Grrl Power #292 – Crime may not pay, but villainy is evidently humorous
The more I think about it, the more I think this page should have come before the previous one. I’d have to redraw Sydney without the peacoat though. I may do that when I do my editing for the book cause I think it flows a little better that way. In any case, this isn’t quite the last page of the book, but it is the last page in which that parking lot appears for a long time, Xenu willing.
Let me break this page down by rows since there’s a lot going on. Maxima might say this outright in the comic at some point, but she wouldn’t mind sporting a crooked nose since some people would consider it a -1 to comeliness, which is fine with her, and it makes her look more like a scrapper. The problem with that is she doesn’t want to walk around sporting any particular villain’s trophy injury on her face.
Achilles winds up being either enormously useful in fights, or gets pinned under rubble/tossed over the horizon. It’s about 50/50. Also, what the hell is that poster tube made out of?
Some people have a chronic nervous laugh, some people have something called the Pseudobulbar affect, which is actually a neurological disorder or can be caused by a brain lesion. It causes uncontrollable laughter or sometimes crying. I assume the Joker has this affliction. Deus… just seems to be privy to a joke only he gets. I think I should draw a tablet or something in his hand in that last panel, otherwise it looks like he was staring out the window down at the parking, and his building is nowhere near that fight. Also I realized after I finished the page that I should have revisited the dramatic lightning gag in panel 9, but if I put lightning behind him, then the “oops, busted” look over his shoulder wouldn’t work right. :P
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
“What, I have a condition”…
Loved Achilles humbleness..
The correct word is “humility”. Otherwise, agreement.
Wonder if there is a name for Deus’s “condition”.
Ah, yes, there IS a name. Thanks Dave, that’s what I get for not reading your blurb immediately.
Dude! It’s a pro-cess! Read the comic. Read the blurb. Read the comments. Then, and only then, make your own!
Saves on all that “I don’t know if someone already…” nonsense.
We can only hope people will heed your advice.
But I am not holding my breath waiting.
So, …in your opinion a person needs to read 85, no 87, no 92…comments before adding their own?
In my opinion , too .
Really if you cant be bothered to read other peoples comments , then how can you expect anyone else to read yours . And if you dont expect your comment to be read then why make it ?
So, either comment early, or wade through dozens, sometimes hundreds, of comments, before you post your own.
Well. I’m glad I managed to post on this subject early. When there were a MERE 101 comments before I wrote mine, (almost certainly more now). I’d hate to be that person who only gets to see this comic some 12 hours after it’s posted, when there are three PAGES of comments that must be read through before they can share their opinion or insights.
Is there a correlating requirement to come back and read all the posts that have come after you make yours, or is all the load on the person who arrives later to the party?
Also, this threading system doesn’t give a nice new posts button. You can’t sort by posts that have come in since some set time. I get around it by searching by the hour, then the next hour, but that’s a time consuming process I’d not ask others to mess with.
I like to make my first comment just after I read the comic. It gives my first impressions, and, as such, I do not care too much if it duplicates somebody else’s comment.
Likewise the comments can run to several pages, for anybody who has not logged on early on the day of posting. So I have every sympathy for folks who do not have either the inclination, or the time, to read through them all. Every fan deserves to be able to have their voice heard.
When I have been too busy to catch up on any comments, all I do is check back, periodically, to see if somebody has replied to mine. I view it as having started a conversation, and it would be rude not to reply, if an answer is needed.
In such circumstances though, I do not have the time to follow all the other conversations that are going on.
Conversely though, it does mean that, sometimes, the same thing does get said a lot. But, cest la vie.
On the plus side though, it means that DaveB does get a lot of feedback if something, seemingly obvious, is causing confusion to many folks. Like the jacket, from the previous page. It beats him having to do market surveys.
“Do you find the montage sequences confusing?”
60% No
30% Yes
10% There was a montage sequence?
^ This.
That’s my own SOP with this comic as well. My first comment (that appears further down the page) was actually posted before THIS comment. I read the comic, read the blurb, read the blog…Then I start reading the comments, but I also keep in mind what my initial impressions are, so that I can nest my first comments in with others who have already said something.
As hours & days continue to pass, I’ll occasionally look through the comments to see if I can pick out the new ones as I breeze through those that look familiar. During the last day before the new update, I’m likely to just see if there’s any new comments linked with my own.
You forgot to add an option (and percentage) for “What’s a montage sequence?”. Or is that included in the third option?
Do a montage….
Well , obviously you have to read through hundreds of comments :-)
and yes you have to come back and read through all the posts afterwards
for a nice new posts try DaveBs suggestion :
Here’s the link to the new comments highlighter for chrome, and the GitHub link which you can use to install on FireFox via Greasemonkey.
Or dont bother , most dont read all the comments , as evidenced by all the people that suggested the trap inside shield and suffocate trick , 2 or 3 commentors per page minimum , i miss them .
Yorp even makes a good point since it is like a poll for DaveB
um… no link though…
i know it was originally posted a while back but i can’t find it in the history any more. could somebody REpost the link for the Greasemonkey one?
Aaargh!… no brains today… ignore my previous post… the link is right below the comic commentary by Dave…
And there’s this post in the Forum that I wrote about how to get comment highlighting working in Opera.
Well, I tend to skip over conversations that don’t seem to be going in directions that I care about. For instance, the rest of this one.
When the comment stack gets over a certain level, it’s not even worth adding one’s own 2¢ anymore.
Naa. Just today somebody added a comment on to the end of an old page. Which had interesting mottoes, in Latin. Plus an insightful comment of some sort, which I do not recall anyone having come up with before.
And even duplicating previous comments is not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes somebody says it in a different way, views it from a new angle or adds extra information, which makes you reconsider the situation. That happened more than once, in the recent debate on legal issues, over charging the victims of the aggro aura.
Hey, 2¢ is 2¢.
If you can’t throw in your 2¢, then you might as well throw in the towel, huh?
@anifreik & DR.REVENGE
….. And THEN I openly and politely acknwledged my error. Though, with self-righteous comments like yours, I really have to wonder why I bothered.
Hey I just don’t want to start handing out trophies and sign for at least another 3 months that’s all.
And here I thought he had megalomania.
He’s crazy for Megoliths? Is there such a condition? :-P
No, he likes really big servings of lo mein noodles.
Hah hah.
Wow, that pun sunk really “lo, man”…
Thai a tag on it this pun-chain is done.
Then it would only be right to keep it going. How Sweet (for us) & Sour (for you) it is.
Pretty sure megalomania is an entry requirement for supervillainry. But for the advanced degree. you really NEED the crazed laugh as well.
Courses in Monologuing are also required.
…ahhh, humbleness is a synonym for modesty, so yeah, that’s pretty much what I meant…
No worries, still like you ‘though, not going to strangle you or even bite, no matter how much you ask!
Somehow, I keep picturing in my mind how a professional stuntman performs a stunt on TV & has an accident. But then, as everyone’s eyes are glued to the scene, he picks himself up (maybe even limping a bit) as the announcer says, “He’s okay, folks!”
Even so, Achilles is just being Achilles after all. While he was buried in the rubble, he was just being invulnerable…Now he’s back to being aggravatingly invulnerable.
Super Dave Osborn! (at the risk of dating myself)
Oh, wait, you said professional stuntman….
Super Dave was a pro, man. Nobody else could have survived those stunts and come back for more. Except a really stupid jerk.
Super Dave was a pro, all right. He was earning his “source of living” by doing it. “Professional” means merely that the person is getting paid to do it…It’s his/her profession, no more, no less.
Well there is a mental disorder called PBA where a person has uncontrollable laughter and crying.
Peanut Butter Anchovies? o_O
Peanut butter is okay, but I won’t eat anchovies…Not even on pizza.
I have the same condition. But I’m getting treatment for it: 6 life terms on the Federal Funny Farm. MWAHAHAHAHA- WAIT! NO! I got it under control! NO TAZER! NO TAZER!!!
Ah Ha! The first person to actually get it is right here ^ folks!
Admittedly, I had to go look it up too, but “hyenism” is another form of the word “hyenic.” This is derived from “hyena-like.” Villainous Hyenism is the uncontrollable urge to produce “evil-sounding hyena-laughter.”
Dave, that’s genius! Clever boy!
Still not as bad as slippalobophobia, the fear of being chased around a kitchen table by wolves while wearing socks on a freshly waxed floor. Far Side, we miss ye.
Heh, at one time the Wikipediea page on phobias had a lot of tongue-in-cheek ones. That is one of the few to survive the editing process, the last time I looked. Dutifully attributed as comedic, and properly cited. Rightly so, ’cause it is awesome!
… And then there’s –
Ah, but is any kind of fear actually a “phobia” if the individual has good reason for that fear? Had a personal experience with that event or subject that resulted in severe injury?
To answer that question, we must look at what defines “phobia.” It is specifically an “unreasonable fear” of something. Thus, if someone had fallen off a ladder & broke several bones, would it be reasonable to diagnose him/her with acrophobia? I say NO!
It probably depends.
Using your example, if the person was afterwards hesitant about situations involving ladders / heights (at least for a while), this would be understandable. A “mild” phobia at worst, I am guessing – something that could probably be dealt with without too much drama.
On the other hand, if the person hyperventilates whwnever heights are so much as mentionedin conversation, and is downright paranoid about ladders even when they aren’t around, then that presumably qualifies as a full-blown phobia with oakleaf clusters. My guess, anyhow.
Your point about severity & frequency of the fear is valid…But if that person only exhibited fear when the occasion arises to climb back up, then it’s still not a phobia.
Mmm, your definition may need some work. I was arachnophobic, until I applied some self-therapy to kick it. And would exhibit extreme phobic reactions, such as, if my brother shoved a photo of a spider, in front of me (as a kid) I would run screaming from it!
Clearly irrational, as a photo is not going to harm you. But, without a stimulus, of some sort, how would a phobia manifest itself? In that instance, he tricked my fight or flight instinct by surprising me with it. If I saw that it was a photo, in advance, I may have been very uncomfortable, but not actively afraid.
So just looking at a ladder, or a photo of one, would not trigger the phobia in question. You need either the clear expectation of having to climb up, or seeing something that makes you visualise being in such a situation.
I imagine sufferers will not be happy with footage of mountaineers, where you get to see the vertigo-inducing drop below them. Someone with a mild phobia, of heights, may just feel uncomfortable. But an extreme sufferer, I am sure, would freak out, if forced to watch. The more realistic (think IMAX vs Iphone), the more likely the averse reaction.
Phobias can stem from both irrational and rational fears. Some spiders are extremely dangerous, and all are poisonous (without exception*). And living in a country with deadly ones, meant that my phobia could be life-saving. But, I was also scared of ones that I knew were harmless.**
What you definition is doing is saying that only those who are severely affected are phobic. It does not acknowledge that there is a spectrum. Which could be dangerous, as a mild version can deteriorate, under the wrong circumstances.
* Ok many cannot even penetrate human skin, and the volume of poison may be insufficient to pose a credible threat and the nature of the poison probably is not life-threatening, to a healthy person. But they are all poisonous, none the less.
** Although, technically there is still a risk, albeit a very small one, with any that are big enough to penetrate skin, with their bite. Any species, of spider, can become infected with a nasty bacteria, which rots the flesh of bite victims!
Referring that font of all wisdom, Wikipedia –
Specifically, the opening paragraphs –
In clinical psychology, a phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational. In the event the phobia cannot be avoided entirely, the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.
The terms distress and impairment as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV-TR) should also take into account the context of the sufferer’s environment if attempting a diagnosis. The DSM-IV-TR states that if a phobic stimulus, whether it be an object or a social situation, is absent entirely in an environment — a diagnosis cannot be made. An example of this situation would be an individual who has a fear of mice (Suriphobia) but lives in an area devoid of mice. Even though the concept of mice causes marked distress and impairment within the individual, because the individual does not encounter mice in the environment no actual distress or impairment is ever experienced. Proximity and the degree to which escape from the phobic stimulus is impossible should also be considered. As the sufferer approaches a phobic stimulus, anxiety levels increase (e.g. as one gets closer to a snake, fear increases in ophidiophobia), and the degree to which escape of the phobic stimulus is limited has the effect of varying the intensity of fear in instances such as riding an elevator (e.g. anxiety increases at the midway point between floors and decreases when the floor is reached and the doors open).[
The term phobia is encompassing and usually discussed in the contexts of specific phobias and social phobias. Specific phobias are nouns, such as arachnophobia or acrophobia, which are specific, and social phobias are phobias within social situations, such as public speaking and crowded areas. Some phobias, such as xenophobia, overlap with many other phobias.
I like Yorp’s & my discussion better. We manage to express it in layman’s terms without using techno-babble in long walls of text to get our points across, in most cases.
Well, try reading only Paragraph 2 then. Read slowly if you want. We’ll wait.
Dictionary definitions have their uses. But it is also worthwhile to explore a concept without them. Otherwise we risk being shaped by the definitions we impose on words.
I was actually playing the straight-man devil’s advocate in the above thread. Whereas, in the past (elsewhere) I have argued from the same stance that MidnightDStroyer was taking. Albeit that he was approaching it in his own way, which was interesting to see how it may pan out.
By discussing a topic (fear) that had a strongly defined word describing the particular phenomenon (phobia) within it, which was of interest, we would risk confining our conversation to what English/Latin speaking scientific types had settled on as a definition.
Yet it could be flawed. Or it may be better defined in other cultures, using a different word, without the baggage and connotations that are associated with ours. Probably the European and other western-influenced scientific countries will have been contaminated with our version, to some degree or other.
But, perhaps, even they, have a word, or phrase, which may neatly encapsulate what MidnightDStroyer was sounding out. And, even clinically approved words may not actually be perfectly suited to the thing they are describing. The baggage and history associated with them may have rendered them obsolete.
Or they could even simply be wrong. The dictionary simply defines the common usage. It does not necessarily constitute a fundamental truth.
That said, I had espoused my side of that discussion to the full, so I mention all this just for it’s own possible interest, rather than with any other intent in mind.
However, I shall, separately, peruse a tangent angle. Inspired by the debate in question.
Ohhhkay, then. I’ll just quietly retreat to my corner then. Carry on, folks.
I find it interesting how people respond to such situations, both individually and socially speaking. Whilst a phobia is one possible response, another might be the development of a superstition.
Take “it is unlucky to walk under ladders”, as an example. This could have developed in a variety of ways, but running with the inspiration you provide, let us assume that the ladder user has developed a mild phobia.
Unfortunately for him, he is someone who has to continue using ladders, despite now being afraid to do so. He can contain his fear, but it starts to get out of hand whenever colleges walk underneath him, or even worse, kids run by. Giving him a, perfectly reasonable, fear that the ladder will be knocked and he will be badly injured again.
Yet, no matter how much he complains, shouts or otherwise objects to this, he finds that there is are a certain number of individuals who completely ignore common sense, and continue to do so.
Even worse if the perpetrators are senior to him, in some way. Such as in stratified societies, where somebody who has to use a ladder is looked down upon (ironic though that may be).
Plus, of course, there will always be those who take pleasure in the misfortune of others. So, for the latter folks, if they gain a hint that the complainant actually has a phobia, they will go out of their way to provoke it. Having a laugh at his discomfort.
The solution? Play to their own superstitions and fears. Spread it about that “it is unlucky to walk under a ladder”. Back this up with common sense remarks like “you are only tempting fate, as there are heavy tools being used up there, which could hurt you, if they fall!”
Kindly old dears, sympathetic to the worker’s plight, will be canny enough to see the whole situation for what it is, and do their bit to spread the wisdom-that-is-disguised-as-superstition. And, lo, society has evolved. Ladder users become a bit safer, as does everyone else in society.
And the fact that scientific types may get wound up at the propagation of that meme? Added bonus!
Yes, it is difficult to give credibility to anyone who likes proclaiming that it’s a matter of “settled” science. The overall Laws of Nature that allow this universe to exist & continue perpetuating are really only now beginning to be explored; what was thought to be “truth” 50 years ago is modified & updated with newly-discovered information from today.
Every scrap of knowledge we have is directly derived from the overall Laws of Nature & when only we’ve observe it, studied it & learned it can we really accept it as a fact. That’s when we pigeonhole it under defined terms in a specific category of “science.” We don’t create any kind of knowledge by merely conceiving of a concept, we can only learn from what is observable, then define as a “common point of reference.”
Specific usage of any “common point of reference” is at least partially modified according to customs, social norms & even those who outright lie to us, but it’s up to us to find the same common point of reference when we communicate with each other…Yet, even as scientists try to define their new discoveries in a strict, unbendable definition, even they are subject to their own inherent prejudices & social development. Then add on top of that, the facts that there are always new facts coming in!
There is no such thing as a “settled science.”
That’s a common and vacuous slogan, nothing more. It gets put about by the “anti-science” element, then people repeat it without applying even the slightest analysis.
It may be applicable to the margins of knowledge, where plenty of mystery still abounds. However, it would be utterly perverse to apply it to the huge amount of knowledge gained over recent centuries in fields such as chemistry, biology and physics.
Just one example: cyanide is toxic to humans. This fact is true now, will remain true in the future* and it would be impossible to find a single human alive that would be immune to its effects.
To me, that seems “settled”. Would you agree, MD?
* barring some extremely fundamental tinkering with human biology.
Ugh. Reading the rest of your comment more carefully puts that final sentence in its proper context. I don’t mean to accuse you of being “anti-science”, and I think I should take it all back. My apologies.
Every decade I have seen one of the mighty humbled. Because they have made a sweeping statement, such as “we now know everything there is to know in this field”. Sometimes they are just idiots, who apply it across the board.
But, even those who are wise enough to apply it just to their field of speciality, still come a cropper. In your case, you have chosen a single example, so you are pretty cunning. You will probably be long dead before an exception is stumbled across.
However, here is a thought. Why not make a comprehensive list of everything that you consider to be ‘settled science’. If it is a very short list, then you are demonstrating wisdom. In acknowledging that there is very little which could be considered known as irrefutable truth, that will not be refined upon, modified or corrected, in some way.
Or possibly even be recognised as being mistaken. Such as being a symptom of something else, rather than a cause or an end in itself.
However, as your bold statement seems to imply, you may end up with a very long list, of things you feel certain to be fundamental truths.
If you do the latter, I bet that, within a decade, at least one of your ‘settled science facts’ will be found to be… unsettled.
Yorp, I would never say “we know everything there is to know” about any field. That would be an easily falsified statement – just learn one more thing, and it falls. Plus, I am aware of similar assertions made during the 19th century, when physics seemed to be in a rut. There were just a few niggling problems to sort out regarding the structure of atoms and thermodynamics – which then led to quantum physics and changed everything.
So my list would be conservative, but still very long: observations that stand on their own account, regardless of the fundamentals. For example, the orbits of the Earth and Moon are the way they are, so we can forecast eclipses * some way into the future – and the precise theory of gravity makes no practical difference to this.
This long list of mundane facts will rarely need to be corrected; but I acknowledge the near certainty that this will happen from time to time. Your “irrefutable truth” belongs in mathematics, not nature. That in itself is not a problem for me, since the object is getting the correct answers. The remote chance that my work (as an engineer) suffers errors from relying on these known facts is simply a fact of life.
If you were expecting a list of the deep fundamentals of nature, sorry. That’s someone else’s list. Is there a string theorist in the house? 8-)
* there’s one next month, as it happens…
“For example, the orbits of the Earth and Moon are the way they are, so we can forecast eclipses…”
Here’s a point of relevant fact that you didn’t take account for: Yes, the moon’s orbit is what it is, but the distance that the moon orbits the Earth IS gradually increasing! NASA, during one of the Apollo mission on the moon, placed mirrors in a specific pattern on the moon’s surface. As a result, NASA can beam lasers to these mirrors & time how long that laser returns to Earth, thereby precisely calculating its orbital distance…As it turns out, the moon is slowly drifting further & further out at a rate of about 1 inch per year. Unless something happens to change that progression, the moon will eventually fly out of orbit, with severe consequences on our ocean tidal patterns.
Yes, the moon’s orbit “is what it is,” but a part of what “it is” includes the fact that it’s changing.
8-) well spotted. Like I said, the list will need revision from time to time as ideas change, but I don’t agree with those that argue this to be a fatal flaw.
I’m aware of the receding moon and slowing Earth, and that (in millions of years time) there will eventually be no more total eclipses (boo!). But the moon ‘flying out of orbit’ won’t happen, the most that will happen is that the Earth will become tidal-locked to the moon, rotating once a month (and IIRC, that will take so long that the Sun will become a red giant and swallow the Earth first *).
* according to the current view…
*hugs Electronbod*
You may be a science-fixated furless-ape, but you are a science-fixated furless-ape who does get it!
*hugs back*
Aww, thanks. Such a big compliment deserves one in return, so I want to say that you are the most engaging talking dog I have ever known!
*wags tail happily*
Really? I vary between trinity, onassis, truelove, eldredge, ediety, windsor, cape, hourglass, floating spiral and – at Easter – cruciform.
Ties meh.
I prefer Gordian Knots…They’re really easy if you have a sharpened metal implement.
as long as you’re not using a noose, we’re ok… we wouldn’t want to lose a loyal reader by accident.
Who says it would be an accident?
Putting that nose in place hurts like hell… Broken nose+healing factor made it worse.
Laurell K. Hamilton put something similar in one of her books way back when. A shapeshifter’s legs were broken and then allowed to heal in that position. They had to rebreak them to put him back in working order and let them heal again.
This was pre-pr0n right?
…. And (flinch) we get to see a significant downside of being as tough as Max.
I’m thinking getting punched in the face and getting a broken nose is a downside most of us share…
The downside is not that. It is having to operate on yourself. I am in that category. And have been supplied with the tools and advice on how to conduct it. But I am not keen on the idea, should it prove to be necessary.
Maxima has my sympathy. Likewise that American hiker, some time ago, who had to hack off his own limb, to escape being trapped. That shows mind-boggling fortitude and determination!
Fortunately I am not facing anything near that level. Nor even as painful as Maxima’s re-setting, if I do it right. Albeit potentially more dangerous, than hers, as I would need to be poking metal into my chest.
The trickiest part about performing open-chest surgery on oneself is getting a mirror propped up at an appropriate angle so that you get a clear view of what’s happening.
Not that I’ve had to actually try it myself, thank God. Maybe it’s bad enough in its own right that I can imagine it.
Mine has to be done by touch. Feeling the appropriate spot. My surgeon deemed me good enough, at the task, that he used me as a teaching aid, for his medical students. Nothing shows them up more, for mistaking body parts, than the patient correcting them.
“Nope, you just poked my sternum. Try again.”
No thanks…I prefer to keep my lessons in “tactile anatomy” kept to outside of the skin surface. I also make sure that, if it’s not myself in particular, that I restrict my more in-depth studies to consenting female humans.
Remember that Russian doctor who got stuck at the South Pole and had to take out his own appendix? At least he had anesthesia and proper tools.
AND a body of skills with experience to guide him…
I’m glad Tubey is OK
Somehow that reminds me of the theme song for Scooby-Doo, except it would be Tubey-Doo instead. Okay, I’m weird.
I was thinking more of the theme from the New Shmoo myself – but Scooby works too.
Hong Kong Tubey!
…Can’t be – it’s not wearing a bathrobe – but it might have survived by ducking into a filing cabinet though. :-)
My god you’re right! Tubey is naked! NSFW! NSFW!
And all this time we thought DaveB had been restricting the nudity to his Deviant Art page, and vote incentives!
Dave has been drawing Sydney flaunting her balls this whole, never mind her tubey. ;p
Yay Tubey!
Well, at least that answers the age-old question.
Tubey or not Tubey
The way you guys keep talking about Sydney’s tube and balls is a little unnerving.
To be fair, even though Sydney is female, she’s got more balls than pretty much any species of males & her tube is also…disproportionately large…in comparison to her physical stature.
You have obviously never seen a fully erect alpha female hyena (and not talking about one walking on their hind legs)
Was that female hyena considered “average” for her species? If so, then the hyena was no “disproportionately large.” For being human, Sydney’s would be disproportionately large; my statement is in-line with taking relative proportions into account.
“That hurt more than when it broke.”
as someone who has had their nose broke and straightened…Yes, Yes, it damn well does.
I think it’s the anticipation. At least that’s how it was for me…
Having the nose broken was a total surprise, didn’t see the kick coming as I turned around. But standing in front of the mirror and straightening it out again I was very aware of what I was doing, and it took a lot longer to get it straight. So yes, that certainly hurts.
Also during a fight you’ve got the adrenaline flowing, which reduces how much pain you feel.
It was no fight. I was jumped by a gang of kids who tried to rob me. Three of them was distracting me asking for cigarettes as a fourth came up from behind and tried to kick me in the back of my head. Something, probably a shadow that moved, got me to turn my head just in time to deftly catch his kick with my nose.
So no adrenaline flowing before, but plenty of it after I can tell you. I got mad, they got scared, and moments later I was standing there shaking with adrenaline flowing through the system. Funny thing is I was essentially blind as the kick had sent my glasses flying and I was bleeding from a cut in an eyebrow, so I could hardly see a thing. It took me several minutes crawling on my knees to find my glasses, and then I had to search for one of the lenses that had popped free.
The adrenaline wore off as I walked home. Once I got there I went into the bathroom to take a look at the damage. Then I carefully (not really) pulled my nose back in place. And that hurt! To deliberately start messing about with that broken nose hurt like #¤%&%! But I got it done, took a few aspirins and went to bed.
By morning one eye was swollen shut and I looked like a run over raccoon. The nose eventually healed straight with just a slight bump that can be felt but is next to impossible to see, and all I really have to show for that adventure is a faint scar in the eyebrow.
Ouch, I’m not sure I could bring myself to pull my nose back into position. Fortunately I’ve never had reason to find out.
There is no sign of it. They did a good job.
I thought I had a broken tail, for five years. Turns out all I needed was a two week course of steroids to stop the pain.
I think I can empathize with that. After all, a dog’s tailbone is longer than a human’s “tail bone.” There’s more of it to be feeling pain.
Think of the shared pain when the injured Harem is recalled and goes to the doc to set her wrist. All five of them get to experience that procedure. And she will need to stay ‘out’ in order for the bones to heal. They will all be subconsciously favoring one hand for the next month.
At least Archon will put her on “Light Duty” until it heals. No physical training, no two-handed lifting, etc. It’s not like Harem has to keep up with “normal” expectations.
That’s an interesting point. If Harem’s running multiple instances, do they all ‘feel’ what happens to any one? If she were to de-port all but the one that needed its wrist set for the duration of the setting procedure, would the lower number of bodies mean less overall pain? Or would it just mean less wrists over which to average out the pain, so more perceived pain?
Yes. There is only one Harem consciousness. To her bodies are like hands, something that she has more than one of. So, to understand her situation, just think of it like our hands and feet.
If one hand is broken, do we feel the pain less, because we have other, uninjured, limbs? No.
If you were to apply aesthetic to all limbs except the one that was broken (weird concept to pose, but, oookay), would that lessen the pain on the remaining one? No.
+1 To all parts. As regards:
I agree, in that the one with the broken bone will need to have it in a sling & given appropriate light duties. But the other bodies will also have to avoid getting in situations where she may reflexively react and harm the setting bones, in the injured body.
We have seen how that could happen, with the atomic wedgie. Her colleagues will need to be considerate that she has to rest a body. Even if they cannot see it. In particular, they must not cause her to flinch, or otherwise need to react instinctively towards a perceived danger. Be it in general, or to her hand specifically.
Which would probably mean avoiding active duty. But operational needs might over-ride that. If she has to enter higher risk situations, the doc can always restrain the injured limb more securely. To account for the increased chance of a mishap being passed onto the resting body.
I’m surprised that no one’s mentioned that Maxima seems to have her nose out of joint. =OP
I wonder if the last four panels would have worked better if the what-I-assume-is-a-big-screen-monitor was showing event footage or reports, or the end of a report…
Why do they need that? They have an eye-witness account in the form of Abbey on the table
Do you mean Daphne?
Also, who would win in a straight up face-punching contest between Anvil and Max?
Anvil eventually.
So I’m told, that particular Daphne is called Abbey.
I am going to stick with Harem. Hurts my brain enough remembering just the one name per person!
Don’t worry your little puppy brain, picked names that at least retain descriptive to their appearance (except ‘Bodie’, which was short for ‘Bodica’ back when we were coming up with a cool soldiery-type name for that one, and ‘Abbey’ because she just makes me think of Abbey from NCIS)
Never been quoted like that before :D
Yes, technically they are all “Daphne” (including ‘Berry’) but when they are all out and you want a particular one, this helps (plus, just figured giving them actual ‘names’ rather than simply ‘descriptions’ was better)
Nose reset. Ouch.
Now I’m sort of wondering if Maxima can reset her brain in the manner that Sydney demonstrated.
No, I think that’s a race specific skill. The race being craaazy
I think the GURPS rpg would classify the “brain reset” to be a Psychological Advantage. I wonder how many character points it would cost?…
It’s offset by the brain needing reset every now and than
Actually, pretty much everyone has an inherent ability to “brain reset,” otherwise any XP earned would be…pointless. The “normal” method of resetting the brain involves learning through experience and/or study, then incorporating the know knowledge/experience in with your usual patterns of thinking.
What makes Sydney’s brain reset an advantage is that it’s much quicker, nearly instantaneous. Therefore, it should cost some points in the GURPS system.
I’d even go so far as to include her in the sub-category within “craaazy” which is referred to as “caah- FRIKKEN -raaazy!?!”
(…just teasin’ Sydney, calm down now, … ohjeeznoNotTheFaceNotTheFaceNOTTHEFACE…)
And it’s Homerun!
Eww oh man and I thought Shadow Boxer got hurt bad. At least SB’s parts were all still there. Well one less breeder is a good thing I guess. Anyone dumb enough to piss off Sydney is too dumb to pass on their genes.
And tonight, on our talk-show, we introduce Halo. Brought to us by her sponsors, the Darwin Awards!
I agree Yorp…It’s a rare situation when the Darwin Award is not awarded posthumously. In this case, it’s being awarded post-humorously.
if she has to hit her head on something hard enough to cause a mental reset…i don’t want to know what kind of collateral damage that would cause due to three things…her super strength being able to shatter earth, her super toughness allowing her to take harder hits before damage gets through, and finding something solid and sturdy enough to use for the impact zone…
Deus really knows how to tie a necktie. Not too many people can tie one like that…
One does not become an evil mastermind and manipulator without a sense of style…….
Just look at Veh, Suave jacket and Hat.. Manipulating super villains, it’s all in the dress sense…
There’s a website that shows how to do different tie knots.
But be careful how you search for it. There are other web sites that feature tying up. And spanking.
You say that like it could be universally considered a BAD thing.
Everyone has their particular quirks, some may just not know their tolerance for certain tastes or events, yet.
Naa, I only said it for the laugh. Nothing wrong with it. Other than for folks who are not used to it, bumping into it unexpectedly. I do not need to warn those who are into it. They already have it in their bookmarks.
I dare say the idea of using custom knots on silk ties probably had them searching already. For different reasons, to office workers.
And some do. :-D
If anyone needs any knowledge in this area, ask me. I’m an experienced haberdasher and LOVE rope bondage. Few people know how to tie a tie that way because it looks dumb. It looks like you loosen the tie and take it off over your head still tied everyday bit one day you were in a hurry and accidentally slipped it on upside down and everybody’s been laughing to hard to tell you.
Panel 7:
“The bad guys allowed themselves to be savagely beaten instead of face me.”
Should probably be
“The bad guys allowed themselves to be savagely beaten instead of facing me.”
Also, that is one strong tube!
The Tube survived close proximity to Sydney for several months, so little things like a building falling on it is barely worth mention.
The art tubes that I have seen are laminated fibreglass sheets wound into a cylinder. Instead of fibreglass, how about making one out of Kevlar sheets?
if you go to the right online stores you can buy kevlar body panels for Jeeps, as opposed to fiberglass or steel, so I see no reason why Sydney can’t have a kevlar tube.
Kevlar can withstand bullets, but can it withstand Sydney?
With examples of its treatment like THIS – , I’m kind of in awe of Tubey’s durability.
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it somehow absorbed some radition from Sydney’s power orbs.
Or the orbs protect their home. It is where they reside when not activated. Even if they aren’t sentient there could be protocals thet protect the container they are in to prevent premature discovery.
If that’s the case, then it may be possible that Sydney’s long-term exposure to the same radiation might eventually grant her a more “standard” physique for a super-heroine…That might be something to look forward to during the years.
NOOOO! She is perfect!! I could not bear to see her mutated!!!
That’s bound to happen in some degree. She’s working for Arc now. Getting basic trainIng. Maybe not much I mean you can’t fight genetics, but if kicking ass with the likes of Maxima and Anvil..ect doesn’t put some muscles on ya I don’t know what will.
Yeah, Sydney is going to have to get into Physical Training now that she’s in the military. That’s going to produce some changes, such as increasing her strength & endurance. If the orbs are producing some sort of radiation over the long term, then it might not be obvious to notice, considering the more “mundane” training going on.
Probably just me, but don’t see anything wrong with that sentence
Grammatically, Forecaster is correct. Most people don’t actually talk that way, though.
Might also be because Les looks a heck of a lot like ‘Face’ from “The A-Team”
It both works I think
I like the idea of Deus just staring out over the city while someone behind him tells the story. It fits.
No need for a tablet in his hand
I was thinking how useful telescopic and penetrating vision would be: reading secret reports of competitors, blackmail …. watching super battles from blocks away would just be an added perk.
Ditto. It felt natural to me. If you are receiving reports from your minions and spies, you do not need to face them. It is a way of keeping them in their place too.
From Dave’s blog: “…otherwise it looks like he was staring out the window…”
Dave, I don’t think you’d need to put a tablet or anything else in Dues’ hand at that point. After all, isn’t it a standard trope that executive/corporate-type villain Masterminds are fond of looking out of their high-rise windows at their “domain of control?”
Even Lex Luthor sometimes waxes profoundly on how “Metropolis is mine. I own everything & everybody here.” Part of his hatred for Superman is tied up with how Supes has managed to capture the hearts & minds of Luthor’s “subjects” away from him. Lex’s main war with Superman is conducted through PR campaigns.
Luthor also defends himself with that “legal separation” between corporations as entities from the people in the corpporation that commit crimes; the unliving, unthinking, corporate “entity” acting as the legal “shield” from prosecuting the human beings who commit crimes. I have little doubt that Deus also utilizes that “corporate separation” for his own legal defense.
Heck, for that matter, I’ve even seen Lex Luthor exhibit an occasional bout of Villainous Hyenism. But Dues’ condition is manifested far, far more frequently than Lex does. Dues’ condition is in a more “advanced stage” than Luthor’s, apparently…
I think Sydney paid for the Costume Advantage (slightly modified to apply it to the tube), as described in GURPS Supers.
… Out of curiousity how do you modify a one point perk? Not that I am disagreeing. It is either that or signature gear… which is also a point. …Now I want to make this Team in GURPS. Ironically Achilles would probably cost the most points.
The Costume Advantage in GURPS has a base cost of 15 points. It’s basically an outfit that isn’t effected by any of a Super’s normal use of their powers…sort of like the Unstable Molecule Fabric as depicted in the Fantastic Four comics. Once Reed Richards found a way to use Unstable Molecules to make fabrics, Johnny didn’t have to worry about being naked after he flames off.
Mostly one point powers are there for flavour. So that would just be modifying the feel a quirk. But, if comparing it to a hero who gains an edge by his one point, it is not unreasonable for the disadvantaged player, taking a weaker version, to request it only cost 1/2 a point. In my old version of GURPs (2nd Edition), there are various things which can be taken as low as that, to set precedent.
Mind you, in those books, the costume advantage costs 10 points. And tubey does not actually provide the kinds of benefits (such as not having your flame on burn off your clothes), that the power allows. At best it provides minor anonymity, if blending into a crowd (such as in the Arcon food hall). So a substantial discount would be fine.
In fact, even by those rules, I would be happy taking it down to quirk cost, as it mostly just adds flavour to Halo.
Unless the player really wanted the tube to be invulnerable. In which case, it could be abused by jamming massive vault doors from closing, wedging in the mouths of rampaging tyrannosaurus rexes and so on. In which case, you would be better looking at the equipment rules, for cost guidance.
I use third edition GURPS, but otherwise we seem to be in agreement.
I love Achilles’ reaction to the situation.
I forgot about him. reckon our lad here was getting very very angry at the rubble when V activated his big aura?
Doubt it, Achillies is most likely invulnerable to mind-altering affects as well. Sadly, this means he can’t get drunk or stoned either, Lord knows he’s probably tried.
Apparently, Achillies is unbelievably invulnerable to anything, which includes harm to his ego because of being burries through most of the action, anything that might tarnish his hairdo, or other possibly painful if not harmful things to him – such as him facing the truth about having played but a minor role.
He is also invulnerable to Sarcasm :p
Tubey is made out of pure Tubineum
We will go with that one.
Precinium, to protect the precious collectible posters. Such as all the ArcSWAT commemorative wall scrolls. Collect them all or Arianna’s spreadsheets will be sad.
All first runs sold exclusively at Event Horizon Comics .
Autographed ones available by special order.
Unless you are that customer from the first couple comics. Then you’ll be told it is a limited edition, Frickin Doy.
So we can’t see Amorpheus’ face, but I chose to believe it’s a very tired look. Like he’s seen this very thing countless times before
When Mr. Amorphorous looks tired, he literally sags…
Oh Abbey! Please tell me this is just so you can get close(r) to, umm, what was her name again?
Knew it was something like that, but didn’t want to make it worse by guessing it wrong :(
So, does Achilles really believe what he’s saying, or (as I hope) he’s just being funny?
Sydney is going to have some competition for the position of class clown.
Looks like the ominous lightning button is still in the lab. Evil laughter is just not the same without it.
From the way Dues’ eyes also change during his bouts of Villainous Hyenism, I’d guess that it’s neurological, rather than psychological. It’s appears to be nearly as severe as having a cerebral stoke.
“If I let it go to long I’ll have to re-break it”
Very subtle way of having your character sprout some exposition DaveB. Confirms that she heals fast without anyone having to outright tell it in some contrived ‘for the reader only’ dialogue
Well that would be true for anyone RobK, and in her case it takes a LOT of power to break her nose, so it would be a massive pita to have to rebreak it herself after it heals crooked.
Also implies that this is not the first time the nose has been broken, and that she left it too long last time. Perhaps we’ll find out about that incident in due course (did it involve a Mosque?).
is syd using the flight orb or rule of funny to move fast
I like it…
“Bows politely “
frigging smartass
i said (ka-blam)
frigging smartass
stupid coding interface
I am the only one allowed to shoot my clones!
(ka- blam)
“Orbital bombardment cannons online, Target dalewarrior aquired, 20 megaton load ready, Firing in 3, 2, 1. FIRE! BWA-THOOOM!
Have a nice day.
Hmmm…If I remember my references correctly, military weapons manufacturers were in the habit of painting pithy little slogans or phrases on missle payloads. Was your “Have a nice day” painted on that first warhead, by any chance?
And be for anyone complaints I am using rocks not nukes.
Better to be a smartass than a dumb one…
And I prefer the term ” Le chic deriair “
I’m wondering how she is holding the tube. She has five around her head, and I assume that two are in her hands one is the flight orb and the other is one of the unknown ones. So did the tube jump into her arms as she flew by?
Actually, I count 6 orbs in orbit; Her Comm Orb appears to be that yellow dot in line between our point of view & Amorphorous’ blue pants behind it. It took me a couple of looks back there to see it.
It’s possible that a 7th orb is being hidden behind Sydney’s speech bubble, but it does look like we can see the entire orbital path they’re circling. Sydney could easily be holding her Flight orb in one hand, even as she’s using a full 2-armed hug around the tube.
I like the idea of Deus just staring out over the city while someone behind him tells the story. It fits.
No need for a tablet in his hand
A tablet is so … plebeian. Deus shoud have an entire wall of largest LCD screens money can buy. (In addition to a 3D projector which is still classified by the military…)
And we all know he likes to grope his LED Monitors
If the screen is big enough to display life-sized images, Deus also has that smooth, silky surface at his fingertips.
1. The tube SURVIVED that!??!!!
2. Ok, yeah I didn’t think Vehemence woulda been operating alone….
Tubey is not evil, he would never align with a megalomaniac against Sydney!
…What if?…
Harem found a way to coerce Tubey into colluding with her spying for Dues’ benefit?
*Taps MidnightDstroyer‘s forehead, with paw*
Reality check. We are talking about a poster tube here!
Besides which, he clearly used to hold super-hero posters, or Sydney would not have picked him. The hero has always been within him! A true hero will fight corruption, provided he can see through the innocent facade and deceptions.
*Scratches behind Yorp’s ears*
Reality check. This whole thread started on the fanciful premise that an inanimate object could express any kind of thought, emotion or sense of value-judgement…And you participated in it too.
Yes, but mine stand even taking that into account. An inanimate object clearly cannot undertake evil, after all.
Says the talking dog.
*wags tail*
But you did imply that Tubey might have the capability to “align with a megalomaniac.”
And betray Sydney? Nevah! I wouldn’t ever say that. No hero would do it. Nor would a poster tube.
Even a poster tube can be coerced by a villain, no matter how “heroic” it may seem. Any inanimate object simply doesn’t not have the capacity to choose either/or. A villain could just pick up the tube & use it as a blunt instrument & Tubey would have no choice.
Anybody could be thrown around, by somebody stronger than them. But tubey will never co-operate with the forces of darkness! He would crumple up into limp cardboard, before he hurt Sydney!
Which would mean that Tubey’s “Costume” Advantage would’ve modified the point cost down to “quirk level” for a mere 1 point.
Suddenly, I can no longer not hear Achillies as any voice other than Might Guy…
for me, the voice i hear Achilles talking in is the voice of Jack Burton, from Big Trouble in Little China… as played by Kurt Russell., especially when he’s driving the semi-truck and talking on the CB radio.
Nah, totally Starbuck (the original, male, version)
You mean, this voice?
Only 750 votes and we will be in 3rd place, do your part people.
It didn’t even go up to 4th place on my vote. Still somebody will get that pleasure. Clicketh away!
500 needed now
needing 700 now
Noo! Whoever is doing it, stop casting negative votes, right now!
We need to stay up in the top three on the Top Web Comics ratings. That way some more custom gets driven to the comic. More readers means more potential patrons. Enough of those and we can get financial security for our artist/writer.
Plus he will be able to hire a colourist. Freeing up time for the core creative work, not to mention all the peripheral stuff, like systems admin, voting incentives and hopefully a real book!
Click the vote button,* every day, if you can.
Or check out becoming a patron, of course. That is even better. :-)
* If one of the buttons looks like a skull and cross-bones, avoid it. It may be an evil anti-vote button!
800 to 4th, another 100 to 3rd
I have no idea if Deus is actually evil or just likes pretending he is, but he is super funny. More Deus in the future. Also shame on you Harem. Stop spying for the maybe bad guys.
Today’s caption contest:
Harem leans over to Vale and asks her “How Did Mr. D. get that scar on his face anyway?”. Vale answers “He will tell you he got it fighting a duel, but what really happened was…”
It’s the last part of an ellaborate treasure map tattooed on his body in invisible ink depicting the location of Bernie Madoff’s secret gold horde.
It was tattooed using quinine water, so that it’s invisible until you shine a “black light” on it.
He got it from that famous sword-fighter whose name starts with X for an earlier evil plot failure.
Xavier the Sonic Blade! Capable of sword swings so fast they break the sound barrier and cut the air itself!
Stop maybe spying for the maybe bad guys.
Obviously the spheres have had an influence upon their adopted home.
So, Deus was involved.
Makes me realize I think way too much like an Illuminati-kinda guy.
Deus said it went better than he hoped. You can have hope about situations you only heard about. If he had said it went better than he planned then it would be different. Right now, there is no proof he even had advance knowledge of the fight – he could have gotten work from Harem or the news.
Nevertheless, I agree it is likely he did have advance knowledge and/or input. He is pretty clearly the supervillain mastermind type.
Deux does fit a lot better as the one behind this plot. Vem might deem himself in charge [making him a great fall guy], but nothing we have seen shows him as having the talents to get hold of, and persuade, a couple of score super rowdy types in such limited time. That fits Deux a lot better. We presume he knew of these events a long time ago, and had even more time to find all those supers.
Now why is more of a problem. Vem is easy. This is just his idea of a great time. But why is Deux happy about his failure? We can hide for the moment behind his devious plot, but that plot will eventually have to be exposed, and so we will need a reason why he is sicing Vem on the heros.
One idea might be “let’s you and him fight.” Deux seems the type to rule an empire, while Vem wants to tear stuff down. Ultimately, they are foes, and that means that when Vem fights the heroes, Deux wins. We can extend this idea by thinking he knows of some of the foreshadowed foes, and intents to use the heroes as tools to get rid of his rivals. The heroes winning means he has some useful tools.
But this tends to make Deux an ally, not a foe, and the heroes of stories need foes a lot more than allies. Much more drama from winning against 6-1 odds than 5-2. So we should probably look elsewhere. Still, Deux might be a “friend” temporarily.
I actually pointed out his (possible) reasons back when I “called it”. Just need to find that old post…. >.<
That would make the Joker something on the order of 100% less interesting.
When I took a closer look at those first two panels, my thought was “Is the reflective surface Maxima is using one of the side mirrors from Shawn’s previously destroyed car?”
I think a lot of people figured Dues was involved somehow months ago though some, like myself, may have forgotten about him by this point >.>. Hope we get some more information on that before leaving Dues and in the dust again.
Heh, nicely spotted. Seems like it.
Damn! Meant to comment on that, but got distracted by… bunnies in people suits! They are everywhere!!
Maybe you should better look for the evil squirrels disguised as people…With the single exception of the vorpal bunny sub-species being evil, there has already been discussion in the comments here that support the evidence of all squirrels being evil.
Strange…I thought I used the text code for italics just above here, but it shows up colored like a hyper-link that has no actual link?
Well, that’s just a given, and everyone knows of people dressed up as bunnies, but it’s the bunnies dressed up as people dressed up as bunnies that non-bunny people should be warned about
So Syndey has been running around a lot on the battlefield quite a bit. Does this mean she is tethered to the BALLS more than she is the tube?
She was only tethered to the tube when the balls were in them.
Indeed. The tube is just your regular protagonist’s indestructible personal storage unit. As shown by it not splitting open when Maxima yanked it earlier.
The Tube is her own personal hammer-space version 0.3 .
0.1 was hiding them under her diving gear, 0.2 was hiding them under her street gear, and after long consideration ( and several mentions on THE LIST ), the was Tubey.
She probably will keep annoying Dabbler until she turns her not plugged dialysis machine into actual hammer space 1.0 .
That, or Tubey is of the evolving kind.
I think most people would call that obvious. The only reason she was bound to the tube was because the orbs were in it.
Good idea to fix the nose, or there could be complications later.
See, Achilles was doing something useful! He was protecting Tubey!
I think Halo also needs an update in her powers listing. She has clearly developed super reflexes, in spotting and grabbing it so fast! :)
Actually Tubey was unearthed by Mr. Amorphous several meters away.
Though as he was looking for Achilles you can still credit him if neccessary.
No he hasn’t,Amorphous digged Tubey out on his search for Achiles
Man, my respect for Achilles’s tanking skills has just gone up. He must have burrowed horizontally, all that distance, after protecting Tubey, before risking disturbing the rubble by digging upwards!
“He was protecting Tubey!”
Achilles is good at that…As a meat shield, he would still be effective for protecting the One True Ring from the lava in Mount Doom.
Ah, the dreaded Trinity knot. Truly, he is a man to be reckoned with.
The Unholy Trinity. Deus, pink haired sidekick and Harem.
Any time you include Harem, the group increase by 5. There can be no such thing as a “trinity” if Harem is included…
nah, there can be a trinity… as long as two of them DON’T participate in a little “personal” love triangle… besides, after that it becomes an orgy and/or gang-bang… definitely NOT as romantic anymore.
Even if one or more of Harem’s bodies are not evident, they are still part of the “group” that IS Harem.
If you’re counting bodies, count bodies. If only one of Harem’s body is in the scene, she counts as one. If she has two bodies in the scene, then she counts as two.
If you’re counting people, all of Harem’s bodies (together or separate) are a total of one person.
I don’t know what that tube is made of (I’d almost wager pure unadulterated plot armor at this point) but it seems to rival Achilles face and Halo shield in durability.
Comedic invulnerability. As tough as Achilles.
Even tougher. Remember, Achilles just has to survive volcanos, tank rounds, nuclear explosions, etc. Tubey has to survive Sydney, which is a much harder challenge!
You earnt a hearty chuckle, at that.
That durability even extends to its shoulder-strap, as evidenced in panel 4 on
or it rolled against something sturdy before the wall collapsed on it.
Am I the only one who thought of Superfluous Man?
“superfluous man should be a superhero
he shows up to all the melees but is never actually needed
which means his mere presence guarantees everyone else will be sufficient to the challenge
it’s very meta and no one understands”
In that context, Achilles should be a character in the League of Redundant Superheroes comic…
No! Don’t put him over there! like him HERE! Over there, he’d just be another example of over-redundancy, but here, Achilles brings redundancy to (yet another) government agency!
Oh wait. Government is already a past-master at generating excessive redundancy…That’s why it costs so much tax money to run it.
Make this the last page when you eventually make a book then.
No, no, don’t add a tablet or anything. Put a ‘security cam footage’ shot of the fight on that big TV behind them that seems to be displaying random pseudocode. That implies that they were all watching the fight, and then he got up and went to the window to think about it- and started laughing maniacally.
Which actually *enhances* the joke because you realize that he got up specifically to laugh about it.
or makes it a nonsense because “but he wasn’t even looking at the tv!”
He’s a walking bad guy trope. He doesn’t have to look at the TV wile laughing
Mr. Amorphous kept his shirt?!… ? His powers must affect his clothes as well like Maxima cept they become super flexible?
That depends on what parts of his body stretch. So far we’ve only seen his arms and hands stretch. That doesn’t effect his shirt
Lot of restraint for a super brawl but maybe he kept his more extreme size and shape change to just below his shirt sleeves.
Apparently, his tongue can also stretch. It is likely that most of his flesh can stretch. Brooke is a lucky girl indeed; this guy must be fantastic. I would like to see what happens to his bones when he stretches out his hands and arms.
There is a character over in ‘Magellan’ with stretchy powers, and she says it hurts when she stretches too much too quickly
Well, for a guy that can willfully increase the size & length of any parts of his body, yeah, Brooke would think it’s fantastic. Of course, that’s also why Reed Richards earned his “hero name”…
Huh, I just noticed Anvil holding her shirt closed. I guess her clothing damage was a bit more visible than she likes. Maybe that last missile drop kick where she hurt her boobs snapped some buttons too?
My guess is the fabric in her bra couldn’t handle the stress. She needs to book an appointment with Lydia from Wapsi Square…
so, will the villains appear in the same order as in this page? (not sure if deus counts)
or is it just a coincident that V is first in both the list and meeting them?
wasn’t the tube on the list? or were the balls?
also, i cant see a flight orb in her hand…
Maybe they were all in an evil-villains tele-conference, at the time?
Deus, we’ve been over this: the evil music soundtrack isn’t diagetic, just in your head. Laughing at the crescendo no one else can here is less awesome than you think it is.
He is working on that. Well, a team of minion scientists is. They told him they would build him the thunder and lightning gadget, as a stop-gap, until they get a prototype going.
The solution is obvious: Make sure everyone else also hears the evil music soundtrack
Maybe hire a Latin Orchestra?
Deus can afford it.
I now find myself wondering what Deus’s musical tastes run to.
Given the whole lightning thing, Wagner seems obvious, but kind of done before by experts.