Sciona’s bootynm might be “Vaguely Threatening Platinum Latina”

Platina? Yeah, I’m a sucker for a portmanteau. “Vaguely Threatening Platina.”

Honestly, I think Sciona might be just a little bit sweet on 6x Guy. She as much as said there would be a second time.  Also she didn’t take all his blood. The fact that she was conspicuously “the last one seen with him” usually isn’t a factor for her, but she’s managed to position herself fairly high and somewhat publically in Earth society instead of lurking in the shadows like she used to. Granted, her half-an-Alari-head on top of a Troll body look was not optimal for the public sector. (Actually it was an orc body but had a slurry of blood in it that had useful properties.)

As I was writing this page, I was trying to think how Alari culture would function, given Sciona’s derision of the “extant administration.” So the Alari don’t have a president or king or emperor. They have houses that more or less declare their own nobility when they have sufficient political, military, or fiscal power to make it a hassle for other houses to reject their claims. Houses then ally with each other on various issues, but those alliances swing wildly depending on matter. Several houses might form a mutual defense pact on one continent of a given planet, but could be at each other’s throats on a different world, or agree on limiting a trade deficit with one species but disagree on mineral rights for an asteroid. It makes for convoluted politics, but importantly, most of the negotiating takes place privately, and by negotiating I mean bribes and favors and assassinations and political marriages and all that. To Sciona’s sensibilities, all this lobbying out in public is crass and lacks wit and subterfuge. But she’s appreciative of the unlimited dark money certain governments (not naming names) allow for. Only because it enables her agendas, not because it allows for any level of sophisticated intrigue.

The new vote incentive is up! (Finally.)

I’m revisiting a panel from a recent page, but I included some comic reactions and a few outfit swaps, so hopefully you all enjoy it. I also plussed up the art from the comic version a bit, though I suspect that despite the time I spent on that, not a whole lot of people would immediately notice that, so I’m gratuitously pointing it out here.


Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.