Grrl Power #239 – Nom de Boom
I’m quite pleased with the name Atomic Bombshell. She was another character who was briefly in Arc-SWAT as a secondary heroine, but not for long. At some point I realized I would actually need villains for the comic and I set her aside for that roster. After all someone whose only power is blowing stuff up surely makes a better villain than hero. Not that she couldn’t find work in the private sector easily enough. On the flip side, the name “For Whom the Death Tolls” is sufficiently awful. I’m sure it will just be abbreviated to Death Toll, which is a fine name for a villain, but I suppose he’s trying to be erudite.
Did you know there’s a Grrl Power subreddit? I didn’t until I tried to set one up. Someone beat me to it. It’s possible they told me but I then promptly forgot. Anyway it lives here, I’ll start posting comic updates there, and I would suggest it might not make a bad forum-ish thing if people want to carry discussions on longer than the lifespan of one post cycle.
It’s telling that I consider not being behind the same thing as being ahead. I only had to spend about 3 hours on the comic on Sunday, so I spent some much needed time unwinding with a video game called Crypt of the Necrodancer. It’s not the sort of game I usually get into. It’s a Roguelike-like I suppose, which is to say the levels are randomized and when you die you start over from the beginning. Normally I think that’s a waste of time, but this game has a few hooks that got me. One is that there are persistent unlocks which help make progressive runs easier like armor, spells and better weapons, but the real hook is that everything happens on a beat. You have to move and attack in time to the funky dance soundtrack, and so do the monsters.
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so now we going to have to expect a kind of “DBZ” fight between those two?
and well that guy looks a lot of “mouth no acts” but still i would keep an eye out i think
If by DBZ fight you mean they’re just going to scream at each other… maybe?
Semi-Epic nukage?
Could this finally be the ‘Great Burning’ for Dabbler’s ex?
Otherwise, will we see who can survive a nuke?
I think A Bomb’s power is writing a check her ass cannot cover.
A shame she went villain she could make a killing as a demolition expert.
that depends if she can keep a RANGE of effect on that thing
Just curious, but how much longer is this battle going to last, and is Sydney actually going to be involved in much of it?
Is it New Year’s Eve yet? No? Then that’s your answer to your first question, as for your second, Sydney has been plenty involved for a first day rookiee without any training!!
The bad guys are running out of bodies and yes Sydney’s involvement will ramp up a bit, partially because the good guys have taken a few knocks too.
That and I’d imagine the human teammates and the mushier supers would be less effective against the remaining villains than they were against the fodder.
That subreddit appears to be empty.
Well no one knew about it till now.
That and it’s reddit. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, save certain places I need not mention. ;p
Ah, look. Boom-boom’s all grown up! :)
Maybe she could meet up with Bam-Bam Rubble (from the Flintstones cartoon) someday. He should also have grown up by now, I think…
Pebbles might object to Bamm-Bamm “meeting up” with her since the two became a couple as teenagers.
They’re also married with (at least) one kid of their own.
Twins, in fact…
…plus one adoption.
Ha! we fucking called it guys. Mr cloak is not a serious nemesis, he is just the guy who turned up with the fancy ass costume. i honestly think it might be tuxedo guy. he chatted all nice to Sydney and pointed out the obvious sore thumb guy to throw her off
Well, he is apparently invulnerable, which might cause a bit of trouble if he ever needs to be taken down.
On the other hand, he does seem content with enjoying the show and making snarky comments. He’s like the Mike Nelson of supervillainy.
If his main power is indestructibility, I think we found their team’s Adonis. And if those two decided to snark it out…God have mercy on us all.
I think you might mean Achilles. Hey, Adonis, Achilles, it’s all Greek to me.
It’s Greek to everyone else too…
+1 O.B. Juan.
He’s got at least a bit of a strength and leverage thing going for him, considering how contemptuously he smacked Concretia aside when she was thrown out of the building at him on page 209.
More nuclear activity?! Where did Dabbler leave the Gamma Muncher? We are about to need it again.
That, or it’ll munch fast enough to prevent the reaction going critical – ‘Atomic Squib’
Nyom de Boom?
two puns and a double entendre’? Well played .
And they need some shields strong enough to contain the explosion itself.
A hug from Achilles should suffice.
Having used “Lighthook” to lasso “Atomic Bombshell”, perhaps her own body might be used to smother the blast she created…
…at the very least, it should hurt her enough to take her out of the fight. What are the odds that she’s immune to her own weapons?
Might not actually be radioactive. That just might be Atomic being equally pretentious.
Also, some of these guys never played CoH….if you get some long stupid name it’ll be shortened in a heart beat.
Eh, that has nothing to do with CoH and everything to do with people being people. Nicknames(sometimes), shortened names, abbreviations, etc. Hell, even forgetting that, it happens in pretty much any mmo, unless you’re on an RP server dealing with overly formal types.
After seeing Maxima’s demonstration do they think they have enough power to even hurt her? She kind of just stood there when her own blast went off (granted she wasn’t at ground zero.)
Seems like Opal has powers like Zero from Marvel, portals to and from various distances.
So we had Budget Halo and now we have Budget Maxima going live?
Only does blasts, more like a budget Cyclopes.
Nah, budget cyclops got taken down ages ago
Budget Boomer.
Don’t forget budget Skeletor.
Bet on him for last man standing.
So we know that “For Whom etc.” has probably written Unix-style (Linux probably) shell scripts before.
# Put hash-bang (aka shebang) as the first two characters of an
# executable file to tell the Unix/Linux/BSD/MacIntosh/... kernel
# to use that program to run the script. In this case, the standard shell.
Or, FWTDT is referring to the phrase “the whole shebang” or the Ricky Martin song. I think there was an earlier song with “she bangs” in the lyrics also, but the Ricky Martin results overwhelm it in a search engine.
Wasn’t that a Cindy Lauper song about masturbation? Wait, that was She-Bop. Must get hunting. Actually, must get to work.
Could be worse. She could have called herself Bomber-Anne.
Or he watched Static Shock. (Or read the comics.)
Do not ask For Whom The Death Tolls, for thou shalt likely receive a stupid answer.
just like this
it’s a poem by John Donne
Meditation 17
Nunc lento sonitu dicunt, Morieris.
(Now this bell tolling softly for another,
says to me, Thou must die.)
PERCHANCE he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill, as that he knows not it tolls for him; and perchance I may think myself so much better than I am, as that they who are about me, and see my state, may have caused it to toll for me, and I know not that. The church is Catholic, universal, so are all her actions; all that she does belongs to all. When she baptizes a child, that action concerns me; for that child is thereby connected to that body which is my head too, and ingrafted into that body whereof I am a member. And when she buries a man, that action concerns me: all mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated; God employs several translators; some pieces are translated by age, some by sickness, some by war, some by justice; but God’s hand is in every translation, and his hand shall bind up all our scattered leaves again for that library where every book shall lie open to one another. As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come, so this bell calls us all; but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness. There was a contention as far as a suit (in which both piety and dignity, religion and estimation, were mingled), which of the religious orders should ring to prayers first in the morning; and it was determined, that they should ring first that rose earliest. If we understand aright the dignity of this bell that tolls for our evening prayer, we would be glad to make it ours by rising early, in that application, that it might be ours as well as his, whose indeed it is. The bell doth toll for him that thinks it doth; and though it intermit again, yet from that minute that that occasion wrought upon him, he is united to God. Who casts not up his eye to the sun when it rises? but who takes off his eye from a comet when that breaks out? Who bends not his ear to any bell which upon any occasion rings? but who can remove it from that bell which is passing a piece of himself out of this world?
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee. Neither can we call this a begging of misery, or a borrowing of misery, as though we were not miserable enough of ourselves, but must fetch in more from the next house, in taking upon us the misery of our neighbours. Truly it were an excusable covetousness if we did, for affliction is a treasure, and scarce any man hath enough of it. No man hath affliction enough that is not matured and ripened by and made fit for God by that affliction. If a man carry treasure in bullion, or in a wedge of gold, and have none coined into current money, his treasure will not defray him as he travels. Tribulation is treasure in the nature of it, but it is not current money in the use of it, except we get nearer and nearer our home, heaven, by it. Another man may be sick too, and sick to death, and this affliction may lie in his bowels, as gold in a mine, and be of no use to him; but this bell, that tells me of his affliction, digs out and applies that gold to me: if by this consideration of another’s danger I take mine own into contemplation, and so secure myself, by making my recourse to my God, who is our only security.
I am not a poetry fan in general, that is my wife’s remit. Still, I SALUTE you.
The cowl rather is helping him with looking imperious.
Yeah, I get the feeling that he grabbed the wrong word. That is, unless he’s supposed to spout malapropisms in an effort to sound erudite.
Excessive verbosity is not an auspicious way to appear eloquent.
nah!, but usin’ big words makes you look less-dumb…
Only if they are used correctly…
Both females with headbands (Heavenly Sword, Atomic Bombshell) appear to have hair over most of their foreheads, based on headband placement and the look of the hair above it.
Oh, and green-hair too.
blonde hair
I mean the green-haired male has a headband and hair that apparently goes most of the way down his forehead.
My theory is that they’re actually bald and they grown their eyebrows really long so they can do comb-overs with them. The headbands are there to hide this fact.
Given that Sydney’s hair changes shape depending on the camera angle, hair too far down the forehead is far from an egregious sin.
Maybe they’re wigs ’cause secret identity, yo!
Oops, that was supposed to be a reply.
Am i the only one who are kinda hoping this would be enough to take Maxina at least out of the fight, so that we can allow outself to at least take the villains a little seriously?
Hmm, I kinda want to see her busy so someone else, like Sydney rescues her or otherwise shows some chops. Of course our friendly sniper might be the answer to that.
Da Bomb is about to get another “denied” from Halo. I wonder if she can take what she dishes out?
too early in the story to seriously threaten Maxima
I actually was thinking the same. Maxima going out would make a serious Let’s Get Dangerous moment for the bad guys.
and risk the establishment of the Worf Effect as a default
Lame-Name, I dub thee “Bone Head”.
If I were a super fighting him I’d call him “Dead Head” just to annoy him! :)
But, what if he is a fan of “The Grateful Dead”, then it would be a compliment :P
He seems the type to refer to Dead Heads as “Dirty Hippies”.
But, wouldn’t that be a correct description though?
Ive been playing Crypt of the Necrodancer as well! I’ve played through with the default soundtrack, and now play with custom music too. *I’m a techno/ dance /trance BPM* kind of music fan so the game is absolutely perfect for me! I beat all 3 zones, still trying to beat hardcore mode tho. Also I am definitely looking forward to seeing the remaining baddies actually throwing their weight around.
I haven’t beaten the third stage yet. The jump in difficulty is significant. The thing that’s saved me is I figured out you can bomb the corner of the shopkeeper’s store for a quick 50 gold. Any weapon other than the dagger is quite a help.
the third zone took me awhile. too… many… enemies… and yeah the bomb store keeper trick is a life saver!
Dragon bosses, or at least the red one will dig through the shop walls to get to you, causing gold to drop.
On the subject of bitchin sound tracks Dave, I thought I would mention that ‘Skyhooks’ was an Australian rock band from the 1970s who did a great song called “women in uniform” which was later covered by Iron Maiden (the original is better). Ever since you called the molestorb the SkyHook, I get that song running through my head whenever I read this strip. Great song, but much better live. Thanks for the memories :-)
Hmmm, just listened to the original, and Iron Maiden, imo, just do it better (almost thought they changed the arrangement and lyrics around a bit like Billy Idol did with “Plastic Jesus”), heck, even the Johnny Farnham version is better :P
From the trailer, it looks like it could be like an 8-bit version of the old game Moonwalker (See ) – Just a bit less creepy in retrospect…
Sounds similar to the table top game mechanic that was used in Leftover Soup.
Does that game allow you to put your own music in? “March of Camreadth” would be fun, as would some Nightwish, etc…
Would be fun to see someone play that to “Inna Garda Da Vida” :D
ummm…. isn’t using the Bob-omb copyright infringement?
Not anymore than Sydney wearing a Wonder Woman T-shirt. Now if say AB’s powers looked like Bob-ombs, or Dave tried to sell that shirt, then there could be something for Nintendo to complain about. However, as-is should be perfectly fine under fair use.
No, it would not be copyright infringement, it’s impossible for it to be copyright infringement. I am tired of explaining this to people, but here it goes.
Copyright only covers individual works, is issued to the one who created that specific work, is automatic, is never diluted, and is handled by the Library of Congress.
Trademark covers characters and likenesses, has to be applied for, can be diluted, abides by the same laws as patents, and is handled by the Patent Office.
If you draw a picture of Mickey Mouse, that picture is copyright you, not Disney. It is however trademarked Disney. The reason Disney is so litigious is because of trademark dilution…
Dilution is when so many people misuse something or use it without permission so much that the trademark becomes unenforceable. Like I said before, trademarks follow patent laws. So does land ownership, a land deed is also known as a land patent. So if you don’t stop people from walking across your lawn, by the time they’ve made a visible path across it where the grass no longer grows, you’ve probably lost ownership of the land where the path is. If someone puts up a house on your land and you don’t kick them off the land, they own the land under the house. This is because the patent for the land has become diluted. In land ownership it’s sometimes known as squatters rights.
Likewise, SciFi Channel had to change their name to SyFy because of so many people misusing the name SciFi as a generic term to apply to science fiction in general. The name SyFy is much less likely to be misused and become diluted.
So, Disney sues people all the time because if they don’t defend their TRADEMARKS then they lose the right to defend their trademarks.
So is the bobomb t shirt a copyright infringement? No. Trademark perhaps, but only if Nintendo can show that there is sufficient confusion. Does anybody here think that fake tshirt is in anyway authorized by Nintendo? No? Then it’d be difficult to show trademark infringement. Now, if Dave were to sell the tshirt, then Nintendo would have an obvious reason to get a bug up their butt about it, because then there might be room for confusion.
List of generic and genericized trademarks
As far as the SciFi Channel’s name goes, people were not misusing the term SciFi, they were just continuing to use it the way they had been using it for several decades before the channel came into existence. The term was already generic, and thus not trademarkable. They could trademark the combination term “SciFi Channel”, but any other use of “SciFi” would not be covered by it. They wanted a name they could own completely, so they had to change it.
This, by the way, had an unintended consequence: In several countries (like, for instance, Poland) they had to change the name they used, because “Syfy” in Polish and several other languages means “siphylis” or “siphylitic”.
Whether that says something about the quality of their programming is another question :)P
I must know more Slovakian (1/4 of my genetic heritage) than I realized. It just screamed syphilis to me from the time they changed it.
Seriously though, I pretty much stopped watching it when the professional wrestling started.
I just watch it for Defiance these days.
Nice summation of IP law basics – well done. Though I gotta say, I haven’t seen many apparel or merchandise applications for that particular IP (in my territory at least), so Dave may also be able to make a bob-omb tee-shirt on the basis of trademark abandonment (ie: use-it-or-lose-it) though that would also depend on the specific territory he was selling it in/from…and really I’m drifting into obscure hypotheticals now so I’ll stop.
Well, Nintendo does make apparel, I happen to have some Super Mario Brothers shoe laces I got from them for points from registering games for my Wii and WiiU. Even so, if someone were to make real Bob-omb t-shirts, if they could show in a court that there’s sufficient cause for confusion for consumers, to think that the likeness of the Bob-omb is authorized or endorsed by Nintendo, then there could be a legitimate cause for a law suit. I don’t know how it would turn out, but considering Nintendo has more money and better lawyers than most internet t-shirt makers… well…
Of course She-Bang was also from Static Shock.
Dam you beat me to it.
He might have shrugged off anything coming his way so far with ease, but he’s still a dork for choosing a name and a costume like that. If anyone ever personified the concept of “dude, you’re trying too hard”, this guy is it. That’s the kind of name which would elicit facepalms of mocking laughter, kind of like Spiderman’s reaction when he first met The Spot.
Spidey’s reaction to The Ringer was pretty funny too…
This is probably already been answered many times, but isn’t Sydney vulnerable to light-based attacks, by her own rules-lawyering? There were a lot of lasers flying about. Unless she knows her force field can deflect lasers, in which case her rules-lawyering was a spectacular bluff…
I believe the same effect that lowers sonic waves to below damaging levels, does the same for light energy.
The approach meating general consent seems to be that Halo`s shields absorb whatever harmfull level of penetration there would be. It is at least partly derived from the fact that her shield is see-through, hear-through and breath-through, not to mention that her other powers can cross the shields perimeter as well.
I think even Dave came in and addressed this one many pages back, but her forcefield is reactive or something (I can’t remember the vague explanation) so it responds to counter different attack types.
IIRC, the explanation was that it depends on the opacity of the shield or something like that.
When Hex did her Death Blossom impersonation when a squirrel landed on her, one of the beams bounced off Halo’s shield, hurting one of the mooks and causing ripples on For Whom The Death Trolls as he absorbed it without apparent injury.
“Greetings Starfighter”
In principle, you can have a field that reduces light that’s brighter than sunlight to be equal to sunlight. This could still be penetrated by using a large converging beam, but giant concave mirrors are not terribly practical on a battlefield.
Love Bombshell’s look.. especially her headband (and how it gives her a case of the angry eyebrows at certain angles!)
We finally get to see Bombshell’s shirt, which reveals…a bombshell. I see she has both a fuse and mechanical timer on her bomb. I think she might have an aerospace design background in her history. They have a big thing for backup redundancy control systems.
As mentioned before, I think advertising your powers on your costume gives your opponent too much of a lead on your strengths and potential weaknesses. I would say put a big snowman on your outfit and then when the fight starts, let them find out you throw fireballs at people. Or just wear a new outfit and mask to each fight and they would have no idea who they are fighting (or who to send the police after).
This reminds me of years ago when I picked up a Spider-Man comic and there was some dude(I’ll admit, I know more about print comics from cartoon shows and wiki/tvtropes crawls over actually reading them), who was fussing at Parker for calling himself “Spider-Man.” IIRC, the guy used the Hulk as an example. Something along the lines of, “You don’t see the Hulk calling himself Gamma-Radiation Man,” or something along those lines.
That’s not a mechanical timer, that’s a clockwork key thingie, you wind the bomb up and it goes walking towards its target
Saw a Hulk comic many years ago. The Hulk was green, and intelligent at the time. He gets into a fight with this big surfer looking dude in a tee shirt and shorts, and the Hulk doesn’t take it seriously at first, a mistake that ends up costing him the fight.
Turns out the guy in the tee shirt and shorts was the Juggernaut.
Later on the Juggernaut comments that he’s surprised and defeated a number of other heroes the same way. They don’t take someone who isn’t wearing a costume seriously.
I don’t know if Dave B. ever played WoW but engineers could make a pet and a weapon that was a walking bomb that looked a lot like that. It was Goblin engineering of course. I haven’t played in a few years so that may have changed.
It’s the Ba-bomb from the Super Mario games!
Yes I got that but WoW had a lot of things borrowed from pop culture, There is even a series of quests based on Plants vs Zombies which if finishes gets you a “Singing Sunflower” pet.
Heck, even EQ2 has a rip-off of PvZ, but you don’t get anything cool from it
Blizzard and Popcap were cooperating for obvious reasons. Blizzard got some fun content and Popcap got se free advertising. Never happen again with EA owning them now. I wish there was a way to kill EA off like a lame boss monster.
It definitely appears that Spinachtop is the field commander for this operation.
He’s been doing a bang-up job of it so far.
He’s doing great if there are a lot more villains, and this is just a probing force. Hat man stays out of the fight and reports back to the bosses.
If this represents the bulk of the villains, then maybe they decided to give it one big go, to see if they could take out Archon, or if they should just retire.
Also, I’m very interested how all these hoods are connected. While investigating their phones will they find a bunch of tweets #smasharcswat?
Can’t believe I’m first with the obligatory youtube link:
That said, I think the cowled one may have replaced Collateral Damage Man(or whatever he was called) as my #1 character that I hope has some consistent screen time.
And damn my brain. Didn’t even watch the video myself and I got it stuck in my head…
Serves you right for linking to a Ricky Martin video. Now excuse me as I headbutt this wall over here trying to reset my brain …
…from now on he shall be designated “Bell Boy”
Why not Toll House Cookie ?
From the way he’s been shrugging off potential damage so far, that would be one tough cookie to crumble…
I’m expecting this is going to be a dramatic “denied” moment for Sydney
The lady is using a “shaped charge” all Halo has to do is thwap it and the shaped charge points the “wrong” way. She doesn’t even have to know what she’s doing.
Did the author tried to make the fans nickname her “anatomic bomb”?
If so, it only failed because there is no good view on her boobs.
Keeping the bomb T-shirt design totally straight as in a MAN’s t-shirt kinda defused the bomb.
This is forgiveable as a joke if fan service is coming, even fully dressed fan service!!!
Make us feel the testosterone area effect pair of weapons of mass distraction!!! (failing that, an excuse to get some clothes shred after the boom will help)
P.S.: why the villains did not use an encrypted radio or something, I do not know. Maybe they were just hairdressers and stuff having normal lives a few hours ago for the most part…
Methinks you’re overthinking this a bit too much.
You do realise a real woman’s top looks like that, don’t you? Tops that form to the shape of the breasticles is just not realistic, regardless of the size and/or shape and/or quantity
Alternate names on the same theme for D.T. :
A Farewell to Your Arms (and Legs)
Lots of Death in the Afternoon
The Sun also Rises on my Worldwide Empire
The Old Man and the See You in Hell!
To Have and Have More
The Snows Of Kill a Man Tomorrow
Lawyers from the Hemingway estate on line 2. Bad news, they sound happy.
Probably covered under fair use/parody. Otherwise, a large number of x-rated films would have to change their names (not to mention their story lines).
They have story-lines? Maybe I just being distracted by other elements shown on-screen.
DT just plain needs a better GM. This happened just about every time I would start a new group of players. Someone had to have a job title, power list and battle cry all in one name.
I took it as he has a death wish.
Oh and Sydney called it, huge dork.
She used her dork-tector?
It’d explain how she picked up on Fedorka.
I hope Sydney puts the shield around the bomb and only the bomb, lol.
P.S.: greenhair guy, how about you tell her to use the undernuke or just the nuke instead of the “overnuke”?
P.P.S.: This would be a good time for X to relay info to the team… of course he is probably next to the girl with the bomb on her shirt which is a good clue of potential weapon of mass destruction…
as far as we know, right now Syd can only form the shield around herself, she can expand the shield, but SHE has to be in it.
That might be a future unlock. Right now she can only control size and to a lesser degree shape.
Potential upgrades I can foresee are containment shields like you describe, multiple shield projections, shield porosity adjustment and greater shape control,
“Someone take out Maxima.” Hur hur, shyeah right, more like “Someone please piss Max off and get this battle over with quicker.”
Attracting Max’s attention may be the point of this pointless brawl.
She-bang? Sheesh…even “She Bop” would be better ( )
So Green hair still doesn’t have a name to put in the Who’s Who?
He hasn’t been named yet
After FWTDT, he will be hard-pressed to come up with a superlative nom de guerre.
“For Whom The Death Tolls”? Talk about lame-sauce, woulda been better “For Whom Death Calls/Beckons”
You have to remember that members of this group have so far shown themselves to be about as sharp as a blunt tool thingie.
A hammer?
If I had one of those things, I’d hammer out the love between my brothers* and my sisters* all over this land.
*word used in a figurative sense.
About as sharp as a bowling ball? As bright as a 10 watt bulb on a 2 watt circuit? As quick as molasses moving uphill in winter? Perceptive as a one-eyed spider with cataracts? Brainy as a headless chicken?
the spider one is new to me, I’m gonna steal it!
The only one I really copied was the bowling ball one. I “borrowed’ that from Redneck Rampage.
*poit* Wonder when the Jaguar Girl and the GGG’s will show up, along with a Titan Sphinx, and Stinky (mustn’t forget ole Stinky) :D
Not to mention a Whatsit, a siren, several demons, a couple of vampire and a Fae princess amongst others!
Please ignore the repeat post on page 2.
Yeah, I went there too. But hey, better *poit* than *BAMF*!
Agrecian :D
Oh, you want things to REALLY get Chaotic?
Shouldn’t green hair be put on the who’s who?
DaveB was probably laughing too hard after DT to come up with another name in time. Or Captain Marbles was just too silly.
Is Sean Super Hiro or Stalwart’s name, or is he a third brick guy in ArcSWAT? I seem to recall he was the one who had the “try to club this seal” shirt on in the restaurant scene…
Shawn is one of the “normal” types in ArcSwat.
He’s the ex navy seal who first appeared in the “I dare you to club this seal” shirt. Last seen on page 207, being handed a big gun with a “beanbag in the pipe” (the beanbag is seen smashing into someone’s face in the next panel).
Interesting GoogleBooks stats for the word shebang…
SheBang was a charicter from the Static Shock cartoon badicly picture captian america’s powers weilded as a 15year old african american girl who was grown in a lab and whos “parents” stole her from the lab snd went on the run
Oh gods, names like that… Reminds me of CoH… I always called those people “Seabiscuit” for short because it sounds like a Kentucky Derby horse name…
Or the more precious inbred mutts at an AKC competition.