You see, it’s like the Odd Couple, except one of them is like My Favorite Martian, and the other is a relentlessly ravenous amoeboid covered in eyeballs and teeth. I speak of course of Pirpo the Enlightened Loves Azbblethog the Jubilexian. It’s funny if you enjoy sophisticated, layered humor and obtuse references. Plus there’s a ton of fart jokes. Don’t worry, Pirpo does fart at least once. It’s not totally racist against Jubilexians. Though to be fair, their language is called Flatulese.

I’m not saying Garamm was a therapist before turning to mercenary work, but it’s possible he has a minor in a Mental Health field. Or possibly he just has a subscription to Brain Fancy magazine. A favorite among psychologists and Illithids.

There have been plenty of shows and books with Space Doctors, but imagine being a space psychiatrist. I don’t mean like Deanna Troi. Calm down, she was a counselor. She was a psychologist at best. I mean like having to deal with different brain chemistries, or like, some Starship Troopers bug scuttles into your office and is like “I just don’t feel as connected to the hive mind as I should be. I had an independent thought the other day and it really scared me.” Or having some race that goes into heat, except it’s not sexual heat, but a compulsion to bake pies or lick the knees of as many different species as possible. Managing those prescriptions would require a supercomputer.

The new vote incentive is up!

Dabbler went somewhere tropical, in a very small bikini. As you might guess, it doesn’t stay on for long, which of course, you can see over at Patreon. Also she has an incident with “lotion,” and there’s a bonus comic page as well.



Double res version will be posted over at Patreon. Feel free to contribute as much as you like.