Grrl Power #469 – SWAT-o-gram?
Maybe Sydney is misreading the situation and those guys are the SWAT themed strippers The Council ordered.
That attic mostly contains the cantrip equivalent of artifacts. Frames for paintings that never get dusty, a rain cloak that never gets wet (because water passes straight through it.) A necklace that glows when detect magic is cast on it. That’s it, that’s the only effect it has. Probably an Enchanting 101 project. A map that updates landmarks and mission waypoints as they’re discovered. Actually that’s super useful, but not especially rare, since the protagonist of every video game in the last 20 years has one*.
*Back in my day we had to map out everything manually on graph paper and weeee liked it. Ok, we didn’t especially, but we didn’t know any better. I had a college RA who mapped out – get this – Daggerfall. Elder Scrolls 2. The pre-pre-prequel of Skyrim. He must have just mapped out the towns and major points of interest, because Daggerfall’s world covered over 62,000 square miles. For comparison’s sake, WoW is only 80 square miles (though I suspect that’s just the base game and not any of the expansions.) The fact those pictures don’t actually show map details for Daggerfall makes me think you didn’t hop on a horse and physically travel overland, though I never played it myself. Kind of looks like you walk 50 feet from a dungeon or town and a fast travel world map shows up.
The point is most games didn’t include an auto map feature back in the day, so the parchment equivalent of a GPS isn’t exciting enough for Ingsol to lock away in a secure vault.
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@DaveB Typo or rather word-o since the word there is spelled correctly, any who… 5th panel bottom balloon, “, OR if these”
Also re guards, I think they are golems, which is why xray vision sees their what look like chakra paths.
Also, if Sydney was at the door still, would her shield bisect the the wall and include the door allowing her to still pass though but not allowing any of the golems access to break it down? That kind of shield activation would also let the people inside know there is an issue. That would be a cool way to reinforce a gateway and it could also be used to breach a gateway if the shield destroys the molecules from where the shield intersects — Engage the Forb then bisect the barrier with the shield while standing close and then pushing the wall over with the tentacle. I think her order of deployment is what caused her problem before. The Forb will work inside the shield if its activated before the shield.
Sensibly thought through. Mostly Halo’s shield conforms to the space around her. If she is in a small room, it activates smaller. So I doubt that it will bisect the door.
However the jury is still out on whether Sydney’s shield bisects the ground or forms a hemisphere. Personally I think it forms at a point above her head and (very fast) expands down, like a roller-blind being lowered. If it hits anything flimsy (like sand) it pushes that out of the way.
When it hits solid ground though, it turns towards Halo’s feet and starts to form a hemisphere. Passing underneath any loose objects (such as other pedestrians’ shoes), until it can join up to complete the shield underneath her feet. Although, if Sydney intends to walk (i.e. needing to stand directly on the ground) then it can instead form an open hemisphere.
Finally, if raised in conjunction with the Fly Ball, then it creates a sphere for low speed (or stationary) flight but altering to an aerodynamic shape for high-speed travel.
This process successfully explains most scenes.
For instance in the fight against Shadow Boxer, Halo could have raised the shield as a hemisphere. However, as it was actually not turned on, until he was standing on the same level as Sydney, there is no reason why it could not have been an enclosed hemisphere. Which would explain why Harem could not teleport in.
Later, when Sydney scoops up Harem, outside the shop, the shield forms a sphere, in the same manner as described above. I.e. sliding underneath Harem’s shoes, but above the pavement, and raising her up slightly, if necessary. Until it forms the full sphere, with Sydney in the middle, rather than the bottom, (i.e. at the same height she would be at if a hemisphere had been formed).
Have we ever found out if Sydney controls the shield’s dimensions or does it just automatically go to default? Can she make a larger or smaller shield? I assume there’s limits…I think I vaguely remember it being discussed…somewhere…at some time…
I know her Lighthook has a weight restriction, and her shield has an air limit (obviously); one assumes her other powers also have limits, even if we haven’t seen them yet.
Me, I’m assuming right now they’re basically at factory default…as she levels them, she can gain more control or abilities. I’m assuming with built-in pros/cons…the stronger her Lighthook gets, for example, the shorter its range. Similar to any RPG’s skill trees.
In fact…did they/we ever decide *how* the orbs level? I know we have no idea about the actual skill tree progression, but I don’t think it was ever decided if she `gets XP’ on a particular ball or if it’s an XP pool that levels whichever ball she grabs. I think the general consensus was an XP pool, but I’m not up to an archive dive tonight…though it is getting time for one…
She has made her bubble bigger: first during her testing with Maxi, and then at the end of the Press Conference to shield the press
As Guesticus says, Sydney has discovered an ’embiggener’ glyph, on the Forb, which allows her to significantly increase its size. Likewise he is right that it has only been used the twice. Interestingly, when large, you can see the shield raising in stages (one section at a time). Very much in line with how I described it.
The rest of the time it does vary a lot though. Most notably when flying at speed. But also if you compare the size outdoors to indoors. Once we even saw the shield deflect, to accommodate a table leg or some such. Although I cannot recall the scene. We have never had anything to hint that Sydney is actively controlling any of the latter functions.
As such I would suspect that it is either responding to her subconscious commands (much like the orbs respond to her mental commands, to come to hand, for example) or their programming* follows rules in line with those I detailed above.
* Maybe they are intelligent. But nothing they have done could not be replicated with programming simple rules. Provided the orbs have some means of sensing the environment. Which is a given, when you consider that their collision avoidance has a perfect record. Ignoring the instances where Sydney and Math purposely abused it.
Most folks assume XP pool. I am not so keen on that, and have offered various alternatives. One of the most simple ones is that the user must demonstrate competence, with an existing function, before being certified for use on a higher one.
Whilst that is loosely analogous to an XP system there are important differences. For instance killing a monster, with the PPO would grant XP. But it would not logically make you better understand how the shield works. Yet a simple XP based system would allow you to improve your shield despite that.
I concur with your conclusion on limits.
“One of the most simple ones is that the user must demonstrate competence, with an existing function, before being certified for use on a higher one.”
I get what you are saying and in any normal RP it would be a working XP rating system.
However when she “Leveled” it simply gave her a star and she could put it on any orb she chose. By your system it should have gone to shield or flight, as they were the two that had gotten the most use, Rather then giving her a skill tree to play with.
She ended up leveling her true sight, and personally i think that is why she can see the troops “chakra” paths. She couldn’t see them with the other people in the interrogation room when she first used it -before it leveled-.
Not necessarily. Sydney had been practicing all her powers, for months. The only one that she had been avoiding was the PPO, due to her accident and burning down a forest. But, at the firing range, she got to melt a tank. Thus demonstrating proficiency with all the known orbs. Meaning that she had a free pick, of which one on the next tier, to start learning.
At the moment Sydney is now demonstrating competency with the feature she chose. If this theory is right, she will unlock another free pick before too much longer.
That is simply because Sydney had not activated the ‘see aura’ glyph, at that point. It is also why, when she demonstrated the shield, that it did not expand to fill most of the room. Sydney had not activated the ’embiggen’ sigil.
I keep forgetting about the buttons only she can see becouse I always remember Dabbler scanning it saying there are no marks at all on it. On the page before she tried to clobber Dabbler with a chair i think. I forgot the page and don’t know how to link them like you do but it was during her interrogation / initiation.
Indeed. It is an anomaly. Rather like the fact that the orbs themselves can be seen to be glowing but cannot be detected emitting light (or some such phrasing). Personally I think both are just part of the orbs security features. They are invulnerable to technomagical scanning and do not allow anyone, other than the user, to see the controls.
Although I would bet quite a few Yorpie Snax™ that Varia can, when gestalted with Halo.
But all of her quietly playing in her room with them didn’t lead to her seeing the little shapes AS toggles and controls. She was too busy just figuring out the basics furtively in between nerdgasmic superheroic daydreams and “hiding” from government vivisectionists! (and I bet she didn’t slow down on any of her other hobbies either)
Doubt she would have noticed if a control “toggle” appeared or changed at the time of point spending cause she was only just then really getting to know them. Hell she STILL doesn’t know what all of them do for sure which means she still is unlikely to have them memorized as its much harder to remember something with nothing associated with it and no time to play with it. (when will the TESTENING BEGIN!! XP XD )
So its possible that she did’n’t have the ability to filter her true sight into “modes” or that some of the modes were not yet available until after the Level Up⇑.
1) Why would her light hook get shorter as it got stronger? This is PvP bullshit done for video game balance because the designers are more interested in fair play and keeping the different powers at equal levels. This power is actually duplicable in a couple different tabletop RPG systems and you don’t have to nerf range to gain strength in them. In one I can think of you just level the power and gain both range AND strength. In a couple others you can increase them together or separately.
2) It is definitely an xp pool with skill points at level-up, although we don’t know if the pool is attached to Sydney or the orbs. Frankly I infer it to be on the orbs since the press conference was the first time she leveled and some of the orbs were higher than level 1. She had obviously learned some things about the orbs before then so if learning one skill/use opened others she should have known before then. Thus it was accumulated experience and leveling.
2) Actually the orbs are the Eyes of Cthulhu. The ‘levelling screen’ is just a prayer wheel, which allows the acolyte of chaos the choice of which aspect of Cthulhu’s powers to next summon, into our realm.
High Priestess Halo earnt the right to choose, thanks to her contributions to causing destruction. Melting the tank and assisting Maxima in unleashing a devastating demonstration, which sent social shock waves, around the Earth.
Or it could be as simple as the shield also working as the spell Dimensional Anchor, a spell which prohibits, Teleports, Gates, Portals, Blinks and Phasing and all other forms of dimensional travel within it’s area of effect.
Dave said:
“Apparently there was enough room between the wall and the table for a shield that large. Good thing it either automatically resets to a smaller default size or Sydney thought to reset it herself after the demonstration, where if you remember the shield was large enough to totally destroy that room if it went up in there. Her shield does form centered on her, large enough to encompass her, but will adjust itself up or down a bit not to slice off anything near her, which is why Shadow Boxer there didn’t get a haircut when her shield went up. ”
There you go, cool. :-)
Which still does not narrow it down to how it does that, but does indicate that it can do so automatically. And its safety features also meant it did not lop off his toes either.
On Sydney’s shield the jury is not out. You’re right about it forming above her head, but think of it like setting down a balloon full of water. It forms up to the edges of objects but flows around them allowing it to form a hemisphere when she’s on the ground, but the instant she takes off it becomes a sphere meaning a sphere is it’s preferred natural shape.
Heh, which is why the jury is still debating, as we have not all come to a consensus. Whilst I am confident of my own interpretation, so are other people, of theirs. Which is healthy.
After all, everyone is entitled to my opinion. =OP
I don’t believe it would cut the wall open, however if she flew in front of them with her shield up and landed at the door, then extended her shield to cover whatever she can of the entrance. the noise from the attack itself would cause the counsel to evacuate.
That should work.
Although there is one amusing potential problem. If the enlarged shield conforms to the confined space, as per my predictions above, then it could form a near air-tight seal with the wall….
… ahh, actually, I was going to then say that it would block sound. But the shield does not stop folks hearing each other, inside or out of the shield,* so the sound of gunfire should probably pass right through too. Even though it could not go around it.
* The interviewers could hear Sydney, despite her shield being raised. Which was before Sydney got her Pip-Boy. So it is not radio transmissions being picked up via that.
So how come Sydney can see the council members through thick stone walls, but can’t see their legs through the table, or through the raised seating areas? Lead lined furniture?
Possibly. Likewise the balcony.
If it blocks auras it might also block spells and other types of attacks. Thus giving some protection to delegates, in the event of a fight breaking out (or an incoming attack).
Yeah, but why not line the walls as well? o_O
We will just have to wait for a WOG report on the matter
Maybe whatever thay are using is too expensive?
Or maybe Dave never drew the lower bodies of the gallery members :)
Yup, I agree about the WOG.
In most game systems you cannot target spells through walls. You need a line of sight. But, in some, you can pick a particular target, by saying “I will hit the guy hiding behind that chair there” or “the area behind that balcony”. So there could be benefit in making furniture impenetrable to spells, even if it is not needed for walls.
Anti magic alliance tapestries… hahaha!
the drapes hanging with all their affiliate logos are each enchanted with an AM barrier!
hahahahahaha as funny as that sounds it would work.
I must be missing something. Where do we see the council members through the walls?
Oh, nevermind. I assumed all the colorful people-shaped glowing shapes were icons related to the artifacts. I wondered why they were floating so far above the artifacts. Now I see that those colorful glowing shapes are actually the council members seen through the wall as you said.
So do you think the glowing writing is just part of the enchantments, or do you suppose the orb is throwing up a descriptor? Either way, Sydney should ask about that writing later.
If you mean her headband, unless she looks in a mirror, she can’t see the writing
That’s a good point. Would the writing be visible in a mirror? If so, would it be mirrored? Mmm…
Her headband and the frames behind her Sydney can’t see… but they, the map scrolls and the rain cloak all have glowing runes hovering over/around them.
Just noticed, the guy in the back has a different helmet/mask. Something to think about….
yes and if you look at the xray of them his arm looks deformed so I figure he is genetic mutant or bio weapon. after all this world is linked to Spinnerette and she has faced bio manipulated villeins.
– spinny had a cameo pop up back around the conference when they were talking about other heroes in this world.-
Only in as much as the Grrlverse has everything we have in our world. We know about Wolverine, but, despite the drawing of his wedding with Sydney, in the List, he is fictional. Both in our world and in the Grrlverse. As is Spinnerette. Dave references many films, comics and even real people this way. And likewise there have been cameos of our heroines in other comics.
This however is distinct from actual crossovers. Where characters substantively affect the storyline and the stories have connected settings There is only one of those, so far, which is that Dabbler first appeared in Wereworld.* Although she is Dave’s creation, so was used there with his permission. Importantly her activities there are canon, with respect to the Grrlverse.
Likewise Dave has been laying the foundations for a crossover with Golddigger. Making sure that his characters are not incompatible with the ones there. And there is even a Goldigger reference in the Council chamber. Namely the archaeologist’s faction banner. So that crossover may well come to pass, in due course.
* Not to be confused with the Wereworld novel series.
I’m just saying it is a possibility and that was one of the ways it could have happened.
Oh yea, that is perfectly plausible. Sorry I should have acknowledged that part, which was the key bit.
I should point out the other, related, category. Which is the patreon cameos. Those characters are fully part of the Grrlverse and have had substantive effects on the story. As an example Heatwave has permanently lost a toe, as a result of her fight with Silent Shadow!
Waaaait a minute. That looks like a speech bubble. Did Sydney actually just vocalize the Metal Gear Solid Exclamation Point (“!”) sound effect? That does seem like the kind of thing Sydney would do.
I took it as a silent gasp. ;-) You are welcome
Why hello there undeciphered runes that are now glowing above Sydney’s head! Just how long have you been there, hiding from us? Now… tell us your secrets.
How long? Probably ever since page 450 when she was gifted a magical headband to keep her bangs in place.
If the runes are from the hairband, then why haven’t they appeared beforehand? And why don’t they appear when looking directly at Sydney?
Only activating ‘aura mode’, by using the appropriate rune on the Truesight Orb, allows any auras (or symbols associated with them) to become visible. They cannot be seen with normal vision, nor even by just holding the Comm Ball.
The comic convention though is that we, on this side of the 4th wall, get to share Halo’s visual capability. Albeit from our perspective, rather than hers.
Resulting in the oddity that, on this page, we can see the headband’s aura even though it is out of Sydney’s own line of sight. I like that though, as it is maintaining the conventions of the comic. And it is not the first time that the readership have spotted things which Sydney missed. Albeit, in this case, through no fault of her own.
Actually they do, once her visual capability has been modified. In panel 2, Sydney is only contemplating activating the aura vision. By panel 3 she has, but is temporarily dazzled by the information overload. Our vision is similarly limited, to reflect this, so no auras are visible.
Zoom in very close on panel 4 though and you will see the headband aura. As with many of such aspects, Dave has been meticulous in the detail!
Plus I will revise my symbol count up to five, as there appears to be one more visible there than in panel 5. It is very small and faint unfortunately, so I could be mistaken. However two orbs are blocking one end of the aura, so it remains plausible, despite only four showing in that shot.
The runes have presumably always been there, but they were invisible until Sydney activated her TrueSight orb here and revealed them. That’s why they aren’t in panels one and two. Though I don’t see them there, they should probably be in panel three, so I’m going to say they were just momentarily hidden by the flash from everything lighting up that startled Sydney there.
Ninja’d by Yorp!
Stealth mode
It looks like Yorp runed your comment. :(
Oh, I feel like such an ideograph!
I do hope that Ignoble is not disenchanted, by my symbolistic characterisations.
He may be more informative, but I’m more concise!
Am I disenchanted? No, I’m too busy looking for my dictionary . . .
Methinks you missed the pun in O.B. Juan’s comment?
What’s that? I’ve screwed up again?But that would be so unlike me!
*Looks carefully at the comment in question*
You know, I could have sworn there was anI in that word . . .
that’s from the hair band décolleté gave her
Time for a “Badgers!” maneuver to let those in the meeting know that there are incoming personnel.
A Sergeant in motion outranks a Lieutenant who doesn’t know what’s going on.
Try telling that to the LT.
A lieutenant in motion can give a sergeant night terrors for decades to come.
I. Was. That. Lieutenant.
Knight Helm must have special properties or why break costume with the others? (though its not showing up as a different sort of magic on Sydney’s scan? )
Guesticus has observed that the interior aura is different for him. Possibly representing a different body structure, race or implementation of (for example) armour animation magics.
If you mean the red lines, some of that is the angle he’s being viewed at. The one right in front of him is missing a leg red line. The shape of the white part (mundane materials and flesh?) on Helm Head suggest a very different weapon on the right side or something attached. (Megaman type weapon? or just a mutant arm? ) Wonder if the missing leg line on the one up ahead means cyborg or magical equivalent leg?
Its gonna be fun seeing more of them.
most likely cybernetic as magic would glow like the council does.
Yeah, I’m thinking different body structure. The wireframe makes cross-face look a little… wibbly? His arms appear to have an extra joint than most humans, and significantly more length too.
The different helmet might also be an indication of rank.
Perspective is rough; we don’t see everything. I’m thinking the `lead guy in panel 6 is the far left guy in panel 7…making the rightmost/last guy in panel 7 the knight helm dude. In which case, I’m thinking he’s definitely a different race because he’s got some seriously off-kilter arms.
That also means there’s at least one guy off-panel to the left in panel 7, and possibly more. Minimum of five in the group, anyway…
Possibly. But it would take Sydney a few moments to get from a standing position, to (carefully) leaning out of the open hatchway and get into her upside down viewing position. By which time the group would have advanced somewhat and could have easily changed their respective positions somewhat, in their ‘formation’.
Given that there are four in each panel, I think that is the more likely. However in neither do we see the full corridor (the SWAT-dressed guys are blocking our view in the last panel), so your interpretation could well be right. In fact they could even be just part of the vanguard, of a longer column of troops!
Ok, just for fun I will say that at the table the big green guy with a tail is Chorius, then clockwise: Lethane, Decollete, should be Irradon but it seems empty (not aura?), Valen, not sure, not sure, Clover, Gregor, Katarina, not sure, Max and Dabbler (pinkish and circled like Decollete).
Ingsol, Scarlett and Crimson should be between Dabbler and Chorius but they seem not to be there, they likely have an aura because Azilus and company do.
Unaccounted are: Icon (the living plate armor), Trilla (likely too small anyway) and the sigil programmer.
I went by general shape and their places at previous pages, although they could be swapping while discussing.
Other notable absentees, in which case, are:
Pixel, Gwen, Zephan, and the Konami Code girl with goggles. Although I appreciate you were not examining the gallery. But the latter’s non-visibility is of interest to me.
A self-generating hologram with no magical aura would be… interesting, but that would just raise more questions.
Although it could be explained if the orb only detects magical auras (as opposed to either super powers or effects generated through technological means).
Your thought distortedly mirror mine. Great minds and all that. ^_^
Great minds think alike, but fools rarely differ.
⅄o∩ʁ ʇµo∩ɓµʇ q!ƨʇoʁʇөqlʎ w!ʁʁoʁ w!uө. ⅁ʁөɐʇ w!uqƨ ɐuq ɐll ʇµɐʇ. ^_^
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Maybe I’m missing something, but how would a hologram generate itself?
I don’t know, ask Rimmer.
Probably in an analogous way as to how humans project the vessel that they think of as their body.
I was trying to make a Red Dwarf reference. Rimmer was one of the characters on that show, who died in the first episode. He is shown the rest of the time with an H on his head to indicate that he is a hologram. There are several times when he leaves the ship, and the range of the holo projectors.
You succeeded. :-)
Initially he was bound by the locations where there were holo projectors. But in due course he found a ‘hard light emitter’ (or some such term) which was a small device which would hover inside his ‘body’ and allow him to travel anywhere.
I was just running with both of your comments and alluding to ‘life is an illusion‘. Which is quite persistent, throughout history and across cultures.
Yup, you are right, I commented about it earlier.
Some comments mentioned that these might be guards..
Not sure if this can clear up their real intentions, but they hold their rifles with the barrel up in the air. As we have learned a few comics back… Nobody with the safety of others in mind will do that (iiiiif they have been trained correctly). Also they are heading straight for the door to the council with these raised rifles, which in itself is an affront.
And I doubt SWAT (Strippers with a Theme) will flash their toys right from the beginning. They would more likely show their guns once the armor is off. Now I wonder if their special would include a flash bang…
If so, presumably their theme would be ‘flash bang’. Thus being more PWAT than SWAT.
I hope it’s not strippers. Had a bad experience once.
Ran out of bills and tried to swipe a credit card . . .
Hahahaha! In which “slot?”
When I used to be a cashier and people asked if my store took credit cards, I used to answer, “Yes, and sometimes we even return them.” =OP
Well, at least you didn’t try to insert coins :)
Why not? I did see what might have been a coin return button.
I wonder where you either sign or type your code?
you don’t sign using the standard alphabet, you have to use Braille.
I see the points.
I imagine Syd is going to do something about it.
By the way and totally besides any recent topic:
When I stumbled upon some WWE Raw youtube vids…I noticed Chris Jericho`s List of Jericho.
Doesn’t it remind you of someone ‘s list? Halo, any comment?
Best Action I would guess
would be to use flying and shield
and use herself as a battering ram
I think your a few syllables too many for a haiku.
Police are meant to establish if a crime is being committed, and only to use lethal force if there is a clear and present danger. Further only doing so after identifying themselves as police and giving the individuals the opportunity to lay down their weapons. Unless there is literally no time to do so. Not to mention making use of any available non-lethal option available, in preference to deadly ones.
These individuals could well, for example, be Council troops, summoned to report to the Council, regarding the sigil damage.
* Although, if she bowls them over like nine-pins, it would look hilarious! Provided she took care not to squish them against the door, at the end of that corridor.
And Sydney has not been trained in the above procedures, so your suggestion could well play out that way. :-D
Actually in Daggerfall there was a version of fast travel, but you could grab a horse and ride all the way there…though i cant remember if you actually had horse in that one, I don’t think you did so you would just have had to walk. It is impressive that he mapped the whole thing though.
“A necklace that glows when detect magic is cast on it. That’s it, that’s the only effect it has.”
I’ve done that to my players they were pissed.
They hadn’t figured out the mage they were looking for was a trickster selling to thieves in different towns.
they opened a storage chest of fake wears, rings, wands, reckless, you name the jewelry it was there made of steel and enchanted to look like valuable magic.
Ring of Spell Turning – When activated, it declares in a loud voice easily heard within 100′ –
“Turning. Tee – you – are – en – eye – en – gee. Turning.”
There was a Dragon article years ago that had a list of such useful magic items – that’s the only one I still remember.
So why is Sydney still blue in the last panel? I thought the coloration was due to the storage room’s lighting.
The light is still being cast on her, from inside the room. Note her shadow, on the wall opposite.
That rain cloak is a really mean-spirited prank. Super rude.
Not nearly as mean as the “Boot of Far Striding”. (the question is: which of the two boots is the boot of far striding. Watch that first step – its a dooozy! )
Now the “Bra of Holding” is either a really great or really crappy thing depending on who is wearing it and who is observing it.(They’re bigger on the inside!) Definitely one of the few higher than cantrip level though.
First panel Sydney looks like E.T.
if his arms were really short and stubby like this guy’s arms almost.
Maybe as the character art tries to become a bit more realistic and what not Sydney’s resisting the most cause she was one of the least realistic designs (that was still human) originally? (she’s just getting so… round headed? anymore. )
Maybe the original bangs helped define her face somehow? (held back the inflation-roundening?) Encouraged them to draw her face narrower to fit inside the crazy things? I don’t know. Miss her old incarnations is all. *wistful sigh* (hard as they may have been to draw. They were awesome! )
Hey it is a major improvement from the comparable look from the previous page!
Which I should tone down, for DaveB, as I love the expressions, both there and here. Not to mention the compositions on this page. Very interesting points of view.
Very likely. Even factoring that into account though, I think that she does have a rounder face, with far less prominent chin, than originally presented.
Here she is about halfway through the comic and halfway through her current evolution.
Already the roundening and widening had expanded to fill past the antennae like bangs while the chin has come in to the mouth. But she was oddly adorable in this mode so I didn’t say much though I think some folk did.
Once we lost the bangs I realized that they were close to the last thing making Sydney look well, like Sydney.
Of course, this will also be viewed as some kind of in between ugly duckling stage at some distant point in the future. Maybe I’ll even like the new round headed creature she becomes.
I wonder…
Envision the one on the left with glasses. heh
Is that the artifact thing from Dead Space that she’s holding in panel 1? The thing that creates the necromorphs?
It certainly appears to be. Albeit that it is probably just a curio, given that folks indicate it is far too small. As supported by the fact that it was in Sydney’s hand (panels 1 and presumably 2 and 3*) when she activated her aura sight. Yet, with that activated, it was uninteresting enough to be put down by panel 4, as we can see that her hand is empty by then. Presumably indicating that it is not even magical.
* Sydney’s dialogue runs from panel 1 and 2 read to me like there was no time lapse between them. The summoning of the Comm Ball occurring during the latter’s dialogue.
Probably put it down on a nearby chest or shelf absentmindedly to toggle the orb or to focus on it. Everything in there is cantrip level magic (barely glowing) at least so it probably has something even if its just to keep the dust off of it.
Then she was distracted by the greater glows of very magical beings (kinda think everything alive that long or a living being with a power shows up a little to that aura thing even if they aren’t traditionally “magical”).
Maybe it reanimates dead cockroaches or something.
There are enough missing people, in the conference hall, that I do not think it picks up everybody. Notably the known non-supers are not visible.
Possibly they would be closer, or if Sydney’s sight was not being dazzled by so many other bright auras though. The reason for saying that is the fact that the nearby squad are mostly translucent. Barring whatever those interior glowing bits represent. So possibly humans, at close range, would show up the same, but lack the added glow of powers or magic.
If not then Halo being able to see the guns, with the aura sight, becomes significant.
Oblivious of events in the hallway,the meeting is underway and when the Twilight Council brings up Sydney’s orbs,Maxima tells Gwen and Pixel to go find her.
When they open the door,that’s when hell breaks loose…!
Can anyone read the word on the back of Sydney’s choker (panel 5)? If that is what it is, as opposed to the attachment.
I don’t have time to look it up right now but doesn’t something plug into the back of the collars? Like an earbud attachment or something?
Sounds likely, and they do have the earpieces. I found the scene which I thought might show it. But no joy. If only I had better eyesight, I would have been able to make it out myself!
In “Nose boop. OF DOOM!” Sydney and Maxima suddenly have the ear buds on in the last panels apparently having put them on in response to the super invasion of diner just that scene.
So I combed through the comments and sure enough somebody got a rise out of DaveB from back when he had that kind of time. (or was faking it cause he just couldn’t stay away from our nerdy fun! )
He confirms its a plug for the earpieces to the throat mic chokers. You’re welcome. :)
Very observant of you.
*lobs a Yorpie Snack™*
Just good old fashion police work Sir. Makes sense they would be connected since that’s where the antennae and control button is. I wonder if without the earbud they have external speakers that everybody can overhear?
Is it just me, or is the guy with the knight helmet not holding a rifle? Looks more like a mace or an axe… Or maybe a sword?
You are not the first to say that. If y’all are referring to the final panel though, I cannot make anything out there myself. Whereas if you are talking about the second-to-last panel, then I think I am more in the other camp. Which says that it looks like he has very differently articulated arms.
You see this better when you zoom in mind, as the smaller the image is the more it does look like just the one arm/item. But magnified you see that both arms look the same. So if it does turn out to be an item, like an axe, I think he has one in each hand. But it looks more like the continuation of oversized arms. The bit that would be hands looks more like an elbow.
I played WoW and GW extensively (6 and 4 years respectively) and i can say with absolute confidence that this map is inaccurate. GW worldmap, with all extensions up to nightfall, is smaller than vanilla WoW worldmap.
As such I have doubts upon the other games map-sizes.
As bad guy in rogues’ gallery page said: “The cleansing is at hand!”
It seems like very few people think they might be a part of the policing/investigating force that Ingsol described. He did say that such agents were often a part of existing law enforcement agencies around the globe so they would have access to such body armor.
Indeed. The one thing which stopped me suggesting that they might be New York City S.W.A.T., here to investigate sightings of ‘monsters’, or other strange people, entering an office building, is the fact that the uniforms are unmarked. However it is entirely plausible that VI agents would have unmarked outfits, in addition to their regular force issued ones, for use in situations where they need to retain anonymity.
Even U.S. agents might have need of unmarked armor now and again… or have confiscated them from a criminal organization at some point.
Mind you, that said, we can only see IV agents here, if that is what they are.
IV agents? Here to let a little blood?
Maybe just to spread a poisonous rash?
If the theory is right, I can confidently predict they were trained in IV league schools.
Depends on whether DaveB is lightening up the introduction of new agents with humor (Sydney freaks out over the possible “invasion” but its just the expected VI agents. “Oh, that wacky Sydney is at it again!” Daaaaw!) or is introducing new opposition agents with daring do (Sydney, “This place looks inflammable enough.” *summons The Energy Orb of Blasting Doom!*) and some humor.
I wonder if DaveB saw V. I. Warshawski about the private investigator. Would make a fun base for a hardened VI investigator.
I think the reason people aren’t assuming that they might be friendlies is in their stance. You don’t ordinarily walk within your own secure compound with your weapons at the ready and in a skirmish line. Instead you rack your rifles and your riot gear and go attend a meeting regarding your next assignment with a notepad. Pistols might be retained, but not the heavier stuff.
Agreed. However if they are returning from a hostile perimeter breach (such as would be indicated by a sigil having been damaged) they would be unlikely to let their guard down. Especially if it occurred close to the seat of power.
Also when the first one went down the order might have gone out for every agent not already assigned, getting desperately needed sleep, or suffering from secret identity conflicts to suit up and be ready for anything.
And if this meeting hall is on top of a Sigil as so many have suggested then that goes double for any agent on site not in incognito mode for an assignment amongst the humans.
actually that magic necklace that glows when detect magic is used on it could be useful for beginning level scribers. it would be actually a good start for many beginner level magicians. think about it and bear with me now cause a lot of people give naruto flack. but naruto wouldn’t have been able to mold nature chakra without use of the frog toad oil right. well that could be a stepping stone for detect magic. it gives a physical reaction to the user activating a spell that detects magic. so to beginners would have to start by feeling out the magic and then application. basic but hard to do when starting out.
Yup. And without a magical item to practice on, Sydney could not have discovered her ability to see magical auras. Likewise, as she tests it, and tries to figure out what the symbols she sees mean, having simple one-function items, to compare, will make her task a lot easier.
Then asking Ingsol politely to label the low powered do dads according to type would be a great idea. (way better than just screwing with them [since she doesn’t know they are so low powered]) Kinda think ARC has the resources for this much without Ingsols help though.
Zephan has a ‘large collection of tomes and artefacts’. Combined with Sydney’s own magical item, that would give her some items to get started with, if nothing else. Dabbler may or may not extend her ‘no sharing toys’ to include any scanning of them. If not then she has her swords and likely other items too. I imagine she looted some from the ‘great burning’ flashback demon, for instance.
Boy, do I feel dumb. I just figured out what panel six was all about.
Don’t feel bad! It is not exactly an angle rabbits are used to seeing the world from. Not without the assistance of a bird of prey.
So about that headband, looks kinda like a magical tiara. Remind anybody about the “not everyone’s a princess” line?
Ahh, I had not made that connection. So, if Dabbler had gone to Succubus finishing school, she might have learnt the significance of the tiara? The magic is minor, and harmless. But the item itself signifies the wearer to be the Princess of Chaos, purely from social tradition!
I think she deserves the title “Princess of Chaos” based on merit alone, no social traditions required. It may be nothing but it could explain why the orbs chose her, or perhaps I have cause and effect mixed up and the orbs mean she’s been chosen.
Ingsol (after facepalming): “This is vhy I told hyu all not to play MMORPGS…those people are really obnoxious, and dere iz always the risk they vould try SWATting us…”
Uh…I just noticed this on my 50th reading of this page, but it looks like Sydney’s got what looks to be a…oh. OH! That’s the headband Delcotte…Delocette?…….the other succubus gave her. Never mind.
Dang I missed this page!
Also, Daggorfall was procedurally generated, so everyone’s game world was different. Aside from that, you could indeed walk from one town to another through wilderness, but the issue there is that there’s literal miles of wilderness between towns, and it becomes a multiple-day in-game journey.
Re page 2294 comment on Daggerfall’s map, the game included a self-updating map when I got it years ago. It also included a phenomenal population of bugs and glitches. The fast travel menu was brought up with a key press or a mouse click on an on-screen button. When you left a town or dungeon site, the landscape went from completely flat to procedurally generated. When you arrived near a site, you got a text on screen. If you were struggling to find a dungeon entrance, it was possible to zig-zag along the edge of the square “vicinity” to find its corners then use them to find the centre. If you didn’t fast travel, you could in fact run (or ride) cross-country. Outdoor water was never more than thigh-deep and didn’t slow you down. With maxed out speed and run skill, it was quicker in game time to run across the bay from Daggerfall to Sentinel than to get a ship. By that time, it was also quicker than reloading a save file. That game saved details of every single mission you’d ever completed.