Grrl Power #460 – Super misdirection
I like the idea that Supers have an inexplicable compulsion to dress in capes and skin tight outfits, as suggested in the top flashback panel – only of course they don’t actually wear that stuff in my world. At least not the “official” ones. There are a few vigilantes out there.
The expression “You can’t put toothpaste back in the tube.” never really worked for me since, well, as Sydney points out, filling them is easy with the right equipment. The expression obviously assumes you don’t in fact have industrial toothpaste gear at your disposal, but I like my alternate expression in the stinger better anyway.
This scene has gone on long enough that people are starting to wonder when something will happen, which is a perennial issue for this comic, as I do enjoy my exposition. I wrote something about it here. The short version is I’d like to try to reign in the exposition a bit so maybe I’ll try that over the next section of this arc.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon as soon as I get up. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
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It would be pretty cool if Gregor was, in fact, a Mystery Man crime-fighter in the 1930s.
That is possible. Although wolves are short-lived, like dogs, and legends do not point towards werewolves being immortal, just hard to harm. However, what may support your idea, is that both Fluffy and Ingsol were teasing each other about their respective ages. So maybe they are peers (and Ingsol is hundreds of years old).
He would though have to be an associate of the guy with the tommy-gun, above, as they have different markings. We have seen what looked to be Gregor, with his daughter, when she was a baby, and he had exactly the same markings, but just looked younger.
Wolves do have different coats in summer to winter. And older wolves tend to go grey. But, as far as I know, they keep the same basic pattern. A wolf with an all-black summer coat, for instance, will retain that the following summer.
Werecreature longevity tends to vary by species and mythos. White Wolf Game Studios’ Werewolf: The Apocalypse, for example, says that werewolves tend to live 100-120 years, regardless of breed, while werecrocodilians (werealligators, werecrocodiles, werecaymans, etc., all falling under the umbrella term of “Mokole”) can live for centuries or even millennia by periodically hibernating. Other mythoi have them either living a normal human lifespan, living for centuries (usually cursed werewolves, like MacFinn from Jim Butcher’s Fool Moon), or even being effectively immortal.
At the risk of being speciesist, I assume you as a canine would know more than I would about wolves, but as far as I know, they keep the same color scheme throughout their lives, only changing shade a little as they age.
That’s because World of Darkness werewolves have incredible regenerative powers, and regeneration does indicate longevity. Our bodies are in a constant war of decay and growth: when we are young, the growth outstrips the decay by a lot, then it levels out, then as we get older, the decay outstrips the growth, resulting in things like wrinkles, brittle bones, senility etc. That’s why Logan hasn’t aged much between World War II and now.
Keep in mind, Gregor ain’t a wolf. He’s a Dire-wolf. So maybe he’ll live longer than a normal human.
I guess vampires do have to be very careful of their oral hygiene. I wonder what other tooth related analogies or phrases they might habitually use?
Their fangs would be fiendishly difficult to perform dentistry on though, so I can see why they might obsess over them. And, unlike humans, who can switch to soft food, if vampires need to suck blood through their fangs, yet loose their teeth, they would starve!
It would be seriously embarrassing to have to switch from normal human-type dentures, for every day talking and socialising, to custom ones, with hollowed fangs, when it came to dinner time.
“Oh come on, you are kidding me! You are just some delusional fake vampire-wannabe! Deal’s off, you had me half-believing that you were real. But no way am I letting some dirty old man suck at my neck, no matter how much you pay me!”
That assumes that vampires internalize blood through their fangs. If the fangs are merely a tool for breaking the skin, a vampire with broken fangs might simply opt to carry a nice sharp razor blade with him as a stand-in.
Most vampires do use their fangs merely to break through the skin, and swallow blood the way we drink other fluids. Some are said to have a needle-like tongue that does the same thing, and I’ve even heard legends of some vampires (or vampire-like creatures) that such blood through their tongues, or having hollow fangs like venomous snakes, but your mileage may vary with that one.
My understanding is that broken fangs either grow back just like any other damaged body part, or get yanked out and the vampire grows a new set of undamaged chompers.
As for vampires with dentures, I’ve never heard of any myself outside of comedy horror movies. I assume that lost teeth regrow during the transformation from human to vamp, but not being a vampire myself, I wouldn’t know.
And yes, I’ve heard of vampires carrying straight razors, daggers, etc. as “feeding implements” for various reasons. The RPG Vampire: The Masquerade even had an enchanted straight razor that would let the vampire using it draw blood from a victim through the razor’s blade magically without having to bite or drink directly; it was created by a fussy vampire who thought sucking a victim’s blood directly was gross. -_^
WAIT i just realized…. is … is Ingsol a reference to Magicka?
What? o_O
That’s absurd! There are no vampires in Magicka. :)
Sydney’s face is getting broader and rounder every new page. Is she allergic to supernaturals?
It’s the headband
Maybe Halo has become a were-Orb, and is gradually transforming!
Pretty soon she will moon the werewolves!
Oh boy…. Yeah I’m not even touching that last subreddit
Is that because of all the time spent trawling the penultimate one?
that one’s an actual website, just not a subreddit.
I clicked on the second one, but it wasn’t quite what I was expecting.
. o O ( Hm.. since he’s on about global communications and social media, wouldn’t “There is no putting that toothpaste back in that youtube” be more fitting? ;> )
It was just one of those things in the beginning but I find it really annoying that I keep getting blocked from posting here sometimes for hours after a new release.
Every time I go to post for the first time on a new release it feels like Russian roulette. ( And it pretty much feels like necroposting by the time it lets me in.)
Lets see if it feels like letting me vent now several days later shall we?
Nope, guess not.
Dave did you mention the whale carcass because they just re-aired the original Oregon news report footage a little while back? (side note “the blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds” is definitely one of my favorite examples of alliteration)
I keep wondering why, exactly, that kid is painted gold, if it’s not to indicate being a fan of Maxima…
maybe she wants to be a gold-digger when she grows up?
possibly it was a matter of an art project that went wrong?
Amateur production of Goldfinger?
Street performers regularly paint-up to look like robots or statues. If that is her day-job you can see why she might be irritated to assume that the recent arrival of Maxima would be the reason why she looks like that. But not too irritated, as it gives her something in common with her favourite super-heroine.
Incidentally, I love the enthused grin that she has. :-D
And now I’m no longer even trying to post anything but just curious if it will let me post all these days later…
Test number 13
I so want to see more of the super in the second panel.
*paws over a bottle of turpentine*
There’s no unexploding that whale carcass…unless you happen to be in a universe of infinite potential supernatural abilities and powers wherein, one can safely assume someone out there has the power to create a time-space zone that can reverse the event of a given location or otherwise just tap into another timeline where that didn’t happen and replace the events of this one.
Quoth the bowl of petunias, “Oh no, not again.” ^_^
Putting the toothpaste “back” in the tube implies that the toothpaste has been, in fact, used, meaning it has been reduced to a mixture of foam and saliva, in which case, yes, putting it back into the tube would be not only difficult but highly inadvisable.
At last, somebody who concurs with my ‘icky’ stance!
*bends over to conduct personal hygiene cleaning, with tongue*
You know, I have a catgirl roommate who occasionally likes to do that. (Tongue-bathing, I mean.)
She likes to tease me by offering to let me watch, knowing full well that I won’t be able to do anything to her since we both know I’m not her type. (I’m not sure if it’s because I’m a guy or because I’m a fae, though…)
And yes, catgirls are evil. And so are cats.
@Sydney: Actually, toothpaste tubes are filled from the bottom, which is then sealed shut during the manufacturing process.
You’re welcome for that piece of totally useless trivia. -_^
“Ah… ha ha, ’cause I’m a wolf. You got me.”
This comic can be hit or miss, but some of the hits are really frikkin good
Toothpaste tube get filled by the other end before it get heat sealed. If anyone is currious.
I just realized – in light of The Boys and its The Deep story arc, Dave’s 2016 comment at the bottom of the page proved rather prophetic with regards to superhero pop-culture.