To anyone getting 403’d when posting comments: Apparently there’s some firewall rule set up by the host to reduce spam. Basically if you try and post two comments in under 60 seconds, it flags your IP and puts you on a naughty list for some amount of time. I’m working with the host at the moment to make that a little less aggressive. It’d be nice if the 403 page gave you any information about why you’re seeing the page, but I don’t know if that’s possible to update.


Sciona wouldn’t give herself away like that under normal circumstances, but she really doesn’t remember the encounter with Sydney in the basement. Or… mostly really doesn’t remember it. Chrona’s kinda-sorta timeloop didn’t quite work as expected, and it left some artifacts in its wake.

So the art took a bit of a… you know, I was going to say “a bit of a hit,” but I don’t dislike the simpler art. I actually really like the more anime-ish stuff. It’s just really hard when I’m coloring not to add more layers of shading and then do another pass for highlights, then an ambient occlusion pass, then a reflected bounce light pass. Or I could just type “make pretty girl big boobs” and have an AI artripper do it for me in 5 seconds. It’s impossible not to feel like a lifetime of art skills have been rendered meaningless in the last few years, but… I still might look into some AI images for the occasional background. Like if the choice is between me drawing a stocked aisle in a grocery store and drawing 2,000 bottles of shampoo all lined up on the shelves across from 1,300 boxes of cereal all in perspective (because this store has soap and cereal on the same aisle) and having to spend like 6 hours to pencil all that in then ink it then color it with the shadows of the shelves above each row of products falling on the products below – or I could type “make grocery store soap and cereal big boobs” and have all that work done in a few seconds. It’s hard not to feel that’s a better use of my time.

Right, so the point of what I’d started to say there was we’re at the stage of taking care of my mom that we’ve all concluded that she’s going to move in with me and my wife. Which involves selling her house, buying a new house that can better accommodate all of us, moving nearly everything in her house to the new one, then fixing up our house, selling it, and moving nearly everything from it to the new house. And that is an absolute ass rogering amount of work. I met with the realtor today, scheduled a guy to come take measurements for new carpet, did grocery shopping, picked up “letters testamentary” papers from the attorney, which is the “this will is good and has been executed” paperwork – and admittedly, I should have picked those up about a month and a half ago, but I am kind of terrible at doing… things? If you’ve ever emailed me and it took me two months to respond, well, let’s just say that Task Avoidance is part of ADD that I never knew had a name. It’s like Professional League Procrastination. Really, it’s “procrastinate until you legitimately forget you have something to do, then three weeks later go, “Oh, shit. I should get on that thing.” then “Hah hah, Tom Servo said something funny on the perpetual MST3K streams I’ve been watching since two thanksgivings ago and I have every moment of the show memorized at this point, and now I’ve forgotten about that thing for another two weeks.”” I know I’m using a lot of clinical terms there but hopefully you get the drift.

Anyway, then after dinner tonight, I filled 9 and a half bankers boxes with my mom’s old cookbooks. Basically I spent less than half the day actually working on the comic, and probably every other day for the next two-ish months will probably be like that for me. I’m really hoping to avoid reverting to stick figure theater if at all possible, but the last two times I moved burned the considerable buffer I had when I started the comic. So we’ll see.

Once we’re all moved in, my wife will be able to help out a little with my mom. Not that I’m going to foist my mom’s care on to her, just that she’ll be able to at least do the occasional errand and some (okay, most) of the cooking instead of me doing basically everything. I do some cooking normally, but really the only things I make are gigantic breakfast omelets and puerco pibil. I can grill up a steak or do pork chops or whatever, but usually if I’m asked to take care of dinner, usually that means hitting up Grubhub. But that’s because I like eating samosas, and have no idea how to make them and would not have the patience or time for it anyway. (Best way to eat samosas is to dip them in extra korma sauce. Yeaaah, that’s the stuff.) Essentially, I’m assuming that making samosas is super involved and takes an hour of prep work before they even go in the oven. In my mind, this is how all cooking works, even though I know it doesn’t really take that long for most recipes.

Here’s the part where I assure you I’m working on nudie vote incentives but I don’t know when it’ll be done. Hopefully after all this house stuff settles down I can get back to a proper monthly (cough) schedule.

The new vote incentive is up! (Finally.)

I’m revisiting a panel from a recent page, but I included some comic reactions and a few outfit swaps, so hopefully you all enjoy it. I also plussed up the art from the comic version a bit, though I suspect that despite the time I spent on that, not a whole lot of people would immediately notice that, so I’m gratuitously pointing it out here.


Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.