Grrl Power #407 – Pseudohistory
Yeah, there’s a little history there, but nothing either one would cop to. That doesn’t mean he isn’t interested, or even that wasn’t trying to date her without her knowing about it, or even even that she’s not interested. But certainly not interested in games. Or maybe this is how she flirts. People are complicated.
Max spends enough time being annoyed at the things men do* that she hasn’t done a whole lot of dating in her life. It is safe to say she has pretty high standards though. She can afford to pretty selective as she checks a lot of boxes in the “desirable” categories. Wealth, fame, beauty, exotic, power – both literal and societal. This assumes “Strong enough to accidentally kill me if she sneezes while we’re kissing” is not a strong turn off for a potential suitor. Also; “Strong enough to permanently emasculate me if she sneezes while we’re… (long pause) You know. Say no more. Wink wink nudge nudge, eh?”
Of course, Maxima has to balance her inclination toward selectiveness with her own sex drive. That’s something that’s never been established in the comic for her. Dabbler, in her own words, never goes below an 11, but she has pretty strong willpower. That begins to wane as her innate hunger goes un-slaked. Harem is probably a 7 or 8 on the sex drive scale, and maybe a 5 or 6 on the willpower scale, which means she’s woken up next to a few people and thought “Come on, Daphne.” Anvil’s right in the middle, but gets a few spikes when she sees a guy with is her type, primarily guys who are taller than her, which is rare enough, and gangly guys aren’t really her thing either. It’s safe to say she likes watching basketball. Sydney comes in pretty low on the scale, despite getting flustered around cute guys. In her case, she also wrestles with a certain degree of self confidence deficit, so in the rare cases she’s genuinely smitten, she’s usually slow to put it out there.
In case anyone doesn’t know, Conan’s line is a paraphrasing of a statement attributed to Khan (Genghis, not Singh), “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” But I think Conan’s is more pithy.
Ug, two double pages in a row, both with mini comics? I need a vacation. And by vacation I mean a single page that’s slightly easier to draw than usual. :/
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am i the only one wondering how much it hurt when max kicked someone with those boots? is she still wearing them?
Those are her ‘business’ footwear: the boots she wears when she means business :D
If they weren’t a super (and in many cases even if they were), whatever part if their personage she kicked would soon be detached.
How’s that for an answer?
Hmmm, note how she never said she turned down the choker?
Oh god, Sydney and Dues probably COULD get along rather well, god help us all.
Maybe that is Sydney’s innate Super power: the ability to get along and make friends with Villains, with the added chance of having them join her Gaming Nights :D
We already saw it at work with Kevin :P
“Join me… for Gaming Night, and together, we will make the DM’s life a torment!! Oh, and we have snicker-doodles!!!” :D
Deus should hire Sydney as a consultant for his supervillain shows. That way he will never do anything too bad to avoid losing his valued consultant and get much better at doing what he likes most. Everybody wins! Well almost everybody… There may be a few other supervillains less but that is realy just a bonus for the rest of the world.
You know, you make a strong point.
Since no one else will talk about his awesome tie.
I’ve tried this myself and it’s surprisingly difficult to get the 3 part to be the same size. On the other hand it’s a great conversation starter.
Fairly sure it was mentioned during his flashback TV interview
He probably has an underling specifically for doing that one task.
Probably not Vale :P
Since you mentioned it, so I went and looked, then noticed it is backward in it first appearance in the forth panel. :/
Anyone else get a Beefed Up Xanatos vibe from this guy?
That too has been mentioned before
Relatively very few people are willing (or have the time) to slog through 3 or more pages of comments, or (perish forbid) go archive-diving before they make a comment. As a result, there are bound to be similar comments somewhere along the line.
Wasn’t criticising them, they asked a question and answered it
Relatively very few people are willing (or have the time) to slog through 3 or more pages of comments, or (perish forbid) go archive-diving before they make a comment. As a result, there are bound to be similar comments somewhere along the line.
As a lawyer, I believe the Declaration for Intent to Date also requires two witnesses who are not affiliated with or benefiting from the aforementioned date as well.
Meet…. Deus! (Ex: Maxima)
Deus Ex Maxima I’m sorry that I couldn’t feel sorry for this.
Dun dun DUNT!!! :D
Also, Maxima … in panel three?
I think Deus might be my spirit animal! He is certainly my favourite character so far, and his banter with Max here is brilliant, I could actually picture them together in a sort of Batman/Catwoman type way. Anyway, I’d work for him for free just to be able to say that That is my comapny’s mission statement! Fucking brilliant as fuck Dave B!
also srly… he calls himself God! (Dues ex machina is tranlated to God in The Machine..and i assume dues means god..)how the hell are there no guards what so ever you can see? someone who calls himself god..that alone is a challenge to EVERY assassin out there who isnt already on his payroll..
Deus, not Dues. Pretty sure he calls himself Deus because of the big X on his face and his last name being Machina.
Deus Ex Machina meaning ‘God in the Machine’ is just a literal translation from Latin. What it really means isa person or thing that appears or is introduced suddenly and unexpectedly and provides a contrived solution to an apparently impossible difficulty’. That’s the reason why he calls himself Deus – because he’s the ‘determiner’ and can do anything he wants. :)
That being said, he does have a well-deserved god complex as well.
Also, if you don’t see any guards, they’re probably doing their job by being just out of sight :)
Did you not read his back-flash? He has (or had) at least one guard who could make them, and anyone else, invisible (and it actually translates as “god from the machine”, and it was from old Greek plays, where they had the ‘saviour’ literally pop out of a box or be lowered from the rafters, kinda like how everyone’s image of how a Ninja dresses came from the old Kabuki plays: the stagehands would be dressed in black so not to intrude on the play when moving the props around, and, even when you expect a Ninja in the play, you never know which one it is going to be)
It is actually a translation of the old Greek theos ek mēchanēs
Have figured out what makes panel three so special: Maxi is actually smiling!!! How often has that actually happened? And fairly sure, most of those times would have been around Sydney
Also her usually sharp cheekbones are missing, and you can’t see her ears, so she looks very different.
Okay, someone help me out – Deus *really* reminds me of a famous actor in these panels and I’m drawing a blank.
Who plays Deus when this becomes a movie?
Ben Asslick will play him, that would make three franchises he will have tarnished :P
Perhaps you’re thinking of David Boreanaz?
The other DaveB’s jaw isn’t as square though :)
I wish it was so this would stop bugging me, but nope.
Nor is it Eddie McClintock from Warehouse 13 (who at one time played a faux Booth on “Bones”, I believe), although he is closer.
Thanks for trying. :D
He ties his tie the same way I do.
Maxima’s obviously never been to Japan. Or alot of asia. Gifts on business meetings is expected.
I really shouldn’t be reading stuff this funny when other people are trying to sleep. Good thing most of my family are deep sleepers, or a few people would have been mad at me after seeing Machina’s “Mission Statement”.
I honestly imagine Sydney will like Dues. Considering that his assumed name and company are a pun, and that he’s a cartoony supervillain for her dramatic hero side to play off of, I imagine they’d have a great time together.
Isn’t that more of a “vision statement”? A mission statement would have more focused, concrete goals, like: “By leveraging our capital, manufacturing base, and innovative designs, we will build an unstoppable military arsenal with which we may crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of their women.”
putting quotes around somebody’s name is supposed to be a burn lmao
Saying ‘she would have known if they were dates’ when she’s saying they were dates is essentially admitting that they were dates.
Months after I have seen this comic, reading the blurb under the comic has sent me down the Google rabbit’s hole.
Looking for Magnesium Silicon Carbide for the boot cleats…. There is not even a Wikipedia article on the stuff… There are some industry trade magazine discussion on the stuff… Fun read.
Is that mission statement quoting Cohen the Barbarian (“Wholesale Destruction”) from the Discworld? It just misses out the bit about “…and soft toilet paper”.