Grrl Power #317 – Public relations, schmublic relations
Sydney’s next assignment is apparently having the PR lady review all the news that’s been published about her since she got up a few hours ago. Obviously Sydney had a lot more to say to the press than we saw in the few pages we got of her at the comic shop. Arianna can’t get too mad at her – if they wanted to keep her away from the press entirely they should have sequestered her in the base overnight. There were so many other things going on after the fight last night that that detail slipped through the cracks. Yeah, I just used a sentence with “that that” in it.
Sydney is awfully fidgety on this page. She keeps changing position in her chair. Maybe she has to pee.
Mentioning my Patreon in the comment here for the first time in a while brought in a few more pledges, so thanks to everyone who’s jumped on board. (And of course thanks to everyone who’s been on board). I try not to be obnoxious about self promotion and hat-in-handing cause I know people are here to just read a comic and not be harassed like I’m some obnoxious street vendor. “Superheroes, get your superheroes right here. Naw, we ain’t gots no Superman or Spidermens, we got those, whatcha call it, lady superheroes. No sharp edges like the Bat Guy. Much easier on the eyes. Hey don’t walk away, at least take a flyer!” On the other hand, I’m pretty bad at self promotion so there’s probably balance somewhere in between. Speaking of self promotion, check out the vote incentive if you haven’t. Or even if you have. You can comment on it here.
As many words as there are in English, if you write enough you keep coming across situations where you find there isn’t a word that means what you need it to mean. That or you just don’t know it, which is usually the case for me. This time I was looking for a word that means “the thing that makes you mad” I wound up using the word “trigger” as in “people’s pet trigger.” The problem is trigger has its own meaning and while it works here, it skews Sydney’s meaning a bit. It obviously a little subjective, but it would be ideal if there was a word that meant exactly “the thing that makes you mad” and had no association with any kind of past trauma. I googled a bunch of stuff, hit the online thesaurus and asked on twitter, but trigger was the closest thing to what I was thinking of. Hot button issue, hulk out topic (different from Hot Topic), I just wanted a single word that meant the thing I wanted it to. I’d make up my own word and try to slip it in to general usage via social media (which wouldn’t help me with this page) but for some reason I am enormously bad at making up words. The stuff I come up with sounds like Melmacian Holidays. Sclab-flurmin… gorf. I’m also enormously bad at any kind of letter jumble game like the one on Countdown. I’m assuming those things are related. Anyway, after this big honking paragraph on the subject, I expect someone will immediately post “the word you’re looking for is ______ you big dummy.”
Non Seguitur*: This is a pretty cool looking tool. A virtual tabletop space with video chat, multi layered maps, music, the works. I just found it so it might be janky but I thought I’d share. Too bad I don’t have time for tabletop RPGs these days.
* A portmantau of “segue” and “non sequitur”
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
Well, since GP is supposed to be real world with superheroes, Sydney doesn’t likely have any bad in her background. She’s plain and owns a comic book store.
She’s right, she’s not a role model. No matter how much Arianna might want to think otherwise, none of her heroes are. They’re hired government muscle, who got the job because they have powers. :p
Harem isn’t a PC hero name. Dabbler is overly sexual. Maxima has come off as bitchy and condescending many times, and her little speech helped burn the fire of that fight. :p
I think that may be why Arianna’s making such a big deal out of it, If she can get one good role model out of this, she’ll be… not happy, exactly, but perhaps less annoyed.
Still, she’s doomed to failure with Sydney.
I think she’s trying to mold Sydney because she was focussed on using Sydney as a more human face for Archon so she wants to put her in front of more cameras but wants her to give the soundbites Arianna would give.
Nah. If she’s smart–and Arianna seems to be–she wants Sydney to remain…well…Sydney. Just with more foresight. The human face of ARCHON is Arianna, and she’s a superb public-relations person. But Sydney is the symbol that supers are more than just their powers, and that’s probably just as important to everything as anything Max and Arianna can do.
Witness the comment at the end of this strip: It really captures the whole situation in a nutshell. Right now supers are rare, and they’re not obviously a threat…but they’re different so people still resent the disruptions they cause. What happens when people start to get it into their heads how much damage supers can cause? Even assuming that they come out on the side of the super-heroes, and give supers the freedom to choose, you still have the problem that supers will become defined by their powers. Superman will always be superman. Max will always be Max. Their roles–their powers–define them, NOt their personalities, and not their efforts outside of their superhero role. When you think about it, the same is true for virtually all of the superheroes and supervillians in comics. We know them only by their powers. Their personalities only really develop if they become flagship characters, like Spiderman or Superman. By and large, we know very little of what the rest of the superheroes in comics would be like in civilian life. Sydney is the exception here–somebody who actually understands what every person alive goes through, every day.
Basically, when Max says something people don’t agree with, they can blow it off. What does she know? She’s bullet-proof! Sydney…yeah. Not so much.
I have to totally agree, for the most part. But you have to admit the latest Sydneyism is priceless wouldn’t you agree?
But, see, here’s the thing…Sydney’s wrong. Completely, totally, and absolutely. Arianna might be wrong as well, but Sydney is definitely wrong, and she doesn’t understand why yet.
Role models are more than just the people we look up to, and want to be like. Role models are the people who speak with the voice of our community, be it the community of people we call friends, the community of people our age, or even the community of people who live in our area. And above those communities are other role models, and above them, others still. Eventually, it gets all the way up to international celebrities, and those beautiful idiots probably wield at least as much power, in a real world-scenario, as any President of the United States. Thankfully, they are idiots (not really, but it always seems that way), so they don’t directly try to use that power to further their own beliefs and agendas. Bad things tend to happen, often on a global scale, when those people do actively wield that influence, because the voice that somebody like the Pope speaks with is a voice that is louder than thunder, and the Pope’s got nothing on people like President Obama, who can literally sterilize the planet if he says the wrong words.
What Arianna is saying is this: Sydney speaks with the voice of the mightiest country on the planet. Because she is part of ARCHON, she has direct access to the ear of the President. Because she is employed by the US DOD, she answers to the civilian leadership of this country…which is elected by the civilian electorate. Anything she says is something that will be assumed to be said in her voice as one of America’s official superheroes, and therefore with the voice of the entire United States of America. It well behooves Sydney to make sure she understands what that voice is saying, because if that voice is saying something along the lines of “Fuck you, you morons, there’s nothing you can do to make me do something I don’t want to do,” there is a strong possibility that others might believe her. And somebody who cannot be convinced, through punishment as well as reward, to fit in with society…well, this world knows what to do with such people. Those people, sooner or later, get handled the Texas way. Because ultimately, there is no other way to be sure.
What happens though when a public office becomes a contest of popularity instead of what is best for the country though since you brought that up inadvertently. I mean if the office in question becomes a contest of the looks, and what the person says instead of if they are actually good for the country? We’re talking about everything you say up above that would be bad becomes the actual state of a public official in serious control of a country? I ask this because you mention the presidency and lets be honest, that’s now a popularity contest and people don’t seem to be realizing the full effects of a system that now picks who you like best over who might actually be better for you. That means who ever is in the seat of power is now one of those popular celebrities chosen to run an office without consideration of if they are really good or bad for us. Its been this way for years now, Democratic or Republican we only seem to be looking at the outside wrapper, not what’s actually in that wrapper. The real point is were giving that wrapper in question the power to push a single button and end all life as we know it when we put them into office. Shouldn’t we all be keeping that in mind instead of what they look like or how good they make us look? Shouldn’t we be more concerned about what’s int he woman, or even man themselves and what they’ve done in the past rather than what they look like?
Sadly, playing along with Arianna’s media pandering is STILL part of what Halo signed up for. Press-a-phile phrasing aside, what Arianna is asking, for Halo not to take her chances of being baited into giving them something they can make into her Pulling a Kanye (her impulsive nature only makes it a greater probability) without consulting Archon’s PR Department first. Recalling both Maxima’s and Harem’s past media gaffes, they gave off a feeling of being given with a good grip on how to handle those types to try to use their taking of offense as a means to entitle them to control over people who matter more than they from behind an iron curtain mass media and political dignitaries. Halo’s still hasn’t caught on to how much her private life is going to change, much less CNN & Fox News suddenly caring about her existence!
Long story short: Pay attention in your Media Prep Course, Libertarian Queen. It just might help you minimize being sent to Arianna’s office for “ArcSWAT’s Answer to Justin Bieber” related incidents.
Reminds me of the interview from Mass Effect I … :)
and ME2.
Did anyone not punch that woman in the face? Anyone at all?
Suzie News did get in a few punches last night…When Vehemence’s Aggro-Aura was turned on.
ME to ME3 never punched her. But I had military training in deflecting questions.
you were supply?
*leaps up, and kicks question out of the air*
Question —–> Trashcan
GOAL! Now that is how you deflect a question. Without military training.
Ah, the trashcan…In military social circles, most commonly referred to as the “circular file.”
Usually under the heading of ‘C’ for Crackpot.
Me. Gave an honest interview the first time, got burned. The tune from then on was ‘No comment.’
Paragon play-through by the way.
I went full paragon; Miss Al-Jilani only *thinks* she’s the best at spin judo. Punching her is satisfying but demonstrating an understanding of PR, making it clear you have a far deeper understanding of the subject than she does, and exposing her as the xenophobic sensationalist she is, ON HER OWN SHOW, is glorious. You need to make all the paragon checks though, so if you haven’t been basically perfect up to that point it’s not going to work.
In ME, when Hackett calls you, he says you did good, and she sounded like a “Raving lunatic.”
in ME2, she slumps and says “Great, bull rushed on my own show.”
In ME3… you actually get her to be almost useful, and she shows you a grudging respect.
actually to get her to help in ME3 all you have to do is not hit her. As much as ya want to.
She’s an adolescent comic book fangirl that owns a comic book shop. It’s not like what she says or do or wear will affect lives of other people.
Also, leave the Merc with a Mouth alone. he’s awesome
Adolescent? She’s 21, legally an adult, behaviorally? Jury’s still out on that one.
Just remember she has the PPO and hasn’t taken out the city.
Just remember she has the PPO, and hasn’t taken out Arianna.
She’s an adolescentcomic book fangirl that owns a comic book shop. It’s not like what she says or do or wear will affect lives of other people.” That is what she was. What she is is now is one of the most powerful super heroes on the planet and a representative of the super community, at large, plus the police, the military, the government and her country.On top of which, she is a fangirl and owner of a comic book shop. Which just complicates the problems, rather than mitigating them.
What Halo said last night saved Maxima’s life. What she says today, and tomorrow, may just as easily either save or destroy lives. She is now one of the most powerful people on the planet and her words are heard.
What Sydney does not yet realise is just how powerful she is from words alone. And that is very very dangerous. Arianna is wise to prioritise educating her in this matter!
I suspect an off-panel part of the lesson will be to quote will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?
You have exactly rendered my opinion on the subject, in about a third as many words. Cool.
On the other hand, freedom of speech, you know. If you don’t use it to say things like “Jews have the funniest words.”, its meaningless. Sure, she has the power of media attention. But she only needs to use it responsibly as far as her contractual obligations go. (wich should be far, since Arianna wrote them). Its entirely undemocratic and unfair to randomly put the obligation of a role model on people.
The “freedom of speech” argument is way, WAY overused, and it doesn’t exactly apply here. The obligation of role model is one Sydney literally signed up for, and as Arianna pointed out it’s one she was warned about yesterday, immediately before signing up.
The thing about being an international celebrity is that you’re never, when in public, considered “not working” or “off the clock.” The “Jews have the funniest words” line might get a person fired if they worked at a hotel, an office, a restaurant…actually almost anywhere with a sense of corporate image. Between those two facts, Sydney’s signed up to be essentially “on the clock always” at a job that’s way more PC than she’s used to. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride for everyone involved.
Now, that’s not to say Ari’s never pushing harder for the PC line than her various superpowered charges are contractually obligated to comply with; That’s a big portion of the tension between her and Max. Getting them to be well-liked is her job, and she does it to the best of her ability even if it means demanding loudly that they do things she can’t really force.
You speak of morals, my friend, not reality. The press is a haven for people who live for playing High Council through, and behind of anonymity of, public opinion and that ‘Freedom of the Press’ angle; “above” taking any inkling of responsibility they demand from anyone of influence that’s not one of their own. Much like Corporate America being a haven for social Darwinists who cost their own firms plenty but get away with it because of decades of corporate culture, or insurance companies always going out of their way to make it as hard for their customers to collect what they’ve been paying for as possible, this is just another form of common bullshit that comes with the territory Halo has chosen to enter.
She doesn’t seem like she wants to waste anymore time with them than the rest of ArcSWAT have to do anyway (Harem seems really into the attention, however.) so it’s better to get used to this part of protocol than to continue to think winning philosophical arguments over the illogical nature of it all will go anywhere.
Very good point my friend. Halo or Sydney has a lot more power than she thinks she does because of her powers. But also keep in mind her condition, ADHD. This means it may take beating the point in with the proverbial hammer in order to get it into Halo’s head. Which could have all sorts of interesting and hilarious antics applied to it.
Bringing up her ADHD may also help diffuse how seriously her gaffes are taken, if it’s brought up at the right time…All of this is about her needing to adapt, rather than change, while we’re at it. She’s clearly shown to be smart enough to know how-er-hollywoodized reality is in comic books, in order to adapt to the fictional hero, and that life’s not going to give her the Tony Stark treatment if she doesn’t learn a couple of ‘boring’ new tricks.
What she says could very well have an effect on how the public and politicians react to the team as a whole.
Hey @DaveB, I have your rss feed in my feedly app, and when I click on the picture that comes through the feed, it gives me a 404
I think it’s because of an element in the xml called <content:encoded> which has a blank href setting in the <a> tag, wrapped around the <img> tag.
<p><a href=""><a class="tt" href="" ><img src="" alt="Grrl Power #316 – Public relations, schmublic relations" title="Grrl Power #316 – Public relations, schmublic relations" class="ishadow40" /></a>
Poor Sydney. Welcome to the glare of public scrutiny. Unlike actors, entertainers and politicians who seek the spotlight, then complain about not having privacy, the Arc-SWAT team just wants to kick ass and take names. Unfortunately, once people have been fed, watered and f*cked, they look around for something to offend them and validate their existence. With a 24 hour news cycle, the tabloids and the Internet, there’s always some fodder for the thin skinned to whine about.
Unlike actors, entertainers and politicians who seek the spotlight, then complain about not having privacy, the Arc-SWAT team just wants to kick ass and take names.
So very wrong. They knew they were going to be celebrities, and signed up, anyway. IOW, the spotlight was an explicit part of the package deal they wanted.
With a 24 hour news cycle, the tabloids and the Internet, there’s always some fodder for the thin skinned to whine about.
There’s not a little irony in your words.
DaveB here’s some terms to familiarize yourself with if you’re gonna mention trigger-diots. Yeah that’s one there for free too. Basically these folks are borrowing victim status to be special too and to be able to claim moral victory. Regardless of the fact that they are diminishing true PSTD and mental illnesses out there by doing so. “I’m special. So I deserve, no, must have special considerations for my feelings and opinions too.” – pure bullshit by those who were raised under the aegis of “Every wins. No one loses. Everyone is the same! Equality!” // basically thinly guised marxism and facism aspects of communism. Right out of the MAO handbook on self correction and correction of wrong think.
Here’s the terms.
“SJW” Social Justice Warrior One who will find any cause or reason for offense and attack in the name of that anyone who thinks otherwise. The targets and reasoning change with the wind, usually weekly. for an example see Larry Correia’s Monterhunters Blog and then google SJW or Hugos. It’s a shit storm created by SJW”s and the next group.
“SJB” Coined by John Ringo- yes that author. (See his FB page and look at his recent NOTES.) Social Justice Bully- these are the attack dogs of the SJW movement, they will use any tactics and means to libel, slander, lie, defame and discredit their targets to validate the reasoning of their Hate style attacks. They will even go as far as Swatting targets, calling swats on themselves to blame folks- such as Gamergate (and forget to log out of their own accounts when creating evidence or posting from the same IP as their main accounts…Oops (didn’t say they were smart, just evil.) See Sad Puppies and GamerGate (SP is older than GG by two years, but that fact doesn’t seem to register w/SJB’s who claim they are the same and cojoined twins…) These are the folks who -say in Publishing, are the ones who punish wrong thinkers (anyone not towing “THEIR” line (which are constantly moving goalposts)) and blacklist them from every getting published in the industry. With the advent of Indie publishing and Amazon as platforms that bypass the entire Big 5 publishing machine, their power is being challenged and well, frankly, they fear the loss of this control and power. Change they don’t control scares them, so they lash out. Hard. Not everyone in the industry, but selected editors with enough contacts and pull could indeed kill someone’s career (and have) and also use this power to anoint awards on those they deemed deserving. Or withhold the same.
Basically Bullies with no conscience and a righteousness that borders on insane. They will attack and devour their own with the slightest excuse, failure, or deviation from “Groupthink.”
Sydney would be imminently familiar with #Gamergate which is based wholly on fans being tired of being told what they must enjoy or assholes telling gaming industry how games should be more PC or include more socially acceptable genders. What pronouns to use. And redefining history and what words mean to suit their needs of the moment. Facts are anathema to those on the SJW/B side. I don’t suggest delving into the WU side of things, but do if yer feeling like you need to kill many braincells. It’s amazing how 20 or so social news sites simultaneously declared GG dead and made up the exact same lies, but never ever talked to those actually involved on the gamer side.
Year there are assholes on both sides, but not one threat touted by the SJW side as proof ever was found to have merit by any level of law enforcement so far. (But the recent Bomb threat to a GG meet in a bar that refused to cowtow to SJB threats does have the Feds interested in a major SJW/SJB activist. (Chu he of Jeopardy fame- yeah that ahole who gamed the game)
CHORF coined by Brad Torgeson (google both together. Fun read)
Yeah, I’ll admit all three of these famous writers are my friends. And yes I have been involved in this.
Hell I was a victim of “Blacklisting” back in 92-93 after I had a contract and was asked to return my advances for books and game supplements for Fasa imprints. Only recently has the bitch involved retired, but never apologized for blackballing me from the industry. I was in the Navy at the time, so losing that extra income wasn’t that bad, but now I have to rely on one publishing house that only cares about “Good stories” that will sell and Indie publishing. Lucky for me another friend, Kevin J anderson has his own publishing house now and I can sub to him too.
Why>? That’s still a tender spot and the folks involved still have pull in the industry. I’ll only ever speak about it once I have ironclad contracts and guarantee of follow up books before I risk that. A fan base does make a difference.
Arianna would totally know about “Liberal Argument Checklist” (Google that which is also created by Larry Correia) also the tactics of the same. (Be great to see MHI books being read by a certain Sniper, but she probably also loaned John Ringo’s “Ghost”/Paladin of Shadows series (won a Romance award and it’s mil-fic and very NSFW in parts) Doing so would tickle the hell out of them. You have my email and I can let them know should you decide to drop some Title images in the background as cultural reference easter eggs.
Day By Day cartoon does this a lot. (Sarah Hoyt, Michael Z Williamson, Larry Correia and others have had their books drawn into the strips before- basically because he read and liked them. His own fans (of the webcomic) said he should read them and he obviously liked them.)
I think the Liberal Argument Checkoff list/bingo cards would be part of any PR training for Sydney (she’d likely know it already and use it against idiots and for fun)
other terms
/r/idiots -reddit idiots
Tumblr Taters – referencing that site and those who go right past “retard” into Potato territory.
There are degrees of that meme. I coined the “Turnip” meme “They’ve gone past full Potato and straight to Turnip.” Past turnip is “plaid” and rhudabega territory. No determination on which is farther out there for stupidity on the internet – levels for the last two.
Sydney to leon in whisper coms
Leon -“This one…five checks off the ‘List’ in ten seconds…Past potato all the way to Plaid?”
Sydney’ “Nah, just Turnip.” -snicker- “definitely turnip. Unless they try harder.”
Leon- “Heh, I bet they can.”
Sydney “Awwww, can’t we have any fun?”
Max- “BINGO! ” (reference to the liberal checklist as activists, feminists and SJW/B’s keep telling ARC how they “Have” to do things their way…
I would be thrilled to see Maxima’s response to this.. or Gamergate in general.
Not that I disagree with the stance of GG in general, but the sort of spiteful, snide attitude expressed here does no one any favors. We win by not engaging in a race to the bottom.
Is it lame that game designers are more interested in appealing to game reviewers than actual gamers? Yes. Should content creators be afraid of offending the thin-skinned? No, but there should still be artistic merit to their work. They need to be willing to accept that if their best work appeals to a certain demographic, then it’s artistically dishonest to pull back from there just to dodge criticism from people who aren’t in that demographic. That’s really all that needs to be said on the matter. All the rest is naught but sound and fury.
The rest is not naught but sound and fury. Making games costs money. In order to recoup that money and turn a profit a company must sell many games. In order to sell many games they need to appeal to the media machine to attract a large audience. Ergo they must appeal to the critics as the mouthpieces of the machine because the company’s own voice is but one drop in a sea. I wholly sympathize with the problem. I think at right angles to most people and consequently frequently love things that aren’t popular in mainstream. This leads to all sorts of problems when I’m trying to discover if something new is good because I don’t have my own personal critic who thinks just like me and likes what I like. Consequently I usually have to try to feel for the facts and not the opinions in a review to guess at whether or not I’ll like a game. My point is critics fulfill a need for media disemmination by giving similar-minded people a person whose opinion they respect to follow. I don’t like it, but we’re talking about reality, not ideology.
But this is the point where people need to learn how to make their own judgments instead of blaming the media for trying to hype up on something. Those who complain loudest seem to be those people who aren’t very discerning when it comes to choosing their options on which things to buy or not; in effect, they’re complaining that the advertisers are just doing their jobs.
The main complaint I have with advertisers is when they get downright invasive & force you to choose to either see their ads or remain cloistered with absolutely no contact with the world. An example of what I’m referring to are those popup ads that don’t have any means to close them or skip over them, even as they block your view of the page content at a website…They force you to see the whole ad (even if it’s video & seemingly takes forever to buffer it) before you can see the content that you came to see in the website in the first place.
The funny thing I find about Ringo is he talks a good line sort of makes sense right up until you actually start reading his books and find that most of his characters are highly progressive. None of them are conservative in the classical sense of the word they all grab onto the latest ideas and run with them. The most conservative character he ever wrote was the old lady in Hot Gate who owned the land next to the main character. She didn’t want to get off the mud ball that is conservative not progressive.
As for his rambling on gamergate and that fact that he is like most people his age that severed for many years. He fails to understand that times change, he is a fossil that has been left behind and will continue to be part of a smaller group as time goes on. Liberals aren’t evil the smart ones know where to draw lines and understand the difference between personal and social responsibility.
The gaming industry has a problem and that problem got kicked open it isn’t in all of the industry but there are enough development houses that think it is still the old boys club. This makes it difficult for new talent to get in and drives away talent that would actually benefit the group as a whole.
It really does boil down to this treat everyone equally in the eyes of the law and in the work place. Don’t disparage them because they are different those difference can if used correctly make the whole stronger. Understand your rights end at your nose and the other guys rights being at his fist. Just be respectful of others rights how hard is that?
Wow. You’re a very angry person. People should probably be careful what they say to avoid setting you off.
Not really that angry anymore takes a lot to actually set me off. What you are seeing as anger is passion for equality in treatment of people I don’t see second class people based on sex and the color of a persons skin I see someone that is my equal who is just different than me. I could have easily been them but I am me so I should treat them as I would wish to be treated.
So I tend to defend a persons rights equally which means yes I am more than happy to let folks speak their minds and point of views if they take actions on those ideas and if those actions infringe on another rights than I will speak out and fight against them. The statement about where rights begin and end is a metaphor that I have hard many times in my life from my dad who was an attorney nothing more than a tool to show where rights begin and end.
I was replying to Brodder. Check the thread levels.
You seem a little angry.
Also, there is a Conservative Argument Checklist around, if you care to Google it.
Yuks abound.
Wow, that’s a whole lot of bullshit.
You know, she’s right. We DO have the funniest words.
i think we need +1 buttons for the comments. i’d totally hit that +1
Please be aware of the correct etiquette. If somebody brings a +1 to a social gathering, it is impolite to hit on them. At least until you have ascertained, with either (or both of them, to be safe), as to whether they have an understanding.
*starts jumping on imaginary +1 button*
As it’s you bud, that is aright. Besides which, my plus one and I have an open relationship.
My favorite definition of “chutzpah” has always been: Taking a crap on someone’s doorstep, then ringing the bell and asking for toilet paper.
My brother had a friend in college whose response to the “Jews are all about the money” comment was “Yeaahh…we really are.” That chutzpah definition totally tops that. XD
I think this one was out of Paranoia the RPG:
Chutzpah: The quality of a person who will kill his parents and then ask for leniency because he’s an orphan.
A friend of mine once commented on the inexplicable hostility of the Jews towards the indigenous people of Japan.
The Schwartz is strong with them.
To be fair, Mel Brooks thought the funniest word in the world was “pickle”. Which is Dutch.
Mel is my go-to guys in these matters.
My favorite funny word is “kumquat.” Whoever first thought of that word must’ve been a very courageous soul.
This is actually #317, not #316 :)
True, well spotted.
If you think Arianna is angry with Sydney about her treatment of the media now, just wait until she gets back to her office and finds a big pile of business cards.
Overheard from her her phone conversation with Sydney:
“I just found a stack of business cards on my desk with a note “From Sydney” …. What? Turn them over? …. See, this is what I was trying to tell you. If you can’t answer a question, pass it on to the proper channels. It was very kind of you to give your time at your store to accept all these these. ….. Wait. Not give?…. You made them do WHAT to ask their questions?!”
…Good job.
Note to web master:
This is the second time today the comments function has posted a repeated word in one of my posts. Was this software cobbled together from a copy of an old 1980s Max Headroom operating system?
Only if all the timestamps are 20 minutes in the future 8-)
It’s a store, not a press conference. She doesn’t have to talk to anyone who’s not a customer.
Actually Syd was well in her rights to tell them “Buy something or GET THE F^(K OUT!!!”
The way I see how Sydney handled the press in her store, she’s perfectly entitled to because THEY are on HER TIME in HER (& Joel’s) SHOP, even though they all have the same press releases that Arianna gave them yesterday. They already KNOW where to go to ask questions, but completely disregard Sydney’s Positive Law Right to Earn a Source of Living.
It’s their own damn fault that they’re paying money for Sydney to pass their questions to the ones who’s designated to answer those questions in the first place.
Sydney demanded people occupying her store en masse be paying customers, made no promises other than “I’ll pass your message along” and said nothing about Archon or her position there. (Besides “It’s my first day”) To me, that’s outright professional media handling, Arianna would be proud.
Seems to me that Sydney is doing a good job of not letting Arianna bulldoze her overmuch ( while getting in some very good responses). I like to think that she will (figuratively speaking) reduce the “media prep course” to a complete shambles with similar questions and responses.
Trouble is that Arianna, not uncommonly, has severe tunnel vision and thinks that what ARC does is 99.9% about the spin and the media.
Well, at least she spins it like a boss (first panel).
Mmm, I was trying to decide if you were referring to Sydney spinning like a boss. But then I noticed Arianna spinning the tablet. Quite an apt analogy for a spin-doctor to spin the a tablet.
Sydney just beware aggravating the doctor. You might find that it is a suppository!
This comic has me thinking that SOMEONE in this universe needs the power to punch someone in the face through their computer monitor over the internet. Come on, we’ve ALL wanted to do it at some point.
My god. Can you imagine the change in online behavior if people knew they could get punched for what they say? WHY AREN’T WE FUNDING THIS?!
Because the movers and shakers don’t watch to be punched that hard and often.
*Pictures news stories about politicians going to the hospital because of hundreds of fists coming out of their computers to impact their faces*
Spark. A word that mean the thing that makes people angry. The spark that ignites the flame, the spark that ignites anger. Typically when you want a word that means something like that you have to delve for the metaphorical.
“Pet peeve” is a common phrase for ‘makes me angry’. Example: One of my pet peeves is people who downplay other people’s trauma.
I was going to suggest “pet peeve”. It’s like a person’s old, unstable primer cap, just waiting for some unsuspecting person to nudge it with a toe and blow everything up. My dad was good at stumbling onto those with people. Of course, my dad was a rampaging jerk, but that’s beside the point.
In ref. to the second panel: I’m sorry Sydney but I may have to disagree. The funny words you referred to would be yiddish, no? (If “no” then never mind the following.) Well yiddish is not the language of the Jewish religion. It is a language spoken by some Jews of one cultural and geographical background. That being Ashkenazic Jews from eastern France, Germany and Eastern Europe, and their descendants, who are culturally different from Jews with origins in other parts of the world.
I dunno, there are a number of funny-sounding words that are non-Yiddish*
bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah
brit milah
Interesting to know that Yiddish is only used by a fraction of the Jewish community though, thanks. That was not something I was previously aware of.
* Some are funny by association with jokes, others are ‘funny’ in the context of sounding strange to those who are not used to them. Or simply make a fun sound.
Just point out to Arianna, that political correctness is for the “differently brained” and the “evolutionarily challenged”. Which means that if they are offended by either of my statements, they are too stupid to be allowed to remain loose in public. When someone comes up to you and forces you become politically correct, calmly inform them that their actions and word offend you, and by their rules of political correctness THEY have to shut up and stop what they are doing. If they insist that you do as well, you inform them that you are not the one who lives by the rules of political correctness, and therefore you do not have to stop. Shuts them up real fast. And when they object saying that it does not work that way, you look them in the eye and say “by your rules that you are inflicting on me, yes it does, and that you do not have the right to be offended, because when you do, it offends me, so therefore you have to shut up.” Really pisses them off wonderfully when you explain it to them.
“…if they are offended by either of my statements, they are too stupid to be allowed to remain loose in public.”
No, let them roam around in a world & universe that are not “perfectly safe” environments…It’s fun to laugh at them when they reach The Darwin Awards website.
Your statement is seriously lacking in the nuance department, Van.
It’s true that asking everyone to rein in all commentary all the time is unreasonable and unrealistic.
But society can’t really hold together if nobody cares about whether they offend one another. On the more moderate end of its spectrum, that’s what political correctness is for (like any ideology, of course, it has some serious nut-jobs).
If you swear like a sailor while you’re walking past the Build-a-Bear in the mall, and someone gets offended, you don’t have the right to get offended by someone telling you to stop. The person telling you to stop does, in that case, probably represent the Will of the People in making that kind of demand, while your demand that people not attempt to correct your behavior is 100% selfish.
I’d also point out that when you make that argument you’re lying. You aren’t legitimately offended; you’re just pretending to be in order to score points in an argument.
In general, I find that people who focus on scoring points in an argument rather than convincing someone or coming to a place of mutual understanding are assholes.
And what kind of points does your moral high ground stance grant you after that pass?
There may be a case for the swearing near a build a bear if that were a valid example. The idea that a “shirt” is offensive because a character on the shirt is known to make rude gestures/statements does not equate to the act. This is the same kind of crap that got White Tree Farms sued over having their company initials on their vehicles … for about 20 years before the initials WTF became a curse phrase. A stand in phrase for people trying to be just shy of cursing is being treated much worse than saying “Dork” which in fact means a “Whale Pens”. Logic much?
Spellcheck mate. “Whale Pens” == “Whale Penis”.
Ahh, shame. It would have allowed some good ‘the pen is mightier than the sword’ gags. Because a whale pen would be bigger than a sword.
By the way, I have run out of brain bleach, does anyone have a spare vat load?
I need to shake this image musketeer, challenging rude individuals to a sword duel.
The problem being that he fights with a whale penis.
Scottostanek confirms that the “Killer Whale” was named appropriately…
No but I do have some Mind Wipe towelettes I will let you have.
Apparently you cannot understand. So let me explain: If you do not do anything that would offend anyone or say anything that would offend anyone, you cannot ever speak again or do anything, because someone somewhere would be offended. Which why worrying about offending anyone and everyone is pointless. Even common manners is not the same from one part of the world to another. All political correctness is, is a load of BS inflicted on the civilized world to drag us back into the Dark Ages.
What you say is true, but only up to a point. Whilst there are differences in etiquette, around the world, we also live in a period of increasing globalisation and homogenisation. Which includes the recognition of many commonalities of polite behaviour. The leaders of all our nations regularly get together and interact in polite ways.
Where mistakes are made, they do receive headlines and can cause serious offence. But such instances are actually few and far between. And get that attention because it is the exception, rather than the rule. It is the norm for polite, civilised, people to be able to interact socially and professionally, without having to resort to rudeness. Even when dealing with people from other nations.
You seem to think that people were rude in the Dark Ages. I find that curious. Because most people lived their entire lives within a few miles of where they were born. So anybody who chose to be rude and unpleasant would find themselves shunned and socially isolated, for conducting such behaviour. Probably for the rest of their lives, if they failed to mend their ways. Or, if it got too bad, they would find themselves placed in the stocks and be pelted with rotten eggs and fruit!
Even the nobility of that era did not get away with impunity. Get too rude to a fellow member of the aristocracy and they could call you out and defend their honour by trial of combat. And offend anyone too powerful and they could simply order you put to death!
Personally I quite like those methods of keeping social harmony.
Alas those politically correct bastards keep opposing such enlightened policies.
And actually, the political correctness BS does not often reflect the will of the people, it is simply jerks and assholes being assholes. But I thank you for proving my point.
Hey Dave, on the trigger debate, try changing it to pet peave trigger. I think that more clearly states your point.
Sorry. Pet peeve trigger.
DAVE hey! What WWW search engine is Arianna using? Becouse I just did Google picture search for ‘deadpool’ and it don’t show those images at all…
Glad to know I’m not the only one who tried that and was disappointed.
You cannot see the entirety of her search phrase. Try modifying yours to:
“offensive deadpool” images
I’m assuming that Arianna is searching using a search engine with no family filters or content shifting- which is pretty common in ‘set in the real world’ fiction.
As for ‘that term to describe the thing that makes someone peeved’, it’s… peeve. Pet peeve, in particular.
I’m pretty sure that’s a Lougle search
I think trigger works. You could have gone with “what’ll tick people off”. Not a single word like trigger, but means what you want and is a natural thing to say.
I like her stance. I kind of feel Sydney would have utilized the saying, “Not my circus, not my monkeys, ” because, you know, monkeys.
I’d say that you “hit the nail on the thumb (a phrase that I use to specify something that’s painfully obvious)” right there. You’ve even stated it in proper conjunction with Brodder’s reference to the Liberal’s Argument List, up above… the author there made repeated references to liberals as “poo-flinging monkeys.”
I find that to be a particularly accurate analogy…
People can take offence at the strangest of things.
For instance a woman got on a bus and was obviously shaken at something the bus driver said to her.
“I cannot believe how rude that driver is! He just said that I have the ugliest baby he has ever seen!”
Now being rude to a lady is not something I will tolerate. So I stood up for her and gave her my support.
“You need to complain to the driver, right now. And take a note of his name and employee number, so that you can write an official complaint! Here, let me look after your monkey, whilst you do that.”
Ha ha ha haaa!! ♥ヮ♥
I really don’t see how that is surprising. You insult someone, they will be offended. It is very simple.
I think you were looking for the word “Pet Peeve” perhaps? And Roll20 is excellent. I’ve used it for a while to link a gaming group who is from Michigan, Tenessee, and Washington D.C. We used it through the Google Hangout app they have. It’s a bit more friendly that way.
Sydney’s first TV interview should be with Bill Maher.
Screw that. Steven Colbert, John Stewart, or nothing.
You’re kidding, right? Sydney wouldn’t even have to do any cursing at all, but her opinions & answers would be enough to make them cut off her microphone…Hastily.
Maher was the host of “Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher” and the writer & star of “Religulous” so I figure he and Sydney will work well together.
So, John Oliver then
She should at least go on a pod cast with Kevin Smith and/or make it personal appearance with the “Comic Book Men” (at Jay and Silent Bob Secret Stash).
Just wanted to chime in and say that if I ever see a widget on the side of the page, which allows me to buy a “Down With Things That Look Vaguely Like Other Things” shirt, I will buy it without checking the price. That is all.
Then you should stay away from the “Looks Totally Like” kind of websites…
So this would be a part of the contract that Sydney didn’t read cause it was in Arianna’s best interest to not screw over Sydney so she would not be used by Sydney, since she is now Sydney’s lawyer, to sue herself? (which was a silly statement all around)
Wonder how much control over Sydney having control over her “image” gives Arianna? She can stop her, or attempt to stop her spaz outs not withstanding, from wearing and talking in certain ways but if all those bored reporters in her shop decide to do a discussion piece on the types of comics she has in her shop and what they say about her views? Will Arianna be able to boss her about what stock she carries? This could kind of suck depending on how deep that contracts rabbit hole goes. (really I’m just sad that Deadpool is being removed from usage! :C )
Also that’s a really sparse bulletin board. Anybody know what the two things Arianna considers important enough to leave on it are?
One of them is probably her Doctorate Degree in Mass Media Communications. It IS her certification as a Spin Doctor, after all…
See here.
This crap is all in how you spin it. There are plenty of radio personalities who regularly say stupid things, get yelled at, get sued, and keep on going. ARCHON just needs to make sure that Sidney Statements are legally distinct from ARCHON official statements and they will be golden. Played right, Sidney will have a geek cheering section longer than several convention lines put together who will actively help against many of the other people who get offended.
What are the graphics behind Sydney? They look like you spent some time on them, but I can’t make out what they are. They look like a circular chart (with six stages) and a newspaper clipping.
See here.
The phrase youre looking for is pet peeve. You big dummy.
Is that phrase really not that common? it was to me anyway.
Is your avatar… a Tahu pre-nuva in the movie style?
I love the comic’s subtext at the bottom of the page, because it’s true: both of them are indeed right. This is an excellent example of an argument where both sides can be correct at the same time, showcasing how complex a situation can be.
Also, non-seguetur is a magnificent portmanteau, well done!
One of several reasons I would not like the public spotlight on me. Free spirits and such that will say whatever they want regardless of decorum or publicity. An publicists, Ariana’s, nightmare come true.
I’d suggest that “button” carries less freight than “trigger” and is more modern than “pet peeve.” I think it works well in context.
“Certain individuals” meaning: Everyone except Maxima.
I google image searched Deadpool, and none of them were him catching his own blown out brains or flipping anybody off.
Dave has lied to us, and he will be hunted down for it.
I found the one of him flipping off the audience in the first few rows. However, blowing his own brains out was one I searched for for about an hour and never found.
The next Google function: alternate universe searching. Pick your universe, pick your search term, and see what’s happening on the other branch of that universal probability tree. Actually, given that one of Google’s April Fool’s jokes already had time travel, this one sounds like a good bet.
Time taken 20 seconds each. Key phrases:
“Brains Deadpool”
“Finger Deadpool”
Or, for more variety, just try: “Offensive Deadpool”
Jewish vernacular gots noting on the term “transactionalization”. #SevenSyllables
Yessssss. Deadpool ftw
On one hand, I want to side with Sydney. However, the problem is that everything she says and does is representative of the team. The whole “guilt by association” thing might not seem fair on the surface, but if she’s out of control and impulsive, what does that say about her commanding officers who are supposed to be able to reign in such behavior? What other impulsive things might she do? Is she a danger to the team? If she isn’t under control, are any of the other team members?
One corrupt cop doing a pretext stop to steal from a motorist can ruin the reputation of all cops because people don’t know whether a specific cop they’re unfamiliar with is going to rob them or not. Same goes with this: if one superhero is impulsive and out of control, people don’t know if others might be as well. If being a superhero amounts to “doing and saying whatever you want at any time, just because you can and normal people don’t have the power to stop you” then how is that any different from tyranny?
You’re using the “slippery slope” logical fallacy, with a touch of “strawman” and “black-or-white”. Just because Sydney makes humorous quips and impulsive comments and wears subculture clothing does not mean she is “out of control” and dangerous to those around her. I cannot always refrain from puns at work – that does not mean that one day I’m going to take an axe to my coworkers.
There is no evidence that she intends using her powers to her own benefit to the detriment of others.
Nor is there a binary choice between strait-laced political correctness and out-of-control danger to the community.
I agree with you on that; if Sydney were really “out of control,” would she have been the most instrumental influence that brought Vehemence down & captured just last night?…And without any formal training?…On the very selfsame day she signed the contract?
Incorrect, I am not using the slippery slope fallacy or strawman. I am saying that this is a potential reaction of the general public to Sydney’s behavior if she is to be allowed free reign to say what she wants to whom she wants whenever she wants.
Your original comment was indeed fair, for the most part. Obtusity was simply highlighting the aspects where counter-arguments could be made. And did so eloquently enough that I felt the need to acknowledge that.
But I should have also indicated that I agreed with much of the gist of your initial comment. Trouble is that, to me it was slightly off, in a couple of subtle ways. Which would take a long post to analyse, but for little return, as you were mostly there. Just not quite.
It is one of the reasons why my posts can get very lengthy. Putting in qualifiers and exceptions, and clarifying intent, can all pad the text considerably. So, whilst Obtusity does a good job of countering the part where you overstate your case, your retort is also a very fair redressing of your original intent. And I can wholeheartedly agree with it, in its rephrased form.
While you are correct about the lack of evidence that she intends to use her powers in that fashion, whether she has the intent or not is not the issue here. What is the issue is public perception.
If the public perception is that these superheroes are not to be trusted or are not professional (which leads to a lack of trust), then that is what matters.
You can argue till you’re blue in the face about whether a given police department is corrupt or not, it doesn’t change the fact that the whether or the appearance of corruption, whether or not there is corruption, is far less desirable than actual corruption without the appearance of corruption.
I used to be a GM on a very popular MMORPG (not WoW, but one that it heavily borrowed ideas from, but whose name I am not allowed to say even though I’m not an employee anymore). We had this huge document we had to memorize called the “PnP” which is Practices ‘n Procedures. The PnP lays down a set of rules about things you can and cannot do, most of which revolves around avoiding the appearance of corruption, and in no uncertain terms tells you that if the players perceive you as being corrupt, you’re out, period, end of story. I left on my own for a different, better paying job and can have my old GM job back if I wanted, so I was never ousted for corruption.
One of the things they tell you not to do in the PnP is do not go into the dungeon zones unless you have an actual legitimate reason to be there, because if some player dies and notices a GM in the zone, they can get all “OMG THERE’S A GM HERE! THE GM MADE ME DIE!” in the same way that children on Counterstrike or Team Fortress will yell “HAAAAAAX!” any time they’re killed.
This is not a strawman, it is an archetype of user I have had to deal with in video games, and one that about half of the PnP revolves around avoiding upsetting, because the perception of corruption is to be avoided at all costs.
As to strawman though, I never laid down the false dichotomy that you accuse me of presenting regarding straight laced vs out of control danger. I did however say that if Sydney’s behavior isn’t reigned in enough that the perception of the team being out of control or lacking in discipline can cause the public to not trust them.
This comment too is fair. The objection stemmed from you not clearly separating ‘Sydney being out of control’ to ‘the public perception of’ the same. Any time when there is ambiguity, the former is the more serious charge, so Obtusity was perfectly correct in focussing on that.
Now that you have made clear that your intent was purely the perception then that is no longer an issue.
You argued your case very eloquently and I can see no flaw with it.
Personally I used to love it, when a GM turned up in City of Heroes. Usually they would appear with avatars that looked like the flashing lights you see on top of police cars, but which, in the game marked the uber-powerful defences that would surround critical sites, like hospitals and train stations. Capable of destroying anything, up to and including a giant monster, with a single beam!
Rather an appropriate avatar for a GM. Although sometimes they would choose other interesting ones, such as the principle named heroes of the city. And the fact that such help would come, to a hero calling out for assistance, was very poetic.
Sad that there is a negative side, which would prevent that from happening on a more casual basis, as you described. But I can see the point why such rules were in place. The world is full of knob-heads who try to blame others for their own failure. Fortunately City of Heroes was mostly non-PVP (you had to go to specific zones for it, and there was no great need to do so if you did not want to).
So mostly the players were much more relaxed about things there. And we did get to see the odd GM joining in festivities, particularly when there were special events going on. And that created a huge buzz in the community, where players would flock to meet ‘Statesman’ or whichever avatar they were in.
Or, even better, when you could fight along side them, when repelling a massive invasion. Or, depending on the event, fight against them. I still have fond memories, of the end of the City of Villains beta, chasing down and killing the signature heroes from City of Heroes!
If anything, Arianna should actually be taking advantage of Sydney’s “adorkable quirkiness” by lending a bit of “covert, unofficial support” for it…It’s that very same trait that could endear Sydney to the public at large and, by association, the rest of ARCSwat & Archon as well. It looks to me that Arianna is so caught up with thinking in terms of “current-time tactics” when she should also consider “long-term strategy.”
“Sydney is awfully fidgety on this page. She keeps changing position in her chair. Maybe she has to pee.”
Sydney strikes me as the type of person who gets fidgety if she doesn’t stand up every 30 seconds.
Well, Sydney does have a pretty good reason for being fidgety…Point of reference from earlier this very morning: & the first panel of
In panels 3, 5 and 6 Sydney is sitting with open space to her left. In panel 8 there is a chair right beside her. I would say that she was secretly using her lighthook under the (break room?) table to rearrange furniture, but we can see her hands.
Offend everyone equally. Then turn them on each other. Problem Solved.
The ‘ol “divide & conquer” strategy, eh?
Forgot to add: As history bears witness, this is a strategy that may seems to work satisfactorily at first, eventually it will backfire on the original instigator more often than not.
Divide and conquer works just fine. It is what you do once you have conquered that causes the long term problems. Divide and conquer, then unify and rule, would be the better policy.
I think I will go with divide and nuke from orbit .
Trigger warning are my trigger! David, you’re the reason I need patriarchy!!
I think people would be surprised by how much people would respect Sydney’s not being prepackaged or filtered. Some celebrities like Jon Stewart get a lot of milage and trust out of saying what’s on their mind rather than being polite. The key is to understand where the line is. Which could possibly be challenging.
… And is probably also why many media “experts” keep trying to play it safe by risk-proofing absolutely everything.
Basically, a mindset that would take a Mexican-style banquet and convert the entire thing into …. porridge.
…a tasteless & unsatisfactory porridge, no less..
I̛̮̘͕͙̜̭̠͚̿̐ͯ̍ͬͨ̂͐̐̇̄ͬ̊̈́ͯ͑͂̚͟’̪̪̮̼̟̭̱̩̱̰̺̙̤̥͚̝̞͂̓ͣ̆ͯ͢͜͜͝ͅd̨͔̺͉̹̰͍͎̗̦̖̣̘͕̱͋ͫ͂̑̈̑͊̔̚͞͠ͅ ̷̵̧͔̘͈̬̫̲̜̻̺̪͎̜̎̓ͥ̅͐ͧͯ̾̇̄̀ͫ̊ḥ̢̛̠̳̥̺͍̭̯̝͙̯͚̺ͯͬ͊̅ͯ̓͊ͫͨͥ̋̂ͤ̕͡a̺̟̼̠̣͉̳͙̻͓̳̦̺̬̪͉̟ͫͦ͆̂̇͊ͯ̄̑́̀͟v̧ͦ̇̊͊̐̐̐̀̃̈̎̈̈ͪ̈́̈́̔ͤ҉̯̮͚̜̝̭̱͉͝e̸͇̠̫̮̬̱̘̻̲̲̣͒̀̇̿ͤ̉ͬͬ̄ͣ̎̈̌ͥ͜͠ ̡̫͇̞̬̹̳̖͔͕̭̽̓̌ͥ͒̓ͦ̅̍ͬ̉͑̇̒̾ͮ̚͞͞͞ͅẗ̴͈̘͖ͫ̔̽̿͒͗̎̑̑͒̚̚͟͞ͅǫ̸̬̗̣͖̼͚͚̿ͣͪ̔ͪ̑̃͛͆̽ͤ̿́̓ͯͅ ̡̆ͣͣͭ̓ͦͤͮͫ͋̆͐̄͒͗̈́ͮ̀̑̀͏̵̠͕͉̩̲̲̤̹̦͉̭̝̟͔̠̣̻͞a̞̗̜̟̮͎͎̍̄ͬ͗̐͑̓ͭ̑ͮ̀ͣ͐ͨͦ͂͞g̷̸̝̻͉̼̘̞̹͕̭̼̗͊ͦ̈́̍͂̇̎̾r̷̗͉͙̪̝̱̫̜̦̲̩̒͑̓̇ͣ̋̈́͒̽͆͊͂̆͂͗̈́̉̃̚ͅe̵̸̤̺͕̬͐̃̋̆͌͑̆͐e̦̱̻̻̭̟̗̯̫̯͔̯̞̥̭͌ͥ͌̒̿̔͒̌ͧ͛̾̔̎͒ͫ̀͝ͅ ̴̶̓ͤ̂͗̂͌ͪ͛ͦͭ́ͮ͋ͧ̃ͦͫ͞҉̤͈͉̲͈̪̥̞͍̙̮̖̫͢ͅw̷̒͐̋͂̅ͣͣ̃̏̓̐̈́̀ͫ͌̕͘҉̡̘̭̯͈i̡̛̦͉̳͕͕͙̠̫͇̇̔͂̽̾͗͛ͨ̀ͨ̅̊͆̓ͪ̿̑̚̚ẗ̨̨́͌̃͌̅ͮͮ̏ͩ̀͐̃ͥͧ̑̀̑̚͏̼̜̳̫͓͙̰̦̜̣̰̪̺͉̱̻̩̞͢ḩ̶̧͍̞͕̥̭̥̥̘͙͍̜̣̰͌̈ͯ̊̓ͭ̒̄͑͗͌͒ͪͯ̀͂͗̔̕͝ ̫͍͇̘̩̞̟̭̳ͫͩ͋͋ͮ͐̒͡Ş͂̅̐̐ͪͤ̍̒͆̚̚͏͙̻̥̻y͓͇̻̟̩̬͔̖̭͕̜̜̠̱̪̗̳͕̫ͭͤͤ̍̀͐ͯͯͧ̂͛͊̀ͭ͘d̴̢̦̣̮̻̠̳̖͓̳̯͉̝̓͋̃͋ͫ̆͐̄̽͗́͠n̴͕̖͇̤̈́̏͊̐͊͐͂͐̐̿̚̚͢͡e̒̑ͫ͋ͯ̂̊̈́ͥͨ̌̓̎͋ͦ͢͟͏̯͓̹̪y̸̴̲̲̤̰̳͉͖͉ͦͯͦ̍̆̏͋ͬ̔ͧ̽ͦ͛̓̀͘͢͝/̷̩̭̭͓̟͈̯̖̤̘͕̼͔̬̦͌ͫͤͣͮ̿̿͋̌H̩̙̜̞͚̬̱̫̳͆͊̍̓͌̈ͪ̐̌̒ͣ̔̈͜͡a͗̈́ͣ̄͏̵̬̺̱̙͉̰̮͍̀͞ͅḻ̙͎͎̭̩̯̭̱̼̤̯̱͖ͩ̑́̈ͪ̎̀ͧ̐͛̅̀́̾̕͜͝ͅo̷̵̝̱͇͖̟̳̬͓̫̤̰͓̗̱̣̭ͫ͌̎͛̃ ͎͉͇͔͍̲̗͓̪̳̰̹͕̮ͩͯ̇̈́ͧ̃ͭ͊̃͑ͮ̃̑ͬ̑͢͢h̶̢̬̯͕̙̝̝̬̤̻͉̠͈̠͋̂͂̍ͣ̋͘͠ē͛͌ͤ̄̑͏̧̨̘̟͔̤̥͚̠̞̺̯̙͈̟̝̞͚̺̪r̶̷̙̩̳̭̠̲̝̗̱̠̯̥͍̥̟̼ͦ̑̾͐̀́̉̓͘e̢ͤͬͮ̎̔̀̒͛̓̆̈́ͧ̅ͥ̋͑ͥ҉̺̼̩͍̖͎̺̺̖̟͖̬͙̝̜͙ͅ.̒̃ͭ̽̅̋͡͏̩̫͇̹͕͕̥̙̯̣̰̜ ̾̈͛ͩͦ̔̉̔͌̉ͮ̓̇̏̀ͭ͟҉̷̙͖̖̠̩̲̰̝̠̯͖̪̖̦̳̼͡͠ ̇̃ͭ͑ͨ͆͒̿͛̒̋͂͏̘̲̠̀͘͝Ñ̷̦͇̮̳͓̖̖ͭ̊ͬͦ̾͌̅̒ͬͯ̑ͣ̈́̄͜ỏ̵ͬ̿ͤ̒ͣ͗͂ͬͬͩ̈́ͦ͊̔͘͡҉̭͍̘͈̟͚͉̱͍̻͉̝̙̣̳͉̘̙ṱ̸̶͈͕̘͉͈̿̎̓͗͑̏̋͒̂̍̂̓̀̇ͭ̈̕ ̢̛̝̠̹͔̈͋ͪͮ̂̽̋̐̕͟n̶̷͖͇̪̦̮ͣ͋ͣ̒͑̐̍͗̄̚ͅͅę͍̩̥̲͚͉͙͍̘͚̣͍̣͍̟͂ͣ͒́̅͗c̲̯̲͙͙̳̺̣͖̲͔͓̱̟̺ͦͣ͂̉̔ͭ̍ͤ͛͊ͪ̌̎ͤ̀̀ḙ̷̶̸͕̘͓̬̭̗̹̣̟̓̂̈̈́͗̽ͯͩ̋̏ͫ͑ͦ̐̄̂͗͝s̡͖͚̭̻̝͖̟̗͖͍̝̘̝ͭ͌͊ͫ̿ͤͥͮ͗́s̵̽ͤ̀̀ͦ̈ͤͤ͞҉͎̼̯̠̼̩͖͈̗̭̩̕ͅą̯͓̞̳̳̩̮̝̟̳̭̼̭̠̩̦ͩ̃͐̈́͢͞r̢̢̛͇̞̝̙̯̙̥ͬ͐́̉͠i̞͙͚̻̘͉͙͔̮̠͓̞̭̱ͫ͐̔ͦ̋ͨͪͩ̿̓ͬ̅͞l̹͇̣̠̮̮͗͛͌̌̍̆̋͊̀͊ͤ̃ͦ͛̅̽͑͘͘͝͡͞y͌͆ͧ̅ͦ̽̓͐̈ͣ̄̏̓̃͋̚҉͔̫̣̻̟̱̪͔͕͎̥̫̦͈̖̗͙͉ ̨͍̥͎̟͙̞͇͍̰̪̘͖̹̮͓͇͙̒̂̌ͥ̅ͧ̆ͤ̌b̸̡̦̩͚̞͓̩̫̻̝̂̿͊͐̽̿ͥ̿͊̔ͤͫ͊ͩ͆̋͢͡͝ȩ̶̛̦̜̦͔̯̩͉̘̰̼͙͈̪̥͖̭͇̱̎̔ͤͣͥ͞ĉ̇͂ͣͪͮ̍͊̄̆ͧ͛҉̸̝͈̤̮̖̼̹͖̺͖̦̙̝̥͖̹͡͡͝å̇̒̈̓̈̆̋̃́͊̀҉̡͏̵͓̝͕̪͙̫ů̵̌̊̊̐̄ͥ̈́̋ͦ͛̀ͯ҉͓̬̰͓͓̖͖̣̻̺̮̺̙̻̀s̵̟̼̹̯͓̤̲͈̪̥̳̒̐ͣͦ͊̇͋͂̐͋̊ę̵̠̬̟̖ͥ̈́̃ͬ̓͆̀̓͝ ̶̢̬̗̝͈͕̌ͫ̒ͣ̌ͪͤ͑̀͟͝ṣ̖͍̦̱̞͉̯̮̭̼͎̘̥̬͆̒ͯ́ͅhͦ̔͛̌̓ͤ̀ͥ̊̊̏͊̀̍͂̈́ͮ͏̠̥̣̜̫̠̭͉̪̤̭͎͓͉͔̪͓̞͜è̛͛̍̌ͯͬͪ̇̈́̕͠҉̻̪͙͍͇̦̫̘̝̟̯̞̳͚̭̣͖ͅͅ’̧͔͈͓̹̪͕̤͚̞͈͓̠̱̮̲ͨ̓ͤ̀̅̃̃ͥ̉̇̿̉̇̉̀̚̚͡͠͡ͅṡ̴͉̟̻͓̟̹̳͔̰̲̟̼̠͇̐̓͊͘ͅ ̨ͦ̆̏ͧͯ̔ͬ̽̋ͬ̊͗҉͎̮͚͙̥͉̬r̸̨̳̖̹̬̣̳̱͙̮̻̪̲̞͈̹͑̏̑̑͒̏ͮ̓̀̀̕į̗͈͖͎̭̥̟͇͍̭̗͇̳̤ͧ̊ͧ̏̌̿̽͛ͤģ̸̧̯̳͓̦͉̪̰̞̓ͣͪͫ͛̔̅͗̿̒ͨ͗̏̓̅̿̈̽h̷̢̢̭͚͚͔̮͇̫̲̣̱̹̑ͨ̄̐̇̇̓̃́̚͝t̡̉̾̊͂̎͑͐ͭͤͣ̾̉̃͒͗ͯ̚̕͞͞͏̜̮̝̯̟̯̟̗,̵̴̧̧̯̗͔̪̰̰͇̓̆ͤͩ͜ ̼͕͎͓̥̭̻̩̪̲̞̣̳̮̞̑ͭ̇̀̂̊̐͆͌ͣ̒̕ó̸̢̦̲͉̳͇̖͔̰̟̦̹ͮ͂̃́ͩ́͡f̶̰̖̦̲̮̪̐ͧ̊̉̀̿̽̏ͮͧͪ̎̂ͥ̓̂̊͜ͅ ̴̸̷̷̰̜̗̤̫̺̫͖͙̮̘͕̥̖̘̘̒͋̄̿ͨ̍̋ͪ̄ͦ̎̌ͤͥ̿̚̚͢c̨̝̰̬̟̪̩̳̻͍̘͓͉͓̫̫̺̭ͧ̒̑̋͌ͥ̆͊̋̀̀́͢o̧̩͖̺̣͕͔̼̫͙̫̲̜͉̰ͧͤ̒ͬ̂̈́͒̑̏͋͗͟ͅų̗̥̜̱͖͈̤̲̯̲̜̲̺͇̳̟ͭ͆̏̄͌̋͞ͅr̶̴͆̒̍̌͊ͨ͌̿̒̑ͣ̈́ͯ͗̐͑͢͝͏̹̟̱̺̣͈̙ͅs̴̛̛̺̙̭̼̹͎̯̤͓̭͓̠̜̞ͬ̉͌̀͜e̅̊͊͛̍̑ͨ̈̊̇̀҉̶̱͈̹̭̯̲͇͇̺͖̞̫̤̀͘͝ͅ,̨̡̪̬̗̠̥͔̰̳̗̫̝̄̂͒̀̒̂ͦ̾̌̆̓͗͞ͅ ̵̷͇̰̞̖̊ͯͥ́b̿ͦͪͧ̄ͣ̅̇ͬ̋͗̂̿́̌̃҉̸̸͈͕̻̝͕͈ü̴̱͇͈͔̝̦͙̰̳͙͇͙̻͚̍̑ͮ̑̓̿̈́̔́ͬ̀͘͟͜t̢̺̣͍̖͎̘̤̠̝͓̃͂̀͆̅͊ͩ̀̈́͛ͨ̍̓̀̾͌ͬ̍̀̚͢͜ ̴̧̼̙̳̙͎͚͎͔ͥ̄̽̎̒ͫ̾ͬͮͫ̈́̑ͨ̆̚͢b̧̿͊̃͗̃̽̾ͫ̆́̾̏̿ͥͫ̿ͪ̎͝͏̠͉̯̦͚̺͈̻͘e̸̴̫͍̼̣̣̟͛̋̂̿̿̃ͧ͗͘͘͠c̉̄ͯ͏̮̩̯̜̭̹͓̲̰͙͍͡ͅͅa̷̢̛̫͕͚̠̭̩̰̣̓̾̾͌̄̄̊̉̊̊͆ͪ͂̾̀͜u̿ͪ̊́̈̓̋ͤ́҉͍̫͓̱̥͖s̨͕̜̖̥̞͎̲͕̫̦͓͗͋͂̈͑ͨͥͯ̀̓ͩ̽̊̂͟ͅe͛̋̌ͪ̌͆̈́ͯͬͪͧͭ̄̑͊̅͆̒҉̛̯̖͔̺͉͘͝ ͂ͫ̐ͨ́̉̀͌ͮ̌ͨͣ̽̍͏̣̱̝͉̭̼͞͡ş̻̣̪́̌̑ͣͭ̽ͦ͐ͧ̒̒͊̐̋ͅẖ̶̤̤̫͙̌ͮ͊̃͐͗̈̐̂̌̐ͭ̅̑ͭ̽͛̀̅͢e̴̛̱̳͙͕͚͑ͣ͒̽ͭ̐̊̄̀ͭͣ͘͟ͅ ͔̤̦͔̦͚̼̑̓͐̀̅͂͋́h̶̩̜̗̼̳̉͌̏͗͊ͥ̓̒̆̊͘͘͞ą̸͎̭͓̯̲̻̫̤̠̗̻̦̳̩̹̲͙ͪͮ̒ͩͭͫ͂̅̍̂̀͘͠ͅş̛̮̗̲̬̠͕͙͇̰̤̩̮̝̠͈̘̓̆̒̓̂͂̎ͤ̓̓̒̊̉ͫ̚̚ ̛̝̖̦̪̝̬̬͍͍̼͉͎͆͊͐̂ͥ͆ͦ͌̔͒̅͒ͪ̾̾͋̀̚ǎ̛̟̬̞͖̙͎̞̣̺͇̻̝̣̖ͪ́̽̊̈̂̉ͨ͋̾̚̚͝ ̵͈͎̝̮̼̼̝͕͗͛ͧ̎̋̚͝P̶ͪͣ͌̎ͨ́̿͏̙̣̻̥͎̲̪͓̟̗͙̹̘͚̫͔͘͞ͅP̛̻̹̪͎͍̮̗̠͙̏̂͋̽͋̓̓̋ͬ͆͑͊̕͡Oͭ̉̋̿͝͏͓͇̬̣͉̠͎̗̰͓̗̬͖͔̯̦͡.̢̹̲̬̟̥̘̞̼͎͕̘̞̩̱͚̭͚ͭ͂ͬ̔ͫ̃̽̚̚
How do you make a font like that?
For those wondering, his username is ZAIGO, and his comment reads, “I’d have to agree with Sydney/Halo here. Not necessarily because she’s right, of course, but because she has a PPO.“
This is a good example of clear and coherent thought.
Never argue with a comic store owner with a tenuous grasp of her Nuke.
Actually the username is “ZALGO”, it means when someone:
It’s not a font, you can do it with any font, it’s achieved adding extra characters around the text using unicode.
Google it, it’s interesting :)
Here is the most popular ZALGO generator:
T̞͇̤͕̠̻͘h̻e̺̙̝̭͉ͅ ̼̦̮̘͠m̠o̮͕͕̱r̛̜͔͚̖̬̝e͍̩͙͉̟̻͜ ̲yo̡̹̙̪͉͉u̟͖̼ ̼̖͍̻͖ͅk͖ͅn҉̞o̖̤ẃ̙̺͔͕͎̘̜
Nicely done.
And thanks for the link NotFred.