Grrl Power #1339 – Qaplonk’
SYDNEY: “Wait, how am I a danger to myself?”
MAXIMA: “Well, you did you just hit your superior officer with a deadly weapon… even if it’s decidedly non-deadly to me. Still, you did just volunteer to peel every potato in…”
SYDNEY: //fidgeting with bat’leth, drops it on foot.//
SYDNEY: “Ow! Ow! OW! Back of the handle right on the long bones!”
MAXIMA: “Also that.”
If you were an agent of chaos, handing Sydney a giant, awkward, heavy, bladed thing isn’t the worst plan. Or giving her artifacts that grant her amazing superpowers. I’m not suggesting Deus had anything to do with that, but… if he had been in a position to arrange it, he certainly would have considered it.
I think a proper, steel bat’leth would weigh about 20-25 pounds? Depending entirely on how thick it was. The prop that Worf had on the show looked like it was maybe 1/3″ thick, and almost certainly not made of steel. Maybe aluminum? I could probably google it. Hmm. I found a prop replica, 1/4″ thick, made of aluminum, weighing in at 4 pounds. Honestly I thought Worf’s bat’leth looked like a dull nerf weapon if not for the way it caught the light sometimes. I’d assume they’d have two versions of the prop – a dangerously sharp one for display and closeups, then a HEMA or SCA safe version for twirling around and stage fights. The Sword of Kahless looked way chonkier and sharper. I found a “full size” prop on Amazon for sale made of steel, but it weighed less than a pound, because it looked about as thin as a piece of sheet metal. If the prop on the show was made of steel, I’m sure it would be impractically heavy. At least for a human to wield in a fight.
Klingons were supposedly something like 4 or 5 times stronger than humans, but that was just something the writers said. The guys staging the fights never got the memo, because human starfleet officers almost never lost a fight to one on camera. Major Kira, beanpole that she was, won every melee she got into against a klingon if I recall correctly. Oh, but she was an expert guerilla combatant, you say? That’s fine if she’s lacing the hallways with claymores, but I distinctly remember her blocking an overhead strike from a klingon by holding her phaser rifle sideways, then shunting the bat’leth off to the side, then hitting the klingon with the rifle, and he went down. That was definitely just lazy “main character VS. the one-hit-die schlub” writing, but really, a woman (and it was never established if bajorans had any particular strength or skeletal advantage over humans, so let’s just assume that Major Kira was as strong as a fit, slender human woman), a woman blocking an overhead strike from a man who, as most guys cast as kingons go, probably had six inches on her and a hundred pounds… Okay, sure. I can see that happening. If she meets the strike just right and yes, she has a decade of experience as a soldier. Not impossible. If her opponent was a human male and was only twice her strength. However, if that guy is 4 times as strong as her – and really – a female klingon would be 4 times as strong as her. A male klingon would probably be closer to six to eight times as strong as her, her arms would have buckled or her shoulders would have dislocated, or her rifle would have been ripped out of her grip (let’s assume the rifle is made of space polymers and doesn’t just snap in half) and that bat’leth should slammed into her brainpan.
So I submit to you that klingons were nowhere near 4 times stronger than humans. 40% stronger, maybe.
You know what’s weird and unnecessary? You won’t guess what I’m going to write, so I’ll just tell you. Memory Alpha had a wiki page for an “hour.” Is it a space-hour that takes into account time dilation or some sort of galactic unit of time that’s different than a standard 20th century Earth hour? No. It’s just an hour. Why it needs a dedicated page on the Star Trek wiki is baffling to me, but it’s late as I write this so maybe I’m missing something obvious.
I’m going to try something with this new vote incentive.
This month, I’m closing on a new house, selling my Mom’s house, finishing packing Mom’s house, moving city to city to the new house, forwarding mail, canceling utilities, all that. And after that’s done, I get to start the process of selling my old house, which needs a little work before it can realistically go on the market.
SO. I’m going to try and do this vote incentive in stages. Currently it’s just pencils. The TopWebcomics one will update with colors and detail until we get to the no clothes versions, then that will continue over at Patreon. Also there will be a comic or two in between each version to fill out the story.
I know it’s hard to tell from just the pencils, but this is Heatwave and Jiggawatt. The comics will explain why they’re doing what they’re doing. Although I feel like even saying that much makes it easy to guess, but hopefully the journey will still amuse.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
This reminds me of one of the early episodes of Star Trek: lower decks, only it was Mariner swinging the Bat’lef and accidentally slicing into Boingler’s thigh…
My son had bought a replica katana off a friend that was hard up for cash, got it for $250. First thing he did was try a few swings, I told him to go away from everyone asap!
Get the kid into classes… Or at the VERY least, Buy him a Bokken ASAP; take away the Katana, and let him practice with that until he proves that he’s not a danger to himself and others!
Also, FYI…a “Katana” is a type of sword design, not a specific weapon…so there is no such thing as a “Replica Katana” (unless it’s made out of pot metal or something; or it’s a direct copy of some Game/Anime/Actual-Historical version)
it’s possible the OP meant it was for looks only, like a replica gun; won’t shoot, looks cool; won’t slice, looks cool
Problem with replica blades is, they are sharp as heck and slice real good, but they are tempered deliberately to break into a thousand shrapnels like a frag grenade if they hit anything harder than boneless jelly. You can do real harm with it, you just can’t use it in a fight.
…. i am surprised it did not damage Maxima’s shirt after all Maxima is the mostly invincible one not her clothes.
Maxima’s durability extends a short distance from her body, it was first mentioned in the big restaurant fight and explicitly mentioned here
Max also has a bad time in general with explosions, most of the ones we’ve seen her caught in have managed to damage her clothing for one reason or another… either because they were very powerful explosions or because she wasn’t durability focused at the time.
As a matter of fact, her durability comes from a telekinetic field that just barely covers her, which includes her clothes to a certain degree
So her clothes are, as a matter of fact, mostly invincible.
Similar to Supergirl or Superman’s kryptonian biomatrix or Superboy’s tactile telekinesis.
Adorkable! Now we need Halo plushies with spring-loaded blade launchers!
The skalagrim channel on YouTube did some reviews and tests of the Bat’leth that are entertaining. According to lore the weapon is 5.3 kilos, this is still ludicrously heavy as that makes it heavier than a Landsknecht Zweihänder greatsword which maxes out at 4kg and is a bit over two meters long.
One shudders to imagine what Syd would do with a nearly seven foot long greatsword.
then again, Klingons are rather a bit taller than humans, and by far have a stronger build.
Though, Jadzia likely still spanks most of them in Sto’vo’kor.
5.3 kg is 11.6 lbs.
I have a cheap wall hanger Bat’leth and that thing is heavy, so I can only imagine how heavy a proper carbon steel one is.
my mom had a guy at a ren fair make her a bat’leth, it was oversized, and indeed heavy, but it was still only maybe 12 pounds.
Oh sure a bat’leth “looks” cool, but let’s face it: no one who would actually have to use such a thing in combat would design a weapon like that.
Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a reviewer that’s held one badmouth it. Those prongs are great for parrying and catching incoming weapons, and the different grips allow for a lot of versatility in transitional attacks. There are some chinese weapons that actually share a lot similarities with it, like deer horn knives, so some people would in fact design them like that for use in actual combat.
The only real reason you don’t see more weapons like that in history is because they take a lot of steel and training, which tends to be true of a lot of more exotic weapon designs. Why make 10 bat’leth that take 15 years of training to use competently, when you could use that same steel to make 100 spears that take 15 days of training to use passably.
Someone with human strength couldn’t hold the blade toward an opponent when the blades clash. It’d twist in their hands so the blade would come back toward the person holding the weapon.
Major Kira wasn’t human, she was a Bajoran. That particular line of reasoning only establishes that Bajorans are close to Klingons in strength, not that humans are.
Weight? Surely a REAL Klingon wants to get the weight up. An osmium batleth comes immediately to mind.
If the Star trek universe contains ‘neutronium’, I’m pretty sure it has some lightweight, tougher than steel alloys that would be used for thinbgs like edged weapons.
You need mass in a cutting weapon and that mass needs to be in the right places, rapiers are generally as heavy or heavier than longswords but don’t usually cut as well since the weight distribution and blade shape isn’t designed for it.
I highly doubt that high carbon steel would be the alloy of choice in that setting and a more durable material would be used, possibly even a composite, ceramic, or polymer of some sort that would do sa much better job.
If stuck with steel, I’d think 1/4″ would be plenty thick enough, comparable to a lot of historical swords but stronger due to width and shape, probably with a mass of 5-6 lbs, or zweihander weight, not unwieldy but not very efficeint either without a few adjustments to the overall shape. Great against another bat’leth, but kind of slow against other swords, even if the reach can be extended by shifting the grip to one end.
The material that Bat’Leths are made of in Star Trek is a reinforced composite metal alloy called ‘baakonite’ according to Memory Alpha.
Oh no, now Sciona knows Sydney’s main weakness! Shiny and/or awesome thingies!
I vote that Sydney’s “Punishment” is to train with the Bat’leth for 2 hours every day; with Math (…or another Super with preternatural Martial Weapons skills)
C’MON…Max is creative-enough to come up with that!
According to Google, an actual bat’leth weights 12 lbs.
According to Cutlery Imports, a 48″ (4 foot) Steel (not aluminum) Bat’leth with a black leather wrapped handles weights only 5 lbs.
I found other carbon steel ones around the same size (45-48″) that weigh around the same amount, give or take a pound.
If it’s $149…I GUARANTEE that it’s not the actual thickness of a Canon Bat’leth (Steel is a *lot* heavier, and more expensive, than that per square inch.)
(YES, I *AM* the “Um, Actually” guy.)
I’m just letting you know what it says on the ad. There are actually a lot of them ranging in price between $150 to $300 that I’ve seen online from a casual search.
I’m a blacksmith and I made a Bat’leth for a martial artist friend. It was made from high carbon steel and sharp. It was a surprisingly good weapon, with nice balance for two handed use. IIRC it was designed by a guy who had experience with some of the odder Chinese crescent blades. It was a bit heavier than an average one handed sword, but not by much. Probably about 2kg? But I guess Dues would have known how much the show said they weigh (5.3kg) and had it made that one to weight, which would definitely make it unwieldy for a human.
There’s a DS9 scene where Jadzia Dax enters a Klingon training scenario in the holosuite and has the computer whip her up a bat’leth to her specifications of weight and dimensions. That implies to me that in addition to the “standard” size for mass production, it’s not unusual to have advanced practitioners customize their blades for their size and other requirements. I think Deus would have it scaled to Sydney’s height and weight. She’s just a klutz that’s lacking in arm strength.
Am I the only one vaguely disappointed that Cthillia is still, er, not “normal” looking? Last we saw her she only needed nine more victims to charge the unsheathable knife, and Deus has since gone through another war or two, and mentioned getting rid of corrupt officials therein, so I would have thought she’d have charged it all up. Makes me wonder if she’s suddenly hesitant or if there’s something she needs to have done before she’d get the results she wants.
That’s a good question that I gave some thought myself. Maybe there are definite limits to how much radical a change the Epimorph can implement in one go. We know it is able to change a body from male orc to sexy ‘Space Drow’ female (and give her a magical boob job as a bonus) with one use, but that still works within the boundaries of vanilla fantasy/sci-fi humanoid species. Maybe to transform something as unique, exotic, and radically inhuman as a reptilian/humanoid beholder requires multiple uses of the artifact, Cthillia is still partway in the transition process, and she keeps her visage strictly and carefully hidden until it’s complete. We know she usually does until she settled her body issues to her satisfaction, and only made a onetime exception for Sydney because she pestered her into maddened exasperation with her relentless befriending.
Issue (Sub!)Title! Max’s last comment on this page.
I mean, it could be the title/subtitle of most, if not all issues.
I do smithing too. 4 lbs of aluminum would be 12 lbs of the same in steel. Most real swords were about between about 1.5 to 4 lbs, and you get pretty tired with them pretty fast. But…prop weapons are usually overbuilt so they don’t chip, break, and otherwise come apart, so you usually end up with something much heavier than you’d use in real life.
Real weapons get chipped, bent, and broken in use. The last thing you want during a show though is to have a pretty boy like Worf have a shard of steel come off the edge at time and a half the sound barrier and go in his leg or his face.
That’s so awesome!
I can’t wait until Sydney figures out she can use it with her light hook.
hmmm. Sydney is standing next to 2 people that would severely injure (as far as she is concerned) and others on site aren’t indestructible. And she swung a weapon without looking with her eyes closed. That’s really pushing the bounds of “played for laughs”. Basically, how would a soldier get punished for grabbing a gun from the wall and firing it towards the targets on a range without looking if anyone was down range or even in front of her at their stations? I’m guessing it wouldn’t be pretty when the range master got to them.
It seems Sydney may well be in for another dose of Archon’s favored punishment for errant operatives, exercise to exhaustion. Especially effective for someone like her that isn’t exceptionally fit like Superion-field channelers. The dungeon construction site lacks a track field, but its terrain got flattened, so I guess its perimeter would do in a pinch. Or she may be in for that once they get back to base, as Maxima deems best.
I wonder if Sydney’s two Light Hooks working together are able to lift twice the weight or if the total lifting capacity is split between them.
I’m still hoping this whole mind control schtick ends with Maxima going “Escorpia you are under arrest” because her Tattoo got matched to the body’s former occupant and ARC just assuming she’s stepped up her game of drug induced mind control. Stick with nobody but Deus realizing she’s Sciona at least for now.
A canon compatible bat’leth weighs just under 12 lbs and is not a very good weapon. A bat’leth built for combat would weigh at most 5 lbs.
The props they use on screen are meant to be judicial weapons designed for judicial duels. Those are by design not very good weapons.
Wikis for fandoms have a weird tendency to define ordinary real-world things that happen to appear in the fiction as if the average reader was no more familiar with hours than with the history of the Radchaai Empire.
Probably when humanity goes extinct and nothing is left of us but our internet archives, alien archaeologists are going to end up learning a lot of basic knowledge from these sorts of niche wikis.
As I read this comic, I am listening to a 7.5 hour long documentary about the Dominion War.
Hey Dave!
I own a bat’leth blank from the show and the non-sharp areas are 1/4″ thick. That’s the area that would be the raw metal. Just figured I’d toss that out here.
Sorry! my bad they’re 1/2″ thick. Really thick suckers.
So I’m guessing the Vote incentive is Heatwave getting… “Even” with her boyfriend via the carefully controlled and 100% consensual succubus aura, but I’m willing to be proven wrong.
lol, yeah, that was certainly a plot line of all time. Glad it isn’t getting much attention anymore.
In a more serious comic, fans would call Syd being this reckless a sign of character regression/flanderizing.
Steel averages 2.5-3x the weight of aluminum, so more like 12 pounds? Still unwieldy, but not impossible to handle.