Grrl Power #134 – Sobriquet Quest
OMG So many word bubbles!
Again, my inexperience with writing/presenting something in a sequential fashion is showing here. I thought I would get through all this first day content long before I built an appreciable audience, so I didn’t think to make this a “reveal” of sorts. It would have been fun to have everyone join in with suggestions in the comments, but oh well, lesson learned.
I had the idea of orbs that grant powers floating around someone, but the rest of the character never really coalesced, partially because the name never did. A lot of the stupid names on this page are things I had thought of over the years. Not seriously considered obviously, though I do kind of like Nucleus. Sometimes I build a character around a cool sounding name or power set, sometimes their look or personality comes first. In Sydney’s case, despite her, let’s say… personality concentrate, the power set came first. I have a oooold drawing or two of someone who had the orbs, (which I’ll probably save for a vote incentive or bonus material for the eventual book) but she was older and Indian. Also she was named Nike, after the goddess of victory, not the shoe company obviously. I never really liked that since the name is ubiquitously tied to shoes now. I bet most of you didn’t even know there was a goddess named Nike. In the very early days of this comic, I was planning on using that character in Sydney’s place, but I dropped the idea because when it comes down to it, I don’t really know enough about India to do a character justice, certainly not a main character.
I’ve broken my own rule here by adding characters to the Who’s Who before they were properly introduced in the comic, but I also have Hiro and Stalwart hold an extended conversation on this page so best to add them. I’ll have to give them an actual intro soon.
Thanks to everyone who voted in the ComicMix tournament, we made it to the sweet 16 but couldn’t keep up with the deluge of votes from Ava’s Demon. Not bad for the comic’s first showing. Next year we’ll have to strive to get to the quarterfinals at least.
Bubblehead. I would have called her…Bubblhead.
I’d imagine that’d driver her ball-istic.
How about Ballblazer?
Yes, as some will be recalling, it was the name of an 8-bit computer game, developed by Lucasfilm Games and published by Activision in 1985. No idea if they’ve still got a claim on the name. Still, it chimes with her personality, and fits her power objects and preference in food.
As a Jareth fan and avid readded i approve this page XD
hmm, seems you guys weren’t paying attention the name’s Halo, otherwise why would it be there when you look up her data?
alot of these people are kidding around. Read the comments by the author. You’ll see he remarks how he kind of wishes he hadn’t revealed the name so soon so there could have been speculation just like with “what is inside the tube” for so long. So basically we are humoring him.
yeah I caught that but, I’ve always been the straight man and I like to keep with what I know…
How about “Orbital”?
Since they do orbit around her… yes well maybe not so imaginative!
Assuming the game series Halo exists in this universe, I suspect she would have picked a spoof on “Master Chief” instead of “Halo”, just so that villains (and non-geeks/nerds) would puzzle over the connection until they realized it was related to “Halo”, and saw the orbs hovering around her.
Just to screw with people. Cuz… you know… Sydney.
Spectrum? With all the colors, and the glowing.
My first thought on that was: “There was a version of Ballblazer for the ZX Spectrum…” >:=)geek)>
well i’ll stay simple
Her name shall be… ORB!
just look at the top of the page where they show the heroes and their names under her face it says Halo, I’d say that’s her name, you can’t argue when it’s listed can you?
It’s the Internet, dude. People will argue about absolutely ANYTHING.
No we won’t!
Nitro-Gen based off having 7 floaty things orbiting her and her EXPLOSIVE temper
I know her name’s already been chosen, but these came to me as my mind was wandering… besides, I have a natural addiction to making lists…
Sphere Factor
Solar Sister (play on Solar System which makes her the sun)
Fast Ball
Curve Ball
Screw Ball (sorry, couldn’t resist)
Sister Satellite
Ovoid At All Costs
Nice name (yours that is). Although I suspect the one you could not resist is likely to be used by more than a few folks in comic!
I’d cast a vote for Orbit. Not only is it accurate, but it’s exactly the kind of super-hero pun that Sydney would appreciate.
I actually like Nucleus. :( I guess I’m alone in that though ^^”
I like Nucleus too.
Maybe something similar like Quark (which kind of sounds like quirk)
But I guess that’s only when she’s in that crazy orbs go everywhere mode, normally they are just floating above her head.
I quite like the juggler but it sounds like a villans name.
How about this: she decides she wants to use “Captain”. as in “Captain Obital”, “Captain Bubbles”, “Captain Powerball”, or something similar. But the rest of the team just can’t see her that way. So they call her “Kid Orbital”, “Kid Bubbles”, or whatever.
The Amazing Testicle Girl?
Queeg was the guy from The Caine Mutiny that always rolled a pair of small marbles in his hand, so you could call her that. Bizarre name for a bizarre person.
Orbit O:-)
Sydney of the celestial spheres.
Well, seven spheres…if she also has the power to derp, then she can be “Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon Moon.”
OMG a Pan’s Labyrinth reference.
I officially love you. <8
Jareth the Goblin King!
The Bowler’s kid? Baby Bowler? Is that Carmine’s skull in that ball?
Is that Mr. Shrapnell in the background in the second to last panel?
No, it’s the guy in the armor who picked up Achilles and Amorphous from the bank.
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If Max is as strong as implied in the rest of the story and his stats I would say that these people who beat him was with using super powers.
As to how he would beat who:
Heathwave: fast hitting, deals a lot of damage and doesn’t allow the heath to affect you fast enough.
Hiro: Judo like, try using his own momentum against him and if you can manage pin him to a hard surface as energy efficient as possible. Really hard hitting could also do.
Harem: being faster, punching so hard that it imobilises and keeping a good view of the battle field.
Stalward: High level Judo should do, use his own momentum against him to throw him on the ground and use your best hold to avoid him from escaping. really hard hitting could also do.
Anvil: Judo/Krachmaka/anything else that requires as little of your momentum to keep the other down.
Achilles: everything that involves a strong hold(maybe deadly under normal circumstances.)
Electric powered: hard punching.
Dabbler: power set too unclear.
Maxima: you lose, unless it’s without active powers then: possibly deadly holding or super hard hits(she can be harmed)
For what it’s worth, the answer to the question about Labyrinth was “The Goblin King” — which, yes, would be appropriate xD