Grrl Power #462 – Seating arrangements
Azilus is being slightly melodramatic. Their presence doesn’t endanger the Council, but their coming and going could. If they constantly broadcast a publicly available GPS signal, then their presence would be problematic. Still, there’s a huge difference between working with clandestine agents, and someone who is the fame equivalent of the AAA actors who play those same agents in the just released summer blockbuster about clandestine agents.
This seems to be the “people peeking in from the bottom of a panel” page. I should have put Trilla, Valen’s faerie companion doing the same in panel 1.
Yes I know I said no robots, but I couldn’t help sneaking a Bastion into the background. Let’s assume it’s a race that can shapeshift who is just messing with people, because if you could shapshift, let’s face it, your raison d’être would probably be “messing with people.”
#MakeComics So I’ve been experimenting with some different coloring over the last few pages, and it may be a bit more prominent on this one – mostly cause I decided to skip the inking and color over my pencils. This did not, as I had hoped, save a ton of time, as I spent a fair bit cleaning up my pencils. Really, when you’re working digitally, cleaning up pencils and inking are basically the same thing. Anyway, I mostly colored this page using grisaille, which is just a fancy term for painting in all the tone work in grayscale, then doing a color wash over top of it. The benefit of this is that I can focus on the light/dark better, and I think it produces better subtle details. The disadvantage is there’s a hard limit to how saturated the colors can be since the color layer is done in Soft Light mode. (Manga Studio doesn’t currently have a Color layer mode, but I experimented with this in PhotoShop, and there seemed to be a similar limitation.) My solution was to duplicate the Soft Light layer and drop its opacity ~50% and merge that with the tone layer. Anyway this was my first attempt and even if I don’t stick with it I think I learned some stuff, and it’s always good to try new things. If nothing else I’ve always thought my skin tones were a bit monochromatic, so expect some slightly rosier noses and cheeks maybe. Hopefully characters won’t suddenly look like they all have colds, but in all fairness I’ll probably over correct a bit before reeling it back to a sensible level.
Oh and if you’ve ever wondered why I’m such a slow artist, it’s because I often have to draw everything twice (at least) before it approaches acceptable.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon as soon as I get up. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
I’m loving how Dave is a lowkey Overwatch fan. Second Overwatch image slipped in that I’ve noticed, and I’m sure by this point that I may have missed some
Stylish look to your avatar. Very kool.
You can add Syd’s BOOP DEE DOO! After spraying buckets of bullets at people people in that CS GO training page to the OW pool.
I played a shape-shifter in Champions, and screwing with everyone was my thing. My favorite was the “Battle Bunny”; a 10′ tall, fat, pink, fluffy rabbit with huge buck teeth, huge floppy ears, and huge floppy feet. It was a great form for humiliating villains and embarrassing my peers. Fun! And he gave press interviews just like Goofy.
Yes, appearances can be deceiving.
“…a ravenous cannibal who thrives on the blood of mass murder.”
“I love it when I’m seriously underestimated.”
Ooops. Forgot the link:
Do you already know the online “political simulation” called ‘Nationstates ( One of my nations in that goes by the name of ‘Invisible Wabbits’ and is inhabited by human-sized, normally-invisible, “cartoon” rabbits. Its representatives have mostly been encountered by others in the Bar at UN (& subsequently ‘World Assembly’) headquarters… and the leader of those representatives introduces himself as ‘Harvey’…
I think mine would have to be an invisible nation of medusae. Yes, counter-invisibility techniques can be used. But you may not want to do that.
Sounds like fun :D
Oh, it is!
My main nation is called ‘Bears Armed’, and is mainly inhabited by — as the name suggests — anthropomorphic Bears ( Its diplomats have pushed several pieces of international legislation through the World Assembly, including resolutions on both ‘Promotion of Bee-keeping’ (with an acrostic in the text that spells out H-O-N-E-Y) and ‘Prevention of Wildfires’…
How come 7.6% of bear deaths occur from being ‘lost in the wilderness’! Dude, that is like getting lost in your bedroom! And 7.4% deaths from scurvy? Berries, tell them to eat more berries!
“lost in the wilderness” – when the Bears grow old, quite a high proportion of them choose to “return to the wild” and go to one or another of several forests where any Bears who take up residence will gradually “revert” to a non-sapient condition: Most of those individuals then die within a year. (OOC, it’s based on the nation’s high rating for the quality of its environment…)
“scurvy” – the game’s head Admin has actually admitted in the associated forums that the ‘Leading Causes of Death’ calculator wasn’t designed to cope with nations of intelligent [& generally well-educated] Bears, and that I can therefore ignore that detail.
You know, if I didn’t screw up something in one of my posts, I’m not sure I’d recognize myself.
How far can a bear run in the wilderness?
Halfway. Then he drops dead.
Was actually referring to the invisible Gorgons :D
I need to add that to my campaign. I could just see an invisible medusa as a rouge assasin or spy.
King: “I think i saw movement over there”
WIzard aft looking in that direction with detect magic: Yes there does seem to be a humanoid shape, probably an invisible spy”
King: Guard at ready; lets see who that person is”
Wizard cast dispel magic as everyon looks that way
Medusa appears and everone turns to stone
Not a good idea!
“I don’t agree with any of the options on this issue!
Dismiss it! This is the equivalent of ignoring an issue until people stop talking about it. If you were a real government, you’d do this all the time, of course. But it’s usually more interesting if you take a position.”
On the contrary, if I were a real government, I would try to find what would best work for society instead of limitting myself to extremist options on an issue.. An unrealistically limited range of options is, in a nutshell, why I don’t play that game anymore.
I really aught to do more to promote my idea of governance by like-minded-demographic groups, rather than by what geographical location you happen to be in. Drawing borders on a map is no way to properly say that everyone inside that line should comply to a single set of rules. You are far more likely to engage with politics if it is more personalised to your needs.
If you want to live by ‘high taxation and quality public services’ or ‘low taxation and look after your own insurance, pensions, etc’ you should literally be able to choose. Rather than say ‘I want B’ but because 1% more of the artificial group you are in want A, you have to live a lifestyle you detest.
Only those things which cannot be associated with a population group (such as railways) should be dealt with by geographical politics rather than people politics.
*gives TED account a poke*
Meh, maybe later.
But then what happens when the ‘high taxation and quality public services’ option is chosen almost entirely by people who don’t earn enough to pay much tax anyhows while most of the wealthy choose the ‘low taxation and look after your own insurance, pensions, etc’ option instead?
Then the high taxation faction has to balance its books in a realistic manner. Note though that is not a ‘swap around as often as you feel like it’ scheme. You are choosing the way you will live your life. Not the next electoral term. You go into the faction which has the philosophy that suits you best. Then make the most of your life within that group.
No opting for the ‘no public services’ route only up until you get cancer, then jumping ship, to get free medical care, for example. Not unless the appropriate faction decides to allow you to emigrate into their society. The same rules for such would apply as to anyone choosing to change from one nation to another today. Except there would be no geographical requirement involved.
As for the other side of the coin currently most of western society is controlled by the rich and powerful. We do not, in practice, live in democracies. So the rich get to say how they live, regardless of the wishes of the rest of us. Plus they get to dictate how we live too.
I would rather live in a society where I had a fair say in my affairs. And the rich can carry on doing the stuff they have always done, because they have the power to do that anyhow, regardless of what I say.
Note that what you say happens in practice anyhow. We set laws saying “the rich must pay X amount in this country”. So the rich just move their assets into off-shore companies, so that they do not have to pay the tax. They are not ‘rich in this country’. So the rest of us have to make do without the tax income from their wealth, in any event. We have managed up until now. We would be far better off without them also being able to control our politics.
Maxima looks a lot more like she’s made of reflective metal than she has in a long time. I 100% approve of this way of colouring her.
But she is not. She is made of CLASSIFIED.
I like the look. The side of the forehead has a bit of a sharp crease line though. But I’m just a picky bird.
Actually, some fleshy humans have that ‘crease’
Have you noticed, above, how all supernaturals, with pointy ears, can hear twice as well?
You don’t have to be supernatural to have good hearing and long pointy ears.
::wiggles his ears… pointedly::
Pfft. Who needs visible ears, They are only useful for holding up your specs.
*cocks ear quizzically*
And piercings, holding tiny high tech communications devices, and can assist in either swimming or flight if they are big enough. ( ASMR and Oo-mox… )
I’m noticing a very anti-donkey bias in your posts of late.
::turns his ears slowly back and forth, then waggles them humorously::
if I called you an ass, that’d be a compliment, right, Weatherheight?
ears ar over-rated, keep ’em like a secret… under your hat.
And for non-verbal communication. Just ask any sentient animal, kemonomimi, or anthropomorphic animal. (Although as an aside, I’m really surprised that more “furries” don’t mention ear and tail positions in their fanfics. Having both a catgirl roommate and four
ownerscats, I’ve really noticed how they all use their ears, tails and body language to communicate.)Am I right, Yorp and Weatherheight?
*holds ears in the ‘affirmative’ position*
Unless they plan to televise council proceedings
having famous supers or humans attend the council meetings
doesn’t endanger the existence of the council at all.
That’s not the concern. The concern is that a news/paparazzi crew will see them enter the secret council rooms. Knowing that some of the people attending your meetings will be followed by cameras is a HUGE deal if your meetings are supposed to be secret.
A good point, but they’d have to be PRETTY fast to keep up with Maxima and Sydney.
You don’t have to be as fast. You just have to know their destination.
While my G+ does tend to be in the tech-heavy side and may not be representative of the population at large, there are still people on there who, while they would be classified as amateur, know the ins-and-outs of triangulation and could probably work out where Max and Syd are going with 2-4 trips. (I don’t pretend to understand the science.)
Plus all it takes is one slip-up. There is a saying. “What do you call a secret that more than one person knows? Not a secret.” This X1000 if the secret is shared with a celebrity. Sooner or later, even the most careful person slips up and, if that person has a media presence following them, that slip-up goes global in less than a minute.
As was said, he may be a dick but it’s still a good point.
The only way the craparazzi would see them enter, is if the crapparazzi was already camping out the meeting dungeon
Apparently, adventure archaeologists are represented if I’m reading the banner in the second panel correctly. A nod to Indiana Jones, and Gold Digger perhaps?
The latter. Well deduced.
You’d still have to include Indiana Jones as well. How many “pure strain human” people can avoid the Wrath of God by simply closing his eyes?
How do you avoid the Wrath of Wife when she catches you smoking and eating cheeseburgers in the garage?
Find a better hiding place.
Get a better wife? o_O
Lol Easier said then done. Even the best of spouses get upset if they catch you doing “That One Thing” they don’t want you to do.
In my experience “That One Thing” is short for a six feet long list of banned things.
My gal has shortened my list to the things I am ALLOWED to do. 1) Sit. 2) Stay. 3) Play Dead…
Welcome to my world.
Although there is another command you may ask her to add to the list.
Nope, I’m not allowed to beg.
Get a bigger garage.
The Wrath of God is there to strike down the impure. Indiana Jones and female assistant were good guys and thereby immune by virtue of not being Nazis.
Closing their eyes was just to avoid PTSD.
well, it was a great defense, since he forgot his towel
My version of Photoshop has a colorize option under hue saturation that might work very well for what you want. Especially combined with layer options. Overlay might work well.
well shit, why use a veil when you can just BRRRT and kill all your enemies forever
That is the human way. It is nice to see an alternative being tried.
and the Tasmanian Devil (and a ton of other species but some like to pick on them cause they are all big brained and so should know better and such? [so really expecting better of us than other species is just another kind of specieism directed at humans?] Like dolphin’s would do any better! X-P ) but I hear it hasn’t been going as well for them as for humans?
I think that Stephen Hawking’s warning that such behaviour might be common amongst galactic civilisations is credible. Therefore I would not say that humans are alone in that behaviour. However it is the method which they use. Time and time again.
Including against dolphins.
Well, to be fair we don’t really see dolphins as enemies. They mostly get wacked as collateral damage and occasionally cause they are tasty (I guess, too expensive and illegal for my tastes!) rather than cause they worry us as competition or anything.
Actually fishermen, in various parts of the world, do see them as competition and surreptitiously kill them. Or, as with tuna fishing, capture them in their nets because the collateral damage only benefits them, if they are not caught. And with nobody around to see, that is not likely.
However you are right that many are killed by many indifferent means too. Not much consolation to them mind, as each species goes extinct.
At least we know some of their names now and ACT like we care as they go extinct. Probably did in tons before we even started recording such things properly. Maybe some day the pretense will start to sink in. (sometimes if you pretend long enough… )
Dolphins would only say, “So long and thanks for all the fish!”. Or at least that’s what I read somewhere.
Maxima’s face really looks metallic on this page. Well done!
Well when you think about it, bastion would make sense for a construct body (given that he’s from the flag with gears, I have to assume magical constructs). After all, sure, you’re protected by the veil, but assume somebody sees through it or it breaks down or something. Out of everybody constructs probably have the easiest time self modifying, so why not appear, just in case, as something from common media.
If you’re a really weird robot shape, or construct, or whatever, people are going to remember you and take notice. But if you take on the form of something that is common in media, in this day and age? People will either assume really awesome cosplay/costume, or an advertisement stunt.
Doesn’t matter if it is the form of something in common media, if you see Optimus Prime casually walking down main street, it’s gonna make the national news
But the Veil will make them look like a person in a costume. Probably even a badly made one to deflect even more attention.
Sydney likes to go to things like comic book conventions. There you can see a bunch of people wandering around in what look like bad alien costumes. At her next event she needs to peek with her true-sight orb to see how many of them are actually veiled aliens. (We already know that some of them like to go to standard touristy places like the Grand Canyon).
I just had a realization. The original Godzilla movie was actually a documentary. It was just the Veil that made it LOOK like a guy in a rubber suit stomping on cardboard houses.
Ahh, before today you thought that Japan suffered from earthquakes and tsunamis, I bet? Cover stories.
Like said: casually walking down main street, in a city that doesn’t have a convention or anything similar, is going to gain attention, even if it’s “Local lunatic walks around in cheap costume”
Somebody in the UK a decade or three ago built a road-licenced vehicle that consisted of two Mini chassises(?) welded together with a 10′(?)-tall Dalek body on top…
… or at least, that’s what people thought it was…
Reaper might have been a better cameo here. He basically became a supernatural being after all.
If he wasn’t, wouldn’t he be dressed like someone other than Bela Lugosi?
Bela Lugos stole Ingsols look.
Or he chose his outfit for him. (every once in a while one must get fed up with what the humans are doing with ones public image and decide to “help” them. )
I love the shine on Maxima’s face in this one. Very cool.
Today the European Space Agency announced that they have ended the mission of the Rosetta spacecraft by crashing it onto the surface of comet 67P.
Recent radar tracking images have now shown that the spacecraft’s collision with the comet has altered its course and will cause it to impact with the Earth. The response from Mission Control was “oops”.
Morgan Freeman has been contacted to deal with the situation.
Duck And Cover!!
I expected the link to show Duck Dodgers doing something (in the 25th-&-a-half century).
Sorry. Let me try again!
Cueball thought we were doing it to save the Earth!
I’m not going to tell him about what actually happened. Are you?
I will break it to him.
Just listen to Katie Melua’s advice.
Ouch! She basically sang, that she would only go out with him, if the world ended (or at least if it was too dark to see anything)
Hey, better than a flat “never”.
Anyhow, she was singing to me. :-)
Wasn’t the goal to land on the comet in the first place? Saying that it ‘crashed into’ the comet implies that they goofy’ed
It did go in at a slow walking pace (relatively speaking). But as it was not expected to survive the impact it is technically a crash. So the term is correct. Had there been a reasonable chance of it remaining functional it would have been called a crash-landing. However that was not the intention.
Actually it was a literal slow walking pace :) little over 3 kph (less than 2 mph), also several scientific sites are in fact calling it a crash-landing.
I suppose ‘figuratively’ would have been better, as I was envisaging complaints that it did not have legs.
Mind you if they had given the lander better legs, instead of harpoons…
Did they really think that they would find a space-whale there?
“…it did not have legs”
Heh, right, it didn’t occur to me :)
They were trying to find the Starship UK behind the comet.
Even so, at least they managed to get enough photographic evidence to verify the insurance claim.
Rosetta was not designed to be able to actually “land”, I think that’s is why ESA is calling it a “controlled impact”. The goal was to take close up photos of the surface while “descending”, until it “crash”.
Thank you both, thought the ultimate goal was to land it on the comet and have it continue broadcasting data
Ahh, gotcha. No the mission had two parts, the probe and the lander. The lander attempt was made several months ago, but bounced twice and landed in a crevasse, so was blocked from sunlight to power its solar panels, therefore went offline. But not before it had sent a brief amount of useful data.
The probe meanwhile has taken loads of photos and innumerable scientific measurements, from a safe distance (the dust from the comet made it too dangerous to get too close). They had the option of leaving it in hibernation mode, travelling with the comet, until the comet came back close enough to the sun to continue taking more measurements.
But that would be a long long wait, and the probe was not built specifically for such an extended service life. So it may well have failed to survive that long (especially, as I envisage, with flecks of comet hitting it every now and then). So they decided it would go out in style. Getting a few close-up shots and measurements, on the way in.
So, the Probe did what the Lander couldn’t?
Once again, Suicide Missions prove to have a higher survivability rate :P
Actually… Their very presence DOES endanger the council. Sidney, at the very least, has a cel phone on her, and thus, is sending off a GPS signal of her location (Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to play Pokemon GO).
The comic is set in 2011. So no Pokemon Go for a while.
Not unless some mad scientist invents it early in the Grrl Power Verse. That has though allowed a couple of references, in the comic (such as to a film which was made after 2011), which do not comply with our timeline.
We did not see the scene, in the restaurant, where they got ready to split up and make their way here. There were two members of Arc-Light and Dabbler, who’s intelligence is off the human scale. If one of them did not think to get Sydney to take the batteries or chip out of her phone, I would be very surprised.
Going into ‘stealth mode’ for their collars and Halo’s pip boy would doubtless take no more than pushing a single button. This is something which elite military units would need to be able to do on the modern battlefield. Likewise should they need to operate undercover, in their police capacity.
Luckily, it is also about a year too early for Ingress by Google/Niantic…
…but FourSquare keeps nagging Halo to check into this new place.
Two comments on the last panel:
– Vampires have really good dental hygiene.
– Since when did Wolverine get turned into a vampire?
Well, I guess resisting aging would help with that? Or maybe as predators they have multiple sets come in over time. (what really happens when vampires go “dormant” for a while! ) Ooor maybe they have crazy lamprey mouths and these are like falsies they rigged up to talk normal and just look cool?
Have we seen that guys mouth yet to know if he’s a vampire?
Probably. If so, he certainly would fit in the ‘mouth full of fangs’ camp, similar to your lamprey suggestion.
Oh nice catch if you did it yourself (unless you got it from one of the many comments I skimmed past at mach 5)
I would have loved to have made that connection, but all credit must go to our recently returned, and much-missed, Duende Sociopata.
I want to share this recognition with Guesticus, without him showing me the clues I would never made it. Thanks mate, I love you!
*claps for excellent acceptance speech!*
So when is the house of Indiana Jones gonna show up cause that would be an awesome noble house! Cause I want to see the sparks fly between them and the Nazi Fey contingent…
Sadly they will not, as that turns out to be a Gold Digger reference. Albeit one clearly originally inspired by Indiana Jones.
Were the Nazi Fey’s the ones who created the illusion of the Moon, in order to hide their flying saucer base?
The supernatural delvings of Hitler’s underlings led to the discovery of an ancient underground compound full of prehistoric Fey who were in a dormant period in special protected chambers recovering from a magical war. They worked their way through the protections (some requiring assistance from discoveries made by occult researchers on separate missions) for half the war and then spend the second half studying their subjects, decided they were to dangerous to simply wake up and attempt to manipulate, and so attempted to use both science and what magic they had acquired to brainwash the Sleepers.
Of course we got to them before they were ready with some supers and supernaturals “heroes” of the times managed to stop the on site researchers before they could attempt to wake them early in desperation. The damage caused by the heroes to the human equipment on site (didn’t know how to stop it so when in doubt, smash it all) removed some constant interference said equipment was causing to Fey’s artifacts to stop one of the “traps” from activating. The Fey’s compound began shaking and rumbling in such a way that the heroes ran for it assuming an autodestruct.
But it actually was a fail safe designed to trigger a lethal gas attack (Nazi’s managed to find and remove all of that [and found it very useful for the war effort]) and sink the compound deep beneath the earth to a large series of caverns with their own biospheres.
They finally healed enough to wake up on their own only partially brainwashed by the Nazi’s manipulations. Turned out partially was enough for a serious headache for those who had to deal with them. (their minds attempt to make the new patterns mesh with what they were, etc… made a crappy third thing that wouldn’t have been welcomed by either the Nazi’s or current Fey [who had changed a lot since the ancient Fey had walked the earth]) However the Council as a whole allows them some rights and protection as long as they seem to be playing ball. (modern Fey have agents working around the clock to find out what the Nazi Fey are really up to before they can do something that will at worst destroy the current status quo or at best paint their innocent modern relatives in a bad light by association.)
So kind of the opposite direction from the Moon.
Ooh, interesting stuff. Mmm Drow Fey.
[Feeling drowsey]
[Feeling DrowFey]
Fixed that for you. Though they appear mostly white, even if they weren’t originally, for obvious reasons. *shrugs*
Enjoy your abduction into the Fairy Mounds (entrances to tunnels leading to their level of caverns). Hopefully you get back before too many decades of real time pass here. (as they discovered more and more powers like the Council and the emerging government agent Supers etc… they sent the largest of the caverns to a shifted space time in order to give them some warning of physical attempts to enter like simply drilling in from the outside. [old fey from the primordial past not only had huge reserves but also simply don’t KNOW there are things they can’t do {which sometimes helps with magic… } plus a bit more knowledge, what survived the blending anyway]) And its kind of got layers like an onion to really mess up such attempts (your fist is breaking through the cavern wall but your ass is stuck still taking a few years to get through the last layer you were in. Leading to some oddball timey whimey effects for mortals they abduct for study, interrogation, amusement, etc…
I don’t mind waiting to get what you feel is the best out of your work.
Luna as an illusion? Luna is necessary for our survival. Without it Terra would be rotating too fast and life wouldn’t get very far.
Nazi Fey?!?!? The Fey have their own dangerous ways. No need to imitate Humans in any way. I suppose that is part of your analogy. Nazi/Fey would have been better as a representation.
Where do you think the Nazi’s got their ideas from? o_O
Schenectady, New York.
You too can get ideas by sending a self addressed stamped envelope to Schenectady, New York. Response time is typically 4-6 weeks.
They didn’t mean to. They were initially innocent of such copying but well, see above… (did you get separated from your thread? This comment system is sooo wonky. Always doin’ stuff like that!)
The first line was in response to Dave’s blog. So I can see why it was posted as a stand-alone comment. Only the second line being to the one of my replies, which was, at the time, at the bottom of the page.
Not that there is any need to limit the number of posts, in such circumstances. But it can be rolled into one, if desired.
Couldn’t you make the shading transparent and use solid colours? Change layer order after adding colour to make shade go on top, or add the colour layer first, but don’t fill it in until after shading is complete. You could also add a highlight layer if you need extra sparkle, like on Maxima.
That’s the other way of doing it. Well, there’s a bunch of ways to color, but doing flat color with a multiply layer for shadows and/or an add layer of some kind for highlights. That’s how Keith does it. I think the way I’ll wind up doing it is some combination of a bunch of different methods, trying to balance speed with quality.
The other fusspot is missing in the who`s who section.
Mr. Fusspot
Now that we (well Duende Sociopata) have identified the primary masterminds in this arc, it makes me wonder where the ultimate villain is lurking, behind the scenes? Clearly he will have been in that tree, which injured Sydney, outside the building. Having learnt his lesson, to hold on tighter, when super-humans are around, he will not have been shaken loose, when she hit the tree.
But what will the evil squirrel overlord have been doing since? I must envisage his mindset. Has he been going nuts, wondering what is going on in here? Or does he already have sleeper agents in the Council?
Breaking in by wearing disguises didn’t work, so it looks to me like he’s carrying out an act of sabotage.
*politely coughs*
How remiss of me, and Guesticus.
*guides Guesticus up to the podium*
Duende Sociopata did most of the work, just pointed out how the lady vamp’s hair looked familiar
The secret of the evil squirrel overlord:
Not going to find anything here: gave it up twenty years ago
The 1st of the month should not be allowed to fall on a weekend! No update until Monday, to tempt in the bulk of the readership, and the TWC counter has reset, at month end. So we are languishing at a mere 5th place, at the time of making this post!
Let’s try to push it up a place or two, before the update. :-)
Vote at least once every day
I like refreshing the page, after I vote, to see if my vote managed to push it up a level.
DaveB- don’t worry too much about your art- you’re magnificent! Not like my junk. No one should look at it, or anything. Not until I get an artist to replace my garbage, at least. Also, no one click this link. It would be disrespectful to Dave. Just Dave click it to see how much I suck.
I drew everything on whatever paper I had at the time, which I have in the comments. I… don’t deserve to be forgiven for being this terrible! But really. You’re fine, man, you’re fine. See how superior you are to me?
Oh also it’s extremely intentionally NSFW and you shouldn’t click it unless you’re legal age of your country. Or a good person. Or able to be offended by anything. Also Dave, just go ahead and remove this whole post if you want.
Hamster Ball Science! rules!
Whenever I’m reading the people in the background going ‘Hear hear’ and the other stuff they’re saying, I’m always visualizing them sounding like 18th century Englishmen or something who are saying no to Phineas Fogg or something in the Ministry of Science. Does that make me weird?
Not if I am anything to go by. I inserted the usual kind of noises from the Houses of Parliament, which, all things considered, would probably have a similar result.
I’m also imagining a lot of people going ‘Harumph!’ and ‘Egad!’ and ‘My word!’ and a lot of handlebar moustached people.
And monocles. Monocles as far as the eye can see. Which, if you’re wearing a monocole, might be farther than an eye without a monocle.
I think Sydney needs to have a look at Vale, with her Truesight Orb in hand. See the dialogue in panel 3 here, for what makes me suspicious.
You believe Vale to be an illusion?
Wait: veil-vale, Deus’ ‘assistant’ is part of the cover-up!!!!
Nah, I doubt Vale is an illusionist because that would be redundant. Deus already has one.
She’s technically right because they don’t have to be illusionists. They’re trying to downplay what Harem told them so she doesn’t think it’s that big a deal. Harem probably told them that because it seems harmless, and useless to anyone but Sydney and her team.
I have my guesses about what Vale’s ability is. Maybe she became aware of the Veil scheme early in life and took that name ironically after repeatedly failing to get people to listen. “Veil this, Veil that.”
No no, you both miss the point.
is an unusual turn of phrase. Innocuous enough, and not too out of place though, such that it did not leap out at the time. However, normally you might expect “nobody on Earth” or “nobody in the world”.
Unless, of course, you are not from this world.
Ah, yes, I did notice that and it did imply knowledge of other worlds. I do suspect Vale told Deus about that. But they knew about Sydney’s orb and probably would have kept her away from Vale if that was a problem. Then again that might be why Vale is so impatient in that elevator.
She might be something more “exotic” than a super but I doubt the orb will work on her.
As for the last, and as per the very conversation linked, which corroborates Dabbler’s assessment, Succubus illusions are top ranked. If it can pierce them, it seems likely that most supernatural disguises would be penetrated too.
Of course if Vale’s appearance is not suparnaturally altered then you could very well be right. For instance the Comm Ball will not show if she is surgically altered, to appear human.
Absolutely loving how Maxima’s looking in the second last panel.
I really like The October vote incentive.
@DaveB I’m not sure if this was pointed out elsewhere but GPS does not work that way. A GPS receiver receives signals sent by satellites. The receiver itself sends no signal. There is no way to track a reciver. If you put your phone in airplane mode, and turn off your wifi, the gps device can still get its location from the actual gps satellite system via triangulation without needing cellular assistance. It just takes longer. However once it has it it is just as locked. HPOV requires 4 sats, and VPOV requires one more. While technically 3 sats can provide the 3 axis triangulation needed for position, the receiver requires the 4th for confirmation. This is all strictly a receive operation. Interestingly a moving object has a higher positioning accuracy than a stationary one.
Anything that requires external location of a gps positioned needs to have some sort of transmitter. Alternatively, someone can be using radar, but then a gps is not required as position is determined by vector azimuth and range in relation to the radar source and its receiver. I believe Maxima said that the armband served as a transponder. That could potentially be bad for the council. A transponder send out a particular code when swept by a radar beam from the local Airport. That transponder code represents to the airport what the flight capabilities it is capable of. Presumably ArcSwat will not show up on flighttracker, however if they want to maintain the most secrecy ironically, they should take a car and walk.
Their chokers include an active tracker, though the battery technology in them must be really impressive since it’s got to be credit card thin. Presumably there’s a way to shut them off when they’re doing classified stuff in classified places.
I was about to turn the page…. actually waiting for the page to turn over… when I spotted your Bastion hanging out…
Ah. That was not nearly as funny as I thought it would be. I mean if the werewolves… erhm.. Dire Werewolves started howling at him, such might be funny. Cause Bast… like a butt… and full moon… no wait that would still be horrible, and I had to explain it to myself to keep it relevant.
I think all this exposition is putting my funny-bone to sleep. Either that or I hit my elbow again.
Would a Witch or Elementalist be considered supernatural anymore?
I mean Witches being magic users… and the magic is usually some kind of program here, while an Elementalist is basically a human that can channel a particular kind of element to control it, or take on its form. (and they sometimes have multiple elements) (If there was a water Elementalist and that liquid refiller guy met him/her that could become an issue since the liquid that makes up their element body is technically different from normal water)
Or even a Telekinetic, or Psychic?
Hooo that was close… I almost listed the different variations of Telekinetic and Psychic utilities before I caught myself.
Witches come in various flavours. I know one, as a friend, and she does not consider herself that. So most would likely fall under the mage faction, but those which focused on elemental magics might be associated with a faction that favoured such.
Everyone on the council is considered ‘supernatural’ by the way, even the aliens using high technology, rather than magic. But it is just a catch-all term they use to differentiate from ‘mundane human’ or ‘super human’. So does not match the standard English definition of the word (other than in a very broad sense, in that ‘aliens’ would not be considered natural/normal, to most of the public, nor spell-casters, for that matter).
What’s with the last panel? Weren’t we told a few pages ago that there are no robots?
Sydney looks up from her phone… “Dude! You’ve got a Pokémon Go Gym here! We don’t have one of those… Wait! I bet I can find lots of rare Pokémon around here!!! I’ve gotta tweet this…”
I know mine would be…
I wasn’t positive that would work. Kewl.