Grrl Power # 1309 – Hell-oooo nurse!
I don’t have to tell anyone that’s Dabbler, right? I considered putting “<—-(Dabbler)” on the page, but between her eyes, behavior, the Who’s Who and someone in the comments invariably asking “Who’s the nurse?” and 11 answers, only 7 of which are facetious, I’m sure there are enough clues.
Hey, let’s play a game. Someone ask “Who’s the nurse?” as a top level comment, and every reply should be wrong answers only. I’ll go first. Clearly, that is Larry Hagman, who finally got the wish he really wanted.
Here’s a question; <– should I use a semicolon there or a colon?
And here’s an actually slightly related question; Samantha or Jeannie? Who was more powerful? Both were very long lived, both could alter reality and perception, and it seemed that it didn’t take any effort to maintain the changes they wrought. Both could time travel. They’re like six Doctor Who villains rolled into one. Someone should make a Star Trek sitcom about someone dating a Q. It’d be the same exact show as Jeannie/Bewitched, just set in late 2300’s San Francisco, and he’s constantly trying to keep her from altering the timeline because the Federation commissary pretzel stand ran out of mustard or something. Hell, that would actually work to explain why every show that is a prequel series has sloppy continuity.
Maxima met Dabbler on deployment in the middle-east. Dabbler’s passage to Earth spat her out in some old-disused portal that saw more traffic when Ancient Sumeria wasn’t so ancient. Max and Dabbler fought, Dabbler caused a bunch of HR incidents around the base, hilarity ensues, etc.
I am working on a new vote incentive, I promise. I will try and have it up this week, if not then it’ll be up with next monday’s comic, at which point I will tell you about my mom’s 4 hour haircut… I mean, the haircut itself wasn’t 4 hours… I’ll save it for the Incentive update.
The new vote incentive is up!
Dabbler went somewhere tropical, in a very small bikini. As you might guess, it doesn’t stay on for long, which of course, you can see over at Patreon. Also she has an incident with “lotion,” and there’s a bonus comic page as well.
Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.
Yes it is going to be a long read-in.
Who’s the nurse?
That would be Sydney’s dog, snuffles.
Clearly it’s Jeannie the genie from I Dream of Jeannie.
Mata Hari.
Are you blind?
That’s clearly Lieutenant Commander Trond André Bolle, on load from the Norwegian Navy Jaegers, and previously also FSK. As he also were an intelligence operative (in the E14) he was of course a master of disguise as can be seen here.
It just makes sense, really.
Awww, why did the comment section play up? Here’s my re-post, in the proper place:
I seem to recall from my teenage years, back when I watched *ahem* several *ahem* …late night films, there was one such flick with a genie involved. I’m betting the genie in the comic is that genie :-P
That makes a lot more sense than it should.
I know right?
Though I have to hand it to Dave here. This is supposed to be taking place still early in Xuri’s interaction with Max, and Earth in general. Her being so openly sexual, and in that particular location (geographically and building-wise) is indeed something I would expect of her, at that point in time.
And here was me thinking “Hellooooooo , Nurse”
If only she had responded to “secure the room” with “Yes Master!”
And folding her arms and doing an Eye blink. With a “Poing!” sound effect.
It’s clearly Maxima, she’s using her super speed to appear as if there’s 2 people in the room, and she’s fast enough to do it with a costume change too!
General Faulk was in much better shape back then.
That is what I was thinking too.
That would be Sidney’s dad, during his/her previous Timelord incarnation.
That’s Dr. Chevyapravatdumrong before she finished medical school.
Might be a Jessie expy, from the Pokemon anime. It’s canonical that she’s trained for nurse work and occasionally dresses up in disguises that pretty much nobody sees through.
Clearly she is an earlier model of the N95 respirator. If I were there I’d absolutely have that on my face. Risk of Anthrax back then I believe.
Practically every Brit will know that’s Nurse Gladys Emmanuel.
(The stockings are a dead giveaway.)
it really Edmund Blackadder.
No, clearly it’s Prince Ludwig the Indestructible. He is a master of disguise, after all.
Judging from the pose and the face, she’s the daughter of a Power Ranger and Rita.
Its clearly Roger LeClerc, the WW2 French Resistance member, forger of documents and master of disguise.
It’s certainly Maggie “Hot Lips” Houlihan
Margaret, never ‘Maggie’
And you meant Klinger anyway :P
A young Mildred Ratched, before she became jaded and cruel. Before the war, she had a sunny disposition and, though for confirmation you would have to ask Kesey himself, outrageous gams.
Jane Seymour with a wig and one blue contact lens.
It’s Samantha Carter, before she joined SG-1. Being forced to wear that outfit is a good part of the reason she trained so hard on the P90.
Its Peggy’s actual nurse, who moonlights as a exotic dancer in the gogo club downstairs. Yes, there is a club in the hospital and they are the only way to keep the moral up.
That and a petting zoo, but stripers are cleaner.
well, if they’re allowing people to pet the strippers… oh wait, you said stripers.
Hans Gruber, recovered.
“It is I, Leclerc!!”
Oh, bravo.
No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!
That is of course Lt Dish, freshly returned from Korea.
“You thought it was a Nurse, but really it was me, Dio…..”
Peggy’s the nurse.
Okay, none of these three are actually nurses, but Peggy’s been on station at the hospital the longest, so she gets to be Acting Nurse on basis of seniority.
You are all to be forgiven, to being inable to descerne ze true indentity of Prince Ludwig the Indestructible, Master of Disguise!
The indestructible in this Earth is over in the States playing vigilante with Heatwave and Mr. Amorphous. They are probably getting recruited by Major Hiro right now.
You should be ashamed of yourself for missing the reference.
Definitely NOT Nurse Ratched.
It’s what Louise Fletcher looked like between takes as Nurse Ratched during filming.
It’s ME!
That nurse is Lt Columbo, and he has just one more thing to ask…
Wicked Wilma. The Ward nurse.
I’m not sure, but I think it’s a reference to Doctor House from the hit TV series, House
more like Brick House
Clearly it’s Mamma Gkika.
That’s Genie, with a nod to Robin William’s Genie in the Disney movie Aladdin.
Vote #446 was mine :). Till tomorrow…
That’s my Uncle Jacoby…..such a cutup….
Lord Vimes, Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Guard, obviously.
Peggy’s actually been a subconscious reality warper this whole time and her brain created an entire history of superheroes and alien demons out of trauma and codeine. (which is what she was huffing just before the crash)
Obviously Nurse Joy from Pokemon.
Brock would be so happy, if he could get here!
Blonde, blue eyed superhero, sounds like Sydney to me!
That is CLEARLY Sargent Maxwell Klinger of the 4077 M.A.S.H. unit.
What are the other comments talking about that is obviously a reincarnated Florence Nightingale
That’s Daphne. You can tell because the veil is part of a Harem outfit
It’s the ninja who I send to visit people who DON’T make terrible puns. Bit of the carrot to match the stick.
obviously thats Luigi. Bowser is about to be fooled once again
Also it’s a new month so please vote, I want us to reclaim the top spot.
I seem to recall from my teenage years, back when I watched *ahem* several *ahem* …late night films, there was one such flick with a genie involved. I’m betting the genie in the comic is that genie :-P
It’s obviously Lt. Dan showing off his new legs.
I wasn’t sure if it’s Dabbler first. But the eyes gave it away…
… now you made me really want to see flashback with Dabbler’s arrival on Earth, and the “fight to a standstill”.
Me too! Me too! Count me in! All in favor shout More! More!
In the midnight hour (well, 2am, close enough) she cried “More! More!! MORE!!!”
With A rebel Yell she cried More, More, More, More Wow
In the Rebel Base, she cried…about kissing her brother….
More! More! (That’s what she said) x)
Peggy glances down that rabbit hole, guesses that the dim light coming up from the bottom is actually China.
Today, on “Dabbler’s let’s-call-them-outfits”:
‘I Dream of Jeannie meets Russ Meyer’.
Apparently, ‘I Dream Of Genie’ reruns come on right after ‘General Hospital’ on whatever channel Dabbler’s been binging.
The fact that Dabbler has been doing this to Max for this long and is still alive means she must have done something *very* significant to earn continued breathing privileges
Dabbler is unique enough that interrupting her respiratory processes to a significant degree with come with a lot of paperwork. likely Max is under standing orders to and I quote- ‘Take it like a man’ by someone with a very dark sense of humor or irony.
Max has been a member of the military for some time now.
The military has a lot of mechanisms in place to ensure that people who don’t like each other (or even respect each other) can still work together to get things done.
Admittedly, a lot of those mechanisms have had a wrench taken to them in recent years.
But if Max had a short enough temper where she actually hauled off and hit someone or choked them out, she’d wouldn’t be in the military.
Besides, there’s not as much motivation when you’re not entirely sure this wouldn’t cause the opposite reaction to what you’re looking for.
Well, for one thing she managed to fight Maxima to a stand-still. That alone probably makes Max not want to fight her again because the collateral damage could be … significant.
Also Max has a temper, but she’s not angry-violent. She shouts a lot but we’ve never seen her throw a punch in anger.
Sure we have; after Dabbler invisible-groped her in the ball room during Sydney’s interview.
Not quite true. Max threw a punch at Dabbler when they were interviewing Sydney in the ballroom, after Dabbler walked in as Sydney’s fantasy with her aura going and then grabbed Max’s ass.
She put Dabbler through a wall after Dabbler grabbed her boobs.
Well, Max isn’t angry-violent unless there is a clear physical sexual assault component to the victim’s means of “pissing her off”
The read in is bad enough without Peggy having to also fight the urge to get lost in the hypnoboobs.
Was thinking the same thing. Actually I was wondering why she wasn’t lost already, then realized that obvious visual “magic” happening would probably override hypnoboobs. At least temporarily.
Hello Xuriel and welcome to Earth. Please don’t misjudge all of us because the first (meta)human you met has her prudery up the wazoo. A lot of us are much more welcoming of your culture than the Golden Ice Queen. Oh, and nice Nurse Jeannie cosplay.
A Yakko and Wakko Warner quote comes to mind.
Dave definitely had the same thought, considering the page title.
Her tongue is the only place Dabbler would allow a slip.
Dabbler casually establishing that this comic takes place many years in the past because modern day America is not prude whatsoever. :-)
Does Arabalienurse Dabbler wiggle her nips instead of her nose when she uses a spell?
Oh yay, I can comment again! Just curious, but did you turn comments off after the last page kinda devolved? I kept getting a 403 forbidden.
Was getting that a lot as well, even before the last page (about two weeks now?)
I think the host service had some issue. I got that for like 10 minutes one morning, but just as I was logging into their support, it went away, so I assumed it was some backup or minor hiccup. I haven’t experienced it since.
Power wise I think Jeannie is stronger, but I think Samantha would be able to win because it takes less time to do the nose wiggle than it does to do the arm fold and blink… this would make a good DeathBattle and a decent ERB
who ever that nurse is her nose looks quite weird with the mask.
like her nose is flat.
Dabbler’s facial anatomy is wonky as hell in that panel. Her face is too short because where the veil cuts off her nose, the bottom of her nose just can’t possibly fit between there and her nose. The bottom half of her face is also too small and she just looks oddly…bug like.
Curious if the handler is there at this point too or if it’s too early.
Yeah, I’d say they would have latched him onto her proverbial tail the 1st instant they could have. Probably prevented her from travelling around best they could until he was available, finally “agreeing” to let her help once he was on duty…
Makes me wonder, how does he see to his own biological needs without loosing Dabbler, and how long till she realised he was there? We know he’s sufficiently organic because he got horny when Dabbler pushed her Lust Aura back during the ballroom interview, plus that’s when Danbler revealed she knew about him following her, using the fact sound didn’t go through him & the fact her Lust Aura made him horney to work out his general location….
Poor bugger, forced to follow a literal Succubus, and not allowed to join in or record anything & make some serious money from it on the internet….
The read in is going to be even longer if Harem pops in.
Answer: a colon, not a semicolon.
Dabbler is about as subtle as a grenade.
Dave, you’re so cruel, Barbra Eden was my first screen crush as a young boy! LOL. Yeah, poor Peggy, getting the HARD write-in! And trying very hard not to get too wound up! At least Dabs isn’t going full blast on her lust aura…
“Here’s a question; <– should I use a semicolon there or a colon"
It should be a colon: the semicolon is a separator in a similar way that a comma is, it divides a sentence into independent parts; the right and the left can be removed without affecting the other.
I'd use a semicolon on separate two lists: left, right; up, down. It indicates that "left and right" does not include "upo and down".
Semi-colons are more a replacement for a period than a comma – each side needs to stand on its own as a complete sentence, not just clause. In this use case, it’s good for connecting two ideas without establishing a specific relation between them “I like him; I went to his party.” Vs “I like him so I went to his party.”
Semi-colons are also used in lists when list items themselves contain commas. For example: “I inherited all of his properties, houses, and warehouses; his motorcycles, cars, and trucks; and his collection of vintage watches.” It’s not a very common use case, and would usually be clearer if restructured, but it’s there.
OriginalGriff sez: ““Here’s a question; <– should I use a semicolon there or a colon"
It should be a colon: the semicolon is a separator in a similar way that a comma is, it divides a sentence into independent parts; the right and the left can be removed without affecting the other."
Correct. If either part CAN'T stand alone as a sentence (as opposed to a sentence fragment), a semicolon is improper (exceptions DO exist, of course; we're talking about English grammar here, after all).
As fan of both shows and with many hours to cogitate on the matter (Using D&D and literature as a reference and years on a submarine to argue with fellow fans) I would say genie has the greater power level. Genies don’t have many limitations based on numerous sources. Samantha has to use a spell or incantation and there is always a chance for spell failure. (Hence the occasional need for Dr. Bombay) Jeanie’s powers only require a blink and sheer will power and only go awry when acted upon by an equal or more powerful/experienced genie. This includes her sister, (Who was out galivanting while Jeannie spent two millennia trapped in her bottle) the leader of the genies, her original jailer and a variety of other characters. Despite her age she was really inexperienced and hadn’t been trained in that time frame. She has the potential but not the training. Samantha on the other hand has been thwarted by witches and warlocks many time younger or inexperienced because incantation and spells when modified or cast incorrectly can be extremely difficult to figure out how to undo, even to the caster. But Samantha being out in the world, training and and gaining experience the whole time had time to finesse her magic and thus is a better spell caster in her 430+ years.
Obviously, Dabbler was making sure there was a raising of injured soldiers “morale” throughout the hospital.
Not everyone would call what rises when they look at Dabbler “morale”.
Helllloooooooo Nurse!
I figured someone would say that eventually.
And there in the middle is Peggy, not sure what to make of all this yet taking it fairly well all things considered.
Also, it should be ‘prudish’. ‘Prude’ is a noun, not an adjective.
I don’t think this Dabbler has QUITE mastered English yet.
It’s Vehemence. He’s also a master of disguise.
I believe the word you were going for is prudish, not prude.
Considering how Dabbler may have integrated with Earth culture *ahem* in those early days, I’d be very surprised if Maxima has any tolerance for Dolly Parton’s “Here I go again” when dealing with Sydney.
Are Dabbler’s lines of magical force visible to the human eye? It seems like Peggy is looking at them.
I never really understood the “ha ha hoomans are primytive proods!” shtick. In a world where everything is horny, NOTHING is horny.
It invalidates the existence of succubi.
Nothing is naughty, nothing is spicy, sex is pretty just a moist backrub, and I assume backrubs don’t produce tantric energy.
Not being prude does not automatically mean horny. Here in Germany we are a lot more relaxed with nudity than in America. That does not mean we are horny all the time.
If “sex is pretty just a moist backrub” for you, you are probably doing it wrong. :D
To the rest of this universe, it’s apparently just a pleasant physical exercise. There’s nothing special or different about it, it’s just like a really good backrub/scratch/stretch/run.
Yet somehow this not-at-all unique thing also produces a special magical energy that an entire aspect of demon society reliant on and are willing to violat- *ahem* “mentally suggest” people en mass to get.
I know the joke is “ha ha humans are silly” but the whole thing doesn’t really hold up to scrutiny.
I’m sure that out there in the wide universe there are enough people wanting sex and not getting it that it can be commoditized and exploited at demons’ leisure.
That said, it was canonically un-confirmed (for legal reasons) that the act of viewing pictures of women in tight yoga pants produces enough tantric energy that the family collecting it all is wealthy enough to be soft royalty (comic 1217). So a moist backrub absolutely would produce some.
The “violating” thing was referring to the epilogue of the Parfait incident.
Dabbler was super proud of how many people Parfait affected, MIND CONTROLLED everyone to be ok with it, and *retch* said it was a good thing and that everyone “needed it”.
I don’t think I entirely follow your train of thought, here. Sex generates tantric energy, sure. But violence generates vehemic energy, and human culture (particularly American culture) doesn’t really have many qualms about it, at least not when it’s done in a form where the risk of serious injury is reduced, such as in sports (even setting aside actual combat sports, I can guarantee something like American Football is going to generate some vehemic energy from the two sides slamming into each other, tackling, etc. Galactic culture (particularly Demon culture) basically treats sex the way we treat violence. Granted, acceptable sex is probably more widespread there than acceptable violence is here, but that’s because sex is a lot less likely to seriously injure a participant.
… Come to think of it, that might help explain why Dabbler thought that what Parfait had (accidentally) done was fine. From her perspective, it was like an aura that got everyone raring to fight, but that also prevented them from getting injured. It just let them blow off some steam, and have a fun time doing it. And I’ll note that the readers seemed much less disturbed by Vehemence doing something like that (only worse, considering people DID get hurt).
Do consider that Vehemence was a villain, and villains are expected to do disturbing things. People are going to be surprised and upset when a good-coded character does something wrong, particularly when that wrong action is treated by the characters or narrative as if it wasn’t wrong.
Surely that’s Jessica Simpson, moonlighting as a nurse between film remakes & weird commercials.
For those of us who grew up deeply and passionately in love Barbara Eden (whom we have never actually met), thank you.
The nurse is Artemus Gordon from “The Wild Wild West”. He was the master of disguises in the show.
It’s his Great Aunt Maude!
“This is totally not Dabbler btw.. nope not Dabbler at all.” would probably have worked Dave.
The flag on Max’s right shoulder is reversed, or rather needs to be reversed. You’ve drawn them as identical — fair enough — but in the real world the block of stars is always to the **soldier’s front**, as if the flags are flying in the breeze induced as the bearer **advances**.
I think the backwards flags are weird, so… I don’t draw them like that.
It may looks weird, but it’s part of Flag Code, which is something the military is weirdly particular about. Something about respecting the flag, the flag representing the army, the flag never retreats (flies backwards), etc. Pretty much only military cares these days, most people don’t even know it’s a thing.
As you may have noticed, a large portion of the people who do know, care very much.
It’s done like that so it is seen properly in vertical alignment and not upside down when a soldier salutes. The front of the arm is treated as the flagpole from which the patch is suspended. What looks stupider to you, the flag reversed when the arm is down, or the flag being upside down when the arm is lifted?