Grrl Power #458 – The Super enigma
To head off the comments about “but the government has known about supers for a long time,” yes that’s true, but I can only fit so much on one page. :) But think about a world in which there is no Superhero archetype, but there is other super-y stuff. Figuring out that these wildly disparate individuals are part of the same group would be really difficult, especially if you only ever got to study a handful of them in your lifetime.
I imagine Sydney will go through many iterations of her utility belt load out. Luckily she figured out the encumbrance issue early on, but I know if it was me, I’d be apoplectic (/me double checks what apoplectic means… nope, not the right word) I’d have extreme indecisiveness and anxiety (there should be a word which means that) about my gear load out. I probably wouldn’t carry arts and crafts with me, but, hmm, maybe a needle and thread? Well, if I could fix the hem of my cape and also sew shut a knife wound.
I have a hard enough time picking my load out in video games. Though with a game’s finite rule set I usually settle in to a few favorites, but for my utility belt in the real world? I’d want some epipens, even though I’m not allergic to anything, probably some spare batteries (but they’re so heavy) multi-tools, a mirror, video cable adapters… I don’t know why I would need those, I just know if I left them out the world would be at risk! Gah! It would be physically stressful trying to decide what to include.
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The government’s version of a “long time” and the council’s version of a “long time” are QUITE different, I’m sure.
I’m sure a 700 year old vampire’s definition of a ‘long time’ is quite different from anyone with a finite lifespan.
Exactly a longtime a go in my personal experiens is late 70 and earle 80. When i was a young boy.
A long time ago for me is based on my Grandfather’s stories of life in the “old country.” So that goes back around a century.
Thats not personal long ago. Thats second hand long ago.
loke my fathers mothers memory or the years after ww2. And stories of my grand parents life during ww2 and ww1.
or my great uncel that left sweden moved to usa then moved back to sweden in great hurry. He had been drafted to fight in vietnam war and he refused and became a wanted man in usa. But escaped back to sweden leaving the land he loved behind him.
Meh. Whippersnapper. I was around when the last survivor of the battle of Trafalgar died!
OK it was a giant tortoise, with an extremely long life-span. But, as a ship’s mascot, it was an official member of the crew.
Make sense in history cars, dogs, birds all have been part of the crew.
Are you sure?
I can find no reference to such a beast.
Timothy was however the last surviving active service member during the Crimean war. She died in 2004 but was estimated to have been born aroun 1839. 34 years after the Battle of Trafalgar
I stand corrected, thanks for pointing that out. I should have referred to the Crimean War, rather than the Battle of Trafalgar.
Not helped by me mentally thinking of each just as “Crimea” or “Trafalgar”. Which makes it all to easy for my problem, with names, to just swap them around. The other details are correct. He was a ships mascot. He did die within my lifetime. And he had been kicking around since long before WWI.
Well, the other possibility is that I have slipped through another crack, in the time-space continuum, and am in a boring world, where the Trafalgar mascot died, because someone else got hit instead.
But then you would not have had that famous scene, where Nelson took the mascot, on his victory parade, with him, after the battle of Trafalgar. So I guess the former must be the case.
Maybe you were think of this episode of QI about a tortoise that died in 2006 and was born before Mozart and the French Revolution (255 years that one managed to evade the dinner table)
Heh, I love that episode. But, no, it was from regular reporting, such as this.
When 160 years old you be, look as good you will not.
I didn’t know about that show! It’s qui… pretty intriguing, I will watch some. Thank you!
Personally, the answers they give are more fun than if they got them correct
The local show (“7 Days”) is similar in that aspect: they discuss news from the last week, but they spend half the time having fun than actually giving answers, still feel they should extend it to a full hour
Making you 118?
It probably would be something like that, if I had not mixed up “Trafalgar” and “Crimea” :-D
I just love how ludicrously outrageous it sounds, whilst being perfectly true. Which is what gave me the confidence to hit the “submit” comment, smugly, at the end. Without doing my normal “there is a name in there, is it the right one?” check.
Although it is a clinical problem I have (rather than the problem anyone has with names) I do rather suspect that I have attracted a little demon. Which feeds off ‘smugic energy.’ So any time I get too smug, proud, or over-confident, it gains the power to mess with my memory, and swap names around!
Actually ‘hubric energy’ has a bit more of an ancient feel to it.
Well, we have had “Tantric” and “Violence” (or what Kevin feeds on) energy, so why not “Hubric Energy” (even if you mean ‘hubris’ :P sorry, but a single example on “Urban Dictionary” doesn’t count as being a real word)
Hubric is my coining of a word, with the root, as you surmised, being “hubris”. Using an ancient word, as the root, is what gives it the feeling of the ages. Despite being newly coined.
You may spend it as you wish.
Now imagine the stories that Ingsol was told by his Sire.
Indeed. At risk of sounding cynical, the time sense of elected officials tend to be limited to the next couple of election cycles at most.
“Diplomacy is about surviving until the next century. Politics is about surviving until Friday afternoon!”
– Sir Humphrey Appleby, Yes, Prime Minister
A few hundred years ago, proper politics also included literally surviving until friday afternoon.
Batman have batstars posters in his utilitybelt.
Those googly eyes have already shown their merit during emergencies…
I was thinking that myself!
So THAT’s where Harem got them for DeathToll/PWBS? Makes sense…
Wait, what? Talking to trees is a superpower? How is that supposed to work? I mean, if someone claims to be able to do that, how can you tell if it actually has any effect?
Guess it all depends on what the trees have to say.
Tree talking. Ooo,no not that dog again.. and please dont get me started on the birds creapy beast and the bugs. I heard a pair of human boys talking they said the school was ful OO beavers. Its a nightmare beavers they could eat me alive….
superhearo Tree talker “please take me away from the park”
[fights urge, to wee on the tree]
[Puts wings on hips]
And what exactly is wrong with birds?
Don’t worry, I love birds!
But as friends, or for lunch? Or are you using British slang?
No, it only counts if the trees talk back
trees do talk, but it’s only in canine lingo, lots of barks
i can talk to trees.
so can i
cool, can you make YOURS do tricks?
i can ask it for an apple
but this is a cherry tree
yeah. cool, huh?
Henry the IV, Part 1
Cousin, of many men
I do not bear these crossings. Give me leave
To tell you once again that at my birth
The front of heaven was full of fiery shapes,
The goats ran from the mountains, and the herds
Were strangely clamorous to the frighted fields.
These signs have mark’d me extraordinary;
And all the courses of my life do show
I am not in the roll of common men.
Where is he living, clipp’d in with the sea
That chides the banks of England, Scotland, Wales,
Which calls me pupil, or hath read to me?
And bring him out that is but woman’s son
Can trace me in the tedious ways of art
And hold me pace in deep experiments.
I think there’s no man speaks better Welsh.
I’ll to dinner.
Peace, cousin Percy; you will make him mad.
I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
Why, so can I, or so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?
Why, I can teach you, cousin, to command
The devil.
And I can teach thee, coz, to shame the devil
By telling truth: tell truth and shame the devil.
If thou have power to raise him, bring him hither,
And I’ll be sworn I have power to shame him hence.
O, while you live, tell truth and shame the devil!
True fact: mum’s family can trace it’s roots back to the last true Prince of Wales
Huh? But you’re from New Zealand?
Oh, now I think I get it!
Actually came here via Rhodesia (what is now known as the “Shit-hole of Africa” after being the former “Bread-basket of Africa”)
Likewise my brother, although he tried going to Australia, instead.
I can see the family resemblance now!
One of our ancestors bred the Sealyham Terrier
One of my ancestors in the Royal Navy was killed boarding a pirate ship. It’s a funny old world.
One of my ancestors captained a privateer ship for the Royal Navy.
One of my ancestors gave birth to another of my ancestors. Come to think of it, several of them did.
Several of your ancestors gave birth to one of your ancestors? That sounds… complicated.
They had to hide the baby, and it was dark, and they couldn’t see which one was the mother…
All of my ancestors who gave birth gave birth to one of my ancestors and only one, but not every one of my ancestors gave birth, while everyone given birth by one of my ancesors gave birth to one of my ancestors or none at all.
If one of my ancestors “A” gives birth to another of my ancestors, “B”, and “B” gave birth to another of my ancestors, “C”, and “C” gives birth to another of my ancestors, “D”, then several of my ancestors gave birth to another of my ancestors without “(s)everal of my ancestors giving birth to one of my ancestors”.
heredity, it’s a social disease
Would you rather there wasn’t any?
Is your mum a mummer perchance?
We are all genetically related. Probably because the previous generations were wiped out by the gigantic explosion of the Toba caldera in Indonesia. Turned a thousand foot volcano into a deep lake a mile deep, 20 miles wide and 60 miles long. about 75,000 to 70,000 years ago. Humanity had flowed out of Africa 100,000 years ago and then again 50,000 years ago. If there were true and advanced race of humans that long ago not much would remain but stories and legends. Not much tech. I know it is highly speculative but it kind of fits.
I meant more closely related genetically than previously thought. If that is because such a global disaster killed them off leaving the original human stock surviving in Africa to go out of Africa again at a more recent date would show a much closer familial relation that if it was 100,000 years ago.
I can also ask my tree for an apple. To bad it’s a dick and just ignores me.
Well that’s what you get for asking a fig tree for an apple. 8^p
I don’t understand. I can turn in to fire, talk to trees, and walk through walls too. Everybody I know can. How is all that “super”?
It’s beautiful!
Plants communicate with other plants and with insects all by chemical means.
What is he, a D&D3.5 Monk?
Ask Poison Ivy. Or Illyria.
trees have a lot to say, unfortunately this mostly consists of “I am Groot” which has hundreds of meanings , most of them untranlateable.
It could be virtual omniscience about everything that moves in a forest. Or the ability to control how it grows letting you shape them into bizarre patterns or turn them…eventually…into living houses.
Following the former line of thought, that could be tapping into something like the Gaia hypothesis* and analysing the connections the trees have with anything in their surroundings. The ‘talking to’ part just being supplied from the user’s own subconsciousness, in order to frame questions (a.k.a. cast a data search spell) and analyse the incoming data, as if being reported to in a conversation.
* The ‘something like’ indicating the hippy-tree-hugger type of thinking “all life is connected dude”, mixed in with a bit of Yoda force mumbo jumbo along the same lines.
I think the creators of the Veil approached the issue from precisely the wrong direction. Instead of concealing things that are specifically defined from the mundane population, then have to add / update definitions every time something new comes to their attention, they should have gone the other way, and first defined ‘mundane’ in a way that allows for natural progression and group beliefs, and set up the veil to scale its concealments by how much some individual or action deviates from the defined mean.
This way, the Amish get to be as Amish as they want to be, the same as any other mundane group without significantly triggering the Veil, but Maxima’s gold skin might be just perceived as a spectacular tan most of the time. Supernatural creatures acting like normal humans would be perceptually filtered to appear human, and as soon as something outrageous happens, the Veil kicks in stronger to suppress awareness of that.
Well, you know how it is with legacy code. The original application only needed to cover a handful of known use cases, and each time an upgrade was requested, it was easier just to tack on a new section rather than rewrite the whole thing.
The issue with that is then you have to define everything except the supernatural stuff. You can’t just say “all beetles are mundane” cause what if there’s a magic wish granting beetle or an alien beetle? Either way you have lists of things to manage, and defining just the supernatural stuff makes for a more concise database, even if a few rare things slip through for a while.
Thus, the important combinatory power of using both blacklists and whitelists. But regardless of how meticulous you are, something always slips past the filters in the wrong way.
In my world, the deities created a list of all the inteligent species on their world. From this list various enchantments protect the people from a lot of possible problems in the biology of other life on their world and various spells. At some point, the people of the world created a new inteligent species, so the deities created a way for the people of the world to add new peoples to the list. That required the new people to be deemed ‘locals inhabitants/citizens of the world.’
When humans crashlanded on the planet they were not covered by these protections. It took several years for them to be willing to give up their old citizenship so they could become local citizens and join that protective list.
Things that were perfectly normal a few hundred years ago are VERY weird now.
Imagine coding in that humans can’t fly. Now come back a few hundred years later and boom. Airplanes.
Technology can do things now that would have seemed even beyond magic not to long ago.
Thing is, humans by themselves can’t fly. They can be carried around by an external device.
Well, the secret to flying is to be able to throw yourself at the ground, and just before you hit the ground, you miss.
Humans are very good at throwing themselves at the ground. We haven’t mastered the … and then miss part yet.
Arthur Dent managed to master the knack & was even able to teach Fenchurch how to manage it too.
I can see Sydney’s arts and crafts pouch good for bonding with kids in a PR kind of way. Or I can see a situation where she is keeping kids safe in her shield while the fight rages outside and she keeps them distracted. Or as motivation for creating a “Baker Street Irregulars” kind of thing.
Talking to trees as a super power to me could be useful especially if the trees can relay messages to each other. A fugitive runs into the woods and the super asks the nearest tree to check with the rest of the forest for the super’s location or what someone said during a secret meeting etc.
Just my thoughts.
Love the comic.
Trees can indeed talk to each other, but not exactly consciously.
If something starts munching on leaves, those leaves can give off chemical signals warning the other leaves (and other trees) that there is something around munching on leaves. The other leaves can then start producing chemicals that make them taste bad, preventing the munching. It’s why giraffes always eat in the direction opposite of the wind. Tastier leaves in that direction.
But they don’t have eyes or something, so they can’t exactly see your fugitive.
Was kind of thinking more Xanth level talking to trees which goes into a fantasy setting but it depends on the universe I guess.
Keeping kids distracted while a fight takes place nearby? Isn’t that one of the uses for which Hostess twinkies/fruit pies/cupcakes are intended?
no- hostess Twinkies and cupcakes are for subduing bad guys.
You don’t consider kids as ‘bad guys’? o_O
Personally, thought ‘apoplectic’ was the right word, was going “Yup, know what that feels like!” but then it was “Wait, what? So what does it mean?”
Guess will have to look it up later, getting sleepy now, hope to be back later
Now that you mention it, yes, that is the correct meaning, thank you both
Medically, it is internal bleeding of an organ, normally stated as ‘[organ] apoplexy,’ but technically, ‘her ovaries are apoplectic’ would be correct as well. Colloquially it is extreme anger.
…which is a specific condition Sydney is well aware of. It was only a couple of days earlier that she started taking Midol.
Wait, is Sydney saying that Maxi has stinky breath? o_O
No, but come to mention it Sydney should have included breath mints. Doctors orders (directly ordered to take them, and thereby implied that she should continue to do so).
Does seem a bit co-inky-dinky that Sydney mentions having gum just after Maxi screams in her face
Not unreasonable. I should have said ‘not likely’, rather than a flat ‘no’. I just got distracted by the other point I made.
Sydney’s face just does not have the appropriate expression, to support the supposition, that is all. Such reactions are instinctive, and therefore hard to conceal, when taken by surprise. You would expect a look of disgust. As opposed to surprise/ shock/ fear/ irritation.* Disgust is distinctly different to any of those, hence why I felt confident.
As for the timing, Sydney simply did not want to lie by omission. She was itemising her utility belt, by the broad categories of “arts and craft” and “approved items” (in her own colourful way). But gum fitted into neither category. And an inspection might be imminent. So it would not do to avoid mentioning it, to her commanding officer, given her, clearly irate, mood.
Saying it fairly quietly would just be an indication of not wishing to provoke her more. Gum not being popular with many authority figures, given the icky mess it can create in public areas.
* I give a variety of potential interpretations, to minimise the risk of me, unconsciously, tailoring my conclusion to fit the visuals.
In a static medium like a comic, an artist can only portray one emotion at a time, and in this case, DaveB went with the initial ‘startled’ but tagged on the quiet “I also have gum.” to convey the secondary emotion
It is very common for someone commenting on another persons hygiene (oral or body) sotto voce: quiet enough they can still hear, but not loud enough they can hear it clearly, specially after the smelly one has started to walk away
True enough.
In which case, I turn to further thoughts. We have seen Maxima behave like this with others. Yet I do not recall getting a similar reaction, from them. Then, given Sydney’s diet, and the things it does to her own breath, is it likely that she would consider Maxima’s to be worse, or even noticeable? Plus Maxima is a very senior soldier, well used to discipline and thereby maintaining proper oral hygiene.
Finally Maxima spends much of her day in face-to-face meetings, with people of equal (e.g. Arianna* or Zephan) or higher rank (General Faulk) to herself. Not to mention clearly having various friends, who are close enough they would speak up (Peggy is junior to Maxima, but they have been friends since long before Archon was formed). Likewise the super-doc is clearly not shy about raising such issues.
So I feel it is unlikely that, even if Maxima was being lax, that things would have deteriorated, without one of her peer-group having said something. Well before it got so bad that a recruit, with her own breath-issues, would find Maxima’s breath offensive.
But even unlikely things can happen. And there are mitigators, like the stress of the job, and them all having more important things to discuss. If that is the case, then I imagine we would get others reacting quite heavily, and soon. Although I do not feel it to be all that likely.
* A civilian is outside of the chain-of-command, but as Arianna heads up her own department, that puts her on a par with Maxima, in social terms. They can speak their mind to each other, freely, and often do.
Was just making with the funnies :(
I over-analysed again, didn’t I? Nooo!
*runs to river-bank and jumps off edge*
*lands head-first in dried-up sand*
Here, have a Yorpie… after you shake yourself off over there, no, a bit further, don’t need to be covered in dirt thank you
Mouf full ov sand. Buf fankfs.
You two are priceless :)
Fairly sure, you will find Yorp to be valued more than me
Not at all. We are each valued, on our own merits, I am sure.
For instance those who get fed up with seeing my dog avatar everywhere, and those who do not like long posts, will both favour your more balanced contributions.
I, for one, value you highly Guesticus!
As Yorp said I do value you two individually, along with a few other commenters. You are sharp, straight to the point and with a subtle humor. Yorp is knowledgeable, skilled debater and a natural mediator. All things I value and enjoy, Granted you are a notch too abrasive, while Yorp is convoluted and a bit prone to lecture but hell ;)
However this time I was referring to your interaction. There are plenty of interesting ones around here, but yours is regulary amusing. Keep it up :)
Such an interpretation, however, crosses over from exigesis to eisegesis,. While it is possible, it isn’t necessarily what she meant. I find it more likely (IMHO) that she specifically stated that she had gum because she felt it didn’t fit into either of the other two categories (that is, “arts and crafts” and “Batman-approved”) that she mentioned. At this point, however, I suspect only DaveB knows for sure and until he tells us (hint, hint*), we are left guessing.
* Why, yes, “Subtlety” is my middle name, donchya know.
60s batman carried bat-cookies I think
I don’t know about the live-action, Adam West version, but now that you mention it, I do recall seeing him hand out bat cookies in the old Super Friends cartoons.
Can someone explain to me, what AquaDork was doing on that show? o_O
If I recall correctly, he was swimming around and talking to the fishes.
So, just as lame as ever then
O Rly,h_1200,q_auto,w_960/yn6trm26mretcaaflh9q.jpg
well sure that version.
SuperFriends version however was a little silly. Though green lantern was worse
*Green lantern forms a supermini car from his ring, and putt-putt-putters off*
Yes, really, AquaDork will always be lame
Ventriloquist and Comedian Jeff Dunham had a lame superhero named Melvin in one of his shows, and even the puppet thought Aquaman was pretty pathetic.
To paraphrase: “He can breath underwater and talk to fish? Great! He has all the same powers as Spongebob Squarepants.
And Spongebob meats an Aquaman type with his sidekick. MermaidMan and BarnacleBoy
*sigh* spelling. I meant meets
Quite an unfortunate one, now that you point it out.
Oh, yes. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy! Once, fearless protectors of the sea – supposedly – and now senile senior citizens.
How come everyone in that show is stupid? I mean, is there a rule somewhere that sez that all American cartoons that are trying to be funny have to have a cast loaded with stupid people? I think there must be cause that’s about all there is out there . . .
Welcome to the world of “corporate executives think the viewers are stupid. Therefore, watching stupid people on TV must be funny to them because they have someone stupider than themselves to laugh at.”
Good luck convincing most broadcasting executives that a cartoon can actually have characters with more than half a brain. Especially the executives at Nickelodeon. *sighs* I miss the 80s, when cartoons were actually fun to watch…
Ah, yes. I remember the eighties and Saturday morning cartoons.
He only ran for one season, but I have fond memories of Thundarr the Barbarian with his lightsaber . . . er, his “fabulous sun sword,” his Wookie companion . . . er, his Mok companion, and his hotty sidekick.
Oh, ick, I did not realise that existed. No reflection on the program itself. Just the fact that my favourite barbarian was called “Thundar”. So finding out there was a cartoon, with such a similar name, and role, devalues the memory of him.
Were I to refer to him, people might assume I had just copied the cartoon. Whereas he had a rich backstory which would be (hopefully) completely different to the cartoon.
Hmmm. Not a fan, eh?
Well, we yanks also had a Dungeons And Dragons cartoon – which also only lasted one season. Or, if you’re into future cowboys on spaceships, we could offer you The Adventures Of The Galaxy Rangers, which lasted only one season as well.
I wonder what it says about my tastes that I seem to like so many relatively unsuccessful shows . . .
Not a fan, simply due to lack of exposure to it. Although, generally speaking, I am not keen on watching old programs. The majority do not stand the ‘test of time’ well. However cartoons do have a better chance of doing so than film or TV. Setting aside the greats, which clearly do pass the test unscathed.
I did quite enjoy the D&D cartoon, in its day mind. That one did come across the Atlantic. Irritating though it was that, for all-too-long non-gamers associated ‘DM’ and ‘D&D’ with the cartoon, rather than the roleplaying game!
Along that vein, I am really glad that we did not get other forms of product-placement, to the same degree as Americans. That list of product placements, supplied elsewhere in the comments, made my skin crawl! How to take the reader/viewer, out of the moment, in one easy step.
It just goes to show you how little I know! Galaxy Rangers may have only lasted for one season, but Thundarr managed to eke out two and Dungeons And Dragons got three!
If your interested, you can find out who TV’s Thundarr was and how the show worked by consulting his Wikipedia page. In the meantime though, I’m all curious now about what your barbarian was like.
His backstory was a bit too extensive to detail here. But drew in various elements from the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. He was though a type of half-orc which received a strength bonus. That was pivotal, to his build, as I took every option which could increase his strength. Nothing original, of course, but it was fun.
I had been wanting to try a 3rd edition barbarian, but always felt they were relatively squishy, for their role, So I did what I could to improve that, but nothing which would compromise his strength. I figured that taking out the enemy quickly would eliminate the need to be tougher.
I can have some very complex characters, so that one was enjoyable, for the sheer simplicity of play. His weapons of choice were a type of two-handed scimitar and a spiked chain. Both of which allowed him to capitalise on his strength, especially with the tripping/entangling capabilities, of the latter. Plus, of course, he commissioned a bow (a magical eleven one, at that) which allowed him to use his full pull.
I recall him being particularly adept at substituting for a rogue, whenever one was unavailable. Admittedly any locks he picked resulted in doors that could be used as toothpicks. But he was tough enough to shrug off trap damage, when he could not avoid it.
He was wise enough not to do stuff like that too often mind. So he survived to high level and old age.
Fairly sure Galaxy Rangers lasted more than one season, found old tapes copied from TV, managed to squeeze about eight episodes onto at minimum of seven tapes (but only managed to find two DVDs so far)
You may be right.
I was going by what it said on the Galaxy Rangers <a href=""Wikipedia page, which says there was only one season. However, it also says that there was a total of 65 episodes made and that seems a bit much for one season.
Sorry! I managed to screw up that link. Here is the correct one:
It also says that they all were broadcasted in just three months (Sept to Dec) one a day from Mon to Fri, so yes, only one season rather intense :)
If my childhood memory serves me right, SuperFriends Batman would be in the 70’s, not the 60’s though.
True. However they were the 60s tv show version of Batman and Robin in 70s SuperFriends. complete with the actors doing the voices who were them in the show.
As a matter of fact, I now recall that Batman at least once provided cookies for Shaggy and Scooby-Doo! Not to mention a big bag of Bat Snacks.
Not to mention all the superheros that gave away Hostess snacks. No comment on “Veronica lures Archie away from another woman with a taste of her pie. Hostess fruit pie, of course.”
Randal Milholland of SomethingPositive has a short other series called SuperStupor. In one the hero stops the villain with Hostess. Then tells the villain that they needed to stop doing that. It wasn’t good for the villain’s weight and diabetes. Then they hugged awkwardly
Wow! Who knew Hostess snacks were so powerful? I hope Sydney has a few in her utility belt!
Maybe we could ship a few crates off to the Middle East . . .
A more modern version of Batman carries a black credit card…”I never leave the cave without it.”
That one also had Bat-Nipples, though.
Sadly Batman Forever will forever be known as Bat Nipples Save The Day
I guess it beats “Bat Anatomically-Censored-Chest Fails To Save The Day”.
At least it’s not the slapstick borderline for even SpikeTV cartoon Stripperella and her nipple glass cutters
Don’t forget about the camera shots of the Bat-Butt. If Batgirl had been in Batman Forever, I wouldn’t have minded camera shots of her Bat-Butt. Sadly, we got Val Kilmer instead.
That was supergirl:
Check the whole serie, worth it:
Let us leave Adam West Batman to the side for serious BM talk. And I am a fan of the Greenhornet of the same time. It was serious.
MSpears you obtained plenty of Bat heinie on the George Clooney with Bat Girl.
My problem was the escalation in each of the costumes getting too bulky to use. And the downgrading of the Batmobile from the 1989 Batman then a great improvement update of the tumbler as urban warfare upgrade.
You are aware that Kato, GH’s sidekick was played by none other than Bruce Lee, right?
Did his untimely death prevent him from continuing the role, later in the character’s career, as Cato, Inspector Clouseau’s sidekick?
I’ve got utility pants:
I also carry around a first aid kit, toolbox and crate of other assorted stuff in the back of my SUV.
*covers eyes with paws*
Pole-dancing fat bloke warning!
If I were Sydney I’d sneak a gold star on to Max. . . just to see how long it would take for anyone to notice.
Hahahaha, you got a big chuckle out of me.
The only problem is when she found it, there would really only be ONE place it could have come from. You might want to be on another continent when she finds it!
Nah. Maxima seems strangely tolerant of Sydney’s shenanigans.
Because Sydney is clearly eccentric, yet is also likely to become more powerful than Maxima one day. So Maxima is walking a difficult path, between allowing Sydney enough freedom of expression, to enjoy working for Archon, under her command, whilst trying to also instill military discipline.
Maxima is tailoring her treatment to fit Sydney’s personality (such as with the connection made, via the Gwen Stacy talk). So this does indeed a strange thing for a commanding officer to do, if compared to how recruits are normally treated. But there is a very good reason for it.
Well, apparently nothing sticks to Max’s skin for very long, so that probably wouldn’t be a very exciting experiment.
Just put it on her baclava then.
I carry a daypack with me as my utility belt. It contains the following:
– External phone battery, charger cord, and USB-to-wall-socket dongle
– 5-hour energy shot x2
– Cliff Bar x2
– Antiperspirant
– LED flashlight
– Bandage scissors
– Basic medkit that fits in a ziploc and can go in your pocket at need:
— Triangle bandage x2
— Nitril gloves
— CPR face shield (the sani-wipe kind, not the “blow into it” kind. Don’t use those.)
— Neosporin
— Benadryl gel caps x8 (used to treat anaphylactic shock)
– Small pill bottle containing
— Rx, 4 days supply
— Ibuprofen
— Benadryl, because I had extras left after making the med kit
– Pen
– Napkins
– Earbuds
– Tile, so I don’t lose the pack (
I know this sounds like a lot, but it doesn’t actually weigh much or take up much space. Everything that’s in there is in there for a reason — the medical supplies because with them I can probably save a life if I run into a serious emergency, and everything else because I repeatedly found myself saying “man, I wish I had an X right now” so I included it in my daily carry.
Reminds me of a cheesy commercial I used to see after midnight in the 80s for “The remote locator.” The main actor ‘helping’ the poor family who between the 4 of them (typical white suburban family, father, mother, son, daughter) can’t find their remote control used an outrageous faux-French accent, complete with popping his lips between the words remote and locator. It was for something to help you find your TV remote when you lost it, and I just couldn’t help but think that if you were capable of losing your TV remote in your home and in the vicinity of your television that no amount of other items that you’re just as capable of losing was going to help you recover from your crippling uselessness. And I see that thetileapp sells just such a device. Exactly how do you lose a daypack? Regardless, I have a device which is inexpensive, has no batteries to replace, and will prevent you from misplacing it. It is called a length of twine.
Sooooo, if you lose your keychain with the locator Tile on it, can you use your backpack Tile to find your keys?
You always have one master tile, to rule them all, hidden deep underground, with a guardian, keeping it safe.
gum an be useful in certian situations
For reference, it’s “Nephilim”. ;)
Waaaaa! Poor me! I have a perfect human physique, and never even need to exercise to look like a top level body builder. Batteries are soooo heavy!
Unless he was talking about the kind of batteries used by an articulated lorry. Those can weigh up to 80 pounds each. Of course, they’re a little bit large to carry in a utility belt.
Yeah, I think the context of “some” spare batteries fairly well limits them to a 9 volt and a couple of AAs, and not a few car batteries. But really, can you imagine the situation where this scenario plays out for real?
“I’m so sorry, Ms. Jones. Your son died because I don’t carry a spare D cell on me, just a a 9 volt and a couple of AAs. D cells are just too heavy, so he had to die.”
For the record, I’d probably be fine with what I see the average cop carrying. Firearm (Max is right, pointing your laser finger at someone isn’t terribly intimidating until you’ve burned the heads off of a few perps, and that might not be the image you want to project), flashlight (and the LED jobs are really compact, lightweight, super bright, and long lasting these days), a small handful of those long zip-ties that do multiple duty as handcuffs and other utility uses, and then a very few other items depending on my power set. First aid kit, that sort of thing. But probably just for the trunk of the car, just like this non-powered person has in my car: A first aid kit, a small tool kit (came with the car, and includes the items needed to operate the jack plus a very few other tools), a cylinder full of bungee cords, a pair of jumper cables, a small fire extinguisher, and a few re-usable grocery bags (because otherwise I always forget to grab them before I head to the grocery store).
One thing I probably ought to have is that “Oh, shit, the car went off the road into a lake” tool that includes a knife blade for cutting a stuck seat belt and a hammer head for smashing a car window. Designed to be handy and compact enough to slip into a center console. But most people go through quite a few lives before they have any real use for such a tool, as handy as it might be in the unlikely event of a water landing.
Who needs a multi-tool if you have super strength? Anything you might need to disassemble can be broken, and hell you might even be able to turn bolts and screws depending on the item. If you can burn through or snap a chain you don’t need bolt cutters, and maybe you can fly over or walk through the gate the chain is holding shut anyway. And actually useful things do start to get fairly heavy after that.
You’ll have to think something better than zipties now that a kid can escape them…
Or take away their sneakers.
I’ll stick with the zip-ties.
First, you have much less leverage and can’t use your shoelaces to saw through things when your hands are properly restrained behind your back.
Second, I’m pretty sure you can get a heavier gauge than those the kid was seen escaping. Cops probably don’t use the same kind that I have on hand for tidying up my computer cables, after all, since cat-5 doesn’t make a habit out of escaping confinement.
Third, if I’m right there that will tend to prevent that sort of shenanigans.
Forth, the zip-ties are still lighter and have more uses than a pair of handcuffs.
“I’d have extreme indecisiveness and anxiety (there should be a word which means that)”
Some googling on my lunch break yielded “aboulic” which I think fits.
Ah, maybe not. Aboulomania is associated with indecision to the point of neurosis, but that’s a noun for the psychological disorder. I was hoping for an adjective form of aboulomania, but it seems aboulic is more of a synonym for apathetic – indecision as a result of extreme laziness – which doesn’t apply here.
Well you could always call in to work and tell your boss that you can’t come in today because you have a case of ennui.
Okay, I’ll be the one to do the obvious and awful joke.
BOSS: You have to wee? Why should I give you time off for that? Just do it and get down here!”
I once called in stupid to work.
Okay, there had been a blizzard the night before and my car (and driveway, and street, and neighborhood) was snowed in. I was stupid as I could have parked a couple blocks away and been perfectly fine (well, except for the whole 17″ of snow and 8′ snowdrifts thing).
You can also call in scared. “Uh, boss? I’m afraid I can’t come in to work today.”
We don’t get school or work off if there’s snow, get up an hour earlier and use a shovel.
Heh. I got up two hours earlier – didn’t help much. When the snow is drifting faster than you can shovel and the wind is blowing over 30 mph for the last 10 hours, you get a defeatist attitude.
Only time I missed work due to weather in 10 years – I got there and got sent home three times. Got there once and put in a 14 hour shift (I was one of thirty out of 120 that made it in that day), got out of work just in time for the snowplows to clear my neighborhood.
Ah, call center days…
Sounds like you defeated your defeatist attitude.
Don’t you just love those places (like when I worked for Texas A&M-Commerce) where the official policy for bad weather is “go to work so they can tell you to go home”?
Fortunately for me, I lived within walking distance of my office (I can’t even begin to estimate how much money that saved me on gasoline). So on the two times it actually happened, I just said “screw it, I’ve already put in the effort to get here, and I have workorders that aren’t finished yet, so I’ll work ’til noon anyway and then go home.”
That was pretty much the intent of that policy: if you managed to get to work, then you can stay and do work
Yeah, but if they told you to go home, then staying to work is optional. And we were salaried, so we’d get paid the same regardless. I just chose to stay, because I didn’t have to worry about getting in an automobile accident on the way home. Slipping on the ice and busting my tailbone, perhaps.
Yes, but like you said, after all that effort to get to work, you (and just you specifically) might as well stay, hopefully by the time you finish the journey home might be easier
Yeah, as long as it isn’t overtime. A&M hates overtime. You are actually supposed to get permission, in advance, to work overtime. (The reason is because you are a salaried worker. So instead of giving you time-and-a-half, they have to give you vacation-time-and-a-half. If you work 4 hours of overtime, they have to give you 6 hours of vacation.)
If staying and working means doing unapproved overtime, then you might as well head home… or expect to not receive compensation for it.
But otherwise, yeah. That is why I stayed. I figured that the rising sun might melt off some of the ice… and it did. Not enough for driving to be safe, but since I didn’t drive to work anyway…
In my case, it was because my work was government contracted with limited sites across the country – sites only got closed down if all contract directors on-site agreed that it was unsafe to commute in to work. Our site did Medicare/Medicaid, Studen Aid / Student Loan Assistance, and Medical Device Tracking (Medical Nuclear Materials & RF Accessible Devices). Place had somebody working 24-7-360 (not my contract, Thank God).
They did update the call-in line for employees ASAP and waived attendance penalties if approved for weather day. But those of us who started at the beginning of the shift took it in the shorts.
You were sharing the shorts?
Or was that an euphemism for “ass“?
The adjectival form should be “aboulomanic”, given the usual suffixation.
… *shadily commisions a utility belt based on a bag of holding from Dabbler*
Weight limits? Carrying capacity? What’re those?
*Looking at the new utility belt Dabbler made for him.*
Hey, what are these pockets for?
Dabbler: Well, this one is for a dildo, this one is for some condoms, this one is for lube . . .
It looks like a dildo, but it’s actually a stick of dinamite, noone will ever suspect it.
These condoms are actually made of super tough rubber, so they can be used as a sack or a trap net.
The lube is so slippery it’s great for trapped stairs of if anvil get’s stuck in an airvent again.
Also all are still usefull for the original purpouses.
If it’s also a stick of dynamite, I’d be too afraid to use it for its original purpose…
Oh God, you made me remember this! This is on your conscience now!
“There was once a woman named Alice
Who used a dynamite stick for a phallus.
They found her vagina in North Carolina
And part of her anus in Dallas.”
I’ve heard that one somewhere before, but in the version I heard, they found her vagina halfway to China.
Now, where the hell did I put that brain bleach?
Now that is a clever ploy on behalf of the Brain Bleach Corporation. Guaranteed future sales.
You forget where you put it, but never that it exists. Co-incidence? I think not!
“You forget where you put it, but never that it exists.”
In the marketing industry, we refer to it as a “guarantee of repeat sales:” If the client uses some & forgets where they put the rest of it, then we get more sales when they need it again.
No, they only sell enough for a single dosage
Besides Brain Bleach™ , I’ve also got a sideline in Inter-Cranial Sandpaper™ , if you’re interested.
DaveB mentions “I’d have extreme indecisiveness and anxiety” about making decisions.
He admits to sharing some of Sydney’s foibles. (double checks. Yep. That’ll do Google.)
I found an article that might shed some light on the subject.
I personally tend to struggle sometimes in making decisions because the analytical part of my brain thinks I have to make the absolute best possible choice and there will always be one more bit of data out there that will sway the outcome. (see ‘analysis paralysis’ mentioned before in other comments.)
Sometimes you have to go with ‘good enough for now’ and get on with it. Studies have shown that people tend to be less happy with their choices when they have increasingly more options to choose from. If you walk down the cereal aisle and see 5 choices, you pick one and move on. If you see 50 choices you get bogged down with comparing antioxidant claims, fiber content, omega-3 values, crunchberries vs. marshmallow moons, etc.
Dependent Personality Disorder is the inability to make decisions without others approval.
Aboulia is the inability to make decisions due to lack of drive or initiative (insert Millennial joke here)
What’s up with the lady with little wings coming out of her head?!
I know DaveB isn’t the only artist who does it, but I’ve never understood what that was all about. I mean, is it just a way to show that she’s a demon or something? Sorry, but it just seems kinda silly to me.
Yeah, probably. I think it’s a way to say “demon” while retaining cuteness. Horns are a bit more ominous as are 6 ft wings sprouting from the shoulder blades. Bat wing ears are less foreboding. It’s one of those things that probably works much better in a comic than it would in real life.
I am sure they will be all the rage, at Grrl Power conventions, in years to come. Likewise their counterparts.
Your second link there reminded me of this
Agreed. That’s the way I took it too.
Maybe these guys know:
It even happens in Anime…
It isn’t any weirder than having wings spouting out of one’s ankles, e.g., Apollo/Hermes and Namor.
In Dan & Mab’s Furry Adventures (link below), that’s typical for the Cubi race. First set of wings comes out of the back, second (small) set comes out of the head, and clan leaders have a third set that comes out of the lower back (just above the hips).
Is that an Elvira expi that I see with the stethoscope in frame 3?
Both of the ladies in that panel have stethoscopes, but that nitpick aside
, the answer seems to be yes.
I wonder if some game developers accidentally made a demon, but it looked like the real deal, so the veil censored it?
Dave, I sad DEMON not HUMAN!
I’m trying, but somehow they look less human without horns.
Can you target certain powers/events, such as a person flying unaided (in the modern world) by obvious mechanics?
It would make sense for magical objects to also be covered… which would be yet another data point for “the orbs are something completely unknown even to these guys.”
“…extreme indecisiveness and anxiety (there should be a word which means that)”
Try ‘trepidation’ :)
As to the videogame gear issue, its a phenomena usually referred to as “option paralysis” and as a designer we battle with it every day. Some days more successfully than others.
That is great on the nervousness side. But fails to convey hesitation or indecision. Trepidation can cause that, naturally enough. One of the reasons why I think Dave’s hunt for a suitable word is worthy. But you can have trepidation even when working hard or acting fast.
How about decidophobia? It is very straightforward, but it appears to be used mainly to describe a disorder with a greater magnitude of severity. Unless that is what “extreme indecisiveness and anxiety” is? If it is irrational, it must be some kind of phobia.
Wow, an already coined word, in actual use.
We have a winner!
This is what DaveB was asking for. It would just need qualifying as ‘mild decidophobia’, or similar, if wishing to indicate a lesser version.
It’s a good word, but I’m not really sure, Dave could mean indecision due being equally dragged rather than scared of, but maybe I’m taking it wrong, your interpretation do seems to fit, but not necessarily, I don’t know, I think it’s better let the decision to the owner of the comic.
Of course, all we can do is nominate it. And I cunningly called it ‘a’ winner, rather than ‘the’ winner, just in case someone manages to come up with something equally good, or better.
I was acting the word ;)
*whooooshed overhead*
Was that a word? No words cant fly. It must have been a plane? No noise, maybe a bird? Oh, this is making me nervous. Maybe a flying Faye?
*hides in kennel, just in case*
“The Super Enigma” enigma solved by Enigman!! Hah, it’s like Major Major Major. Kinda…
I have a better word: life
I have a “arts n crafts” pouch on my utility belt too
POO, but the face is seriously wrong to be The Elvira
The face? What fa… oooh.
Yep, that looks like Elvira to me; the horror hostess with the really big…ratings.
Her face looks wrong (yes, some of us even noticed what was above her double-ratings)
Coincidentally, Elvira’s going to be one of the judges on the upcoming Halloween Wars on Food Network, for at least one episode. (Obviously it isn’t an entire season long; it’s only four episodes.)
Considering what she last used the googly eyes for I’d say Batman would approve.
This is the kind of thins no one was expecting but no one is surprised by. XD lol I love Sydney
Why does the girl with pink hair have bat wings on her head? They aren’t even big enough to just fly her head if it detached for some silly reason, so what possible use are they?
Anime iconography. I see it, like others said, kinda “I’m evil but adorable”.
Google “Morrigan Aenslad”.
Maybe wings like that are usable for Penangallan?
Calling it now. She will negotiate an interplanetary treaty by awarding smart, civil aliens with these stickers.
That whole utility belt bit made me laugh out loud!
Also, she has already proved that the google-eyes can be useful in combat situations.
There are a lot of uses for arts and crafts type stuff besides arts and crafts. The secret I have found for EDC pouches is to make sure as much as possible of what you carry has multiple uses. An assortment of pens that can write on different surfaces might come in handy.
Another item I always carry is a high power laser pointer/LED flashlight combo. The laser pointer can be used to help with depth perception in the dark.
Is it just me or is the sexy Super related to Parrish from Teen wolf?
Everyone thought he might be a were-phoenix for the longest time (like the Super’s chart suggests), he looks kinda the same and was shirtless alot.
No connections? :(
Oooh, good one.
And very good call on the list all options are fire/heat related except Anti-Vampire that anyway fits.
I’m pretty sure you have a winner, expect a Yorp’s star.
I am not familiar with the series, but the connections sound reasonable, and I am perfectly happy to go with your call on it.
*awards a gold star*
Really? No comments?
Dave, you chose the wrong cameo, nobody likes Teen Wolf it seems.
I just got distracted, in my search for a burning star, by this result and this one.
Oh, I see… I see… I’m still seeing…
Who exactly is she? And does she not know they have crème for that ‘burning’?
Camille Rowe. This is where those pictures appeared.
NSFW (official page?)
Thank you, guess she must be famous, somewhere, for something
Your second “burning star” link should have a NSFW (just might want to remember that next time).
I did consider flagging them. But decided it fell under ‘tasteful art’, especially as using black and white photography. So would be unlikely to be automatically tagged as pornography.
Works computers do use tiny demons, counting the number of flesh-coloured pixels, to decide such things, right?
No, nobody likes the crap TV ripoff vomit, everyone loves the original movies (yes, including “Teen Wolf Too” :P)
…Lance Armstrong?
Was a drug-using cheat
Grouping super is easy.
They’re gods.
Perfected in form, probably long lived, possessing a theme of powers, the good guys are worshiped by their fans and can easily beat no name villains while the bad guys with fans of their own get away or even sometimes win because they are all empowered by worship.
But they had powers before they had fans? (origin stories almost always start out with powers appearing at a convenient “I’m not in view of a crowd of people who could identify me later” time and place)
Perhaps “and can easily beat no name villains” din’t make it clear
If they have fans / worshipers they are more powerful for it, but with or without fans they still have powers.
Ah, that didn’t work right. Ok, the hard way then:
“…probably long lived…”
Especially someone like Achilles, perhaps?
Except, Les only got his powers in the 80’s, the day after he got his mullet :p
*Batman examines Halo’s utility belt*
HMMMM…. *rubs chin contemplatively*
*smiles, gives thumbs up*
*Sydney explodes in a display of ecstatic delight that rivals her reaction to Kat, the Were-Hare*
I dunno about myself sometimes…First time I saw the title of this page, I misread it as “The Super Enema.” My first thought was, “Well, that would be a real pain in the……”
*PHEW* Glad it wasn’t me then
Not me, though I’m usually the one with his mind in the gutter.
I’ve obviously seen too many World War Two documentaries, though. Whenever I see the word “Enigma,” I always think of the coding machine.
*snorts* Reminds me of the early days of History Channel. I complained to mum that they seemed to have a weird obsession with trains and Hitler.
She said, “Oh, come on. It can’t be that bad.”
So I turned on the History Channel… guess what? A documentary with Hitler on a train.
“I stand corrected. It is that bad.”
Guy in second panel kind has a Stephen Hawking look, the way he’s leaning in his chair. Also, I am now imagining Batman putting googly eyes on all the criminals he captures. I am going to have my Champions character do this now.
Ingie isn’t qvite as distinguished :P
I didn’t see this brought up yet: trying to conceal supers would cause far more problems than it solves because they consider themselves human.
They don’t have a group identity like other species and quasi-species. Unless they get a god complex, they identify as human, as well as whatever family/national/religious/political category they otherwise would. Counting them as “other” for Veil purposes would artificially separate them, most likely without having anyone around to explain what’s going on.
In this case a young super would suffer the Michigan J. Frog effect.
Which of course means, that they’d see and do things that their closest friends and family could not perceive. They wouldn’t be taken seriously if they pointed out an alien or a demon walking right in front of their parents, or tried to show off their talents, and that is very unhealthy for mental development. In just the kind of people you don’t want to go crazy.
Eventually you’d have a bunch of adults who knew that something was screwing with their loved ones’ perception, had a grudge against the Veil and its creators for messing with their lives, had very little to lose if they succeeded in exposing/tearing it down since doing so wouldn’t make them appear any scarier themselves, and had the capabilities to do a ton of damage if they wanted to. It wouldn’t end well.
I still wonder if there are any supers whose particular ability caused them to be considered “supernatural” for Veil effect purposes and ended up with this problem and motive…
And that isn’t getting into the logistics of trying to hide the effect of abilities. Apparently magic is not invisible to normal humans anyway. (Do mages count as supernatural? What makes them count?) Trying to hide certain abilities would cause huge safety issues. A pyrokinetic’s ability for example; fire is generally something you want to be acutely aware of. And to be able to tell that your kid is responsible.
Certain abilities would be nearly impossible to be made to look “mundane” anyway without causing problems.
Daphne: “Mom, I goofed and now there’s two of me.”
Mom: “That’s nice dear. Now tell your friend to go home, it’s time for dinner.”
Daphne: “But I’m both hungry!”
So, yes, they’re better off just leaving supers be.
Very well analysed.
*your reward*
Supers are just people with extra abilities. That is all. The rest is deification of them.
EVERYTHING is Batman-approved: you have to be prepared, no matter what. It’s only that in Batman comics it doesn’t happen so often that he needs for art’n’craft materials
In her defence Max, Sydney is still in training – and she knows that – so she doesn’t need for all her pouches to be loaded with serious stuff, yet. OTOH a super who can put gold stars, crayon rainbows, etc. in some little girl’s autograph book would be good PR. Arianna will love her for that.
Ari loves her for being able to get under Maxi’s gilt-edge