Grrl Power #227 – Arianna uses Spin!
I was getting sick of drawing that building anyway. Individually Hex’s lasers aren’t all that strong, but the restaurant was pretty much a write off at this point. It just needed that final nudge. I’m not sure what Hex’s deal is with squirrels, maybe she had some past trauma with them. That or I just wanted an excuse to use the word squabies.
#MakeComics: Originally this page ended with Suzie’s line “She’s not wrong.” but my brain didn’t stop there and the waitress had to ask if she could sue the villains. That’s why the last two panels are so small. I had to crop stuff out where I could from the panels above, but they were already drawn, and I didn’t know how much space the word bubbles were going to take up till I got back from vacation as I don’t have Illustrator on my laptop.
After some intensive research (asking on Twitter) to make sure the waitress could really sue the people that cost her a job, (or at least a place to clock in) I decided to not only show the restaurant’s last gasp and the press, Arianna and the other civilians doing their thing, but also show Archon’s extended strategy for dealing with supervillainy, which is to make sure super power criminals not only will get their asses kicked and be incarcerated, but they’ll have their paychecks docked for the rest of their lives, especially if they do something grandiose like fucking up the Golden Gate Bridge or blowing up Mt. Rushmore in an attempt to mine all the ultra quartz from Lincoln’s nose or whatever. Probably not much of a deterrent to most villainous types, but I’d like to see Doctor Doom being forced to pound out licence plates for thirty years. Granted having to pay for damages would happen in civilian court, so it’s not like they could be incarcerated until they paid down their bill like some sort of debters prison, but it’s still a nice thought.
Edit: I changed the hair and shirt color of the guy who got shot in the back in panel 2 since people were confusing him with Math when he was blond. He’s just a scrub.
<– Patreon; Be there or be an equilateral quadragon.
1. Why did Hex try for supervillian status when it’s clear that’s not really in her?
2. Arianna, go take your meds….
Well, I guess it helps to be a little mental to keep sane in that kind of environment … .
Also, even somebody super overpowered like Maxime will take you seriously if you know how to gnaw a hole into her wallet.
or Heavenly, for that matter
I wonder if the ‘bad guys’ – how many are villains in the classic sense, and how many just don’t like the idea of super powered military police?
for all we know, she’s not a villain so much as a libertarian ;P
if i recall right there is a page back a few ( shortly after or around the press conference ) that said these would just be the low level roughians not true supervillains that these would be the ” we are better than you becouse we have more muscle than brains” group.
#facepalm (at anybody who takes that type of “logic” seriously*)
* as in, if you don’t take it seriously, I’m not talking about you =OP
Maybe Arianna thinks that spindoctoring is a superpower?
It’s the Buster Buddies Barrage! (TM) Personally, I would have opened with that move before my forces got mixed in with the enemy.
One of the energy beams looks like it bending around the shield in panel two. This may be a demonstration of a new shield function, the Refraction Reaction (TM). It could make a useful tool if Syd could control it. Just enlarge an airborne shield to about a hundred feet across then bend sunlight down to a point like a giant magnifying glass. You could burn through a bank vault (assuming someone left a bank vault laying outside in the sunlight)
I don’t think it’s bending around it. More like it’s wandering across the shield and the bent line you see it’s the trail it burned on (but not through) it.
proving the shield can alter itself to block light :)
One of it’s powers has always been to block harmful light and sound
Actually since we’ve never seen it hit by lasers, we didn’t know that for sure
It’s most likely some kind of particle beam, so probably that line is the beam stuck on the shield.
It’s almost definitely some sort of particle beam rather than a pure laser, considering there are several pages that show her using the “lasers” to fly and support herself off the ground. (And at least one of those a few pages ago showed the lasers she was using to hold herself up destroying a small bit of parking lot.)
Lasers may have enough “thrust” to push a solar sail ship out of the solar system, but on earth and in atmosphere, the only way you’d have a laser strong enough to lift a person would be if it was causing explosions as it vaporized large chunks of anything it touched, and lightning/thunder as it converted the air it passed through into lines of raw plasma.
Yeah, it’s supposed to be tracing across it. Maybe I should alter the color of the trace so it’s more obvious.
That might be an idea. I was not interpreting it as a tracing effect, and it is not jumping out now, even knowing the intention. If colour alone does not make a difference, perhaps adding sparks, might do the trick?
I had considered suggesting the fire or molten effects, that you used elsewhere, where the beams were impacting objects or the ground. But they do not seem quite appropriate versus a force field.
I’d suggest that you just use a faint trace of the already established shield stress reaction used on this page:
From the offices of his Majesty, Victor Von Doom, Ruler of Latveria;
We understand your concerns over lost wages and livelihood in the wake of the unfortunate destruction of your workplace, and you have our sympathy for the difficulties this has caused you, but we feel it should be pointed out that if your so-called “heroes” had simply minded their own business not only would your place of work be undamaged, but we would currently be ruling your backwards and decadent nation, a circumstance which would, we have no doubt, improve your life considerably.
As things stand, your nation’s civil courts have no jurisdiction over citizens of Latvertia, so you have no legal grounds under which to file a lawsuit against us. Should you so desire, you may come to Latvertia and attempt to plead your case under our laws. Enclosed with this missive is the documents needed to apply for a Visa to visit Latvertia for this purpose.
Doombot #477, Legal Affairs Department, council for:
His Majesty, Victor Von Doom, Ruler of Latvertia.
The amount of win on this comment is astounding.
Sometimes, I want to give something a “Like” or a “+1” so hard, that even though I cannot actually give it the “thumbs-up” or whatever, I just have to reply to express my appreciation.
How about:
check out the current issues of she hulk :)
on a related note, I once wrote a fan fic about ‘ the batman incorporated’ in which lawyers proceeded to sue the bleep out of wayne … :)
+ (^_^)-b
Now you’re just showing off! ;-P
I confess, I am weak. *sigh*
But, to make up for it, let me provide you with an illustrated story, to entertain you until today’s issue goes live.
First I will have to put down my keyboard
and take up my pencil
to let me draw
the story.
Captain America ✪ gets a note
, from Bullseye 
Captain America ✪ telephones
a contact, so he can reach the synagogue
early, by aeroplane
. But Bullseye
spots him and fires a poison arrow!
Blocking it with his shield ✪, Captain America ✪ dives to seize the container of radioactive dust ✇. Only to have Bullseye
counter with a swarm of shurikens!✦
✹ ✵
Rolling desperately to avoid them, blocking with his shield ✪, Captain America ✪ evades all but one. But that has an enchanted effect, freezing him!
approaches him, boasting “And now, I shall tie you to the cannister and launch both of you across the city! Mu Hu Hu”
But Captain America ✪ has one hand free, with which he manages to cut the string on Bullseye’s bow
And pokes him ☞, in both eyes, with his fingers 
Stumbling, blinded, Bullseye
falls off the cliff
to his death! ✞
The people of the city all cheer happily at having been saved.
You can only easily go after the public ones though I would love to see a process server(Person that serve the papers that say you are getting sued.) running down the street after Spider-man
well the ones that are getting arrested will certainly be around to be sued. However, only those who actually damaged the building itself (The first guy, Heavenly Sword and now Hex being the primary offenders so far as we have seen) could effectively be considered directly responsible for the damage to the building, while the entire group of them would be guilty of conspiracy and varying degrees of assault and property damage (The tree would be Maxi’s fault, for example, but Hex was assaulting her, and they could all be sued as a group for the entire brawl.
[Emphasis added]
Time to get the eyesight checked…. =OP
Ahh, I am afraid that it is your eyes which need testing. Although, I will admit that the sentence is ambiguous. But you have failed to spot that there is not a second comma, positioned after “Heavenly Sword”.
As such, it is actually a list of three separate individuals, rather than just two. Heavenly Sword being the second person listed. As opposed to clarifying the name of the guy.
Blech… I goofeded.
It’s a list…the first guy, whose name we don’t know, crashed through the ceiling.
The first guy, (Comma indicates an item in the list)
Heavenly Sword (Second item in the list, since there is only one more item, no comma here)
And now Hex.
List of three, has only one comma.
No they must be polka dotted
Clearly the damages were caused by a one of Dr. Doom’s flawless robotic reproductions, a Doombot. We can even have the Doombot in question testify to that effect. Thus, it’s best to drop any suit against Dr. Doom as a waste of time.
Besides, if anyone’s responsible for the trouble caused by Doom, it’s that infernal Richards!
Heh heh, I thought about the diplomatic conundrum when I chose Doom as the example – I could have just as easily used Doc Oc or Two Face… or Thanos I suppose, but I thought Doom was more amusing. It’s not like he’d have diplomatic immunity as he constantly illegally enters the US for the express purpose of plotting evil and shooting at particular citizens.
Buy a franchise? I wonder if any of the villains would try to lawyer up and get a piece of the action. “Hey, if not for us you wouldn’t have a franchise in the first place!”
Just as well. That way, they’d have something to pay the fines from the civil cases brought up against them.
Note that Halo is doing what Maxima told her to do – providing cover for the non-bulletproof (or Buster-Buddies-proof) teammates.
And providing color commentary as well! Gotta boogie!
There are a pair of legs and sneaker-shod feet sticking up in panel 3, Achilles perhaps?
Yup, that’s him. Also him in panel 4 trying to find out what’s going on in his absence.
He he. I missed the feet. Hard to spot those, without maximum zoom.
How could you miss them? It’s his best feet-ure.*
*Spoiler tags used to hide bad pun. View at your own risk.
But not his sole effort. What a heel. He’s due an arch-villain. Toe-nailed it!
Keep it up and you’ll be a shoe-in for worst punner of the thread.
Time to step up your game, or you’ll face certain de-feet.
Set up someone for the run and pun maneuver?
your puns sock
and we paws for yorps entry.
Bah, I am no foot-fetishist. You can’t bait me into making a Freudian slipper.
As usual, he’s a shoe-in for worst pun.
Damn it Yorp. I totally read that as:
(and i probably fubar:ed the formating)
@ B.Slisk: Shouldn’t that be “furballed” the formatting?
@eddi: =OP~~~~~~ (Thppppbbbbbttttttt!: see my reply at June 30, 2014 at 11:04 pm)
The puns might be better if you people would quit loafering around
We might shoes to do just that.
I guess I’ll have to get a leg up on the competition to make them toe the line and see that in this sit-uation, they don’t stand a chance against me.
Maxed out the reply levels so I’ll just leave my “whooops” about my wrong footing the shoe here.
Wait, is that Math on the ground clutching his back? When did he change his pants from Black to Camo?
Probably the same time he changed his top, but no, that’s not Math
Definitely not Math Math had black pants and a black tank top with a white dress shirt which he removed when LPOC shredded the back of it and the tank top.
The guy who got hurt by the laser/particle beam, wearing camo and a black shirt, is one of the bad guys who was tied up and face-down. See:
Huh, he got up rather fast then. Guess Harem only gave him a mini-dose?
He may be a regenerator.
Shh! Don’t tell the squirrel that! I dread to think what would happen, if it found out that it could have a limitless supply of nuts/a>.
Not the same guy: shirt and shoes are different
And his build and he has no glove, also the camo is a different pattern. Oh and no word on anyone escaping from Harem.
And I don’t think Sidney would be grinning like that if it was a teammate who was down.
Normally it is rubbish comics graphics that readers can’t tell who is who.
Surprised this happens so often in this comic.
I need to change that guy’s haircolor. Lots of people think it’s him. It’s just a villain scrub.
Arianna, don’t scare the newsies, you NEED them FRIENDLY, not terrified.
Yep, she the scariest member on the team with or with Halo.
What was that line about Sheldon Cooper? One lab accident short of supervillainy?
That’s it.
OTOH, I recall a Big Bang episode where Raj worries that Sheldon might be building a nuclear weaponm and Howard points out that it took him over two years to build his Lego Death Star.
A great man once said that you should ideally be both loved and feared. I think that’s a good response, but he argued that if you can’t get love, settle for fear.
“The surest way to drive a dog or a man Mad is to punish and reward unpredictably”
“Fear eventually fades, and when it does the fear usually is replaced by rebellion”
I’m pretty sure that was “feared or respected.”
Unless you’re referring to the Bronx Tale feared or loved, and we all know how that turned out for that guy.
Spoiler alert: He got capped. I’m not putting spoiler tags around the discussion of a 21 year old movie. Rosebud was his sled!
You’re confusing Tony Stark with Niccolo Machiavelli.
Machiavelli argued that it is better to be feared than loved (if one must choose), because people will often disregard those they love, but respect those they fear.
He also included a rider saying, however, that above all, one must not be hated… which means that making an effort to be loved is at least somewhat necessary.
Just want to say that I am very glad that this is a twice a week comic now.
One of the worst things about the comic was the pace. Waiting a whole week for a comic was pretty fustrating.
I hope your output only increases.
Careful with that wish. I’ve followed some other comics for years, then one day they increase their output and suddenly the quality nosedives.
I’ve seen it happen more than once.
Hm.. I wonder who’s that diving for cover in panel two. Right in front of the wall.
Time for someone to go through and see if they can find a blond(e) villain(ess) with black pants and a top that looks remarkedably like Ari’s vest
Looks like she wears the headband of the girl who had noseboop guy sail over her head. But she wore green pants and black shoes, not black pants and green shoes as the one here.
First appearance, panel 10
Second appearance, panel 5 (she’s to the left of the burning tree)
Good luck taking these guys to court. You can bet the boss level ones have their own legal staff on 24 hour call. The number of ways to plead not guilty in the super-verse has near infinite possibilities. Just proving that they were at the scene of the crime has a number of hurdles. They could claim it was a robot impostor, evil twin, clone, duplicate from parallel universe, future self via time travel, etc. And if the police actually can prove they were there, they could plead not guilty by reason of mind control, demonic possession, alien brain parasite, or hypno-drugs in the water supply.
If it does make it all the way to the courtroom, there is the successfully proven line of defense: “If the gauntlet does not fit, you must acquit.”
But if you’re arrested at the crime scene, it’s going to be hard to prove that it wasn’t you.
“Oh my where am I? How did I get here? It’s like a cloud has been lifted from my mind!” Possibility of it working, minimal. But maybe a chance to run while everybody is laughing.
Arinna: Yes. Yes you can, and I will help you. It will only cost you 25% of the settlement or court award, after court costs (minimum $2000). Also my fee will be due at the time of the decision, not wailing until he time you actually collect the funds, if any. Due to the fact that damages were caused by illegal activities, the court may rule that the legal liability arising from criminal acts can not be discharged in bankruptcy, but then again, they might not.
And now that guy just standing in panel 2 has an awkward power in my mind.
"Why, yes, I can shoot lasers. Do you want to know from where I shoot them?"
He’s not shooting it…he’s absorbing one of hex’s BB shots.
That guy’s starting to worry me. This is the second time he’s basically shrugged-off an attack (he actually had to move a hand to deflect the hurled petramorph). I’m starting to wonder if that’s not a 7-star or better… (most of these guys seem to be 3- or 4-stars – Hex and Heavenly Sword are 5+; but likely not 7’s).
Yeah, I know that, but my permanent guttermind refuses to miss the chance to corrupt one of my innocent thoughts.
yes, but where is his flamethrower?
That last panel made me laugh out loud.
Also, when did all the reporters get there?
Or did they never leave?
They were probably parked over there at another restaurant, but it’s great to see Suzie, and looks like more page time for her nemesis Pinkie
She’s definitely a Star Wars fan.
from the opening, with the sign hanging on the doorway, the WHOLE restaurant was closed for a private function, so it’s not inconceivable that they may have been in another room at the same restaurant?with at least Suzie being invited because she’s the most “pro-Supers” and Pinky as the most “anti-Supers” / cynical… a “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” kind of thing? or maybe it’s one of Arianna’s PR schemes, to show off the team in a “normal” setting, eating and joking around etc, so they were there all along and we just didn’t get a good camera angle from the fourth wall?
They are reporters. The supers are the story. You can guarantee that they will be following them, like ticks on a cat. They probably scarped, when they saw a bunch of guys in tights approaching, looking villainous.
Anyone still doubting the powers of the Buster Buddies(TM) after this page?
I can’t believe Yorp tried to compare them to a flashlight o_O
He did? Bad puppy!
More like Imperial Guard “Flashlights”.
*crickets chirping*
Thought that that was Math down in the 2nd panel, but Math was last seen wearing a white singlet (or “Wife Beater” for the trailer-brigade)
Also thought the Buster Beams(TM) could change direction but it’s not going around a corner near the diving bad guy but hitting the wall on the other side of the gap in the wall
Oh wait not, he had had a white shirt/jacket with a black singlet underneath
Plus black pants bloused over grey and black boots.
I updated that guy’s color scheme to help with the confusion. It would also help if I has more than 4 hairstyles for guys I suppose.
Short spiky blonde dragonball-z-ish hair does stand out a bit.
NEVER doubt the power of squirrels
So are we just ignoring the fact that Hex’s lasers didn’t pierce Halo’s shield? Didn’t we establish that translucent shields are logically vulnerable to lasers?
considering those beams were also keeping her aloft while she Hovered I’d say there were more along the lines of a Particle beam like Max’s than a Laser.
Regarding the shield:
First, as has been said, they’re definitely not lasers.
Second, that’s transparent shields, which is different from translucent. Halo’s shield is not transparent, (seen up close, it’s even textured!) because you can see it, which means it interacts with incoming light to one degree or another.
Eh not really. Her shield has already proven itself fairly adapted and that would be a really silly weakness. Just because she argued for it in a tabletop game doesn’t mean it has to be so in reality.
*heh heh*. “Reality”.
What is this “reality” you speak of ?
Er, you may have “established” that, but said establishment would have been pitifully lacking in canon examples. And now it’s rather well unestablished, by canon. Speculation does not equal canon.
Lasers require coherency to be damaging. They are also weak against targets of the same color. Any force field which can remove or reduce the coherency of light passing through it is vastly protective against lasers. Lasers are also weak against their own color, requiring much more energy to be effective. Any force field which can present a colored presence to a laser of the same color is vastly protective against laser light of that color.
Lasers only require coherency because that’s how the beam is generated; an equally tight beam of non-coherent light would be just as dangerous. However, all it takes is non-linear response to make a mostly transparent shield immune to damaging levels of laser light, above a certain light intensity glass is opaque (it’s a lot harder to deal with blinding lights).
Actually, certain transparent coatings have been proven to deflect and/or diffract various wave-lengths of light. Gotten any UV coatings on your glasses lately? Further along that thought line, the orbs are of probable advanced technology, even beyond Dabbler’s knowledge,, so there be methods of protection way beyond our ken.
Hex’s theme song
You mean BUDGET HALO!!!!!!
really, from now on, only Maxima and Halo should come up with names…..
I will have to put this to my friend (the lawyer), that does put a whole another spin on the downsides of being a super villain…. That and why white collar crime has way better risk/reward than blue collar bank vault busting. You can be a total scum bag in suit and make out like a bandit… without the accompanying shootout.
Hex plays: “particle beam to the groin, squirellicide, and wanton destruction!”
Ariana plays spin, and turns it into a PETA lawsuit, a psychological damage lawsuit, and a theme restaurant for quadruple financial compensation! Roll for the restaurant chain bonus, Arianna, avoid that 1 and each 6 you roll is added and gives you an extra roll to count how many restaurants you get!!
Hex plays: OOPS to halve lawsuit damage successfully!
Ariana moves in to get the Hex trademark! Both Hex and Ariana win lots of money!!!
P.S.: lawsuits are funnier than that, even, if you condense each to a good oneliner.
A good one-liner? Huh. I was sitting here wondering what RPG system you were using to roll up those stats!
Hex also plays childhood trauma involving a squirrel to halve damages again
I’m tickled that Doctor Doom and squirrel trauma got mentioned in the same article, but without the obvious (and canon) connection.
Hate to keep returning to the lethality issue, but if Hex thought this was just going to be a ’80s cartoon lightshow–after trying to blast Max in the back–she’s mentally unfit to be allowed shoelaces, let alone those Buddy-thingies. I’m not against seeing her take an Anvil to the face, especially now that she’s wildly strafed the crowd.
Speaking of which, I mistook the man down in Panel 2 as Math for a second. Do I know this guy? He seems familiar but I can’t place him after skimming the past strips.
The guy who got cut with the last/particle beam is one of the captured bad guys.
Aw, man. Now I want a personalized licence plate that looks like it was Doom’s mask fell in the press!
The usual problem with suing criminals (super or otherwise) is that a lot of them don’t have much in the way of money.
Tree rats they get you every time. On a side note we feed them not on propose but as a side to the fact we are also feeding the birds locally. We have several mated pairs in the area, the Falcons are nice as well keep the pigeon (winged rats) population in check as well at least one pair in the area here several downtown.
Much kudos to you, DaveB, for this amazing comic. I found this shortly before the fight busted out and mondays and thursdays got that little bit more exciting as a result!
heh… how long did YOUR archive binge take?
Welcome to the community.
Any chance you could post that last scene of Arianna with only her and no words on DA?
and bigger? ’cause that would be totally wicked!
If she can sue the super villains for lost wages, due to the destruction of the restaurant.
Could the restaurant owners sue the heroes, on the grounds that if they weren’t there, then the villains wouldn’t have target them, resulting in the fight which resulted in the destruction of said restaurant?
Nope. Starting a fight with super-cops is reasonably certain to cause property damage (in addition to being illegal); eating in a restaurant poses no reasonable risk or danger.
Alright not bad, getting interesting again.
Single point.
Easiest way to push supervills into a professional life of crime is piling up the punishment.
After you pile on the financial penalties and make them undischargeable, all that achieves is pushing them out of society and into the underworld even more.
Frankly, if I was running a shady organization, I would arrange for those kinds of laws to come into play. That ensures a steady supply of low to medium power supervillains who are desperate and with existing grudges against the law/society.
The BIG supervillains? Won’t care; you’re never gonna successfully recover wages from Dr Doom or the Leader.
This world is going to have to figure out what it wants: Retribution or Rehabilitation.
And if it’s willing to pay the price.
Piling on punishment isn’t really in it though. I mean, its not like this crew, who tried to kill cops in broad daylight, will ever be released (count the felonies that have been committed thus far, remember RICO, and hate crimes statutes…minimum sentence is over a thousand years). Anything in their name is either going to be seized, or sit until its sold at their estate sail. Unless the powers that be interfere with the legal process (say, allowing Shadow Stalker or Hex to work with Archon at rehabilitation), if captured these folks are done.
The only real way to make Super Jail work, given what we know currently, and presuming no one invents power blocking tech, is to have it be a warehouse where unconscious bodies are stacked and given nutrients until they die of old age. I don’t think the sleepers will be further alienated by their stuff being given to civilians.
I agree with Blue. The Treaty of Versailles being a direct cause of WWII is a very solid example of his argument. A No Win/No Way Out/No Forgiveness punishment system only breeds greater rebellion.
I think it is possible to over-generalize in BOTH directions about this sort of thing. Certainly, rehabilitation is preferable to retribution.
HOWEVER, that is not always the case. There are individuals who, by the sheer horror of their crimes, simply should not be allowed out into the world. To pretend otherwise is (IMO) at least as misguided as requiring each and every person who commits a serious crime to automatically serve the maximum sentence.
I absolutely love the comic so far!
Also, here’s an idea for a character: a person who can make shields.
And yes, I did just say that exactly like Caboose said “We drive there!” at the end of Season 5 of Red Vs Blue. But, that’s not all there is to the skill.
Since it’s so small a thing, you can play around with it, as I have, and with that, you can actually turn a strong defensive skill into a powerful offensive, even lethal move, under the right circumstances. With the barriers, you can make invisible walls, invisible walkways, covered pit traps which are covered by those invisible walkways, constructs (fake objects) if you can manage to figure out how to reshape it/them (even more so if you can get them moveable), and for lethality, invisible spike traps like you see in a trolling game (I forget the proper name for such a game). And you can thus contain a situation like this so that damages don’t get as far out of hand (if you’re paying attention to the right area), or trap an enemy like in a fighting game like Tekken and just slam them against the wall time and time again until either they’re out of the fight without being able to do anything about it (or maybe they can) or until the shield itself breaks!
Just an idea for ya. :)
Here’s another non-lethal use of Shields and barriers, such as they are (and as described in the post above): Double-jumping. It is literally impossible in almost any hub-like universe (the universe we live in is what I’m calling the Hub universe, by the way) without flight unless it’s literally a video game world. If you put a shield underneath you while in the air, then you cheat, doing a “double jump” by single jumping first off the ground, then off whatever shields you have up. Pretty smart, and can be used for parkour for interesting results.
There, now my earlier post is much more complete. :)
Just had a Sydney dream and felt it needed to be shared
It was in the style of a Sunday newspaper comic, but in B&W not colour (for those who are too young to know what that is, it was a special episode of the weekly comic, usually either standalone or a seperate storyline just for the colour Sunday edition, it was also bigger than usual: same width but 2 or 3 panels deep with a header & standalone gag)
Sydney was having a medical checkup (not sure if there was a header-gag, but the first ‘line’ showed a doctor talking to someone, and then basically (gently0 shoving that person aside when Sydney landed nearby. Second ‘line’ had Sydney sitting on a bed wearing The Gown and the doctor was asking about one of the orbs (can’t remember which one) and Sydney asking if that was all they were interested in.
Last ‘line’ just had 2 panels, the first one was the width of 2 or 3 panels with the doctor in the first part making up some ‘reason’ for being interested in the orbs but then admitting that yes, they just wanted to know more about them than her (the doctors bubble either stretched the whole length of the extra sized panel, or there was a lot f empty space after the bubble), with Sydney sitting at the end of the panel. The last panel had Sydney fading out (the effect was very good, she started out ‘solid’ and gradually faded going from left to right), so either one of the orbs was an InvisOrb or a Tele-PortOrb (unfortunately, because it was in black & white, couldn’t see which orb she was using)
Just felt the need to share that with everyone (and this is one of the reasons have always wanted a Dream VideoRecorder, not only have had dreams like this, but also heard songs, with lyrics, that haven’t been recorded anywhere but also episodes of programmes/movies that don’t exist :()
Poor Achilles has no clue what’s going on outside his little rumble pile.
Does he have much of a clue when he’s not under rubble? o_O
In my concerted opinion, Arianna deserves a spot on the superhero portion of the cast page. The power of her spin and legalese should net her at least a 3 :P
I can practically hear Dave’s Excitement for this Page in his writing. I have to agree T’was an awesome build up and I LLOL’ed at Ariana’s last comments. (I actually Drew a Fanart of her once I don’t think I ever put it up for some reason)
Psh, yeah right. There’s no ultra quartz in Lincoln’s nose. The nose goblins assured me there’s not an ounce of ultra quartz to be found up there. Just a bunch of worthless beryl and chromium.
wait so the person moon bunny aced at the pole was a body double?
Now I want that squirrel to turn out to be a maniacal villain. I mean it has the ‘KILL EVERYTHING MWAHAHAHA’ faces going on in panels 1 and 5.
Look out if there’s a villain in this universe who can manipulate greed. Arianna will hand it the keys to the various Arcs for merchandising rights.
She really IS budget Halo. Also turns out Maxima didn’t hit her hard enough. That’s what you get for trying to use non-lethal against people shooting high powered lasers in public.
Um… Isn’t Hex shooting lasers? Wasn’t there a discussion on the first 2 or 3 pages that a see-through shield would not be able to block laser? I’m confused.
The phrase tossed about was MIGHT NOT, which also implies it MIGHT as well.
That also assumes these are lasers (there is many points in this discussion page where the possibility they are particle beams is promulgated. A proposal with which I agree.
And the discussion was about a transparent shield in a RPG game, not about Halo’s shield, which is likely to be able to create distortion effects to block specific attacks, even if these are lasers.
We can be sure the post-battle de-brief will bring us (or at least the characters, if DaveB doesn’t choose to share it with us), up to speed. I’m looking forward to the debrief with great antici…………..
Depends on the nature of the shield.
Hex might suffer less from sciurophobia and more from germophobia though I would dismiss a mix of the two. She’s listing diseases, one real though species specific and the other either imagined or named via portmanteau (squirrel rabies or squirrel scabies).
Would not dismiss
Where did the bands around Hex’s arms go in panel 5?
They got banned?
Which calls for someone to come to their defense.
Looks like DB fixed them with the one guy’s color palette.