For those wondering, Sciona’s boobs can become selectively sticky. Not THAT way, you pervs. Okay, also THAT way, but it’s certainly not how she’s doing it on these recent pages.

This page went through some editing, originally Sciona said something along the lines of knowing how manipulative Deus is so why would she put stock in any claim he makes, that was before he doubles down with the wager. But then I figured she wouldn’t actually admit he was good at manipulation, which would essentially be her admitting that she didn’t know how to respond and that he was indeed manipulating her. The thing with writing smart people is that I usually have to do several edits because I’m not nearly as smart as them. So my first draft usually has them acting and reacting to things on “our level.”

So my juvenile solution was to basically include some version of everything I was going to put on the page, only now Deus is saying out loud most of the stuff Sciona was going to say or think… in a slightly condescending way. There is a place for falsetto… mostly while reading female dialog while recording an audio book. But beyond that, it’s almost always slightly mocking, isn’t it? Especially when a guy, or heck, even a girl is doing it among a group of friends or to a woman’s face even.

To anyone unfamiliar with the “boobily” thing, it’s a reference to r/MenWritingWomen which features real quotes from books where male authors (and a few female ones) write women with a bizarre and/or creepy level of sexuality, like a young woman eating a sandwich while her nipples raged against the injustice of their confinement in the bra, or an actual passage from God Emperor of Dune where a character named Siona (who I just learned about this instant) wonders if she will experience an orgasm from watching Idaho climb something. As we all know, women are constantly on the brink of ecstasy, waiting for any man to do something vaguely manly so they can powerwash the inside of their own pants with their lady nectar.

Anyway, a seemingly endless stream of examples like this have led to sarcastic versions like “She breasted boobily down the stairs.” It’s possible Deus is simply testing the depth of Sciona’s pop-culture chops, as being familiar with The Princess Bride is a far cry from lurking on a particular subreddit.

And on a total derailment of my thought train, why is it called “The Princess Bride?” Buttercup is not a princess. If she married Humperdink, she would have become one, but spoiler, she doesn’t say “I do.” Sure, it’s a catchier title than “The Peasant Bride” or “The Serf Who Might Marry into the Nobility, Thereby Becoming a Princess” or “Level Up! The other Peasant Wenches Hate this One Trick!” I actually thought the title of the movie was “The Prince’s Bride” for a while, which would make more sense. Or “The Prince’s Fiancee,” really, but that’s kind of spoilery.

The new vote incentive is up! (Finally.)

I’m revisiting a panel from a recent page, but I included some comic reactions and a few outfit swaps, so hopefully you all enjoy it. I also plussed up the art from the comic version a bit, though I suspect that despite the time I spent on that, not a whole lot of people would immediately notice that, so I’m gratuitously pointing it out here.


Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.