Grrl Power #452 – Aw, they packed a lunch
Today’s page features a Patreon “executive supporter” cameo from Tom H. C. in the form of a Council historian (and also bloodbag.) He’s not in the Who’s Who cause no one says his name, but that’s remedied on the next page.
I’m not 100% sure how assault actually works. Obviously there’s such a thing as consensual assault, or else some aspects of BDSM would be considerably more problematic. I think it probably comes down almost entirely to one party pressing charges against another, but I also imagine there are cases where the state can prosecute someone if there’s patterns of abuse and/or if someone seems to be intimidated into not pressing charges, or is deemed incapable of understanding what assault is, like a young child. In any case Sydney is currently about as informed on the topic as I am, and that’s beside the point of this page. Tom and the vamplings obviously have an arrangement here. Sydney also doesn’t know whether or not Archon has any jurisdiction here. Obviously if a werebear starts rampaging the streets and shrugging off bullets, they’d be on it, and Arianna would be spinning it as “Bear Man” or whatever, but something like this which doesn’t directly affect a member of the public, she has no idea about jurisdiction, but you can bet the Council probably has some form of internal security.
I nearly went off on a tangent in panel two with Crimson’s response to the robot question, but it crowded the panel and wasn’t satisfactory. The jist of it was that there are in fact a few robots here and there, but technically they’re considered aliens, because they’re non-terrestrial intelligence. Here on Earth we still haven’t cracked the whole A.I. thing (unless Google isn’t telling us something) not to mention the ambulatory hardware platform, at least one that looks even remotely human, and/or has more than 15 minutes of battery power. Of course A.A.I.s (Alien A.I.s) still need to be incredibly careful while on Earth because of the “paradigm shifting the technology level of the planet if they get run over by a truck and wind up on the wrong operating table and someone realizes that their patient has a quantum memory synchronizer where their left lung should be” thing.
It occurs to that as far as an AI goes, one might be satisfied touring a planet virtually, either seeing through the another aliens Google Glass or GoPro equivalent or by infiltrating traffic and cell phone cameras, since they’d be viewing the world through their eyeball cameras if they went themselves. I suppose it would depend on the nature of the AI though. Data was hardware dependent. His positronic brain evolved and formed new neural connections as he lived and learned. It’s arguable he couldn’t be downloaded into, for instance, the Enterprises main computer if his body was destroyed. (Honestly though I’m a little surprised that didn’t happen in one episode, internal consistency be damned – and yes I know he basically took over the Enterprise once via some holodeck link into the computer, but in that he was co-opting the ship’s processing power, not transferring his consciousness.)
Mass Effect 2’s Legion would be perfectly fine downloading into another hardware platform. They flat out said his intelligence as well as all the other Geths’ was cloud based, or at least distributed among them all. They’d probably be fine with virtual tourism. Even if they wanted their own autonomous platform to move about in, they could just send down one unit and a million of them could log in to poke about on Earth. (Depending on network capacity I guess) Obviously there’d need to be some sort of coordinating oversight regarding the motor controls or else the thing would move like “Twitch plays Zelda.”
Edit: Fixed a grammar error, and added the mini comic, since people have pointed out that the girls are engaged in Battery and not Assault.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon as soon as I get up. $1 and up, but feel free to contribute as much as you like :)
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
literally LOL on this :D
‘Ere, now! What’s all this then, what’s all this?
I dunno about him, but I wouldn’t mind all that much if those two women were all over me, even if it was to bite my neck. On further examination, I want to switch places with him. Also, “They’d be on board with the ‘Kill all Humans’ platform.” That’s racist. [Ding]
The girls look gorguse but my self i would like a medical tell me if a vampire are a living human (mutant, virus/symbiot ) or a Undead. I disslike necrophilia even if the bodie is moving.
Mutant/virus/symbiont you can live with. Most of the time
It really depends on the world’s laws they are in: some are non-living, some are mutations, some are viruses slash parasitic hosts and some are simply another species
Most common vampires are neither of those things really, they are not rotting corpses or anything. it is a magical bloodline transmitted through ex-sanguination and blood transfusion. at worst they are dead for 8 hours.
We don’t call people who are resuscitated after heart attacks undead. so I don’t know why we have to act so impolite around our nocturnal brethren.
Either way, it definitely wouldn’t be necrophilia. for gods sake, they possess literally EVERY characteristic of life.
1. Composed of Cells. [check]
2. Different levels of organization (IE: Tissue, organs, organ systems) [Check]
3 Uses energy. [Probable check] (Some vampires don’t really. but most at least need blood)
4. Responds to the environment. [Check]
5. Living things grow. [Check] (Vampires don’t get taller. but most non-suck ones can regenerate. which implies cell division)
6. Reproduces. [Check] (though not the traditional way (normally) vampires are capable of creating more of themselves)
7. Adapts to their environment. [Check] (unless the environment is in sunlight)
:D good argument. Even if the healing a vampire can do could be explained away with magic bullshit loke it use rhe vitality and life force of its victem to heal. Then we are in undead territorium again. Still good argument.
Vampires reproduce by converting a human host though; which doesn’t count. That’s why Viruses are not considered to be living, because they can only reproduce by using cells from a host to reproduce.
If a vampire procreate by virus or bacteria insead of magic blood bulshit (TM undead inc) then some life has too exist as virus/bacteria need living medium to procreat. Unless we are talking about bakteria and virus that BREAK down dead tissue.
Hole diffrent story then and not muth vamp left.
Bulshit blood just look att the suckers in Buffy they have a blood demon that animate them.
There are Cuckoos are alive. Yet need to place their eggs in the nest of some other species, in order to have them fed and raised, to maturity. And there are plenty of other self-evidently living creatures, which need another organism to reproduce. Not to mention that all of us animals would die if there were no plants!
I recognise Teminator and Bender but shadow nr3. The alien who is that
Has been mentioned on all three pages now
Thanks totaly missed that they said hunter-killer from matrix on all pages when i searched for a clue of what it was. Thanks fore hitting me white a clue-by-clue in the head i needed that.
I was so expacted 2 robots and 1 alien that my brain said bzzzz reboot needed.
It’s one of the hunter-killers from The Matrix.
Weren’t they called Sentinels?
I’m trying not to be a downer on the whole blood sucking thing, but has the appearance of some very nasty blood borne diseases in recent decades (Hep-C, Ebola, AIDS) been a problem for the hemo-phagic community? Are they susceptible or immune to regular diseases? Even if they are immune they could still be carriers to those they later prey on.
A line from a potential new horror movie “Ahh! A vampire! You haven’t been in a region that has been affected by the ZIKA virus, have you?”
For a great example of that, go play Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines. There’s a bit about plague-bearing vampires transmitting super viruses on purpose.
One of my favorite computer games of all time. On the downside, it’s too bad it shipped in such a buggy state, because Troika wasn’t given enough time to properly finish it. On the plus side, the very robust fan base has put out an unofficial patch that not only fixes all the noteworthy bugs, but actually restores cut content (and in some places adds new features and/or content).
…And on the gripping hand, it’s hand-trembling frustrating that we’ve never gotten a game quite like it since. I’ve played the current fan-repaired iteration of VTM:B, and I want more games like it, and I ain’t getting them any time soon.
Aaaha they are mosquitos after all. Quikly runs and hide.
A fair deal of vampire lore that I have read seems to say or imply that Vampires somehow filter the blood, so they only gain sustenance, not disease.
Y’know, this just makes me think…A regenerator would make an amazing aide to a vampire. Basically an endless food supply. I’m guessing he’d probably have to be eating quite a bit himself to keep up the regeneration, but he’d basically be a walking, talking vampire food processor.
My brain just went in a weird direction.
Also, still not a fan of Sydney’s hair. I think my original post on it failed to appear, but I liked how she was the last character who still looked anime-ish while everyone else is skewing more realistic and/or Western comics. That and the hairband makes her look way too docile.
A couple people agree about the new hair style for Sydney
Actually, Sydney was about the only one to have the Anime style (maybe Dabbles, on occasion)
It is always best to check if it was on an earlier page, and has seemingly vanished, because of a new comments page covering it up. However you are correct about this. That can happen if your internet connection is very slow, or intermittent. Since upgrading my set-up I have only had one such incident, and then only when my cable was playing up.
However the good news is that there is a remedy. Typically you will get an error message, such as “server did not respond” or “no connection to server” (either possible, even when the problem is at the client end, in my experience). Just be sure to leave that alone, until your connection has stabilised. Once it has, hit the back arrow button (or however you normally go back to the previous page).
Sometimes this will take you to the comment input box, complete with all your message. Thinking on it, I suspect that this happens when you have created a new comment (but have no way to verify that now that the problem does not happen to me anymore).
Other times it will roll back to the relevant comments page, but without the comment input box. No need to panic though. Just locate the correct message, that you were replying to, and click on “reply”, at that point. The comment box that appears should be populated with your message.
Note though if you have clicked, to reply, on any other comments, in the meanwhile, or gone to another comment page since, this will not work. So, if you are ever trying to restore a big comment, patience is your best ally.
So, I’ve changed my mind. On page one of these comments, I made a guess about what this was really all about. I’m now convinced that guess was wrong as an even better idea has occurred to me!
My track record on guessing what’s going to happen next is pretty dismal at best, but just in case I’m finally right about something . . .
Who does this guy’s behavior kinda remind me of in that he spouts facts and does not know when to stop? Data, in the early episodes of Star Trek: TNG! What kind of guy would have instant access to all kinds of facts and figures? Well, a lot of us actually, but certainly an AI would, too! And wouldn’t the appearance of, say, a computer geek be the perfect disguise for an AI to wear?
DaveB says in his comments that there are a few AI around and that they come from extra-terrestrial sources. My guess then is that the pedant in plaid is really a machine from outer space and thus that our two vamplings are not really sucking him dry at all. The three of them are more probably putting on a little performance to see what kind of reaction what kind of wacky reaction they can provoke from Sydney.
Sorry, I still haven’t got the hang of spoiler tags obviously and have screwed up again. Both those lower two paragraphs should have been hidden!
As the Migh-tay Yorp has stated, every block separated by a space (or was it simply pressing Enter?) has to have it’s own spoiler tags
Now I know! And knowing is half the battle!
Thers a fanfic writer dont remember his namn that keept pairing immortals from higlander with vamps from forever knight
haha safe word is “Sunstone” XD
Sydney doesn’t have to worry about the council bringing about the downfall of humanity. The vote would need to be unanimous, and the were-horse always votes neigh.
Sometimes they might just nag. But, if the topic has anything to do with the second amendment, they will always vote for were-pony.
By the way, I’m loving the bit where Crimson grabs the guy by the neck tie and hauls him in. Let’s just say that it brings up some happy memories of one of my first kisses . . .
*Zones out with a silly, sappy smile as it all comes flooding back*
Updated the Grrl Power wiki for Dabbler and
The Twilight Council.
Oh cool. Thanks for those additions, to the cast page!
Paradigm shifting the technology level? Kinda depends on how close they are to our own tech, no? I mean, your desktop computer might have made big waves in 1940, but I don’t know that they could have made heads or tails of it in 1740, much less 1540. We might not have the tech to figure out what’s what in a far-future technological artifact constructed molecule-by-molecule and making heavy use of quantum phenomena. It might just look like a solid block that appears to do things by magic.
Like… TVs in the 50’s, many reports were made of (normally) intelligent people looking behind the box to see where the little people were
Or grandma Cain, putting the remote control for her TV in a desk drawer and not using it, because she was afraid that if she pointed it at the TV and missed, she’d blow a hole in the wall or something. (We had to explain that’s not possible, because it only “shoots” an invisible beam of light.)
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. – Arthur C. Clarke
Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced. – Barry Gehm
Any technology, no matter how primitive, is magic to those who don’t understand it. – Florence Ambrose
Yup, love that quote from Ms Ambrose
first caveman, holding flat, rectangular rock: hey ogg, i got a new app, watch this :slams rock on small animal, squishes it flat:
second caveman (ogg) : cool, how can i get that app?
first caveman: easy! : smashes ogg’s head:
And of course the fourth variant of that quote, also very appropriate to this ‘verse.
Any sufficiently analyzed magic, is indistinguishable from SCIENCE! – Agatha Hetrodyne
Anything indistinguishable, by sufficiently advanced science and magic is Amazeballs!™
Actually, it might be Assault.
Not every place makes the distinction — for example, there is no such thing as Battery in Washington state, just different degrees of Assault. Some places make more distinctions than others — for example, there is no Aggravated Assault in Washington state either.
tl;dr: different places use different words
Assault would require that he is in imminent apprehension. If this happens a lot and he is both used to it and consents to it, it is not assault because its missing an element of the crime
…you didn’t read a single word I wrote, did you?
Actually, you’ll find that the Law and those who enforce it do not acknowledge BDSM as anything other than sexual abuse/rape, at least not in the USA, which is why such hobbyists have to keep their games very underground. Likewise the possibility of an escort having a boyfriend, husband or even adult son in college is willfully ignored by police, prosecutors and judges, so they can add a “pimp” arrest to their scoreboards. They’re not in it to help ANYONE, but just to arrest and incarcerate as many people as they can, on whatever flimsy excuse they can claim.
“Serve and Protect” was replaced with “Oppress and Profit” many years ago now. The only difference is everyone has a smartphone now, and they’re getting caught more often.
Cops are what happens when schoolyard bullies
grow upbecome old enough to need need gainful employment.Piss off
I agree with Guesticus, Pisses off.
Dammit, I forgot to close a blockquote tag. Again.
Actually you’re wrong since a crime requires mens rea. If a BDSM display is consentual for the actions taken, there is no crime and no sexual assault.
The keg word is apprehension and what constitues an attack. Boxers, hockey players, and football players beat each other up but its not assault and battery.
Also to quote Guesticus and so I feel like part of the group, piss off. Also you’re unreasonably biased against cops. There are some jerk cops, just like there are some jerk lawyers, teachers, firefighters, grocers, farmers, mechanics, carpenters, actors, tech support technicians, dentists, doctors, musicians, engineers, writers, accountants, toll booth operators, and webcomic artists (except not DaveB because he is awesome).
He he. Well countered, all.
Badmouthing cops, in the comments of a comic, where all the heroes are cops? Not a clever idea. On top of which police quite literally risk their lives to protect us and even our property!
Just tonight, an ex-cop friend of mine mentioned how his oath included protecting animals. So he did not hesitate, in risking his own life, in order to save dogs. Or, were he in peril, Hinoron.
Pander is correct. In the US, absolutely, BDSM is legal so long as it is consented to (though you may find investigations to prove it was consensual, particularly in extreme cases e.g. “master and slave” dynamics, because yes, some people DO disguise their abuse as such); and in consensual incidents, it would not prompt an arrest or charges filed in those cases.
The only case where I could see an American cop (who felt like being a dick that day) pushing it and being able to get charges filed, is if the BDSM included sex (which not all BDSM does, mind) AND one of the participants was paid for it, in a jurisdiction where prostitution is not legal (which is most jurisdictions in the US, but not all of them, e.g. it’s legal in some parts of Nevada and Louisiana), but that’s just because the sexual component + pay makes it prostitution, not because of the aggressive elements of it as is implied by the OP.
Escort services are in a grey area of course; technically, so long as they do not sell sexual services as part of the official services (or at least, there is no evidence of it), they are paid companions but not prostitutes, meaning they’re completely legal – which is why a lot of escorts make real bank actually. In fact, hilariously, depending on the region, the cops may turn a blind eye to them in general in exchange for participation in an occasional “sting” operation when the cops decide to have a crack down on prostitution in their area! I spoke to a friend of mine once who used to work at Universal Studios or rather I think in one of the restaurants on City Walk or some such, and a group of her customers turned out to be escorts on a little day trip on a day off, and they openly told her they work WITH law enforcement sometimes on such things, which is how they’re allowed to continue to operate. I mean, if you think about it, that’s a bit corrupt but it’s nowhere NEAR the totalitarian anti-sex-worker nonsense OP is suggesting; if anything, they’re going after the randy clients, not the escorts or their off-hours lovers!.
No, the real reason hobbyists must keep BDSM activities under wraps in the USA has more to do with social stigma, because America in particular is extremely conservative on sexual mores and does not generally recognize non-sexual BDSM as existing or valid either (due to lack of education/awareness on the subject), so it’s seen as sexual depravity and a character flaw (when it is actually neither).
Everybody is a jerk to someone else.
Disagree. Terminator Genisys was exactly the kind of fun actiony time-travel-nonsense that I wanted from a third Terminator movie.
T3 and Terminator Salvation were definitely trash, though. Fortunately, due to aforementioned time-travel-nonsense, you have absolutely no reason to watch them before watching Genisys. Or ever.
So my recommendation is Terminator 1, 2, and Genisys.
Why do my posts never reply to the comment I’m trying to reply to, despite me clicking reply.
Probably because SkyNet is plotting against you
Mmm, best guess it happens when you have two tabs open, and use the other one to look up earlier comments in the thread, you are replying to. Or, on other occasions, you might have to scroll all the way up, in order to look at the comic itself.
When you are done, with that, it is important to make sure you swap back to the tab where you started the reply. If you fail to do that, when you scroll back down, the comments box you will come across is the default ‘new comment’ box that appears at the bottom of any page. Clicking on that, without realising it is the wrong one, will end up creating a fresh comment, at the end, instead of replying to the comment you intended.
The only other possibility, that I can think of, is if you have had to reboot, or otherwise need to restart your browser. Even if your browser is set to re-open the pages, which were previously displayed, I expect that it would loose the ‘reply comment’ box and you would just get the default ‘new comment’ one instead. With the same results as above.
Also, if you are using a script-blocker, you need to enable
T3 had the sexy female teminatrix. With adjustable boobs! The pretty robot. Waaaaay sexier than Arnie. And cute. Oooh ooh, and she arrives naked… come back, I haven’t finished describing it yet….
Oh, you were just getting a copy? Cool. Me too.
Hang on, must make some popcorn…
Good thing you only need one paw to eat popcorn, hmm, Yorp? XD
What is he doing with the other three? o_O
Are you sure you want to know?
Damn! I got to the end!
Now you can go back and read all the comments
There is no end to the comments.
Until the next page is put out.
But sometimes not even then.
If we’re getting into the robots on earth thing…. I kind of have to question why their aren’t more “robots” there in the first place. Given that other biological life wouldn’t necessarily be compatible with any other given planet’s atmosphere, a robotic body to plug into would serve the purpose quite well. It’s basically the Matrix meets drone technology.
The golems might sorta count as robots?
A culture capable of travelling the vast distances from another star, or breaching the divide and coming from another dimension, is probably not too fazed by different atmospheric gasses.
Plus, once you are interacting with other species, using technology which distances you, from them, is probably not good for creating trust. Business men like to clinch deals in person, for example, even in our culture. Telephone and computer contact only works up to a certain point, beyond which you want to assess the character of the other party, before trusting your financial future in the deal you are negotiating.
And all that is just as important in political diplomacy, if not more so. And the difficulties, which both parties will need to overcome, are that much greater, when dealing with alien species. So the importance of face-to-face (or pedipalp-to-mandible) contact is even greater.
Plus, if you do not go there in person, how will you tell what the locals taste like? Takeaway charges are really expensive, from other stars!
The only exception would be alien societies where they’ve mastered the art of “brain as software”, like in the RPG Eclipse Phase. In that game, almost everybody has a “cortical stack” (about the size of a pea) implanted in them that keeps an up-to-the-second backup of someone’s mind.
If someone’s body dies, but the cortical stack (which requires a deliberate effort to destroy) can be recovered, the mind can be “re-sleeved” into a clone body… or even a robot (called a Synth) if a biological body (Biomorph) is not available (or the subject cannot afford a Biomorph. Synths are cheaper.)
If they had that kind of technology, and for some reason their biological body (biomorph) is unlikely to survive the trip because {insert reason here}, they might consider resleeving into a Synth or a semi-synthetic Pod, possibly crafted to resemble their original physical body. (Their original body can be kept in cryostasis, by the way, and they can be re-sleeved back into it when they return.)
Thought I should add: In the context of Eclipse Phase, Synths have no organic parts, unless they’re deliberately equipped with a Brain Box. But they are “running” somebody’s mind. I’m not really sure if that would qualify as a robot or a cyborg; it’s kind of a gray area. (Of course, if they have a brain box, that definitely makes it a cyborg.)
There are good reasons for having a Synth with a brain box, by the way; not the least of which is that brain boxes can’t be hacked. Also, psychics (called Asyncs) go insane if they are forced to use a non-biological brain for a significant length of time.
Assault is the imminent apprehension of a physical attack. Battery is the actual physical attack.
I’ll share the definition I got while training as an officer of the court in NC, (Security Guard, Private investigator, Bail Bonds/ Bounty Hunter, etc)
If a man says, “I’m gonna kick your ass: its assault
If he tries it, its battery
I love the silhouettes of the Terminator machine, Bender and Probe Droid from The Empire Strikes Back in the background of the first frame.
Took me a moment to notice it.
It is not an imperial probe droid.
It is a Matrix sentinel bot.
Sorry, bit late on reading this. While it may not be the same everywhere, in Kansas assault is defined as the threat of violence while battery is the act of actual violence. Then you have aggravated which is the use of a weapon while perpetrating either assault or battery. And yes, you can have assault AND battery charges for the same event by first assaulting with a threat, then carrying through as an assault.
Ah heh, change the last word of the last sentence from “assault” to “battery”. :)
LOL, Sunstone…….
I don’t know exactly where this is supposed to be, but in most states, it’s assault in criminal law. If it’s in Virginia, which is certainly possible given the vegetation and proximity to Washington, then it would be battery, since they still use Common Law terms for their criminal code, rather than the Model Penal Code. Although, in Virginia, it would be considered aggravated wounding rather than battery if it left any permanent marks.
Also, in every state where it’s been tested, it’s been ruled that you can’t consent to being assaulted. The reasons BDSM is allowed are because (A) many states do not allow the state to bring charges for offenses against the body without a complaint; (B) it’s done in private at home, which is generally considered beneath concern for vice cops unless it becomes public or endangers someone other than the participants; and/or (C) it’s generally tolerated as a socially acceptable vice, like marijuana or underage tobacco/alcohol use in most large cities.