems.
And I agree. I miss my Alice, Uriko, Jenny, Xion and both moles. Nagi the Spurious was ok.
It would be kind of hard to try to scrub them clean while they are trying to kill you.
They might stop fighting if they just removed the head entirely.
And for this I have come up with a new motto for the Council:
‘Decapitation precedes capitulation”.
Several of them were completely decapitated. They got back up and exploded.
Don’t forget to watch Ong Bak!
Well, Kat just shot up my personal character rankings.
OMG Dave this comic continues to be awesome. I want to see people at Marvel and DC doing this!
Definitely needs the cute poofy bunny tail.
Now there would be an interesting twist. Form chosen By the lycanthropy itself to best suit the host’s abilities and result in further spread.
That would be a sophisticated evolutionary technique available for a magical disease.
Wanted to say exactly that. Glad it’s covered. :)
I find the bad ass bunny oddly…hot. Does….does that make me a furry? Not adverse to the idea, just not sure what defines these days.
Liking and being are definitely two seperare things. I like petite women with pretty eyes, but am definitely not one.
‘A furry’ means ‘somebody who is sexually attracted to anthropomorphic animals’, by one commonly used definition. Although it can indeed have other meanings, such as ‘liking to cos-play as a furry animal’ or, as you take it, ‘enjoying looking at, or be entertained by, anthropomorphic animals’.
Katrina is rather a middle ground, as she is actually a human, rather than an animal. But, in her present form, it does leave folks conflicted. This is something that we are going to have to deal with in coming generations. People will be opting to have either surgical or genetic alteration, to have unusual or animal-like features. Elf/Vulcan ears, are likely to be a popular choice. But fox, cat or bunny ears might be chosen by others.
They are still human though, so long as their genome is not tinkered with enough to prevent them breeding successfully with mainstream humans. So I do not think folks aught to fear bestiality taboos. They simply do not apply with other thinking people, of the same species. Of course it would be necessary to consider the children, if such changes are hereditary. But such considerations are part and parcel of selecting a suitable partner, anyhow.
As a simple example, some women are hairier than others. It is just down to a matter of tastes as to whether folks are turned off, indifferent or attracted to that. Clearly our present society pushes the need for waxing. But a lot of pain can be avoided if finding a partner who is OK with their looks, without having to do that. Certainly nobody need feel ashamed of their looks, or feelings about such matters, either way.
In the old Cyberpunk RPG, there are some people who get the cosmetic surgery (using nanobots) to look like anthropomorphs. There are even nightclubs that hire such “exotics” to act as serving/wait staff…And at least a few underground “bordellos” too.
Speaking as a furry, what defines a person as a furry is when they bloody well say ‘I AM A FURRY’.
Absolutely true. But it is worth mentioning that it does not help someone decide whether or not they are a furry themselves. Personally I identify as a roleplayer, myself. I do not restrict myself to just fur, but like to get into other people’s skin, scales, chitin and ectoplasm. In a figurative, non-EEEEW sense.
Likewise my tastes are broad enough that, should a pretty furry alien girl park her spaceship in my garden, I would be interested. I don’t consider that would make me a furry though, as I would just consider that to be part of the package, rather than something I would particularly favour. But I can certainly see the appeal for those who do. Fur is nice to stroke after all.
Well, there’s “stroking,” then there’s “strokin’.”
How has she not already wrangled them all together with her lighthook? Come on Sydney stop staring and get to work.
Bad pun wordplay: She used her Bun-knee. Now say it fast. Sorry about that.
Better that than trying to use a bum knee.
It would probably take a serious genetic defect or severe radiation mutation to grow a knee from there.
Gives a whole ‘nother meaning to the phrase “bum deal”.
Honestly I just really love that the one mannequin is still standing there groping at Sydney’s shield at the end. These things may have a lot of tricks packed into them, but adaptive they are not.
Don’t give Lone Helmet ideas, and he’s not ‘groping’, he’s pounding (actually, both sound bad)
Probably is trying to use whatever magic absorbing power they have to break the shield.
The problem with that is that if the shield isn’t magical, then it might not be the right kind of power.
Yup, Dabbler has assumed that the spike is anti-magic*, if she is right and if Halo’s sheild is not magical in nature, then Sydney is safe. However if it is simply enchanted to penetrate force fields, regardless of their nature, then that is another matter entirely.
* Albeit that she has a bunch of special capabilities which might have allowed her to analyse it, either in the fight or in the immediate aftermath