Grrl Power #1320 – Performance review
I know I cheat a little bit with the Who’s Who panel, because sometimes I draw a chick with a partially shaved `do and assume you all know who it is even though it kind of could be a few people, like Jabberwokky in a flashback before she went teal and white or, well, hopefully no one would think it’s Varia. Even as inconsistent as my art can be, I do try and give her a less pixie nose and and make her cheeks and jaw just a bit Native/Mezo/Southern American.
Anyway, this is Sciona and the dude she picked up. I felt like I should state that explicitly because with her hair down, you can’t see her back-brain scorpion tattoo.
I had started writing a page where Maxima nixes the trip to the pedicurist, reminding everyone this isn’t a sitcom where everyone sits around “slice of life-ing” and not ever doing anything related to their supposed jobs, and that they have a team tactics exercise and Sydney has a photo shoot for new headshots. Then Sydney looks at the camera and says, “Check, please.” Then freeze frame on that as the laugh track swells, credits roll.
Okay, not… exactly that, but that’s the gist of how that page started. I decided to move on to another scene instead.
The new vote incentive is up! (Finally.)
I’m revisiting a panel from a recent page, but I included some comic reactions and a few outfit swaps, so hopefully you all enjoy it. I also plussed up the art from the comic version a bit, though I suspect that despite the time I spent on that, not a whole lot of people would immediately notice that, so I’m gratuitously pointing it out here.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Well, her social skills seem adequate for an intended one-night stand. If she calls him again, he has to provide evidence of improvement? Sure, make him feel like a piece of meat, clearly being used just for one thing. She feels she deserves better than this guy, but she chose him. At least she did not appear to hit him with her Escorpia power, like some lawmakers. Did she slice his chest to get his blood for some hemomancy?
For what we know about Alari biology/culture and given how much sociopathic and into D/s we saw them be, it may well be that being a recurrent booty call and/or ‘partner in crime with benefits’ is their standard approach to choosing a mate and/or the closest they get to coupling.
Even after getting a one-night stand with a sex god like Deus, the greatest tsundere praise she gave him was she was seriously considering making him a favored sex slave when she became ruler of Earth for the Alari Empire. This guy surviving their mating intact and being given an opening for recurrent booty call is actually high praise from her given her apparent exacting standards. Yes, in all likelihood she sliced his chest and got his blood for some hemomancy.
Amazing… He’s still alive and might actually survive?
He passed the ‘satisfactory one-night stand’ trial with flying colors and she is considering/grooming him for the ‘recurrent booty call and/or long-term boytoy of the sociopathic alien supervillainess’ position.
This kind of detached and brutal honesty would actually be refreshing from women imo… Sure, I can’t really see a loving relationship with a person like Sciona but I would know where we stand at all times and what she wants until she decided to off me… I could work with that, and would, much rather than the games many a female is so very fond of…
I’ll be honest and say that if someone complained about “the games many a female is so very fond of” to my face I would never ever tell that person how utterly repulsed I am. It just saves time, I don’t have a full day free or the stomach reserves to puke all that long. But you’re right that then he wouldn’t know where we stand. He might think I’m not feeling the wrong kind of queasy just thinking about how he thinks of women.
There are reasons why men are starting to opt out of relationships and why lesbians have some of the most horrific statistics when it come to domestic abuse.
But I do agree, it can be repulsive to have something in common with an unfortunate truth. Granted men are not much better but at least they can buy their own drinks.
There are certainly reasons. I’m not inclined to believe you are privvy to the real ones.
Men have been “opting out of relationships” for several decades now and yet the population still grows.
So you can either stop relying on cherry-picked studies or keep your head in the sand.
Either way; the evil women are not the primary cause.
Unlike other posters who saw your admission of a less than perfect dating experience as identifying you as a socially acceptable target to directly and indirectly insult and abuse, I am going to give you some actual constructive advice:
Treat anything other than an unmistakable yes as a no in disguise.
Yes, this means missing out on a lot of potential romance candidates who just aren’t good communicators. Oh well, guess they’d better fix that if they want success too. It’s not your responsibility to pull the weight of communication for two people.
There is a point where a lack of candid communication does start to border on abuse. And that is a thing where you are better of snipping it off sooner rather than later.
What games are you referring to?
Seems like a vague complaint.
Who is Sciona?
If you don’t know who is Sciona, then you probably haven’t read GP from the beginning. If not, you need to go back and reread it from the start, Sciona’s story is too complex to summarize here. Treat yourself to this with popcorn and beer. I’ve done this twice now and will probably do so again in the future, GP is that good.
Not saying that SFCGator is wrong, but an overly summarized summary would be: she is the Alari bloodmage who broke into the Black Vault, was mostly killed, and is now inhabiting the body of a Mexican supervillainess.
Honestly, this would be perfect for hookup culture.
Okay, maybe a LITTLE less insulting, but the absolute directness and clear communication? That’s so HUGE and RARE.
There’s a kind of guy who will make the rounds of a bar, buying a drink for each person who he’s interested in, and a pickup line that’s basically, “Hay, you wanna ****” . He’ll get slapped 18 times, have the drink thrown at him once, and he’ll still go home with somebody.
Sciona DID ask his name, eventually.
For what we know, hookup culture and/or ‘partners in crime with benefits’ may well be the Alari standard approach to coupling and mating. Sciona is sociopathic and in D/s games, but from the hints we got about her species/culture and what we saw about Deus’ PA, she likely does not stray too far from her kind.
I have known a couple of those guys, I use to be afraid to sit in a seat after them cause I was worried about catching something.
While Sciona is probably just being domineering (and somewhat quirky given her lack of understanding / indifference to human societal norms), it amuses me to read the scene as her being rather aggressively tsundere.
Despite her manner, she implies she had a good time, asks for his number, suggests things to try for next time, and “marks” him as hers. All while leaving him his free will (so far anyway).
I wonder how the whole Alari possession thing is working at a biological level. Presumably taking on an entirely different body, complete with different biochemistry, will eventually have some sort of behavioral impact? I think it was implied previously that Escorpia’s body was slowly being overwritten by Sciona’s, but we’ve not seen much evidence of that since. Perhaps I’m just misremembering.
I am sceptic Alari possession works that way (she even healed the patches of Alari skin she used as emergency treatment of her wounds to normal super skin). However having got back a body she deems satisfactory and being able to live among humans with constant interaction might well be slowly toning down her extreme alien sociopathy to ‘human supervillain’ or career criminal levels.
According to the previous data point about her one-night stand with Deus (one so good it left her with weak legs and coyly asking for a second round), the highest sociopathic-tsundere praise and show of caring/affection she knows to give a sexual partner is to consider him as a favored sex slave or long-term boytoy. Given those standards, her considering/grooming this guy for recurrent booty call is quite impressive. Even more so since, unlike Deus, she would be entirely free to do much nastier things to him.
Damn……..I still miss her Alari appearnce though….
Was that supposed to be funny? I prefer my humor to be less mean-spirited.
Going to have to go digging, because I thought that was Sydney’s mom at first.
Naah, Sydney’s mom has her hair much longer. Cfr. the Scoville family photo in the previous update. Dave warned us this is Sciorpia with an unusual appearance, her hair down to cover her skull tattoos.
I was remembering her more off this time frame.
Yes, still longer hair, but not overly so, especially in the first complete panels.
Digging? Sydney’s mom is literally in the previous page.
Think he meant digging to find out who this is, because he didn’t read the footnote.
oh yeah, doing kegels as a guy does wonders for your stamina as well as that… kick at the end.
Gotta make sure you don’t skip third leg day.
Well damn. That’s some real standard there. Guess once he’s done with washcloth training he’ll have to start with a 1lb weight and then move up from there.
Getting that sweet spot in the reverse harem of the future Alari empress of Earth takes some serious effort. Remember, she has Deus as her best standard.
So she wanted sex, not another meat puppet for an Alari ghost? That is probably the best outcome.
Of course the Blood Mage is currently drawing blood, so I expect some downside is still incoming.
In all evidence, she is deeming him a good option for future hookups/booty calls. This kind of rules out him being bled dry or becoming a meat puppet for Alari ghosts, at least as long as his performance stays satisfactory. And she did not deem necessary to make him an addicted slave. However, his hair comment reminded her of something related and blood magic-y she needs to do to him, or about him. Color me intrigued and eager to read the rest of the scene. We know passion of the moment can get Sciona sidetracked and temporarily oblivious of very important tasks. So many possibilities in her master plan…
Given her hair comment, I think she might be using blood magic to add hair to his body in a way she wants (or maybe grow his hair longer?).
I think she might be trying to identify potential supers to steal bodies for her Alari soul pals.
It’s been mentioned before that supers have no body hair. I think she’s using sex as an excuse to check for that.
Totally forgot about the Who’s Who. I mentally took this as a random bringing Deus down a peg. Oopies.
He was soon banned from the local gym.
I guess this episode isn’t that intrestng. Less than 30 posts as am wrighting this. Oh well DaveB is probaly setting up a new ark.
If anyone is into Buffy fanfic DobertCarrol has a really good one golng called Agesis. He is my favorate webcomic author.
For manga there is a cute new one called “they are still being shaken this morning” it’s pretty good.
Reduced feedback may be due to the 403 issues.
Does she like her guys fuzzier perhaps?
We have literally had a panel with Dabbler mid coitus, this feels more explicit.
The writer’s barely-disguised fetish.
I love how people assume that anything appearing in the comic is my personal fetish. She’s a supervillainess. In what world would she not be a little bit of a dominant? Or a lot bit?
Well, fiction isn’t bound by logic or physical laws, so whatever appears in a work is entirely the choice of the author. That you choose to explore what might reasonably occur in a universe with super-powered characters is what makes your comic interesting, but many people apparently think that if they could play god, they’d just make things pleasing to themselves. I guess that’s what makes the difference in tone between a serious work and a lot of fan fiction or self-insert work.
Some creators would shy away from a number of topics, or wouldn’t show them as explicitly, because it either makes them or their audience uncomfortable. I guess there’s a sense of… call it the boundaries of good taste, of lines that shouldn’t be crossed, and everyone just ignores when fiction is unrealistic in ways that cater to their sensibilities. There’s probably a more generic trope, but I thought of what TVTropes calls “Standard Female Grab Area“, where the practical thing to do might offend viewers, so something else gets substituted in. You routinely violate those “unwritten rules” of media (though I’m sure some of them have been written down, by organizations like the “Broadcast Standards and Practices” or “Comics Code Authority”), and this again I think is salutary, but it surprises people in ways they may not be able to articulate.
Would that be a “five star” rating, or a “five scar” rating?
Hey Dave, shouldn’t Sciona be tagged with “sciona4” on this page, rather than “sciona3”?
Eh, never mind, I guess it’s the hair. I just thought the description should have been updated a while back.
Yeah I should have had a transitional one for her senatorial aid pre-white hair appearances.