Grrl Power #1325 – Open the door, get on the floor
“Cretaceousify” is the nonomatopoeia, in case it’s hard to read. Maybe I should have gone with “Cretaceous-ify,” but that looks too close to “iffy.” “Cretacify” might work spoken, but written it’s confusing.
“Node runny” is a typo, but… screw it. It works.
Theriomorphs would definitely have a pecking order. And not just cause some of them are birds, hah hah. Actually, very few of them are birds. But my point is, were-carnivores would definitely have their own cool kids’ club, most of the jockeying between the wolves, bears great cats, alligators, crocks, etc, though the less common but still meat-eating-even-if-that-includes-omnivorous-stuff animals like wolverines and badgers still get to look down on all the herbivores. Did you know wolverines eat foxes? Also berries and small game animals like rabbits, but foxes? That surprised me. The were-moose guy gets to look down on everyone but the were-giraffe guy, because moose are fucking hyooge. Most of the herbivores feel a little nervous around the carnivores instinctually… well, maybe not the were-ox or were-elephant or were-rhino. Kat has to resist the urge to Muay Thai the carniweres around her in the face and groin area. Her herbivore fight or flight instinct is colored by her anger over not being something cool like a were-tiger or Komodo Dragon.
I hadn’t thought to include dinosaurs in the list of possible theriomorphs, but I do like the explanation of someone trying to “do a jurassic park,” and accidentally reviving/infusing/creating an ancient virus instead. Like, when you cast your super bespoke reanimation spell, make sure you know exactly what you’re targeting. It also kind of gives me an idea for a bad guy, and I’m so bad at coming up with bad guys. The “I’m crazy” and “I’m greedy” bad guy archetypes are soooo boring to me, but I guess sometimes evil isn’t complex. I just like villains to have a little more meat. Ideally, most reader would be like “I don’t agree with his methods, but I get where he’s coming from.”
You may have noticed the title with the random portraits wasn’t working. Someone very helpfully pointed out that there was a “LetsEncypt Cert update, and […] “” didn’t get added as a SAN (just” I do not know what a SAN is, but I contacted the host and they added the non-www version to the… SAN? Cert? The thingy. The internet spider that plucks at the interwebz. Anyway, should be working now. And if not, you might not be able to read this anyway. Hopefully that will clear up the other errors people have been reporting.
Honestly the site needs a real going over. I used to know .CSS when I originally… not built the site, but themed it, but it’s been a long time since I’ve done anything with that stuff besides tweaking a few annoying sites in Stylish, and I don’t know anything about PHP. I don’t even have the time to hire someone to do it because some of the updates would need to be done by me anyway, like the character bio page basically hasn’t been updated since I posted about page 80, and it’s been broken for about 8 years anyway. :/
The new vote incentive is up! (Finally.)
I’m revisiting a panel from a recent page, but I included some comic reactions and a few outfit swaps, so hopefully you all enjoy it. I also plussed up the art from the comic version a bit, though I suspect that despite the time I spent on that, not a whole lot of people would immediately notice that, so I’m gratuitously pointing it out here.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Great, now we need a pinup of not Barney here.
I think A LOT of people are thinking that about now.
She looks more like a purple version of Baby Bop from Barney, not Barney himself….
Big don’t mean slow
A cheetah it’s 65 mph top speed for 140 lbs bigger than Sydney.
A tiger 40 mph for 660 lbs
A blue whale 31 mph for 130 metric tons ( 286 600 lbs)
According to the paleontologists a triceratops weighted 6 to 10 metric tons and could reach about 29 mph..
The top speed reached by Usan Bolt was 27.33 miles per hour.
Big does mean, hard to turn though, which makes me wonder how weres handle conservation of momentum with how they change mass- if a really big were like our new dino friend charges someone, then goes back to human size, does their speed go down with their mass change, do they retain the same speed, or do they speed up as the remaining force from their huge hybrid or full dino form is applied to a less massive body.
We do see Pix, the pink jaguar transform just her nails when exercising that one time, so there are levels of fine control they can develop rather than just shifting between human, hybrid, and full animal. And since fur and such magically vanishes and appears along with all the other mass, maybe some weres can use fine control to fudge how their transformation handles the physics involved, reinforcing or weakening magic’s safety net so you could get things like weres with tiny and light forms easily canceling out dangerous falls, large weres learning how to easily stop themselves by shifting and reducing their momentum- or the reverse with weres in combat maximizing momentum via strategic shifting.
This makes me wonder how many times a were-dino has been used as a fastball special. Like take someone Sydney sized and toss them, and then suddenly *cretaceously* you have a were-brachiosaur flying at you around the speed of sound.
It’s a Triqueeratops!
while being chased by a Triceratops ;P
Coolest. Comic. Ever.
Law Abiding Citizen is a great example. His methods were extreme but his commentary on the broken judicial system made his motivation understandable.
I feel we’re being introduced to the mechanism by which 585938584929 fursonas shall be introduced
Well, that explains why her wrench was so big, I guess.
If she starts singing the “I love you, you love me” song, then *I* will headbutt *HER*, ensuing concussion be damned!
Sydney needs to start singing it under her breath without noticing.
Not enough to trigger copyright problems but just enough disjointed pieces for the readers to realize what’s happening.
So somehow she retained some distinctly mammalian characteristics while converting into a were form that is *not* a mammal.
I mean, she also kept the thumbs.
A lycanthrope’s hybrid form is a hybrid of whatever their animal form is and their human form.
She didn’t turn into a dinosaur. She turned into a mammal/dinosaur hybrid. So she can still have breasts. Why not? They’re a mammalian feature, and she’s half mammal.
No, a “Lycanthrope”‘s hybrid form is always a wolf based form. Because Lycanthrope is specifically for werewolves. This is because the term uses Lycan derived from greek “Lykos” which translates to wolf. Calling a dino-were a lycan or lycanthrope is calling them a wolf/werewolf which is wrong.
I have an overwhelming urge to yell “NERD” and apply an atomic wedgie right now.
And I have the urge to post therianthrope d&d templates.
You do realize that D&D (at least the original) didn’t get that memo. They used “lycanthrope” for all weres regardless of their beast form. I’d bet that most people got their understanding of therianthropy from D&D. This is one case where I can forgive White Wolf for inventing terms. Well, it’s also one case where they didn’t take an existing word and give it a pretentious spelling while redefining it.
Salt -as in table salt (NaCL) – is only one form of Salt, from a chemistry viewpoint. In chemical terms, salts are ionic compounds. Don’t know which came first – I would presume the table salt.
Umm, actually you are wrong. While the word “Lycanthrope” originates from there, after the different type of were-beasts joined the “family”, it became a collective word for all of them. So, while the literal meaning truly the same as the one you described, the word modern meaning includes even those, who transform into something entirely different! (The evolution of the language sometimes does this. When you move your cursor on your PC, you don’t grab a living mouse after all, do you?)
The difference here is that there exists a word already that labels every Were-creature that isn’t Lycanthrope, but there isn’t another term that covers computer mouse. Its more that people got lazy and just couldn’t be bothered to actually research the proper term and used the most known one due to werewolves being the most common were-creature in all media. Just because its been popularized as the coverall term for such a thing, doesn’t mean its the correct term for this.
If a mammal has titties and a reptile has snitties does this this mean that a dino has ditties?
I’m more impressed that her clothes actually grew with her!
Remember that the in-between state for weres is usually a hybrid state between human and animal forms. So certain mammalian traits could indeed be retained
Bet she had to pay extra for the expanding clothing, but it would be worth it not to have to buy a new outfit every time you shifted back.
If she is a mechanic, as implied by the coveralls and the large wrench, the ability to switch back and forth between her hybrid and human forms would be very handy. The sort of bolts that you go after with a wrench that big usually wont budge for the average 130 pound person. Being able to switch into hybrid form saves having to carry around a cheater bar.
I was going to ask how did the clothes not rip. Took me a while to notice the “unsnap/dezip”.
I want the answer to be that she has not grown as big as you think, but that she obeys the conservation of mass and makes life forms around her shrink while she grows.
Kinda wondering why the dino has boobs.
she’s a hybrid of mammal and whatever dinos are
The Rule of Cool.
Neat! Hopefully the rainbow tattoo is relevant :) Although that makes her the second queer triceratops I’ve seen in comics. Which isn’t a lot but it’s wierd it’s happened twice.
That’s awesome, how have I never seen this before??
I fortunately was on vacation on my laptop, which has less vertical than my usual desktop, so when I scrolled up to read, she [i]actually[/i] grew!
… Trice-were-atops?
@DaveB – depending on what you want to do with updating the site’s code, I’d be happy to donate my time to you. Please email me if you’re interested in brainstorming.
And here i was thinking she would be some sort of super powered Slam-Poet…..
The sound effect should have been “kra-taceous!”
Erm… did Sydney and Katrina spontaneously swap positions during the were morph?
Katrina, not being a trained soldier, stepped behind Sydney reflexively, then stepped forward again to express her outrage that yet another wereperson is more impressive than her wereform. Those movements inadvertently made it look like they were transposed.
That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it!
PHP is easy, just write it in C and put a $ in front of all the variable names.
OMG!!! She’s adorable in her therian form!!!
OMG! it’s Cera from The Land Before Time but purple!
Hear Hear! She does look like Cera!
OMG! I am so in love with Slam right now! She is hella cute! BOTH forms!
Clearly a member of the Dino-Huggy Gang.
…all I’m hearing is the Dragontails theme…
I hate to say this cause now people can’t unsee it.
Why did Katrina and Sydney switch places between panels?
I think the camera is rotating around them
Nah I double checked it before I posted, they even if the camera rotated, they switched places.
now i want a were-donkey
Is Sydney on her meds, because she usually goes ballistic right now?
Foxes surprised you? Wolverines will eat pretty much anything they can kill. They’ll hunt down badgers and eat them, too.
My Harry Potter head canon for one of the ways that diseases cross from one species to another (e.g. covid, bird flu) is that patient zero is sometimes an animagus who changes to e.g. a dog and gets infected, and the disease crosses back to human when the animagus does. It’s probably a minor miracle that Sirius never got mange or distemper, for example. Extend this to other universes such as Grrl Power and there might be some weird and wonderful diseases on the horizon when were-dinosaurs and other species-switchers become more common.
Forgot to say that I was bitten by a small stuffed shark once (carrying several items on a tray for a science lesson, it slid across the tray with enough force for a couple of teeth to break my skin) so this isn’t quite as unlikely an accident as it might appear. In fact i know one other person who has had a very similar accident!
Okay, so that mad genius was partially successful with his attempt to “do a Jurassic Park”…
What some of us want to know is how his “Attack of the 50 Foot Woman” experiment turned out… ;)
All I want to do, is see you turn into… A giant woman.
C’mon, Kat, saying “She turns into a dinosaur” is like saying “she turns into a mammal”. That’s a Triceratops, probably the horridus variant, her snout’s too short to be a prorsus. Although the spikes around her ridge do resemble a Styracosaurus… definitely a ceratopsian variety, though.
Fun fact! The horns you see on ceratopsid fossils are actually just the cores of their horns, and they would have had thick keratin sheaths, meaning their actual size in life was much larger. If you want a visual reference, think of it like comparing the size of a normal bull’s horns to an Ankole-Watusi bull, if you’ve ever seen one of those.
Not really? We have a “mummified” triceratops, the keratin sheath is only a few inches longer than the core.
Ok, You know what we need now is a crossover with Dr. Dinosaur of Atomic Robo. He wouldn’t necessarily be the villian of her viruses creation, but just be there, and you know, do Dr. Dinosaur things.
It just writes itself really when you know how he operates. :D
Do weres have to be animals? Could you have a were venus flytrap? Or perhaps even a lichenthrope?
“Who fought and died for their wee bit hill and glen” you might be onto something. There is some history there apparently.
“Lichenthrope”, bravo! Well done, Sir!
I cera cera cera what you did there.
Nobody asked this but… how tall is Slam in her were form? I feel like it is .. 4meter? 12 feet?
Sydney is 5 feet tall. Kat doesn’t appear to be much taller
Apparently, you are 1/4 less tall when you are kneeling and Slam seems to have her eyes level with the top of Sydney’s head in the last panel… But if to stretch it then that would only make Slam about 7′ tall.
HOWEVER, if we look at panel 3 then we see Kat is in the foreground and only seems to reach the top of Slam’s hips which is the midway point for height. If we presume Kat is 6″ taller than Sydney then Slam would be 11 feet tall.
Were’s seem to have 3 shapes as well. Human, hybrid and animal. BUT, we saw Kat transform just her hand in the last page so its possible the were’s have some control over how much they shift. Slam’s full Triceratops form would likely be even larger, so she might have pushed more transformation for large hybrid to make it showy then dialed it back to reduce her height.
Being bitten by a fossil isn’t as far fetched as you might think: Remember that Sigurd Eysteinsson, Jarl of Orkney, was killed by a bite from a severed head.
He was returning home from a battle with the severed head of his opponent as a trophy. The motion of the horse caused the head to bite Sigurd’s leg, the wound would then develop a lethal infection.
There’s the one small issue that fossils aren’t made of bone. But she said they were trying to perform a “Jurassic Park” with magic so we just say “magic”. Of course the excuse Jurassic Park used was dinosaur DNA in mosquitos which had bitten dinosaurs then become trapped in amber (tree sap) and Slam explains that she “tripped” so probably more likely she was holding a vial and it smashed on the ground when she fell.