Grrl Power # 1309 – Hell-oooo nurse!
I don’t have to tell anyone that’s Dabbler, right? I considered putting “<—-(Dabbler)” on the page, but between her eyes, behavior, the Who’s Who and someone in the comments invariably asking “Who’s the nurse?” and 11 answers, only 7 of which are facetious, I’m sure there are enough clues.
Hey, let’s play a game. Someone ask “Who’s the nurse?” as a top level comment, and every reply should be wrong answers only. I’ll go first. Clearly, that is Larry Hagman, who finally got the wish he really wanted.
Here’s a question; <– should I use a semicolon there or a colon?
And here’s an actually slightly related question; Samantha or Jeannie? Who was more powerful? Both were very long lived, both could alter reality and perception, and it seemed that it didn’t take any effort to maintain the changes they wrought. Both could time travel. They’re like six Doctor Who villains rolled into one. Someone should make a Star Trek sitcom about someone dating a Q. It’d be the same exact show as Jeannie/Bewitched, just set in late 2300’s San Francisco, and he’s constantly trying to keep her from altering the timeline because the Federation commissary pretzel stand ran out of mustard or something. Hell, that would actually work to explain why every show that is a prequel series has sloppy continuity.
Maxima met Dabbler on deployment in the middle-east. Dabbler’s passage to Earth spat her out in some old-disused portal that saw more traffic when Ancient Sumeria wasn’t so ancient. Max and Dabbler fought, Dabbler caused a bunch of HR incidents around the base, hilarity ensues, etc.
I am working on a new vote incentive, I promise. I will try and have it up this week, if not then it’ll be up with next monday’s comic, at which point I will tell you about my mom’s 4 hour haircut… I mean, the haircut itself wasn’t 4 hours… I’ll save it for the Incentive update.
The new vote incentive is up!
Dabbler went somewhere tropical, in a very small bikini. As you might guess, it doesn’t stay on for long, which of course, you can see over at Patreon. Also she has an incident with “lotion,” and there’s a bonus comic page as well.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Thats Winona Ryder. She “picked up” the outfit at a local shop. It was a real steal
Clearly, Dabbler’s mastery of English still needs some work here. It’s “Prudish”, “Prude” is the noun, referring to a person who is “Prudish”
The problem with learning languages the way she does is that she picks up all of the inability to speak the language right that the person she got it from has. She can counter this a bit by learning it again from multiple people or by being mor selective with who she gets stuff from. But until she makes use of the language for a bit, how much she’s impacted by that issue isn’t necessarily clear.
You’re assuming she’s not deliberately making mistakes to rile up Max.
Dave asking for a top-level comment in the Author’s Notes is going to lead to a lot of people exposing themselves as not realizing that the default Comments view is the most recent page, not Page 1.
This interface doesn’t even give the user control over how a user chooses to display comment orders, not that I’ve seen.
I hate it.
In answer to your punctuation question, that should definitely be a colon; the part following is a direct instance of what the the part before it refers to.
On the other hand, the above sentence uses a semicolon, because the part following is only an idea _closely_related_ to what the part before it talks about.
I thought it was a perforated colon joke. That’s a semi-colon too. A friend of mine had Crohn’s Disease and he used to make that joke all the time. So much so that we found a company that made plushy organs and every time he had one taken out we got him a replacement.
Short answer. Jeannie was overall far more powerful, but she’s afflicted by the “great cosmic powers, itty bitty living space” limit and also the inexperienced limitation. Thousands of years old, at least, but inside her itty bitty living space for most of that time. Samantha was therefore effectively more powerful, because she had lots of experience and could take action on her own.
There were admittedly times that Jeannie took action on her own, but it was generally stuff she did with the temperament, wisdom, and planning of a small child.
I agree, though I suspect that wasn’t the original intention behind Jeannie’s character. The original live-action-with-voiceover intro sequence (as opposed to the more popular animated-cartoon intro) strongly implied that Jeannie’s extreme naivete was partially an act. After being cooped up for so long, she wanted to have fun playing “spin the astronaut” with this cute guy who had a big stick up his butt.
Later episodes dropped that idea, and made her genuinely foolish.
not only did the opening voice over imply she wanted to ‘play’ with tony ,
she got rid of his girlfriend by sitting on the counter when she came over
while wearing one of his shirts..and apparently nothing else.
this freaked out the censors and they forced them to tone her WAY down.
this ticked off Barbara Eden who llked playing the sexy genie.
Well then, *remake* time!
I really loved the shot of her coming out of the bedroom fastening the shirt’s collar button. Her slow walk and subtle movement just DRIPPED sex!
I completely agree with you. I also liked Samantha much better.
Agreed, and not just because Elizabeth Montgomery was cuter than Barbara Eden.
The fact Peggy’s one good eye (?) isn’t glued to Dabbler’s cleavage is an impressive showing of will.
It is right about this time that Peggy realizes she likes women as well as men.
No, I’m pretty sure she knew when Max came to her rescue.
‘Succubus cleavage is hypnotic’ Peggy is indeed made of strong willed stuff.
She can’t see what is being presented, her left eye is covered. She might get a close up in the next page or two, I can’t see Dabbler being stopped by an eye patch.
I am surprised that when Max hits the bed in frustration she did not break something or flip the bed. I guess she already has enough control to not break things inadvertently.
its been shown a few times in the past that she dials her power between a couple of different directions. She could just have her str value at minimum for meeting a squishy mortal.
I will give everyone two guesses on who the nurse is and why Dabbler is both options…
Are you kidding? That’s OBVIOUSLY Pamela Anderson.
Semicolons connect two tangentially related topics; you can use semicolons in place of a comma in some cases.
Colons are used to connect two directly related topics, make a declaration, or to initiate lists: apples and oranges. They are also used to preface a question, but only at the end of a complete statement: “Should I use a comma here instead, though?”
Commas connect directly related topics, helping sentences flow while breaking them up with appropriate pauses.
It’s often tricky to figure out how to use them; there is a direct answer to your question: Use a colon to make it a declaration, or a comma to make it a continuous sentence. A semicolon is inappropriate. Try reading both of the following out loud:
Here’s a question, should I go with apples or oranges?
Here’s a question: should I go with apples or oranges?
You’ll likely find that in the first one, your pitch is slightly higher on “question” with the comma than the colon, because the colon reads as a declaration – an affirmative. You’re also more likely to leave a slightly longer pause with a colon rather than a comma. So the trick is to write the way you want the reader to say it out loud (or hear in their head.) Hope all that made sense!
I’m firmly in the colon camp. Wait, not like that…
“Here’s a question” is unequivocally a preface to a question, and it’s a complete statement, which meets your criteria.
In the Comma Scenario (coming to cinemas 2025), it is parseable that you’re asking “Here’s a question” as the question itself. However, you’re only asking it contingent upon going with apples or oranges, in that old-fashioned use of “should”. To illustrate, I’d like to call the colon back to the stand…
Here’s a question, should I go with apples or oranges: do I juice them, or make a sorbet?
(Huh. That exhausts my list of things that you can make with either apples or oranges.)
Just putting my two cents out there:
I think at some point it would be cool to see even a page or two of Maxima meeting Dabbler and the fight that ensues.
With Dabbler thinking she might be a Gold Golem or something.
The TL;DR on semicolons is that they indicate a conjunction has been omitted and implied by tone of voice.
For example, “I like this one; She likes that one.” would use tone of voice to say something like “I like this one, but she likes that one.”
The mnemonic for remembering the conjunctions is FANBOYS, for “For And Not But Or Yet So”.
(There are other use cases, such as in place of commas for making lists of things already containing commas, but you can forget those exist those 99% of the time.)
Well, people probably thought it was a dumb morale stunt- Besides I’m sure the “Nurse” made a lot of soldiers feel a Lot better after she did the rounds :P
Gee Dave, reading your text post makes my head twirl like my adhd meds run out. Like right now – about to head out for a refill if they’re still available this late in the year.
A semicolon connects two complete sentences/independent clauses; you can use it wherever you think a period would be appropriate. It also has some fiddly interactions with lists that aren’t very important.
I invited Dabbler, a confectioner; Jean; and Marcy, a pitmaster.
Colons do a lot of stuff, particularly where business communications are involved. But in ordinary usage, they really just give explanations. The easiest way I’ve found to remember is to use the following rule:
[[Independent Clause]] : [[Explanation/defintion]]
I am a master of grammar: the art of being confusingly right.
Colons DO NOT have any special relationship with lists. Consider the following two examples:
RIGHT– I bought a lot of food: avocados, oranges, and potatoes.
WRONG– I bought: avocados, oranges, and potatoes.
Find it hilarious that the one place that everybody here is saying you don’t need to worry about using semicolons is the one place that I always use them. If I’m making a list of options and some of the options have commas in them, to keep it sane I use semicolons to
Terminate the main lines. That way my list becomes a sentence even though it’s in list form and then it’s grammatically correct. I could make each line item a sentence and treat the list like a paragraph but I find that it doesn’t read as well since the pause for a semicolon is about the same as a pause for a colon.
Just how long has Dabbler been giving Max headaches?
Probably since the first day they were in contact with each other
For future reference: Colon, not semicolon
Samatha vs. Jeannie is like Superman vs. Omni-Man. It depends on who’s writing the crossover and what they’re doing with it. They’re both unique charactersr but they essentially have the same powerset.
The push goes to Samantha only because she belongs to a greater community of people who can all do what she does and Jeannie tends to work alone. Jennie vs Smanatha might be even but Jeannie vs Endorra? Betting on the obnoxious mother-in-law.
I’m also on Team Samantha. Without bothering to analyze my logic, I can rely on the “Would you rather?” test. If both shows were on TV, and I could only watch one, I’d probably turn on “Bewitched”.
So actually analyzing my thoughts: Samantha is a fully realized Human Being, and Jeannie is a parody. If I recall, most of her problems are caused by her being bored, lonely, or just plain ornery, and that makes me dislike her character. (I have the same complaint about Star Trek Lower Decks: most of Mariner’s problems come from her own inability to act like an adult.)
Samantha, on the other hand, is usually a victim of circumstance, rather than the instigator of the problem, and so it’s easier to root for her to try to solve it.
I also don’t really like the relationship between Jeannie and the major. It’s mostly her constantly exasperating him, rather than the relationship of equals that Darren and Samantha share.
I mean… I knew it was dabbler from panel 3, I didn’t even need to see the character.
For some reason, I am bothered by Dabbler’s high heels. I wish she was wearing Jeannie’s shoes.
A colon.
‘Who’s the nurse?’ continued!
HeLLLOOO nurse-Animaniacs one.
Dabbler’s eyes in her first panel are very close to the animated eyes in the closing credits of “Jeannie”.
You are so right.
I’m very distracted by just how big dabblers eyes are there. They seem almost anime in their too-largeness.
Other than that glad to see more cheesecake was shoehorned in out of left field in this otherwise serious backstory flashback.
Yeah, this got me too. Knowing Dave’s skill, I assume this is more of a demonstration of Dabbler newness to Earth, and thus still fine-tuning the illusion, then anything else
That might be giving him too much credit, lol. everyone makes mistakes after all, and dave works nonstop on this comic, so things are bound to go wrong at times. that said, dabbler putting on a funny genie costume and messing up her disguise’s basic biology does at least have a non-zero possibility of happening. so, if in the next comic max points out her freakish proportions (possibly her chest and waist, too) to Dabbler then I will gleefully eat crow in response.
Although I appreciate the HELL out of your comic and its humor… It’s not often that I Laugh-Out-Loud.
Your Comic tag made me burst out in a noise that briefly concerned my Partner.
Well Done.
Jennie was more powerful, but had more lea way to get away with stuff.
Witches in Bewitched were basically gods. Jeannie, meanwhile, was limited by the mechanics of wishes, and how absolutely stupid she and everyone around her was.
So I’d say Samantha if only because competence and lack of actual fundamental limitations.
An N-95 veil on an NC-17 nurse. That’s quite the high rating.
All this comparison between I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched reminded me that I liked the latter considerably less because of Darrin’s character. Dogged and repressive agents of comformity like him bring out my worst impulses and I passionately wished to have him gone and Sam and the kids freed from his ball-and-chain. I cheered up for every act of retribution the witches dealt to him and I would have done him much worse. I just realized the reasons I hated Darrin are much like the ones I am pissed off with Max almost all the time, except in the latter’s case they are less concerned with comformity and more with prudery. She has to keep Archon functional, yes, but a lot of the time she just exploits and abuses her role to try and enforce her prejudices.
Maybe the face/mask but Dabbler seems less adept at appearing human back then.
Yes Peggy, it will be. And your task will be to try hard to take it all in and interrupt often with “WTF!” and “You’re joking” or “Wait-wait-wait…” all the while trying hard not to stare at Dabbler’s cleavage and think naughty thoughts like the rest of us ;)
More like Helll – NOO Nurse.
Wait, the eyes? Oh, Dabbler has heterochromia… I never noticed. Must have been distracted by…. other things…
No, Dabbler has an artificial eye (remember her popping it out at the beginning of the comic?). Has a camera built in it, too.
It’s Felicity Shagwell.
“Max and Dabbler fought, Dabbler caused a bunch of HR incidents…”
OK, I would *love* to see a few pages dedicated to a Dabbler vs. Maxima first encounter.
Dabbler’s magic confounding the golden superheroine, and Dabbler coming to terms with how BS supers are on the powerscale.
It’s important to always respect local culture.
Is there a way to see past vote incentives? Not the uncensored Patreon versions, but the ones that were there to incentivise voting.
At least Dabbler’s security risk rating has improved from “tear hair out until bald, beat head against wall until something breaks.”
And Peggy, to answer your question: Sydney joined Archon 10000 comics ago, and is STILL being read in.
I’m gonna say Samantha was stronger because she replaced her husband and no one noticed.
Before the reveal I was genuinely expecting Harem so that threw me off, but I suppose we’re too early for Harem.
Daphne is eighteen in the main story. So yes, definitely too early.
ok, sorry, but I don’t understand the “don’t come IN !” …