Grrl Power #458 – The Super enigma
To head off the comments about “but the government has known about supers for a long time,” yes that’s true, but I can only fit so much on one page. :) But think about a world in which there is no Superhero archetype, but there is other super-y stuff. Figuring out that these wildly disparate individuals are part of the same group would be really difficult, especially if you only ever got to study a handful of them in your lifetime.
I imagine Sydney will go through many iterations of her utility belt load out. Luckily she figured out the encumbrance issue early on, but I know if it was me, I’d be apoplectic (/me double checks what apoplectic means… nope, not the right word) I’d have extreme indecisiveness and anxiety (there should be a word which means that) about my gear load out. I probably wouldn’t carry arts and crafts with me, but, hmm, maybe a needle and thread? Well, if I could fix the hem of my cape and also sew shut a knife wound.
I have a hard enough time picking my load out in video games. Though with a game’s finite rule set I usually settle in to a few favorites, but for my utility belt in the real world? I’d want some epipens, even though I’m not allergic to anything, probably some spare batteries (but they’re so heavy) multi-tools, a mirror, video cable adapters… I don’t know why I would need those, I just know if I left them out the world would be at risk! Gah! It would be physically stressful trying to decide what to include.
This page colored by Keith.
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Ingsol reminds me of Lovecraft with that heavy jaw line. Imagine Lovecraft as a vampire.
Now that you mention it…
I calling it now that one pouch for arts and crafts that Sydney have is going to be super useful later.
Chekov’s Arts and Crafts Pouch confirmed.
Honestly, my response to reading the ‘batman approved’ line was like, “Batman would totally approve of scissors, glue, a decent pen, a couple sharpies, and some sticky notes.” Do you have any idea how many situations you can solve with simple tools like that?
Googley eyes have already been useful
By the way, shouldn’t it or should it not be “some can turn into fire” in panel three rather than “some can turn in to fire?” The way it’s written suggests that someone can turn a corner and walk into a blazing inferno, while my way suggests that he can become fire – which seems to fit with what’s on the clipboard. Either way suggests super powers though if he can do it and survive!
Shhh, let it alone, otherwise my previous joke will not work :P
I want a gold star now… all the childhood traumas coming back to me… :'(
Here you go. I hope that makes it all better.
Probably not. Rather, he appears to be an unknown, possibly theoretical, probably fire-based superpowered person that the supernaturals are studying in an effort to classify him. The checks on the clipboard list represent options that they have ruled out.
Agreed. Especially if referring to Ingsol, the most prominent vampire we have seen. Give that he is 700 years old. Whereas the above examination scene is clearly a modern setting.
No, I don’t thing that’s Ingsol, but I would swear that the brunette in the lab coat is Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.
Batman would approve of the stickers if they were bats
Considering her success with using googly eyes in an actual combat situation, I dunno if I’d discount her picks here.
Have game advertisers not learnt from Steam? Why take someone straight to the ‘sign up’ screen, with no other alternative but to proceed or abort? Although I might be curious about a game, wise enough to advertise here, I am not about to give out my email address, and commit myself to a boring installation period, for something I know nothing about!
Sure, have the sign up options prominently visible. But give us a trailer, some ‘about’ information, and options such as checking out the fan community. Because if they can’t be bothered to provide me that much, I am not convinced they care about players more than making a profit!
@DaveB: What you need is Largo’s Cool Thing from MegaTokyo.
Ew… the muscles are back.
Major gross-out.
I’d think a pouch with a arts and crafts would be handy for her. Googly eyes have already proven useful and if she ever made it to a kids hospital wing as a PR spin. A gold star from a real superhero might make any kids day.
Batman has like 12 kids, if he doesn’t have craft supplies SOMEWHERE on his utility belt, I will be surprised.
The gum might not be Batman-approved, but it’s probably The Flash-approved. “Kick ass and chew bubble gum” and all that.