Grrl Power #1338 – Shadowcraft
Sciona’s managed to get herself on Maxima’s “More info needed” list. She’ll pass on her suspicions to Zephan about it he’ll assign someone to investigate further.
It’s got to be a party foul when you’re hanging out with people who can see in perfect darkness, and you light a cigar by emitting plasma from your fingertip. That’s quite a bit of contrast all at once. Of course, beings that can see in pitch black may not be doing it with some sort of visible light enhancement. They’re probably using infravision and, oh yeah, plasma is like 50,000 degrees. So, that would probably scar a Yautja’s retinas. Geeze, a lightning storm would blind whole cities on their world. (A yautja is a Predator, BTW.)
Oh, and Max didn’t exactly “shrug off” the 125mm round. Not that should couldn’t do it nowadays, but the T-72 event happened earlier in her career, and for P.R. reasons, she describes it as “shrugging off.” That scene may eventually be explained in the comic, but probably not as extensively as Peggy’s flashback.
I’m going to try something with this new vote incentive.
This month, I’m closing on a new house, selling my Mom’s house, finishing packing Mom’s house, moving city to city to the new house, forwarding mail, canceling utilities, all that. And after that’s done, I get to start the process of selling my old house, which needs a little work before it can realistically go on the market.
SO. I’m going to try and do this vote incentive in stages. Currently it’s just pencils. The TopWebcomics one will update with colors and detail until we get to the no clothes versions, then that will continue over at Patreon. Also there will be a comic or two in between each version to fill out the story.
I know it’s hard to tell from just the pencils, but this is Heatwave and Jiggawatt. The comics will explain why they’re doing what they’re doing. Although I feel like even saying that much makes it easy to guess, but hopefully the journey will still amuse.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Yeah, I gotta agree that was pretty inconsiderate. A quick “I’m lighting up” only takes a second or two, Maxima.
Between that and the smell (in a place that has no wind too), it’s about as considerate as a punch to the face.
A normal punch, not a Maxima super-punch.
Well that is one way of lighting up a conversation.
Accidental rizz.
Happens to supers all the time. Comes with the job.
Geeze, come on Max, there’s a “No Smoking” sign right there, can’t you see–oh, wait.
Ironically, given that Maxima still needs to breathe and a lot of the damage from smoke comes from all the garbage that get deposited into the lungs and then stays there, smoking very well actually kill her in the same sense that filling her lungs with sand might kill her.
Her super-lungs might be immune to damage, but if the oxygen can’t actually get close enough to the breathy bits to exchange molecules with her blood she may well expire from lack of oxygen getting to her brain one day.
It’s kind of fun to imagine that smoking is so goddamn hazarduous that not even genuine physical invincibility makes you completely immune to it if you still need to use your lungs for breathing. Hell even Achilles, if he needs to breathe and doesn’t have a regeneration factor that can actually transport the stuff outside his body, might eventually start struggling to breathe as his lungs fill up over a few decades.
Wait, did I say fun? I meant horrifying.
Achilles is canonically also immune to asphyxiation. Somehow. ^_^’
His superpower is, again, canonically, “annoying invincibility.”
Maybe if her lungs are invincible to damage she could inhale acid mist that could melt the gunk down into something that can be coughed up/out or something? I ain’t a chemist.
Or he just goes into some sort of torpor
*imagines Dr. McFireman attempting to deal with this situation*
*completely immature giggling*
“Please don’t develop a crush on her”
“Please DO!”
After getting used to the dark a bright light in your face would demand at least 30 minutes to get how it used to be. At least for human eyes.
I also want Spider-Thing to attempt to court Max.
As someone who’s spent a lot of time outdoors at night (camping, hunting, star gazing) and in a photography dark room (before everything went digital), I rate what Max did as well beyond a “party foul”. Drive up late to a star-party with your headlights on bright, then stepping out with a flashlight, and you’ll never be invited to another one.
It takes 20-30 minutes for human eyes to get to maximum light sensitivity. It isn’t just the pupils opening; it’s an actual chemical change in the retinas as they switch from photopic (low sensitivity, color) to scotopic (high sensitivity, little to no color) vision. You may think your eyes have fully adjusted after a few minutes, but you’re still a long way off.
Unfortunately, going the opposite way is much quicker, and low-light vision can be lost in an instant. I assume that vampires and whatever the other guy is can recover lost night vision more quickly than humans, but still.