Grrl Power #1325 – Open the door, get on the floor
“Cretaceousify” is the nonomatopoeia, in case it’s hard to read. Maybe I should have gone with “Cretaceous-ify,” but that looks too close to “iffy.” “Cretacify” might work spoken, but written it’s confusing.
“Node runny” is a typo, but… screw it. It works.
Theriomorphs would definitely have a pecking order. And not just cause some of them are birds, hah hah. Actually, very few of them are birds. But my point is, were-carnivores would definitely have their own cool kids’ club, most of the jockeying between the wolves, bears great cats, alligators, crocks, etc, though the less common but still meat-eating-even-if-that-includes-omnivorous-stuff animals like wolverines and badgers still get to look down on all the herbivores. Did you know wolverines eat foxes? Also berries and small game animals like rabbits, but foxes? That surprised me. The were-moose guy gets to look down on everyone but the were-giraffe guy, because moose are fucking hyooge. Most of the herbivores feel a little nervous around the carnivores instinctually… well, maybe not the were-ox or were-elephant or were-rhino. Kat has to resist the urge to Muay Thai the carniweres around her in the face and groin area. Her herbivore fight or flight instinct is colored by her anger over not being something cool like a were-tiger or Komodo Dragon.
I hadn’t thought to include dinosaurs in the list of possible theriomorphs, but I do like the explanation of someone trying to “do a jurassic park,” and accidentally reviving/infusing/creating an ancient virus instead. Like, when you cast your super bespoke reanimation spell, make sure you know exactly what you’re targeting. It also kind of gives me an idea for a bad guy, and I’m so bad at coming up with bad guys. The “I’m crazy” and “I’m greedy” bad guy archetypes are soooo boring to me, but I guess sometimes evil isn’t complex. I just like villains to have a little more meat. Ideally, most reader would be like “I don’t agree with his methods, but I get where he’s coming from.”
You may have noticed the title with the random portraits wasn’t working. Someone very helpfully pointed out that there was a “LetsEncypt Cert update, and […] “” didn’t get added as a SAN (just” I do not know what a SAN is, but I contacted the host and they added the non-www version to the… SAN? Cert? The thingy. The internet spider that plucks at the interwebz. Anyway, should be working now. And if not, you might not be able to read this anyway. Hopefully that will clear up the other errors people have been reporting.
Honestly the site needs a real going over. I used to know .CSS when I originally… not built the site, but themed it, but it’s been a long time since I’ve done anything with that stuff besides tweaking a few annoying sites in Stylish, and I don’t know anything about PHP. I don’t even have the time to hire someone to do it because some of the updates would need to be done by me anyway, like the character bio page basically hasn’t been updated since I posted about page 80, and it’s been broken for about 8 years anyway. :/
The new vote incentive is up! (Finally.)
I’m revisiting a panel from a recent page, but I included some comic reactions and a few outfit swaps, so hopefully you all enjoy it. I also plussed up the art from the comic version a bit, though I suspect that despite the time I spent on that, not a whole lot of people would immediately notice that, so I’m gratuitously pointing it out here.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
(Months later)
One day, after a crash-landing a plane in the alps, poor Slam (who had transformed to increase her survival chances) broke two horns, lost one eye, and in the weeks following as they awaited rescue, out of desperation, she ate the meat of one of the passengers that had not survived.
Upon sharing this tragic story with Sidney, our resident ADHD super burst out laughing, announcing that Slam was now a “one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater”. After the third reprise of the song’s chorus, Slam attempted to strangle Sydney, and had to be pulled off by Maxima (because no one else proved strong enough to hold back the herbivore’s rage). Maxima’s official statement on record, was that if she thought Sydney had a chance to SURVIVE the butt-whoopin’, she might have let it happen as being richly deserved.
No assault/battery charges were laid. Sydney has since apologised (through a Zoom call, from a safe distance) and under doctoral supervision, increased the dosage of her Adderall subscription.
New favourite character