Grrl Power #473 – Exiguous couture
Icon is a suit of sentient armor “cursed to wander the Earth, forever in search of a hero” Or something like that. It’s not literally a curse, he just outlives his “pilots,” or at least outlasts his partners’ useful adventuring career.
Though he (I say he for simplicity even though Icon is obviously genderless) can benefit from The Veil and walk about in the mortal world (as long as he stays away from MRI machines) he’s fairly content to just stand around like an empty suit of armor when nothing is going on. Having no biological processes or urges, he is largely indifferent to the passage of time. Obviously the days of walking around in full plate and taking on the world is long past, so lately he busies himself with affairs of The Council and advocates for the interest of other Sapient Animates. Although he does occasionally resume adventuring with the Semper Vigilantis when the case is suitable.
I’ll make another mention of Wearing the Cape: Team-Ups & Crossovers. Sydney’s first Crossover! (It’s just one section of the book, but this is a canon story for Sydney and co., set just in the future of the events of the comic. If you haven’t read the Wearing the Cape, <- there’s a link to the first book. It’s one of my favorites. (Along with Confessions of a D-List Supervillain, the Renegade-X series, Kid Sensation, and others.)
I’ve made a dedicated blog post for the book, so enjoy! :)
This page colored by Keith.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon, as soon as I get up. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
So… a magical girl has a magical effect which (sometimes) covers nudity, then reveals the magical uniform; our succubus girl has a magical effect which covers the magical armor, then reveals the (near) nudity. Dabbler’s been watching too much anime.
And she did make it weird. But she enjoys that as much as actual… ok, not really.
not enough, Not Enough, NOT ENOUGH!!!!!
Let’s take a minute to applaud Halo for her obvious off-camera ability to get Dabbler to watch hentai.
To watch hentai? If she hasn’t actually appeared in any herself, she may well know someone . . . or something who has.
Suddenly I remember that other succubus, Decollete, who seemed to be looking down her nose at Dabbler, imagining herself to be superior because she went to Finishing School. Where do you suppose Decollete is now?
I’m guessing she’s hiding under the table while Dabbler is off being a Sexy Bad Ass.
Yeah, that would make sense, seeing how Deco is a pure-blood Succubae enchantress, whereas Dabbles is a cross-breed adventurer
I see her more likely:
a) getting turned on by how Dabbler looks (not that it should take a lot for a succubus),
b) getting angry by how much attention Dabbler is probably deflecting away from her; or,
c) both of the above.
d) getting frustrated because her allure is not affecting the manikins. Not a hint of wood.
Just because someone doesn’t have any libido for Dabbler to draw upon doesn’t mean that it’s not a strawman arguement…
For a really good strawman argument, you would have to ask the Scarecrow.
But if you want to strengthen your argument talk to the Tin Man.
But it would weaken it if you talk to Iron Man. For a man without a zipper, on his armour, he still manages to ‘put it about’ a lot. Dabbler would just have to walk past, a block away, and he would be throwing his armour off!
Iron Man’s armor generally takes only a few seconds to remove… And even less with his latest Extremis-tech armor.
Then again, if you want to just make up facts, you could just try Lion, however cowardly that may seem.
Of course no wood: They’re metal…
Although that would make them very unusual manikins. Historically most were wood, maybe with cloth or leather parts. Modern ones being made of fiberglass or similar lightweight materials, suitable to be posed and moved around in a display area. Some are given a metallic sheen, mind you. But that is just for the look, and is not representative of their actual composition.
Of course these manikins are clearly a lot tougher than store dummys, so the above is for information only. However, although they are clearly wearing modern-looking armour, the one face we have seen looked more like plastic than metal. Although it could have been wood, there was no sign of fracturing or splintering that you would expect from the force of the blow Maxima inflicted.
“A succubi”? I’m pretty sure that’s not grammatically correct.
Merriam-Webster disagrees with you.
How so? The word exists, yes, but it’s “plural”. A singular determinant (“a”) does not usually grammar with a plural noun (“succubi”).
not a Grammaton Cleric here ^.^, but I think this is a case of prescription yielding to pragmatism. While the correct form for that particular possessive is probably succubus’, the pronounciation “suck-yu-busses” doesn’t really roll off the tongue quite so easily as “suck-yu-bize”
Most importantly this is Dabbler we are talking about. Succubi has a double entente meaning. It is for much the same reason that my City of Heroes succubus was named Sucubes.
Yups, was thinking that explanation as a personal choice for Dabbles as well
i am pretty ure bi doesn’t cover her…. just look at coat of arms Icon show.
Indeed (albeit that those depict genders, they do all interlock with her’s). However when crafting puns, sometimes you have to accept what is available, unless you wish to push the pun to potentially unrecognisable lengths.
Succupoly might, for instance, come across as being pro-parrot love.
You don’t support pro-parrot love? Support proposition Infinity!
Yes, I took it to mean “I’m female, but I’m not particular about the gender identity of my partners.”
Dabbler is not even really all that discerning with species, let alone gender.
I was thinking it worked because Dabbler was talking about succubi in general, not just about herself. Something along the lines of “A woman’s prerogative” or “man’s work.”
Oh, look ↑, I managed to screw up my own name . . .
At least you caught the mistake when you saw it with your own two ‘I’s.
*Crickets start chirping*
‘ey! We’ll ‘ave none of that ‘ear!
Exactly. It’s “A woman’s prerogative”, not “A women’s prerogative.” “A man’s work”, not “A men’s work”.
Succubi is a descriptor in this case. It is not a style for succubi hence not a succubi’s style style is the singular here. (This is my understanding but I tend to be of the mind that grammar is allowed to be bent for the sake of what sounds better.)
Maybe it’s the Eben Pluribus‘ plural form?.
No, Succubae and Succubi are both correct (although Succubi brought up more hits than Succubae {which actually had no hits on the first page}, Succubae doesn’t have the red squiggle line under it on this site)
The key point, although not clearly stated, is that it is using “a” in conjunction with a plural noun. Normally it would be “a succubus” or “many succubi”. However I stick with my above comment that Dabbler was likely going for the play-on-words that “succ-u-bi” allows.
However she likely wanted to emphasise that it was not her style in particular, hence combining that with the “a”. Mind you, Dabbler could have gone for “the succubi” style mind, and dodged the issue. But she is a human-as-a-second language speaker, so we should not be too critical.
Who was being critical? o_O
Me, for one, being the person taking the argument in that direction. Plus anybody else who might seek to pick it up and run further that way. Which, hopefully, would not be anybody.
Was out of my office when this posted yesterday, so couldn’t check the books.
succuba and succubus (or succubae and succubi in plural) are two different words.
The latter of these (which includes Dabbler) is second declension, gramatically male (ironically, perhaps), and means the ‘demon causing nocturnal emission’, (attested from ca. 1190 CE)
The first declension one, sucuba with the feminine ‘a’ ending means a [human] ‘concubine’, (attested from ca. 1160 CE).
So, on the one hand succubae technically means either concubines, plural (or its genitive singular, and dentoes something belonging to the concubine, e.g. aqua succubae would be ‘the water of the concubine’), but on the other hand, succubae could just be the concubine who is bae :p
and i forgot to close an italics tag. sorry!
also dentoes = denotes,
(honestly, you’d never realise I write for a living)
Given how much armor Astra goes through, I’m surprised Icon hasn’t considered being superhero armor (though that may cut his life short).
I just hope Icon has some way of sanitizing his insides should one of those heroes happen to die while still inside the armor. Otherwise, EWWWW!
Even though Brain Bleach™ & Inter-Cranial Sandpaper™ wasn’t specifically made for such purpose, I suppose it would still suffice.
The problem with a mental image is that it’s already too late to put your own eyes out.
Probably a good thing that Icon didn’t try this with Sydney: “[Possible invective-laden tirade]. Stop that! I can’t touch my bal- orbs, I mean, my orbs. Now get the [another possible invective-laden tirade] off of me!”.
Then again, I wonder what would happen if Icon tried to do so while Sydney had her force field up (but not enough to want to be around if or when they tried it).
Nah, Icon would either leave her hands completely free, or at least the palms (you can get gloves like that)
His palms are leather. So he could probably detach those, much like he did other parts, in mixing and matching what to put on each pair of Dabbler’s arms. So you make a good point.
Dabbler to automaton: You missed me! You missed me! Now you gotta kiss- oh wait, it doesn’t even have any lips.
I’m curious if that’s Dabbler’s actual coat of arms or if Icon automatically generates one for the occupant if they don’t have one.
Either way, it certainly seems appropriate.
I’m still wondering about the two ‘gender’ symbols on the left. The other three are common use.
One is a hook rather than a ring so I’m guessing a non reproductive gender or a middle man.
The ‘hook’ is a question mark. So would represent ‘other’ (members of three sex races for example). Whilst the other (like a full stop) would be ‘neuter’ or ‘genderless beings’. In my opinion.
One is a question mark. Probably because she has gotten with Alucard “No one alive can comprehend my sexuality,” Dracula.
I think it is one of Icon’s special powers. (and can explain the name yes?)
Built to be a suit of armor it needs to; among other things, Identify the wearer.
Due to being a product of its times that identification is through Heraldry.
The primary heraldric traitsIdentify someone through a display of familial ties, with feudal ties and station secondary.
(back when such families were as tied to their lands as the serfs that worked it this also dictated from where you came from)
Someone with none of the above are in the task of making a name for ones elf via deeds and defining traits both famous and infamous.
It would appear that Icon (ha! get it?) is getting started on that sort of thing by making a heraldry for a sex symbol out of sex symbols. With one central symbol (Xuriel herself) bringing (pulling? chaining?) together some disparate concepts/ families /races into one unique (as far as the the suit knows) whole.
A linking together of something Male something Female, something gender Neutral/fluid, something Gender-less/not known.
It could even be used to describe her method of conflict resolution. A little bit of several distinct styles and disciplines of combat brought together in a (usually) seamless and (sometimes) Greater whole.
And if one ascribes to the concept that “Love is a Battlefield/A Battlefield is Love” (oh look it’s the Motto of her House should she ever survive long enough to make one) then the prior paragraph most like as not applies to all areas of her life. (as such things eventually do.
It seems Xuriel has inherited a demonic penchant for tight security around personally identifying names and as such the herald is now glamoured into looking like just a small belt buckle strategically placed in such a way that there are more distracting stuff to look at.
Only if he acquired his name recently. Originally, icons were meant to identify someone other than the user..
“Icon” is from the ancient Greek εἰκών. So his name may simply have been translated from the even earlier meaning:
1. figure, image, likeness, portrait
2. image in a mirror, reflection
3. personal description
4. similitude, semblance, phantom
5. pattern, archetype
6. This guy.
Was in a Champions game where my character was apparently an animated suit of armor.
I say apparently, as his seat of consciousness and power was actually the sword it held. The armor was just to provide a big target.
If clothes make the man what happens when the man is clothes?
Oh the hell with philosophy I’m jealous of a suit of armor.
“[W]hat happens when the man is clothes?”
Pin-up! Vote Incentive! Posters!, Statue! T-shirts! Please make something out of the next to last panel there.
Pretty pleas? With sugar on top? ^_~
I also submit my own pleas for this. Although I can not guarantee that such appeals would be aesthetically pleasing.
Make it salt instead of sugar and I’m sure Sydney would consider it.
DaveB. We seriously need to see 2nd from last panel as a wallpaper sans speech bubbles!
What Dabbler now needs is to be mentally bonded/cursed with the obligatory talking sword with a lawful-good paladin mentality that urges the user to go forth and perform good deeds and acts of valor while maintaining a pure a wholesome lifestyle. I’m not sure who would crack first, Dabbler or the sword.
Dabbler would be fine by that. I am sure she could live a good wholesome Succubus lifestyle, with little effort. And I cannot see Succubi laws as being restrictive enough to give her any problems either.
Yorp makes a good point – placing a ‘wholesomeness’ restriction on someone raised in Dabbler’s culture may not be all that restrictive. As far as demons are concerned, orgies and BDSM are entirely wholesome.
Kinda raises the question on who’s “Wholesome” is used doesn’t it?
Not to mention nourishing and tasty. :-D
Icon: Armor Snuggie.
And, yes, in Panel 7, Dabbler is actually flirting with a sentient suit of armor.
Does that surprise you?
She would flirt with a block of wood (and get a rise), she’s just that damn good! ;)
Yeeeeah…she’d break Pinnochio just by saying hi.
Talk about poking someone’s eye out…
And Dabbler could say something like, “I do Groot.”
“You make a dead man come!”
If you got it, flaunt it I guess… and in video game terms, she probably just upped his armor rating by at least 666%. (see what I did there…)
Well there are gaps (pre-illusion), so it might be 69% (you may have to go upside down, to see what I mean).
That’s a bad case of “talking is a free action”
But that is, canonically, allowed in the Grrlverse.
One possible problem with ICON, or other Council members, is that over time their age can also bring with it long standing grudges between factions. ICON may have been worn by a knight who sometime in the past killed a dragon. There may be a problem if one of those dragon’s descendants is also a council member. We could have a terse meeting when a dragon says “Hello, my name Is Drago Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
It is OK, we can see that he does not have six fingers, so it must have been some other magical armour.
I’m guessing its faceplate depiction in various panels is just a representative icon, and that it doesn’t actually have another floating faceplate that is perpetually pointing towards the reader…
So…. that would make it an ICON icon.
And you have just won the Groaner Of The Day Award.
Yep. That’s the way to turn DaveB’s example of “iconogrophy” into “Icon-groanery.”
but that is the faceplate. It’s like in Avatar: The Last Airbender (not the movie, that totally sucked) where the fire nation soldiers had a removable faceplate. There’s a few episodes in Book 1: Water when Zuko is in disguise and wears one.
And it didn’t get incorporated into Dabbler’s armor from last page.
I thought that at first, but if you look, you can see the faceplate is on Dabbler. It is just pushed up, like a knight’s open visor (which is what it is*), so is on the top of her head. Which means that, without the aid d’icon we could not see his facial expressions. Nor could we distinguish between his dialogue and Dabbler’s as the speech bubbles would both point at her head.
As pointed out by the folks, who corrected me on those points, on the first page of comments.
* Or maybe a night’s open visor.
Quick question: on the last page, was the golem *breaking* Xuriel’s shield? Because that shield can take a punch from Maxima — and, granted, I doubt Maxima was even coming close to hitting it as hard as she could, but the impact was enough to make the room shake. That shield is no joke. And Icon shrugged off a hit that went right through it.
(Though, of course, there’s likely a lot of magic in play here, and if Dabbler’s shield is meant to *primarily* block physical force, it might not be that great against a spike enchanted specifically to go through wards. Still, I’m pretty impressed with Icon.)
Also: I’d like to see a live action version of the scene where Icon covers Xuriel — for preference done by the fiddly-details maniacs they get to do the armor-up scenes for Iron Man.
There are a couple possible explanations, Dabbler’s shield has been said to be as strong as Sydney’s but it covers a much smaller area (Actual SHIELD as opposed to a FIELD) so it can be gotten around. Also even if the Golem hits only half as hard as Maxima, by focusing that force into such a small point it in many ways functionally INCREASES the force of impact. (Same principles as the some forms of the Cestus). So it could’ve pierced the shield without shattering it.
The breaking point was much debated yesterday, and I shifted from the ‘no it is not’ to the ‘yes it is’, due to the fact that we could see shards in the middle of the shield. Only small ones but, combined with the breaking sound effect, and capped off by Icon’s actions today, I think it is fairly indisputable now that it did break.
We can assume that the shield is fairly standard magical protection (from the point of view of magic-using factions in the Council). As such it is reasonable that the attacking troops would be armed with weaponry which could overcome that.
If it is specifically anti-magic defense, in nature, then it may not work on Sydney’s shield (if hers is not itself magical in nature). However if the spike is enchanted to be magically armour-piercing then it could even penetrate a technological shield.
It is worth noting that Maxima’s force field has the same rating as Sydney’s. However they both have a lot of versatility, albeit of very different sorts. So it is possible that their raw penetration resistance is quite dissimilar. For instance Halo can protect a crowd of people. Which will get it a lot of bonus modifier, in terms of utility, for a police force field. Although that is somewhat offset by Maxima being able to extend her force field to any object picked up.
So Maxima could shield an airplane full of passengers or a cruise liner, for that matter. Albeit that it may only be the structural integrity of the vehicles, which gets boosted, as opposed to granting it any extra defense. Passengers on deck, for example, would be fully exposed, no matter what. So it is very hard to estimate, but it is likely that Maxima’s force field is generally stronger, but less versatile, than Halo’s.
too late, Icon. It already got weird
The modern world being the way it is, it would surprise me if Icon didn’t offer his services to the military once he doesn’t need to worry about protecting The Secret.
I don’t see him serving, he seems too “white knight” for most modern warfare tactics. But Private Security for someone he deems worthy of his services, or Police/Swat? THAT I can easily see. He seems the “Protect and Serve” type, and unless some idiot is packing Military-grade explosive, I don’t think much could stop him from getting close enough to subdue the perpetrator.
I suspect that he will be attracted to whoever had the greatest cause. Which today’s events may well shape (when viewed from the point of view of a Twilight Council faction leader). Plus whether or not America would be willing to extend rights to the non-living.
Historically America has been slow in such matters. There are women voting at the moment, who were not eligible to vote, when they were born, as an example. Likewise as regards removing racial restrictions.
Whilst this is not to knock them (to any degree, having been born into Apartheid era South Africa myself), it is necessary to understand the slow pace of change, historically, if attempting to estimate how fast it might happen, with similar matters, in the future.
Mind you, as we can see from the author’s blog, Icon does not think in human timescales, given that he outlives hosts, time and time again. So that may not be such an issue for him. Provided he can see which direction things are heading in.
The changes you mention, which seem to have taken so long to occur, when seen from an historical perspective have actually taken place in an eye-blink. Just sayin’
at the right timescale this entire planet’s biosphere’s been here an eye-blink.
As Icon does live on a historic timescale, you are right. However he does interact with beings who live on a human timescale. Which will affect his perspective, to some degree or other. From a human point of view, it has been four billion heartbeats!*
* ~42,000,000 heart beats per year X 96 years.
Haha, I wonder if Icon’s… icon, I guess? The coat of arms thingy on his chest. I wonder if he consciously changes it to suit the wearer, or if it’s some kind of automatic thing. Either way it’s hilarious.
so essentialy she has all the protection but retains the aesthetics.
Ah, he’s an animate suit of armor that advocates for other sapient animates. That’s why he said “I’ll allow it” in the previous page; confirming that he’s cool with completely destroying these dolls; probably because they are likely not sapient.
…Not to mention that they are also murderously hostile, even to Icon himself, as well as everyone else in that chamber.
And it is politically vital, in order to distance his faction from the attackers. Had he asked for clemency or restraint (whilst they still posed a clear and present danger) suspicion might have fallen on them being in cahoots with him.
Or maybe he is in cahoots with them and, recognizing that the mission has little chance for success, wants them destroyed before anyone can uncover their connection with him. No, I’m not seriously arguing that no matter what course of action he takes, someone can find a way to spin it negatively if he or she wanted to.
Counter-spin can always be attempted. But if you start your own spin early enough, and strong enough, it may fail to reverse the momentum of informed opinion.
The same could be said about someone trying to imply that him asking for clemency or restraint indicates that he is in cahoots with them.
That would be why he chose not to do that, as I stated above. They cannot make such a claim now, without appearing to be fools. Icon is clearly very used to making profoundly important snap judgements, and, from what we have seen, getting it right.
What Icon did (allowing the killing of people potentially entitled to be members of his faction) may not sit well with other members of the automata faction. If they are the sort who do not listen to the facts of a case, or have flawed logical thinking. However it was the best call to make despite that.
He allowed it, because they attacked them, thus any protection he may have extended to them just got blown away in a cloud of door fragments
So Dabbler is a succubus icon? Or is she telling Icon that she’s a succubus?
Commas save lives!
“Come in and eat children!”
“Come in and eat, children!”
*snicker* Dabbler has on a set of full plate armor and she ends up with less clothes on than before the suit of armor enwrapped her.
Only in appearance
Appearance is what matters.
Not necessarily, If it appears that someone is going to stab Dabbler while she is wearing Icon, then appearances might be deceiving.
When a knight put on his shining armor, he word some padding beneath it. It helped to absorb impacts of course, but it also helped to the knight to deal with chafing and pinching from the metal. Remembering how much Dabbler wasn’t wearing before, I hope for her sake that a suit of living metal armor like Icon has some other way to deal with those issues.
What is she going to do if she can’t recharge after this fight by seducing someone because she’s been rubbed raw and is black and blue with bruises? If she can hardly bear to be touched, she might have to try to recharge like the succubus nun was doing in that long ago imagine spot.
Im sure she will be fine until the doc can heal her up. It will be like, a day.
Oh, yeah. I’d forgotten about the Archon doctor with super powers.
But then there’s the little matter of how this new dual entity will fight! I wonder what will happen if Dabbler tries to swing her sword at the bad guys right when Icon decides to dodge to the side to avoid a counterstrike. Considering she’s encased in him – no matter what her glamour might suggest – I think she’ll end up having to go along with what he wants.
He is well-versed in warfare. Doubtless Icon will simply enhance her capabilities, and only override Dabbler’s decisions, if she fails to spot, or react fast enough, to a threat he perceives. So if she strikes with her sword, he will add extra power to the blow, and maybe correct the aim, if needed.
But Icon will also adjust his stance enough to avoid making her overbalance, by the unexpected boost. And will likewise be ready to react with the effect of a blow-through, that might occur due to their combined strength penetrating further, than Dabbler might have expected alone.
If anything, simply see Icon acting as extra ‘radar’, or ‘Spidey-sense’ (to go along with her porno-sense ;))
Although, in this case, guessing it would ‘Icon-sense’,’Iconar’ (Icon radar or sonar)
Soooo, when will dave team with the the girl genius crew to write a xxxenophiles addition of this comic? :p
I sure hope so.
Sometime long after the Foglio children are grown. Phil has stated he will not do anymore XXXENOPHILE work while he has kids in the house.
I would love to see some other collaboration between them.
But at the moment Golddigger is the more likely one. Excluding the new book, with Marion G. Harmon, of course.
While it would be fun, neither world (or even Universe) could handle Agatha and Sydney meeting, not even as friends and allies let alone if they do the typical “Hero Meet-up” where they both attempt to kill each other
From a combat perspective that glamour is handy as her targets will think she’s even more vulnerable like that when suddenly Nope.
That’s part of the charm (figuratively and literally): the attacker gets overconfident or distracted
Okay, they have silver buckshot for the weres and likely a few others. My guess is they have more then one type in those rounds. They also have what seems to be magic piercing blades. What do they have against living suits of armor? I get the feeling Icon is more durable then normal medieval armor and the buck shot is also useless against him as long as you don’t get the face of who ever is wearing him. Granted Dabbler left some more exposed parts as he only has two arms.
Perhaps they only intend to kill inferior organic enemies?
Maximaaaaaa! Dabbler is showboating again after failing to sword, and almost getting stabbed. Get the spray bottle, she’s being a bad succubus-heroine.
I believe I could re-read this page forever, it is so…perfect.
Does this imply dabbler never bothers to actually get dressed at all and just casts a glamour as she walks out the door? …although sidney’s truesight would piece it…. which dabbler would probably find hilarious.
She probably wears some clothes… for the tactile interface of having someone remove them. Also for the sake of owning and wearing pretty things and the tactile interface of feeling fine fabrics against her skin.
Yes, she could do all of that with magic or psionics as well, I’m sure, but why drain her energies when she can use them for other trickery?
All good points, but still, you can bet that when Dabbler goes commando, she’s serious about it. Just for giggles of course.
Just like Nadette in “Wapsi Square”, she and her twin sister are ursamorphs (were-bears for easy understanding) and normally didn’t wear clothing (even in ‘human form’ they were still covered in bear-fur), but after she started dating Atsali she began to wear clothes so Sali could ‘slip a hand underneath’
The description of Icon reminds me a bit of the golem Anghamarad (sp?) Of Terry Pratchett’s ‘Going Postal’…. Just a bit.
Poor Icon. Making it eeird is what Dabbler does. :(
I really like Icon’s little eyebrows. ^_^
“You’re an icon, when you look like that
It’s agreed on, it’s a matter of fact
‘Elle est tres beau’ is what your friends all say
You’re an icon in a particular way. “
It it weird that I read the sentient suit of armor in Reinhardt’s voice?
Nope, not at all, if you heard Tracer’s voice I’d say quit drinking whatever you’re drinking.
No, Yorp. But pleased to meet You.
Hmmm quite the view. :)
Dabbler is likely to get into a lot of contorted positions in the ongoing fight. And her multiple copies of body parts do create some artistic complications. Like Dave having to drop the concept of her having four breasts, as outfits did not look good in those. Yet keeping others, such as the arms. How far does that extend?
I wonder if Dave is presently researching anatomy reference material, in order to accurately draw certain parts of Dabbler’s anatomy.
Dabbler making something weird? Parish the thought!
Why put a thought in a church district? =OP
Yeah, who wants parishioners thinking for themselves? o_O