Grrl Power #454 – Monster shock
Sydney might not be quite so haranguey if Maxima wasn’t standing there. Yes, she’s essentially firing spitballs from over Superman’s shoulder, but hey, they’re all friends, right? Friends can tease each other about fatal weaknesses and allergies, right?
Harangue in a good word. It’s one of those words where if the first time you encounter it is in a novel and you’ve never heard it spoken it out loud, you might not quite guess how it’s pronounced right then and there, so you come up with a ‘close enough’ version in your head and make sure you don’t say it outloud until you have a chance to look it up. The same thing happened with me and ‘macabre’ though my ‘close enough’ version was ‘mac-a-bare.’ Fantasy novels are especially bad about this since they have so many made up words. I’m pretty sure I have a handle on how to pronounce Menzoberranzan, but still basically no idea on Drizzt’s cat, Guenhwyvar. In my head it’s ‘GWEN-e-var’ or ‘GWEN-hwy-var.’ Please tell me other people do this.
Well Sydney’s starting to ask a significant question there, but, well you know how she is. To be fair I’d probably stumble too if something that looked like Chorius started talking like Frasier.
Chorius is the representative for the Miscellaneous category, the races that don’t have enough of a significant population to have their own seat. In some ways his job is the hardest one on the council because he’s usually speaking for the most diverse bunch. Chorius is considered a “Monster,” but not in a pejorative sense. Monsters are themselves a diverse group, and can be hard to define. Usually when describing one, people tend to start with a movie reference. “It was like the thing from that movie The Relic / Outlander / Hellboy / any of those things in Pacific Rim / etc.” They tend to be darkly colored, but sometimes have glowey bits, chitinous or otherwise armored, claws, spikes, fangs. Basically if you throw a blanked over them while they’re sleeping, they’re sure to ruin it in short order. There is debate as to whether Kaiju and Monsters are the same thing. Monsters are “large” which is to say the size of a large human up to the size of a large horse, maybe even a large horse with a fat, lizardy tail on it (which you can bet probably has spikes) but they’re not “enormous.” They just look similar, but the debate may be pointless because there certainly aren’t any Kaiju on council and in fact, giant sea monsters are almost unknown, even to some of the longest lived council members.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon as soon as I get up. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
Another Intelligent Hulk…
An Intelligent Umber Hulk (for years, had trouble saying that correctly, tended to leave off the ‘H’, still do sometimes :()
What? No minicomic?
Hopefully, now that he has time, having finished the current comic, DaveB will get a chance to read some of the comments, on the previous comic. Maybe he will decide that a third one one, in the current sequence, could be both amusing and informative.
Dave already give us two comics per week for free but you think he should give you more? I suggest you think twice before demanding things you didn’t pay for.
how do you know Jayessell did pay?
Jayessell could be one of the 825 patreons, in which case Jayessell did pay for it. do you pay for it Ro Jaws ?
Okay, in hindsight that came out a bit harsh I guess.
I don’t pay Dave anything but I don’t expect anything in return. I don’t use adblock and I recommend Grrlpower to all my friends wich I hope will help Dave a little.
And he didn’t demand anything, just asked a question.
I didn’t take it as a demand… Dave usually has a mini comic off panel to explain or further detail something in the actual comic that might need clarification… or to make an obvious joke on something included in that day’s comic… Usually featuring Max and Halo or Halo and Dabs… for the funnier ones… Halo and Peggy mostly to explain the more serious military aspects from time to time…
Perhaps Dave felt there wasn’t anything that needed to be expounded upon in today’s strip, though the introduction of this new character might have warranted it…
*holds paws outstretched wide*
Group hug?
Well us sharks are not the hugging type but I will make a exception in your case Yorp.
Certainly seemed like an expectation to me
Since internet comments lack many of the visual and auditory clues and cues often used to distinguish a demand from a query or a serious statement from sarcasm, it’s generally a good idea to consider the possibility that one has misinterpreted its author’s intent.
I always try to interpret things in the most favourable light possible (given the information available).* And the root question, in this thread, can be taken very innocently, if doing that.
* Which occasionally backfires, if somebody was trolling, or otherwise being intentionally unpleasant. But more often, even if that was the case, it takes the wind out of their sails. Especially if the reply was informative or entertaining. Thus encouraging them to participate in a more constructive way.
In summary I would rather risk offending a troll, by taking the most innocent interpretation, than hurt somebody, who was acting in good faith, by opting for the harshest.
What did you just say about my mother? =OP
Yea, that kind of problem.
On a completely new topic. I see that you are clearly a viking. Did you manage to inherit any regenerative abilities? ;-)
Not really a Viking. It’s just the best (or at least most distinguishable) hat/headgear the website where I got my avatar from had.
Thanks for reminding me to turn off adblock for this site!
Guenhwyvar is basically the same name as Guinevere, King Arthur’s wife, and is pronounced similarly (I think).
It’s a variation on the Welsh spelling “Gwenhwyfar”, but it’s pronounced the same as Guinevere
It could be the same person actualy. In some of the old stories Guinevere were a daughter of giants and skilled in sorcery.
Wait, King Arfur’s missus was an inter-dimensional panther? o_O
I always pronounced it Goo-ehn-why-vahr.
Also I heard that Guinevere was somewhat of a cougar so it sort of fits. But they could have lion about that. Or high on khat.
*Giant stuffed panther lands on your head*
Stuffed after eating the last person they landed on? o_O
nah like a 500lb panther-shaped teddy bear
Does this mean I’m drunk? Or is that just elephants?
It is threads like this which encourage reading of Dave’s blog before getting too deeply into ‘what did other people think’ territory.
Between DaveB‘s blog & the way Chorius shut Sydney down with politeness & patience, I think DaveB himself can be aptly described by this:
If not, you end up falling into ‘WTF, did they just read the same comic as me?’ territory.
Happens to me quite often even when I do. =OP
Did she get a mind wipe (like the silent thingies in Doctor Who that you only remember when looking at them) or was it the voice that sounded like it was stepping on your soul that distracted her slightly.
I think it was the shock of hearing Chorius talk like an english gentleman.
Bonus points if he also sounds the same, though judging by that font, he does sound like one would expect something of his size to sound (gravely)
So, he sounds like a ‘Proper’ Englishman, who swallowed have of the marbles in his mouth
Funny, I had the English accent, but I somehow had it sounding in my mind like the proper English little girl voice out of the Resident Evil franchise computer. Having a perfect pronunciation around those ahem dentric additions is hilarious.
Besides, Sydney needs to be handing out Business Cards and offering discounts to anyone that just comes over to “hang” at her comic shop…
You mean, this little girl?
I didn’t picture gravely, I pictured it sounding like it comes from somewhere JUST south of his toenails
I heard it in the Rock Biters voice
The saddest and most poignant moment in the movie was when Atreyu found him towards the end, all alone and waiting for The Nothing :(
POO, but that scene is sadder than Artax’ death
Oh, and do not watch this scene if you have fond memories of the original Rock Biter :eek:
The Nostalgia Critic summed it up perfectly (fast forward to the last 20 seconds, when TNC turns into Gilbert Gottfried)
You are thinking of the Confessional Priests of the ‘Order of The Silence and the Question,’ and ‘The Sentinels of History,’ of the Papal Mainframe. Many mistakenly just call them The Silentes. Looking at them causes you to remember everything you have ever told them, and to trust what they say, then forget both and just act on what they told you, so that you can confess your sins with ease to them. You don’t remember the confession itself, but you feel absolved because they told you to. But the Order of The Silence break away sect twisted this ability for their own ends.
I was being facetious in that I didn’t want to post the long explanation and figured that anyone who knew what I was talking about would know the beings in question.
(confused) What beings?
Sorry, couldn’t resist. :-)
I can’t follow this thread.
Ooh, a kitty…
Yorp, take your meds.
Speaking of which, that reminds me…
Thread? There’s a thread here?
Well spoken giant monsters are my favourite types of giant monsters.
O and Rock Trolls from the Witcher 3. Those guys are amazing
So, based on how Ingsol reacts to ‘Ancient Vampire’, I’m going to guess that that is a compliment for vampires?
I’d say complimentary, with maybe just the slightest subtext of “ah, but you should have seen me in my prime.” It’s… flattering, but your average vampire-about-town might feel that he still has too many adventures and scrapes still in him yet to completely *justify* the title.
But vampires only get stronger as they age. So I doubt there is a prime. Maybe when he was still a human though.
Don’t forget that he was teasing Barkley about his age. So, whilst you may well be right, either way, it is a multi-layered thing. When you have an immortal, living amongst mortals, age comparisons can be both good and bad, in their own ways.
For instance, what if Ingsol fancies Maxima? He would not want her to pigeon hole him, as being ‘too old for me’.
The problem with relationships between an immortal and a mortal, is that, in the eyes of the immortal, any such relationship is over so fast.
Which would make somebody without human frailties much more attractive to an immortal. Maxima’s body is protected, at a cellular level. She is not going to suffer premature aging, due to over-exposure to sunlight, as one example.
And, due to the other perk, of having a super-fit body, even if she does not turn out to be immortal, she is likely to be very long lived.
Well.. barring death by unnatural causes.
Given her power set, it’s not completely unlikely that she is immortal. But we do know that she has aged since gaining her powers. So if she is immortal the question remains as to whether aging stopped at adulthood, or if she’ll have the cricket immortality curse from Greek mythology.
Oh I doubt Max is immortal. But a lot of aging is environmental, rather than the body breaking down on its own accord. I recall chatting with a couple of little old dears, here in the village, and they asked me my age. One of them goes “oh, we are the same age!”
I would have put her at 70, whereas I have decades to go to my retirement! She however has worked out in the fields since she was young, suffered periods of malnourishment, and all the other vagaries of being poor.
Not to mention living in a country with little to no safety standards (prior to entering the EU), so may well have been exposed to various noxious chemicals et al, in her diet, or elsewhere. Plus was doubtless a grandmother several times over. Numerous little factors, all adding to the cumulative effect.
Even if Maxima suffered all the same deprivation, as that woman,* Max would probably not have been affected by most of them (barring malnourishment, which is lack of something, so teeny forcefields would not help, to keep that out).
* Which would have to be in an alternate reality, as Maxima is already pretty close to her age.
Or, those little old dears were pulling your hind leg
Vampires are like dragons and wine that way.
They turn to vinegar if exposed to sunlight? o_O
That would only work for a troll-dragon, and then only into stone.
*watches a troll stumble by wearing tie-dye and waving a flower around* I think you mean turn STONED…
And quite a few of the golems are freshly baked.
And some are roasted:
Poppinfarsh the Dough Golem!
Good Times…
What goes in must come out.
Not quite such a good time.
Considering the subject, I thought you were going to link to this.
Now why did they not do that in bilbo. So fun too see the trolls sudenly lett the dwarf free and puff on hash pipe while making peace to all signs. And Gandalf exlaining too a confused Bilbo that Trols are stoned by sunlight
Sounds like a potventure movie right there.
Was actually meaning the wine, but would enjoy seeing a troll-dragon (or dragon-troll)
Great. Now I have an urge to pull out my D&D 3.5 books and slap the half-dragon template on a troll.
*takes medication*
There, all better now.
I’ve done that actually Half-Red Dragon too boot. The Party was surprised when it laughed at the wizard’s fire wall spell and walked right through it.
What about Vampire Dragons?
“Harangue” IS a good word, but what Sydney is doing here is not haranguing. It’s harassing, maybe. Pestering, certainly.
Perhaps baiting?
So, which one is the Master at it? >_>
Possibly even just plain old teasing. Also, Gesticus
(As in Sydney, not you).
The 13:01 has left Overcast Station and has burst into flames, its current whereabouts are unknown.
Found it’s whereabouts: right here
(who knew that Hagrid could play the violin? o_O)
Or maybe it is simply smoke on the water, blowing in the wind :P
Clever way for Sydney to confirm a vampire weakness. Just in case she might be called on to combat them.
And lovely cheeky grin! :-D
Or maybe it’s just Sydneys infamous bbad skills in communication. Why did Maxima decide to bring Sudney to a diplomatic meeting?
To see if someone on the vast Council knows anything about Sydney’s balls
Because Sydney can gain important tactical information, just by behaving normally? Halo is a devastatingly effective battlefield tactician. Who needs more fact-based knowledge, for these new factions, to ensure that her judgement remains sound.
The fact that she sounds like a bumbling fool, when doing so, provides an excellent cover. Maxima is thinking three steps ahead!
Only three steps? She hasn’t been hanging around Math enough (which, is probably by mutual agreement: Maxi because he is, well, Math, and Math because he wants to continue living
The “Really, I’m an Idiot” trope is one of my favorites to try and pull off during an RPG session, as either GM or Player. It requires a deft touch to give those with whom you are role-playing enough information to appropriately react while not being overt in your intentions. The fun happens when you get a session or two past and the others realize something “else” happened in that conversation.
Needless to say, it doesn’t happen very often for me.
The one in panel two is pretty adorable . . .
Yup, that was the one that I had my eye on too. :)
Also, a way to test for vampirism which isn’t fatal to ordinary humans. The stake through the heart is right out. as is the decapitation and filling of the mouth with holy wafers (no matter how tasty they might be).
Both are equally fatal to humans and vampires alike. But sunlight, that only causes damage to humans if exposed unprotected for a significant amount of time, and nothing quite as dramatic as bursting into flames.
“OMG, why did you defenestrate him?”
“You said to check for vampirism!”
Best to not take any chances with those tricky vegans. I mean vamps.
Yeah after all Carrot Juice is Murder.
Not if it’s Carrot Top :P
Justifiable Homicide
::runs scampering for cover as the abuse comes hurling in::
It was a joke!
Won’t everybody give peas a chance!
“I’m not from Vega 6, I swear!”
::listens to the sound of breaking glass and a short sharp thud two seconds later::
Reminds me of 3 (X-Files, Season 2, Episode 5). One of the episodes that dealt with vampires.
Puts on his nitpicking shades
John is one of the three vampires. After he refuses to talk about his two partners, Mulder confines him to a room with high, barred windows. We see the sun inching towards John as he paces. At first glance, morning is approching. But… if the sun is rising, shouldn’t it be crawling down the wall, not sneaking across the floor? For the light to slip across the floor, the sun would have to be setting.
I suppose Mulder could have chosen a room with a westward exposure and rigged up a large reflective surface outside the window to bounce the eastern rays of the rising sun into the window, but how would that look on his expense report?
“Item: One six-by-twelve-foot mirror.”
“Reason for Purchase: To demonstrate the delusional nature of a vampire’s claims.”
“Effectiveness of Expenditure: Failed to produce desired results. Subject burned to a crispy critter.”
Sez DaveB:
Sez Ignoble:
Yes, other people do this. Li’l old me, for a start.
Same here. I even got caught with “macabre” a long time ago, until I heard it spoken in (it figures) the audio track of a video game.
Likewise, in general terms, rather than for the specific examples.
For me it was asking what the theme music to Johnathan Creek was called.
I think. Maybe I already knew the word by then. Even as an right year old I was pretty well read by then, and France being just over the border makes you realise just how many of our words originate from there.
Years ago, there was a radio show called “Tales of the Macabre” on AM radio in the US (late 70’s / early 80’s). First time I had actually heard the word “macabre” and it totally blew my mind – until I realized the word was French, which was an “Oh, of course” moment (“I ordered a shoe with cheese on it? And I told them to force it down my throat?”).
Having “Sole Food” forced down your throat does indeed sound pretty macabre.
Then, one day, you come across a Scottish version of the show…
“Get Up, Grovel!”
“Oh. I’m so sorry master!”
oh, yes. regularly when I was younger, I was born moderate to severely hearing impaired. took me years to pronounce ‘expensive’ right. Mainly because I couldn’t hear the difference between right and what I was doing. it still happens that someone will say something that makes absolutely no sense either in context or grammatically, or both. so with a confused look I repeat it back to them. needless to say what I heard bore only a slight resemblance to what was said.
One book series I was reading had a character named “Isard” I always pronounced it “iss-ard” (like lizzard but with S’s and no L). It wasn’t until long after that I was talking to someone about it and they pointed out her nickname was “Ice Heart” so her name was probably pronounced “Eyes-ard”.
Star Wars, Issan Isard (or something like that), personal nickname for her was “Insane Ice-arse”
I still don’t know how to pronounce “askance”: ASS-cance or us-CANCE, or uh-SCANCE?
It depends on whether you want to speak English or American English. However the basic word is very similar in both, only varying on the second “a”. If you click on the audio button, here, you can hear the American version.
The English version has a less harsh second ‘a’, such as in ‘father’ or ‘bar’.
Personally have pronounced it “ASS-cance” (cance sounds like dance, either version) or “ASK-ance” (no longer say “ARSE-cance” as mum had that, she now has a stomo and wears a bag on her stomach :()
I’ve always said “Ah-skance” or “Uh-skance”, but I mostly grew up on the east coast of the US and then moved to the Mid west (I’m midwest until I get tired, then I drift into south Philly. I’m told it’s quite amusing…).
Not sure how other people pronounce “Raistlin Majere”, but personally pronounce it “Raised-Lyn May-zher” (the French pronounce ‘J’ like a ‘zh’, don’t they? Do bad, changed last name to “Majere” on 21st birthday and pronounce it with a ‘zh’, stupid doctor still pronounces it “May-Jerry” :()
I think it’s Mah-Jehr, based on a comment in one of the books, said by…I think it was Caramon, about an herb that sounded sorta like their name. He’d evidently meant marjoram.
Always thought is was Mar-Jer-Re myself.
Possibly! That’d certainly fit Caramon’s marjoram comparison more.
See also: Most of the goddamned Drow names from R. A. Salvatore’s novels…
Hmm, was sure got the pronounciation from the authors themselves somewhere
According to the Lexicon, it is RAIST-lin mah-jeer (so was close, if by preferring to use a ‘zh’ sound instead of the typical ‘j’)
Welp! That settles it, then!
Mah-Jeer it is. Along with his marjoram tea. I don’t know why the marjoram bit stuck with me all these years, but it did.
I was less concerned with how to pronounce his last name than I was about reading “caramel” for his brother Caramon.
I don’t even bother to pronounce weird names in books, not even in my head. I end up associating a group of characters with a particular person/place/thing and recognize them even as my eyes skim over the line. So really sucks when talking to someone about some of my favorite books and they mention a character and I’m like ‘who?’ because I never figured out how their name was pronounced.
Oh yeah, use to do that as well sometimes: skim over a name (of a person place or thing) so as not to lose the flow of the story, may or may not go back at a later time to wrangle the name into a pronounceable means
F’lar from the Dragonriders of Pern.
Really annoying sometimes.
It’s not “Flar”? o_O
It is an honorific. I.e. something that changes about the name, when a specific status is achieved. it must be pronounced differently, unless intending to give insult. I did read through the pronunciation guides. But, as with most such, decided it was not worth committing to memory. Given this is the first time, in decades since, that it made any difference, I am satisfied with that call!
However, the way I accommodate my initial sentiment, with being too lazy to actually get it right, is that I take the speech mark to be both a gap and indication that both surrounding letters should be pronounced distinctly.
“FUH LAHar.”
Was being a wisenheimer :P
Weimaraner? He was kinda dogging it… LOL
Oh, you were being a funny f’lar. Gotcha.
Or maybe he just has a F’lar for the obvious.
Fuh-Lar was how it went in my head.
don’t forget T’kul and B’zon.
To explain how the whole mess goes, F’lar was born Fallarnon, and his brother F’nor was Famanoran.
There was rather a mild stink in “The White Dragon” after Jaxom got his dragon, since his name didn’t work so well using the usual contraction of the given name.
“J’xom? That’s unpronouncable!”
“We’ll just call him Jaxom. He was born a noble, let him keep the noble name.”
(or words to that effect).
It was more “He’ll never actually be a Rider” and “That dragon probably will not survive”. And it wasn’t really a “stink” as much as Lessa ‘s brain going “This can’t be happening, QUICK! find something else to think about!”
Lessa:”J’xom? Jax’m? Can’t even get a proper honorific out of it”
Lessa’s brain:…I give up…
Okay, why is Maxi letting down her hair? Was Inggie flirting with her and it started to work, but Sydney showed up just in time? o_O
It looks to me like Ingsol may be paying a bit too much attention to Max’s neck & she’s wanting to cover it up with her hair. If you thought Max wasn’t keen to have guys staring at her boobs, think about having a vampire stare at your neck.
However, Ingsol might be mistaken as flirting with Max, because vampires are the original Neck-Romancers…
Yeah, was thinking that possibility as well
Sydney —> Leon.
Comix-nerd —> Maxima.
Deus —> Maxima.
Ingsol —> Maxima.
Suzie News —> Arianna.
Arianna —> Suzie News.
Simply meant Sydney’s arrival broke up the flirting, not that she was jealous
Dabbler -> Everyone.
Math –> Every Woman.
Considering all the almost human looking creatures in this universe Math no doubt go for kind of human and female looking creatures as well.
It’s really just that her hair is slippery and was coming loose from the hair tie. Basically I like the way it looks with it down more, but it makes sense she’d put it up while flying or eating.
Plus she didn’t bring a rebar hair tie withe her.
I don’t know why she let her hair down but I think she looks more attractive with it down. Also, most of the time that it’s down we see a softer side of Maxi. It’s almost as if when the hair goes up her more serious side comes out… when her hair is down, she’s actually more playful.
Which, is actually true for many real women as well. They often put their hair up so they’re not distracted by it, which innately allows more focus on the tasks at hand. That means the act of putting the hair up signals “it’s time to be serious.”
Heh, there’s a Konami Code banner in the back :3
not just the konami code.. if you look in the back right corner on the yellow banner, it looks like Papyrus made a cameo.. lol
Wait, is that, Sailor Moon standing above that banner? o_O
This can only mean one thing: Halo is here to join the Sailor Guardians.
And the Sailor Guardians will never be the same.
Nor will the Galaxy :P
Let’s see Queen Beryl try something now
Well, it looks like someone raided the thesaurus…
Or ate one.
Does nobody care about the poor chair?
Only if it is another member of the “Miscellaneous” faction
If it let people (or something) sit on it I doubt that it mind. Perhaps it even like it…
It’s probably made from magical steel.
Old hardwood is surprisingly strong if there’s no twisting or bending going on.
You mean… why don’t they show it some chair-ity?
It would have preferred that to a monstrous botty.
So, anyone have any idea what Chorius said there? I’ve been doing a little research – i.e. looking in on-line dictionaries – and still haven’t been able to figure it out. Truth be told, I’m having trouble finding a definition for that last word, Exemplarification.
Since Sydney just said, “No offense,” would I be right in guessing he was basically saying, “None taken?”
Loosely translated, he said “I’m used to being used as an example”
I think this is an error on Dave’s part. Exemplarification isn’t a word. Exemplification means “to show or illustrate by example,” so I believe that was the intended word.
Exemplar however is a real word. I believe the constructed word to therefore be informed and thereby valid. Regardless of whether it is in contemporaneous use or not.
1. One that is worthy of imitation; a perfect example or model.
So Dave (and Chorius, by extension) is actually being very clever in merging the meanings. And showing off, in the process.
I took it a little differently. My go to definition for exemplar is a perfectly typical example of a set. Axiom is the word that doesn’t seem to fit to me. I understand an axiom to be a universally accepted truth. As such, I took Chorius’ statement “I am axiomatically quite accustomed to exemplarification.” to mean something like “It is a universal truth that I am practiced in appearing to be typical.”
I am [universally accepted as being] quite accustomed to [being a perfect example of appearing to be typical*].
* This is incorporating various plays possible. Conveying two meanings, simultaneously, with one word, despite their disparate definitions.
I took it as “I’m normally used as an example” or just “I’m used to it”, where the ‘it’ is colloquially recognized as being the subject of the sentence that was meant to be offenceless.
So he’s an example of being used as an example?
Chorius might be overcompensating for his appearance, or he may have intentionally trying to throw Sydney for a loop, but the other responses to your question have it right. He’s basically saying “I’m used to being the exemplar, and for reasons that should be immediately obvious.”
Exemplarification isn’t an actual word listed in the dictionary, it’s just a logical extension of the root word.
How exactly does that respond to Sydney’s question about how he got in, given that he would very definitely stand out in a crowd? It seems like a non-sequitur.
Probably the back door.
How do you hide?
I am the best.
It’s not explaining how he got in, it’s him saying he’s not taking offense at being used as an example.
That is actually a reasonable interpretation, if he is always considered to be the most frightening dude in the room.
Just wait until Vance comes for a visit! Then see who Sydney decides to snuggle up with, to feel safe.
I thought the question wasn’t how he got in, but how he managed not to get noticed by the general human population.
When you see Chorius, on the pavement in front of you, wearing his best suit, do you:
A. Scream/ Run/ Warn the nearest authority figure/ Open fire?
B. Act like you never saw anything, and carry about your normal business?
Option A: Congratulations, you kept his 100% success rate.
Option B: Better luck next time. Of course only survivors get to have a next time.
Can get stuck for hours looking at Option A pics on dA
It’s a bit gibberishy. If he’s trying to impress her with his vocabulary he’s going to need to try rather harder.
I agree it is hard to follow. Which is rather the point of Dave’s gag. However, when you decompress it, you find that he is using normal informal spoken English sentence structure, but substituting big words. Those though do go in appropriate places, so his vocabulary is just unfamiliar, rather than incorrect.
Rather than repeat a breakdown of it, you can find such in the last thread, on this page.
And that’s why Sydney lost her train, basically, her mind is still going “Wait, what?”
One of the worst – or possibly best – examples of the naming schema in fantasy novels is David Weber’s ‘Safehold’ series. After a few hundred years of the language deviating from English, you get names which are almost – ALMOST – similar to what we have, like if you’d removed standardized spelling and just gone with how things sound. It still throws me for a loop to read ‘Zhasphar’ as ‘Jasper’.
Still easier than pronouncing anything in Quenya, though.
Agreed. I really wish my kindle would let me find/replace all the names in that series with their “normally” spelled counterparts. Although, you then might get bludgeoned to death by the political references. (Or is it mere coincidence that the main baddie is named Clinton ? ;) )
My hobby is:
Replacing every instance of ‘kindle’ with ‘giraffe-fondler’.
I wrote an extension to Firefox which can edit random HTML like this.
I use Cloud to Butt extension because I’m not a Final Fantasy fan.
Yeah, the “almost but not quite” names are really freakin’ annoying.
He has time to write another series in addition to the Honorverse? I would have thought he had been all worded out after that.
Two other series. He’s also writing the Basil Bloodyhand series
Small nitpick:
“Exemplarification” would mean “Being made an Exemplar” or “Being made a perfect pinnacle of one’s group.”
“Exemplification” would mean “Being used as an convenient example”
Wouldn’t he have used the latter word?
He’s intelligent, not smart (or maybe he’s just trying to sound smart, but, like a lot of people, native speakers included, English can be a sod of a language to get right :P)
No he means “Being made an Exemplar” Exemplar is the noun form of exemplify, so it means the same thing, just used as a different part of speech.
He (does gender apply here?) shut Syd down with a single sentence…….
Now THAT’S a superpower…….
And are Ingsol and Maxi FLIRTING?
On the other hand, it’s probably relativley easy to derail Sydney’s train of thought.
And from what we’ve seen, Sydney’s usual train of thought is most analogous to a circus train. Now it’s derailed and there’re clowns and mimes littering the crash site, and emergency services can’t reach them because of all the invisible boxes in the way. Oh, the humanity!
And the infinite clowns that need to be pulled out of that tiny car. Every time they try to nail a death toll, they just keep finding more clowns.
“Clowns to the left of me, clowns to the right of me.”
Something something dark side.
Something something my plan is complete.
“clowns to the left of me, clowns to the right…here i am, stuck in the middle with you”
It’s “Jokers” to the right… hopefully with Batman right behind him as well..
Glad to see it wasn’t just me who thought they were flirting, and Sydney interrupted at the wrong time (or right time, depending on whom you ask
Sydney. lost. her. train. of. thought? The mind boggles. Her trains left the tracks, jumped the river, detoured by Albuquerque but never gotten lost before. Chorious just accomplished a modern miracle.
Albuquerque? She should have taken a left turn there.
Max and Ingsol, sitting in a tree, knecking … k n e c k i n g.
Better to be thrown in a pool than down the stairs.
(And the only reason I watched that was because it was in the “Up Next” column of the video you posted…. which just goes to show you how addictive YT can be).
I’ve got a similar superpower, apparently.
I can generally shut down an entire conversation or argument in a word or two, no matter how heated it is. Used to not be able to control it, but I’ve gained much more social control recently.
I have a Paddington-hard-stare which is good for stopping a conversation even starting up. Perfected in my years of commuting. It has three grades, that I can slip up or down, fluidly, as required:
1. I am not interested in your hand-out/questionnaire.
2. F**k off!
3. Open your mouth, and I will pull your tongue out, and strangle you with it!
The one time it did not work, was when returning, rather wobbly, from a late-night do. I think I was at about a 1.5, but not pulling it off right.
[laughing, and backing off] “OK, OK mate, I get the picture, you don’t want a mini-cab!”
Not really, since shutting down Sydney sometimes doesn’t even take a single word.
Regarding pronouncing unfamiliar words: I like to read aloud. Once, I encouraged a friend to read aloud to me (trying to share the joy). Everything went fine, for a few paragraphs, until she read a bit where someone was “MY-zzled.” It made no sense in context, and I couldn’t work out what it was supposed to be.
The word was “misled” — you know, “mis-led”, “led” to a wrong (“mis-“) conclusion. Oddly, she knew exactly what was meant, but had never realized how the word was built out of its root and prefix. I mean, she knew there was no verb, “misle”, that could become “he misles”, “they misle”, kind of thing.
I suppose that’s a bit better than getting missled. Those things carry an explosive warhead & pack quite a punch…
Okay, couldn’t find a definition of “Exemplarification”, but using ‘exemplary’ closest could figure out what Umbie was saying is, basically, “I am quite obviously accustomed to being very good at what I do” (or something like that, maybe?)
Since he’s being used as an example, that’s probably what he’s referring to.
So it’s: “I am quite, as is self evident, quite accustomed to being used as an example”
An example of what though… o_O
Well in this case, beings that would have a very hard time blending in.
It’s basically “But some of you would have a hard time walking through a crowded street. Like this guy for example”
That APC is nearly as armored as Chorius.
You smell like this guy looks! He actually smells like a bouquet of flowers though.
Poor Sydney, her train of thought is so easily sidetracked, especially by a sesquipedalian entity of obvious intellect, possibly even of refinement.
A far better way of throwing her, than the old loom and leer.
I am going to stick with fluffing myself up though.
Took me a moment to remember you have fur and didn’t mean that in the other sense.
I was up early. Bleh. Grrlpower was up early. Yeah!
…and between the time of me reading and me posting the comments went from 9 to 46… although, to be fair, I had a quick bite to eat between those two events. Although it has always amazed me that this comic gets one the order of 500 posts per comic.
Actually, the comic went up at it’s usually time: 10pm Thursday night
Good info. I will add it to my “check the night before list”. (looks) I have schlockmercenary scheduled at 9 PM EST, I will add grrlpower at 10 PM (Sun/Wed).
13:00 (real time + 2).
That… only works if you happen to be in the country that greets the sun first every day (otherwise it is 5am DaveB time)
Ingsol: “I don’t know about ancient.”
That’s vanity for you, still trying to seem younger than he is.
What he should say is “When 700 years old you get, look as good you will not.”
A word Master Yoda wants with you.
How about “balloon?”
When given that choice I usually opt for either “aspidistra” or “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”. To choose anything else would be quite atrocious!
I’d go for spathic or callipygian
Wants with you a word Master Yoda does.
Yeah, friends do totally rag on each other’s weaknesses and allergies. I’m deathly allergic to maple (sap/syrup/sugar) and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten picture messages from my friends of them enjoying a giant plate of pancakes just smothered in it. One of them is allergic to onions and I will send a text that I’m enjoying a plate of friend-poison.
What’s not cool (and not done by friends but a-hole distant family) is when you tell them you have an allergy and they think that means: “Oh I don’t like this thing but I will like it in that dish you made so just surprise me after I’ve had a bite!”
Fun trip to the ER there.
Or, maybe, your distant arsehole relative is simply trying to bump you off deliberately to get the secret family fortune (the one that only exists in their head)
My Dad once had to fend off a nurse who thought that being deathly allergic to penicillin ACTUALLY MEANT “being afraid of needles”.
He changed medical practitioners after that..
Wow! As someone with familly history of deathly allergy to certain medicins, that is quite worrying.
Indeed. I know this thing of which you speak. I have a friend who is deathly allergic to peanuts, to the point that merely picking one up makes her fingertips start turning red. Well, one day she went to a party, and the hostess was convinced that her allergy was “all in her head”, and served a dish with peanuts in it without warning anybody.
Well, the laconic version is that the hostess ended up with a choice: Pay her hospital bill (several thousand dollars), or be arrested and charged with attempted murder.
Can anyone translate what Chorius just said to Sydney???
Already been done, mostly
Yes, RobK translated it in reply to Ignoble asking the same thing, up above.
Check here!
I think soon, it is about time to find out why Sydney was brought to a top secret meeting of Non-humans. Are they waiting on someone to show up?
Yes, they’re waiting for the faction of mages to show up with a report they’ve been working on. Sydney is there because the report is presumably about her balls.
I suspect that they have bigger fish to fry. Sydney’s impact, on future generations, may well be a part of it. But I seriously doubt an entire meeting of the world’s most powerful secret organisation* would have been called just for that.
However they are indeed waiting on those pesky mages, and their report.
I am guessing that a significant part of it will have been a re-casting of the auguries, to see if the actual press conference, as it went,** varied from prior predictions. This can be compared to details collated, by the science influenced factions, and whatever Maxima and co have brought to the table.
* That we presently know about.
** Halo could have profound implications on randomising magical prediction and prophecy, if she, and her actions cannot be accounted for, by magic. We already know that science cannot explain her behaviour.
If it’s that secret, how do we know about it?
Know about what?
“I suspect that they have bigger fish to fry.”
Probably yes. But Sydney’s balls doesn’t have to be the entire reason for the meeting, but merely one topic that they might discuss.
The meeting wasn’t for Sydney, it was just co-inky-dinky that the Yearly Pot-lunch Dinner for the Council happened to be that night
I think Sydney’s presence at this meeting is covert gathering of intel via overt Sydney-ness. :D
They pretty much said why she was being brought in – the projection orb has illusion busters that can see through stuff that Dabbler can’t see through. Hiding the unusual people who are walking around in disguises from her is basically impossible and they don’t want her freaking out when she sees them, so they are showing her everything.
Big words, no understand
I didn’t either.
DaveB: “…there certainly aren’t any Kaiju on council and in fact, giant sea monsters are almost unknown, even to some of the longest lived council members.”
Could it be that there are very few “monsters” in this chamber that just don’t get around much underwater? It doesn’t look like many of these council members hang around much in the same social circles as Aquaman & such marine life-forms would have logistical trouble to survive the length of any single meeting on dry land.
I like him.
He’s an interesting monster.
No wonder Gossy has such in-ter-esting hair: his butt is on the top of his head :eek:
Thank you
Just noting that 1. There are monsters on Sesame Street, and people are cool with them. They show that being a “monster” doesn’t have to equate to “terrifying”.
And 2. That’s one heluva chair Chorius is sitting in. Stylish, seemingly comfortable enough to lounge in, yet durable enough to hold his…apparent…bulk.
Well then, obviously he should go for the hypnotic tie.
Simple really, he just has to hold a sign advertising a local food establishment with and arrow on it. Twirl occasionally. Everyone forgets the outlandish sign twirlers faster than men in black.
My word was epitome. Which I not only pronounced wrong in my head I also misdefined. The poor definition was a common one at least, the mispronunciation not so much. ep-i-tome. Tome like in book, and I was accenting the final syllable. And I was defining it as the acme or best of something instead of its actual definition as the perfect example of something, a minor but important distinction. The perfect example is not always the best.
Problems can also arise when non-standard characters are needed for words and the device used to write it does not recognize them. After the Academy awards last year a local paper was trying to describe a dress worn by a celebrity. It came out in print as gold lame. Sorry guys but without the accent your compliment just turned into an insult.
The dress was an insult to taste and fashion
Sounds like a “monster” is anything that looks like a but isn’t a dinosaur.
Dunno, a lot of insect-like critters, tentacled beasties and bankers do not match that definition.
They…uh…don’t count. Unless they’re Scottish.
Yeah. That’s how you logic. VICTORY LAP!
yes, a lot of other bibliophiles also only read words and don’t know how to pronounce them right away. one of my motivations for taking Latin in high school was so that i could figure out what words mean and how they sound more accurately when i read them.
*hands over a soothing anesthetic skin cream*
Just in case sympathetic pain returns, from the associated memories.
Salve, magister!
Pretty much the only Latin i can trot out on demand (since it was spoken, in unison by the whole class, every day.)
Isn’t “Guenhwyvar” basically “Jennifer”? Well, maybe pronounce the “J” more like “Gw”, but otherwise…
Err no. I would pronounce it closer to King Arthur’s wife’s name than that. How you actually say it though depends on the language inspiring the name. Obviously if the author has mentioned this somewhere, that takes precedence. Unfortunately, although I have attended one of his talks, I did not raise that point.
Clearly the above is the most likely inspiration, and therefore our best guide. However, contextually, the cat was a figurine of wondrous power, from the Forgotten realms setting. These, in turn, were crafted by the dwarves. D&D Dwarves derived from the works of Tolkien.
Tolkien’s dwarves language was secret, but was attributed to have Jewish influence.
Therefore we need to ask any Hebrew speaking readers, how they would pronounce the word?
Jennifer may very well be the evolution of the word though.
Lots of names evolve over time like that.
I had a hilariously incorrect pronunciation for “poignant” hanging around in my head for awhile. Fortunately, before I had occasion to say it out loud, I overheard the correct pronunciation at a party (early on in the courtship with the lady who is now my wife, I was at a “farewell to the house” party her parents were throwing; as her mother was, at the time, head of the English department, I was in one of the relatively rare groups where someone is likely to use “poignant” in a sentence.)
That was a very poignant anecdote. (Does it still count even if I didn’t use it correctly?)
You did! There was a sweet tale of innocent linguistic misunderstanding. Fraught with the potential peril of alienating a budding relationship. Heightened by the potential mother-in-law being in a high-prestige job, so that such a faux-pas might cause her to consider the match to be ill-advised.
Yet all culminating in them, overcoming that, by sheer luck and now being married and living together happily ever after!
*wags tail poignantly*
It being poignant because of the ‘follies of youth’ aspect, which is to be regretted. Especially had luck not intervened. I just like focusing on it turning out OK, in the end.
Wait, so the connection between werevolves and the moon – an ancient superstition – is false, but vampires’ deadly aversion to sunlight – which was entirely made up by the film Nosferatu and has no connection to folklore or superstition – is true? Meh.
(the vampire-sunlight thing is a bit of a pet peeve of mine)
Actually the disease that started the myth about Vampires does have an aversion to sunlight as a component but it was more a over-sensitivity to UV then actual burst into flame. And the Myth said they were weaker during the day because they were creatures of the night and darkness. But the whole light burning them is added on and kind of makes no sense as all light sources would cause them some problems. Hell florescent lights emit lots of UV.
I should imagine Heaven’s florescent lights emit lots of UV too. Especially if it is the Sun.
In some universes it’s not the UV it’s a magical property of the sun. In the Buffy universe even reflected sunlight off a mirror didn’t hurt vampires (or maybe didn’t hurt them much, they didn’t light on fire anyway).
Exemplarification isn’t a word, and Exemplar doesn’t make sense in context of Chorious. Exemplar meaning a person or thing serving as a perfect example or perfect model of something (unless I’m getting the context of what he’s refering to in Syndey’s ‘no offence’ comment’.).
That being said How’s Chorious long-winded? Or prone to polysylabic words? So far he doesn’t say much, and what he does say isn’t all that long winded nor is it prone to .
But still something like that being as high-brow and cultured as Fraiser. That’s pretty cool, and a part of me hopes he pops up every now and then ^_^.
Ease back on the racism bud! He most clearly is both able to communicate and self-aware, ergo he is a person!
Person ≠ human.
That wasn’t racism. Nor was it specism.
It was a fact.
Sydney was stating that going around in Shades and a Coat wouldn’t work for him.
He responds with “Not at all. I’m quite accustomed to exemplarification”.
Which makes no sense as a response. I was saying nothing about his intelligence, nor the degree of his personhood /sapience. Only that the grammar used doesn’t exist, and / or was misused when talking about him / things he said.
Monsters are people too!
“Exemplar doesn’t make sense in context of Chorious.” is the part I was picking up on. It corresponds to normal conversational patterns. Just using big words. Ignoring the rest of it, just to show that one word does apply to him, and in context, it reads like this:
“How do you hide your secret identity”
“I am the best” [unspoken, but implied: “at hiding my secret identity”]
However it would not work if he could not be an exemplar (as a non-human). Hence why I had to challenge the wording of your comment. Albeit that you have now clarified that was not what you were attempting to argue.
Beyond the above, my intent was tongue-in-cheek. II was not seriously having a go at you. Just trying to make the above point. I should have added a winking smiley, or some such, to indicate that it was not to be taken harshly. Sorry about that.
No problem. And my real problem other than Exemplarification not being a word is even if he used exemplar is that his reply of being “quite accustomed to being exemplary” doesn’t make sense in reply to Sydney’s speach.
Now if he stated that he was ‘exemplary at obfuscation’ (perfect at becoming obscure / unclear (as in unnoticable). That might be a totally different thing.
It most certainly is! English has standard rules, for how to conjugate a base word, into various different forms. Some words are common enough that all different forms are routinely used. Exemplar is not one of those. However that does not mean that you cannot apply those rules, to use it in its expanded form.
Dave is using perfectly good, if extremely uncommon English. It is not unique, though, as I found two prior English language instances, of other people having conjugated it that way.
It does make sense, because it is having to reply to Sydney’s own complex sentence. I have already shown how, part of his reply, responds to part of Sydney’s question. The remainder is to address
Again he is using common informal English, but substituting big words. The simple meaning being
Linguistically, he was focusing his effort on setting Sydney’s mind at ease. Simultaneously he is either making a genuine claim to being that good (think a ninja version of Math) or is making a lighthearted joke.
We had a thread recently using a very similar vein, each trying to outdo each other, by claiming to be better than the last. Chorius has simply taken that to the absolute max.
Possibly Chorius is either a pompous boaster, the best ninja Sydney is ever likely to meet, or a joker who likes using big words.
Whilst my sentence is easier to make sense of, his compressed more data into less words. Yet conforms to English language rules (as used in informal spoken English). This may be a trait of his own species way of thinking, or his native language, rather than an attempt to come across as being brainy.
Yes, but that still doesn’t explain how that applies to how he managed to use the front door
Perhaps he has access to an SEP?
Well, if he is true to his statement, he is the best ninja known. Either he can do what “X” has demonstrated, and walk in, invisibly. Alternatively, he will do it the historical ninja way. Namely to disguise himself as somebody, or something, which everyone would expect to see going through that doorway.
His advantage being that he may have access to extraordinary means to assist in doing that. Perhaps shapechanging, or super-technology allowing him to reduce his size, then use conventional disguise techniques. Or the same kind of ki control techniques that ninjas can purportedly use. Or magical spells or racial abilities even.
Personally I would like it if he is just very good at standing where people do not happen to be looking. Look at panel 6, and note how part of him disappears into sheer blackness. This could be him modifying that technique, but applying it to the light sources, rather than the observers. Thus plunging himself into selective darkness, by occluding all sources of light falling there.
You occasionally see a comedy performance, where a duo act out having one person always remaining out of sight of the other. Turning as they turn, or ducking behind an object, just as they glance over their shoulder. Or only being visible if appearing to be a reflection, in a mirror (but which is actually a window).
If you had someone who was the absolute best at that, ever (ie the exemplar at doing that), he would not be limited to countering just one person. He could anticipate where everyone, in the street was looking, at any given time. And make sure he walked only in the places they were not observing.
It means he’s quite used to being used as an example.
Thank you for typing that out I couldn’t read the font and didn’t understand in context…
Yeah, Chorius is using them there words wrongly. He sounds like somebody who got a Word of the Day calendar, and doesn’t quite get it.
Possibly I am giving him more credit than he is due. But there are at least a couple of ways of interpreting his comment as good English. So let us wait and see.
Except that Exemplarification isn’t a word. So yeah, giving him more credit than he’s due. At least without some quick editing on his dialog.
Mostly if he’s supposed to be like Fraiser Crane. Then I’m definitely going to be holding him up to higher standards (Since he much like Jean Luc Picard are gods among men and have a rather high bar to live up to). Although his description as a Sesquipedalian is also improper. Since that means that he is chatty, and uses lots of polysyllabic words.
My reply above, indicating that it is a valid English word, serves as a rebuttal to this. No editing of his dialogue is required. It has been very carefully thought out and constructed. It is not in error.
So, having seen him in one speaking scene, you have managed to correctly deduce how he will behave, for the remainder of the comic? The Who’s Who is intended to encapsulate the entirety of a character, not just their first sentence.
Sesquipedalian implies nothing about being chatty. The literal meaning of the word is “one-and-a-half-legged” so you could say that Peggy is quite literally sesquipedalian. However, usually when applied to people, it means someone who frequently uses sesquipedalian words. A sesquipedalian word, in turn, is a word that uses one and a half poetic feet, foot being the basic metrical unit of verse; since a foot typically consists of two to four syllables, a sesquipedalian word has tree to six syllables.
“tree to six syllables”
A tree syllable word: “I-am-Groot”
Basically, it means someone who uses two words when one would suffice
Well more like he’s making up words that he thinks mean something. Like he doesn’t quite get English, but watched enough TV to try and make educated guesses … which is kind of really sad. Since I really want to see the Fraiser Crance of Monsters be all cultured and high brow.
Maybe whipout a tophat and monocle.
Heh, quite a funny reply. Doubly so though, as it is you who is in error, not him.
“Exemplar” is a word. To conjugate it into the form Chorius has used you add “ification“. This is a simple, perfectly correctly used, conjugation of an English word. Meaning the new form is also correct.
Let us both look forward to seeing more of the Frasier Crane of Monsters, in future.
As I noted elsewhere, Shakespeare did that all of the time.