Grrl Power #25 – Wrath of the Stumblebum
So Syd is a bit of a klutz and as we’ve seen has a bit of a short fuse, and I’m not above using either for a cheap gag. Though, this is working towards a point believe it or not.
So Syd is a bit of a klutz and as we’ve seen has a bit of a short fuse, and I’m not above using either for a cheap gag. Though, this is working towards a point believe it or not.
Discussion (80) ¬
HA!!! nice Work Syd would seem that, the door wants to know the secret of your post tube as well
@Dave my friend I am your loyal fan and avid enthusist of your art the fact you have in a few months got a very well writen and drawen comic up and running with regular updates alone without the aid of others in the drawing and or writing process I’m sure Stan Lee him self would be proud sure your portfolio might be small but it speaks volumes to yoru skill and creativty my friend.
Why didn’t Joel try to help.
Obiesly, because this is just too funny. LOL
Would you? I wouldn’t be willing to interfere with comic gold like that.
I make it a point to stay clear of enraged females. My medical insurance is not that good.
Probably happened too fast. By the time he got his wits together, she was likely already free.
Yeah. That’d stop my wits for a few seconds at least.
Sydney has a colorful vocabulary
Her language is more colorful than a 128-bit color scheme.
Panels 6 & 7 have me nearly falling over. :D
…so wait, she can’t even manage to open the door!? XD
The door opens outward and her foot was blocking it. All she really needed to do was turn to the side as she opened the door, but panicked like a cat with its head stuck in a box.
Due to the importance of this strip, it logically follows that some prior comic-pages need some artwork editing, starting with #16 /archive #147, which has an inside-of-door push-bar crossing the whole width of the door. Even the page just before this one should have this inside-of-door push-handle visible. On the next page, the outside-of-door pull-handle is portrayed in the 4th panel, but it also should be visible through the glass in various panels on all three of these pages (previous, current, and next). In that 4th panel of the next page, the inside-of-door push-handle should be partly visible through the glass.
Page 20 (archive 162) shows an inside-of-door push-handle very similar to the one portrayed here, so it is probably fine (and ignore my comment on that page about the crossbar, but the outside-of-door handle should be visible through the glass). On page 23 /archive 168 the 6th and 7th panels should have some visible door-handles, but nothing at all is portrayed. I think that completes the list of pages that need door-handle editing.
Were this a Marvel animated TV series, this is where the door would be destroyed.
canister falls down and reveals what she has kept secret for so long
I’d have to say the door is probably not very bothered about being on her list
She was actually pissed off at the tube. Maybe I should have drawn the angle on the panel where she’s pointing at it a little better.
Ohh, well given that I don’t know what’s in the tube it might be upset to be on her list.
Poor poor Sydney :( I’m sure she will mature out of this sort of thing eventu- never mind.
Must have more !!!!! WHO IS SHE REALLY and WHAT IS IN THE TUBE!!!
I feel cheated… I went and read teh cast page a while back :/
Yeah I’m sorry about that. I really should go and strip down the cast page to just the information that’s been introduced in the comic so far, but I really didn’t think it would take me so long to get to that stuff. Every time I think about doing it I’m like “well it’s only another dozen pages or so until we start meeting the rest of the cast” but at a page a week, it’s still quite a wait.
I figured when I found this comic around the start of the new year that the cast page might tell me things I don’t want to know yet, so I have avoided it hehe
I’d really like to know why Sydney says “Za?”. I’ve only otherwise encountered it as sort of a catchphrase of a couple characters from another webcomic. Interestingly, one of them also tend to say “Gah!”.
I’ve only heard it from EGS as I mentioned below. For some reason, Sydney’s main exclamation in my mind is “BLARG!” even though I think she’s only said it once or twice in the actual comic so far. It seems to fit her.
EGS! Good man! Been keeping up with it?
Yeah, though the way his RSS works is a little frustrating. It takes you to his blog post, so the only way to see the comic is to go to the main page, and if you’ve missed a post or two you have to back through the archive till you get to one you recognize, then go from there.
Lots of my friends say Za. Some use it as a shortened version of say what.
Sydney is a lovable klutz. That is it. I am in love.
i say “za?” as well, it’s kinda like “what’s going on?” or “HUH!?” or “WHAT HAPPEN!!” i don’t know where i picked it up but i’ve been sying it for years.
I know I got it from El Goonish Shive, one of my favorite webcomics.
Which is, in fact, what I was referencing. (It’s one of my favorites too!)
I love elgoonish shive, that is like the best comic every. I hope yours gets as good at that one.
yea i’ve seen it in EGS. i like EGS too, but i’ve been saying it since i started highschool, i’m 22 now. i only started EGS like a few months ago. so it wasn’t egs.
I can imagine the mayhem if EGS and Grrl Power ended up meeting!
El Goonish Shive is good stuff.
Favourite currently running webcomic.
Still, I’m not much of one for the “Za!” exclamation.
I generally just make cat-noises when alarmed.
That said, I do have a few verbal tics I’ve picked up from some of the quirkier anime characters out there… and some of them really do NOT fit someone like myself.
Za! She said za!
Sorry, it’s just I get the reference now and I was all like ZA! When I saw that Sydney zaed. Za!
… his face… last panel… cant breathe…. laughing too hard-!!!!!
Maybe they should get sliding doors instead. Wait, no… that is just as likely to get in the way.
Lol! I don’t believe she said that.
I love the use of onomatopoeia in this strip, especially the DOOM! when she points menacingly at the tube. I wish i could point in such a way as to make the doom sound.
Son of a horse dick?
As has been pointed out, Syd has a colorful vocabulary. I was originally going to make her incredibly foul mouthed, and she’s still going to swear quite a bit, but I think her coming up with very… imaginative expletives is quite a bit funnier.
If you think that’s strange, I’d suggest you divert from pwning me in BlOps. It gets… creative.
I am so using that the next time I’m mad at something.
… Which would be… a horse.
Hey, I know of Dabbler! Do you happen to know Rann, the author of Wereworld? I hope he is ok.
I know Rann in the sense that we’ve exchanged emails and stuff online. I don’t recall if we’ve ever met, possibly at an A-kon, (which is the only con I regularly go to… I guess I should look into getting a table this year) but he borrowed Dabbler for his comic, (probably NWS BTW) which unfortunately he hasn’t had much time for lately. Hopefully he’ll be able to pick it up again soon.
Ah, I thought as much. I know very little about him (besides the town he lives in, which was mentioned in his comic) and I’ve only e-mailed him once. Um, what does “NWS” stand for?
Not Work Safe. I’m not sure why NSFW seems to be the more commonly accepted acronym.
Ah, okay. Thanks! And it’s about as safe for work as (Blushes)… Adult hardcore videos. Gotta run!
Just Google ‘NWS’ and you’ll see why ‘NSFW’ is preferred…
…’NWS’ is used as the acronym (or stock ticker symbol) for some well known organizations. Two of them being the US Government’s ‘National Weather Service’ and the other being ‘News Corp.’ (the people who own the Fox Network, MySpace, etc.)
You’re on my list! XD
crazy awesome XD
I lose strength checks to doors all the time. It’s not THAT bad.
Just discovered this today. Don’t think I’ve ever fallen in love with a webcomic so quickly! Do you have any other work I could check out?
Thanks! Glad you’re enjoying it.
I uh… have some art elsewhere, but it’s not really in the same vein. At all. Some of the people reading the comic know what I’m talking about but I really think I should keep my artistic endeavors in 2 separate buckets. I do have a deviant art page, but it’s not under my name. I need to take a look at it and probably clean it up a bit, then I’ll put a link in with the rest of the navigation stuff.
Haha, now I’m really curious. I got here from an ad on C6, which I just assumed was from some generic webcomic ad thingy, but now I’m thinking maybe not. :P
If you wanna keep it separate from this site, maybe you could email me a link? This username at gmail.
Oh dear – lets hope her super powers aren’t related to what she SAYS
Syd has obviously taken lessons at the Devil’s Panties School of Ladylike Cussing…
I’ve tried on several occasions to read the Devil’s Panties but it’s never held my interest, though hearing it’s a lexicon of colorful euphemisms I may have to take another look at it.
HA!! I have at least 2 similar rants a week thanks to headphone cords getting tangled on stuff..I feel ya Sydney! :)
WOW…just wow, this happened to me (I was trying to get out of Hmv), I mean nearly exactly like this, but I said Aw Crap instead of “son of a horse dick!” or “your on my list! you hear me!” and yes it was with a poster tube, a blue one, which had ten posters in it and they were all game posters.Yay!
P.S: This is one of best web-comics I have ever read :D
P.S.S: Sydney is awesome ^.^
P.S.S.S: Why do people add more S’ after P.S? <<< That would spell Post Script Script Script… :P
Wow weird I’d think this wouldn’t happen very much at all. Sure with purses and things but postertubes aren’t something you see a lot of these days. Glad you’re enjoying it.
For some reason I have the same personality as most of the characters in the web-comics I’ve read. I’m a lot like Sydney, most of the characters in “Bittersweet Candy Bowl” and “Housepets”, Ken from “Hellstrom”, Quentyn from “Tales of the Questor” and Sam Starfall from “Freefall”. :D
bit late on this, but I usually see it as pps and ppps and so on, for post post (ad nauseum) script.
Oh… I see. I did not know it would go: P.S, P.P.S, P.P.P.S, etc but now you’ve mentioned it I see it like that everywhere. :o
Also, it’s never too late . ,.
For me, it’s a different reason.
I should note my middle name is Paul.
You should change your last name to Mary. Had to say it. :-)
I can guess what kinds of nick names she had in school. Both known to her and not.
Okay,almost zombie thread. Do you even ever reread these, Dave? :)
But a comment; the first few panels were confusing.
This is because you broke the cinematic rule, which goes something like,
“never change the camera angle more than 70 degrees between tight shots, because it confuses the viewer”
Turns out, it seems to apply to comics, too ;)
Yeah this could have been done better. Only 25 pages in so I’m still learning. Not that I’m an old expert now or anything.
As another backlog comment, I *LOVE* the end of strip comments. Sometimes even in a serious strip, the end comment makes me laugh hard enough to feel bad about laughing (like in the Maxima flashback, she wrecked a buncha stuff and the comment made me laugh so hard still even though the point to me was that she felt bad about it).
first mention of THE LIST!!!!! LOL
this cracked me up
sydney: Doors My one true weakness
“I’ve got it under control.”
…She lied.