Grrl Power #1340 – The Zambia Reversal
Hah! Deus has a history with air quotes. I forgot about that but someone linked that page in the comments for the previous comic.
Deus has been working for at least a decade in preparation for his takeover bid. He’s been quietly improving the GDP and quality of life in Galytn proper for a decade, but he knew his push through Mozambique would tumble their military and allow him to step in. The fact is that a lot of the nations in Africa just don’t have the resources to handle a determined and funded enemy. Their best defense, it’s sad to say, is that no one really wants what they have, at least not when they can strike wildly lopsided resource rights business deals. When I wrote the pages where Deus pushed into Mozambique, I looked up what their military was like, and their air force did only consist of roughly 15 aircraft, including a training helicopter and several jets which were thought to be out of commission due to maintenance issues. But the fact is that if your neighbor only has 5 soldiers, you can probably defend yourself with 4. There’s always a chance they’ll roll really good, (It’s been about 25 years since I played a game of RISK, so I don’t remember how it works, but you get my point.) but it’s probably not worth the risk to them when their neighbor has 6 troops.
Taking Mozambique, Zambia and the DRC just barely cuts Africa in two, though these days, so much trade is handled by sea it probably won’t put him in a decisive strategic position, but if I was Angola, Namibia and Botswana, I’d be getting nervous. South Africa is probably safe for a little while longer, as their GDP puts them in the top 50, and is the biggest in Africa. That surprised me. I would have guessed Egypt, but they are the second largest in Africa. Well, I would have guessed either Egypt or some country that you’ve definitely heard of before but couldn’t point to on a map, like Sierra Leone, because it turns out they’re the world supplier of some niche product like Nilla Wafers or something. Anyway, it seems like a big part of Deus’s strategy is absorbing poor and corrupt nations that wealthy countries just don’t care about. So South Africa is probably okay for now.
Unfortunately for Deus, we all know his plans are doomed to failure, because he didn’t start his conquest with Madagascar. You guys remember that game?
Whenever I use google maps and zoom way out to go on a tour of, well, usually Africa as I plan Deus’s strategy, I get distracted by little speck islands out in the middle of nowhere. And then I get frustrated because more often than not, there’s no street view. I want to look around a place that has 20 houses and 4 boat docks and a strip of land that’s technically an airfield and that’s it. The fact that street view isn’t available for massive swathes of Africa, the middle-east, and Russia doesn’t bother me nearly as much for some reason.
BTW: Sciona should still be standing there just to Maxima’s right, but I’m remembering this as I’m writing the post and I had insomnia last night and got 2 hours of sleep, so… I guess in that second to last panel where she should be seen standing there, I guess she’s, uh, tying her shoe? Or re-strapping her strappy heels? Whatever. I’m very tired.
So the move back to Dallas takes place this Friday, and I’m very stressed and ready for this all to be over. Of course, once I get up to Dallas, I have to unload all this crap and find a place for it. Honestly a lot of my parent’s stuff will probably remain in boxes for a while. You know how it is when you move. I’ve been packing their house on and off for two months, and I feel like I’m so close to being done. I went out and got ten more boxes the other day, not banker’s boxes, but the Wal-mart “medium” sized box which is like 40% bigger, thinking that 10 boxes was overkill, and went to work on the master closet. Hah hah I’m stupid. Filled them all up and haven’t even touched the hanging clothes. Hats, purses, king-sized sheets, towels, folded sweaters on shelves. This is after we donated all of my dad’s clothes too. God, he had so many blazers. BTW, “blazer” is way too cool of a word (in an 80’s kind of way) for a suit jacket.
All of this is to say that if the comic two pages from now is stick figures, this is why. The comic won’t immediately jump back to the fully shaded version I prefer to do right after that. I might try for a bit more of a cell-shaded look, but eventually I won’t be able to stop myself from adding in a soft edge here and there, then some bounce lighting, and then we’re back to full renders, but this weekend is the turning point.
I’m going to try something with this new vote incentive.
This month, I’m closing on a new house, selling my Mom’s house, finishing packing Mom’s house, moving city to city to the new house, forwarding mail, canceling utilities, all that. And after that’s done, I get to start the process of selling my old house, which needs a little work before it can realistically go on the market.
SO. I’m going to try and do this vote incentive in stages. Currently it’s just pencils. The TopWebcomics one will update with colors and detail until we get to the no clothes versions, then that will continue over at Patreon. Also there will be a comic or two in between each version to fill out the story.
I know it’s hard to tell from just the pencils, but this is Heatwave and Jiggawatt. The comics will explain why they’re doing what they’re doing. Although I feel like even saying that much makes it easy to guess, but hopefully the journey will still amuse.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
I’d expect some of the neighbor’s to start exploring strategic alliances and mergers. Start cozying up to other regimes, China, Russia and France.
Uk and France if they switch their former colonies countries in the alliance ( for exemple France for Egypt, UK for Algeria ) it could be possible.
China , they are traders by choice they will develop infrastructure but not sell aircraft , tanks or ships , not a great military partner.
Russia traditional for Algeria but Russia as a lower GDP than UK or France and in term of civilian technology is lackluster , also in military electronics and military quality control…
You seem to have missed the last ten years. Russia is quite solidly implanted in northern, central, and western Africa. China is following them. And yes that includes military presence. China is absolutely selling combat aircraft to anyone interested.
Yes they are implanted Mali and Algeria are his vassals ..
Mali is a failed sate
For the JF-17 Block 3 it lacks about payload and performance 8 hard-points 3,400 kg (7,500 lb) payload and a KLJ-7 radar, max speed 1,910 km/h (1,190 mph, 1,030 kn)
a mirage 2000 is superior 9 hard-points (4 × under-wing, 5 × under-fuselage) with a capacity of 6,300 kg (13,900 lb) and Thomson-CSF RDY radar, max speed 2,336 km/h (1,452 mph, 1,261 kn)
This fighter as only one grace it is cheap approximately US$15 million one ( for a block 1)half of second-hand mirage 2000 5-F.
They don’t sell J-20’s they shell Temu fighters , the J-7 is downgraded copy of the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21( accepted in 1959 in USSR)…
Performance wise the JF-17 will be adequate if we are in the late 70’s or early 80’s he’s hopeless nowadays, and the J-7 is a flying coffin against any modern aircraft.
About the military might’s also other factors projection:
Navy for exemple
Blue-water navies List
Only US as a rank 1 blue water navy: Global-reach power projection
My country is a rank 2 blue water navy: Limited global-reach power projection (it’s UK, France & Italy)
At 3 combined they are inferior to rank 1
( 2 Ski Jump sky jump super-carriers* , 1 CATOBAR nuclear fixed wing aircraft carrier* , 2 Ski Jump aircraft carriers , 8 ballistic missile submarines in service* , 11 nuclear-powered attack submarines *,8 diesel-electric submarines dangerous in coastal defense but not blue water efficient )
*UK and France
Rank 3 : Multi-regional power projection ( India, Russia, China, Japan)
Rank 4: Regional power projection ( Spain, Brazil, Australia, South Korea, Germany, Egypt, Netherlands )
Brazil has Álvaro Alberto nuclear attack submarine under construction …
And nuclear countries with nuclear ballistic missile submarines punch above their weight population wise.
Countries with domestic submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) ( 4 : US, China, France, Russia not UK they use Trident D5 as vectors) are dangerous even for the mightiest.
South Africa is a failed state. Whose utilities are falling apart due to corruption and theft of parts and selling them as loot. And on top of that, their politician are openly calling for genocide against the white population and are systematically murdering the farmers and doing the same thing as zimbabwe did.
It’s an utterly racist, genocidal failed state. And the wokist west is ignoring it. just like they ignore muslims slaughtering Christians across Africa and in Syria.
It was a genocidal racist sate from 1948 to 1991 , eastern aligned rightard …
Apartheid was a thing and confiscation for 76% of population for the benefit of 13 % exist.
South Africa is failed state but is was one since 1948…
They switched from a white bad cop , to a black bad cop …
In Syria it’s principaly the Alawites ( suni islam ) who are targeted , but Cristians could be an opportunity target , bu the country was also a failed state since 1970, the current government is not worse than Hafez al-Assad and Bashar al-Assad – east supported dictators USSR than Russia -.
Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES) was no a democracy but is exempt of the pogroms.. Rojava is a de facto autonomous region in northeastern Syria.
For Africa one of the most stable and democratic country of Africa is the république du Sénégal , and it’s more than 92% Muslim Country …
Reminder Zimbawe is a 81.4% Christian country
Africa is more christian than Muslim if you take the entire continent and only north Africa could be considered Muslim
In this contient pogrom are of ethnic nature not religious one … and date back to long time..
Kingdom of Dahomey and the raid into they neighbor to feed the slave trade (1600-1904)
Saka Zulu and the Mfecane
The anti-woke movement is the den of closeted facists.
Africa was no better than yesterday , in 19th French had brougth droit de l’homme in some countries bu forgotten to apply them , and more than 60 years after Africa is in the majority of case illiterate and incapable to read them.
Trump also never read them , is impotent in English his sole langage …
Did you ever go there? I did. A wealthy country by any standards, drawing labour from all over Sub Saharan Africa because they paid real wages in real money… Egypt basically produces dates and cotton. South Africa, even now produces agricultural produce, beef, gold, coal, diamonds, uranium…
South Africa is wealthy compared to Senegal the average salary is about 3.5 time higher
Life expectancy is 6 years higher in Senegal the homicide rate albeit high in Sénégal ( 7.4/100 000) is without comparaison with South Africa ( 46.6/100 000) …
Reminder in US it’s 6.8/100 000 , France 1.2/100 000 , Switzerland 0.5/100 000.
I’ m a french citizen.
I know Sénégal (been here as foreign worker in Dakar, speak the official langage ,know some Wolof ) but not South Africa , Sénégal had stable institutions and a strong civil society ….
“Sénégal had stable institutions and a strong civil society ….”
Plus a team of superheroes :)
Do you imagine that the past sins of South Africa justify what’s happening now? Because…they don’t. You don’t fix injustice by making someone else a victim of it.
South Africa is not a failed state, at least not yet.
There is official criteria for a country to be called a ‘Failed State’ and South Africa doesn’t meet it.
The Politician “openly calling for genocide against whites” died in 2002, and he had claimed it was a metaphor.
Although South Africa has a high crime rate, there is no systematic murder of white South Africans.
This proved in a South African court by white people.
“South Africa is not a failed state, at least not yet.”
Technically correct, but it’s definitely going in that direction with a declining real per-capita income, widespread unemployment (32.1% to 33.5% unemployment rate), and systemic racism still in place, although now for black citizens instead of white citizens (and I do mean systemic – government initiatives like Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) prioritizing black applicants over white applicants, and apparently failures of the power grid due to the departure of skilled white workers being removed by the government at Eskom (the nation’s primary power supplier) which has led to frequent power outages and disruptions. And there’s of course the calls from the African National Congress (and in particular Julius Malema of its youth wing) advocating for violence and death to Boer farmers (around 4000 white farmers have been murdered since the ANC assumed power).
“there is no systematic murder of white South Africans”
Well… except for the systematic murder of the Boer farmers. I think you might be confusing the words systematic with systemic though. They’re ‘technically’ not being murdered directly by the government – they’re being murdered by people due to incendiary rhetoric made by the ANC, calls by the ANC (the government party in power in South Africa) to ‘kill the Boers.’, and a refusal by the government to investigate or punish the people doing the murdering, raping, armed robberies, and burglaries of the white victims. The murders are definitely ‘systematic’ in how it’s happening, albeit not ‘systemic’ in the most technical sense of the word. There’s also been a lot of criminal activities perpetrated by the authorities on whites, including rape and corruption by Jacob Zuma (previous leader of the ANC), but the ANC decided to disband and halt any investigations into Zuma’s conduct.
“The Politician “openly calling for genocide against whites” died in 2002,”
Jacob Zuma is still alive and was in government as recently as 2018.
Julius ‘Kill the Boers, Shoot the Farmers’ Malema is STILL in the ANC today.
“and he had claimed it was a metaphor.”
I think you probably should look up the english translation to the Kill the Boers, Shoot the Farmers song.
I wasn’t the one who claimed they were “systematically murdering the farmers”, that was Sleel.
And there hasn’t been a Systemic murder of Boers since the Boer War, and sadly it was commited by the British.
South African Farm Attacks target both white and black farmers.
The “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer” (The ‘White Genocide’ you speak of) reference originated with Peter Mokaba, who died in 2002.
Julius Malema repeated it two years ago, a video of which Elon Musk saw last month and claimed that “He is chanting ‘kill the white farmers’ to a cheering stadium.” and Malema claimed it was a metaphor.
And as we now know, there are Black Farmers in South Africa.
Maybe you should double-check things before you post them, just to make sure you avoid posting erroneous or out of date facts.
“I wasn’t the one who claimed they were “systematically murdering the farmers”, that was Sleel.”
I’m just responding to whoever wrote the post.
“And there hasn’t been a Systemic murder of Boers since the Boer War, and sadly it was committed by the British.”
Again, they have been again been getting murdered RECENTLY, not only during the Boer War. That would be like saying that there was no Holocaust because the Spanish Inquisition also mass murdered jews. The British did it, and now the ANC is supporting it.
“South African Farm Attacks target both white and black farmers.”
It’s actually primarily white farmers. Over 4000 of them. The black people who are being murdered are the ones trying to defend the white farmers.
“The “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer” (The ‘White Genocide’ you speak of) reference originated with Peter Mokaba, who died in 2002.”
Doesn’t matter who originated it. It’s been continued by Zuma and Malema.
“He is chanting ‘kill the white farmers’ to a cheering stadium.” and Malema claimed it was a metaphor.”
Explain the metaphor to me. That feels like someone claiming ‘Hitler did nothing wrong’ is a metaphor. It’s calling for violence and murder.
“And as we now know, there are Black Farmers in South Africa.”
Actually black farmers in South Africa only produce a very small percentage of the country’s agriculture – roughly 5% to a maximum of 10%. And they arent the ones being murdered.
“Maybe you should double-check things before you post them, just to make sure you avoid posting erroneous or out of date facts.”
You’re the one using attributing current statements of people currently in the ANC government with a person who died in 2002, when it’s also being repeated by people who are STILL in government today.
(that last sentence came off a bit more aggressive than I intended it to be)
There is no systematic or systemic murders of Boers in South Africa, as was recently proven in a court of law by white people.
There is a wholle lot of serious crime happening in South Africa against all people, not just the Boers.
Claiming otherwise is like saying the holocaust is happening now because jews are being murdered in Israel by Palestinians.
“Dubul’ ibhunu” is an old anti-Apartheid song, it is racist (so was Apartheid), yet you keep dragging Jacob Zuma into this by inferring he sings it or tacitly supports it.
There’s proof that at least infers Jacob Zuma is corrupt, not none for what you claim.
Meanwhile Julius Malema was expelled from the ANC in 2012 after numerous disciplinary problems and campaigning to remove Jacob Zuma from office.
He started the Economic Freedom Fighters, a communist political party, in 2013.
Malema also has two convictions for Hate Speech, one of which is for singing “Dubul’ ibhunu” in 2011.
Those Black Farmers may “only produce” 5% of the agriculture in South Africa, that’s still 5% of 4,45 million hectares of produce. And that’s despite them having to struggle for training, resources, capital, and against land degradation.
Yet they are as much a target of thieves and killers as white farmers are.
Trying to minimise Black Farmers contributions or the dangers they face in South Africa just comes across as racist intellectual dishonesty.
That’s why you should doublecheck things before you post them.
If you want the United States of America to wage war against every racist nation that subjugates people, then I’d be down.
But the “wokist west” inclusion makes me think you don’t actually want that and care more about taking a jab across the political aisle.
They’d have to start with themselves
Considering the ‘Prison-Industrial Complex’ that the United States apparently has, you seem to be right.
“If you want the United States of America to wage war against every racist nation that subjugates people,”
Waging war is a bit much. The United States is better off using soft economic power against those nations if we feel that we have to get involved, rather than war which will cost American lives and money. If we went to war with every nation that’s subjugating elements of its own people, we’d be at war with a lot of Africa, India (although I think discrimination against the ‘Dalits’ was officially banned by law in 1989 – The Prevention of Atrocities Act), South America, and China right now, at the very least.
Sadly, we seem to be heading in exactly the opposite direction. The current US admin seems more likely to support racist nations that subjugate their own people, including the US.
France and India are, historically, the go-to patrons for non-aligned nations. Even Dues might hesitate to take on the French Foreign Legion. The EU are definitely worth getting some trade deals with.
But in this universe I would probably try finding another billionaire, and playing two ends against each other. Really, if Dues is this successful, someone else would try it.
If I were a billionaire looking to develop my own nation in Africa, I would look at Ghana very carefully. Energy independent, a track record of functioning democracy, people get along relatively well with each other. Not a very big country, but strategically placed on the Atlantic coast.
“Sadly, we seem to be heading in exactly the opposite direction.”
Far as I’ve seen so far, the current administration is using soft economic power, rather than hard military power. Mainly since we’re not currently in a war. Well, yet anyway. And I think the same was true during the Obama administration (which is the current administration in the Grrlpower universe).
“The current US admin seems more likely to support racist nations that subjugate their own people, including the US.”
I don’t see evidence of that but I’d rather deal with what’s going on in the Grrlpower universe anyway. Definitely don’t want to see the thread go off on a tangent about current politics. So in the Grrlpower universe, Obama is the current president, as shown in comic #314 ( )
I’m pretty sure that there hasnt been another election in Grrlpower since then, let alone 2 or 3 more elections. I’m pretty sure that it would have been mentioned in comic if Obama was no longer president in universe, although admittedly DaveB tends to keep RL politics OUT of Grrlpower and mainly sticks to in-universe politics instead.
“France and India are, historically, the go-to patrons for non-aligned nations.”
China and Russia have had their fingers in a lot of 3rd world nations also, especially in the time period of Grrlpower.
“Even Dues might hesitate to take on the French Foreign Legion.”
Deus already stated he’s not getting involved in anything with any of the G7 nations (of which France is one), and they don’t seem to want to get involved in anything adversarial with him as well, especially since they would rather benefit from trade. That’s the whole reason that Deus’s plans are so brilliant.
“But in this universe I would probably try finding another billionaire, and playing two ends against each other.”
I feel that Deus is ‘first in, best dressed’ to any competition against multi-billionaires.
“Really, if Dues is this successful, someone else would try it.”
From what I’ve seen, most billionaires do not have Deus’s level of intelligence, and the few that MIGHT do not seem to have the same types of goals or strategic acumen as Deus.
“If I were a billionaire looking to develop my own nation in Africa, I would look at Ghana very carefully.”
The problem with that is that Ghana has a GDP of almost 77 billion. I think that only a few billionaires could afford to basically ‘take over’ Ghana economically on their own (Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Ellison, Arnault, Gates, Buffet, Page, Brin and Ballmer) – and for most of them, it would involve getting rid of most of their wealth to do so (ie, somehow selling off all their stock, which they can’t actually do without causing a spiral downward for their companies and their net worth). Whereas someone could take over the entire GDP of Galytn rather realistically based on what Deus said about their pre-existing GDP being in the toilet due to the murderous tyrant warlord who used to control it.
Simply put, Ghana’s probably too wealthy a nation and too economically attractive compared to other more easy-to-build nations for a billioinaire to START with. That’s more a future goal. Also taking Ghana immediately would lead to more adversarial actions which could get the G7 nations involved, which Deus specifically wants to avoid until MUCH later on his timetable when they’re dependent on him instead for trade. Currently he is trying to make sure he can compete with China in textiles and whatnot.
“Energy independent, a track record of functioning democracy, people get along relatively well with each other.”
All great points for if a person was to want to live there or just invest in moderately (pretty sure there are billionaires and richer nations already doing that), but not as much if someone wants to basically rule the nation behind the scenes.
It’s easier to take something from ‘nothing’ to ‘something good’ than take something from ‘something good’ to ‘something great.’ Then once your something is ‘something good’ and you already control it, it’s easier THEN to make that something into ‘something great.’ Its location on the Atlantic Coast would actually work against Deus’s interests because it would have gotten too much interest from other wealthier nations far ahead of his timetable. With Galytn, being landlocked, it wasn’t as much of a potential threat to other economic adversaries.
Galtyn’s GDP was almost non-existent, and Mozambique’s GDP was at 5.6 billion during the Obama administration (today it’s still only at about 20 billion). Deus is going with the ‘buy low’ option.
I’d more likely look at places that are in the southern and eastern parts of Africa if I was to have a vision like Deus has. Ghana has too much competition from first world nations and its location would make it difficult to build up power without making G7 nations too nervous too fast. Plus Ghana is too wealthy, comparatively, to somewhere like Mozambique or Guyana or the DRC for a single billionaire to be able to completely finance all by themselves. 5.6 billion is easier for a multibillionaire to deal with than 76.7 billion (the GDP of Ghana). Deus chose Galytn for many reasons, one of which was the ability to slip under the radar of G7 nations and other first world nations and competitors.
This is just the obvious ranting and ravings of a racist madman. Your white supremacist state failed, move on. Rhodesia sucked and is as stupid to worship as it is to worship the Confederacy. What’s with people like you worshiping nationstates built on slavery that didn’t even last ten years before they completely collapsed?
And for some reason I’m going to post defending elements of someone else’s post and probably redirect anger at me but …. :)
1) Pretty sure he’s NOT from South Africa, and is just saying that modern South Africa is doing essentially the same thing as South Africa did under Apartheid, just with the races reversed. He’s also pointing out the murders of white farmers that are being supported by the current ANC government and the failing utilities (both of which are accurate statements).
2) Just because South Africa failed when the white people oppressed the black people does not mean you should celebrate when the black people oppress and murder the white people. Pretty sure that either race oppressing the other is bad. Racism is bad period.
3) Just as a nitpick, I’m pretty sure that Apartheid lasted from 1948 to 1994, which is 46 years (not less than 10) And Rhodesia lasted about 15 years. But I’m not sure how the fact that Rhodesia was a failed state as well somehow excuses Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe saying that people who people who were seizing farms owned bywhite farmers and beating said white farmers (and the farm workers and their children) to death will not be prosecuted. His stating that fact about Zimbabwe does not mean he liked Rhodesia. It just means what happened in Zimbabwe was evil as well.
4) I think the main thing setting people off is that he referred to the west as the ‘wokist west’ rather than him pointing out the failings of current South Africa and how people’s anger at injustice flows in one direction.
“people’s anger at injustice flows in one direction.”
That is indeed something that people have been pointing out for a while now. To deaf ears. It might be funny, hearing it now, from those same willfully ignorant people, if it weren’t so sad. And if there wasn’t so much collateral damage.
I’m sure Max is willing to “reshape” his fingers so they can make the curly brackets.
Yeah, the way she’s gripping his hand it kinda makes it look like he has an extra finger-joint.
I was actually holding my own hand up next to the comic, trying to figure out if I could make it bend (or at least look) like that.
Whoops, I did kind of put an extra joint in there.
To uh… mess up the AIs. Yeah. That was my plan….
Turns out, Deux is double-jointed…
Or maybe, Maxi just casually broke his finger (one can only hope :P )
I was wondering about that, it was kind of freaky.
Dues enjoys these moments as technically they are better than the alternative and he can legally rub it in someone’s face even while they are not happy that Dues is doing it and gaining power.
The best kind of victories really.
Really… It was their fault for not working out a reasonable agreement with a lawful aligned demon army that was lawful rather than evil.
For packing clothes in a closet, push the hangers all together on the rods. Take a big trash bag and lift it from bottom to top, fitting as much clothes in as possible. It takes just a few bags to do the closet.
Aww, they’re holding hands….
And I do wonder if either of them can extract information about the other while doing so that would not otherwise be readily obtained?
Hey Dave – pro tip for packing and moving house, on hanging clothes – bag them up, 4-6 at a time, with bin (trash) bags with the pull tie things, on the hangers. Then just put them into piles in the back of the van.
Then you can just hang them up in the wardrobe straight away when you get to the new place.
Trust me, I have moved MANY times (9 times as an adult, 4 as a child). To different countries as well. When we paid a company to pack things up for us, they did something similar, but not quite – they had a special box with a rail, and just put the hangers on the rail, and closed the box. Bin bags are a low-tech solution! Plus you will need bin bags when you get to the new place anyway, so it’s not even wasteful.
Another pro tip is taping post its to the side of the boxes, and colour-coding them by room. Then you don’t have to read anything and anyone helping you instantly knows which room the boxes go in and they don’t have to ask you anything about it. Slap a post it of the right colour onto the door of the room at the new place.
Good luck!
Wait… Maxima would “know” what his fingers are like when they get into high gear?
I’m sure Harem does
Democratic Republic of Congo joined? Deus just took control of about 70% of the world’s supply of copper and cobalt.
Bets are he goes for Angola next which gives him a full East to West line for rail and easy ports to the U.S.
For cobalt it may be that high, but copper they are not that critical on the world stage.
Chile is the largest copper producers by a considerable margin.
And demand for cobalt has decreased in recent years. To the point that it is not inevitable to deal with DRC for it. There are battery chemistries that are nearly as good as the ones that contain cobalt, and some that are preferable for certain use cases like storage of electricity that don’t rely on any of the rare or unethical minerals and metals like cobalt. Cobalt is easily (relatively speaking) recyclable and because of the problematic nature of its production in the DRC, industries are looking for alternatives. Because of that the usage of cobalt has decreased in recent years and it is expected this trend will continue.
The implications are horrifying.
The DRC is notoriously ungovernable with a ridiculously powerless “central” government. The Congo river is basically the largest non-navigable river of the world; the ethnic groups in the Congo Basin often do not align well with each other. In geopolitical terms, if Deus has the two Z-nations in his pocket, his wisest move would be to push into the region from Katanga to Kabinda, and leave alone the Congo central government in Kinshasa.
IRL, there is a covert conquests by Rwanda into Congo, too: Deus could just ally with Rwanda, split the DRC into three parts and eventually betray Rwanda later.
But rather, he’s just “taking over” the DRC, and the two Zs??? How. This is not “you cannot do that” in a moral sense, it’s “you cannot do that” in every practical way.
This breakneck expansion speed only makes sense if Deus is actually the King of the Borg and has replicator tech to quickly turn “his” population into collective drones who are obediently working for him without question 24-7.
Let’s assume he started with Galtyn=Malawi, 20 million people, and he managed to “uplift” them having worked on clandestine projects for a decade or so. Deus then annexed Mozambique last week or so (let it be a month, or even six months… no difference) – Mozambique has 40 million people. Which he has to process and assimilate. Infrastructure does not build itself.
Deus has NOW announced that he gained dominion over 200 MILLION people in a fell swoop, in a territory larger than half the contiguous US. And these people do not see eye to eye. Either, he and his goons are really mindcontrolling 200 million people, or there are (heroic+villainous+regular) rebel groups already at work to sabotage this multi-ethnic empire from within.
I do understand that Deus is using demonic magic, native supers and alien tech to industrialize Galtyn, but even super magic alien tech should still have limits.
And if Deus HAS the ability to just mindcontrol hundreds of millions of people in Africa with the snap of a finger, he should have had a much easier time to just start in the US or in China – with the benefit of an industrial base, and with the infrastructure already in place for global expansion.
Deus is also using “demonic magic, native supers and alien tech” to expand his military forces and his internal security. He’s also buying people off left and right. He also has cards he hasn’t shown us, probably information gathering.
In the real world, the colonial powers were able to use a technology gap to project their power and take over other countries for centuries. Deus is doing that on steroids and he’s running things with an eye to increase the incomes of the natives.
SmugD has proven track record with ‘ungovernable’ nations: have the government (and anyone else who stands in his way) removed
It also helps that, unlike other leaders in the region, Deus is investing his own money into the nation and actually showing benefits to the people, rather than just to himself (as Deus loves making sure that his outcomes are win-win for all parties involved). When someone is benefitting from another person being in charge, they usually decide that they want that person to remain in charge, even if only out of pure self-interest.
Well, the DRC didn’t join. They “volunteered” for “joining.” It will be an ongoing… acquisition.
Potayto potahto. :)
Did Deus frikking name his country “tingle?”
It’s actually Galytn, not Galtyn. :)
But that would definitely be funny.
Why is Zimbabwe in quotes? I get the quotes on “Democratic” but, Zimbabwe is the actual name for that particular country.
Many people don’t consider the Communist victory in the civil war as legitimate and prefer to think of the country as something like “Communist-occupied Rhodesia” rather than “Zimbabwe.” Deus using air quotes for it doesn’t necessarily mean he agrees with those people – as he said himself, he can get a little out of control with the air quoting – but may just be a reference to those who hold that opinion. At least, that’s my assumption here.
Well, he operates literally as a “White Saviour” type. And that is not a positive thing.
I think he would be a savior regardless of his race.
All praise Deus, amen.
I think Deus’ fingers have gotten “into” “high” “gear”, “so” “he’s” “air-quoting” “everything”.
Yeah, I just thought it was funny if the air quotes were starting to get away from him there.
You do know the name came from ruins, right? Ruins that no one knows the origins of, but highly suspected to be either Dutch or Portuguese (can’t remember which)
They are the “Great Zimbabwe” ruins and date back to the 11th century.
Great Zimbabwe
Deus has awfully loose lips when it comes to Maxima. He can’t stop himself from yapping.
I’ve tried to stick it out, but I’m done with thus racist Tarzan-ass character and the whole “I can buy Africa” storyline. I was one of the first paytons, but I am out.
Sounds like things are unfolding as he had hoped, avoiding wasteful wars and inciting the corrupt governments to self-destruct and join up with Gaylyn. Sure he’s white, but racist? Skin color doesn’t make a person racist. That opinion IS racist. Deus is a Super-smart person, stupid people tend to be racist, and it isn’t a one-way street either. I grew up in Gary, Indiana area, back in the 70’s and I’m white. I didn’t see skin color, just people, struggling to survive a rescission.
Deal with it.
I’m thinking back through all what we’ve seen him do and I honestly can’t think of anything that would be considered legitimately racist. Well, unless you think “white guy kills black guy” is always racist, but Deus killing the former head of Galtyn had nothing to do with race and everything to do with the guy being unwilling to give up his corruption and work with Deus. Sydney commented on the slavery parallel with the Galtyn supers (who are almost all black, but that’s because Galtyn is almost all black) being assigned to work for Tom’s army, but they made it pretty clear that it was a voluntary assignment with awesome pay and benefits (think of it as being like a company you work for offering you an opportunity to go work with a client company in another country, with you getting a sizable pay raise for the duration of your time there).
I mean, I get not liking the “Great White Savior” trope, but that doesn’t really seem to be what’s in play here. I mean, Deus [i]does[/i] seem to have the goal of “civilizing the savage barbarians,” but the savage barbarians in this case aren’t the black population of Africa, they are the bulk of the human population of Earth, of all creeds and nations. He’s just starting in Africa because it’s actually a pretty solid place to start – the large amounts of corruption in many of their governments (which is by no means an Africa-specific thing), combined with their economic insecurity, makes it easier to get an initial foothold, and when you take over and actually start improving the lives of the common people (instead of just the elites at the top), that’s going to make the populace actually prefer you being in power. The large amounts of available natural resources gives you a good starting point to start building things up properly, and turning such a nation around in a relatively-short period of time is going to turn heads.
Also, he’s ostensibly the villain, so presumably he gets his comeuppance eventually.
That’s debatable. Deus is something of an anti-villain. He has plans for world domination, but he intends to accomplish this by genuinely making people’s lives better so they’ll want him in control, and he’s willing to play the long game to see it done. His role also isn’t antagonistic toward the heroes – while he does keep critical information from them (so far, mostly information regarding Sciona), he’s largely doing his own thing, and is also a benefactor of the team (note his and Maxima’s history, as mentioned on the “finger quote” page Dave linked in his commentary, involved them discussing the plans for Archon over a series of meetings – which Deus regarded as business meetings and Maxima thought were dates, at at least attempts at dates; I believe it’s been stated that some of their equipment comes from Machina Industries, including Maxima’s rebreather). I’m not saying he can’t/won’t get some comeuppance at some point and fail in his plans for world domination, but it seems less likely, narratively-speaking, than for a more typical villain.
Yeah, the whole Deus storyline would play better if he were black.
I’ll bite. How so?
Because White Man Bad, obviously.
More seriously, my guess is that people are seeing Deus as falling into the “Great White Savior” trope. I feel there are some critical parts missing for that, however. The White Savior typically removes all agency from the POC that he’s saving, while Deus’ MO seems to be more guiding and empowering (possibly literally, given the high incidence rate of supers in Galytn). Additionally, there’s normally an element of “White Man’s Burden,” but Deus’ actions here are not altruistic – this is a stepping stone to World Domination, it’s just that he’s realized helping people is a lot more effective than directly conquering them for that.
Naturally, if he were black, I’d imagine we’d have plenty of people complaining about that. “Oh, he’s a black man lusting after white women, tell me you’re a racist without telling me you’re a racist, Dave;” “Why does the black man have to be a horndog who apparently fucks everything with tits;” etc. Heck, it may be that part of his backstory won’t work very well with him being black – maybe he was originally a Norseman who went Viking and found something akin to Maxima’s implied geode symbiote that turned him into a super, or a Trojan who escaped the sacking of the city (or he’s actually the guy that inspired the stories about Prometheus), or any number of other things.
The White Savior trope, come in to save the natives, is tired and racist. It smacks of colonialism and the notion that “those people” need someone from outside to lead them.. If Deus were African, none of that baggage would be there.
Or, I suppose, if he was making his move in another continent besides Africa.
Wouldn’t that make him more sympathetic though? He’s nominally a villain. He should seem like a bad guy. He should make the reader uncomfortable.
I think what really makes many readers uncomfortable with him is that in many ways, he a hero-coded character who’s intentionally playing at being a villain, so readers think he’s the author’s mouthpiece, and that anything awful he does reflects poorly on the author. If he were villain-coded, readers would just accept the things he does as normal villain behavior, and it wouldn’t cause such internal dissonance.
He’s really not a villain. He doesn’t have villainous motives, he has benevolent motives that happen to make him a profit in the process. He prefers making deals to killing (even with someone like the previous warlord of Galytn, who was a complete monster), and only will resort to violence as a last resort. He also seems to want to protect the weak and helpless – it doesnt look like he’s doing it because of race either… it’s because of people being subjugated by oppressive dictators. That seems rather heroic.
He may not have villainous motives, but every move has been villainous, and he (and you) damn well know it, but he hides it behind his motives (and his minions: “it wasn’t me who killed the former King, it was her, she was just told to make him sick enough to abdicate, not kill him!”)
“it wasn’t me who killed the former King,”
Former murderous tyrant warlord who was torturing and disappearing his own people while he was taking any foreign aid meant for them so he could build more luxury palaces for himself, you mean.
” it was her, she was just told to make him sick enough to abdicate, not kill him!”
You do remember that at that point, the former murderous warlord tyrant was ordering his men to throw Deus off the roof, right? And he (the former murderous warlord tyrant) had already been committing more atrocities, caught on hundreds of hours of film that were so evil that when his own son saw even a fraction of the crimes against humanity that had been perpetrated by his father, the aforementioned son wound up siding with Deus?
That doesnt seem particularly villainous. It’s like saying Seal Team 6 was villainous for killing Osama Bin Laden, or if someone had managed to murder Hitler that they would have been villainous rather than heroes.
That’s sort of the thing. His moves are NOT villainous, they’re rather heroic, but he enjoys putting on a villain cosplay without actually doing anything villianous. He just likes the tropes. It’s why he has that lightning screen installed. I wouldnt be surprised if that’s why he has the X on his face.
I think we’re all well aware of your opinion on Deus, but surely a lawyer like you knows what the word “nominally” means, don’t you?
Yes I do. I’m just still going to counter a statement of him being a villain though – nominally or otherwise. He’s a hero who likes playing with the villain tropes from the Evil Overlord list, but all of his goals have been quite the opposite of villainous, and his moves have been benefitting not only his people, but the world as well. His actions constantly try to minimize or eliminate violence as a method, and when violence is used he tries to direct it at actual evil people (and preferably people who are in the process of trying to kill him first, like with the previous murderous warlord of Galytn).
Even though it’s *never* going to happen,I’d support these two as a couple. Because Deus , as we have seen have seen him, is someone you can trust at his word. He’ll do what he sees as ‘the right thing’ and for the majority of people it will be . He’s as goofy as Syd and Max could do with someone who encourages her more human aspects, even though in too many ways she denies having them.
South African here – it’s gradually phasing out as the internet is a thing, but you still get the “what, you mean you don’t have lions roaming the streets?” sentiment, particularly from Americans for some reason.
Nice to have some recognition. The country’s certainly got some problems (bad crime, large-scale corruption, and power infrastructure that’s barely coping with demand) and definitely a lot of barely-inhabited space populated by some few remaining indigenous tribes, but it’s pretty much the same as many other European countries some would consider “first-world” in many regards, the closer you get to the more populated areas.
I’m French did you have an idea of your homicide rate…
in South Africa it’s 27,272 intentional homicides for 62 millions population (2022) with a density 50.8/km² rate: 45.534/100 000
in France it’s 887 intentional homicides for 68 millions population (2023) with a density of 108/km². rate 1.335/100 000
In South Africa you have about 34 times the chances of being murdered … It’s a lot, in US compared to France its only 4,3 times the chances of being murdered.
The statistic used is United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reports, and France is in general trustworthy of his data to the UN.
In the most violent territory under French administration Collectivity of Saint Martin in the West Indies in the Caribbean 35,334 inhabitants and 10 homicides in 2016 a rate of 28.727/ 100 000
Even if I cherry pick statistics in France ,it’s much lower than in South Africa.
You have a proble about homicide rate
Only Turks and Caicos Islands , United States Virgin Islands , Jamaica and Ecuador have an higher homicide rate than South Africa.
Number wise only Brazil (-2022- 203 millions of inhabitants 44,367 intentional homicides), Nigeria (-2019- 230 millions 44,200 intentional homicides) , India (-2023- 1.3 Billions of inhabitants 40,130 intentional homicides ) and Mexico ( -2023- 130 millions of inhabitants 32,252 )
US has less intentional homicides than South Africa ( -2023- 337 millions of inhabitants 19,796 homicides )
Appart Jamaica and Ecuador South Africa is the most homicide prone sovereign territory.
France as comparable population to South Africa and the difference of voluntary homicides number 887 vs 27,272 is gargantuan …
I’ve been to Turks and Caicos. If it has a high homicide rate it’s because there really aren’t that many people on the islands (Wikipedia says just under 50,000), so even one more in a year causes a spike in the rate.
Probably the other islands you mention are similar. Not sure what’s going on with Ecuador; low-level civil war?
Quasi civil war since 2018, criminal organisations with with connections to drug trafficking had de facto control of Ecuadorian prisons ( In total, 503 inmates were murdered in the country during 2021 alone)
The most violent areas in the country includes the cantons of Guayaquil, Durán and Samborondón. It saw 53 murders between January and February 2021 and 162 in the same period in 2022
For Turks and Caicos it’s the same thing than the french Collectivity of Saint Martin low population… I but South Africa is comparable in population size to France or UK.
So Deus is playing ‘Risk’ for real, eh?
Also, I love his taste in music = Holst is awesome!
… I really think Deus & Maxima would be a great couple, if only he would REALLY be a white hat.
Johnny Carson: The Hat Puzzle.
I’m sure Deus can at least figure out on his own his hat colour.
Maxima is not a small woman, but Deus is huge, tower several inches taller than her and his hands are almost twice the size of hers.
Maxima is pretty large 1,84 m 1,85 m (6’1″).. Deus is about 2 m ( 6’6″-6’7″) Kenya (Anvil) height . …He will be between a 130-140 kg (287 to 309 lbs) baby …
Physically he”s large even for a super Hiro is 1,87-1,88 m (6’2″), Stalwart 1,93 m( 6’4″), and Math a “super mundane” 1,80 m (5’11”).
Deus is huge for an human and for a superhero in this universe it’s the equivalent of 1,90 m ( 6’3″) in the real word , large but not freakingly huge, Hiro being in this case superhero equivalent of the 5’10” dude the Joe Average …
Lore does say (not sure where) that humans with superpowers are 4 to 5 inches taller than average.
I wonder which way the causation arrow goes. Do tall people get power more often, or does the power manifest in greater height? Do you end up growing a lot as a teenager, or are you big even as a baby?
I suppose that fits in with when powers manifest. Max had at least one surprise in (I think) either high school or college. But perhaps that’s a function of the “geode” instead of her “native” powers (it’s pretty heavily hinted that she was a latent super before getting dowsed). I’m assuming that powers almost never manifest before puberty and generally not before the person is an adult and capable of being discreet about using them. Otherwise I doubt the world would be as close to ours as it is.
“I forgot about that but someone linked that page in the comments for the previous comic.”
That would be me. Last comic. Yesterday. :) Although I was pointing out Deus’s history of giving gifts.
PS – again today’s comic is particularly well drawn, shading or no shading (ok there actually is some shading with the hat, etc, but you know what I mean). ESPECIALLY with the facial expressions of both Deus and Maxima (panels 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8…. wow), how he can draw hands so well (hands are freaking hard to draw well), and the size comparison of the different characters. When I look at how the comic used to look versus how it looks now, I’m astounded at how amazingly good DaveB’s artwork has become (on top of how the story has always been great as it is).
“Filled them all up and haven’t even touched the hanging clothes. ”
I’ve moved about…. 6 times in all. At least 6 times since I started living on my own, that is. Last time I moved, I think I used almost 80 boxes, although MOST were banker boxes (plus a few non-banker boxes from previous moves that I had kept).
Two moves ago I bought two wardrobe boxes so that I could pack all my hanging clothes. Did you use a U-Haul or a moving company or have you been doing this all in your own car/SUV/van? I wound up keeping the wardrobe boxes because they were SO useful.
Btw I keep cracking up whenever I see the first panel with Sydney chasing after Slam with her new bat’leth.
M: Gonna lose your air-quote privileges soon…
D: How would that-Ohhhhh, because my knuckles would be broken. I do love a creative threat.
I just now noticed Max’s lipstick and nails, probably due to becoming aware of certain things in recent times.
They’re a very specific shade of red that was popularized in the 1940s, specifically because Hitler hated red lipstick and nails in general. So that shade was developed to be as red as red can be, and named “Victory Red” and incorporated into the female uniform for the US Marines at the time.
I don’t know if this is intentional on Dave’s part, it seems very in keeping with Max’s character.
That’s Max’s natural lip color. I don’t know if anything’s ever been said about her nails. Dave may have chosen the color for those reasons regardless… But it could just as easily be because of the name.
Maxi isn’t wearing lipstick…
Maxima’s lips are naturally red. She isnt wearing lipstick.
(last panel by Heatwave)
I don’t know about the nails though.
Have we established exactly where in Africa Galytn is located? I know it’s not a real country, but unlike, say, Wakanda or Equatorial Kundu, the politics of its neighbors is apparently starting to become relevant.
Did you read his blurb at all? He mentions Deus pushed through Mozambique in his push to the sea, following the Zambezi River. So, northwestern Mozambique, southeastern Zambia, likely centered around the Cahora Bassa.
the talk here is about every country directly north of South Africa agreeing to come under him, basically.
I was just wondering if we’d seen it on a map or something. I feel like there was something like that a while ago, but can’t remember when.
There hasn’t been an actual map far as I can see, but he did mention the countries surrounding Galytn a few times, which includes the DRC (which is the nation that Galytn broke away when it was called Zaire during its internal civil wars from according to comic #387). The comic also mentions that Galytn was already in conflict on all sides (in addition to its own civil war), and elsewhere it’s mentioned that two of those warring countries were Mozambique and Zambia.
So most likely, Galytn is located at the bottommost tip of the DRC and middle of Zambia, which would put it near the DRC, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Malawi.
Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique, and very close to the DRC and Botwana.
Well, there is now, I guess I was one strip early in predicting that one…
But screwing around is the best part!
Ah, Plague Inc where you have to start in Madagascar (or Greenland) otherwise they’ll be unreachable by the end unless you get lucky or have set the game to be very generous.
I have to say, the fact that of all the flyspeck islands in the middle of the Atlantic you could have chosen you landed on Ascension Island is very interesting. The airfield there you reference is the one where they launched Operation Black Buck during the Falklands War from. So, of all of the random little nothings in the middle of the ocean, you did find a pretty historically significant one! :D
It seems like Deus’ fingers have an extra joint in the last panel. I am sure they are not able to bend to that degree.
I remember that game.
I started in Madagascar always, and while I got the port to lock on me 95% of the time before I do anything when I could get out I was able to win the game without having a Madagascar port lock ruin the ending 95% of the time.
This saved me probably 20h approx, before beating the game the first time.
Won’t be long before Galtyn starts rivaling the British Commonwealth in Africa.
If Deus gets Zimbabwe reformed, he could use it to get access to the Commonwealth of Nations, which would give him/Galtyn access to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Caribbean, Melanesia, Micronesia, Polynesia, Asia, Europe, and Belize.
I would expect Kenya to be a nice Equator potential target for development, if one has obtained technology sufficient to put up Space Elevators along the tallest Mountain region on the Equator, with reasonably stable geology.
Semi-related thought, wonder how many covert AF Satellites that the Colonel has put into orbit.
I imagine Major and Colonel’s flight suits may incorporate radar absorbing materials, and likely would have requested that similar be used for ARCSWAT. Not likely effective in Galytn.
Revision. Highest on Eastern Hemisphere.
How does him gaining access to Occupied Rhodesia allow him to move into Australasia?
Russia’s apparently causing a fair amount of localised problems in Africa currently
China too.
IRL Number of Wagner incidents by Country:
1 Angola
1 Mauritania
1 Ghana
3 Democratic Republic of Congo
3 Niger
5 Chad
5 Sudan
8 Libya
9 Mozambique
10 Burkina Faso
561 Mali
586 Central African Republic
Oh yes , in Mali since 2021 and the end of operation Serval (2013) and Barkane 2014-2021, Assimi Goïta and his junta had severed the ties with France , employed Wagner Group , responsible of the Moura massacre ( 300 civilians killed at least , and the white soldier are not french speakers ) the targeted goup was Fulani people …
Ethnic massacre is perpetuated by both sides … The french army is not composed of angels but has the same code of conduct as the US – no ethnic cleansing – , unlike Wagner who is eager to to do it.
Isn’t Sydney a public official and is therefore not allowed to take gifts? I kinda think that our girl won’t have a lot of opportunity to play with that Bat’leth for much longer – and not just because she should not be trusted with it^^
Granted, Sydney is the LAST person I’d give any kind of melee weapon, unless she was alone in a large open area. By her own statement it’s too heavy for a 95-100 lbs gal with AHDH to use in any fashion. My guess is it’ll hang on her wall after she gets it out of her system. After the cartoon bit of her staggering around while it vibrates in her hands from hitting Max. The one’s in TNG were made of light-weight aluminum and dull, Deus said this was was made from high-carbon steel, it’d take someone as big as me and up to learn how to use it, not that hyperactive slip of a gal like her.
Re the quotes thing, my head-canon for the Harry Potter ‘verse is that Voldemort hates them and crucios any Death Eater he sees using them, because they can’t do that and use a wand simultaneously.
We really don’t see enough depictions of people suffering horrible accidents because they are talking and using air quotes instead of e.g. driving properly, holding onto safety rails, etc.
TBF, considering DRTC/Zaire’s history since decolonization, getting annexed by Galytn is infinitely better than continuing being run by DRTC’s own political groups.
For Street view in some countries you should use a local alternative to Google Maps.
In Russia they use Yandex Maps and though it does not cover the whole land, they have amassed a lot of pictures and panoramas of the country.
Check out any of the panoramas around Yakutsk, for example:
Does Deus canonically have extra finger joints? Some sort of evolutionary thing?
Just in case, Street view is totally available in Russia, and a lot of it! It’s just not done by Google there, but rather by Yandex maps.
Don’t know about Zambia, but ‘Zimbabwe’ is in need of a good annexing… even if it is SmugD and his corrupt bullshit
That country has been a complete shithole for the last forty odd years
Sciona is wisely staying out of line of sight of Sydney behind Deus –way behind– to avoid getting a thrown weapon crit fumble on “playing with pointy metal things” for 100.