Grrl Power #1314 – Replantigrade
I think I’ve said this before, but in my original envisioning of this story, I’d never intended Peggy to get her leg back. But having introduced Cora and her crew and their Space Meditech, it just doesn’t make sense that she wouldn’t. Only Peggy refusing it or Cora and Co. denying her for some reason that… I maybe could have come up with if I’d really wanted to. I vaguely remember some story I read when I was in middle school (?) about some guy who traveled back in time to bring a cure-all to the past, but in the end it turned out to basically just be a vitamin shot. It worked in his time because childhood vaccinations and advanced nutrition and environmental conditions of his time got people 90% of the way there, and the shot was just the icing on the cake. Man, I haven’t thought about that in yonks. Weirdly, I can’t remember if it was a short story I read, a comic book, like a “Strange Tales” kind of thing, or an episode of the Twilight Zone or one of the many TZ wannabes.
(Only slightly related, but after watching an anime, I often can’t remember if it was dubbed or subtitled, unless there was something about either version that stood out, like terrible voice acting or hard-coded cultural footnotes on the subs. Not immediately after! I know you were wondering that. Like, six months later. Language is weird, and so are brains.)
Anyway, the point of the vitamin shot story was that I guess I could have come up with some BS reason Cora wouldn’t want to give Peggy a new foot, like Space Anti-Rejection Drugs™ and if she ever missed a dose her leg would shrivel up and look like a stubbed out cigarette. But I really don’t want to be constrained to write a story about things that never change because… Actually I don’t know why Marvel and DC comics never change. I guess so someone can read a Superman comic in the 70’s, then pick up another Superman title in the 90’s and again in the 10’s and Clark still hasn’t married Lois and the reader will be like “Guess I’m picking up right where I left off!” Actually I think Clark has revealed to Lois and/or Lois has figured out his identity about 35 times across various iterations of the comic/animated series/movies/TV shows, so honestly, I don’t even know what you’d see if you cracked open any given Superman title these days. But that muddies my point about not wanting to write about static characters, so, er, ignore me?
I’ve had to scale back the coloring just a bit because as it turns out, a mother who wanders in every 20 minutes to tell me about the great emergency of needing to find the christmas wreath with the big red bow on it or how we need to get ready for her doctor’s appointment that I’ve explained to her 11 times isn’t for three more weeks, combined with my own ADHD is not a great formula for productivity. Hopefully after christmas there will be significant movement toward a better living situation for my mom. Well, I say better. None of the options are awesome, and nearly all involve moving at least one household worth of stuff, so… maybe there will be some Stick Figure Grrl Power pages in the medium-near future? :P
The new vote incentive is up!
Dabbler went somewhere tropical, in a very small bikini. As you might guess, it doesn’t stay on for long, which of course, you can see over at Patreon. Also she has an incident with “lotion,” and there’s a bonus comic page as well.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
“Actually I think Clark has revealed to Lois and/or Lois has figured out his identity about 35 times across various iterations of the comic/animated series/movies/TV shows, ”
My fav:
Didn’t have to click to know it’s the Facebook one
It’s one of the few things I’ve always liked in DC. They regularly show that Lois actually deserves her moniker as one of the greatest investigative journalists on the planet.
Carol Ferris: I’ve known you my whole life! I’ve seen you naked! You don’t think I would recognize you because I can’t see your cheekbones?
Green Lantern movie
My personal fav?
Based purely on their mussed up hair… I bet they were rubbing party balloons on each other.
In other news, I also remembered we never got to see the fallout between Mr. A and Heatwave. I’m dying to know what went down after he gave in to/was mind controlled (since I dont think we’re clear on that yet) by Parfait’s lust aura.
A mind-altering aura of that strength can reasonably argued to be mind control. Maybe not particularly good mind control, but still mind control.
I mean I agree, but I just wanna see what grrlpower has to show us on the matter. Even if isn’t something I’d write I still like seeing others’ interpretations on fictional matters like that. Most of all what I dislike is when things I’m interested in get no conclusion.
I disagree; Arianna waited until her hubby could get there, and Anvil just grabbed a robo-toy, despite both having an entire building full of studs to go stalking. Gwen opted for a little alone-time with her web browser. So Mr. A and Jiggawatt, despite being ambushed by lust, should have been able to make a similar decision. Instead, they opted to betray Heatwave, and frankly, I was hoping that she would call them on their bullshit.
I’d also like to see someone figure out that Dabbler was ‘influencing’ her teammates during the initial aftermath, and for at least some folks to object to that, strongly.
I suspect that part of the reason we never saw the aftermath, though, is because DaveB doesn’t want to write that scene, but he’s put himself in a bit of a box. Either what Parfait did was full-on mind-control, or it wasn’t. He’d like to not write a break-up (or even, “on a break”) scene, because it’s really not part of his motif. At the same time, he avoided the biggest possible squick factor on that storyline, and got enough negative feedback for just dancing up to the line that he’d probably prefer not to re-visit it. So his choices are either write a plot he hates, or get a bunch of angry messages (and possibly even lost readership). Can’t say I blame him for ducking the no-win scenario.
Oof, the downfall of having a comment section is constantly being influenced by the readers’ favor and disfavor I guess. Well, I hope if he does revisit it people like what he does more and try to keep an open mind. Maybe he could just handle it off-screen. Heatwave and Mr. A arguing in the background, or other characters mentioning the event in passing as a messy kerfuffle; possibly just Max grumbling about team dynamics and the folly of inter-squad relationships (even if Mr. A and Heatwave I think wee established to have been dating before joining Arc-Swat). Tbf the comic has so much going on that’s probably the best way to give closure to something that backgroundy (even if it is something that I really wanna see more of).
Wasn’t it less that Dabbler was influencing them and more Dabbler was dialing back the effects so it wouldn’t be worse.
Maybe worse to the point that Arianna wouldn’t wait for her husband for instance.
Yes, dialing down the effects, like she has been doing for months, but don’t let that stop the haters hating
That is some Dabbler hate. Mind you, those in the cheating could’ve pleased themselves, as was said, Arianna managed to hold herself off for her husband and others got themselves off.
So, while they were under the influence of another (not Dabbler tho), one has to wonder if Dabbler couldn’t dial it back equally, or if it just took a little push for the others to make the dive into cheating?
It has been Scientifically Determined, by Scientists with small children, that human feet are sensory organs for finding Legos in the dark.
And that’s if the foot’s owner is lucky. Fresh cat hairball (or vomit) would be worse.
Can confirm.
They are also very efficient in finding the small shards of glass which are very difficult to see.
Just remember to be the one who applies the band-aids.
Legos are one of the most dangerous things on the planet. Forget black widows or king cobras, a lego can cause more damage.
the issue is Legos are very vulnerable to young cats. who seem to be unaffected by Lego caltrops.
From memory it was a marvel comic story, “Squadron Supreme” mini series the inventor tom thumb used time travel to find a cure for his cancer but the future medicine was just vitamins since they had used genetic modifications to fix everything.
I remember an issue of the Fantastic Four where Mr Fantastic went to the future to retrieve the Panacea drug. It turned out to be penicillin. This must have been the 60s or 70s.
Dave, yes the Squadron Supreme run was what immediately came to mind when you brought it up.
Thirding the Squadron Supreme comic, where Tom Thumb tries to get a cure for cancer via time travel.
Great maxi-series. 12 issues of excellence.
Awesome. I think I have that in one of about 20 short to long boxes of comics that I haven’t cracked open in at least a decade.
In regards to the fourth panel, I’ll bet there are more than a few people who could benefit form a verbal ass-kicking from their past selves.
that’s a funny service for a time machine. though which one hires them? the past self to deliver the kicking? or the future self to receive it? or the spouse who needs more ammo. (marriage is a blood sport.)
Big reason comic books don’t change is because once they get familiar to people they keep on trying to sell it under that familiarity. One of the big reasons I stay away from the DC and Marvel universes and just get one shot comic books. Stuff like the sword or midnight Nation, or girl genius which is its own continuality.
On gargoyles is also gotten my interest of late.
You know, Spider-man actually had a reasonable plot arc, on reasonable timing, for the longest time: He was in HS, graduated, went to college, grad school, married, divorced. Sure, he spent an unreasonable amount of time getting his Phd, 13 years, but the timing wasn’t otherwise totally insane.
Then in the mid oughts they just blew that away.
Not gonna lie, first thing that happened after I got my cast off my leg, was slamming my pinky toe into the leg of a chair.
Re the flavor text, heck yeah lego pain. Really prove to yourself mentally that YES new leg.
I wonder how the others would react to Peggy’s new leg?!?
Who is this Grabthar and is his hammer as good as mjolnir?
It’s a joke I remember Galaxy quest
@Rune. You are correct. That was from the Squadron Supreme 12 issue series from 1985-86. A very nice series of an alternate “Justice League” taking over the world with noble intentions, and what ensues afterward as a result. An excellent read!
Comics keep continuity like soap opera TV does. It makes it easier to get into it. Plus the writers eventually change, and writers are somewhat reluctant to read 50 years of comics before they can start, and then keep those 50 years in mind when coming up with plots.
It really kills the momentum when you think of a dozen ideas and then each one is shot down by “Oh, that can’t happen because of (outcome of issue 347, which came out in 1974 and hasn’t been reprinted or gone digital yet)”.
Comics do change. They just don’t always change for the best. And some stories, if they went over better, would for sure have become the new status quo.
Captain America is actually Hydra the whole time? Yeah. If the fans loved that idea, they would’ve kept him that way.
Doc Oc takes over Peter’s body? Yup. Another story if it really went over well, would’ve stayed the new status quo.
She-Hulk sleeping with Juggernaut. Didn’t fly.
Some stories are also just bad ideas. As much as I hear some like the X-Men Kroakoa era, the idea that they can just ressurect the dead mutants over and over is a bad idea in general. You get to kill them and bring them back, sure, but then it messes with other established storylines, like clones are their own people. If clones are their own people, then anything that the character did before, wasn’t them, so they couldn’t be punished for it.
Hell, Spider-Man was married for decades and then an editor came in and changed it up to were he wasn’t.
Whilst I agree they change, the inertia and spring-back to their original form is incredible. It’s the source of the old joke about major characters dying & reviving so often that no-one bats an eye any longer.
Superman has married, divorced, divorced by and had children with Louis Lane, who sometimes knows who he is, and sometimes not. He always saves her, but has been tricked into killing her. He has died at various times. He ages but he’s immortal, he’s invincible – yet he gets beaten up all the time.
But he will always be a reporter at the Daily Planet, hiding behind a pair of glasses, and smiling awkwardly at Ms. Lane. No matter what happens to his story, he always rebounds back to his default, baseline state.
The problem isn’t about popularity – because if the requirement were that a story went over better, then One More Day would have been retconned away a LONG time ago. Doc Ock taking over Peter’s body was an odd thing, but had Otto stayed heroic after that, it would have been genuinely interesting and allowed for a lot of character growth. And it USED to be that Marvel villains would regularly be redeemed. The first Crimson Dynamo defected and became a friend of Tony Stark’s. An X-Men villain called the Changeling went to Xavier explaining that he had cancer, begging for a chance to go out as a hero (and he did, too). Rogue was originally a villain for some time, before her switch to joining the X-Men (and even working alongside, and occasionally rescuing, her former nemesis Dazzler).
The REAL problem is that there’s three layers of decision-making going on at Marvel (and DC). At the bottom are the so called “SJW” types. The ones who twist traditionally heroic and beloved characters into bad guys, who depict villains as being in the right (despite still engaging in villainous behavior), who insert unlikeable author-avatars because they have to make it about them (“I Am Not Starfire” is a perfect example of this). But they rarely get to make any REAL decisions, because they only think they’re in charge.
Above that you have the guys who actually run Marvel itself… the dudebros. The ones who really ARE the sexist, racist, disgusting creeps that the “SJW” types accuse all the readers of being. These are the guys who retcon away marriages because “wives are yucky and boring.” The ones who hype up the sexuality of female characters while eradicating their personalities. The ones who thought the 90s “X-treme!!!” stories were the epitome of literature. Scott Lobdell, Warren Ellis, Eddie Berganza… look up those names and the allegations against them. These guys use the “SJW” types as a smokescreen, a diversion away from how AWFUL they really are. (much like the sexism you’ll see from video game developers, Hollywood, etc. How many sitcoms and shows had “very special episodes” about sexual harassment, that were produced by Harvey Weinstein?)
And above them you have the suits at Disney and Warner Bros. The ones who don’t care about the stories at all. For them, it’s all a product and nothing more. They make decisions based on what they think will improve their quarterly profits. To them a comic is a “widget.” They think the products can be mediocre and they’ll still sell, as long as they put on a good marketing campaign. The guys who made “Wish” and were genuinely shocked that it bombed.
There’s plenty of room for character development and growth for the characters at the Big Two. The problem is who’s running the Big Two, the people they employ, and the people employed by those people. (sorry if the rant went a little long. I’m angry at how such beloved characters have been mistreated, and I’m angry at how such awful people try to project their crap onto the audiences)
You’re over analyzing it.
It has nothing to do with SJW’s or dudebros. It really is purely capitalism.
Stale products get occasional injections of temporary novelty or controversy in order keep reliable IP from decomposing. For an analogy, think of how chemical engineering is used to preserve Lenin’s corpse, long after the Russians abandoned Bolshevik socialism to experiment with the failures of capitalism. It remains one of the biggest tourism draws in the world, and generates revenue, so they give it the regular treatment to keep it going.
But they have to be careful to make sure that it remains recognizable to the consumers, otherwise that reliable IP, could stop being reliable.
But that’s where the analogy ends, because the corporations that own the comics have another, separate concern, as illustrated below. They can’t have people questioning why they world they live in can’t more closely resemble the world they read about.
“It really is purely capitalism.” That would be the top layer, the one making the REAL decisions. They don’t care about the product at all, leaving it to the lower layers… which means the fratboy misogynists making the “big” decisions, and the SJW types making the little decisions in exchange for… very little financial compensation, and the opportunity to serve as ablative armor for the misdeeds of their bosses. Seriously, they’ve had assistant editors doing the work of senior editors for a very long time.
But otherwise we agree 100%. I’m just pointing out that the main reason the product is stale isn’t because they want it that way. It’s because they literally do not care – they genuinely believe that as long as the marketing department does its job, the quality of the product doesn’t matter. And they continue to believe this in spite of the multiple financial failures in movies, television, video games, and of course comics. They’re so arrogant that to them, everything is just a “widget.”
You are right. OMD wasn’t popular and they kept it in. There does seem to be some things keeping Spider-Man down. Now, I’ve always preferred him with Felicia myself. That said, I think part of what else was/is keeping him down, from what I read, is the creators family owning some rights to Peter Parker (I never agreed with this idea…having generations past having control of an IP seems like some BS to me…they didn’t create the IP and weren’t involved with the company that did either) so they were finding ways to setup getting rid of Peter Parker while still being able to keep the Spider-Man name/logo.
And yeah, comics have always had those using the comics for their personal fetishes.
But I think change can stay and last or new characters can be made popular or even old ones, if they took the time and got the talent to make them so.
And “everything” includes people. In their minds, their employees, their customers, everyone is a “widget”, a cog in the economic machine. Why bother making a better product when you can just make a cheaper one, and tell people what to buy?
Wasn’t Cora sitting at the table with them?
Not that that would stop Dabbler.
Here for example:
It took time to tell the story and discuss things afterwards
Good for Peggy. If that’s her decision, all of ARC SWAT should stand behind her.
Also, wow, a Galaxy Quest reference? Major dork alert, if we didn’t already know she was a huge nerd.
Not the first time. And while it was Sydney saying it… it was occurring in Maxima’s imagination, so she’s a huge nerd too!
The ‘pins and needles’ sensation one gets after one’s limb ‘falls asleep’ comes from the brain testing the nerve connections. Peggy might be in for quite a bit of aches and pains as she gets used to the new foot. This should surprise the off-worlders since they do not a several-years delay on reconstructive surgery.
I’d imagine there are still cases where someone goes an extended time missing a limb and has to deal with the effects of that when they get the new one. Don’t forget that Cora is almost certainly a rather wealthy individual (she owns a spaceship that appears to be in the upper tiers of what’s available, employs a crew of extremely-talented individuals, is stated to be responsible for having saved a major galactic trading port on multiple occasions, has an extremely-advanced hard-light limbsuit, etc) – just because she can afford to gift her friend a new leg doesn’t mean everyone who loses a limb can afford to buy, as well as pay to grow and attach, a new limb immediately after losing the old one. And that’s not accounting for the fact that some cases of limb loss may not occur in a location where there’s ready access to such technology.
The sarcasm in that last panel hit so hard it damn near broke my nose
Either step on a Lego… or a d4…
Yeah, those 4-sided dice are like caltrops.
> (Only slightly related, but after watching an anime, I often can’t remember if it was dubbed or subtitled, unless there was something about either version that stood out, like terrible voice acting or hard-coded cultural footnotes on the subs. Not immediately after! I know you were wondering that. Like, six months later. Language is weird, and so are brains.)
I have the same issue : English isn’t my first language, but I usually read English book and watch english movies in english. And when I can’t, my brain kind of translates it from french to english whenever the translation seems of, to understand what the author really meant. Which mean that not only I don’t remember if the movie was subtitled or dubbed, but I usually can’t even remember if I have watched/read the original version or a translation as I seem to remember the story in english either way
“Cora and Co. denying her for some reason that… I maybe could have come up with if I’d really wanted to.”
You did. 4 comics ago, and however many comics ago public Cora’s speech was. This is just nepotism and ‘exploiting rarified connections’.
I have a similar issue with Syd’s glasses.
I am kinda okay with the glasses. They are high-tech gadgets that still serve their original function, and no one has suggested that Sydney should get her eyesight magically fixed – yet.
As for Peggy… I personally think this makes narrative sense in her circumstances. It is also a pretty bad precedent for the comic as a whole.
The Twilight Zone into the past was a automated surgical suite that looked like doctor’s old leather med bag that healed all injuries because the people in the future were idiots (Based on CM Kornbluth’s The Marching Morons which also inspired IDIOCRACY).
An old doctor finds the bad and goes on a rampage of curing people that were terminal cases, and being a TW episode the med bag is noticed missing and it gets deactivated when Doc is trying to show it’s harmless by slicing his own throat.
IIRC, by that point he’d gone bad, and was doing quack plastic surgery, so you didn’t mourn so much. Well, that’s the way it went in the short story.
Actually it was his nurse who wanted to do the plastic surgery, and his resistance, and his desire to do good with the bag and turn it over to scientists who could understand it, was why she killed him.
The plot you describe is actually from Kornbluth’s story _The Little Black Bag_. In the story the doctor’s assistant uses the med bag to kill the doctor; this murder results in it being deactivated just when she is demonstrating the harmlessness of the surgical knife. Up to that point the people who gave out the bags were fine with letting it run.
According to Wikipedia it was a Night Gallery episode, inter alia.
I believe that you are confusing two different stories by Kornbluth.
The Marching Morons was about a man transported into the future where because of the dumb out-breeding the smart, almost everyone was an idiot who were supported by a few of the people who hadn’t been dumbed down. The time traveller gets the people to build spaceships to send them into space where they die and reduce the surplus population. In the final scene, the time traveler is sent into space to die. The full story
***** *****
The Little Black Bag was about the medical kit sent into the past.
According to Wikipedia, it became a Night Gallery episode.
The Marching Morons was a “story universe” that Kornbluth told tales out of as well as the most known work, sorry for writing it in a confused way
Someone has (or should have) told Lois Lane that she should have chosen Clark Kent
as her boyfriend.
She almost invariably has. In the Silver Age Lois suspected that Clark was Superman and kept trying to get confirmation so she could… blackmail him into marrying her.
In the Bronze Age Lois realized that Clark had always been there for her, declared her love, and they were engaged (and later he revealed the truth).
In “Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman,” she eventually falls for Clark… and eventually reveals that she already figured it out (though this would presumably be AFTER the episode where Tempus has a huge laugh at her expense).
In “My Adventures with Superman,” she figures it out by the third episode, and is REALLY pissed at Clark for not telling her – because she was already falling head over heals for him, but wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic about Superman.
One of these days I want to see a version where Lois casually admits that she’s known all along and just enjoyed teasing him. Much like how Jimmy Olsen has, on more than one occasion.
You could really go deep on panel two.
Cora missed out on Blue Peggy! Would she have made a joke about racial insensitivity (like Frix’s “alien marriage” joke)? Surprised herself by just standing there with a growing blush? These are the important questions that must be answered!
> Stick Figure Grrl Power pages
Teen Grrl Squad!
I could see the stick figure comic being Sydney trying to explain a simple concept in her typical, tangent-tastical way, with the listeners whispering things like, “You getting any of this?”… “Nope, but it’s fun to watch her go…”
There’s an episode of the series Tales of Tomorrow, called Past Tense, from 1953, where a doctor (played by Boris Karloff) invents a time machine in order to make a fortune selling penicillin in 1923. I can’t remember the plot exactly, but he ends up trapped in the past and then gets infected with an illness the penicillin could have cured had he not sold it all!
Marvel and DC have historically reset things every 5-10 years, allowing them to recycle the same stories (more or less) with adjustments for cultural shift, changes in car and appliance and construction styles, and changes in tech level. The only things that actually seem to progress are the ages of characters whose origins are tied to WWII, such as Captain America (who has spent longer and longer in cryo each successive time around) and Magneto (who keeps getting older).
Eventually Marvel is going to need a new origin story for Magneto, because unlike Captain America *he* had no reason to go into cryo for however many decades. Surviving and escaping first a Khmer Rouge purge and then the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam. Some iteration of the recurring Israel-Palestine wars. The 1979 Iranian Revolution. Soviet rulership of Afghanistan, followed by the Taliban, followed by U.S.-led invasion and attempted remaking and eventual withdrawal and the subsequent Taliban re-ascendancy. The Iraqi (under Saddam Hussein) or Turkish or Da’esh oppression and mass-murders of Kurds and, in the latter case, non-Muslims and non-Fundamentalist Muslims. The post-Yugoslav-collapse Balkan Wars, or the Russian Reconquest of Chechnya, or in 30-50 years it could be the recently-completed (though not necessarily “resolved”) Syrian Revolution (we can probably call it that now instead of Syrian Civil War since the rebellion won, right?) or one of the other bloody-complete-overthrow Arab Spring revolutions like Tunisia or Libya, or the current Russia-Ukraine war… And of these could have produced the kind of mental & emotional trauma that could eventually lead down the road that Magneto followed to a Mutant Supremacy viewpoint; it just becomes a matter of either picking one or choosing to retire the character like Fox did when they made The Gifted.
Magneto has died and been resurrected so often that they can handwave the chronology, like with the Punisher being a Vietnam veteran
And I read Sydney’s GQ reference in Rickman’s so done with this tone
The story you are relating was a comic book. Alternate universe Squadron Supreme (Marvel comics, Squadron Supreme based on the Justice League). Resident genius Tom Thumb went on a stealth mission to steal the futures cure-all from Kang the Conqueror. Once he got back to modern times it was just a vitamin boost.
Or maybe the comic copied your short story
Regarding your memory of anime being dubbed or subtitled: When we read, the identified word goes directly to the speech center of the brain. We see the word, we hear the word. We learn to read by sounding out the letters and syllables until we associate the word we see with the word we hear. This is also why whole language reading doesn’t work; if word images aren’t associated with sound, word identification ends up happening on the right side of the brain, which is the artistic side. And with the speech centers being on the left side, there’s no way to directly connect the two. Video by a leading researcher at
Literally just bought a couple packs of Make-It Blocks from my local Dollar Tree. Came home. Ate a bit. Opened up browser and read the comic. “Step on a Lego”… *spooky music and noises start playing.
On the Lego front, I’ll see you, and raise you a UK-standard, 3-pin plug. I’ve stood on both and frankly, electrician’s caltrops are WAY worse than Lego!
that was weird head kiss out of no where.
I thought that too. I’m surprised Sydney was OK with it or maybe she didn’t see it.
I see it as more intimate than a hug but still non-sexual. An acknowledgement of a friend making a difficult decision.
Just who IS Grabthar, and why is his hammer so special?
Who would win; Grabthar or Thor?
If Thor and Grabthar are the same person, why don’t we just know that?
Is Thor just a modern version of Grabthar? Would that mean Grabthar is “old gods” and Thor is “new gods”?
(Only slightly related, but after watching an anime, I often can’t remember if it was dubbed or subtitled, […] Language is weird, and so are brains.)
I can one-up you on this. One of my favorite movies is The Seven Samurai by Kurosawa. I often forget that the version I have is subtitled (not sure if there even IS a dubbed version) because I remember the dialog in English. One time I was watching it after a long day of sitting at the computer and I closed my eyes to just listen for a moment. Didn’t have a clue what was going on, of course, because I don’t speak Japanese. I had forgotten that it was subtitled WHILE I was reading the subtitles!
Comics never seem to change because at some point they realized that soap operas have the easiest formula for dragging out a story. Just keep introducing new issues and characters that create drama without actually adding any substance and repeat. It sort of makes sense for Marvel because they don’t have Superman to fix everything and various super hero groups can fight for their various causes but DC really has to jump through hoops to create new problems.
Everything has a limit though, and both of them have reached a point where I would argue that the super heroes are doing more harm than good in their respective universes. Now that the comic companies are writing soap operas, the main function of the super heroes is to maintain the status quo but the status quo clearly isn’t working.
Okay panel 5 is way too cute. And Syd being Syd with the Galaxy Quest reference.
By grapthar’s hamm.. DONT.. SAY THAT.. Just don’t.
.. Just rewatched this last night. Still great movie.
You shall be avenged!
stepping on a Jack barefoot is worse then a Lego.