Grrl Power #476 – A hare and knee raising experience
I’m not sure that digitigrade legs would be especially effective for kicking. Well, maybe they’d be better at thrusting kicks like in the first panel, but I think you’d lose some power with axe kicks and roundhouses. Anything that involved leading with the heel, since it’s further up the leg, you’d lose some angular momentum. I’m not sure Muay Thai would suffer too much from that, as I think it largely focuses on… side kicks? Whatever Kat is doing in panel 4, I don’t know the name of the kick. That and knee work, and maybe some punches and elbow strikes, and less on backwards spinning kicks. I only say that because Sagat, Adon and Kim Kaphwan didn’t really feature roundhouse kicks in their move sets. Yes, fighting games are where most of my Muay Thai knowledge comes from. That an select B-list action movies from the 80’s.
Hmm, ok maybe Kim uses a lot of axe kicks. Though I will say that doesn’t really resemble Muay Thai anymore. (And of course the chick has a move where she sits on your face.) Also, there are apparently 14 King of Fighters games, but only 5 Bloody Roar games?
Holy crap there were 5 Bloody Roar games?
The Twilight Council doesn’t have a dress code per se, but wearing short jean shorts seems a little casual. Kat didn’t know she was coming to the meeting tonight though. She’s only been a lycan for a few weeks now, and Gregor thought it was time to introduce her around.
Oh geeze I just realized I forgot her tail, which is a shame since a cute lil’ poofy one poking out of her shorts would have been cute.
Thanks to everyone using the Amazon associate link on the page. I don’t thank you guys enough. Especially the guy who got all the parts for a scorching computer through it. I thought I would mention it as we’re entering the holiday shopping season. I think my wife is already done with her Xmas shopping, I’m more of a last two weeks kind of guy.
I should reiterate I can’t see who purchased anything, only what was bought. So don’t feel embarrassed about getting books like The Alien’s Captive, in which I’m sure bodices are not necessarily ripped so much as they are disintegrated with alien ray guns.
Be sure to check out Wearing the Cape: Team-Ups & Crossovers. Sydney’s first Crossover! I’ve made a dedicated blog post for the book, please comment there.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon, as soon as I get up. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
Yeah, there’s a lot of power in those bunny feet….
Let this be a lesson: Don’t f**k with around the rabbit!
That’s not even close to Bun Bun’s level of violence.
I commend both your initiative roll and the quality of the suggestion.
I’m got a hare-trigger…
Take care if on a water ship, down is not a good position to point such a weapon. In a space ship mind all directions are equally harey.
A.K.A. a rabbit reflex?
If you start showing any rabid reflexes, I shall give you a rabbit punch!
That doesn’t sound too bad. although I’d take without the bourbon and champagne/wine.
All of these puns are starting to creep me out. It’s getting downright ear-y.
I hope you’re not planning on hightailing it out of hare.
Exactly my thoughts!
She should join the Knights who say Knee. She also dis-armed her opponent. Unfortunately it has 2.
They disbanded, they are now The Knights Who Say ‘Ekki Ekki Ekki Ekki Ptang Zoom Boing’.
I thought they were The Knights Who Say “Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah where’s mi shrubbery?”
They couldn’t stick with that one since the middle ages lacked energon cookies.
The other member is Captain Falcon.
Not necessarily on topic, but what happens to a knight who gets a day job?
Most do have them nowadays. In fact, more often than not, they get their knighthood because of their day job. Senior civil servants even have a schedule of what honours they can expect to get, for any given term of service in a particular post.
For Instance.
Bonus points for anyone who knows who this is!
Sir Humphrey of the noble order of Yes Ministering.
I is going to need a swimming pool to keep all my bonus points in!
*practices diving*
OK, I think that will do it. Everybody else, thanks for participating.
I’m also fond of Knee of the Lepus punning off from the 70s giant bunny horror movie.
Apparently, this is a movie I missed. Have to see if I can find it for rent.. somewhere…
see if you can find it on putlocker. also, check out ‘the wizard of speed and time’ and ‘Troll’ (the second of which is the first movie with a Harry Potter in it)
Wizard of Speed and Time? The original short or the feature length version?
feature length
The most memorable thing from Troll was its soundtrack. Which I still like today.
One reviewer said of it “for years you could only find it on late night tv, where many viewers probably assumed they halucinated it.” They kept the rabbits out of the advertising so no one would know they were going to see a movie about giant killer rabbits. honestly, I think the premise is more ridiculously amusing than anything the movie could throw out.
Yup, missed opportunity there.
Katrina’s using a conglomeration of various sub-styles: Mai Tai, Savate (French style kickboxing), and the Ninja Foot Clan style. All together, they form a new style that she refers to as Bunn-Fu.
“Hoppin’ through the forest scoping up the field mice and wack-em on the head”
Once you have them in your sights, just pull the trigger.
It’s a kid’s song.
Yes, but Hypnobubbles was making a pun referencing the title while alluding to the martial arts discipline of Kung Fu.
Whilst I was just making word-play with an amusing typo.
Isn’t that from the old ‘Bunnies and Burrows’ game, which was sort-of ‘Watership Down’ meets D&D?
If it is, I’m not aware of it. I know it’s made by Steve Jackson Games & I’ve got a bunch of GURPS stuff, but I’ve never seen or played B&B. That’s just what I named the martial art style when I played an anthropomorphic rabbit in City of Heroes before it went defunct.
The Bun-Fu with this one is strong.
They must be Hare brained to take her on now she is hopping mad.
Diarrhea Sommelier? Clueless DaveM has no clue.
A sommelier is the guy in an expensive restaurant who’s in charge of the wine. He presents the menu, makes suggestions on which wine goes with various meals, carries out and opens the bottle… and helps you taste it to see if you like it.
Happier now?
No. TT
You want a taste test? Anything, on the menu, tempting you, in particular?
This conversation reminds me of the little gems in the dos game MechWarrior. Anyone who takes the time to read the descriptions of each game. Finds a planet renowned for its seafood called “Nausea”
Of, Of each planet. Not Of each game
In the DC universe the character Matter Eater Lad came from the planet Bismoll (as in Pepto).
that joke was abysmal, and the character was a Bismol
At least he had a little pepto his step.
You’re better off not knowing.
It summons images of people sniffing corks and imbibing… with
“cheese” with little toothpicks in them…
*stops gag reflex just in time*
I’m gonna stop talking/thinking about this now.
Sommelier is a professional wine taster.
It’s just another one of Sydney’s creative expletives, methinks.
It threw me. As Sydney was speaking to Max, it sounded rather rude. Then I wondered if it was one of the code words, that Sydney was in danger. But that hardly seemed necessary.
But, associating Sydney’s second dialogue box, with her head whipping around, to look at the knight-helmet-wearing manikin, allows it to make sense.
DaveB, it may read easier if you changed the speech bubbles, so that the tails each go down to the respective parts of Sydney’s image. Although I see that there is very little room, in which to move the second bubble over enough, to allow the first one a tail.
Cheers for that, it threw me as I was thinking she was saying that to Max…
Yeah, ideally it would be two whole different panels but maybe I’ll see if I can rearrange the bubbles.
I dunno if that’s necessary. I had about 1 second of “What did she just say to Max, and why?” but then the fact that there was a creepy blood-palm-face manikin beating on her force field registered and all was well again.
Some people get it fairly quickly, others do not get it at all. Neither of which is the intent, as any time spent figuring out the puzzle, or having to look up the answer in the comments, is loosing momentum in following the gag.
I.e. it deflates the joke. There is more to the page than that though, so if it turns out to be too inconvenient to change, then we can live with it. But making it instantly understandable will bring laughs to new readers, and improve any re-read experience.
That’s odd, I got it right away cause I knew she wouldn’t say that to Max out of the blue (maybe never) so I was already looking for the cause and there is her afterimage looking at Bucket Head pounding sand.
Because “shit-eater” is just too mundane.
Guess she’s calling that thing attacking her bubble a runny shit taster?
She’s saying Bucket Head is a runny shit PROFESSIONAL, knowing so much about the source, elements, color, smell, flavor, relation to and complementing nature with other consumables, etc… of runny shit in all its many persuasions that it either had to have spent years experiencing these things and or have spent money to be trained in this expert knowledge.
She’s saying that Bucket Head is to a mere runny shit taster what a 15 years on the job experience whore is to a virgin who has kissed a couple people. Her subconscious has really kicked out a well crafted one this time. Random or not.
so, something like this?
Yes, and toilets are starting to get small enough I could almost see a super powered supernatural being lifting one up and performing that routine.
She’s NO Harvey,that’s for sure!!
Hare-raising isn’t it?!?!?
It is inspiring you to have kittens with Katterina? Or would you prefer kits with Kat?
However if either of you are not ready yet, you can always take a break.
You don’t just take a break. You ask (or perhaps demand) someone to give you one.
the new kit-kat big mac from Mcdonalds. Gimme a break, i deserve one today
Does it star Nell Carter?
Look at Kangaroo boxing for some ideas on digigrade leg fighting
And if you think those kicks are weak, think again. A kangaroo kick can rip a man’s guts out.
Too right. Of course, that big thick toenail/claw kind of adds to the nastiness of it all. Kangaroos look all cute and cuddly in zoos, but they are real dicks when it comes to fighting.
Also, free advice for tourists visiting Australia. If, by chance, you are driving along and are unucky enough to have a Kangaroo come through your windshield (as occasionally happens in country areas – they have zero road-sense), then your best chance for survival is to IMMEDIATELY bail out of your vehicle. Regardless of the speed you might be travelling at or any other consideration.
Reason being, unless you are otherwise unbelievably lucky, that Kangaroo will basically destroy the vehicle interior and anyone/anything in it.
This is almost true for white-tailed deer in southern Canada/northern U.S.A. Most deer have, as you call it, road-sense, but mistakes still happen. The steps for the driver are (if possible): brake to stop (do not lock up your brakes!) as you pull to side of the road, park, leave the vehicle. If you have a cell phone, call emergency services (911) and a tow-truck. The fire department will likely cut the roof off your car to let/get the deer out, you will want to call your insurance company as well to see if you have “Vehicle Replacement” coverage; the current vehicle is a write-off, unless you have a convertible, in which case you just have to replace the roof the deer trashed trying to get out of your vehicle.
Deer are small and usually bounce off the front/side of the vehicle. Moose, on the other hand, are tall and come right through the windshield, and are tough enough that they quite often survive the impact, so you have an injured, panicking moose in the back seat kicking the shit out of everything in the front seats.
My brother almost had a nasty experience like that, but with elephants. We grew up in Africa, so are very used to judging distances, in long-distance travel. Likewise African elephants are pretty easy to spot and avoid. So, on seeing a family of them, emerging from the jungle and crossing the road in front of him, my brother applied his breaks in good time, to make sure he did not get anywhere near them.
Except, on this occasion, he was in Gabon, and did not know that they have pygmy elephants there. So, whilst he thought were way off, in the distance, they were actually right in front of him! Fortunately he swerved. Had he not though, a pygmy elephant landing on his lap would have given him a very bad day!
If I am ever in Australia I am swimming away as fast as I can. They have spiders big enough to catch and eat birds!
Sharks. Stingrays. Venomous Jellyfish & Box Jellyfish. Saltwater Crocodiles. Sea-snakes.
Swim? Seriously?!?!
Crocodiles, snakes, fire tornados all cool.
Cover a town in webs I shudder.
Show me a spider eating a seagull and I need to empty my stomach.
Best not eat your lunch then.
If you are afraid of Australia, Australia will come to you!
If you’re living north of Australia, that will be very true…but it’ll take a few tens of millions years to get there.
To be fair, in the United States we have praying mantises that catch and eat birds, so
And Koalas. Don´t forget koalas.
Looks like the koala the wild.
And don’t forget Cassowaries. The only bird species I know of that is specifically tagged as “Both can and will kill humans”. They live in parts of northern Australia and New Guinea.
Actually, Bird-Earting Spiders are a South American thing. Though Australia has its share of venomous spiders, including a couple that can be downright lethal to man.
A-n-d then there’s our Huntsman Spider, which is very very common and generally OK about living around humans. It’s not dangerous (getting it to bite requires serious provocation), though meeting one is not recommended for nervous arachnophobes, and a surprise encounter could turn someone INTO a nervous arachnophobe. Video here (not recommended for nervous arachnophobes) –
Bird eating spiders? I’m crossing South America off my list of places to visit.
Actually the Goliath bird-eating spider are burrow-dwelling opportunistic feeders, who mostly eat earthworms and toads. So they rarely get to snack on birds.
Whereas the the Golden silk orb-weaver spider is a web-building spider who can and does catch and eat birds. Which does live in Australia (and parts of Asia, Africa and the Americas).*
Have a look out for one, the next time you are in your garden. You may be able to convince it to weave a silk garment for you.
* Arachnophobes just recall that continents beginning with “A” = avoid. Except Antarctica, as my penguin army keeps it safe!
UK spiders are mostly harmless. The way I like them.
They also make a tasty snack. I don’t want the roles reversed on that.
In many places in the US we have Whitetail deer. The thing to remember about all large prey animals is they don’t do reverse and the startle reflex is to jump forward. drive at where they werr, not where they will be. In the far northern states and Canada they have moose. A midrange moose weighs about 700lbs/320kg. An 18wheeler can hit a deer, turn it into a sack of meat jelly. When the same vehicle hits a moose, it stops.
The same as with a Sequoya. Except for the “drive at where it is” bit. Unless it has a tunnel in it.
You should beware of tunnels, Yorp. Some damn dessert bird might have painted it on! It happens to that cousin of yours all the time.
That is fine, I know the trick for driving through painted on tunnels, in real life.
Because odd things happen to my family my father in law once ran into a Kung-fu deer in northern Michigan. He was driving to work one morning and a deer ran out in front of his car. He hit the brakes but still clipped it good enough to send it up over the hood and smash the windshield, then it slid off on the driver’s side. He thought it was dead but then it got up, shook itself, looked at him through the window, then kicked the rear view mirror off the car with its back legs before running off again into the woods apparently unharmed. Apparently getting hit by a car was just an annoyance to a deer-fu master.
I just had walkies down to my local post office (which is very near to home). Only to find Feral Cat joining my Jack Russell and I. As this was down the main road, I was rather alarmed, as young cats are not known for their road sense! Fortunately she is extremely skittish, so the first car that came along made her dash over to the hedgerow.
Feral Cat is a very unusual cat though. She normally greets us at the gatehouse, and accompanies us all the way up the drive. Having mothered the puppies I was looking after recently, by licking them, she yesterday tried doing the same with Buffy. Who turned her head away with a distinct “no kisses!” motion.
During the mating season of our local deer, one confused a Chevy Suburban for another deer and charged it. Luckily for the deer, it mistimed the approach of the Suburban and struck a glancing blow on the passenger side rather than the head on collision it presumably intended.
The driver never saw it. The passenger (me) nearly crapped his pants (and we’re back to diarrhea sommelier).
A couple of friends were driving in convoy through the highlands of Scotland. A deer decided to charge at the second car. It might have been going for the first, but got the second. Hit the driver’s door. The antler ripped through the door like tinfoil and narrowly missed the guy. It broke off leaving him with an antler across his lap. Can’t remember what happened to the deer but he had the antler on his desk for years.
I remember he said how lucky it was it missed his leg. Suppose the leg would be the safest place to be hit by that three foot weapon.
Due to job I once had, I know of a deer that rendered a locomotive unfit for operation.
It could still have had internal injuries that lead to its eventual death. A deer, if shot poorly, can run for quite a while before bleeding out due to the adrenaline. That same might be true of impact with a car, as long as no legs were broken.
mythbusters tested a myth about going really really fast to go under the moose. (it didn’t work) . however for perspective the B team visited the area.
note how high the moose is relative to the pickup trucks..
The best thing about moose is the length of their legs – just tall enough to clear the hoods of most cars with their bodies.
As a born Maineac I can tell you smaller cars do not far well in Moose encounters either. There have been cases of Moose killing people by going through the windshield.
Most things that we think of as cute can brutally murder you given the chance. nature doesn’t reward ‘cute’ as much as it rewards ‘homicidal and insane’. Cheetah cubs are cute, then you find out that they look like that so that predators will mistake them for honey badgers (which have reached mimetic levels of homicidal bravery). Hippos are more dangerous than crocodiles, kangaroos and platapi both have poisonous spines that they use to kill their romantic rivals, etc.
Puppies are cute. Until they get hungry. Then they turn into furry piranhas!
Did I mention cute though? And cuddly.
Ummm. Kangaroos don’t have poisonous spines.
The MALE platypus has poison spurs on its back legs.
Kangaroo paws are poisonous though. They excrete cyanide!
The risk that one of those would just up & smack you across the face is pretty low though…
They live in the same habitat. All it takes is for them to realise that picking those up gives them an edge in a fight, and POW!
I could have sworn I saw a documentary mentioning kangaroos having poison spikes, but I could be totally mis-remembering it. The can still disembowel you with their feet.
Why wouldn’t there be at least 5 bloody roar games? The ones I played were all great fun!
Eh, she’d have to have decently enchanted “magic clothes” to make a hole for the tail every time she made one. IF she even has such clothes I guess we just say she left them at home today cause not expecting to transform much?
I hope that wine steward doesn’t have a bottle from a 100 years ago…
The last game was pretty terrible but the series as a whole still warrants continuation. My favourites were 3 (best combat mechanics) and Primal Fury (best characters). I would love another.
I was just surprised cause I only ever knew about 2 of them.
Yeah, its hard for me to deal with the fact that there are soooo many Zelda games I haven’t played. Time marches on…
For the clothing/tail issue, she could have a flap secured by velcro.
Hey, in the Expanded Wapsiverse it works on Wing’s mechanics coveralls (although it may matter that her wings are considerably larger than Kat’s tail).
A whole new realm of potential wardrobe malfunctions opens up.
Ever hear of the game Overgrowth?
Also, did she just call the “leader” mannequin a “shit steweard”?
Why, yes…Yes she did.
Hey, that S*** is vintage…
Little rabbit got some moves. Isn’t there a rabbit kung-fu style? And something tells me that Math will become a furry fan….
When this fight is all over, we will have to find out more about Kat. DaveB says she’s only been a were-hare a few weeks now, so she presumably learned to fight as a normal human. Was she in the military? Did she run the local karate dojo? Was she a cop? Inquiring minds want to know!
I smell a spinoff!
Can it be a new Bloody Roar?
If we get a spin-off, we’d only get a Grrlpower update every two weeks…
Yea. Although Dave could go down the route of franchising it out. The same as Pixie Trix comics did with various of their comics. Creating spin-offs with the original team, then handing it over to new artists to carry it on. But, sensibly, keeping it all under the one banner, so the community does not fragment.
It clearly would take a lot of work bringing a new team up to speed, training them to match the styles, overseeing that they keep to the ethos and dealing with any interactions between storylines and characters.
Dave and Kieth have shown that the teamwork does give good results. But it would take Dave more away from his passion and into having to do a lot more management roles. Which may not be enjoyable for him. And could, in itself, heavily impact on the main comic, especially during transition periods. All burdened by the risk that the spin-off may not turn out well.
But would a spin off need to really keep the same art style particularly if it’s from the viewpoint of someone with a non-human set of eyes. Clearly they see stuff at essentially a higher frame rate, but maybe also different wavelengths of light pop more to them so a different art style can make sense. Just dreaming possibilities here.
Your points are true, and quite a clever potential. The reason for matching the styles though is both for reader convenience and to try and bring as many of the existing readership over to the new comic, as possible. The former being especially important in making known characters identifiable.
If you are doing a spin-off of Katrina and the character in the new comic does not look anything like her, you will likely loose a big chunk of the potential readership, on day one!
Of course, using your cunning technique could overcome that, if cleverly intermixed with the existing style, whenever seen from someone else’s perspective. So you would get the occasional reminder that the comics are set in the same world, even though the styles are different.
What that would do though, in turn, is push the burden back on DaveB and Keith, to handle such scenes and make the work, when there is any interaction between story lines that much harder. Or alternatively require spending the time and effort to bring the spinoff team up to speed on matching styles.
But having the good perk that they will get to use their own, most of the time. Increasing their own artistic fulfilment and satisfaction. Which is a good thing. And, if it allows them to keep to the project yet still be familiar enough to the source material to keep readers, that could be a very successful route.
In the defunct City of Heroes MMORPG, I had a character modeled up to appear like an anthropomorphic rabbit, named Phooken A. Skyppi. Gave her the Martial Artist package & called it the Bun-Fu style.
I don´t know, but there is monkey kung-fu style.
Drunken rabbit style would be worth seeing.
See also Goku from Dragonball and Reiki from Battle Arena Toshinden 3.
There was a chinese animated kung-fu film called Legend of a Rabbit. It were considered a complete ripoff of Kung Fu Panda, though.
He should be careful with that bun-knee, so he doesn’t get a hare-knee-a
medical pun bonus point!
Katrina should fear getting a bunyon. Likewise, with her long hair, a hareball is a real risk!
*wags tail, whilst eagerly looking at Jules*
*groans and launches a giant stuffed rabbit at you*
Oh wow, I actually had to look up what a “bunion” is! ‘Today I learned’ and all that :-)
Medical bonus point for Yorp as well!
With extra doggy-treat because I learned something. Your choice for Scooby-snack (left hand) or Martin Rütter* approved fresh steak bit (right hand)
holds out two open palms
* Mr Rütter is brilliant, and understands dog-psychology so well: He spends most of his time educating the human, not the dog. The dogs mostly get training to unlearn their (generally justifiable) human-induced trauma.
*bemusedly looks at bunny rider*
*gently tugs on steak bit, whilst wagging tail*
A living toupee? An interesting idea to say the least.
Replacement Hare-Piece.
::twitches his ears manically::
Careful, or there will be hare to-pay!
In such cases, it seems all too frequently that those are “gone tomorrow”.
James T. Kirk did it first. With a tribble. Then Trump did it. Same tribble.
*Lets go of the steak bit* Enjoy! you lovely canine commenter! :-)
The bunny, unfortunately, will have to wait, I don’t have any salad, carrots or tasty horseflower leaves on me. Maybe the bunny can wait until after the combat, and try to beg a nibble from Kat’s supply after she is done clearing up the m-explody-quins.
*waits until Yorp is done with bacon bit*
*scratches tummy*
*leans into scratches and wags tail contentedly*
If that happens, the mannequin can always commit hare-i kari.
I’m genuinely curious what horrible magic feedback cycle it would create if the Minion-quins would stab their vaccu-sucking selves with their magic-piercing spike.
Do their bodies drain the magic of the spikes and explode? Or do their spikes cancel the vaccu-sucking effect like they canceled Dabblers shield? Both? Neither? Other weird effects?
Quick Dabbler! Stab the Boomy-quin with your souvenir/evidence* ! For Science!
*credit where credit is due: I stole that from my other favorite comic, “A Girl and her Fed” (last panel)
Sounds like a “my skin is impenetrable and my claws can cut through anything” kind of situation. An interesting proposal.
Yes! This should be tried!
I wonder if it would make the baddie implode instead of explode . . .
Dabbler and Icon have both already struck them with magical (or presumably magical in Icon’s case) without explodey side effects.
magical weapons, that is.
It’s also interesting that the magic-syphon effect is apparently not attuned to the therianthropic curse. Maybe it only works against cast spells and not integrated magical effects, :D
Isnt in kickboxing the knee banned?
I don’t think they’re playing by the official rules here.
Got that right. In any kind of sporting tournament, they all have their rules. Depending on the exact style of martial art & even influenced by cultural origin, the rules are likely to be different from event to event. But when it’s a matter of fighting for your life, the one-and-only rule is to be the only one capable of walking away afterward.
When Daniel-san wanted Mr. Miyagi to train him for the karate tournament, he refused at first. “In Korea, not fight for points. Be fighting for LIFE.”
Well, that’s when you’re being sporting. I’m sure she’s using Marquis of Queensbunny rules….
In Full Contact competiiton, yes. But not in traditional Muay Thai.
Nothing can stop the knee of justice! Well, except for, you know, the ridiculous number of counter-moves in the new game.
When fighting against people who wish to SHOTGUN ME IN THE FACE! the last thing on my mind is if something is illegal in a sport.
Bunn-Knee … duh.
I would imagine a strait kick from a human sized digigrade individual would be incredibly devastating. Kangaroos have been known to disembowel humans with that sort of kick, horses, whose rear legs are likewise digigrade, have often killed people, in one backwards kick.
I imagine that a modified version of Muay Thai, developed form her physiognomy, could be extremely effective!
If the Ong Bak series is anything to go by, muy thai uses a lot of knee and elbow strikes. That rising knee would fit right in.
Diarrhea Sommelier ? Bunny Knee ?
How ever does DaveB come up with those !? ROFL
Too bad the hare fight is a bit hairy; I happen to know some martial arts, and while I don’t know Kick Boxing as such, the fight itself would require to be severely supernatural for it to turn and work out that way. And jumping knee forward into the pit of somebodys arm to dislodge it ? This would way more likely rip some of the 3 sinews holding together one’s shoulder. To rip out an arm like that … ?!
That is one scary angry hare that is. :-o
Remember, it’s an animated dummy – it has metal joints, not sinews.
Got to remember these aren’t biological beings. That arm may just be popped into a socket and screwed down tight. Would probably still be rather catastrophic to an actual limb though.
True, those are dummies. And sorry for not being clear before.
But one does not learn this kind of move in case there is a dummy to be scrapped. Usual target of a knee based attack is the inside of a thigh, the groin, the stomage and, if the opponent is bend over, the ribs in direction towards the spine. To get as high a somebodies axle, you would need to either stretch etremely far and steep or actually jump, both of which will reduce the force you can apply greatly.
Also, the vector of the knee’s force goes right into the shoulder. For the arm to come apart, our hare needs to pull at the arm like crazy, hence it being scrary. ;-)
One possibility that I would like to check plausibility of;
She grabbed it’s arm to pull it in a bid to force him to bend forward. Once it was bent froward, she aimed to slam her knee into it’s
rib cagetorso. The fact that, in hare form, she is essentially standing on her tip toes with feet 2-3 times longer than she is used to caused her to miss high. This caught it in the arm pit, braking the joint, separating it from it’s arm, and causing the remainder of the dummy to go back upright and start going over the other way.Bunny tail! Next time she has to have one. Maybe she kept it hidden because it’s cuteness would be to much a distraction?
I like her moves, Furry fury in motion.
No! I don’t wanna wait until next time! I’m launching a petition here and now!! Please edit in the bunny tail, DaveB, as soon as possible!! Who’s with me?
+1 Yes, she needs her tail. Please!
+1 And a tale of her tail too!
Ah, so you just want a piece of tale! =OP
There is still plenty of time until the next page, Dave.
It would only need to be added in one panel, so go for Dave. Please (coming from the plural of plea).
yeah I was missing a cute fluffy bunny tail as well!!!!
looking at those long legs and missing the tail created some cognitive dissonance…
+ 1
+1 bunny tail! Please!
+1 Yes, yes, yes!!
Agreed. +1
I’m okay with the tail we already got to see. Hur Hur Hur…
Mind you, the short shorts combined with legs from here to Paris may have influenced my decision.
there’s a tuft of tail obviously poking up above the top of the shorts
Being restricted by the waistband of her pants like that, it looks irritating. That could be why she’s so ferocious.
Or maybe it’s because she saw the type of load in the grenade & it just royally pissed her off.
Or because she do not want holes in her pants
If she didn’t have any holes in her pants, how would she get her legs and waist in them?
Uh, ok, this seems popular. I was thinking of quickly adding it last night as I was posting the page, but her shorts don’t have a tail hole. I guess I could add a flap… or move her waistband down, or just have the tail poking out of the top of her waistband… Hmm.
Perhaps if she were wearing “hip-hugger” style shorts it could work. Those are designed to fit lower on the hips than regular pants, although still not as low as they would need to be, in order to leave room for her tail.
“… seems popular” – At two and a half screens of +1s I think that is fair to say. Probably the biggest petition we have had in the comic!
Katrina should consider a career in politics. She can easily win the popular vote.
How come I have yet to hear of anyone getting the unpopular vote?
actually, there was a recent thing about someone wanting to get Donald Trump removed from Facebook, would that count? (the staggering numbers required basically shut the idea down)
Oops, my bad. I should not have mentioned the “p” word.
Pretend I suggested a career in
pornpolicing instead. That would be less controversial. ;-)Katrina for President 2016
Be careful though, every politician has ulterior motives…
Mmm. What ulterior motive. Let us see…
Given that lycanthropes have improved versions of the powers of normal animals (werewolves are bigger, stronger and have sharper natural weaponry than their wolf relatives), the same would apply to bunnies. But in their area of expertise. The greatest of which is ;breeding like a bunny’.
So let us assume a nine week gestation period, followed by taking twenty one weeks to reach maturity. All offspring would be born in the USA, so would be legal citizens. Katrina’s first priory would be to have the early maturation recognised legally. Clearly it would be grossly unfair to force adults to wait a couple of decades before being able to drive, drink or vote.
Obviously she would be in the anti-Veil front, given her political ambitions and need to have were-bunnies granted legal recognition for their special status. Once that is achieved though, having a new generation of were-bunnies every thirty weeks would allow a rapid expansion of the bunny voter demographic.
It should not take too long until the bunny vote could guarantee her victory, regardless of the votes of the slower-breeding humans!
Maybe you could do it as a vote incentive?
Or take a lesson from Amber Williams (author of Dan & Mab’s Furry Adventures). She had an exposition page on how Furrae clothing had special holes for tails. I don’t have a link, sorry; I don’t have time to go through several hundred pages to find it. But, as I recall, it was similar to the fly in front, but with the addition of a protective flap to keep the tail from getting caught in the zipper.
In those tight shorts there’s only ONE place the tail COULD have gone!
Well the comic does pride itself on realistic portrayal of females. Kat has only been a were for a very short time (a couple of weeks) so it is entirely reasonable that her wardrobe might not be perfected yet. Especially not for a combat situation, where she is placing the fabric under such stress, as with that kick!
Sadly a wardrobe malfunction would not jell with the scene. It is far too dynamic and successful, to lower its tone in such a way.
Now a vote incentive, on the other paw…
*wags tail lecherously*
What are you on about? I meant that she clearly has an extradimensional pocket sewn into her waistband.
Happening to spot a wardrobe malfunction is one thing, but misusing your extra-dimensional pocket laboratory, like that, is quite another!
I shall have to inform Sydney!
They REALLY should make a new one. It’s been long enough, people are getting sick of Super Ultra Delux Alt-Hyper Remix editions of Street Fighter again, and they could probably swing pretty wide to either super technical, or super accessible and still do really well… besides, people LOVE bringing back nostalgic franchises, right?
As long as they don’t jack it all up with some ridiculous “reimagining,” abusive DLC shenanigans, or otherwise foul it up at the corperate level.
Making beast forms their own health bar like in 4 kinda screwed it up too IMO. 3’s combat mechanics were where it was at.
I’d like to see one a few years on, with Uriko taking on a more menacing transformation and Mana taking her place as the little fighter. Other characters I really liked (to name just a few) were Chronos, Reiji, Bakoryu, Xion and Stun.
Also, Fang’s beast breaker gloves could be an interesting gameplay feature, though I don’t know how his winged wolf nonsense fits into anything.
Where there are claws, sweeping strikes are your friend. That said, you’d go for a combo of Tiger, Puma/Cat, probably some Capoeira for some good sweeps. As Aussie Bloke said, roo kicks will do more damage than human kicks will in pretty much every way.
Well, maybe. Look at cats. They do go for claw-swipes, which aren’t so much a sweeping strike as they are a slap that has claws extruded to add pointy hurt to the force of the blow (lion claw strikes sometimes break hyenas’ necks, which tells you something about the primary form of trauma that strike employs), the primary use most cats make of foreclaws in a fight is grabbing onto the target and holding on so they can either bite the crap out of it or rake the crap out of it with the claws on their stronger hindlegs.
Given that I’ve never seen a cat kickbox, I’d imagine that slaps would work well as you’ve pointed out. I mentioned Tiger because it’s primarily ripping, rending, and tearing as well as relying on strong fingertip strikes that claws would…enhance. Someone with a more feline persuasion I would imagine raking, but also remember that in the Grrl-verse, most weres started out human. It would make sense that their fighting styles would reflect that.
Let’s also not forget that there is nothing that says that were-anatomy has to be exactly like their animal counterparts. I keep going back to the Mercedes Thompson series. The only one so far to demonstrate the ability to take a “half-form” for any length of time is Adam (though theoretically any werewolf could do it).
The rest of the time, they take full animal form… but even then, they are obviously not normal wolves, because the shoulders are more like a bear’s, allowing them to make lateral swipes that a normal wolf couldn’t (because a wolf’s shoulders just don’t move that way.) I would imagine that in the new World of Darkness (Werewolf: The Forsaken), a werewolf with the Partial Change gift could probably pull off something like that, too, when in their Urhan (wolf) or Urshul (near-wolf) forms.
Had a BEAST of a time trying to get into nWOD…yeah, didn’t work out well. I did like how they standardized a few things compared to oWOD, but that was really about it. Fun fact, I actually have WTA’s basebook within arm’s reach of me.
So going off of oWOD, it’d be closer to Hispo, though that’s mainly used by Lupus rather than Homid simply because it’s more familiar. Similar form, just more powerful and intuitive. Same goes for Homids in Crinos. The only purpose I see to Galabro is to either be out of Homid form for healing or to be one step closer to Crinos if things go south since Galabro can still kinda pass for human…kinda.
Overall, I agree that there’s no inviolable law that states that a were’s anatomy MUST match their animal counterpart. Ilona Andrews notes that a were’s animal form is noticeably larger. So Derek weighs in about 50 pounds heavier than a normal wolf. Now, her weres can’t always take on the hybrid form, and most of the ones that do have issues – “my jaws don’t quite match uo” sort of concept. Most of the main weres (Curran, Raphael, Aunt B, Jim, Derek) are able to, but only Curran’s able to speak perfectly in that form. Derek’s best line in that form is “Yaaahhh. Venn prassing.” Also on a somewhat unrelated note, Ilona’s version of the vampire’s VERY interesting. Neither Alucard of Hellsing Ultimate/Hellsing fame, nor that wannabe abomination that was Cullen. Ilona’s vamps have to be piloted by necronavigators (not really much of a spoiler since that’s addressed in the second page of Magic Bites, the first book of the series).
They do and surprisingly often. So watch out!
That’s something of a holdover instinct, even through domestication. In the wild, some big cats will take down their prey by latching on with the teeth and/or front claws & rake with the rear claws in order to disembowel their victim.
Hardly a holdover instinct. Feral Cat is a working cat. I expect her to hunt down any vermin which enter my estate! And she is extremely good at her job.

OK Katrina has been elevated from ‘cute’ to ‘cool’.
Which is just as well, I once got into trouble by telling my friend Cat, that she looked cute.
“Cute is not what I was aiming for!”
She has been elevated to “You won’t like me when I am angry!“
I guess she gained a few levels in badass ^_^
Just because she’s cool doesn’t mean that she stopped being cute too.
It is possible I have been writing too many perl scripts lately…
It is a route into jewelry advertising, so keep it up.
perl, not pearl.
Computer language, not round chunks of oyster shell
Advertising companies need in-house programmers. It is a valid route to gainful employment.
I endeavour to keep dual meanings valid, whenever possible, with my puns.
Been there, done that, on disability maybe because of.
If so, I hope that you will be able to get recompensed for it. If they give you any trouble though, just send Katrina around, to ‘have a word with them’!
That is a shame. Don’t worry though Dave, as you already established that Lycans can control their hair/fur length. So Katrina just has the puff-ball tail retracted, at the moment. You can always add it in, in a future scene, if she chooses to fluff it out then.
Oh yes! perfect explanation!
Just as Vehemence explains that “long hair is terrible in a fight”, cute, fluffy, grabbable-by-the-enemy tails should be retracted before entering combat!
Actually, Katrina’s ears would be more at risk in a fight than her tail is.
It seems a lot of people are lycan the idea.
Firstly, Taekwondo is Kim Kaphwan’s fighting style not Muay Thai.
Muay Thai is more of a hard hitting hammer while Taekwando is more flexible like a flail.
Wouldn’t it be better if it were called “Bun-Knee” rather than Bunny Knee?
Although, I would like to see the uppercut version….
And in regards to Bloody Roar, I guess they were not as popular as Street Fighter, or as Bloody and brutal as Mortal Kombat, or as Scantily Clad as Dead or Alive, or as real world fighting technique centered as Tekken.
It’s a shame though, Bloody Roar was rather good.
Panels 2 and 3 look like Tae Kwon Do, the others, never saw those moves in any Martial Arts class I ever took [obviously]. Kickboxing and Tae Kwon Do are related, so the moves are probably similar.
Panel 2 looks more Spider-Man than Tae Kwon Do to me.
Bloody Roar and Soul Calibur were the only two proper fighting game franchises I could get into. The others just felt too bland.
Ah, you’re right. I don’t know why I thought he was a Muay Thai guy. I think cause all his moves I remember were kicks. Bleh.
OK fully conceded now. Well done to all who argued strongly for the bloody hand print being from the animation ritual, for the manikins.
Sydney, did your utility belt include a finger-print kit? If not, try to take a good photo of the hand print, using your smart-phone, or pip boy. Proving who was behind animating these may be more important than joining in defeating them.
realistic (the no fun) – not really possible. I doubt she has the macro lens and the mega pixels to pull it off. also.. detecting tiny ridges on a rough surface (are those heads polished?) using a 2D medium….seems a bit much even for a starfleet computer.
more helpful- try to get a chip off of the hand print. if the arcane magic hasn’t de-natured the blood- that would be a much more useful identifier.
I can see you are a palm expert, so shall paw over the investigation to you.
*wags tail in a conceding manner*
::Hands Yorp a tasty doggie treat.:: (dogs don’t like apples do they?)
Depends on the dog. Despite their acute sense of smell, dogs have a poor sense of taste. It’s a scavenger trait that allows them to eat things like week-old buried racoon. The dog I had growing up (a German Shepard/Eskimo Spitz crossbreed) would eat pretty much anything but onions and cauliflower.
*munch munch, gobble gobble*
Dunno ’bout other dogs, but apple pie and custard? Mmm. And my Jack Russell loves custard tart, although I have not tried apple pie with her.
*chomp chomp, nom nom*
I’m thinking cut a head of and do a DNA test on the handprint
Roundhouse kicks, which is what we see in panel 4 coming from the side of the head, usually use the lower part of the shin bone. Using your feet in a kick like that is a good way to break the small bones therein.
Must Thai does use roundhouse kicks and heel kicks, but not side kicks really. It’s all about knees, elbows, and fast strikes meant to incapacitate.
Aww, what a cute avatar!
Hmm… Dog… Must swat…
Uh oh!
I think you’ll be ok as long as you don’t let yourself get surrounded.
A word to the wise: don’t let them fool ya, for they can be vicious
I remember seeing a kickboxing match once, though come to think of it now, I guess it wasn’t specifically Muay Thai, but they used a lot of side kicks, not so much as a way to take out the other guy, but to kind of poke spacing. I remember it because I thought it was interesting that instead of blocking or dodging those kicks, they mostly turned slightly and took the hit on the side of the ribs and obliques. I thought there would be a better answer to that, even if kickboxing isn’t a grappling sport, it seems like trying to drive your elbow into their shin or foot would be a better move, but maybe that’s too high energy for a bout, and if you miss, their kick slides up your arm and hits you in the face?
My one claim to martial arts fame is that my judo demonstrations inspired my young cousins to take up martial arts too. And one of whom went on to become the national kickboxing champion!
*wags tail proudly*
Actual Muay Thai matches in asia have things like people jumping up and driving their elbow point into the top of their opponents skulls. Naturally that’s bad. American kick boxing is similar just no elbow/ knee strikes.
Sydney’s just standing around, checking in with Maxima and reporting on the fight, all but ignoring the bad guy trying to get at her. I mean, that’s gotta be kind of demoralizing – even for a Creepy Evil Mannequin. I wonder how much longer it will be before it decides to try out it’s anti-magic spike in her shield . . .
That last might be a worry IF Sydney’s shield in fact proves to be magic, or to be vulnerable to same.
In any case, I’m sure she’ll think of something …. interesting to do to that particular Big Bad. It doesn’t even realize the enormous trouble it’s in.
Sydney has declared her intentions, in panel 1. She is just finishing reporting in… and her distraction… before returning to him.
Of course, if he can poke holes in her shield, that might focus her attention more.
Back after 3rd Ed D&D came out, we were running a play-test game to see how things worked. My character was a loud mouth fighter and I took a high INT and a bunch of languages, one of which was Giant. We ran into a bunch of Ogres in an underground complex they had taken over. I spent most of the fight insulting Ogres into chasing me and generally being a useless nuisance – until the players and the GM realized I had half the Ogres chasing me around the complex a la Sam from Freefall. When I came back to the party screaming “Fireball! For the love of all that is holy, FIREBALL!”, they understood my ploy.
Had the party encountered all the Ogres at once (the GMs intention), we likely would have died. Sometimes occupying an opponent while the rest of the team finishes off theirs is very, very useful.
Maybe this?
Oh, okay, got it now. Fee free to erase these useless comments now DaveB. :D
Yep, some of the best DM’s I’ve had ran games where the fights (which were NOT every session, there were plenty of variety) were as much about outsmarting as overpowering. (Which is why he liked me, I was the guy who would use a spiked chain and 2 pitons as a trip-rope and lure an enemy into falling on his face at the paladin’s feet.
creative teamwork on the part of the players always makes me smile as a GM.
Heh. Now that is a good way of kiting a mob, for the blasters to take them out with AOE.
Back before 3rd Edition D&D came out I was offered the opportunity to play-test it, at Gen Con. Sadly I had to turn it down, as it clashed with the finals of a tournament. Which I won.
*swishes tail magnificently*
Heh. I did something similar in ca combat LARP game last weekend. We had, after a long battle, taken down 3 really tough death knights. As my monk, I reburied them, burned incense, the whole routine…then someone came along and disturbed the graves, so they all rose again.
One of the magic items the character has is an herb called “Dead Man’s Breath”, which enables the dead to speak. On the strength of that, and the fact that I had tended the graves, I talked the leader (and most powerful) of the three into smoking a magic herb and chilling instead of fighting. It took both of us out of the fight, but since he represented a much bigger fraction of the NPC force than I did of the PC side, it was a win.
I trust, once the others were dealt with, you convinced him to go peacefully back into his grave? As opposed to joining in ganking him, after he had smoked a peace-pipe with you?
*hopeful look*
Correct. I also left him a funeral offering of junk food. It seemed appropriate. :D
Way to be a cool good guy.
World (or at least Local) Peace through Better Chemistry.
I want to see what happens when the guys from the faction of the central banner in panel 4 join the fight.
Or maybe not- at two installments per week, it’d take years to finish even if they hurried.
Maybe we could have an Abridged version?
I don’t recall anyone identifying that banner yet. You may be the first one to have made… whatever connection you have spotted.
Yeah that was my little DBZ reference. Basically that banner is for fighters who have achieved supernatural levels of ability. Mostly human, which is another group the vampire guy Azilus complains about. Math would definitely be sitting with them, and they totally should have joined in on the fight, but as you say, if everyone in the council chamber contributed, the fight scene would go on forever… well, that or it would end instantly. But most of them are scampering off after the grenade with “shit that kills us” failed to work.
Ooh, ooh!
*chases after it* I will get it first!
*grabs grenade, in mouth, and brings it back*
Well, Math probably would be sitting with them, if he weren’t already occupied with porn on the internet, as ordered by Max!
About the tail… My first thought was “Huh. Lycans of that world can choose to have a tail or not during a morph.” Mostly in the “They can either tear out of their clothes when they morph for intimidation, or accommodate their clothes for decorum as appropriate” aspect some have used… and she chose to not shred her clothes so that when she changes back there’s not a… wardrobe malfunction issue.
The interesting thing for me when it comes to this comic is that her ears have changed size. Her coloring and (now) ear size is indicative of a rabbit (aka: “bunny”) rather than a hare. Hares have longer and larger ears than rabbits. She’s also missing the black markings of a hare, particularly on the ears. It’s not winter where they are, which means that unless she’s a Lola-morph (female version of a Bugs Bunny morph?… but even then the coloring would be different most likely… then there’s also the Bugs in drag thing, but then you’d basically have a trans… ok… that line of speculation could go on for a while…), anyhow… her fur coloration should be brown with black markings since the whiter based coloring for both species indicates a winter coat.
It is canon for them deciding on their hair/fur length. Which, for a bunny, is the most noticeable aspect of their puff tails. And may well be true for other aspects of their physiology too.
well I`m not gonna lie. my first tought wasn’t the tail when I saw her rear on the last panel.
what a nice form( of martial art of course, get your mind out of the gutter… then I tought about her nice b
I would also like to point out that those legs of hers are totally disarming….
I think you mean legs of hare are totally disarming :p
Just an FYI: Kim (from the King of fighters AND fatal fury series) Actually does have some roundhouse kicks in his moveset. This would be because he practices the art of Tai Kwan do, and not Muai Thai.
Also, from experience of seeing people (in video games lol) who do kickboxing, you’ll see alot more strikes like with knees, and side kicks; so i think hare/bunny legs could work!
Yeah, while I don’t remember Kim’s movement as it’s been a while since I played any SNK stuff, pretty much my thought when I saw Kim being mentioned under the same breath as Adon and Sagat. Now, if it was Joe Higashi, I would understand.
Also, there’s a whole list of fighting games that are in need of sequels besides Bloody Roar. Dark Stalkers needs another one. :P
I loved the bloody roar games! Only played the first 3 tho. 1 was awesome, 2 was ok, 3 got kind of lame. And also, my fave character was the bunny. She had this triple flip kick combo that would guarantee a ring if all 3 conn3ct3d. My stupid brother would always play the mole ninja and dodge it tho.
3 was the best combat but Primal Fury, which followed it, was also very much up there and had some cool new characters. 4, however, was a purchase I regret.
The little mini-comic about knowing where the Fourth Wall is a call back to a gag on a previous page where Sydney tried to find it but Max thought she was looking in the wrong direction. Anybody remember what page that was on?
No Yorpy Snax ™ for you until you prove it!
It was the page that started with the young Maxima breaking local track speed records. And ended with her being unsure how to respond to a dark elf whispering that she has “nice ears”.
The previous page had Sydney awarding herself a gold star. The following page had a rather dashing werewolf in a fedora.
In other words, it’s right here.
Thank you, sir. I’m all out of mailman-flavored Yorpy Snax™, but here are the peanut butter flavored ones!
*sniffs them suspiciously*
*wanders off*
*comes back and sniffs again*
Is there a problem? Should I run to the store and get the mailman flavor?
Hang on then. I’ll be right back.
Sorry for the long wait. Traffic was a nightmare! Here you go.
Yay! And Random Guy‘s buried roadkill flavour too!
*munch munch munch*
“November 17, 2016 at 10:12 am | Reply”
“November 17, 2016 at 10:14 am | Reply”
I wish I lived in a place where “traffic was a nightmare” meant going to the store, finding and buying an item, and returning home required all of two minutes.
The closest I’ve ever come to that was when we had a gas station/convenience store within walking distance of where I lived. (Crossing the street was a pain, though, because of the traffic.)
Here this one is Week-old Buried Raccoon Flavored.
It could be somewhere around here.
Does this count as fan service?
Sorry, but I get ninja’d all the time. This may well be the first time I ever did it to someone else.
And yes, it does count. Sort of.
My thoughts are this. The person who sent the Golems (Mannequins) is currently in the chamber room at that moment (hence the Golem fleeing and not blowing up there), and that Katrina can control how much she morphs into her lycan form, seeing as her ears are shortened and her face is more human like than when she first showed it to Sydney.
Sound thinking.
I don’t think the mannequin did flee, though. I think Maxima grabbed it and flew off at high speed.
I looked back to the beginning of the twilight council arc, and I do believe you’re right. I still stand by that the creator is probably still in there, or slipped out when the doors were first kicked in.
You can find them in the final panel here and the central panel here.
Let us modify your theory to “(hence the Golem blowing up slowly and showily enough to be removed safely)”. Although the fact that they are sitting behind a magic-resistant balcony* would probably also explain them not being too bothered about the risk. It also explains why they chose to keep their heads down, rather than stand up next to baldy and join in.
* If you look at Halo’s aura vision, she could not see anything obscured by the balcony. Implying that the magical aura was not penetrating it. Which may well extend to magical explosions too.
However, the Council should also note that the mannequins come with equipment that can cancel magic.
Bun Fu?
A large field hare (they can get pretty big in comparison with a rabbit) is capale of disembowel each other (with a unlucky kick) when figthing for females. Mostly they just bite and use fore paws with much posturing, but accidents do happens. For one reson or another they choose my garden every year for their matches. Should rig a camera this year.
That and have someone say in a voice over, “Round one… Fight!”.
oohhh rabbid-fu
Two bunnies are standing at the Pearly Gates.
“I got hit by a car, how did you die?”
“I ate cheddar welsh rarebit, red Leicester cheese grilled on toast, an’ a toasted cheese pocket.”
“How did that kill you‽”
“Mixing ma toasties.”
I’m taking it that you have a diseased sense of humor?
Lol, I searched “diseased sense of humor” on Bing and I’m stunned that someone actually needs a guide for this.
Remember, you’re talking about the country that invented “Cliff’s Notes” and “[insert topic] for Dummies” books. Somehow, I fail to be surprised that people need a guide on how to have a sense of humor (or at least, how to pretend that you do).
Oh yes, the sociopathic type can thrive on books like that. At least they can get some kind of idea how others might expect them to behave, even as they plan for committing mass murder.
Senseless Bunny-on-Bunny Violence recorded for our entertainment?
Yes, please.
yeah dave they totally should make a new bloody roar game. i miss that series
Heh, I’m just waiting for someone from the council to try to take on templar-puppet, thinking he’s a pushover since Sydney isn’t even paying attention to him, only to get clobbered.
Halo, fight first, talk later! (She should have been using her light hook to stop the mannequin.)
Making sure Maxima was OK is a good thing for Sydney to do. Had she been killed, or be in need of assistance, then that was important to establish promptly.
Getting distracted, after that, is … not unusual. So you are correct to poke Sydney in the right direction.
seeing Katrina in action, in those cute little cut-offs… leaves me… conflicted
Haha, can we get a bigger picture of smug Halo breaking fourth wall? :)
I think DaveB has certainly recaptured Sydney’s look perfectly there. He has found how to compensate for her loss of bangs and the new style he has been experimenting with.
Any time Sydney wants to break through the 4th wall, she is welcome here.
You need to watch Ong Bak: Thai Warrior (the first one, not the numbers 2-3). It has amazing Muay Thai. But yeah, Knee and Elbow are what using those body parts are called in martial arts. So the Bunn-Knee comment is perfect.
Still Degitigrade legs wouldn’t be that bad. I mean it’d be reversed movements of normal kicking, but would still have some good power. And things like axe kicks, side kicks, or push kicks. They’d have a huge advantage. Although things like Knees, Nadabahns (Spinning Roundhouse), hook kicks, or even regular Roundhouse kicks would require them to retrain their bodies to be even somewhat useful in battle.
And Thai Dragon. This movie has one of the best sequences of all time. And capoeira, and…
Actually what you need to watch is Chocolate, which is made by the same director as the first Ong Bak movie with a much more interesting story line, at least I think its more interesting, The main character in Chocolate is Autistic and can copy any form of martial arts she sees being done by anyone else.
Clever premise, a savant martial artist.
I didn´t know about that film. Written down.
More movies: The Raid and The Raid 2, are awesome.
Tony Jaa will appear in the third movie.
iYeah other than The Medallion, Chocolate its the closest I’ve seen to a superhero martial artist in a lot of ways. She sees Bruce Lee doing moves in a movie and she can copy his moves. She and her mother are living across from a Maui Thai studio, she is able to copy and perform everything she sees them doing in their practice and that is how she physically conditions her body, by copying and doing the practices she witnesses them doing. Any movie martial artist action she sees, she is able to copy and perform. She is in the middle of a fight with a particularly strong martial artist She deciphers his moves and is able to not only use his style and beat him into the ground with it. Think of a certain martial artist on a specific hero team running into a girl with that kind of power…
The one advantage that Math would have is that not all martial arts techniques can be observed. Especially when you get to esoteric ‘trained by a master’ abilities, which require focusing your ch’i. Whilst she may be a born natural, able to achieve mushin no shin without training, that has not been mentioned in the premise stated. Plus, in any event, there will be techniques that a master, like Math knows beyond just that.
Especially when you get into the cinematic aspects of martial arts. Whilst we can see somebody standing on a flimsy branch, running up a wall, or leaping over the heads of a crowd such techniques require practicing for years, even in the movies. Slowly building up muscle memory and harnessing the chi.
So if Chocolate observed him in his training sessions, and practiced what she saw, she would be able to emulate a lot of the moves, but if she came up against him cold, in a fight, his body and mind would be conditioned to achieve things that even a master Maui Thai practitioner could not replicate, on the spot.
You didn’t notice something I mentioned though, if in an oblique fashion. Her body is highly trained, also in one part of the movie she fights what well be a master of his specific style and within some five moves unlocks his style and uses it to beat the living daylights out of the guy. The premise I was making though is a hero with the ability to fully mimic and replicate any physical actions he or she sees to the point of it not being indistinguishable of the original master performing the act. As I said in the movie she comes across the practitioner they bring in to kill her cold when it comes to his style and is nearly beaten by him before her mind unlocks his style and she uses it to beat the ever loving daylights out of the guy. For the most part I’ll concede that your premise might stand, but at the same time while their is a learning curve she may be able to master his style before he could take her down. This could be a catch 22, which also means he would have to switch styles in the middle of the fight, how many styles does Math know, and what would he do against an opponent that can adapt that swiftly to his style and even turn around and use it against him?
Actually just trust me, see Chocolate, then make your judgement on how her ability works. This is an extremely intense martial arts movie and her savant ability is unprecedented in the martial arts movie genre. While a few have had an ability similar, they do not go to this extent of adaptation. Once you see what I mean by this then make your judgement on how a fight between her and Math may go.
Oh that is fair enough. What you are describing sounds like something that would be, in the Grrlverse, a manifest super power. If she literally has the power to copy any martial arts style, on observing it, without the kinds of constraints I listed, then she should be equally matched with him.
However, provided his intensive ‘watch bra on / watch bra off’ training has been effective, she should not have any particular advantage over him. If he is unaware of her ability, then the fight could go either way. Although I think the advantage he would have is years of fight experience, which has got to count.
On the other paw, if he does become aware of her capability, then he can easily win. Because he is a strong tactical fighter. Unless she has gained a lot of prior techniques, before fighting him, she would only have her Maui Thai and cinematic Bruce Lee martial arts*, plus any technique Math had demonstrated himself.
Ergo he can still surprise her with one of the many that he has not used yet. And would be wise enough to make it count, before she adds that to her repertoire and turns it back on hum! As he is descended from 998 prior generations of martial artists, we should assume that he has a vast range of martial arts styles to draw upon. All he need do is choose ones which will take her out of the fight fast.
* In this case it is actually a disadvantage, as his style emphasised the showy over the practical, to make it look at its best on screen. Whilst it would beat many lesser martial artists, if dealing with the best of the best, using a showman style is itself a handicap, if up against a brutally efficient one.
Also, there is a difference between knowing a move in practice on one hand and knowing when and being willing to use it in an actual fight on the other.
I could imagine Katrina, like most anthro characters would have claws even to a minor degree on their hands and feet.
Her side kicks (panel 4) would have a lot of power, but if you think about it, most moves that lead with the heel could end up being a vicious raking claw attack from an anthro characters digitigrade feet. So a spinning back kick would be less striking with the heel, and more slashing across with the claws.
As someone who raises rabbits, they have SHARP claws, although they are designed for digging. I’ve got a few scars from having to treat them and getting raked by them.
panel 4 kick is ether a Half-Moon Kick if it was a upward 45* angle or a Round House kick if a 90* angle
Whereas panel 5 is the full-moon.
But Yorp you don’t have to howl at the moon, remember?
You can howl any time you want!
I know. I just don’t feel the urge, unless I see the full moon.
I’m trying so hard not to be evil, please don’t tempt me like this Yorp!!
Ahh, a potential apprentice. Come, we have work to do.
You have a pension plan? That’s already starting to sound better than where I currently work.