Grrl Power #455 – Pre-position
Now we’re starting to get to some of that plot stuff I keep hearing about. Really the explanation Ingsol is about to drop should be fairly self evident, given what all you guys know about the things Sydney has seen, like at the club (and even some of the things she’s missed, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself.
It’s weird in a lot of shows I’ve seen that the supernatural elements get by on nothing more than simply not getting caught. A lot things can mess with their victims’ memories, but that would be an increasingly unreliable method of escaping detection in an age of camera proliferation, be they cell phones, traffic or dash cams. Yes, sometimes creatures futz with electronics too, causing brown outs or having mini EMP auras or whatever, but an agency motivated to catch such creatures could pretty easily track those sorts of disruptions. In other words, their primary means of escaping detection would actually become a liability when facing a properly equipped foe.
The Veil is a more comprehensive solution, but it’s hardly something some Clurichaun hiding in your cellar or a Leshi hiding in the woods could ever enact, (yeah, I can google obscure mythological creatures) much less the Bunnicula in your pen.
I’ve updated the vote incentive with some art I was practicing with. I’ve tried several methods to color the comic. The basic one is just pick colors from the palette and color away. Effective but not super efficient. Lately I’ve been putting in flat colors, then doing a multiply layer for shadows and an add layer for highlights. Slightly more efficient but the colors tend to look a little samey since everything is tinted similarly. I’ve gotten around that by going back in and adjusting the hues of the multiply later in certain areas, especially skin tones, but that doesn’t help with the efficiency. This latest version involves painting in all the tone values in black and white, then slopping some color overtop of it, mostly in a soft light layer. This is my first attempt with the technique and I think it came out ok, I’ll have to do a few more tries with it to see if it’s a practical choice for the comic, but if for no other reason, I like it because it’s really easy to do stuff like add a little red to noses and blush on cheeks without losing the tonal values. Granted the eyeshadow on Harem (that’s supposed to be punk Harem with a different haircut – I followed my reference picture a little too closely) makes it look like she’s been rubbing her eyes or something, but like I said it’s literally my first attempt with the technique. More to come hopefully.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon as soon as I get up. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
i think Lost Girl did a pretty good job of having a magic world overlapping with the mundane world. in some cases, humans have a harder time perceiving Fae stuff (namely Fae have a better sense of smell). but mostly it was just a lot of Big Brother work on the part of the Fae to cover up their presence. this does notably create an “untouchable” class of Fae who can’t pass as human and have to live in sewers and such.
I was thinking the Veil, like the camp halfblood series where those who aren’t part of it see a hellhound as a cute little puppy or a minotaur as a rampaging (albeit) regular bull.
thee Veil ahh so kinda like GRIMM then
I watched a season or two of some show and I don’t remember the name of it now, but I think it was probably Supernatural and not Grimm cause I don’t remember anything about a “veil” like effect.
Any vampire rpg game or other supernatural, mystical themed series, books or anything use the same concept, The veil, the wall, the seal, the something-mysterious-but-nostalgic-named-#%#$%$#-thing-works-for-writer-pourposes… :)
That’s what makes the term so veil-ued.
*cough* Vampire: The Masquerade *cough*
It’s just the wool we allow to be pulled over our eyes by our own lazy perception and lack of interest.
Speaking of pulling wool over the eyes…
What are the odds that Syds new Hair band is; in point of fact, a piece of The Veil that is there to disguise the true nature of her crazy bangs?
Ah, I was wondering why Halo the rookie was being let in on such deep secrets.
Yeah, after the club incident Maxima bumped up introduction priority (I think something of the sort was implied when Sydney phoned Max from the club, ARCHIVE DIVE TIME!) middle panel, left.
Rookie? Rookie!
Apex superheroine, in training!!!
When I first read that statement, I hadn’t realized that was Sydney saying that instead of Maxima. Makes a lot more sense now.
Already warned you about calling Sydney ASHIT, time out for you puppy!!
When Sydney said it, she didn’t use the word “Super,” you know. That way, she was AHIT!
Zack Tilly!
The fact that she pierced a supposedly “impenetrable” Glamour with Dabbler would’ve been a clue this might’ve needed to be a thing. Seeing V’s “Violence aura/Glyph” would’ve as well.
Self narration is often frowned upon in public, but go ahead Sydney, you do you best.
I thought the Veil was a trendy resort in Colorado with really good skiing? ;)
No reason why it can’t be both. For example, there is more than one “Portland”.
And how many Springfields?
Which would be another example.
“It’s weird in a lot of shows I’ve seen that the supernatural elements get by on nothing more than simply not getting caught. A lot things can mess with their victims’ memories, but that would be an increasingly unreliable method of escaping detection in an age of camera proliferation, be they cell phones, traffic or dash cams. Yes, sometimes creatures futz with electronics too, causing brown outs or having mini EMP auras or whatever, but an agency motivated to catch such creatures could pretty easily track those sorts of disruptions. In other words, their primary means of escaping detection would actually become a liability when facing a properly equipped foe.”
Yeah, this is why when I wrote my Unusuals series, I just went ahead and made the world unmasked. It’s pretty hard to keep something so big secret these days.
Yeah my Midgardia series went through a “Hidden Darkness” phase of secret societies, councils, staying hidden amongst the humans via magic, science, secrecy, and Big Brother type organizations…which “gradually” got deteriorated when ancient Eldritch beings, Kaiju, and Demon Overlords either started to wake up from their ancient slumbers and rampage, or just plain didn’t give a crap about local affairs and had battles in the streets.
It’s going to be a lot harder to remain undiscovered nowadays. Consider that, before now, the only thing supernatural entities needed to avoid were public events that had news-crews on the scene; now virtually everybody has a cellphone camera.
Yup, that alone could be the root of this social change. For instance the ratio of supers to normals may have been unchanged, since antiquity. But the number being captured on CCTV and smart phones, thus breaking ‘the Veil’ (assuming that it covered them too) will have been going up, in modern times. Initially being concentrated in urban areas (especially when talking CCTV), this will have skewed the number of apparent supers in technological countries and areas.
Further, like Thomas, many supers could have been created by supernatural beasties, be it granting wishes or special abilities. For example, let us say that selkies can permanently grant humans water breathing, and other aquatic traits. But mostly they try to avoid humans, and all the dangers they pose, especially to water dwellers.
“Say look at this, on my phone, that really was a mermaid, we caught in the nets last night! It wasn’t just a dream! Is she still in the fish hold?”
“Whoa, not a minute too soon, she has chewed through the nets! Quick, grab her, before she gets out the hatch!”
The more of them which interact with humans, the more aquatic supers will be created. Even if this only happens in a small minority of interactions,* the more meetings there are, the greater the frequency that will happen.. And, of course, the more aquatic supers there are, the more contact there is with underwater races, from them, their associates and anybody who follows their blog! Likewise with the other races, as regards their potential uplifting capabilities.
* For instance the above scenario does not sound like the humans will be granted abilities. They might be drowning candidates instead. Which would help perpetuate the reputation that selkies have, for committing such acts.
This girl…I swear she is the snarkiest person to ever live, breathing or not.
Even moreso than The Daphne’s? o_O
Read Paranatural yet? I don’t think she’d even win webcomics, but she’d be up there.
All these comments regarding supernatural series and I was just thinking of the masks used on Ben 10, LoL.
So, because some game (guessing it’s some type of game) that only a small percentage of people have heard of has used the term ‘The Veil’ as a means to hide monsters and beasties, no one else is allowed to use that term, ever? o_O
I think it is just more that Dave would have liked to have hit upon a distinctive term. There is an inherent problem though, in a world of seven billion people, with a big chunk of those speaking English. On one paw you want any term you coin to have its meaning easily deduced but, on the other, there have been earlier writers, and games designers, who have walked the same path, and come up with similar (or identacle) solutions before.
An alternative it to create a totally new word, but this just adds unnecessary complexity to a story, so is often counter-productive. Another is to make a compound, which is less likely to have been used before. Maybe “The Elder Veil”, “The Great Veil” or “The MIghtay Veil”.
This is probably a good route to go down, and find something which appeals. Distinctiveness will have been achieved, but, in due course, abbreviation will set in and the term will be cut down to “the Veil”, if not by the author, then by the readership. Likewise for other terms and combinations.
Personally I would not be too fussed about this one. “The Veil” is actually fairly generic, as a concept, even if the implementation will vary. It is a bit like avoiding the term “zombie”. If you are treading in the territory of a global conspiracy, to conceal the truth, there is no harm in overlapping pre-existing terms. Unless both the term and the mechanics are so close that it makes folks complain about a rip-off.
The comment wasn’t aimed at DaveB
It occurs to me that we dogs and donkeys have two more options than humans. :D
On the one hoof, on the other hoof, on the other other hoof, on the other other other hoof…
::does a little tap dance by way of demonstrating the argument::
Or maybe “on the one hoof”, “on the two hoof”… ?
Don’t get him counting, it’ll wake the downstairs neighbors.
*hides the Riverdance CD*
True, options often extend beyond just the two, and the hind-paw options can be the less favourable ones.
Vance has the most options though!
That is better than some other animals. A long time ago in a certain garden the proprietor gathered up all the animals and said “One of you is going to have to be the bad guy that no one likes. To make it fair I will let everyone vote on it. All those who do not want to be chosen raise your hand. Let me see now, has everyone voted? Congratulations on taking one for the team, Mr. Snake.”
Noted something a few days ago, but first chance to type it in. Last comic, first panel, Maxima’s playing with her hair in a very ‘flirty manner’…almost as if a strong indicator that Ingsol the vampire is one of the few men that Maxima’s actually interested in, in ‘that way’. Now, if only we can get ‘Cool Umber Hulk Thing’ interested in Anvil, as she’s always seeking a ‘good tall one…’ ;)
That’s just her removing the hairband that she’d had on for the past while.
You can see it in panel seven, here:
….and that changes nothing about my statement or assessment. It remains ‘flirty hair moving in attempt to woo partner’. ;)
Veil is an anagram to evil, it’s written in big shiny letters and the vampire has a goatee. Come on, Sydney. Overreact in epic dimensions. Tear down diplomacy and trample on it.
“Veil” also starts with “v” and that rhymes with “t”, and that stands for Trouble.
(Yep, I know I got it a bit backward, but sometimes that’s the best one can do.)
V ———————————————————> T
Your new exercise regimen? (Almost put “regime”, but stopped myself in time.)
Om mani padme om.
So should that be “Yoga dog” or “You go, dog!”… or both?
Downward facing dog. It helps to prevent junk mail.
That’s our Yorp…always stretching the point.
I had to, Deof Movestofca kept dodging!
Yugo Dog!
::makes the sound of a small lawnmower engine humming past::
Guy walks into a junkyard and says to the owner, “Hey, can you help me? I need to get a rear view mirror for my Yugo.”
Junk yard owner says, “Sounds about right.”
True story: Someone sent a letter to the editor of Car & Driver magazine, only two sentences long. It said:
“Yesterday, I passed a Yugo with a radar detector! What do you think about that?”
The editor, being a Deadpan Snarker, replied with one sentence. His reply:
“I think you must have been driving a very fast radar detector.”
And what does any of this have to do with trouble in
River. um, NewYorp-I mean “York”- City?Trouble in New York? Oh, sorry, I thought you were stretching, so just joined in.
No more than a stretch than the OP by way of
oldancient school cultural reference.Heh. I see what you mean. Interesting to see something from his earlier career. I only know the guy from “Victor Victoria”. Clearly his musical experience stood him in good stead, to land that role with Julie Andrews.
I don’t know why, but for some reason I (falsely) remember the actor being Dick Van Dyke. Although the two do vaguely look alike if you close one eye and squint out the other (assuming you have only two eyes, that is. Can’t take anything for granted these days).
Om Mani~Pedi Om
Mundivore’s Guide to an Edible Universe?
To Serve Man
I͢t̷’̶͡s҉͠ ͝a ̶̨C̡͜͢o͠o͠k͢͝ B̢o̵̕͢o҉́k͟҉ ̛!!̨͢
Right Here In River City! (Right here!)
With a Capital ‘V’ and that rhymes with ‘P’ and that stands for Pool!
“Veil is an anagram to evil”
And for you conspiracy folk, have you ever noticed Santa is an anagram of Satan? They both wear red and have their own secret domain with minions to do their bidding.
Which was my whole point with “starts with ‘v’…” comment.
Totally should have had hear say “Wenerable Wampire”…
The Veil is… a 6th level Sorceror/Wizard spell that allows you to cast an illusion over a large group of people or objects in the vicinity, making them appear as something else. It is countered by True Seeing and Dispel Magic.
Nice new vote incentive this month, Dave, it looks like one of those pastel pictures you can get done at the State Fair.
Grrl Power, After Dark has the potential for an extra special version of The Veil. Namely the Dance of the Seven Veils!
This is probably one of the things Dabbler missed in succubus finishing school, so may be a bit impatient and remove four at a time! Poor Daphne only gets to have one per body, and a couple of spares. So she would have to place those extras very strategically.
Maxima folks might assume would not approve, but that would only be the case for debasing herself for the entertainment of others. If she were to find a fella that she liked, who was not on her team, she might well be into it. We have seen her enjoying a good drinking session, so she knows how to enjoy herself, when she lets her hair down. I think veils would soften her look nicely, for such circumstances.
Sydney… she would look so cutely embarrassed, even just holding the veils and thinking about wearing them!

When did Ingsol and Maxima move behind Halo between panels 2 and 3?
They did not move. They have been there since the last panel, in the previous page. It is Halo who is dramatically turning around, as she engages ‘think mode’.
This is actually our first view of the other side of the the Council chamber.
Not that I think it is wise of Halo, to turn her back on the radioactive mushroom faction!
Not to mention twirling around that quickly will probably make her dizzy (physically, not just mentally).
If there isn’t a bar out there named “The Venerable Vampire”, there should be. Just because it would be an awesome name.
So it’s basically the mist form Percy Jackson
The veil?
Now we need an extra comic with the Sydney listing other names. Maybe “The Bacon” => Because everyone loves bacon. And have no secret to love bacon. Vampires? Werewolfs? Succubus? Everyone loves bacon too. Forget about them, think about BACON! :D
Halo, alas, does not love the bacon.
Unless there’s some vegan bacon out there that I’ve never heard of, which is entirely possible. Thanks, Bing.
Yea, his name is Kevin. You may not know him, but someone you know, knows someone who has met him.
I think we have somewhere around 1.025 degrees of separation.
If you find a way through the 4th wall, one of the supers has met Kevin Bacon.
one of them quite awhile back now, even had a superpower that made others believe he knew Kevin Bacon…or maybe that was just an example…
Now we need a super villian with bacon powers. Magic? Alright, use the baconomicron, a cursed book can raise bacon! Raise from your plate!!!
Only Halo would be immune to the side effects of gastrointestinal bacomancy. Everyone else would throw up or something. Nothing serious, just a touch debilitating.
To pull off a story like that, you’ll have to forget any kind of social conventions & ignore political correctness. The only way to do that story is to go whole hog.
If you get beyond the 4th wall, you will believe he met Kevin Bacon too.
She know Obama. Kevin Bacon is acceptable.
And a good side note, Kevil Bacon have is part of the movie “supers” of 2010.
Since it doesn’t look like he’s eating any kind of meat & asking for Doritos, here’s another Kevin that just might be Vegan:
I know I’m a bit late to this discussion, but I had to do some asking around and some reading/translating of Legalese.
In some states “battery” refers to the act of striking or otherwise harming a person, while “assault” refers to the threat.
In other places, such as my home state of Washington, “assault” is the act of harming a person, while “criminal harassment” refers to the threat.
Sorry if this rains on your parade, but that discussion took place below the original strip, IIRC.
Correct. The problem for the mini-comics explaining it, is that they are presently in New York. Which does not have separate crimes of “assault” and “battery”. Rather they just have the one, “assault”, which covers both. Similarly for Texas, if that is their home state.
However all they actually need to be concerned with as federal officers (as they have national jurisdiction, rather than being limited to just the one state), is that there is a federal crime of “assault”, which specifically excludes when touching is occurring. The vamp girls touched the Council librarian, so it was not a federal offence, but a state crime. So did not fall under their jurisdiction.
DaveB: with regards to your art experiments, Drew Struzan uses a similar technique, and claims it’s the fastest he’s able to work. Going so far as to use a mid-tone gray background (not white) to start with.
If you haven’t seen some of his documentaries, I highly recommend them. (there are two, I think, and the one I saw did a pretty good tutorial/explanation of his process)
Actually the “VEIL” that I instantly thought about was from Life and times of Junipher Lee.
There it’s a magical spell that surounds the world, supported b 3 magical seals that causes monsters to be invisible to humans and vice versa.
When it goes down both humans and monsters freak out.
MONSTER JOURNALIST: So have you managed to explain why these bridges, tunnels, fields and tiny buildings keep appearing?
MONSTER SCIENTIST: No scientific theory we have tested gives us any alternative options, but to conclude…
…. a wizard did it!
I haven’t seen it in years but I’m pretty sure the monsters could see the humans they just for the most part left us alone and Junes job was to just deal with the ones who wouldn’t. Damn it now I have to go check
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee.
I don’t normally plug myself this shamelessly and with this little relevance to the current topic but “Dave’s Insanity” hot sauce came up in discussion a while back and people seemed interested. As such, I thought you might like to know that it is this week’s featured product on my review blog (found by clicking my username).
Besides, it may not be relevant to the current conversation but it’s certainly a sauce Sydney would know, having been the world’s hottest during her childhood and still being a big name today.
Strangely enough, this is the most insane sauce DaveB has shown us so far…
My friend ran a home-brew game with ‘The Veil’ and we played humans who had seen through it or interacted with it somehow. Most adventures ended up like a cross between an episode of Scoobie-Doo and Die Hard.
Most memorable character was my friend’s who was a librarian who once handled a mystical book that cataloged everything (like… EVERYTHING). When he looked upon it’s unfathomable pages it burned into his mind more than the human mind can possibly know. So although he could not actually see through The Veil he seemed to know everything or at least know about everything kinda like how most of us know cars even though we couldn’t build one
I think the vote incentive turned out really well! Keep up the great work! Also, I kind of hope the “exposition” from Ingsol is simply, “there’s a big magic spell which keeps normal people from seeing non-normal people in their true forms.” Something short and sweet which is a moderate let down to Sydney who was hoping for a complicated answer. Hahaha
DaveB, please…
Never, never, never never never teach anything related with golems to sydney.
Any geek with legos, minecraft or any sandbox game is horrible, terrible, creation-destrutive desire to recreate anything just for fun. The last thing we need is a Sydney creating transformers from junkyard using magic to create golems.
Time to unveil the, erm, veil?
Maybe ‘the Veil’ is some sort of spell cast on collective humanity centuries ago, which makes them not see the ‘true nature’ of supernatural creatures? That way individual supernaturals wouldnt be beholden to the mages, as per Sydney’s idea.
Sort of like the Delerium in Werewolf: The Apocalypse or the way the Technocracy altered things to hide supernaturals from the mass populace in Mage: The Awakening.
So, sort of like the forget spell on the Gap in Xanth then?
OK, I did a search of the comments first to be sure, but apparently, no once noticed? Coming from him, it should be
The Weil
Been done
Ah, now I see – they spelled it differently.
Good of you to try. :)
The comic is popular enough that there are multiple comments pages, for each story page.
Ingsol’s accent does seem to slip a bit. Or, given Sydney’s teasing, he may just be trying hard to suppress it.
“The comic is popular enough that there are multiple comments pages, for each story page.
Yeah, most times there’s multiple pages of comments within just a few hours of DaveB’s update…
So many perfect quotes for this page. It’s impossible for me to pick just one.
So what, they created a Somebody Else’s Problem field?
I’m so happy; it’s been too long since I’ve been able to make that reference (>^-^)>
Archon has Lucas whose job it is to find and map ‘unusual’ occurrences. This could mess with his research. The results of his endeavors could be to no avail if he does not know of “The ‘Veil’.
Maxima is clearly aware of it, from her dialogue above. As Maxima knows, so does Lucas. He will have a layer, on his map, which details incidents advised by the Council. Some of those will remove otherwise unexplained phenomenon. Others may well not have been observed, by independent witnesses, so would be new additions, at the time of being notified.
Obviously, depending on the details of ‘the Veil’ there may not be a need for the Council to advise all incidents. So if it is a ‘global forget any weird monsters you see’ spell then they need not tell Archon every time a monster takes a walk through a city.
But if said monster is crushing cars under its feet, or snacking on passers-by, then that would fall into the category of ‘need-to-know’.
So i’m guessing you have played Tale Tale’s Wolf Among Us. Or you simply just explained how the fetishes that the witches make and control the production of that Fairy Tale people use to pass as human in the game almost perfectly.
Dave may well have, as he has a broad background. However Sydney was following a very simple line of reasoning, which, if you read the comments, overlaps a lot of fiction and games. If you have the dual problems of ‘there are monsters living on Earth’ and ‘nobody has reported such monsters, in sufficient numbers to be credible’ then there are several obvious paths to explore which could explain that.
If the work is set in a world where magic is real, then the solutions become a lot simpler, and need less diverse thinking, to find something readily believable. Therefore you are likely to end up walking down a path that others have done, in that genre, before. Without needing to have been exposed to their work.
Remember Katrina the were-rabbit? Well maybe either the creator of this comic or any fan artist might do a rendering of this…
With Sydney and Katrina in those roles instead.
That would be a cute picture.
Although Jimmy Stewart played a wealthy drunk, who nobody believed, when he told them he could see the rabbit. So the roles are not very closely analogous. But, of all the cast in Archon, only Sydney and Heatwave have known characteristics which might lead to situations similar to that. So it is a fair call. Especially as Sydney has actually met the bunny.
You KNOW Ingsol is having fun now. :) That look. The tone. The fact that if you aren’t actively trying to harm Sydney (SHAME ON YOU) She seriously is just too a-dork-able to wish any lasting harm on. Maybe a little embarrassment or a pie-face occasionally, but that’s IT. >.>
Mmm, Ingsol is taller than Max. About 6’2″ to her 6’1″, I would say.
Poor Sydney, she is going to have a crick in her neck, tomorrow morning, from having to stare upwards all evening! She needs to spend some time with Pixel, or the pixie, if she wants to avoid that.
*claws crossed, for pixie*
Good idea, but I don’t think Pixel will let Syd shoulder ride her.
More likely she will grab the blue orb like… err… shit, it seems I can’t remember when that was.
*promptly goes to sleep*
Yup, Sydney has studiously been avoiding even touching any of her weapons, whilst in the company of touchy ancient monsters of incredible power.
How much longer can she keep it up?
Err so to speak. Halo gets enough genitalia word-play, as it is. She would doubtless have long since tired of it, if she kept up with the comments.
Well she was the one who wanted to referrence tentacle porn for one of the orbs. Can’t blame us.
I just saw the news headline “Dr Who returns as cartoon”. Now that is a really handy power stunt, for him to have developed, for his regeneration!
Quite a handy way to come back. Especially if gaining immunity to harm from anvils, pianos and ‘ten ton weights’ being dropped on your head.‡ Not to mention being able to create tunnels, doorways, and the like, just by drawing them.
I think the Grrl Power Verse will be the best one to come back in. You keep all the creature comforts of home, plus gain the company of hot superheroines, in the same world. And the vampires and werewolves seem fairly friendly there too.
*holds paint brush in teeth, and starts practicing drawing a tunnel, on a wall*
‡ Lower case “a”, the capitalised one already grants immunity, via her power, if she so chooses.
Maybe he was slinking around behind the scenes and Dabbler caught him so he became a toon via the Cool World method.
Neat! Apparently their going to try to recover one of the early “lost” episodes by turning it into a toon.
Didn’t they already do that? Fairly sure one of the first three Doctors’ episodes was ‘recovered’ via cartooning the audio (the had the sound but the video was either lost or corrupted), thinking maybe a Troughton (or however he spelt his name)
I too saw reporting on it some time ago. But I think that was when discovery had been made, and they announced their intentions. Whereas this is now near the end of the process.
If there had been an earlier one, it would be surprising for the article Ignoble linked not to mention it. But it did say about a Dad’s Army episode that had been recovered and cartoonified by the same team, earlier in the year. So perhaps that might be what you were thinking of, if not my prior suggestion?
That’s a nice tunnel. Yorp, mind the train… nevermind. A coyote would have bounced right back.
A thought. If DaveB wants to change the term, he could simply incorporate the name of the organisation. So it would be the “Twilight Veil”, which sounds nicely poetic. Or, as an alternative, to draw it further from White Wolf, there is “Twilight curtain”.
The latter does overlap with a game location, but that is a different thing to how closely “the Veil” matches both the term, and (probably) the concept, in the White Wolf works.
*wags wagger wondrously*
I approve of either. Both sound very mysterious, apt and dramatic.